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What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance (commonly referred to as electrodermal testing or vibrational medicine) is a noninvasive healing therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to address illness. Bioresonance works to restore organ resonances within your body and kickstart an intuitive self-healing process.

Research has demonstrated that combination therapy can better alleviate depressive symptoms than monotherapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy, along with homeopathy and acupuncture, draws its strength from quantum physics. It works on the principle that each substance – from cells and body parts to viruses, bacteria, pollen, chemicals and even thoughts and emotions – possess a specific electromagnetic frequency which can be detected, amplified, graphed and studied.

Proponents of this theory assert that illness occurs when an ideal frequency of cells is disturbed due to external and internal influences, leading them to emit electromagnetic waves with potentially unhealthy characteristics that can be detected with bioresonance machines. By returning these waves to their original frequencies, according to this theory, good health will be restored in your body.

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves to pinpoint unhealthy frequencies in the body by scanning it for electromagnetic wavelengths that differ from its own and then comparing these wavelengths against known ailments in order to detect pathologies. Finally, the device manipulates these wavelengths so cells vibrate at their natural frequency – with the goal being curing any diseases identified as pathologies.

According to one theory, electromagnetic waves produced by vibrating cells send messages to surrounding cells telling them that their frequencies must change to help correct the imbalance created by toxic substances and allow healthy cells to communicate more freely amongst themselves. In theory, healthy cells would then be able to continue communicating unimpeded.

This device claims to identify and treat parasites, bacteria and viruses, detect inflammation and abnormal tissue growth as well as detect presence of toxins, hormones, vitamins or minerals among other things.

Extreme sensitivity enables it to differentiate the electromagnetic signatures of each organ and symptom, and can even detect cancerous tumours early. Furthermore, its measurement of oxygen in the blood stream provides another key indicator for good health.

Bioresonance therapy has long been touted as an effective means of treating everything from chronic pain and asthmatic respiratory conditions, digestive problems and psychological disorders – but there is no scientific support behind such claims. While considered alternative medicine, studies have demonstrated how bioresonance can reduce symptoms in some patients.

How does Bioresonance work?

Bioresonance therapy has rapidly gained in popularity within the holistic health community. Based on electromagnetic signals produced by our bodies, which carry information about natural balance and wellness. Bioresonance uses different protocols to identify and alter harmful energy frequencies to restore equilibrium within the body and treat any root causes of illness rather than simply mask symptoms with drugs.

Electrodes are used to connect skin-mounted electrodes to a machine which measures energy wavelengths that the body emits, such as radiowaves. The machine records and analyzes this signal and uses it to manipulate frequencies to correct imbalances within the body – as in one study where bioresonance helped people break their nicotine addiction by altering harmful frequencies associated with nicotine addiction.

Studies of quantum physics demonstrate that all matter, including human bodies, consists of both particles and waves. All substances such as cells, tissues and pathogens (viri, bacteria or toxins) emit electromagnetic waves with unique frequencies that can be recorded and analyzed with Bicom-Optima bioresonance scanner.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves and modifies them into frequencies more harmonious with our bodies’ natural frequencies, known as resonance healing. Bioresonance is a gentle yet noninvasive form of medicine which has proven successful at treating various conditions including arthritis, fibromyalgia, food allergies, urinary tract disorders, low immune defenses, insomnia and more.

Advocates of bioresonance assert that it can reverse genetic mutations associated with cancer; however, these claims have yet to be proven through controlled studies and even the Food and Drug Administration has sued at least one person who makes unproven claims regarding bioresonance‘s potential ability to treat cancer.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance therapy?

Discoveries in quantum physics demonstrate that all matter and energy, including our cells and organs, emit electromagnetic waves with unique frequencies; these electromagnetic signatures are known as frequency signatures.

Bioresonance therapy employs electrodes applied directly to the skin and connected to a machine which reads energy wavelengths, checking for blockages or interferences as well as toxic stressors which, once found, are neutralised by this machine to allow cells to communicate normally again and promote self-healing.

One study demonstrated that patients suffering from fibromyalgia saw an average 72 percent reduction in muscle pain from using manual and point massage therapy combined with bioresonance. This compares with just 37 percent improvement for those receiving only manual and point massage therapy without bioresonance use. Researchers attribute these positive results to bioresonance‘s ability to relax muscles while at the same time decreasing toxicity levels.

One benefit of this type of therapy is its effectiveness in treating allergies. This stems from its ability to balance out how your body uses antioxidants against free radicals. Furthermore, this therapy may aid with treating rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing how antioxidants operate within your body – potentially lessening tissue damage caused by this condition.

Bioresonance therapy also provides other benefits, including early detection of toxins that could help ward off serious diseases. By inverting their frequencies like noise-cancelling headphones do, bioresonance therapy is capable of detecting such stressors allowing our cells to communicate naturally once more.

Bioresonance therapy has the ability to effectively treat many conditions, ranging from cancer and chronic diseases, autoimmune disorders and respiratory conditions like asthma. It can also be used for mental health improvements including stress and depression relief as well as sports injury treatments such as decreasing inflammation and relaxing muscles.

Bioresonance therapy does not cause any known side effects or contraindications, making it safe and appropriate for anyone, including those with pacemakers. Furthermore, other forms of treatment, such as acupuncture and homeopathy can enhance its results for maximum effect.

What are the limitations of Bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy‘s efficacy will depend on your personal circumstances and can treat conditions as varied as allergies, digestive issues and skin ailments. Furthermore, detoxification aid is another powerful use for bioresonance that may aid weight loss efforts while improving energy levels.

At a treatment session, electrodes are applied to a patient and connected to a machine which measures electromagnetic vibrations within their body. After gathering information about any dissonant vibrations that arise, this machine then manipulates energy frequencies to correct discordant ones – this process is known as diagnosis. Once corrected, those frequencies are transmitted back through electrodes onto their bodies so as to restore harmony and harmony back into balance.

This therapy is founded on the assumption that living things, including humans, emit and absorb electromagnetic vibrations which are converted into electrical signals by body cells to pass along information to one another about how their state of health changes over time.

Bioresonance sessions require clients to relax while lying on a comfortable surface and lying with electrodes connected to a computer that will record electromagnetic frequency of each cell in their bodies and detect blockages or interferences with energy flow such as heavy metal build-up or unhealthy stress levels.

Once results are compiled, bioresonance therapists use them to formulate a program tailored specifically to address imbalances within the body. This may involve eliminating toxins, improving diet and sleep quality, decreasing stress levels and increasing relaxation levels. Finally, electrodes will deliver appropriate frequencies back into your system, which are believed to restore electromagnetic wave equilibrium while augmenting natural healing processes in the body.
