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Bioresonance Testing – Discover Your Food Sensitivities and Start a Sensitive Elimination Diet

Bioresonance testing is a noninvasive, painless way to uncover your food sensitivities and begin an elimination diet for them. Additionally, this approach works well when dealing with chronic health conditions such as fibromyalgia or unexplained stomach pain.

Electrodermal testing (BIT) is based on the theory that diseased cells produce different electromagnetic oscillations than healthy ones, making their detection diagnostic while changing back to regular frequency potentially therapeutic. Advocates claim detecting such waves can detect disease while changing them back can treat it.


Bioresonance testing measures electromagnetic frequencies produced by the body, and compares them against frequencies available from an established database of frequencies. Test results can then be used to identify any imbalances which could be contributing to illness as well as providing tailored patient plans. The process is completely noninvasive and painless and can be completed either in clinic or from home.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that healthy biological organisms emit electromagnetic waves which vibrate harmoniously. If these electromagnetic waves become disrupted due to toxins, stress or poor diet they can lead to disease in organs and cells of the body – and Bioresonance therapy has proven successful at treating various conditions including allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue and even cancer.

Although bioresonance therapy lacks scientific proof to back its claims, many alternative health practitioners believe that bioresonance therapy is an effective means of healing cells that have become unhealthy. Furthermore, studies have also demonstrated how this non-invasive therapy can alleviate stress symptoms, stomach discomfort and overtraining in athletes.

Attracting increasing attention as an allergy and food sensitivity test, non-prick tests offer several distinct advantages over traditional skin-prick tests: non-invasiveness makes them suitable for those afraid of needles while its comprehensiveness can detect up to 975 food intolerances!

Bioresonance allergy tests offer pregnant women an effective and safe means of testing. Because bioresonance does not expose the unborn to radiation exposure, bioresonance can provide a more gentle solution than more invasive allergy tests – perfect for pregnant women seeking noninvasive testing methods that could harm their unborn.

Bioresonance hair tests provide similar information as blood or urine analyses, yet are much faster and easier. By collecting small samples of hair to produce resonance energy, they compare this against their database to detect any imbalances or toxins present within the body.

Bioresonance technology has become popular with top athletes, including the Swedish cross country skiing team that won gold at the 2016 Olympics. Their four members, Thobias Fredriksson, Mathias Fredriksson, Anders Sodergren, and Bjorn Lindrely all utilize bioresonance therapy in order to recover from any injuries they sustain during training or competitions and remain at peak physical condition.

Easy to Do

Bioresonance testing measures the frequencies emitted by all substances, living or nonliving. This frequency measurement can then be used to diagnose various disorders within the body; bioresonance can help detect issues before they become serious threats to an individual’s wellbeing.

Bioresonance machines such as the BICOM can detect imbalances in your body by measuring energy wavelengths produced by your cells and organs. Furthermore, they can identify which frequencies would best counteract those emitting unhealthy wavelengths to restore equilibrium within your system.

Food intolerances are one area in which bioresonance can prove particularly helpful in diagnosing. When visiting a holistic practitioner who specializes in this technology, he or she will use your hair sample to compare against a range of foods, drinks and environmental products that register high levels of intolerance – this information can then help develop an elimination diet plan to address them.

Bioresonance testing is typically quick and painless, typically taking under 60 minutes for full scans to complete. After processing and reviewing results with client, this time allows ample opportunity for questions and gaining clarity into findings.

If you would like to experience bioresonance testing for yourself, please reach out to our practice to book your appointment. For your own safety and peace of mind, if this is your first appointment with us please ensure to fill out and return our intake and consent forms prior to arriving – an email with this link will be sent prior to your visit.

Bioresonance testing can be an ideal alternative to allergy testing, which often requires blood samples pricking from your fingertip. Bioresonance is a safe, fast and effective way of discovering sensitivities so you can begin eliminating them from your diet and feel better overall. In addition to food intolerances, Bioresonance can also detect other common symptoms like bloating, menstrual pain, hot flushes and hormonal imbalances that might otherwise go undetected.


Bioresonance is an alternative healing therapy that utilizes electromagnetic waves emitted by all living organisms to diagnose potential health imbalances in the human body. Based on this concept, all living things emit electromagnetic energy waves; including humans. Their frequencies are then measured against a database to diagnose imbalances within our own bodies. Bioresonance has quickly gained in popularity among people looking for natural solutions to common health concerns.

The non-invasive test requires collecting hair or saliva samples using a special machine that detects their frequency in your body, sending the results back to a computer for analysis to detect stress on systems as well as toxic metals or chemicals that might pose dangers to health. You can choose to have this done regularly depending on your personal needs or just once.

Bioresonance tests offer an alternative to allergy testing that doesn’t involve pricking the finger to check for antibodies; thus making them ideal for people who fear needles or can’t tolerate blood. Furthermore, this noninvasive test can help determine your sensitivity levels as well as uncover foods which could be contributing to symptoms.

Bioresonance can help identify numerous health conditions, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, it can even assist athletes recovering from overtraining syndrome by reducing inflammation and balancing immunity while also encouraging recovery.

Although bioresonance testing can be used as an aid in improving overall health, it should not replace Western medical diagnostic tools. Instead, information gleaned through bioresonance should be evaluated by a holistic health practitioner and used towards supporting your wellness goals.

However, these side effects typically subside quickly and do not pose any danger. Bioresonance provides an effective and safe means of pinpointing health issues contributing to symptoms. Furthermore, it can identify nutritional changes or supplements which could strengthen your body and reestablish balance from within.


Alternative medicine advocates believe that humans emit electromagnetic frequencies which are measured by machines to identify imbalances in our bodies and treat them accordingly. Unfortunately, little scientific support exists to back this theory up; indeed some studies have concluded that its techniques do not effectively treat various health issues.

Bioresonance testing utilizes electromagnetic vibrations produced by all substances, both living and nonliving, to compare frequency patterns of their electromagnetic vibrations against that of various items such as food, beverages, vitamins, metals and more. This test can then help determine whether these items provide benefits or cause negative reactions within our bodies.

Bioresonance scans are quick and painless processes. Before beginning a scan, patients should drink plenty of water and avoid allergens to stabilize their energy field for maximum performance on bioresonance devices.

During a test, electrodes are attached to your skin and linked to a computer. A machine then reads frequencies emitted by cells within your body and matches them against specific substances; if these frequencies match up well enough, the machine can manipulate them so they vibrate at their natural frequencies.

Bioresonance therapy can be effective at treating numerous health conditions, including fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma and chronic sinusitis. Furthermore, it may help people stop smoking or recover from overtraining syndrome more quickly.

Bioresonance therapy depends on your unique symptoms and needs, with some people not experiencing any significant change from it while others experiencing complete recoveries as a result of treatment. Before making your decision about bioresonance therapy as an option for yourself, it’s important to understand its limitations as this decision should only be made after fully researching its implications.

Bioresonance therapy is an unproven form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), often used as either an adjunct or replacement to traditional therapies. Our painless food sensitivity test provides you with information about which items may cause allergic reactions in you and gives advice on how you can eliminate these items from your diet to enhance health.
