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BICOM Bioresonance Machine

Human bodies and their systems represent sources of weak electromagnetic fluctuations across a wide frequency range, including bioenergetic variations that form part of our physiological and cyber regulatory systems.

One study demonstrated that patients suffering from depression experienced significant improvements after five weeks of bioresonance therapy using a Mora Nova device versus monotherapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic diagnosis and treatment method that uses energy to identify imbalances within the body. This involves placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a machine which measures electromagnetic vibrations; it then monitors any harmful vibrations that indicate disease as well as restore healthy frequencies for balance.

Healthy bodies operate at their optimum frequency to keep you feeling energetic and fresh, yet sometimes our physiology gets out of sync due to environmental, chemical or emotional stressors that alter our biological rhythms and cause our bodies to operate at less-than-ideal frequencies, leading to symptoms like fatigue, digestive problems and chronic pain.

The Imedis Bioresonance Machine can identify different frequencies and send them back into cells so that the body can eliminate unhealthy vibrations. Additionally, this process helps detoxification, balance cellular energy levels, and relieve chronic pain.

This machine works similarly to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines used in medicine, in that it records electromagnetic waves coming from different areas of your body – for instance a damaged brain or liver – then compares normal and abnormal wave emissions to pinpoint the problem area. Furthermore, it amplifies normal wavelengths before transmitting them directly into damaged parts.

Through biofeedback, your body can heal itself naturally without using drugs or surgery as an intervention method. It’s a safe, noninvasive procedure that can be used to treat allergies, urogenital problems and menstrual issues as well as potentially reverse their effects if exposed to heavy metals or toxins in your environment.

Bioresonance should be seen as alternative medicine and is therefore not recognized by mainstream medicine, yet when utilized by an experienced practitioner it can be an extremely powerful tool in pinpointing imbalances in the body and treating them effectively. As with all medications or natural remedies taken, it is wise to inform your healthcare provider of all dietary supplements or natural remedies taken so they can keep an eye out for any possible side effects or interactions with medications taken for health conditions that you are currently suffering from.

How is Bioresonance Therapy Helpful?

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize your body’s energy and facilitate self-healing processes, providing relief for various health issues like pain, inflammation, anxiety and depression. Most patients report seeing results within just a few treatments.

Bioresonance sessions begin by seating or lying down and having an electromagnetic wave sent from a machine through your body and returned back. A computer then analyzes this returning wave data and detects any frequency that seems out-of-kilter – this helps identify what type of issue your body might be having and allows the machine to emit counter frequencies to restore strength to your biomagnetic field and restore equilibrium in your system.

Bioresonance works on the principle that disease and illness stem from imbalance in body energy. By restoring your natural resonance, bioresonance offers an effective means of self-healing to combat illness.

One of the major advantages of bioresonance is that it’s an entirely non-painful experience, with sessions lasting 20-40 minutes and providing you with a soothing sensation.

Some research indicates that bioresonance may help with certain conditions, including helping reduce rheumatoid arthritis pain by optimizing antioxidant activity in the body. But other research is conflicting.

Concerns have also been expressed over the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy as a cancer therapy treatment method, with claims about electronic devices used for bioresonance being heavily criticized and even leading to lawsuits regarding misleading advertising.

Concerns have been expressed that bioresonance may discourage people from seeking alternative, evidence-based treatments for their illness. If considering bioresonance as part of your healthcare treatment plan, be sure to speak to someone trained in its use and its limitations; additionally it’s wise to add bioresonance as an adjunct therapy, especially if taking medications or living with chronic illness – make sure your healthcare provider knows about any dietary supplements or home remedies as they could interfere with medical procedures.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy as a powerful alternative to traditional medicine for treating various ailments, including allergies, fibromyalgia, stomach pain and more. Furthermore, this therapy can reduce inflammation, boost immune response and enhance overall emotional well-being – among other benefits.

Bioresonance offers many advantages over conventional therapies, particularly its noninvasive nature and lack of adverse side effects. It can be used to treat both physical and mental ailments without adverse reactions; especially useful in helping with anxiety or depression symptoms and fears related to them.

Bioresonance offers another advantage by helping patients pinpoint the source of a problem instead of treating only its symptoms. This enables patients to better understand what’s causing their health issues and to take steps towards treating those root causes of their problems.

Bioresonance therapy entails placing electrodes on the body and connecting to an electromagnetic signal machine that emits electromagnetic waves. When your biomagnetic field is balanced and healthy, an electromagnetic signal returns clearly; when there’s any interference to this field, however, bioresonance can detect and remove harmful information sent out from within to your body through weak signals that return weaker.

Due to its safety, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can be used to prevent or manage an array of diseases and conditions, from smoking cessation to improving digestion. Furthermore, it has the added advantage of helping detect parasites and harmful organisms within the body – something traditional methods often struggle with detecting. This therapy offers another means for treating and managing illnesses; one way being its potential use in helping patients quit smoking or improve digestion; it may even detect parasites which cause illness but are hard to spot using traditional means alone! HBOT offers several advantages when it comes to both prevention or management compared with traditional methods used as well as detection – something traditional methods fall short at doing.

Bioresonance is an engaging alternative to conventional medicine that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and wellness. From treating allergies to stress relief, Bioresonance offers a safe, noninvasive option for living a more natural lifestyle. By working with an experienced practitioner you can make the most out of this amazing healing method!

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

When we develop allergies, rheumatism or other ailments it’s often due to our body’s bioresonance field becoming imbalanced due to either external or internal stressors. The BICOM bioresonance machine works by scanning your energy patterns in order to locate imbalances and correct them quickly restoring physical harmony of human organism.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive solution with no needles or surgery required, making it the perfect option for anyone wishing to avoid further medical intervention. The procedure uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify areas of imbalance before emitting counterfrequencies to restore biomagnetic fields that encourage self-regulating mechanisms and aid healing processes.

Bioresonance therapy entails attaching electrodes to your skin and connecting them to a machine which evaluates electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your body. If any disturbances in these energies are detected, they will allow it to identify exactly which frequency(s) is being produced so it can recognise specific conditions more readily and emit similar electromagnetic frequencies that will restore balance to your system.

These electromagnetic frequencies can be compared with the signature frequencies of various pathogens (bacteria, viruses or parasites) and used as part of bioresonance treatment to produce frequencies which resonate with these pathogens and cause them to break apart. You may be asked to consume specific supplements or medication which is believed to help your body cope with pathogens it faces.

As well as treating allergies, the BICOM machine can also be used to address urogenital disorders like cystitis or prostatitis; digestive issues including colitis and gastritis; liver issues; pre and post surgery pain therapy treatments as well as respiratory ailments like asthma; it may also aid weight loss, improve skin tone and increase immunity – among many other uses! CE marked, it has also been demonstrated safe and effective treatment of various diseases and conditions.
