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What Is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances within the body and can then modify its frequency in order to treat and diagnose illness.

Some holistic health practitioners offer testing and treatments designed to strengthen your body’s innate healing mechanisms. A range of bioresonance systems such as Bicom, e-Lybra, Amp Coil are available for scanning and balancing the bio-field; such as Bicom, e-Lybra, Amp Coil etc are used.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat a wide variety of health ailments. According to its proponents, various diseases produce distinct resonance in electromagnetic waves produced by our bodies’ cells. A bioresonance machine can read these electromagnetic signals to pinpoint areas affected by disease – providing practitioners with information they can use to address imbalances that cause health issues in the body.

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Bioresonance treatments involve placing electrodes on the skin and connecting them to a machine that emits electromagnetic waves. Once connected, this machine sends out signals into your body via electrodes; healthy cells will respond by transmitting back a clear signal that can be detected by the machine; otherwise it will read it and emit electromagnetic waves to neutralise any unhealthy organs or cells by emitting waves that counteract it.

Practitioners claim that bioresonance scanning can detect and remove harmful substances from the body while stimulating cellular regeneration. They also believe it provides insight into one’s internal state, including stress levels and emotional wellbeing – information which could then be used to create an individualized treatment plan for their patient.

Although bioresonance remains an ineffective therapy, some small studies indicate its potential effectiveness. One such bioresonance therapy study conducted with patients experiencing recurrent depression found that this therapy significantly reduced severity when compared with patients receiving selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication; however, results of such studies should not be taken as clinically meaningful and it’s essential that people seek alternative evidence-based treatments for depression.


Bioresonance therapy sessions typically start off by reviewing a patient’s medical history, performing an energetic system scan and designing personalized protocols. Applicators will be placed on various parts of the forehead, hands and feet as well as organs or reflex zones while sitting or lying down; then all incoming information recorded by bioresonance device and sent back out into organism where it can be transformed – harmonious frequency patterns amplified while disharmonic ones reduced/neutralized for immune system response purposes.

Bioresonance Testing

Bioresonance testing can provide a valuable way of discovering what’s causing your condition or whether your body is functioning optimally. While conventional medical diagnostic tools focus on analysing physical signs and symptoms, bioresonance scans instead measure frequencies produced by cells within your body and surrounding environment to help identify imbalances and provide treatments. By doing this, a trained holistic practitioner can identify imbalances while offering solutions.

Your first step to bioresonance biocomputer therapy involves lying down with applicators attached to a machine known as BICOM (bioresonance biocomputer). Once connected, this machine collects energy signals from organs, reflex points and other parts of your body systems before processing this information and using internal filters to separate out healthy frequencies from unhealthy ones before feeding back healthy frequencies back into your body by amplifying or weakening disharmonic ones.

During your test, the machine also measures how often certain substances occur in your body. For example, if your system becomes overburdened with toxins and pollutants, the BICOM will detect this and send back a signal telling it to flush itself of them.

An Analyzer can also measure the frequency of different foods and nutritional supplements taken. A trained holistic health practitioner can then analyze these results to see which supplements correlate to meridian points most out of balance and determine which nutritional, herbal and homeopathic remedies may provide the greatest relief.

A therapist will then use the BICOM to transmit these frequencies into your body using its active points, where they can influence natural recovery processes that could reverse or prevent many medical conditions.

Bioresonance falls under complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), along with therapies like acupuncture, herbal remedies and meditation. Due to this classification it is not covered by state health insurance; however some private health insurers may cover costs partially or wholly; before scheduling your appointment you should inquire if this applies – the entire process takes only about 60 minutes!

Bioresonance Treatment

Bioresonance machines work by comparing oscillations generated by healthy organs to those released by diseased ones, and when they detect an offending vibration they employ destructive wave interference to cancel it out and create an effective patient-machine circuit so as to restore harmony to affected organs or apparatus.

The device connects with patients using electrodes which transmit oscillations from their bodies directly. These electrodes can distinguish harmonic from disharmonic oscillations and send only those which match harmonic oscillations directly to the machine for processing, broadcasting or cancelling out diseased vibrations – creating a closed patient-machine system which works where energy blocks occur and helps restore balance by clearing away toxins from their system and helping the body rid itself of excess energies.

Bioresonance tests administered by a certified holistic health practitioner can be invaluable in pinpointing foods or environmental stressors that interfere with your body’s natural balance, as well as finding out their source to enable personalized approaches to treatment.

Studies published in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis demonstrated that bioresonance therapy could effectively treat recurrent depression without using pharmaceutical agents, with results comparable to monotherapy using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Studies have also demonstrated how bioresonance therapy can assist fibromyalgia sufferers by speeding up the recovery process and relieving stomach pain according to one small research project that compared bioresonance therapy with manual and massage therapies.

However, evidence for these claims is scant and the technology is currently disapproved of by medical professionals. For instance, the Advertising Standards Authority upheld an advertising complaint against a company which claimed bioresonance therapy could treat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, allergies and asthma using clinical papers submitted that weren’t peer reviewed, unrelated to those advertised and often unrelated altogether. Furthermore, devices used for bioresonance testing must first receive CE marking and approval for medical use before being sold in any market place.

Bioresonance Therapy for Hormonal Imbalances

Bioresonance therapy offers many women relief from symptoms associated with hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout life, from menstrual discomfort and menstrual cramping in young women, to premenopausal symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness in older ones. Bioresonance uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance energy within the body and decrease these discomforts so hormones can function as intended.

Bioresonance therapy helps the body rid itself of toxins and heavy metals by supporting its detoxification process, leading to improvements in general well-being and mental health. Furthermore, this form of therapy may assist with emotional imbalances like stress or anxiety disorders by rebalancing energy systems within the body, encouraging relaxation and improving mental clarity.

Bioresonance therapy is an excellent way to address allergies, as it identifies specific allergens and the imbalances causing them. Once identified, bioresonance can recommend treatment strategies aimed at eliminating or tolerating them better within your body.

Food allergy tests can also uncover food intolerances, providing a crucial opportunity to focus on building your health through those foods which support it and avoid those which don’t.

Many clients experience improvements in various aspects of their health and wellbeing after bioresonance therapy sessions. It should be noted that bioresonance therapy should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatments; before making changes to your treatment plan or making any decisions based on it alone.

Quantum Functional Medicine offers bioresonance therapy as a powerful solution to restore natural functioning in your body. Let our experienced team conduct a full assessment and diagnosis, followed by tailored treatments designed to restore it. Book an appointment now – you’ll be amazed how your health changes when we address underlying imbalances! Our goal is to assist in taking your wellness journey further!


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