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Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt

The book is intended for both professionals and individual home users of Schmidt’s instruments – the Rayometer range for professional use or Rayocomp PS 1000 polar for home usage – who wish to become familiar with electromagnetic wave physics and the Schmidt method.

Schmidt discovered that disease progression occurs along a distinct frequency path and can be detected on an increasingly subtle vibrational level, as evidenced by various studies such as one specifically focused on Cervical Spine Syndrome.

What is Bioresonance?

Like a magnet arranging iron filings on paper, each cell in our bodies contains its own magnetic energy field that acts like an ordered pattern of filings. If this field becomes imbalanced and causes symptoms to emerge, bioresonance aims to rebalance it back towards harmony – much like rearranging those filings onto paper!

Bioresonance devices operate under the unproven theory that healthy and diseased cells and organs emit different electromagnetic waves, and that an electronic medical-looking device can detect them and ‘normalize’ them using an electromagnetic frequency generator. Although often promoted for treating cancer, their claims have never been tested against placebo studies in controlled studies.

Bioresonance refers to two elements that come together when two objects with similar oscillation characteristics meet: life (‘bio’) and resonance (‘resonance’). As an illustration of this term, try this experiment: put two tuning forks together that have not vibrated yet when struck, then strike both simultaneously until one begins vibrating at roughly the same frequency (oscillating). If this experiment succeeds then another tuning fork may soon start vibrating at similar frequencies to both existing forks (oscillating).

Applying this principle to human physiology reveals why certain frequencies can have such an enormous effect on our health and well-being. Bioresonance devices use electronic sensors capable of sensing vibrations emitted by living tissues to measure frequency fluctuations that they then “play back” back into the body to attempt and stimulate a healing response from cells.

Bioresonance practitioners will conduct tests with foods, herbs and homeopathic supplements that’resonate’ with each patient in order to find those that will restore balance to the meridians. Once identified, these products are prescribed in hopes of restoring equilibrium within their systems.

The Advertising Standards Authority reviewed complaints pertaining to bioresonance services provided by a clinic that claimed they could diagnose weight issues, digestive disorders and bloating; Arthritis; Joint Pains; Back Pain; Diabetes; Skin Conditions like Psoriasis, Eczema and Acne; Rhinitis; Headaches Migraines and Stress anxiety depression”. However, none of their claims could be proven clinically; thus the ASA upheld this complaint.

Why is Bioresonance important?

Bioresonance machines use vibrational energy to help your body heal itself naturally, without producing any adverse side effects or allergies. Bioresonance therapy has been found effective in treating food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders, menstrual pain, prostatitis, low immune defenses, heavy metal poisoning, hormone imbalances and weight issues among other issues.

Bioresonance works on the principle that your body, organs and cells all possess specific energetic frequencies that resonate together as one cohesive unit. When exposed to stressors, however, these frequencies become disrupted and out of balance; so bioresonance works to restore them back to a state where they function optimally – helping your system return back into harmony.

Paul Schmidt, founder of Rayonex Biomedical GmbH and creator of bioresonance according to Paul himself, recognized that all matter vibrates at different frequencies or oscillations. As part of his bioresonance therapy process, Schmidt created tuning forks which he employed as part of this discovery process.

Your body should vibrate at a frequency that works in harmony with the rest of your system, but when its vibrations diverge it could indicate stress or disorder. A bioresonance device emits electromagnetic waves which interact with cell vibrations to stimulate healthy frequencies in them and make your cells vibrate at their optimal states.

Bioresonance therapy sessions may sometimes feel unsettling, with electromagnetic vibrations from BICOM bioresonance machines that can be felt throughout your body during sessions that aim to correct unhealthy cell resonance.

Energetic medicine works differently from orthodox medical treatments. It draws its principles from quantum physics, which states that every particle in our universe has a vibrational energy signature that corresponds with one substance or toxin in our environment. Bioresonance analyzes your active points to detect any toxin-resonating frequencies within your body to help correct imbalance and restore self-regulation within it. As a result, energetic medicine offers noninvasive solutions for various health ailments without adverse side effects.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance?

Your Bioresonance scan results can reveal much about the state and causes of your body, as well as any health problems you are experiencing. For instance, bioenergetic analysis can detect pathogenic infections early and help eliminate them before they progress to full-blown symptoms. Furthermore, Bioresonance testing often uncovers vitamin and mineral deficiencies; being aware of this can enable you to rectify them through diet or supplements – ultimately improving overall wellbeing.

Bioresonance operates under the assumption that all particles of matter produce electromagnetic energy, which can be detected, amplified, and analyzed. This energy has various oscillatory wavelengths and frequencies and can even travel through glass and steel; using bioresonance technology allows devices like bioresonance detectors to capture these vibrations for examination on computer screens.

Paul Schmidt, the creator and namesake of Bioresonance technology, states that it can provide assistance for:

One of the great advantages of bioresonance is that it can detect infectious illnesses long before their symptoms emerge, giving you time to take measures against getting sick. Furthermore, bioresonance can identify which of your symptoms are real or psychosomatic so you can determine which are more appropriate to address with treatment plans that have proven successful for similar problems in the past.

Bioresonance has proven useful in diagnosing infections, while also alleviating inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. This is done by improving how antioxidants in your body function – thus decreasing damage caused by free radicals and other pro-inflammatory agents.

Bioresonance has been demonstrated effective in many studies; however, few controlled trials exist to demonstrate its success. There have been some indications that bioresonance could help treat allergies, dermatitis and mental health conditions.

An ideal way to determine if bioenergetic therapy is the right choice for you is through consultation with a homeopathic practitioner. At Newton Hale Centre of Bioresonance, our team is here to assist in leading happier and healthier lives by arming you with knowledge and tools for holistic wellbeing. Get in touch today to book a discovery call and start on the journey towards improved health and vitality!

How can I use Bioresonance?

All matter has its own electromagnetic vibration frequency known as bioresonance, and when our bodies’ frequencies become unbalanced we become sick. Bioresonance therapy works to harmonise body frequencies and restore energy flow for improved health; this therapy also assists the body’s natural ability to heal itself by helping identify root causes such as geopathic stress, unhealthy diet or acid-alkaline imbalance; it can even address physical discomforts like joint and muscle pain, allergies insomnia chronic fatigue etc.

At Tailored Wellness, we use the BICOM Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 bioresonance device to identify and remove negative health influences that contribute to disease, such as geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, acid-alkaline imbalance and poor diet. By emitting counterfrequencies against harmful frequencies the device encourages your body’s natural healing processes resulting in improved immunity responses and communication among cells throughout your body.

Bioresonance can also be used to detect food intolerances and environmental allergens, making it an easy, non-invasive alternative to the more traditional allergy testing that requires puncturing fingers with needles to take blood samples from fingers pricking the fingers to draw blood for testing purposes. It may be particularly useful in cases involving children, pregnant women or people fearful of needles.

Schmidt discovered in the mid 1970s that certain frequencies could help stimulate the body’s natural healing process, leading to his invention of bioresonance therapy – now bearing his name today. Through research he developed devices for practitioners, naturopaths, as well as private individuals. Committed to making his technology accessible and affordable he created Rayometer and Rayocomp ranges of equipment which are sold globally today. Wolfgang now runs their family business which continues Schmidt’s legacy, providing top quality products, technical support, training for health professions specializing in human and animal bioresonance therapy therapy.
