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Cymatherapy – An Energetic Bioresonance Book

Contrary to conventional medicine, which treats symptoms or illnesses directly, cymatherapy takes an holistic approach that addresses and eradicates their causes while simultaneously encouraging natural healing processes.

Every cell emits electromagnetic vibrations which, when out of sync with one another, can result in illness or disease. A BICOM machine allows us to identify these frequencies and send complementary electromagnetic vibrations that restore harmony to cells.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, holistic form of treatment that uses frequencies sent into the body to balance energy fields. Additionally, this therapy identifies imbalances and offers tailored therapies to address their source. Aiming to restore optimal function and wellbeing.

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Life forms contain information carriers in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns that vibrate in harmony in healthy biological organisms while disharmoniously in unhealthy ones. A bioresonance device detects these electromagnetic waves, and when healthy ones are found they can be amplified to improve normal functions while unhealthy ones can be inverted to reduce their negative impact on our bodies.

Bioresonance scanning is similar to electrodermal screening in that it detects instability at acupuncture points; however, its purpose is more scientific. Bioresonance reads frequency patterns created when toxins and stressors overwhelm our bodies’ incredible self-healing capabilities, leading to cell communication breakdown causing physical symptoms that arise as a result.

As part of your treatment, a practitioner will use a BICOM machine to scan your body in order to detect imbalances in its electromagnetic fluctuations spectrum and pinpoint their source. From there they will create an individually tailored homeopathic remedy in order to help your body release toxins more efficiently while improving cellular communication necessary for healing.


Bioresonance therapy has been proven effective for treating various conditions. A randomized controlled study in patients with psychosomatic diseases found that Bioresonance therapy helped alleviate their symptoms and improve gastrointestinal function, while it can be used to manage allergies as it desensitises immune systems and decrease allergic reactions. Additionally, Bioresonance can assist detoxification processes as it aids the body in eliminating toxins and heavy metals from its system.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Human bodies emit energy through electromagnetic vibrations known as physiological or harmonic vibrations, which allow its components to function normally. If these harmonic vibrations remain within an acceptable wavelength range, the self-regulating system works effectively; otherwise external factors or internal issues could disrupt this healthy flow and alter healthy vibration patterns causing dissonances that interfere with proper body healing processes. Bioresonance therapy seeks to identify these disturbances and restore balance to ensure maximum support of self-healing capabilities of the body.

Bioresonance machines use electrodes to gather data about electromagnetic waves emitted by your body, then separates these waves into harmonious or disharmonious frequencies before amplifying those that are beneficial while altering any that could potentially harm it. Once they’re separated out, these new frequencies are then transmitted back into your system to restore harmony while also neutralising negative information or vibrational interference that might otherwise exist.

By making lifestyle adjustments, your body’s cells and tissues can once more operate at peak efficiency, fighting against harmful substances that have built up within it more effectively than before. Furthermore, energy medicine may assist with pain management by targeting its root causes rather than just masking symptoms.

One key advantage is its noninvasive and quick nature; making the procedure extremely comfortable and safe for patients of all kinds. Therefore, this therapy is perfect for individuals who seek alternative or complementary approaches to medicine in order to identify what’s causing their health issues and find solutions.

BICOM device’s holistic approach to treating health disorders is highly respected by medical specialists such as allergists, general practitioners/internal medicine/naturopaths and naturopaths, ophthalmologists, gynecologists, dentists and urologists. Bioresonance has become an established form of medicine in Germany with costs covered by statutory health insurance; other countries may vary and for more accurate pricing information please reach out directly or contact our international representatives – they would be happy to assist.

How Can Bioresonance Therapy Help Me?

Heavy metals, toxins, high stress levels and health concerns such as hormonal imbalances, chromosome mutations, nutrient deficiencies or poor digestion can all interfere with your body’s energy frequencies and impair their functionality. Through bioresonance testing you can identify such issues so they can be addressed using various therapies.

Bioresonance therapy not only assists the immune system in breaking down toxins and supporting detoxification processes within your liver, kidneys and intestines; but can also reduce stress, boost mood and aid weight loss. Furthermore, this form of therapy may be utilized for various conditions including allergies, fibromyalgia, cancer, autoimmune diseases asthma or even eczema.

Bioresonance therapy uses BICOM (Bio Resonance) machines which are safe and noninvasive. Bioresonance works on the principle that electromagnetic oscillations produced by diseased organs or cancer cells differ from healthy tissue; these oscillations can be detected by bioresonance machines which will then invert them using specific frequencies to cancel out their presence.

Bioresonance scanning can provide relief for a number of other health issues by identifying imbalances in hormones, chromosomes and diet. Furthermore, it can detect emotional disturbances like depression anxiety and panic attacks.

Bioresonance therapy differs from traditional medicine by targeting imbalances in your energy fields directly, such as diet and lifestyle changes or supplements that may provide relief. Bioresonance has quickly become one of the go-to therapies in this modern era where more and more people prefer natural solutions over popping pills; get in touch with us now to see how this holistic therapy could benefit you!

How Can Bioresonance Therapy Help You?

Bioresonance therapy takes an integrative approach to healing by rebalancing energy flow within the body and correcting imbalances, with minimal side effects and noninvasive methods. Bioresonance aims at targeting root causes of conditions rather than simply masking symptoms with pharmaceutical solutions.

Sensory integration therapy (SIT) can be used to identify unhealthy frequencies of cells, toxins or parasites causing health issues in an individual, with specific frequencies applied by a therapist that “cancel out” these harmful frequencies to help the body heal itself. SIT may also help identify allergens triggering asthmatic attacks or allergies and identify allergen triggers as part of this process.

At bioresonance sessions, electrodes are attached to your body while an electromagnetic frequency emitting machine releases an invisible but harmless electromagnetic frequency that’s picked up by electrodes attached to your skin and processed by a computer. A therapist then selects an organ-specific frequency that corresponds with diseased areas of your body and sends this frequency directly back into it; healthy organs and tissues then use these signals to restore their normal resonant frequencies.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective solution to treating depression. Therapists using this form of biofeedback can target specific areas of the limbic system that control mood and feelings – specifically those regions regulated by hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine production in your brain – during a session to release these chemicals that enhance mood while relieving symptoms associated with depression.

Bioresonance therapy can also assist the body in ridding itself of harmful toxins caused by environmental toxins, metals or parasites. Detoxification using bioresonance can assist the liver, kidneys and GI tract to function more efficiently resulting in improved overall wellness for individuals.

Bioresonance therapy falls under alternative medicine and therefore does not fall within conventional insurance’s coverage; however, certain private health insurers are more open to covering costs associated with bioresonance sessions. If interested, get in touch with a reputable bioresonance practitioner to learn more and schedule your session today.


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