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What Can Bioresonance Screening Do For You?

Each organ and tissue in our bodies has a distinct electromagnetic vibration frequency, making their impactful symptoms highly identifiable by this means.

Disturbed frequencies manifest themselves through diseases and disorders. Bio resonance scanning measures these frequencies to identify any imbalances or imbalances that might exist.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to treat health conditions that interfere with energy functions in the body, drawing from both traditional and modern medicine practices. It combines electromagnetic frequencies and holistic medicine principles for an approach that balances energetic functions. According to its proponents, natural energies of the body may become disrupted due to stressors like diet, hormone imbalances, emotional issues or environmental toxins; bioresonance treatments aim to restore these vital energy functions so as to promote self-healing processes and self-healing mechanisms within yourself!

Bio resonance is an alternative method of strengthening immunity and treating illnesses such as cancer, allergies and chronic diseases. This technology works by measuring electromagnetic waves produced by your organs and tissues and then cancelling them out with an electronic device. According to theory, damaged cells and viruses emit different electromagnetic signals than healthy ones; bio resonance identifies these harmful signals while amplifying harmonic waves associated with healthy cells while neutralizing any potentially dangerous signals.

Results are then displayed on a computer screen and used to create treatment protocols to help your body restore its natural balance and heal itself. The process is completely non-invasive with no side effects. This option is perfect for people who do not wish to take medication or undergo surgery, making this an excellent solution.

Bioresonance scans are usually reserved for patients who have already tried traditional medicine, homeopathy and acupuncture; those seeking another method to overcome stubborn health problems.

An initial bioresonance session begins with an account of your medical history, followed by an hour-long test wherein the practitioner looks for imbalances in meridian points and any imbalances found can be used as indicators for possible nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplements that could reduce toxic load in your body.

Bioresonance therapy can be used to address imbalances such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, allergies, respiratory issues such as asthma and insomnia as well as hormonal problems like premenstrual pain or hot flushes. Furthermore, the treatment has proven its efficacy for strengthening immunity and avoiding future illness.

How does Bioresonance work?

Bioresonance devices use electromagnetic waves emitted by living and nonliving substances to measure vibrational frequencies at various Hertz. Bioresonance can detect these electromagnetic waves coming from your body to identify any imbalances or disturbances within its systems, before emitting counter frequencies that cancel them out and encourage your natural balance and self-healing capabilities.

Bioresonance machines utilize an array of electrodes to detect electromagnetic wavelengths emitted by cells and other tissues within your body as well as any foreign materials such as viruses, bacteria or toxins – these may interfere with normal body functioning resulting in symptoms such as food or environmental allergies, digestive issues, urinary issues, prostate issues, low immune defence, rheumatism or joint pain among others.

At your session, a practitioner will assess various points on your hands and feet based on ancient meridians used in Chinese medicine. Readings taken during this procedure will indicate how balanced or stressed each meridian is; elevated readings could signal inflammation while lower readings indicate tissue fatigue or degeneration.

The BICOM device is programmed with thousands of frequencies to identify what signals return and identify what’s causing imbalance in your body. Based on readings, the machine can then send out counter frequencies that cancel out unwanted signals – helping your body improve its natural balance and healing processes more easily.

Bioresonance therapy not only offers physical benefits, but can also offer emotional support and clarity by harmonizing energy fields in the body, increasing mental stability, and improving overall mood. Furthermore, it has been known to reduce stomach pain as well as assist with sleep issues.

Studies claiming Bioresonance can treat a range of maladies, such as fibromyalgia, muscle and nerve disorders, heart disease and depression have not been supported by scientific evidence and published in journals with dubious quality. Some researchers have even cast doubt upon their validity, claiming these studies contain numerous errors and have been misinterpreted by practitioners.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance?

Bioresonance scanning can detect pathogenic infections like Candida or parasites and assist the body to eliminate them, while it also detects vitamin and mineral deficiencies that are missed in conventional blood tests, and identify which symptoms have an actual cause versus those which could be psychosomatic.

At home or on the go, this method has proved highly successful in treating allergies and sensitivities by identifying electromagnetic frequencies associated with allergens and helping the body desensitise. Furthermore, it can identify any foods or supplements which do not match up to your energetic needs and offer more of a tailored diet plan, potentially cutting costs by eliminating items not serving you over time.

BICOM device is completely safe and non-invasive, powered by a small battery (usually 12v), using low electromagnetic frequencies for treatment. Used in its own separate room away from other household appliances and having no effect on electronics or equipment in any way whatsoever; unlike electrotherapy which uses electrodes on the skin to deliver its treatment, bioresonance does not require touching of any sort and painlessly delivers its treatments without touching of the body whatsoever.

Standard blood tests cannot always identify stress factors that are contributing to illness, such as parasites or past infection. Functional imaging may help detect hidden imbalances caused by environmental toxins, food or other substances; detect changes to immune function; improve function of antioxidant enzymes; detect changes to immune system response patterns and identify inflammatory changes within an immune system and enhance function of antioxidant enzymes.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy in treating rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing antioxidant function within the body and decreasing inflammation, but these trials were limited and uncontrolled.

Bioresonance practitioners frequently assert that their technology can treat cancer and other serious diseases, yet this claim is unsupported by any clinical data and the American Cancer Society advises cancer patients against seeking treatments through unproven electrical devices.

Are Bioresonance treatments safe?

Bioresonance therapy entails attaching electrodes to your body and sending out electromagnetic waves, with proponents claiming this treatment can detect unhealthy frequencies in our cells and restore them back to their original frequency – treating diseases such as cancer. Although bioresonance has shown some positive results in terms of treating certain health problems, research on its efficacy remains limited compared with anecdotal reports of its success.

Bioenergetic testing shouldn’t be seen as a replacement to Western medical diagnostic tools; rather, it provides information you can use in conjunction with holistic health choices to strengthen and restore balance to your body. For instance, bioresonance scans can reveal that low stomach acid levels could be contributing to digestive issues; should this be the case, you could add digestive support supplements into your diet and look into ways to increase this acid production.

Bioresonance can also help identify other ailments. Food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders such as peptic ulcers and prostatitis can all be diagnosed using this technique, along with parasites in your body which need eliminating. Furthermore, it may even help alleviate symptoms associated with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis by helping antioxidants function optimally in order to decrease its severity.

As with any holistic wellness treatment, bioresonance should not be seen as a cure for serious illness. Furthermore, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid bioresonance treatments while pregnant or breastfeeding; however some practitioners believe bioresonance may be safe when used on children or infants in utero.

An experienced practitioner will know which programs are safe to use on children and babies, with sessions typically lasting no longer than 60 minutes per session – making bioresonance testing an attractive alternative to treating health issues. Before undertaking bioresonance testing, always complete and submit an intake and consent form so your results can be accurately interpreted by your practitioner.
