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Bioresonance Diagnostics

Bioresonance equipment promotes the idea that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves, and that restoring these to normal will heal them – yet there is no scientific proof for this claim.

Bioresonance therapy may help to alleviate stomach discomfort for some individuals; however, its efficacy against other conditions – including cancer – remains uncertain.

What is Bioresonance Diagnostics?

Bioresonance is a holistic healing system that assesses vital parameters and allows practitioners to formulate highly specific, customized programs of treatment. Based on quantum physics principles of resonance phenomena and holographic information, as well as advanced scientific tools, Bioresonance utilizes quantum resonance phenomena and holographic information in combination with advanced scientific tools in order to identify all hidden causes of disease on physical, biochemical, psycho-emotional and spiritual levels.

Workaround Therapy works on the principle that all particles, including your body, have naturally occurring electromagnetic energy which can be measured using electronic devices and amplified and graphed. When any energy appears out of balance, a therapist uses various remedies (homeopathic or herbal supplements) to test for resonance with an affected point; they then use those frequencies that best match up with that imbalanced frequency to help your body regain equilibrium.

Solely through diet therapy can therapists treat chronic sinusitis and inflammatory bowel disease. For instance, if chronic sinusitis results from allergies such as mold or pollen causing reactions in the nose, dietary change could be recommended to address it. Conversely, too much acidity could be the source of inflammation of intestines; so alkaline foods could be recommended as part of treatment plan to restore balance.

The device also allows therapists to check for heavy metals, chemicals and toxins present in your body that could be contributing to health issues you’re experiencing. They may suggest an detoxification protocol designed to support your body in flushing away these toxins through supplements and therapies as necessary.

Bioresonance sessions typically last 45-60 minutes with an experienced practitioner, depending on your condition and needs. During a test, electrodes attached to applicators on your head or hands will pick up electromagnetic vibrational information about your body which are then analyzed by BICOM’s internal filters that isolate healthy frequencies while weakening or cancelling out those of unhealthy ones.

How is Bioresonance Diagnostics Used?

All substances, living and nonliving alike, vibrate at an energetic frequency. Different cells within our bodies emit different frequencies which when aligned create resonance – bioresonance machines have been said to use energy wavelength readings from bioresonance machines in order to detect health issues within their respective bodies and detect resonance when one or more match are identified. When these match are found an energy therapy session can be implemented to change them so the body heals itself more easily.

Bioresonance equipment can detect electromagnetic signatures emitted by pathogens like bacteria and viruses. By listening to their electromagnetic frequencies, Bioresonance machines can isolate and then eliminate them using precise energy waves that harmonize with or harmonize their discordant frequencies.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that healthy organisms naturally emit certain frequencies; when infected with disease, however, their signal becomes compromised and disrupts cell rhythms – this allows diseased tissues to become unbalanced compared with uninfected ones and bioresonance therapy is used to restore this equilibrium and stimulate their own healing processes.

To conduct a session, electrodes are attached to the body and connected to a BICOM device. After connecting the device with its software, a therapist can manipulate its software until specific frequencies can be identified on a bioresonance machine. Meridian points are tested and once isolated by their therapist they may select remedies which reduce toxin loads in this area and promote healing.

Patients often turn to bioresonance therapy when conventional medical approaches have failed. This is often because identifying the source of health problems using traditional diagnostic tools is sometimes challenging.

Research into bioresonance diagnostics and therapy remains limited, however some evidence does point to its efficacy for alleviating some patients’ symptoms using this method. It appears to help identify and remove toxins from the body more effectively than traditional approaches can do.

There are various bioresonance devices on the market, from simple electrically powered devices based on Hulda Regher Clark and Royal Rife to more sophisticated computer controlled machines that can be programmed for specific conditions. A licensed and trained therapist should be able to offer safe and effective treatments that help alleviate symptoms.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Diagnostics?

Bioresonance works on the assumption that healthy cells and organs produce energy waves similar to those produced by unhealthy ones, making detection easy. By measuring frequency waves produced by either type, it should be possible to spot disease. According to theory, changing frequencies back towards normal should cure it; unfortunately there is no scientific proof to back this claim up, and using bioresonance for diagnostic purposes could potentially have serious health ramifications.

Although bioresonance lacks definitive proof, some practitioners claim it can help treat various conditions. An advertisement indicated this possibility by suggesting it can help people stop smoking, reduce bloating due to digestive issues and improve skin. When treating patients using this approach, electrodes are placed on their bodies and connected to a machine which “reads” energy released by cells; then this machine uses that information to align those wavelengths with natural energy frequencies found within the body – ultimately eliminating toxins, stress or imbalances while strengthening immunity systems.

Researchers evaluated bioresonance therapy‘s results on chronic fatigue syndrome patients and discovered it to be no more effective than taking a placebo pill. Furthermore, another 2015 study concluded that bioresonance did not provide relief to people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

As well as its lack of scientific validity, the main drawback of bioresonance lies in its tendency to tempt people away from seeking effective treatments by encouraging them to try alternative medicine instead. An advertisement such as that shown below may constitute misleading advertising by the Advertising Standards Authority as it encourages people to find bioresonance practitioners who will help them quit smoking and treat fibromyalgia – conditions which do not respond well to bioresonance treatments.

For practitioners to avoid accusations of misleading advertising, CE marked devices must be used during diagnosis and treatment. The Medical Device Registration Agency’s guidance provides more details on which claims may be potentially misleading.

What are the Drawbacks of Bioresonance Diagnostics?

Bioresonance therapy promises to promote overall wellbeing by correcting energy imbalances revealed through diagnostic assessments. Its holistic approach makes it attractive for individuals seeking natural healing methods that harness their bodies’ innate healing mechanisms.

Bioresonance operates on the theory that everything in our universe, including ourselves, emits electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies. Any deviation in these waves could indicate illness and bioresonance equipment can detect these imbalances to detect imbalances and correct them with energy signals that counteract them; proponents of this method also assert that our bodies can heal themselves by restoring energy balance; although there is no scientific proof to back these claims up.

Clinical trials examining electrodermal testing and bioresonance therapy have not yielded any conclusive evidence of effectiveness for various conditions; however, several studies have demonstrated positive effects of bioresonance therapy for allergies. One study examined patients suffering from atopic dermatitis who underwent either bioresonance therapy or pharmacotherapy treatment. Bioresonance therapy significantly increased thiol groups and balanced glutathione peroxidase activity – important antioxidant enzymes which reduce free radical formation and protect tissues against oxidative damage – making bioresonance therapy an ideal addition to conventional treatments for managing atopic dermatitis, although its long-term outcomes remain uncertain. The study concluded that bioresonance can provide useful adjunct treatment.

Another study found that bioresonance therapy could decrease symptoms of atopic dermatitis and increase skin hydration for children diagnosed with the condition. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 32 children assigned either traditional inpatient atopic dermatitis therapy or sham bioresonance therapy as assessed using scores for symptoms scores, sleep quality, itching score, skin cell activation markers of allergy as well as questionnaire responses; bioresonance therapy significantly reduced short term symptoms but there were no differences between groups over longer term comparisons.

Bioresonance therapy was also successfully employed as part of a small pilot study to treat stuttering among children, with many participants reporting significant improvements after being surveyed after four, six, and 12 months after beginning treatment.
