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Bioresonance Health Screening

Bioresonance health screening has become an increasingly popular tool among holistic practitioners to identify food intolerances. It offers the ideal balance of accuracy, speed and cost efficiency.

Testers use a machine to analyze energy wavelengths and frequencies on individual strands of hair. Healthy cells produce healthy frequencies while unhealthy ones emit bad ones.


Bioresonance health screening is an innovative, noninvasive way of diagnosing medical conditions at the cellular level. The technology utilizes electrodes on your skin to detect irregularities in energy wavelengths emitted by cells and compare them against an established frequency database for comparison purposes, and ultimately designing an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically for you. It has become popular with alternative practitioners seeking to restore balance through holistic approaches.

Quantum physics forms the basis for this technology, with quantum particles comprising all matter and energy having both wave and particle properties. This means that everything from your body, emotions, pathogens such as bacteria viruses pollen etc have their own frequency signature which bioresonance scans use to identify.

Resonance frequencies, also known as resonance, can either resound positively or negatively with your cells. A bioresonance scanner detects these resonances and seeks to neutralize them so as to return the cells back to optimal health. While scientifically unproven, electromagnetic waves “cancelling out” diseased cells has proven popular with proponents of this technique.

Bioresonance sessions may cause you to experience a mild tingling sensation; however, for most it remains harmless and effective at correcting imbalances in both physical and mental health. Many have found this noninvasive therapy has helped them reduce or even eliminate symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or other health conditions.

After conducting a scan, your holistic health practitioner will create a healing protocol tailored to you, including nutritional supplements and homeopathic tinctures as necessary. They may also recommend lifestyle modifications which could enhance overall wellbeing.

The Qest4 system and Asyra testing offer a wide array of tests to assess your health, such as food intolerance testing. This can help identify foods which cause symptoms like bloating, weight fluctuations or fluid retention; and can even tell if any nutritional supplements you’re taking are being properly absorbed so they can be adjusted appropriately.


Bioresonance machines use energy frequencies to assess what may be causing health problems in the body, then inverts unhealthy cells’ resonance levels back towards normal to restore natural function in their bodies and restore them back into healthy frequencies – this approach has been successful at treating conditions like fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, cancer, allergies, asthma and smoking cessation among many others. They boast high success rates when combined with acupuncture in treating all aspects of wellbeing in an individual or overall.

Quantum physics discoveries have revealed that all substances, whether living or nonliving, possess both waves and particles as well as electromagnetic energy emitters. Each substance also has a specific frequency pattern known as its frequency signature that allows us to identify each substance using bioresonance equipment that reads frequency signatures from biological samples like hair or saliva samples and compares these readings against known pathogens, nutritional deficiencies, toxins or health concerns that exist within that population.

Bioresonance scans provide an effective, noninvasive means of assessing your health. Results of such tests can be interpreted by trained holistic wellness practitioners and can help inform decisions regarding supplements, nutritional remedies and lifestyle modifications to optimize health. They’re quick, accurate and safe.

Bioresonance tests, particularly the Food Intolerance Test, can detect imbalances in your electromagnetic fields caused by specific foods and environmental allergens. Other tests exist for testing sensitivity to chemicals and metals or providing a full scan that checks your entire energetic system’s performance.

Combining bioresonance testing and acupuncture treatments produces optimal results. Acupuncture can balance chakras, stimulate endocrine systems, detoxify immune systems and increase overall well-being; bioresonance can detoxify immune systems further while strengthening them further – the combination can restore natural states of health and well-being as well as recover from exercise-related injuries more quickly and improve sleep; it may even reduce stress. A comprehensive treatment plan will be tailored specifically for you based on individual needs.


Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, complementary treatment that analyzes energy waves within the body to pinpoint imbalances that lead to health issues. Based on an unproven theory that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased cells differ from healthy ones and can be detected using an electronic device that “cancels out” any harmful signals, Bioresonance may also help identify sensitivities related to certain foods or toxins; typically used alongside acupuncture or homeopathy for optimal results.

Electrodes are applied to a patient’s skin and connected to a machine which analyzes energy frequencies within their body, followed by software processing the results to generate a list of frequency patterns for organs and systems in their system. With this information in hand, individualized treatments can be developed based on each patient’s individual needs.

Bioresonance therapy for anxiety treatment was shown in one study to reduce symptoms by over 50% after one year of therapy; its benefits can also help address chronic pain and fatigue issues. Although not available on the NHS, alternative medicine clinics in the UK frequently offer it. Although bioresonance therapy isn’t offered directly through NHS appointments, many offer it for anxiety treatment as an option – patients reported significant improvements after receiving bioresonance therapy for anxiety treatment as reported in one research paper.

Though evidence supporting bioresonance‘s efficacy remains limited, this treatment has become an acceptable complementary healthcare technique in Europe and the US. Bioresonance can detect health conditions early when they’re more easily treatable.

Patients undergoing testing may feel a slight tingling sensation; however, most report no discomfort or pain during this 10-minute test. After concluding this portion of their appointment with their practitioner, the rest of time is dedicated to discussing results with the patient.

Once your results have been processed, your holistic practitioner will create a customized healing plan using nutritional supplements and homeopathic tinctures. This therapy can address many health issues including allergies and intolerances as well as sleep disorders and fatigue; stopping smoking; alleviating stomach pain; relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain relief may all benefit.


Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and safe method for identifying imbalances and improving overall health. It may help prevent diseases, reduce pain and promote healing; however it should not be seen as an alternative treatment approach but used alongside conventional medicines in order to facilitate natural healing processes in the body.

Underlying this treatment is the idea that unhealthy cells and organs emit abnormal electromagnetic waves, which can be detected using special devices and then adjusted to counteract negative frequencies and restore equilibrium to your body. Bioresonance therapy has also been touted as a possible cure for certain diseases, although there is no scientific support for this claim. Proponents of bioresonance believe that all matter emits electromagnetic waves. A healthy body emits waves that vibrate at a consistent frequency. If there’s an issue with DNA, however, these waves’ frequencies could change which could be detected by bioresonance machines and altered to correct it and avoid future illnesses.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine gaining increasing interest among holistic practitioners and consumers alike. Utilizing a Bicom machine, Bioresonance utilizes energy wavelength analysis of your body in order to detect bad frequencies before correcting them with optimal balance rebalancing techniques – similar to how acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine help the body heal itself.

Bioresonance scans differ from Western medical tests by offering a more holistic picture of your health, providing a full assessment. They can pinpoint the source of any condition and recommend changes to diet or lifestyle to address it effectively – such as in cases such as fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies asthma and autoimmune disorders.

Somatic EEG testing can also detect food intolerances and other harmful toxins that could be harming your health, so consulting a certified holistic health practitioner before beginning this test is highly advised. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding allergens before the exam will improve results by stabilizing energy fields and decreasing electromagnetic disturbances.
