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April 11, 2024|Editor

What is Resonant Voice Therapy?

resonant voice therapy protocol

Resonant Voice Therapy empowers individuals to transform their everyday communication. SLPs use optimizing vocal resonance and alleviating strain on vocal folds to help individuals attain stronger and clearer voices.

Resonant Voice Therapy (RVT) is a technique which employs humming and easy onset phonation exercises to increase both the amplitude and clarity of vocal performance. Individuals also utilize semi-occluded vowels and consonants in training their resonant voices.


Resonant voice therapy provides relief by decreasing strain and improving closure of vocal folds during voice production, leading to soundwave production. If these vocal folds become irritated or overworked, this may lead to hoarseness; Resonant Voice therapy helps alleviate this symptom by decreasing strain on them and improving closure.

Resonant Voice Therapy (RVT) is founded on the notion that the articulators, vocal folds and resonating cavities should all function smoothly during easy phonation to produce a strong and clear voice with balanced resonance and articulation. Trained speech-language pathologists (SLPs) using RVT employ various techniques such as humming, voiceless sounds, vocal shape alteration techniques and gentle onset techniques in order to reach this goal.

RVT techniques are developed using evidence-based studies. These analyses have examined how various techniques influence various aspects of voice quality, such as reduced strain, breathiness and roughness; improved clarity; reduced roughness; overall dysphonia reduction. In addition, auditory-perceptual constructs such as voice stress or breathiness might differ based on which treatment methods are chosen.

RVT therapy was found to significantly improve overall voice quality for people suffering from voice disorders, most often through decreases in breathiness and roughness while not changing pitch, intensity, or volume levels. A 2017 systematic review confirmed this finding.

Resonant voice therapy entails teaching individuals to feel their voice vibrations in front of the face (including nose, teeth, lips and facial bones). Furthermore, RVT includes exercises designed to facilitate easy phonation; patients learn how to produce sounds with minimal effort by copying what their therapist models and then they apply this knowledge on word, phrase and sentence levels.

Other techniques utilized by Resonant Voice Therapy include vocal fold adduction to increase loudness intensity and resonance frequency of voice production. These methods should be employed alongside gentle onset techniques in order to ensure smooth beginning phonation that reduces strain on vocal cords. Finally, Resonant Voice Therapy entails positive reinforcement to reinforce these healthy vocal practices through verbal/written information on negative behaviors as well as repeated exposure of its model voice model.


Resonant voice therapy targets the natural resonances of the vocal tract – the series of cavities such as mouth and throat which generate sound waves during phonation – through tapping into its natural vibrations to teach patients to use their voices healthily that optimizes production while decreasing strain on vocal folds. Resonant voice therapy can benefit professional singers looking for increased range, power and endurance with less issues of fatigue; or speakers aiming for more impactful presentations with less effort than ever. Resonant voice therapy also can assist everyday individuals overcome issues like hoarseness, voice fatigue or breathiness allowing clearer communications in all settings.

Resonant voice therapy techniques aim to enhance the quality of one’s voice through increasing vibratory sensations felt in the oral cavity – including alveolar ridge, lips or higher in the face (in the nose). RVT may be combined with other voice therapies like Lessac-Madsen or Verdolini Abbott in order to maximize effectiveness; specifically it uses oral sensations with easy phonation techniques ranging from basic speech gestures through sentence level conversational speech in order to develop strong, smooth, clear voices while minimizing forceful impacts between vocal cords so as to minimize risks or polyps.

Resonant voice therapy incorporates biofeedback principles as a core element, using real-time feedback to assist individuals in controlling physiologic functions of their bodies, such as breathing and body positioning. Feedback may come in the form of visual, auditory or tactile stimuli to allow individuals to make adjustments in voice production when necessary.

Resonant voice therapy incorporates breathing exercises designed to strengthen the diaphragm and increase airflow, thus relieving strain from vocal folds and increasing resonance. Semi-occluded phonation exercises such as lip trills or straw phonation allow more controlled closure of vocal folds without oversqueezing them; other resonant voice therapy techniques include flow phonation which utilizes gentle humming in order to promote more balanced articulation and coordination between the vocal folds and flow massage which relieves tension from neck and shoulder muscles.


