Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 8, 2024|Editor

The Best Biohacking Gadgets

These biohacking gadgets provide innovative solutions to everyday health challenges. When assessing these devices, make sure their accuracy, user friendliness and seamless connectivity are top priority.

These tools are specifically designed to support biohackers in their quest for longevity. From neurofeedback to cold water immersion, you are sure to find something here to maximize wellness and achieve longevity.

2. Fitness and Health Trackers

There are various biohacking devices designed to make life simpler or track metrics that matter, from blue light blocking glasses to brainwave monitors that read your mindwaves.

Fitness and health trackers are essential tools for biohacking because they help optimize body functions. Trackers such as Oura Ring, Fitbit Sense 2, and Biostrap are among the most widely-used trackers.

Many biohackers are interested in tracking their sleep habits as many individuals don’t get enough quality restful slumber, leading to fatigue, lack of focus and poor cognitive function. Oura Ring is a bite-sized wearable device capable of tracking various biometrics to establish better sleeping habits.

Neurofeedback is another emerging technology being employed by biohackers. It works by monitoring brainwaves and rewarding healthy brain activity, and has been shown to effectively treat conditions like ADHD, anxiety and depression while improving mental performance and increasing mood. Another option available to biohackers is BioCharger which emits various frequencies to aid relaxation and detoxification – like having your own sauna blanket at home but from your own living room!

3. Sensate 2

Sensate 2 was designed to calm nervous systems during times of pandemics, controversies, and social-media bickering, promising “instant calm for an anxious mind.” The palm-sized pebble-like device sits comfortably on your chest while emitting low-frequency infrasound vibrations through skin and bones to tone the vagus nerve (a neural superhighway connecting brain and gut) in order to regulate stress response and ease anxiety. It can even be customized through its app for maximum personalization!

As with other biohacking tools, this gadget works best when combined with an overall wellness regime. The company suggests adding deep breathing exercises, meditation and mindfulness into your sessions for maximum effect; consistent use has shown positive effects in terms of mood enhancement and better sleep quality for users after months of regular usage.

Scientific evidence supporting this technology may be limited, yet its premise remains intriguing. Scientists believe that vagus nerve plays an essential role in regulating cortisol (the primary stress hormone in our bodies) levels and encouraging relaxation; ultimately improving overall wellbeing.

While the concept behind Sensate may be unique, its technology itself isn’t. Sound therapy has long been used to alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation; techniques like humming, singing and breathwork practices are common methods. Sensate’s infrasound vibrations mimic these vocal exercises by stimulating parasympathetic nervous system activity in order to relax abdominal wall muscles and induce relaxation responses in its users.

6. Sauna Blanket

These devices allow for various health benefits such as detoxing, skin rejuvenation support, recovery aids and mood enhancers while simultaneously burning calories. Red light therapy for instance reportedly exposes your body to low-wavelength red light that charges cells and enhances blood circulation, while cryotherapy involves jumping into freezing temperatures for several minutes at a time.

There’s also an increasing selection of at-home glucose monitors that make checking blood sugar and insulin levels easy, while keeping an eye on their changes when eating food. Furthermore, wearable devices track metrics in your body such as heart rate variability (HRV), respiration and movement.

The Oura Ring tracks several biohacking signals and provides insights such as how deep your sleep was or if your recovery goals are on track. Furthermore, this stylish ring provides recommendations on improving sleep, activity and other biohacking metrics.

The Hydragun HeatPod Sauna Blanket was engineered to be effective, featuring features like medical-grade magnetic therapy, carbon fiber heating element, and 96 jade and tourmaline stones to disperse infrared heat. With an easily assembled carry bag for transport and setup/use/cleanup. GGR’s Lindsay reviewed this blanket against relevant methodologies and awarded five stars across eight key metrics such as footprint/portability/delivery/setup, ease of use/ease of setup/takedown, durability construction comfort features/special features.

May 8, 2024|Editor

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy

amino neuro frequency therapy does it work

ANF Therapy involves applying ANF Discs – frequency emitting wearable discs-patches – directly onto your skin for therapeutic use. They’re made from NASA patented material developed originally to monitor astronaut health, but now have applications mirroring and releasing neuro frequencies.

These frequencies are picked up by your nervous system and set into motion a healing and regulatory process that works effectively and quickly, improving nervous system signaling directly at a cellular level for faster and longer lasting results.

