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Bio Resonance Treatment Costs

Bio resonance therapy is an innovative, painless method that produces exceptional results. Utilizing electromagnetic frequencies, this technique corrects discordant vibrations within your body to initiate rapid self-healing processes and promote rapid regeneration.

Massage therapy has many other advantages as well, such as relieving stress and discovering food or environmental intolerances. Some practitioners offer remote sessions so you can reap its rewards regardless of where you reside.

How it Works

Bio resonance is a noninvasive therapy that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat imbalances in the body. First developed in Germany during the 1970s, Bio resonance seeks to address root causes of health problems without medication – functioning on the principle that every cell and organ emits electro-magnetic waves which emit certain frequencies while unhealthy ones emit different ones; Bio resonance detects these waves and then uses counterfrequencies to neutralise them.

Technology also allows us to identify any toxins present in your body, such as environmental pollutants, heavy metals and hormone disruptors. With this knowledge at hand, detox programs may be targeted, or it could even assist in pinpointing food or non-food intolerances.

Toxins can enter our bodies through several pathways, including inhalation and oral consumption. Once inside, they can accumulate in liver, kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract – leading to symptoms like fatigue, joint and muscle pain and difficulty sleeping – bio resonance can help pinpoint these toxins to determine which organs are affected most severely.

Bio resonance can also be used to assess whether you’re deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, as well as detect parasites and bacteria infections in your system, providing you with a tailored supplement regimen to address them.

At each session, a practitioner will use electrodes on your body to measure electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cells. Once measured, these frequencies are recorded by a computerised device which then emits counterfrequencys to cancel out harmful frequencies and restore equilibrium to your system – typically within minutes!

Once discordant frequencies are identified, bioresonance systems can use electromagnetic impulses to match and harmonize them – this stimulation goes to those active points in your body that resonate with these frequencies and eliminate discordances. Once these discordant signals have been dispelled, immune systems become stimulated to return to their natural states.


Bio resonance is a noninvasive treatment option that can assist with healing various health conditions. It has even been shown to detect and eliminate cancer-causing toxins from your body. Furthermore, bio resonance has also been proven to boost immunity allowing patients to more quickly manage infections or illness more easily. Bio resonance may be used as either an adjunct therapy or standalone therapy solution.

This treatment involves scanning your energy patterns using an electronic device that measures electromagnetic waves and analyses them to identify discordant frequencies, then sending electromagnetic impulses that match and harmonize with them to restore normal oscillation in the body. Your practitioner can then use this information to tailor a personalized treatment plan specifically tailored for each patient.

CBD can be used to treat various health conditions, such as stomach pain, digestive issues and mental illness. Furthermore, it can enhance quality of life by relieving stress and anxiety while increasing energy.

Some practitioners provide remote sessions, enabling you to receive treatment without leaving the comfort of your own home. These are usually conducted via Skype or telephone and make an ideal option if you live far from a practitioner, or prefer seeing the same person each session.

bio resonance has yet to be scientifically evaluated; however, it remains a safe, drug-free option that has proven successful at treating various health conditions, including pain management, insomnia and respiratory ailments. Furthermore, bio resonance may even help minimize side effects from chemotherapy/radiation treatments for cancer patients.

Although there are many advantages to bio resonance, some people may experience discomfort during sessions due to electromagnetic vibrations being sent by the BICOM device to cells throughout their bodies. While this discomfort is harmless and will quickly subside once treatment has begun. Your therapist will explain all this beforehand. During your appointment you may need to lie on your back or sit up while they adjust equipment as necessary.

Side effects

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive alternative therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions. Although bioresonance typically has few side effects, those that do appear tend to be mild; nonetheless it’s important to remain aware of them so you can address any issues properly with your practitioner. Furthermore, keeping track of all your symptoms could prove extremely useful as you communicate them directly to him/her during bioresonance treatment sessions.

Bioresonance therapy uses frequency detection technology to identify each object’s natural frequency and enhance or diminish any that are positive while attenuating harmful ones, thus helping the body release toxins more quickly and heal itself more completely.

This treatment method has been utilized in treating various ailments, such as arthritis and back pain. Stomach pain can also be addressed with this technique; one study demonstrated its success at significantly decreasing stress-induced indigestion symptoms by sending electromagnetic waves directly to the stomach of their patient. Researchers utilized an electromagnetic wave device which sent electromagnetic waves directly into each patient’s stomach.

This study’s results were published in Scientific Reports. Although modest, they still proved significant. Participants experienced considerable pain relief and were able to discontinue medications for their condition more rapidly than those in the control group. They also managed to resume work and social activities more swiftly.

Bio resonance not only treats health problems, but it can also identify hidden connections at the source of imbalance. Once these are isolated, bioresonance machines emit electromagnetic impulses to harmonize discordant frequencies allowing your body to heal itself quickly as it returns back to its natural state.

Bio resonance is an effective alternative therapy, but should not be relied upon solely. While bio resonance may help reduce toxins in your body and improve wellness, for chronic illnesses or serious conditions it’s wiser to continue conventional treatments first. Furthermore, before embarking on this course of treatment it’s wiser to consult your physician as bio resonance could interfere with medication you currently take.


Costs associated with bio resonance treatment vary significantly between practitioners, as every patient presents different symptoms and health concerns that need addressing, which must be factored into any calculation for total cost of their therapy sessions. Furthermore, number of follow up sessions required also plays an integral part of its cost calculation.

Electrodes are typically placed on the skin and connected to a device that detects energy wavelengths, with this machine then counteracting any frequencies which disrupt balance in order to restore optimal functioning and balance to your body. As it’s non-invasive and safe for children and sensitive patients alike.

Testing allows cause-driven discoveries about stressors in the body, such as inflammation processes, allergies or any imbalances. It can also be used to test bodily substances such as liquids and secretions for mineral/electrolyte balance as well as trace elements or toxic elements.

Nutritionists also utilize this testing method to assess clients’ digestion systems and body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. With this information in hand, a tailored nutrition program for that client may be developed that can assist them in managing various health conditions more effectively.

Therapists offering this type of service often also provide remote sessions. This option is particularly helpful for people living outside their practitioner’s immediate area or with hectic schedules, since these sessions tend to last longer and typically cost around PS60 per session.


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