Resonant Voice Therapy involves speech therapists conducting thorough assessments to assess an individual’s vocal quality and resonance, then using these results to create customized treatment plans tailored specifically to them. These treatments aim to give clients healthy, functional voices.

Resonant voice therapy goes beyond traditional speech therapy exercises by applying biofeedback principles to increase self-control over physiologic functions, such as breathing and voice production. Biofeedback may take the form of tactile, auditory or visual stimuli in order to raise awareness of physical sensations related to vocal pitch, loudness and quality as well as vocal effort – thus helping individuals produce desired voice qualities with minimal phonatory effort and thus minimize risks of strain or injury to their voices.

Forward Focused Vocal Technique (FFVT), or Resonant Voice Training, is an evidence-based vocal training approach characterized by targeted vibratory sensation training of the glottal area to enhance vocal quality. Studies have revealed significant reductions in severity of voice disorders and associated symptoms when implemented through this practice.

Resonant voice therapy does not address the underlying causes of voice disorders or serve as a replacement for surgery; in severe cases it may require surgical restoration; however, in many instances less serious conditions respond well to resonant voice therapy – both subjectively and objectively improving measures of vocal quality.

Since 2000, ASHA’s Special Interest Group 3 for Voice and Voice Disorders has been actively creating standard guidance for voice assessment. This effort is driven by the belief that consistent evaluation protocols can greatly facilitate clinical and research comparisons and ultimately promote more valid treatments for voice disorders. A recent multi-institutional study created instrumental assessment protocols for laryngeal endoscopic imaging, acoustic analysis and aerodynamic procedures; their recommendations are informed by existing evidence, expert consensus and VoiceServe feedback from SIG 3 members.


Resonant voice therapy aims to teach individuals how to recognize the sound produced by their voices, in order to ensure it produces the best and healthiest sounds possible. This can be accomplished through optimizing vocal resonance, decreasing strain on vocal folds and developing healthy habits; SLPs use various evaluation tools – Stimulability Assessment tool CAPE-V tool or listening/rating during sessions – in order to assess its quality.

At the initial resonant voice therapy evaluation, your speech-language pathologist will listen to and assess your voice for several minutes, asking any pertinent questions about specific aspects. They then guide you through a series of exercises focused on identifying and increasing sensations in front of the mouth/face as well as producing sounds with increased energy or buzzes in front of them, such as lip trills, humming, voiced/voiceless m/n productions, straw phonation techniques such as y-buzz etc.

The Resonant Voice Therapy program emphasizes oral vibratory sensations and easy phonation – which allows for effective voice use without straining larynx and vocal fold closure – through forward vibrations that intensify during normal, relaxed voice production. Resonance voice can easily be identified by forward vibratory sensations in front of mouth/face that amp up during voice production.

Joseph Stemple developed the Accent Method as a resonant voice therapy technique to treat various functional voice disorders, such as nodules. This voicing method uses various acoustic and perceptual evaluation measures to assess how voice improvements have occurred during treatment and post treatment.

The Accent Method was found to be an effective voice therapy technique. Acoustic analysis revealed significant improvement in various areas, including pitch perturbation quotient and amplitude perturbation quotient (measures of voice intensity). Perceptual assessment techniques also indicated that their voice had become easier for listeners. Unfortunately, without a control group included in this study’s overall validity it’s impossible to ascertain whether improvements may have come about from factors unrelated to speech-language pathologists’ manual techniques used.

April 11, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance – Healing the Body From Inside

bioresonance uk

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive healing solution that works from within to heal our bodies from within. It has become incredibly popular worldwide, with numerous people sharing their success stories about Bioresonance.

German technology employing electrodes on your skin for diagnosis. This then measures energy wavelengths within your body to detect harmful frequencies that need to be counteracted to restore harmony in your life.