What is Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF) is an emerging therapy that has proven particularly successful at relieving pain. ANF achieves this by targeting invisible inflammation which has been implicated as the source of many chronic illnesses and auto immune conditions, rather than through medications; ANF works through nervous system signals to control frequencies.

ANF uses frequency-emitting discs placed on the body that emit neuro frequencies into your neurons, inducing self-healing and self-regulating processes at a cellular level to help alleviate pain, optimize muscle groups, produce hormones, generate antibodies and increase strength and endurance.

Danish researchers have developed a non-invasive technique which has proven successful at significantly decreasing visits to doctors or chiropractors and is already being utilized by professional athletes, including some NFL players. Their treatment does not involve surgery, medication or chemical injections – making it both safe and non-invasive.

ANF therapy utilizes a specific frequency to stimulate cells oscillation and promote normal function. It has the power to target and remove toxins and waste products within cells while stimulating vital enzymatic reactions within them for proper body functioning.

Studies have demonstrated that stress and negative emotions can trigger many unconscious body functions, such as inflammation. ANF Therapy has proven itself capable of correcting this imbalance by rebalancing the autonomic nervous system.

Stressed individuals send signals that cause their cells to overreact, leading to inflammation that may not be visible but which still has serious repercussions for health, such as contributing to autoimmune diseases, chronic infections and cardiovascular disease. ANF can address this invisible inflammation by restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system (ANS), thus increasing healing capabilities within your body – in turn alleviating pain relief, muscle/joint issues, anxiety/ADD/ADHD issues fatigue thyroid disorders blood pressure issues allergies among other symptoms.

How does Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy work?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is an innovative new way of treating inflammation that takes an alternative approach than traditional therapies. Using noninvasive, drug-free techniques, it targets inflammation at its source cellular level to promote healing and decrease discomfort.

At an ANF therapy session, patients wear an ANF disc attached to their skin that contains frequencies sent into the body by internal heat and activated by cells located throughout the nervous system for use as self-healing mechanisms. Furthermore, ANF therapy improves signal transmission at a cellular level by correcting signals that may not be transmitted properly in order to speed healing faster and provide more effective treatments.

ANF therapy has no negative side effects and uses no chemicals or drugs, making this treatment safe and effective for anyone wanting to reduce pain while improving overall health.

ANF Therapy is an innovative new technique employed by chiropractors, physical therapists and massage therapists to assist their patients in alleviating inflammation issues. ANF Therapy works on the principle that your nervous system transmits signals throughout your body via neurons; these signals control all bodily functions as well as providing immunity. If these signals become misdirected or weakened due to stress or environmental factors then ANF Therapy works to restore them by transmitting specific frequencies through your nervous system – helping restore health to all parts of the body.

What sets ANF apart is its combination of cutting-edge technology and holistic treatment methods in treating inflammation. ANF’s natural and noninvasive solutions help alleviate pain caused by many conditions and conditions, giving relief from inflammation in a noninvasive fashion.

ANF therapy uses thin circular discs applied directly to the skin that transmit neuro frequencies directly into neurons in the body, stimulating them to start their own self-healing and self-regulating processes. ANF can be used to treat pain, fatigue and stress symptoms as well as improving performance by increasing energy levels and strengthening immunity systems.

How long do the Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy discs last?

Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy is an innovative holistic solution to manage pain and inflammation. The therapy uses wearable discs that hold electrical charges at specific frequencies for total body wellness; NASA designed these discs made from carbonized metal with neuro frequencies to aid the body in self-healing and regulation.

These discs can be worn directly on the skin and activated by body heat to send neuro frequencies directly to neurons in your nervous system, stimulating electro molecules within neurons to trigger healing and self-regulating processes in the nervous system. Furthermore, these discs help with signaling at cellular level for more effective and long-term results.

Non-invasive electroacupuncture treatment is an invaluable complement to other modalities and movement therapies, providing relief for pain, pulse rate, lactic acid accumulation in muscles, stomach issues, stress, cramps and cramping; in addition to improving quality of sleep, blood circulation, hormone production, immune function and lymphatic drainage systems. Furthermore, electroacupuncture helps normalise anything not functioning optimally to decrease inflammation, pain and oxidative stress levels.

Amino neuro frequency therapy offers an alternative solution to traditional injections for herniated discs that often fail to seal tears and can releak out from where they were administered; by decreasing inflammatory markers in your nervous system and thus treating their source directly, amino neuro frequency therapy offers more efficient ways of relieving herniated disc symptoms and hernias altogether.

