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How to Know If You Are a Natural Healer

Healers often feel called to serve others. To do their part, they may go the extra mile by helping friends or buying them coffee, or feeding stray cats.

Emotionally-sensitive people tend to be highly attuned and sensitive, feeling both the emotional and physical pain of others. Furthermore, these people possess an intuitive grasp of energy – an ability they tap into all day long.

1. You are empathetic

Your natural empathy makes you sensitive to what others are feeling, enabling you to understand their suffering on an instinctual level and offer comfort and aid to those experiencing physical or emotional discomfort. Your empathy fuels a strong desire to ease suffering by providing physical or emotional comfort when necessary.

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People feel safe confiding in you about their personal struggles, knowing that you understand and won’t judge their struggles. Witnessing other lives can be both inspiring and fulfilling experience.

Empathy can make you highly attuned to the emotions and experiences of animals and other living things, including plants. While this can be helpful when surrounding yourself with sad people, as you may take on their emotions and confusion directly into yourself. But while empathy may sometimes be burdensome to manage, you have immense power to heal both yourself and other beings – including plants! You must learn to manage it to optimize its potential.

Your empathic nature draws you towards holistic practices and ways of life, including collecting healing gemstones and attending holistic retreats regularly. Intuitively speaking, this indicates a keen interest in spiritual, energetic realms as well as vivid dreams containing messages from other dimensions or totem animals – this all forms part of becoming a healer; using intuition as your inner guide on this journey.


2. You are sensitive to energy

Healers tend to be highly aware of emotions and energies surrounding them, which can both be beneficial and problematic depending on how it’s used. Their hyperawareness makes them vulnerable to external and environmental energies; for this reason it’s crucial that healers carefully manage their surroundings in crowded places.

Many healers are also empaths, meaning they can sense others’ energies deeply and respond appropriately during healing sessions. While empathic abilities are valuable tools in therapy sessions, it’s also important to establish energetic boundaries so you don’t take on emotions that don’t belong to you.

Some healers possess psychic abilities and can pick up on the energy of their clients or patients from a distance – known as “laying on hands.” It forms part of some healing techniques.

Healers tend to experience vivid dreams that serve as a link between realms. Within their dreams may appear animals representing totems offering guidance or insight in their spiritual journey. Healers may also find great comfort in music, visual art or other forms of expression as an outlet. Nature provides another powerful means of centering themselves. Therefore it’s crucial for healers to take regular time alone for rejuvenation as this allows them to tap into intuitive powers and increase intuition.

3. You are attracted to animals

Animals that appear drawn to you, whether they follow you around or simply feel at ease around you, is another good indication that you may be an excellent natural healer. Animal empathy resembles empathic empathy and many empaths find comfort from animals. Animals may also gravitate toward certain healers more due to how pure their healing approaches are.

As one becomes more spiritual, their energy becomes increasingly pure. Therefore, healing becomes easier to perform, drawing animals toward them for treatment.

As people become more spiritual, the closer they tend to connect with their spirit and higher powers; therefore, some healers tend to be in tune with both dimensions more readily than others.

Are You Fascinated by Energy Healing Methods? If this describes you, then it may be an indicator that you possess natural healing skills. Attracted to techniques like muscle testing, aura reading, chakra balancing and releasing trapped emotions? All these techniques relate to energy fields within the body so they should allow you to understand and feel these different energy healing techniques more clearly – however it would never be ethical or comfortable for others if forced upon them!

4. You are intuitive

Healers possess an intuitive ability to quickly grasp information about people and places around them. You often possess the gift of reading people’s energies to identify motivations, desires and whatever might be being held onto – this comes in handy when working with clients or simply being around people in general. But using your intuition too much may leave you exhausted so it is also essential to use it yourself regularly in order to recharge.

People tend to open up about their problems with you and trust that you understand what they’re experiencing and will help them feel better. Unfortunately, however, helping others can often mean neglecting yourself in order to care for others; this can quickly lead to emotional burnout if left unaddressed.

Healers must undergo many trials that help prepare them for their role as healers, such as childhood trauma, relationship drama or near-death experiences. Overcoming such hardships provides you with greater insight into the larger picture and its interdependencies; furthermore it allows you to connect with God/Goddess/All That Is/Life force energy which ultimately brings healing energy into the planet.

5. You have a special way with people

Healers have an intuitive sense for helping others. They enjoy providing comfort to friends or strangers alike when their problems need someone to talk to or someone just needs someone to listen. Their lives have a mission of healing others in some way or another.

Healers tend to absorb an enormous amount of energy from their surroundings, making them extremely sensitive. This makes healers particularly susceptible to large crowds or spaces filled with electromagnetic radiation; so it is crucial for healers to take time for themselves in solitude in order to refuel their healing abilities.

Find yourself more comfortable outdoors surrounded by trees, mountains or water? Healers can draw upon healing energies present both outside as well as within. Therefore it is crucial for healers to spend time outdoors connecting with nature as well as their own energy sources.

Noticing how people you don’t know well often open up to you with personal details? They must intuitively trust that you will keep their secrets private while at the same time benefitting from your natural healing energy. That is why people open up to you about their problems – talking through them is therapeutic!

6. You have a vision for your life

Healers often sense they were created for something much greater than themselves, whether that means suffering through deep sadness or unrest, or sensing an urge to assist people physically, emotionally and spiritually. If this describes your experiences then chances are the Universe has been grooming you all your life to fulfill this important role as a natural healer.

Healing healers tend to gravitate towards crystals and gemstones known for their curative powers. Healers also feel an affinity with animals, often communing with them on an intuitive level – this often manifests into vivid dreams where their spirit animal relays messages or guides them on their journey.

Healers provide essential mental and emotional support, as well as providing a safe zone, to those they come in contact with. Healers tend to be very private people with strong bonds with both children and animals alike. Their unique way with people makes it easy for people to open up to them about personal secrets or reveal personal information with them, while their empathy makes people feel at home in their surroundings. Healers can also serve as an incredible source of motivation and support for other healers by understanding first-hand the pain experienced when caring for others’ conditions because they themselves have lived through it themselves.


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