Bioresonance is a form of vibration therapy

Bioresonance therapy uses vibration therapy to balance and restore health through working with your natural energy sources. It employs a powerful yet highly effective system for reading energy signals generated from within the body that may cause symptoms that are difficult to identify or describe consciously. Bioresonance can be used as an additional drug-free therapy alongside acupuncture, homeopathy and other approaches.

Bioresonance employs a machine known as BICOM to detect imbalances within the body. It reads frequencies released by organs and compares them with an extensive database of symptoms to find areas for adjustment – creating more harmonious resonance that helps heal itself over time.

Based on the theory that healthy cells and organs emit specific energy wavelengths, disruption of these waves by chemicals, parasites, bacteria or stress causes our bodies to stop functioning optimally. Therapists utilize the BICOM device to measure and record frequencies that then can be altered so healthy cells resonate at their natural frequency while at the same time cancelling out those of unhealthy cells through frequency reversal techniques.

BICOM can detect imbalances in the body by using secretions like saliva and mucous as sources of information. Internal filters will pick up on frequency patterns in these secretions, amplifying healthy aspects while dampening or eliminating pathogenic signals transmitted. Once complete, this data can then be compared with information obtained through history reviews, observations and symptoms reports to formulate a treatment plan and choose an ideal course of action.

This process is similar to tuning a piano; when one piano string is hit with a tuning fork, other instruments vibrate because their natural frequency coincides with its own. Everything has a vibrational signature; thus using the BICOM can identify allergens that don’t resonate well with our bodies, potentially leading to allergic reactions.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance is an integrative therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions. This noninvasive and side effect-free process makes bioresonance suitable for virtually everyone; in fact, its powerful electromagnetic frequencies have even been proven to strengthen immunity systems to aid disease prevention and recovery – making this therapy especially helpful for people suffering chronic health conditions.

A session typically lasts 1-2 hours and is pain-free, though you may feel some initial discomfort at the start. A bioresonance scanner detects and analyzes frequencies emitted by body tissues to identify imbalances or stressors within the immune system and sends back healthy frequencies while canceling out unhealthy ones; in addition, pathological frequencies of toxins within body fluids may also be identified and removed through this process.

Utilizing the BICOM (bioresonance imaging machine), bioresonance scans can detect imbalances that aren’t easily seen with naked eyes. It does so by measuring resonance frequencies of cells within your body and then comparing those results against thousands of frequencies related to various conditions – ultimately leading to analysis by therapists who will then recommend treatments to rectify them.

Bioresonance therapy can treat an array of illnesses, from allergies and intolerances to gastro-intestinal issues and smoking cessation, insomnia and fatigue to multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. Bioresonance can also provide beneficial support during smoking cessation programs as well as smoking cessation support services. It can even assist those struggling to stop smoking. Bioresonance can also assist those seeking smoking cessation support as well. It has proven particularly effective when treating multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia patients as well as patients living with chronic ailments like multiple sclerosis as rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid arthritis cancer cases as it provides therapeutic support.

As well as athletes and sports teams, BICOM is used by athletes and sports teams, such as the Swedish cross-country skiing team who have reported seeing it help boost energy levels during training sessions and competitions. Individual team members have reported that using it helped them improve performance during competitions as well. It can also be used to prevent injuries faster by helping release any stressors contributing to them while simultaneously reducing inflammation and speeding healing – perfect for chemotherapy patients as it also detects heavy metal presence within their bodies.

Bioresonance is safe

Bioresonance therapy is safe and non-invasive; unlike acupuncture, which involves inserting needles into your body. Instead, electrodes are placed on your skin and connected to a device which reads energy wavelengths sent out by your body and then adjusts their frequencies so they can be used by your body to treat illness – all painlessly and stress-free! Furthermore, bioresonance can also help alleviate allergy symptoms like hay fever or eczema effectively.

Bioresonance testing can not only detect infections, but it can also be used to balance body pH levels and enhance overall health. Bioresonance can detect vitamin and mineral deficiencies which are difficult to spot with blood tests alone – the test results can then help guide diet and supplement regimens that bring back optimal wellness.