At our office, we begin by screening you through a questionnaire and performing a hands on assessment in order to pinpoint the source of your discomfort. It is essential to remember that symptoms often just manifest themselves elsewhere in your body – that’s why our main priority is finding its source first.

Once we have identified your source of discomfort, we will apply discs to areas of concern on your body. It is essential to remain hydrated throughout this process as the detoxifying effects can sometimes be uncomfortable; however, you can easily stop detox by taking off the discs if necessary; to do this more easily though, take one glass of water every hour and a half after having meals to ensure optimal results.

Are there any side effects to Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy?

amino neuro frequency therapy works differently from painkillers by directly targeting their root causes of discomfort. Therapy sessions consist of small discs that transmit a weak electromagnetic field into your body through skin contact, activated by body heat. They work to reinforce any weak frequencies within your system to normalize system functions – perfect for relieving pain in any part of the body and have proven successful for many different conditions.

ANF Therapy uses thin circular discs made from carbonized metal that are applied directly to your skin and activated by natural body heat, emitting neuro frequencies picked up by neurons within your body and helping initiate the self-healing process. They can be used on any part of your back, neck, shoulders, knees, ankles and feet that is inflamed or injured – they even work without interfering with any medications being taken and is perfectly safe!

As soon as ANF Therapy discs are activated, they immediately go to work on your body to reduce inflammation, optimize muscle groups and organs for production of hormones and antibodies production, strength endurance, mental focus improvement. You may notice pain shifting around in response to ANF Therapy disc activation; this is a good sign as this indicates your body releasing toxins and healing itself.

After your session, detox symptoms such as headaches, nausea and fatigue may arise due to your body releasing toxins that have been stored therein for too long. It is recommended to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water during this time and take any ibuprofen or naproxen medication prescribed if necessary; once finished with treatment you should no longer experience further detox symptoms and your pain or inflammation should have subsided considerably.

May 8, 2024|Editor

Reverse Aging Study Finds Three Essential Nutrients That Reverse Aging

reverse aging study

Scientists had only ever succeeded in temporarily slowing or stopping aging before now; in a study published this month, scientists have shown they can partially reverse biological age in middle-aged mice by resetting their cells.

The study involves using a six-chemical cocktail that rejuvenates senescent (old) cells by changing DNA methylation patterns without losing cell identity.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) uses pure oxygen under pressure to assist the body’s natural healing processes. It works by creating an environment in which oxygen-rich blood can reach injured tissues more quickly; normally this oxygen travels as far as hemoglobin or red blood cells can carry it; under pressurized conditions however, plasma becomes supersaturated with it and more of it reaches into your tissues than ever before.

Increased oxygen concentration helps repair damaged tissues and boost your energy levels by allowing cells to use more of the glucose they produce for fuel. Furthermore, white blood cells kill bacteria to prevent infections of wounds or injuries that are difficult to heal.

HBOT can be used alone or as an adjunct therapy alongside medications, such as antibiotics. Adherence to your full course of therapy has been shown to significantly improve outcomes – typically 90 minutes of chamber time five times weekly over four to eight weeks is required for optimal results.

Before beginning HBOT therapy, it’s essential to be aware of its possible side effects. These may include experiencing an occasional popping sensation in your ears that can be minimized by clearing them prior to each treatment session. Smoking should also be avoided prior and during sessions since this could reduce oxygen transport in your body and block its use more efficiently.

Initial steps towards receiving HBOT include receiving an initial evaluation and authorization from a doctor specializing in hyperbaric medicine. This evaluation will determine if HBOT is suitable for you, as well as outline an effective course of treatment. Sessions take place inside a sealed chamber pressurized with 100% pure oxygen; you’ll wear a mask while covering your head with a plastic drape to shield eyes from airborne oxygen during treatment sessions.

An HBOT course typically spans four to eight weeks and involves 40 sessions; your doctor will review your progress at each treatment and decide when you should progress into the next phase of your program.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, necessary to the formation and maintenance of connective tissues including bones and blood vessels, healing wounds, boosting the immune system and providing antioxidant protection from cancer and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, it also plays an integral part in eye health by shortening duration and severity of common cold symptoms while decreasing stroke risks.

Researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies were able to reverse some hallmarks of aging by activating genes that turn adult cells back into embryonic-like ones. Their experiments found that this process rejuvenated mouse and human cells both in vitro as well as prolonging life of an accelerated-ageing mouse, and improving recovery from injury in middle-aged mice.

The team, led by Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, discovered that turning on four genes for even just a brief time period restored embryonic-like states back into cells. Their work could potentially serve as a cure for aging; however, further study is required in order to ascertain whether similar effects can be replicated among living humans.

Although vitamin C offers many health benefits, it’s wise to follow the recommended daily allowance (RDA). Doing so could potentially cause side effects like diarrhea and kidney stones if taken in larger doses than recommended. Getting vitamin C through food sources such as vegetables is best, though you can also get it through supplements or fortified products.

If you are struggling to obtain enough vitamin C in your diet, try increasing the citrus fruits and vegetables you eat such as tomatoes, oranges, kale, broccoli, red peppers and dark leafy greens as good sources. Fortified yogurts, cereals and juices may also contain this important nutrient.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential dietary components that your body cannot produce on its own and must obtain from your food or supplements, including fish oil. Omega-3s come in three varieties – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They can be found in flaxseed, fish, as well as supplements like fish oil. Omega-3s may offer many health advantages including decreased risks of heart disease, depression and arthritis as well as helping prevent cognitive decline. Research suggests some potential health benefits; possibly lower risks of heart disease as well as cognitive decline.

Studies have demonstrated that those who consume more omega-3 fatty acids may be at a reduced risk of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and reduced triglyceride levels. Omega-3s may also help decrease inflammation caused by some diseases.

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to play an essential role in brain function and have been linked with lower risks of Alzheimer’s and dementia; however, further research needs to be completed to substantiate these claims.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in oily fish such as salmon, trout and sardines; walnuts, chia seeds, soybeans and spinach also provide sources of these essential nutrient. In general, aim for at least 1.6-2.6 grams daily from your diet.

Studies have demonstrated a correlation between higher intake of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). This could be related to their ability to help decrease blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels as well as protecting against vascular dysfunction by blocking platelet aggregation and inflammation response molecules.

Researchers have long sought to identify an optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids to lower CVD risk; however, this has yet to be proven. It has become widely agreed upon among most researchers that raising EPA and DHA blood levels would have more of an effect than simply decreasing linoleic acid and arachidonic acid levels, since these components serve as building blocks of cell membrane phospholipids which play key roles in signaling, metabolic processes and cell signaling processes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fatty acid-derived hormone that aids calcium absorption and maintains normal blood levels of calcium and phosphate. People can get their source of Vitamin D from sunlight exposure on the skin, certain foods or dietary supplements – however many adults are deficient.

Lack of vitamin D may be caused by limited sun exposure, skin pigmentation (which reduces absorption of UVB rays by the body), age and other health conditions. Low vitamin D intake has been linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and other disorders; getting adequate amounts can lower these risks while helping prevent fractures and bone loss.

Recent studies have demonstrated the benefits of vitamin D to improve muscle function, bone strength and blood glucose regulation; reduce inflammation; and possibly act as cancer prevention agents. Multiple observational studies and one large clinical trial demonstrated this correlation; higher vitamin D levels have been linked with reduced cancer rates and risk of heart disease – yet researchers conducting one of the largest clinical trials conducted on vitamin D found no clear impact on overall cancer mortality among participants with lower blood levels at the beginning of study.

Recently, scientists have unveiled that a “chemical cocktail” can reverse the aging process in mice by rejuvenating old cells within muscles, tissues and organs. Researchers injected six chemical compounds directly into each mouse that helped rewind cellular clocks without altering DNA; their work was published in the journal Aging.

E5, an anti-aging compound derived from young pig plasma, reversed biological clocks of aged rats by up to 75% on average – more than any previous studies had achieved – on average. While its effects are only temporary – eventually age returns with treatment stopped – Belmonte believes this approach could be implemented into human medicine.

He has created a system to deliver Yamanaka factors directly into human bodies and believes this treatment could reverse epigenetic changes and effectively reset biological age by reversing epigenetic modifications, with subsequent treatments performed periodically so as to keep aging at bay.

May 7, 2024|Editor

Acupuncture, Herbalism, and Psychic Readings by Jill Blakeway

jill blakeway energy medicine

Jill Blakeway is an acupuncturist and clinical herbalist based out of New York City who established Yinova health clinic. She coauthored Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program to Increase Fertility and Sex Again: Recharging your Libido as well as hosting weekly CBS Radio podcast Grow Cook Heal.


