Dr Peter Gariaev Could Lead to Non-Surgical Healing of Damaged DNA
Dr Peter Gariaev was an incredible Russian scientist. A member of both the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and New York Academy of Science, his groundbreaking discoveries could lead to non-surgical healing methods and significantly extend human lifespans. He was able to demonstrate that our DNA works both particle and wave levels, even sharing similarities […]
Read MoreDr Peter Gariaev and Wave Genetics
Dr Peter Gariaev assembled a team of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists, and Linguistic experts to study DNA. They discovered that what had once been considered waste DNA actually served a crucial function within biological networks and was essential in its functioning. Their research showed that DNA could be modified using laser light and radio waves […]
Read MoreDr Peter Garyaev Discovers How DNA Can Be Transmitted and Recoded Via Frequency
Dr Peter Garyaev made an extraordinary discovery that proved genetic information can be transmitted and recoded via frequency. His groundbreaking research opened the door to remote healing using frequency healing, organ regeneration and significant lifespan extensions. He pioneered a groundbreaking theory called Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics. After successfully defending his PhD thesis before the Higher International Attestation […]
Read MorePeter P Gariaev
Dr Gariaev found that genetic information travels like a wave-train in our DNA. This electromagnetic holographic code can be captured with a laser and read by cells; thus providing a new approach for combatting COVID-19 pandemic. His discoveries challenge the molecular genetics paradigm and offer fresh perspectives to life science. His revolutionary ideas will have […]
Read MoreThe Truth About Dr Gariaev’s Healing System
Gariaev excelled as a genetics-related scientist, researcher, and writer, publishing books, participating in conferences, and publishing his works online. He was also an advisor of DNADJ Advisory Board and his scientific works were both visionary and groundbreaking. Unfortunately, he died unexpectedly in November 2020. How does p garyaev work? Dr Gariaev theorized that DNA acts […]
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