BICOM machines can also help identify allergy symptoms. Their technology identifies allergens that don’t resonate with our bodies’ frequency and removes them, which leads to reduced allergy symptoms such as eczema, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, it removes excess waste from our bodies while improving digestion, immune function and sleep quality.

Bioresonance therapy differs from other alternative therapies in that it does not claim to treat any diseases or illnesses directly; its success instead relies on an unproven theory that damaged cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves; it is believed that by detecting these waves, bioresonance therapists can diagnose a condition and restore its natural frequency, ultimately healing their patients.

This therapy has proven itself effective at treating various conditions, such as fatigue, allergies, insomnia, smoking cessation and improved circulation. Furthermore, it provides significant amounts of energy while improving circulation – making it an attractive solution for people suffering from low energy or having fibromyalgia.

Bioresonance therapy has long been used as an alternative therapy method to address numerous diseases and ailments, from allergies to depression and beyond. A popular choice among allergy sufferers, bioresonance can also help lower cholesterol levels while relieving migraine symptoms.

Bioresonance is effective

Bioresonance therapy has rapidly gained in popularity over recent years. It can treat numerous health conditions, from allergies and rheumatoid arthritis to supporting natural healing abilities and eliminating harmful chemicals/food additives from our bodies. It works by rebalancing energy levels within the body as well as supporting natural healing abilities; furthermore it can also be used to remove harmful toxins such as chemicals/food additives from being in our systems.

Based on the theory that all matter is vibrating at some frequency, we can detect its movement through frequency detection. All parts of the human body, cells, organs and systems all possess unique spectrums of frequencies; diseased or unhealthy tissue has its own frequency that can be picked up by computerised systems known as Bioresonance Interfaces; their internal filters then distinguish healthy information from harmful information before relaying it back into our bodies – for instance if gluten stress is detected then mirroring its frequency pattern back will cancel out harmful data transmission back into our bodies, effectively weakening or cancelling its harmful information transmission back into our bodies, weakening or cancelling its transmission back into our bodies thereby weakening or cancelling any harmful information back into our systems – giving way for the system to return healthy information back into our bodies which then strengthen or cancelling its harmful effects or frequency signals from coming back into being the body!

Bioresonance devices use special electrodes to assess whether or not the frequency of your lungs and other parts of the body are in balance, with particular focus on lung frequency. If there are imbalances detected, an e-pendant will send out an appropriate rebalancing program for you containing herbal and homeopathic remedies to help heal yourself as well as removal of external influences like electromagnetic smog, geopathic stress, heavy metals, mould and bacteria from your system.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven its efficacy against many unorthodox conditions, such as cancer, asthma and chronic degenerative diseases. Furthermore, this form of therapy has proven itself effective against weight loss and improved immunity; additionally it has even proven useful against treating fibromyalgia – an inflammation condition affecting joints and muscles.

Another popular use for the device is to aid smoking cessation. According to proponents of this form of treatment, it may provide an effective alternative to pharmaceutical interventions and help patients stop smoking without experiencing side effects – however this needs to be confirmed through large-scale randomized placebo-controlled double blind studies before any definitive statement can be made about its efficacy.

April 11, 2024|Editor

Spooky2 Plasma

spooky2 plasma

Plasma tubes are sealed, transparent tubes filled with inert gas that use electric discharge to ionize it into plasma, the fifth matter state. Once formed, plasma emits electromagnetic waves that can eliminate pathogens.

Spooky2 features a database with thousands of frequencies to help kill viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and other parasites; additionally it can play frequencies to promote immunity support and healing.

Easy to use

Spooky2 plasma is an easy-to-use Rife machine that offers multiple forms of treatment. Utilizing frequencies to resonate pathogens and support your body’s natural healing processes, Spooky2 offers an alternative treatment method for diseases and illnesses without resorting to traditional medicine methods. Spooky2 has many advantages over other Rife systems including its versatility and the ability to treat various conditions simultaneously.