Modern wellness trends span from fringe approaches that don’t abide by science to tried-and-tested, science-backed techniques like Acupuncture. Acupuncture has proven itself an effective treatment option to ease many illnesses and ailments, making it a go-to treatment option.

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine involving the insertion of needles at specific points on the body in order to alleviate pain and promote healing. Originating in China, the technique draws from ancient principles which believe that our bodies contain two opposing but inseparable forces: yin and yang that work in concert to maintain spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. An imbalance leads to blocked energy flowing freely throughout our systems resulting in disease – something which acupuncture seeks to address by clearing blockages through clear pathways.

Acupuncture is generally safe when performed by certified practitioners and rarely causes side effects; however, you should notify your acupuncturist of any conditions or medications you’re currently taking as some forms may not be appropriate for all patients.

Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to stay properly hydrated throughout your treatment sessions. Some may experience results right away; others may require several sessions before seeing results. Some common conditions that acupuncture treats include fibromyalgia, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome depression headaches insomnia menstrual cramps and anxiety.

Jill Blakeway is a licensed acupuncturist and clinical herbalist who founded Yinova Center in New York City and currently serves as clinic director. Her books Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility and Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido are bestsellers; in addition, she hosts CBS podcast Grow, Cook, Heal.


Herbalism is the practice of using plants to promote wellness, with roots dating back to ancient times. Modern herbalists continue this ancient practice in contemporary herbal medicines that draw heavily upon plant materials like herbs. Nowadays, herbalism has experienced a renaissance – many modern natural remedies contain ingredients extracted from herbs or are inspired by them.

Herbal medicine differs significantly from conventional pharmaceuticals in that it relies on unprocessed plants rather than synthetic drugs that have been mass-produced, often with high dosage levels. Herbalists employ various plants such as seeds, berries, flowers, leaves, roots bark rhizomes and mushrooms when selecting which herbs would best benefit an individual based on biochemistry, emotional state and spiritual needs.

Herbalists specialize in helping their patients integrate all aspects of themselves into the healing process, from diet and lifestyle modifications to addressing emotional or physical concerns that could be contributing to their condition.

Herbal medicine is often not used for acute conditions; rather it serves to prevent and treat chronic illnesses or imbalances. Herbalism often works well alongside acupuncture or other integrative forms of treatment to provide long-term solutions.

Herbalists use herbalism as a practice to deepen their connection with nature and all its living beings, including plants. Herbalism serves to acknowledge their spirit while respecting their life processes; and it ensures the quality and purity of an herb; an experienced herbalist can distinguish between high-quality ethically and sustainably sourced herbs from those that may contain pesticides or contaminants that compromise its purity.

Qi Gong

Many major cultural traditions recognize a vital energy that governs both physical and mental processes and supports our health, such as prana in Indian culture or qi in Chinese medicine. Jill Blakeway brings cutting edge research to this ancient practice while exploring both its science and mystery of healing in her new book Energy Medicine.

Qigong is a dynamic series of exercises that teaches you to consciously control and direct qi, or “life force”, throughout your body’s meridian pathways. The practice encourages lifestyle choices that promote optimal qi flow such as adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, moderate exercise and tailored practices that include gentle movements, breath work and mindfulness aimed at cultivating and improving your own personal qi. Once optimized, your qi can then be directed where it’s most needed – whether healing an illness or simply increasing vitality!

Primary Qigong forms focus on the body’s twelve meridians, or energy pathways that connect organs and parts of the body with one another. There are hundreds of forms, but most involve slow and repetitive movements performed with deep diaphragmatic breathing and an uncluttered mind. Of particular significance are Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) which runs along the front of your body and Du Mai (Governing Vessel), which covers your spine and head’s centerline.

Jill discusses how the circulation of qi through our meridians is vital to overall wellbeing, while she describes eight extraordinary vessels which serve as reservoirs of energy and play an essential part in storing and dispensing it. Each vessel represents an emotion or color as well as functions such as movement digestion or strengthening our immune systems.


Jill Blakeway, a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM), is a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist and clinical herbalist who founded Yinova Center in New York City where she currently serves as Clinic Director. Additionally, Jill authored Making Babies and Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido as well as another book about energy healing that is due out April 2019.

