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What is the AO Scanner?

The AO Scan is a revolutionary health device that detects imbalances in your energetic fields. Based on technology used by astronauts and cosmonauts as well as naturopaths, chiropractors, and physicians.

The AO Scanner compares your frequencies to an extensive database of healthy frequencies and clears, shields and balances your energy for optimum health and balance.

What is the AO Scanner?

The AO Scanner is an advanced health scanner that utilizes bioresonance technology to analyze your body’s energetic state and detect any areas of imbalance. Based on the principle that everything emits an energy frequency, which the AO Scanner decodes to assess organs, tissues, and cells within your body. Predictively identifying abnormalities that might indicate disease can provide patients with proactive steps they can take against further complications in the future.

The SOLEX AO Scanner is a noninvasive body scanner that detects frequencies that have begun vibrating out of sync with healthy frequencies, then corrects them back to their healthy states in an efficient and noninvasive manner. This process, known as optimization, takes less than two minutes and can bring your entire body back into balance.

AO Scanner stands out as an alternative medical imaging and testing equipment, being noninvasive, safe and fast compared to its competition – especially helpful when dealing with chronic complex issues or mysterious symptoms.

The AO Scanner features multiple scanning options, including the Comprehensive and DNA Scan. The Comprehensive Scan is capable of analyzing over 130 organs, cells, bones and chromosomes with great detail before providing a graphical report detailing any imbalances within your body. In addition, there is also the DNA Scan available that can detect genetic mutations or inherited disorders.

The AO Scanner is an easy and straightforward tool that can help you become a healthier version of yourself. From improving physical health by pinpointing areas of imbalance to optimizing emotional and mental wellness, this powerful device is used by physicians, naturopaths, massage therapists, chiropractors and many other practitioners – making this one powerful device!

How does the AO Scanner work?

The AO Scanner is a non-invasive technology that utilizes the body’s natural biofeedback mechanisms. It emits frequencies which are received by organs, tissues, and other parts of the body which then respond with responses recorded and analyzed to reveal imbalances or dysfunction. With this information at hand, AO creates a tailored health and wellness plan which addresses its source.

The core idea behind the AO Scanner is that each cell and organ in our bodies vibrates at its own distinct frequency, similar to notes on a piano keyboard. When we are in balance and health, these vibrations are harmonious; when there is stress or other disruptions present, however, these frequencies may become disharmonious; and therefore when under stress or other pressure they become distorted; so this device analyzes those distorted frequencies before sending them back out as stimulation to restore equilibrium between all organs, cells and tissues back to their natural harmony state – aiding natural harmony among cells tissues and organs as much as possible.

AO Scanner provides patients with not only pinpointing areas of concern but also helping to address them by offering healthy lifestyle recommendations. These may include dietary modifications, exercise routines or any other methods which may increase overall wellbeing.

AO Scanner provides an effective and safe means of diagnosing one’s health without invading its boundaries, using scalar wave technology to transmit and receive frequencies across long distances without physically proximity, enabling it to measure electromagnetic signals and subtle bio-frequencies from all over the world regardless of user location.

The AO Scanner can also help identify the source of various emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression. By targeting specific emotions for release through techniques like listening to soothing music or breathing exercises, this tool has proven itself an effective means of managing pain as well as improving sleep patterns – ultimately making it a powerful asset in promoting wellness and avoiding illness.

What are the benefits of the AO Scanner?

The AO Scanner is an innovative device that utilizes bioresonance – a holistic approach to health centered on electromagnetic frequencies in the body – in order to identify imbalances in these frequencies and correct them. Furthermore, it also provides an overall wellness report, helping individuals take control of their health and well-being and address potential issues before they become more serious.

The AO Scanner is used by both individuals and health and wellness clinics alike, becoming an increasingly popular way of providing an holistic view of one’s state and creating more targeted approaches to wellness. It can assess posture and alignment issues, muscle mass density and energy production levels among others.

It can also be used to detect imbalances in electromagnetic fields encasing body cells, tissues, organs and skeletal structure – helping practitioners locate areas needing additional focus or treatment plans – while simultaneously monitoring changes to body’s electromagnetic fields over time and identify long-term trends and potential problems.

In addition to detecting imbalances in your body’s energetic systems, the AO Scanner can be used to identify dietary and lifestyle factors which could be contributing to health conditions. Furthermore, it can assess effectiveness of treatments like supplements and herbal remedies by measuring how they positively affect energy fields of the body.

The AO Scanner can help athletes improve performance by identifying imbalances that could impact sports injuries and recovery times. It can also be used to monitor exercise regimens’ efficacy by measuring metabolic rate and muscle quality.

The AO Scanner is an invaluable tool for anyone seeking to take charge of their health and well-being. It helps identify imbalances and provides a roadmap towards healing and optimal wellness. In addition, its use can supplement other healthcare practices like naturopathy, chiropractic and holistic health coaching.

How much does the AO Scanner cost?

AO Scanner is an incredible frequency wellness tool for both health professionals and everyday users alike. Utilizing bioresonance technology, this device analyzes vibrational energy fields within your body to detect imbalances. Furthermore, this non-invasive procedure can help correct them by sending specific frequencies. You can perform it at home or a professional office.

Costs associated with an AO Scan session will depend on both your practitioner and location. Some practitioners may offer packages or discounted rates for multiple sessions. It is essential that you find someone certified and experienced with using this technology; to become certified, one must go through a rigorous training program approved by the device manufacturer.

AO Scan offers an affordable and effective way to take control of your wellness. It can help address chronic complex issues that often send people from doctor to doctor spending thousands of dollars on functional medicine tests, lab work, input, and supplements.

In addition to identifying energetic imbalances, AO Scan can assist with emotional regulation and brain rewiring using custom frequencies. Furthermore, it can identify nutritional deficiencies or identify harmful substances in your body; even provide an analysis of posture and alignment allowing you to design targeted exercises and fitness plans.

Monthly subscriptions give you access to the AO Scanner at home or on-the-go – prices begin at just $149 for unlimited scans. Plus, upgrade to include scanner, software and other essentials!

Michelle became an AO Scan practitioner because she believes it is her mission in life to share the knowledge and healing techniques she has acquired. AO Scan is used to assist others in healing themselves and feeling their best, making Michelle especially pleased that it’s safe, simple and effective for everyone involved.

The AO Scanner is an amazing frequency wellness tool, that can transform both professionals and clients lives. As one of the most advanced bioresonance devices available, this device provides a unique view into human bodies and their energy systems. Used properly, this scanner can identify metabolic disorders, autoimmune disease and digestive conditions – perfect addition to holistic wellness practices or used alongside treatments such as acupuncture massage and nutrition for better wellness outcomes.
