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Medicinal Mushrooms For Energy

Shiitake mushrooms in particular have long been recognized for their adaptogenic effects, providing relief against stress and fatigue by increasing B vitamin intake – essential components in producing energy within our bodies.

Mushrooms can help improve oxygen utilization and blood flow, leading to enhanced endurance and athletic performance. Try our lemon-lime Om Energy+ Mushroom Drink Mix which features cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi for healthy energy support!


Cordyceps (Dong Chong Xia Cao in Chinese), is an energy and medicinal fungus with widespread popularity due to its numerous health benefits. These include helping improve immunity, kidney health, sexual performance and respiratory issues as well as being an adaptogen that can assist the body with stress relief and fatigue reduction.

Cordyceps sinensis is the best-known species, though other medicinal varieties such as C. militaris and Gliocladium roseum exist and can also be found growing wild at higher altitudes in Tibet and parts of China. C. sinensis may be more easily grown in laboratory conditions while others require greater effort for cultivation.

Studies suggest that fungus can be used as a supplement to improve athletes’ performances. Studies have indicated that it can increase VO2 max levels (which measures how much oxygen an individual uses when exercising) as well as increasing muscle strength and endurance.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses the fungus to treat exhaustion and restore energy levels after illness or chronic fatigue, making it especially helpful in treating burnout syndrome, which involves feelings of fatigue and disinterest in work. Furthermore, its use may improve sexual functions and fertility.

Cordyceps can be consumed in various ways, including as tea. To create this beverage, place six to eight cordyceps fruit bodies in one cup of water and bring to a boil before reducing heat and simmering for 15 minutes before consuming or dice up fruit bodies for use in soups or sauces.

Tibetan and Chinese folktales relate how yak herders first discovered cordyceps’ effects by watching their animals grazing on it, noticing how vital and energetic their herds seemed after eating cordyceps, leading them to use it as a natural supplement and become even more competitive racers because of increased health and stamina resulting from eating the fungus – leading to even higher demand for it!


Reishi mushrooms have been an integral part of Chinese medicine for 2,000 years. Packed with antioxidant compounds and immune-enhancing beta glucans, research indicates they can reduce stress while supporting liver health and providing energy boost. Reishi can be added to soup broth or ramen, sprinkled on salad or used in hot beverages such as tea. They can even be integrated into cooking, though due to their earthy, bitter flavor may require speaking with your physician prior to consumption. It is especially important if pregnant, preparing for surgery or taking medications prior to starting any supplements including mushrooms as these may impact these areas of health care.

Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) have an orange to reddish brown hue with fan-shaped features and are grown in laboratories, often found in products like tinctures, powders, capsules, tea bags, beauty products and energy bars. Sometimes called the “Mushroom of Immortality,” Reishi mushroom may help increase vitality while simultaneously relaxing one and supporting spiritual development.

Though more research needs to be conducted, reishi appears to offer benefits in treating various health conditions, including cancer, high blood pressure and lung disease. Small clinical studies have revealed its ability to suppress colorectal tumors as well as enhance certain anticancer drugs in ovarian cancer patients; it may even reduce side effects like nausea, pain and fatigue caused by chemotherapy treatments.

Research conducted on Reishi mushrooms has demonstrated its anti-inflammatory and immune boosting properties, as well as how they increase white blood cell activity, the body’s natural defense against infection. Reishi can reduce healing times for cold sores. Furthermore, Reishi may even help treat HPV, the virus responsible for Genital Herpes.

Reishi is an increasingly rare find in nature, yet can still be found growing on tree stumps and decaying logs in northern forests of China, Japan, and North America. Today it is cultivated to varying degrees; today Aoshiba (blue), Akashiba (red), Kishiba (yellow), Shiroshiba (white) and Kuroshiba (black reishi) exist among others. Sue harvests Reishi in Pennsylvania Wilds northern forests to produce double extraction tincture using grain alcohol and pure mountain spring water for double extraction tincture creation tinctures with grain alcohol and pure mountain spring water for double extraction tinctures tinctures using both techniques.

Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are highly distinctive medicinal mushrooms. With cascading tendrils emanating from snowy white fruit bodies that resemble the mane of a lion, these unique medicinal fungi provide powerful brain support by supporting cognitive function and protecting neural integrity, as well as increasing immunity, countering oxidative stress, and maintaining heart health.

Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) proteins stimulated by NGF stimulation can protect existing neurons while encouraging new ones to form, helping prevent cognitive decline and reverse damage caused by neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases.1 This action may also reverse damage caused by neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.2

Lion’s Mane may provide anti-inflammatory support for anxiety and depression by helping to correct chemical imbalances that often underlie these conditions.3

Lion’s Mane offers more than just brain-boosting nutrients; it is packed with immune supporting beta glucans and secondary metabolites such as hericenones and erinacines to stimulate Nerve Growth Factor. Hericenones and erinacines have been demonstrated to reduce oxidative stress at a molecular level as well as promote brain cell regeneration and repair allowing it to help heal after injury.

Lion’s Mane also contains polyphenols and sterols which promote heart health; polyphenols help prevent oxidative stress while simultaneously lowering cholesterol levels, while sterols help decrease blood pressure levels4.4

Fungi Perfecti is one of our mbg Collective partners and can offer convenient and delicious ways to add Lion’s Mane to your daily regimen. Try using Focus Superblend in coffee, smoothies or matcha lattes; add one scoop to matcha lattes; or grab a bar of our nutrient-rich Defend Chocolate bar!

Medicinal mushroom powders offer an easy way to add Lion’s Mane and other beneficial mushrooms into your diet, but be sure you select high-quality products. Look for products certified USDA Organic or Non-GMO Project Verified as well as dual extraction or water and alcohol extracts which ensure the highest concentration of bioactive compounds.

Prior to starting any new supplement, it is best to consult a healthcare provider, especially if pregnant or breastfeeding. Some medicinal mushrooms may interact with medications like blood thinners; therefore, starting off slowly is always advised and gradually increasing doses as necessary.

Agaricus Bisporus

Agaricus bisporus), commonly referred to as the common white mushroom (CWMF), has been commercially grown since 1925 and was initially light brown in color until an accidental natural genetic mutation resulted in it turning cream-colored during cultivation. Today it’s considered one of the world’s most widely cultivated and widely used medicinal mushrooms.

White Agaricus mushrooms are an excellent source of vital vitamins and minerals such as potassium (K), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), and phosphorus (P). Furthermore, this common white mushroom also boasts vitamin D, A and folate content and antimicrobial properties which make them an excellent choice for human consumption.

White mushrooms have long been used as an effective treatment option for various illnesses, such as cancer and AIDS. Studies have demonstrated that mushrooms contain polysaccharides that suppress cancerous cell growth while simultaneously strengthening immunity. Furthermore, A. bisporus extracts have demonstrated powerful antiviral and gram-negative bacteria killing properties as well as strong antibacterial effects.

Mushrooms contain high concentrations of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter which has been shown to effectively alleviate depression and anxiety while improving sleep and mood. Furthermore, this fungus boasts high concentrations of b-tocopherol antioxidant protection against cardiovascular disease as well as reduced cholesterol.

Recent genome sequencing studies have provided insight into the genetic basis of differences between wild and domesticated A. bisporus varieties, specifically mitochondrial genome analysis of A. bisporus var. eurotetrasporus being closest to its outgroups while that of A. bisporus var. burnettii being more distantly related – supporting our hypothesis of domestication leading to changes from heterothallism to homothallism in A. bisporus varieties.

Fungus possess an active metabolism that produces numerous chemical compounds with various biochemical activities, including antibiotics. They can also alter their environment to optimize growth and health; for instance, changing nutrient concentration in their growing substrate by watering with specific solutions containing 0.35% CaCl2 [20].
