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Bioresonance Blood Test

Bioresonance therapy is an electromagnetic frequency-based holistic healing modality that uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize and heal the body. Bioresonance uses electromagnetic frequency detection techniques to pinpoint unhealthy energy waves in your system and counteract them so you stay healthy.

This non-invasive test has become increasingly popular for identifying food intolerances and improving digestion by increasing stomach acid production. Furthermore, it provides valuable insight into any parasites hiding within your system!

It’s Non-Invasive

Bioresonance is a noninvasive form of diagnosis that’s safe for almost everyone – even pregnant women! Hair and saliva samples taken without puncturing the skin can be bioenergetically analysed for stress to your body systems, hormonal imbalances, deficiencies in nutrition, energetic matches with toxic substances that resonate, food sensitivities and more.

Bioresonance technology reads your energy wavelengths and recognizes which frequencies are being reflected back from every part of your body, which allows us to detect imbalances and find root causes of health issues rather than simply masking symptoms with medication or traditional healthcare services.

Bioresonance scans are completely painless, without the need to fast beforehand. A full body scan takes less than two minutes; you will sit comfortably in an ergonomic chair as the machine picks up on your energy vibrations and detects them.

Bioresonance testing is often chosen for its ability to identify food sensitivities. This noninvasive solution provides an alternative way of allergy testing that doesn’t involve needles or blood. Understanding which foods trigger reactions in you allows you to make necessary dietary adjustments that could prevent future reactions from arising.

Bioresonance testing can detect pathogenic infections that have yet to manifest physical symptoms, including viral, bacterial and parasitic infections as well as yeast overgrowth. Furthermore, this test can identify leaky gut syndrome in which damaged small intestinal lining allows undigested food particles and bacteria into the blood stream and are then absorbed by our organs, leading to inflammation as well as symptoms like bloating, gas, chronic diarrhea or constipation.

Bioresonance tests can identify the source of hormonal imbalances such as premenstrual pains or irregular periods. Treatment using Bioresonance resonance technology may help regulate hormones, alleviating symptoms such as hot flushes or insomnia while pinpointing any nutritional deficiencies and providing you with necessary supplements to get back on track.

It’s Comprehensive

Bioresonance testing uses energy instead of needles to detect imbalances within your body, by measuring electromagnetic frequencies emitted by healthy individuals and comparing these with yours. Once detected, bioresonance emits counter frequencies to balance out your energy field and restore equilibrium to resolve the imbalance and resolve its symptoms.

This device can also scan your whole body to detect nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances, toxins, environmental and bacterial infections as well as determine if your symptoms may be psychological in origin.

Additionally, this device can detect inflammation and detect any parasites present. Furthermore, it can identify allergies such as dairy, gluten or nuts which are known to trigger digestive symptoms and joint pain in people.

Bioresonance therapy is generally safe and free of side effects; however, if you have a pacemaker, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or taking anticoagulants you should refrain from this form of alternative therapy.

Additionally, it’s wise to conduct bioresonance tests under the supervision of a qualified practitioner who can interpret your scan’s results and recommend which supplements, diet or lifestyle changes will most effectively support overall health.

At a bioresonance session, electrodes will be attached to your skin and connected to a machine called BICOM which checks your energy wavelengths and frequencies and counteracts bad frequencies for optimal balance in order to restore optimum harmony within your body. Furthermore, this test can identify reactions against specific foods or supplements as well as help detect allergic reactions that might otherwise go undetected.

Some practitioners claim it can even detect cancer cells and activate tumor suppressor genes that will trigger cancerous cells to self-destruct, although no clinical trials have yet been conducted to back this claim up.

Bioresonance scanning devices come in various forms; some offer full-body scans while others specialize in testing for specific imbalances such as thyroid issues or allergies. Other devices allow live and dry blood analysis – two tests which do not require lab analysis but instead show visual images of one’s current health status, inspiring many individuals to make positive lifestyle changes.

It’s Safe

Bioresonance blood testing is considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). While its effectiveness for diagnosing or treating disease has yet to be proven, its technology works on the premise that damaged cells and organs emit electromagnetic waves which can be detected by machines that analyze energy wavelengths to counteract bad frequencies restoring balance to an otherwise uneven energy field. Furthermore, no adverse side effects have been reported during or following its administration.

The scan can detect multiple issues that could be contributing to your health issues, including food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, high acidity levels and parasites that may reside within your body and mind. With all this knowledge at your fingertips, holistic wellness decisions that strengthen and restore balance may become much simpler to implement.

Bioresonance therapy sessions may help smokers to quit without any adverse side effects; one study demonstrated this success rate at 77.2 percent for smoking cessation treatments alone. Furthermore, bioresonance can also help treat allergies, fibromyalgia, and rheumatic diseases – among many other conditions.

Bioresonance hair tests provide another safe method to identify allergies. This painless test doesn’t require blood samples – all it requires is giving a sample of hair to an analysis company which analyzes it against more than 1,200 food allergens. If results indicate any food sensitivities, you can try an elimination diet to mitigate your discomfort and restore health.

Yutopia has the experience and know-how to assist in your pursuit of total health and wellness, whether that means blood testing, hair testing or both. Contact us now to arrange your appointment; before your meeting with Dr. Erica we will send out intake/consent forms which must be completed prior to arriving for your appointment; once these have been filled out you can meet with her to review results and develop a holistic treatment plan designed specifically for you moving forward.

It’s Effective

Bioresonance blood tests involve placing electrodes on your skin, connected to a BICOM machine that analyzes energy wavelengths from your body. By counteracting any frequency that is out-of-balance and restoring an ideal equilibrium state, the bioresonance blood test helps eliminate toxins and improve overall health.

Within one week of having a bioresonance scan done, you should see results of its effectiveness. This scan can identify stressors that contribute to symptoms and help restore balance in your life. Furthermore, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances or any energy matches with toxic materials could also be identified through it.

A noninvasive diagnostic tool, this test enables physicians to quickly detect any issues before they become chronic. Naturopathic doctors who utilise it are often successful in providing patients with relief where conventional medicine has failed them.

Travis Elliott, a Vermont naturopathic doctor, uses bioresonance analysis of health to treat various issues. In several videos uploaded online he shares how this approach helped resolve health problems for clients.

Elliott successfully assisted a patient suffering from thyroid disease who was told by medical doctors that only medication could treat their condition. Elliott used bioresonance technology to restore functioning to her thyroid gland.

The bioresonance system can also detect parasites that might be hiding within your body, including any harmful worms, mites or bugs that are damaging your health and remove them so you can enjoy better wellbeing. Furthermore, removal is typically quick and painless so there won’t be any discomfort or negative side effects to worry about during this process.

Bioresonance scans can also provide valuable insights into how well your digestive system is operating, for instance identifying whether low stomach acid levels are hindering your ability to absorb essential nutrients and get the most from what you eat, as well as any deficiencies with minerals or vitamins absorption that you may be missing out on.

While not medically approved testing methods, holistic blood testing is safe and effective. Naturopathic doctors who employ it have years of experience and have proven its value. Live and dry blood analysis provide additional details into how your body functions; holistic testing adds another level of insight.