Spooky 2 plasma works by employing quantum physics principles to transmit frequencies. These frequencies travel as photons through empty space at light speed; and are carried through plasma by means of its electromagnetic fields which create a coherent electromagnetic field specific to each frequency being transmitted; furthermore, its effect can also extend outward and impact other photons not attached directly.

The Spooky2 plasma unit features two toggle switches. The left one activates an MPC free running carrier frequency of 28000 hertz; this can be overridden by switching it right, which then allows user selected frequencies to be selected instead. Meanwhile, right switch activates gating signal which is superimposed onto main carrier signal from function generator; right switch activates gating signal; unfortunately the Spooky2 unit doesn’t offer phase control but is compatible with generators providing 100% positive offset between carrier and gating signals – this includes Aurorasky 4 channel generator as well as FeelTech products.

Spooky2 Plasma can help treat chronic illnesses, alleviate pain and boost your immunity in an effective way. Its revolutionary technology transmits different frequencies into your body to cause pathogens and parasites to vibrate until they die – helping you achieve the body of your dreams!

Spooky2 plasma therapy is an advanced and versatile device, used to treat pain, infections, insomnia, fatigue and detoxify your body. It’s safe and effective; no medications or supplements interfere with this therapy’s effects – however it is advised to first speak to a health care professional prior to beginning this treatment program.


Spooky2 Plasma offers an expansive spectrum of frequencies to tackle an extensive array of pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and parasites. Additionally, its database offers support and healing frequencies and frequency sets designed for spiritual awakening as well as testing for imbalances and immune priorities as well as potential toxins in the body.

Spooky2 plasma’s main advantage lies in its ability to deliver frequencies through the body without using a carrier wave, making it safer than traditional frequency devices that transmit frequencies via fixed carrier waves. This may prove especially helpful for individuals who are allergic to frequencies being broadcast over distances that exceed one mile.

The Spooky2 Central with Plasma is an extremely effective Rife machine available today, capable of killing pathogens, healing the body, detoxing, running support programs and doing entrainment – as well as creating a strong scalar field to restore health – making it an excellent solution for Lyme disease and Morgellons sufferers. Furthermore, this device was specifically created to apply Royal Rife’s original frequencies directly without needing a carrier wave carrier wave which makes it far superior than Hoyland machines available today.

Spooky2 Plasma stands apart from traditional generators by using high-grade tungsten tubes and argon gas instead of copper coils to transmit frequencies, and offers simultaneous transmission of multiple frequencies simultaneously with adjustable amplitude settings for maximum effect. Plus, its portable design and clothing-sensitizing functionality makes this unit truly remarkable!

Wave Cycle Multiplication allows it to transmit frequencies up to 25 MHz. Furthermore, its software enables complex damped waves and H-Bomb waves. There are various control options such as amplitude, offset and phase angle that enable users to tailor control options accordingly; and frequencies can even be transmitted through water or other substances.

Spooky2 plasma tubes come in two varieties: Phanotron tubes and straight tubes. While Phanotron tubes are excellent at transmitting concentrated energy directly towards specific diseases, straight tubes offer general purpose treatment options. Both options produce near-energy plasma fields within 6 inches of your body that increase in strength as you move further away – they also work through blankets, cardboard boxes, or entire rooms!


Spooky2 plasma is an innovative healing device that can be used to fight pathogens, revitalize cells, boost immunity, improve sleep patterns and promote overall wellness. Its versatility makes it suitable for many purposes.

The Spooky2 Plasma System is an impressive product designed with multiple safety features in mind. The plasma tube is fully ventilated for added ventilation while its cable connects it to a central unit via extra thick insulation layer for additional protection. Please follow all safety instructions carefully.

Before turning on the Spooky2 plasma machine, it is ideal to connect all devices at the same time – including your XM generator, PEMF coils, and ultrasonic transmitter. This ensures that all frequencies can be transmitted simultaneously for maximum effect; additionally, make sure your power cords are rated according to their capacity for current delivery.

Spooky2 Central Plasma stands out from other Rife machines by directly applying Royal Rife frequencies without needing a carrier wave modulation carrier wave to transmit them. This gives it an immense advantage over Hoyland machines which only transmit them modulated carrier wave.