Jill employs energetic forms of acupuncture and herbalism to address our vital life force, or “qi,” that courses through all of us. She believes many aspects of healing cannot be explained through modern science alone and she’s set off on a global quest to explore the science and mystery of healing.

Meditation has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression while increasing peace, perception and self-esteem. Studies indicate that regular mediation may also lower blood pressure as well as help protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels and decreasing atherosclerosis or the build up of plaque in arteries.

Meditation derives its name from Latin meditatio, which translates to “to think, contemplate, devise or ponder.” Meditation can be practiced across a range of traditions and styles such as Zen Buddhism – Jill practices this type of practice herself – yoga or tai chi can also incorporate this practice.

Note that when practicing meditation, thoughts and emotions will naturally come and go; your goal should not be to suppress them, but rather observe them and let them pass by before returning your focus to breathing and returning your attention back to noticing and returning attention cycles – over time this practice will reorganize how your mind works.

Psychic Readings

A psychic reading is an energy healing session designed to connect you with your higher self and gain intuitive guidance. Not only can psychics assist with physical healing, they can also offer insight into relationships, careers and past traumas that help move us forward with new possibilities for living our lives.

A great psychic should have an open mind and accept your energy as their own, reading your aura and understanding your current challenges. They also take the time to listen and address any queries or concerns during readings so that you feel at ease while trusting that their information is reliable.

No matter your experience level, always remain open-minded when attending a psychic reading. Expectations should be set aside; psychics only share intuitive information they receive in the moment – this may differ significantly from what was anticipated or imagined.

Psychics do not need to be present when providing you with information; they can actually receive it remotely from their psychic source. This is particularly effective when working with mediums who can connect with spirit guides or angels that send them messages through your body and send these directly back out as messages through you.

Jill Blakeway, D.Ac, L.Ac and clinical herbalist has been practicing energy healing for more than 20 years. She founded Yinova Center in NYC and wrote Making Babies and Sex Again before giving a TEDTalk about fertility and spirituality. Jill travels globally on her quest to better understand, apply, and explain energy medicine‘s power.

May 7, 2024|Editor

What Are Alternative Complementary Therapies?

alternative complementary therapies

Contrasting with biomedical treatments that emphasize disease states and interventions, complementary practices consider all aspects of health holistically and promote overall wellbeing.

Your regular doctor can assist in helping you decide if alternative therapy will benefit you without interfering with any medications you’re currently taking, and ensure your therapist is qualified, registered, and insured.

Dietary approaches to medicine

Alternative complementary therapies refer to medical and health systems and practices not considered part of conventional medicine, yet are considered by some to be safer and more effective than standard healthcare services. Such practices include herbal and dietary supplement usage as well as physical manipulations and mind-body therapies – some treatments have proven themselves helpful while others may even cause serious adverse side effects in certain instances.

Dietary approaches to medicine are among the most prevalent types of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), dietary supplements are the most frequently utilized CAM treatment in America – almost half of Americans consume herbal dietary supplements at some point during their lives, often as an alternative medicine option. Unfortunately, some herbs can interact with conventional medications and cause side effects in some individuals; it is important for patients to notify their physician of any dietary supplement usage they engage in.

Not only can complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) include nutritional supplements, but other forms include mind/body therapies and whole medical systems such as acupuncture, meditation and yoga; some studies have demonstrated the efficacy of such methods in relieving pain; other research indicates they could also improve mood and quality of life for their users.

Alternative therapies have grown increasingly popular over recent years and people are seeking advice online regarding them. Unfortunately, this advice may be inaccurate or biased and this could lead to patients forgoing conventional cancer treatments without knowing any evidence for efficacy – for instance one study discovered that most of the 13 most visited websites devoted to complementary cancer treatments recommended therapies with no proof of efficacy while three of these sites actually encouraged people to discontinue taking prescribed medication altogether!

There is an array of dietary supplements on the market today, and they may interact with various medications. Furthermore, some may even be dangerous when combined with certain conventional medicines; furthermore some are not as safe as advertised while some could even be illegal in some countries – this is why it is vitally important to receive impartial information from experts in health and wellness.

Energy therapies

Energy therapies rely on the idea that humans possess a vital life force known as chi, prana or qi that circulates throughout their bodies and may lead to physical problems when imbalanced; various cultures have developed complex healing systems around this concept and imbalances of this energy can cause physical issues. Most therapies in this category have not been thoroughly researched so their benefits cannot be easily measured.

