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Low Energy Shock Wave Therapy For Hip Bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is a type of hip pain caused by friction between tendons and your greater trochanter bone in your hip, leading to inflammation that leads to painful symptoms during activity such as running or walking.

Shockwave therapy uses pressure waves to activate your body’s healing processes. According to recent research findings, researchers discovered that using ESWT with a focused machine improved VAS scores at two months more effectively than its control group counterpart.

Increased Blood Flow

Like flowers that wilt from lack of water, injured hip tissue requires plenty of blood flow to heal quickly and avoid future injury and recurrence. Blood provides healing nutrients and oxygen while simultaneously flushing away waste products that clog the lymphatic system. Without adequate blood flow, your tissue won’t heal fast and may remain susceptible to further injury and recurrence.

Hip bursitis can arise for various reasons. Injury, such as falling on your hip or being hit hard in athletic activity, can damage the bursa sac. Rheumatoid arthritis or spine disease such as scoliosis may also contribute to hip discomfort; finally leg length differences that make one side heavier than another may also impact it negatively.

Hip Bursitis can cause your muscles and tendons to tighten up and restrict, placing pressure on the bursa sac and leading to irritation, inflammation and pain. Applying a TShellz Wrap(r) on the area in question may relax these tissues while taking pressure off of it and helping it heal itself more quickly.

If your hip pain persists, your doctor may suggest extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT). ESWT is a noninvasive procedure that uses impulse pressure waves sent through skin by device emitting focused or radial shockwaves; unlike higher energy shockwaves, low energy impulses provide safe and effective solutions for treating hip bursitis.

Researchers conducted a recent clinical trial and discovered that focused shockwave therapy has an immediate success rate of 83.3% when treating trochanteric hip bursitis, and results can last at least two months after initial treatments are finished. Furthermore, combining focused shockwave therapy sessions with exercise proved particularly effective at improving outcomes among those patients who did not respond to either modality alone.

Stimulates Tissue Healing

ESWT utilizes pressure to produce mechanical forces that stimulate tissue regeneration, including breaking down scar tissue and calcification. This therapy may prove especially helpful in tendon injuries which typically do not receive sufficient blood supply and thus heal more slowly than other tissues.

As part of treatment, you may experience some discomfort; the intensity will depend on each person as the shock waves target the injured site and will only cause pain if they hit scar tissue or calcification. Also, where we treat you can make a difference – areas with less muscle and bone such as hips may be more sensitive than areas like calves.

ESWT can be an effective means of breaking down scar tissue and increasing circulation, as well as strengthening muscles around a joint that have been injured, to assist your body’s healing process and return you back to regular functioning faster.

Trochanteric bursitis is pain on the outside of either hip or thigh caused by inflammation in the greater trochanter bursa, a fluid-filled sac located over a bony prominence (such as on top of pelvic bone) that assists muscles and tendons move smoothly. Repetitive activities that compress or pinch this sac such as walking on uneven surfaces, stairs or running can aggravate it; other potential sources include hip replacement surgery, arthritis or an autoimmune condition such as rheumatoid arthritis.

At Complete, we offer FDA-cleared shockwave therapy using SoftWave’s unfocused shock waves for therapy of hip bursitis. Clinical studies have shown that patients treated with SoftWave saw significant relief of symptoms and an improvement of Roles and Maudsley scores from 0 (excellent result) to 4 (identical or worse than before treatment).

Reduces Pain

Hip bursitis treatments aim to decrease inflammation and pain associated with it. There are over 150 bursae in the body; fluid-filled sacs that function like sliding sheets to absorb points of friction in order to avoid injury. The greater trochanteric bursa is most frequently affected in hip bursitis cases but may also be affected by excessive friction or compression; other methods include rest, ice packs, cryotherapy, biophysical therapy, kinesitherapy as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication or physical injections.

Hip bursitis pain can be intense and disruptive to sleep. Its sharp and achy sensation may become most unbearable when sitting or lying on the affected leg; it may also manifest when getting out of bed in the morning and moving about throughout the day.

Studies have confirmed ESWT to be an effective and safe treatment option for hip bursitis, often without needing imaging or altering activities. Patients can often begin treatment without delay and typically only require to make some minor lifestyle modifications during therapy sessions.

ESWT utilizes shockwaves to increase blood flow and tissue healing. These waves can also create focal responses within tissues, acting as anti-inflammatories against hip bursitis symptoms. While discomfort varies among individuals, typically it is minimal compared to other orthopedic treatments like tendon calcification or plantar fasciitis associated with heel spurs.

Hip pain may have various causes. It is crucial that an accurate diagnosis be made in order to provide effective treatments. When dealing with hip pain on the outside, a doctor will perform a full physical exam as well as order an X-ray or MRI scan in order to rule out other causes and ensure a timely recovery process.


Shockwaves sent through your body by an external device can promote healing at a cellular level, improve blood flow and stimulate your natural healing processes. Furthermore, these waves may break up calcifications, alleviate knotted muscles and relieve scar tissue adhesions that contribute to pain relief – all noninvasively without injections or surgery being required.

Shockwave therapy should be understood to cause some pain both during and after your session, due to how your body reacts. As part of patient education efforts, take extra steps in explaining its risks as well as any uncertainty of its success for specific situations.

Furia JP, Rompe JD and Maffulli N published research in 2018 which demonstrated the efficacy of radial ESWT as an effective treatment for greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS). GTPS involves inflammation of the bursa located over the greater trochanter on either side of your hip bone resulting from repetitive or overuse activities like running, sitting for too long periods or exercising – these activities often contribute to its painful symptoms.

Untreated GTPS can lead to hip fractures, osteoarthritis and sciatica if left untreated, while Shockwave therapy may help alleviate all three conditions – but especially so for athletes or anyone engaging in repetitive tasks regularly. We invite you to contact our office now to find out if shockwave therapy could provide relief from your hip pain; take advantage of our new patient special today to start treatment!

No Surgery

At the core of treating hip bursitis is understanding its source, often through physical examination and imaging technology like X-rays or MRI scans. Once identified, treatment typically aims at relieving pain and inflammation while improving mobility and preventing future flare-ups; shockwave therapy may even be utilized alongside traditional remedies in order to maximize patient results.

Physical therapy may help strengthen quadriceps and gluteal muscles as well as stretch iliotibial band (IT band), helping runners prevent future flare-ups of hip bursitis. Other treatments might include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone injections – these injections may reduce swelling, ease pain, and decrease inflammation – making it an excellent solution when suffering from hip bursitis flare-up.

An alternative treatment option for hip bursitis patients may include minimally invasive surgery called arthroscopic removal of the bursa, which typically offers less discomfort and requires a shorter recovery period than traditional hip surgeries. Studies have proven its efficacy when combined with other forms of treatment.

Though its specific mechanisms remain poorly understood, research has demonstrated its ability to promote healing of injured tissues. While various shockwave therapies use different mechanisms, all use pressure pulses released through devices which focus or spread these pulses across an injury site – something particularly helpful in cases such as chronic tendinopathies such as hip bursitis which are difficult to treat with traditional methods.


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