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What is Biophoton Therapy?

Biophoton therapy is a safe, painless process designed to assist the natural healing processes of your body by eliminating disturbances that interfere with it. It helps promote intrinsic self-regulation while quickly diminishing disruptive microorganisms such as viruses, fungi or bacteria from disrupting those processes.

UV radiation destroys viruses and bacteria while red light decontaminates blood via photosensitization – offering hope to those suffering from illnesses that were considered incurable.

What is Biophoton Therapy?

Biophoton Therapy is an innovative non-invasive technique that utilizes light therapy to heal the body. This unique light-based healing modality helps the immune system regain its natural balance while simultaneously managing pain and detoxifying the system. Biophoton therapy has also proven successful at treating chronic infections and autoimmune diseases.

Based on the discovery that all living cells release electromagnetic waves called biophotons – weak electromagnetic impulses which contain information about body energy levels – this technology uses special instruments to detect these biophotons, commonly known as “bioluminescence”.

Biophoton Therapy involves mixing heparinized blood with BiOcean, a supplement made up of trace minerals from the ocean’s floor. This mixture is then passed under ultraviolet light within a crystal cuvette that stimulates healthy cells while simultaneously attacking any viral or bacterial invaders that do not respond well to oxygen or light; those sensitive to it are made less harmful; this process creates what’s known as an autogenous vaccine which allows your immune system to use to fight off disease more efficiently than traditional pharmaceutical drugs can do!

Biophoton therapy‘s greatest advantage over more traditional approaches such as antibiotics is that it does not suppress your immune system, enabling it to continue fighting off germs and bacteria without suppression from antibiotics, which may leave germs resistant against treatment.

Biophoton therapy differs from many other treatments in that it allows beneficial bacteria to remain. This allows the body to maintain a natural equilibrium and avoid becoming overwhelmed with “bad” bacteria that could potentially cause health issues.

Results of this treatment include an increase in immunity and natural healing from within, leading to greater success when treating chronic illnesses or conditions that cannot be solved with traditional medicine.

Although immunotherapy can be useful in helping treat various medical conditions and illnesses, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals who have had organ transplants such as heart valve replacement with porcine valves, artificial arteries or veins, shunts or artificial urethras should avoid participating as this therapy could increase immune responses that result in rejecting foreign organs.

How Does Biophoton Therapy Work?

BioPhoton Therapy utilizes biophotons – electromagnetic waves responsible for making all life possible – to address physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances at their roots and activate your body’s natural healing processes.

Your body has its own vibrational frequency or oscillation that each cell and organ needs for proper functioning. When this natural harmony of frequencies is compromised by injury, diet, stress or disease it can lead to imbalance and illness – biophoton therapy offers a safe and non-invasive solution that restores your body to its optimum state.

This technology works by scanning your body’s cellular vibrations and comparing them to normal harmonic frequency states found in healthy individuals, adjusting your body to these optimal frequency states to restore balance and health. Tuning therapy works early on to address imbalance before symptoms manifest themselves physically; and can also prevent future imbalances from developing further.

At each session, clients use crystal rods or place their feet on foot plates while biophotons from their entire bodies are detected by Chiren instrument. This instrument distinguishes chaotic from healthy biophotons and delivers remedies in form of light frequencies via fiber-optic cables to their left hand or foot – neutralizing chaotic signals while strengthening healthy ones and reinforcing bio-feedback loop.

BioPhoton Therapy can also effectively eliminate viruses from blood and bodily fluids through photodynamic oxidation of photosensitizing drugs in perfusion liquid, and then irradiation with red light at 660 nanometers (nm). Photodynamic oxidation attacks viral proteins bind to oxygen molecules of viruses to destroy them through photodynamic oxidation; ultimately eliminating them altogether.

People with artificial valves in their hearts or artificial arteries, veins, shunts or urethras should avoid this therapy as it could potentially harm them. But for everyone else it can be used to restore cellular energy and promote overall health! Adult sessions usually last 2 hours while child sessions generally require 1 hour.

