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High Frequency Current Therapy

High frequency current therapy uses an electrical current which flows back and forth across your tissues, heating and stimulating them for various biological benefits.

This randomized controlled trial evaluated the noninferiority and superiority of HF10 therapy as compared with traditional spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in treating chronic intractable back and leg pain.

Acne Treatment

High frequency is a non-abrasive treatment option that will not leave your skin peeling or reddening, making it suitable for most skin types. The treatment works by gently warming the surface of the skin and stimulating nerve endings – helping flush away toxins, eliminate acne bacteria that could be contributing to breakouts, stimulate collagen production for reduced fine lines and wrinkles, as well as flush away toxins through sweat.

High frequency machines contain inert gas held within a glass electrode that, when exposed to electrical current, ignites, producing healing light energy as well as unstable oxygen that instantly forms purifying ozone. Placing an electrode against your skin causes a therapeutic zapping or mild tingling sensation that is felt.

Heat- and oxygen-generating powers work together to kill stubborn acne bacteria below the skin’s surface, which helps prevent future outbreaks and tighten pores to allow your skincare products to penetrate more effectively.

Many clients notice a difference after just one treatment session, while others may need multiple. We typically suggest three to six sessions for maximum effect and monthly maintenance treatments afterwards to maintain healthy skin and keep you looking younger for longer.

Your therapist will determine which high frequency current treatment method best suits your skin type, either direct or indirect high frequency current. With direct current, an electrode will be placed against the skin while for indirect treatments the client holds the electrode while being treated by their therapist.

High frequency is a safe form of electromagnetic therapy used for over a century by spa professionals in Europe and America. This technology has also proven beneficial in treating various conditions including migraines, neuralgia, tuberculosis and cancer. Furthermore, physical antiseptic properties of this form of high frequency treatment make it more effective than antibiotics at treating wound pathogens; and can serve as a pain reliever when combined with common antibiotic treatments – as well as helping alleviate insomnia!

Skin Rejuvenation

High frequency currents help heal skin wounds while increasing circulation, creating radiant and youthful-looking results. High frequency currents also can reduce fine lines and wrinkles while shrinking pores while clearing away toxins, killing acne-causing bacteria, and diminishing dark eye circles – ideal treatments for all skin types – particularly oily or mildly acne-prone.

At a high-frequency treatment session, your therapist will place one or more glass electrodes onto the skin or face/body area of the client. Each electrode contains special gases like Argon (which produces violet/blue light rays) or Neon (which produces orange light rays), with which an electric current passes through and reacts with to produce oxygen molecules that penetrate deep into skin layers, stimulating natural processes while rejuvenating.

The oscillating back and forth movement of an electric current creates warmth in tissue and causes cell membrane vibration, stimulating fibroblasts and increasing collagen production. Depending on which gas is used, electric current may either have an irritating or beneficial impact.

High-frequency currents offer an alternative anti-aging treatment option without harming the outer layers of skin, making it suitable for all types. Furthermore, their noninvasive nature makes them an excellent solution for those with sensitive skin.

For optimal results, three to six sessions should be undertaken for best results. After that, maintenance treatments should be administered regularly as necessary.

High-frequency is an alternative solution to more invasive surgical procedures like Botox. Furthermore, its treatment is less costly and doesn’t require downtime – offering potential to reduce acne breakouts and blemishes, tighten the skin, improve pore size, firm the complexion, reduce wrinkles, increase collagen and elastin, enhance appearance of dry or dehydrated skin and more.

High-frequency facials produce similar results to laser peels without the discomfort or downtime, plus cumulative and long-term benefits far outstrip those from a single treatment session of laser peels.

Hair Growth

High frequency current therapy offers an effective solution for many haircare problems, including excessive hair loss, thinning hair and uncontrolled dandruff. Utilizing UV and high frequency rays, this therapy utilizes them to rejuvenate the scalp and encourage new hair growth – this combination brings out the best features of traditional therapies while modern rejuvenation methods for unparalleled results.

This treatment utilizes a comb equipped with a high-frequency generator emitting 250,000 Hz of electrical stimulation, placed directly onto your scalp to stimulate hair follicles and accelerate metabolism in cells, thus increasing cell turnover rates, making follicles healthier, and encouraging stronger hair growth.

Simultaneously, the comb stimulates your sebaceous glands to produce more oil that moisturises your scalp, kills bacteria and reduces itchiness – this prevents dandruff while simultaneously decreasing hair fall gradually; in addition, rapid increase of hair thickness was noted following treatment.

The comb can also help improve blood circulation and oxygen and nutrient supplies to your follicles, making them more responsive to post-treatment hair growth formulas and helping prevent hair thinning by limiting dead skin cell accumulation and increasing scalp oil distribution. This treatment also acts as a preventative measure against hair thinning by eliminating dead skin cell accumulation while simultaneously increasing scalp oil distribution and mitigating hair thinning effects.

Additionally, this treatment helps promote relaxation through frequent head massages and hair steams, while at the same time helping reduce dandruff by eliminating excess oil and encouraging new cells in your scalp to grow. Furthermore, it’s safe for use on all hair types including dyed and chemically treated ones and men and women suffering from various hair problems such as thinning hair to alopecia and male pattern baldness. Furthermore, its ease of implementation makes this highly effective treatment highly accessible – though too frequent treatments could potentially harm health; two sessions should suffice.

Weight Loss

High frequency current therapy has become an increasingly popular non-invasive means of combatting obesity. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at stimulating internal tissues and decreasing fat deposits while simultaneously improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, ultimately leading to more balanced metabolisms and ultimately leading to decreased body fat contents.

Researchers recently conducted a study demonstrating how combining HIFEM with radiofrequency heating significantly enhanced treatment results. Patients were divided into two groups; the first received treatments from both devices simultaneously while only HIFEM treatments were given to the second. Patients receiving both treatments experienced significant reductions of abdominal visceral fat length which coincided with decreased waist circumference – meaning these results can help prevent cardiovascular and other adult diseases associated with excess stomach fat accumulation.

HIFEM devices are electrotherapy devices that generate alternating currents by discharging a capacitor through an inductor with low-ohmic resistance. This action produces magnetic fields which rotate dipolar molecules within tissues, producing heat. Their frequency determines their therapeutic impact: low frequencies have irritating, trophic or analgesic effects while higher frequencies stimulate metabolism and accelerate recovery processes.

Recent breakthroughs have made simultaneous delivery of HIFEM and radiofrequency energy impossible, due to metal applicators creating electromagnetic interference (EMI). But thanks to recent proprietary engineering advances, scientists have created a solution that enables simultaneous delivery of both therapies at the same time. With their proprietary engineering solution, scientists were able to position radiofrequency electrodes near HIFEM electrodes and use special designs that make the radiofrequency electrode largely transparent to magnetic fields while remaining insulated between each electrode to eliminate EMI altogether. Recently approved by FDA and now widely used commercial devices! This patented technology was approved clinical use by FDA approval for clinical use as commercial devices!