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) are considered mind-body treatments. Both techniques focus on relieving negative emotional patterns that cause disease or discomfort, with proponents believing that by targeting root causes a person can overcome their health issues.

Reiki and Therapeutic Touch are among the many energy modalities designed to manipulate energy fields that purportedly surround and penetrate a person’s body, using light touch from practitioners to influence these fields. They have been shown to benefit conditions like pain, sprains and strains, headaches, nausea, inflammation wound healing premenstrual syndrome diarrhea among many other things.

Nurses trained in energy modalities often incorporate them as part of their nursing care for patients, consistent with a holistic philosophy that encompasses mind, body and spirit as interdependent components. While Western biomedical treatments such as trauma care or surgery tend to be the preferred solutions for acute health issues like trauma and surgery, chronic illness sufferers have expressed discontentment with what their current health care system offers in terms of options available to them.

Although evidence of energy therapies’ efficacy exists, they must only be utilized under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. Nurses should be aware of potential harm that may result from incompetent practitioners practicing alternative medicine; to mitigate such dangers they can require that all alternative therapists complete appropriate medical education and possess full medical competency to ensure the public benefits as much as possible from their practices.


Hypnotherapy has quickly become a staple in many self-care regimens and wellness trends. Contrary to popular perception, hypnotherapy is not some unsettling pseudoscience practiced by eccentric doctors; rather it’s a natural state most of us experience daily such as falling asleep or daydreaming while driving. Studies have proven its efficacy for relieving pain, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as helping with weight loss, smoking cessation and overcoming phobias.

Nearly half of GP practices in England now offer complementary therapies, either at no additional fee or through the NHS. NHS Choices allows users to enter their postcode to see which therapies are available nearby.

Complementary therapies come in many different forms, and some have been subjected to rigorous scientific trials. Meditation has been shown to reduce depression and anxiety for some patients while other therapies such as acupuncture or massage have provided pain relief in others; however, their results remain inconclusive.

Before beginning any complementary therapies, it’s advisable to discuss them with your GP first. While most are generally safe, certain may cause serious side effects. Also important when searching for practitioners: make sure they are licensed or regulated by law or professional bodies – conduct thorough research into them and ask about qualifications/training before choosing your practitioner.

Many complementary therapies are founded on the belief that illness occurs when body systems become out-of-balance, and healing occurs when all aspects of an individual are addressed. This differs greatly from Cartesian philosophy that was prominent throughout Western medicine for centuries, which considered mind and body separate entities with little interaction between them; recent psychoneuroimmunology research, however, shows how interdependent they really are.


Massage refers to any practice that involves pressing, rubbing and manipulating skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments for therapeutic or relaxation purposes. Massage therapy may help relax and relieve stress; in hospital settings it’s often known as medical or therapeutic massage – administered by licensed professionals – used to treat certain medical conditions and alleviate muscle aches and pains as well as reduce anxiety levels or ease tension-based issues. Recent research indicates its benefits in relieving muscle aches and pains, anxiety and stress management as well as ease conditions exacerbated by muscle tension-based issues.

Many individuals with chronic health conditions have expressed discontent at being provided solely with Western biomedical therapies that only address physical symptoms, rather than looking beyond. Many feel healing should encompass spiritual, social and psychological dimensions as well; alternative complementary therapies provide one way of filling this void in healthcare delivery systems.

Nurses have long been at the forefront of research into various complementary therapies and have conducted significant studies pertaining to them. Nurses are an invaluable source for communicating to both their community and peers that a holistic, caring philosophy has long been part of nursing, while leading interdisciplinary complementary therapy research teams.

Before trying a complementary therapy, it’s essential that you consult with a traditional healthcare provider. They can give insight into its safety and efficacy; may recommend it, and help locate scientific information regarding its technique – and suggest where you can access this data.

An ideal place to begin is the NCCIH Clearinghouse website, which offers reliable information on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including an easily searchable database of published studies. In addition, this resource can direct you towards practitioners specializing in your chosen therapy type.

When looking for alternative complementary therapies, make sure that any practice you visit is licensed by either state or national regulatory agencies. Also be wary if any practitioner tries to sell you expensive products or encourages you to book multiple sessions in advance or “bulk buy” their services; in such cases it is wise to avoid therapies linked with harmful side effects like fibromyalgia and osteoporosis as these may present additional health risks.