What Conditions Can Biophoton Therapy Treat?

Biophoton therapy can significantly alleviate inflammation-based skin conditions like acne, dermatitis and rosacea with dramatic improvements and symptoms reductions. It can also aid with chronic skin diseases, rheumatic disorders and migraines by stimulating immune and circulatory systems for speedier healing; photon energy stimulates immune and circulatory systems for faster healing while breaking up painful cycles by dilating blood vessels to remove irritating toxins that prevent new cells reaching damaged areas and encourage healing processes to speed healing faster. Biophoton therapy is also useful in alleviating gastrointestinal disorders like migraines as well as whiplash injuries and hormonal imbalances – offering great therapeutic potential benefits – among many more conditions!

Biophoton therapy is an non-invasive and gentle way of treating many common health issues, making it safe for infants, the elderly, pregnant women and expecting mothers. Biophoton therapy complements chiropractic, physical therapy and supplement treatments well; biophoton therapy may even reduce prescription drug needs by stimulating natural healing mechanisms within the body at a cellular level – potentially eliminating needless medical interventions such as surgery.

LILT provides an exciting development by measuring redox state in living cells, giving LILT practitioners an effective diagnostic tool for identifying responsive tissues and helping physicians determine who would make good candidates for biophoton therapy. They may even compare responses across treatments in order to select those most suited to biophoton therapy treatments.

BioPhotonic Therapy (BPT) is an evidence-based and time tested method of using ultraviolet light to eradicate pathogens found in the blood, be they viral, bacterial or fungal. BPT offers an ideal noninvasive, natural and affordable alternative to pharmaceutical drugs with no serious side effects – great for use at home or the office!

BPT therapy works by drawing small amounts of blood and mixing it with either saline solution or BiOcean (an amalgamation of water and trace minerals from the seabed), then pushing through an exposure device for UV rays to create a “biophotonic vaccine” against viruses and bacteria while increasing immunity, rejuvenating blood and detoxifying body systems. BPT can help treat various medical conditions; particularly beneficial in helping treat immune-related illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and allergies.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Biophoton Therapy works on the principle that light waves transmitting between cells create harmonious signals within our bodies, and when those light waves are disrupted or weakened they cause illness in our bodies. Biophoton Therapy‘s noninvasive solution focuses on rebalancing those light waves so as to allow your amazing body to heal itself and can be used to treat conditions including allergies, sinus issues depression arthritis chronic fatigue among many more – with results even for conditions which were never diagnosed initially such as cysts or tumors showing impressive improvement with treatment methods like biophoton therapy being shown even with such conditions not yet being diagnosed as cysts or tumors!

The EUREKA study tested the efficacy of using biophotonic gel in treating venous leg ulcers (VLUs) and diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). This real-life context clinical trial sought to measure quality-of-life metrics and healing rates associated with lumiheal’s lumiheal system to stimulate photobiomodulation and advance wound healing.

After just the first session, pain had significantly decreased! Furthermore, wound closure times improved – particularly for VLUs and DFUs.

On your initial session, a practitioner will assess your energy field to identify any imbalances and imbalances present in it. From there, herbal remedies and Rife machine frequencies are tested until we find one with which we are comfortable balancing you out – similar to psychic reading.

Once a remedy is identified, an instrument known as the Chiren is employed to transfer this knowledge directly into your body via a glass rod held in the practitioner’s right hand. As it receives biophoton emissions through this rod, the Chiren amplifies coherent light while inverting chaotic light back into your energetic system to restore coherence.

Practitioners remain in communication with clients throughout this entire process to ensure the correct remedy is being delivered and they remain comfortable. Treatment sessions usually occur no more frequently than once every week as it gives your body time to rest and recuperate in between treatments, too many sessions too soon could overwhelm it and delay healing.
