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Linguistic Wave Genetics and Peter Gariaev

Peter Gariaev worked alongside a team of biophysicists, molecular biologists and embryologists to examine DNA. Their research showed that what mainstream science had dismissed as “junk DNA” actually follows rules similar to spoken language grammatically.

His experiments demonstrate that DNA contains information to heal. Even better, DNA can even reverse aging!

What is Linguistic Wave Genetics?

Gariaev‘s studies of DNA reveal its dual nature as both chemical structure and electromagnetic generator and transmitter that can be altered using sound frequencies to affect it, leading to its programming in human physical form creation. Linguistic wave genetics is founded upon this idea that DNA can be altered through information transmitted as sound frequencies – making this theory an invaluable source for development.

This theory has opened the way for an entirely new science: linguistic quantum bio-computing. This technology can be applied in fields as diverse as medicine, agriculture, computing and communications. With it comes remote healing without surgery; organ regeneration; significant lifespan extension and significant cost reductions.

Linguistic Wave Genetics has already proven its ability to cure diseases like autism, now the number one disability in the USA. This is accomplished using corrective genetic texts and grammar laws created from within a person’s healthy genome chromosome holograms – then played to him or her over sound Matrix so their bodies return into healthy states of being.

Linguistic Wave Genetics has also proven highly successful at treating conditions such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis and fibromyalgia. Treatment is conducted by a trained practitioner using an Individual Matrix generated using photos of an individual as well as samples such as umbilical cord blood, placenta or childhood photos – with this resulting sound Matrix being sent regularly back to them so they can listen to it at home.

Individual Matrix sessions take time and may not produce instantaneous change, though many experience significant benefits very shortly after starting listening sessions. They should not be seen as a replacement for good health practices and medical treatments, however; rather they offer preventative benefits. Furthermore, this technique has also been utilized to create informational creams with beneficial properties which can be directly applied onto skin using this technique; these creams contain biologically active ingredients processed differently so as to incorporate their beneficial qualities without altering them significantly.

How does Linguistic Wave Genetics work?

Linguistic Wave Genetics operates under the theory that DNA serves not only as a chemical structure but also an electromagnetic generator that is sensitive to sound or light frequencies, meaning its information could potentially pass from generation to generation through these waves. Linguistic Wave Genetics seeks to better understand this process.

Linguistic Wave Genetics holds that DNA can be modified using acoustic, electromagnetic and scalar waves. These frequencies can cause its helical structure to bend in different ways which in turn change gene function as well as overall body functions.

Scientists have recently discovered that certain sounds and words can help heal the body and boost energy levels, as well as having an effect on chromosomes and gene expression – leading to new insights into DNA that could result in new medical treatments being created.

Dr Peter Gariaev was an outstanding physicist who pioneered an innovative form of genetic engineering known as “wave genomics”. His groundbreaking work challenged existing theories in molecular genetics and gene modification; Gariaev claimed the outdated model completely ignored quantum optical and wave linguistic principles that underlay DNA structure.

He conducted various experiments to demonstrate his theory. For example, he employed homeopathic dilutions of bacterial DNA to transfer its signature frequency into pure water, performing PCR on it to reconstruct bacterial sequences from that water sample and performing further dilutions or manipulation of DNA through electromagnetic or acoustic forces. He discovered that DNA can bend and fold itself with electromagnetic and acoustic forces.

He conducted another experiment by shining a laser beam through some Salamander embryos and Frog embryos in another container, and observed how some had developed into adult Salamanders as a result of exposure. This proved that DNA could be altered using electromagnetic and acoustic waves.

How can Linguistic Wave Genetics help me?

Peter Gariaev*’s research led to his ground-breaking discovery that genetic information in living organisms can be controlled and altered using frequency as sound, words or holographic language. This knowledge has since been expanded upon by other scientists of today and provides the basis for revolutionary technologies in medicine, agriculture, computing, communication and more.

Dr Gariaev discovered that DNA functions on both a wave and linguistic level, due to the fact that each turn of a double helix contains one water molecule with an electromagnetic signature carrying its cellular code frequency; using laser technology this frequency can be captured and then used to reconstruct original sequence. Homeopathic practitioners employ this technique, while scientists like Luc Montagnier have confirmed it with successful reconstruction using PCR from emailed DNA sequences sent directly by him from laboratories around the world.

Cellular code can also be affected by environment and lifestyle factors and altered with sound, words and holographic language – this explains why hearing the sound of a baby crying or singing from childhood can alter their DNA structure, leading to illness or healing. It’s why people get sick so easily!

Linguistic Wave Genetics utilizes this information to design a customized matrix program, which clients then listen to every day as part of their regiment. By listening regularly, we encourage the body to return to its natural health and vitality; one result that we see from clients is increased energy levels due to activation of many dormant processes within their bodies and restore normal levels of hormones required for healthy living.

We have discovered that various conditions, including autism, can be improved through altering corrective genetic texts and grammar laws in an individual’s healthy genome chromosome hologram. We are currently working towards this end and are seeing very encouraging results so far.

What is the future of Linguistic Wave Genetics?

Wave genetics is founded upon the idea that DNA serves not only as a chemical molecule, but also an electromagnetic generator, transmitting information between our bodies and environments. Furthermore, certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves have been shown to influence gene expression – potentially passing these signals down from generation to generation.

It is proposed that DNA video tapes containing instructions for maintaining optimal health become corrupted over time (DNA mutations), leading to illnesses, ageing and ultimately death. By renewing and correcting them, renewed and extended lives could become possible.

Gariaev‘s research demonstrated that the human genome contains a hidden pattern – like a biological language – within its codon sequence, creating words and sentences similar to how we form spoken languages. His work revealed an informational code signal revealing this natural order within codons sequence that produces words and sentences similar to spoken languages.

Discoveries in quantum information cosmetology have opened up an entirely new field of cosmetology: quantum healing information cosmetology. Researchers have demonstrated how Gariaev‘s methods allow for the beneficial properties of many naturally occurring substances like herbs and royal jelly to be transferred directly into specially designed creams without physical inclusion; thus avoiding storage problems and potential toxicities associated with physical inclusion of substances. Adding quantum healing information boosts effectiveness even further.

Linguistic Wave Genetics is an informational medicine approach which offers powerful holistic support for many medical conditions. Although not intended to replace diet or lifestyle habits, regular listening to your Individual Matrix is recommended in order to optimise health and wellbeing.

Linguistic Wave Genetics has proven effective at treating various medical and psychological conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, depression, stress anxiety panic attacks chronic fatigue. Furthermore, it can be applied to assist people in recovering from various injuries and traumas while also helping restore emotional and mental equilibrium.
