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How a Sound Frequency Therapy Device Can Help You Detoxify Naturally

sound frequency therapy device

Every cell in our bodies vibrates at its own frequency, and instruments or vocals may interact with those cells to create specific results; in this instance, aiding healing.

Sound frequencies have many therapeutic applications, and WAVwatch is an affordable wearable device that emits harmonic resonant RIFE frequencies to treat common health issues.

Stress Reduction

Sound frequency therapy is an excellent solution to chronic stress, low energy levels, insomnia or anxiety. Studies have proven its efficacy at encouraging relaxation, lowering blood pressure and improving heart health – as well as relieving symptoms associated with diarrhea, constipation and knee pain, headaches or other ailments. You may have even read stories in the media highlighting its use to treat tinnitus or improve tremors!

Frequencies impact the brain and nervous system differently; sounds stimulate the frontal lobes and limbic system of the brain to promote more positive thinking and stimulate memory storage in the hippocampus. When this happens, your body shifts into parasympathetic mode – rest and digest mode that assists digestion while helping your body heal itself.

Sound frequencies can also energize mitochondria in cells to supply the energy necessary for the Krebs cycle and produce ATP, the fuel source for all body activities. As such, many individuals find therapeutic frequency healing solutions can restore vitality and wellbeing after use.

As research on this subject continues, we are becoming more knowledgeable of how music and sound can enhance physical and emotional wellness. Our wise ancestors knew this long ago; now modern science is catching up.

According to research, every organ, tissue and cell has a specific vibrational frequency that resonates through it. According to sonocytology studies, cancerous cells vibrated at different frequencies than healthy ones. Our brain also emits various frequencies that we are now able to track with brainwave monitoring tools.

Solfeggio frequencies, ancient tunings known to promote healing and regeneration, are used in healing sessions. When playing these frequencies during treatment sessions they are played in such a way as to produce binaural beats; their difference in hertz causes brain waves to sync together creating the perception of an additional tone which alters both mood and state of arousal.

Pain Relief

Sound frequencies applied directly to the body can trigger cellular-level healing processes and help balance body systems for natural, drug-free pain relief – particularly effective against ailments associated with arthritis, back problems, chronic fatigue and emotional trauma.

One of the greatest aspects of sound therapy is that its effects can be felt immediately. For instance, if you have tight muscles or joints that need some TLC, use the Mid Ohm Tuning Fork to ease tension and promote natural healing processes within the body. Or if after an intensive hike your knees or shoulders hurt a great deal more than usual use Ohm Tuning Forks to soothe muscles and reduce inflammation.

Sound frequency therapy can also be an effective means of treating various medical ailments, including tinnitus, digestive tract issues, tremors and knee pain. Many individuals find its effects can supplement or even replace powerful prescription medicines they’re currently taking to manage symptoms such as headaches.

As more research is done, it has become clear that sound therapy can be an effective therapy to treat various illnesses and conditions. A 12-week pilot study demonstrated this by showing how applying low frequency sound wave stimulation therapy through hands and feet could effectively relieve pain while improving function in patients suffering chronic lower back pain.

Though some may perceive music therapy as “weird,” Roberts insists on using accurate terminology so as to not get attacked by medical establishment. Instead, she focuses on explaining how soundworks to stimulate healthy responses – at its heart lies relaxation as part of Roberts’ approach.

She employs sound frequencies of 432 Hz to foster a sense of Oneness and aid in healing on an emotional level, and 528 Hz (which has been touted as responsible for miracles) to promote healing at a cellular level by increasing ATP production in mitochondria (pictured above) which supplies your cells with energy required to operate optimally.


Sound therapy can help you relax in many different ways. Practitioners of this practice use various sound frequencies – such as chimes, drums or chanting to produce specific intervals of sounds for therapeutic and relaxation purposes; other practitioners use gongs, Himalayan singing bowls or Tibetan crystal bowls with different frequency vibrations that transmit these waves through the body to soothe muscles and promote peace and well-being.

Sound frequencies can help relieve stress and facilitate better sleep while stimulating the brain to alleviate anxiety and promote emotional balance. Furthermore, these frequencies may also be used to remove imprints left by toxic substances or emotional trauma from cellular memory and restore equilibrium through resonance principle re-harmonizing cells that have become out of balance due to environmental factors or long-term exposure to specific types of music.

Lower brainwave patterns produced by these frequencies can stimulate creativity and enhance your learning capacity, as well as help you find more beneficial methods of managing your life – giving rise to inner stability and peace.

Though its exact mechanism of action remains unknown, these frequencies have been shown to benefit immune stimulation and healthy blood circulation, relieving pain and tension throughout your body as well as improving concentration and providing greater sense of security.

Solfeggio frequencies have become an increasingly popular form of sound healing, as their frequencies interact with your brain to provide mental, emotional, and physical benefits. Recently rediscovered by biochemist Glen Reins who discovered some music types can actually heal DNA while others harm it

Gamma waves can be particularly effective at clearing away negative energy, and this is one of the reasons people opt for sound bath treatments. Gamma waves penetrate deeply into cells to release any negative blockages. Furthermore, this frequency can improve concentration while raising levels of ATP within your mitochondria – helping your body produce energy faster.


Sound frequency therapy devices, when combined with healthy diet and exercise regimens, probiotics/prebiotics supplements, spending time outdoors and decreasing stress levels, can assist the body’s natural detoxification processes. Some individuals may react adversely to certain frequencies; it is therefore imperative that practitioners are aware of this.

Balance is key, and too much of anything can be detrimental. Sound therapy sessions that consist of high-frequency sounds and pure tones could potentially harm cells and disrupt energy flows within your body, potentially resulting in damage to the cells as well as disrupted flow of energy through it.

Cymatics uses sound frequencies to affect all four planes of human health: mental, physical, molecular and emotional. Cymatics is used to restore an optimal state of ionic exchange and energy production within cells.

Studies have revealed the power of specific sound frequencies to reduce inflammation, increase cellular voltage, and facilitate healing. One such frequency – 528 Hz – can restore damaged DNA while protecting it from environmental toxins, while 512 Hz can stimulate stem cell production to replace those damaged ones.

Sound frequency therapy sessions may also include gamma waves, which are the highest frequencies available for healing and are believed to penetrate deep into the cells and dispel any negative blockages. A gamma wave sound bath can improve metabolism while encouraging lymphatic drainage which aids the body in flushing out toxins more effectively.

Sound frequency therapy devices also feature chimes and Tibetan singing bowls to create ambient sounds designed to calm and relax you, often while you sit or lie down. Vibrations produced from these instruments help the body release stress and toxins more quickly.

Rife frequency machines use quantum sensors to analyze bio-energetic frequencies in their client and then deliver appropriate frequencies into their Information Field. This device helps overcome all the negative aspects associated with mechanical vibration such as noise pollution, abnormal movements and harsh direction changes which may put stress on the body.