Spooky2 Plasma is safe to use and an ideal choice for individuals with pacemakers, metal implants or other medical devices such as pacemakers. Pregnant women, children and elderly patients can especially benefit from using it safely; pregnant women, children and the elderly should stay away from its central unit, however. If you have metal in your heart – such as stints or pins – stay clear from it entirely as this could potentially harm its functioning.

The Spooky2 Central Plasma Rife Machine is our flagship Rife machine and the most effective Rife solution for treating Lyme disease, Morgellons disease and cancer. This powerful Rife can kill pathogens, parasites and cancer cells while also stimulating and healing the body with frequency entrainment.

The Spooky2 Central Plasma uses the same internal MPC carrier frequency used by XM and GX generators, but also features an extra gating channel with user selectable frequency settings – typically 50 percent duty cycle duty cycles can be chosen here.


Spooky plasma employs an innovative process to destroy cancer cells. When in contact with cancer cells, they are destroyed through various means such as reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), creating a chain reaction of dissolution which breaks down tumors more effectively against chemotherapy treatment. Furthermore, plasma contains electrons, anions and cations which help break apart cell walls to completely eradicate cancerous tissue from within.

Plasma can be an effective treatment option for chronic pain and inflammation. Furthermore, it may stimulate hair regrowth, improve circulation and aid weight loss while healing cuts and wounds as well as helping prevent blood clots post surgery and decreasing inflammation levels post op.

An intuitive software allows for selecting specific healing frequencies tailored specifically for you and your preferences, with its generator transmitting them into a plasma tube and creating a healing field around you. Place this tube anywhere on skin, bones or joints; or use its contact accessory to reach hard-to-reach places easily.

Spooky2 plasma device can also be used in tandem with other Rife equipment, including Spooky Central’s flagship model – advanced cancer presets as well as being useful for other purposes like killing pathogens, running support programs and performing entrainment sessions – making this machine ideal for serious diseases such as cancer and Lyme/Morgellons.

Plasma Rife machines can help eliminate parasites, viruses and bacteria by transmitting the frequency of germs directly into your system and making them vibrate, shattering pathogens in their tracks before flushing out from your system. This method is known as frequency entrainment.

Spooky2 plasma is simple and straightforward to use, offering several modes of operation – contact mode being its most efficient form – such as contact transmission and remote transmission. Contact mode can quickly kill pathogens; just connect the plasma tube to one of Spooky Boost 3.1 high-power ports before starting up contact mode – though be careful that its proximity doesn’t interfere with generator or power source wires as this could potentially lock them up and render contact mode ineffective.

April 11, 2024|Editor

Natural Pimple Healer

Honey was another old-but-good remedy that my grandma swore by (Hailey Beiber likely uses it too!). A 2019 study discovered it has natural antiseptic properties to fight bacteria.

Ice is an effective skincare ingredient. You can directly apply a drop to blemishes for instantaneous relief; moreover, its effects have been known to reduce inflammation and itching, with many even using it on cystic acne lesions for greater results.

Tea Tree Oil

Natural home remedies can be utilized to help treat acne breakouts. Examples include coconut oil with antibacterial properties; and apricot seed essential oil which has been shown to decrease acne outbreaks. All these items can be found online or through dermatologists.

Tea tree oil has proven itself as an effective natural antiseptic and antibiotic. Dilute it with water, apply to skin with cotton swab and repeat once daily for optimal results.

Green tea has long been recognized as an effective natural treatment for acne. Both topical and orally used forms contain antioxidants and polyphenols to reduce inflammation and stop sebum production.

Rosemary oil has proven itself an effective acne remedy, both on the body and face. Studies have proven its ability to kill off bacteria that cause pimples. If needed, the oil can be mixed with another carrier oil such as coconut before being applied directly.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most frequently utilized natural treatments for acne and other skin issues, featuring antibacterial and antiseptic properties that kill off bacteria that causes acne outbreaks while simultaneously relieving redness and inflammation associated with them.

Aloe vera gel should be part of your everyday skincare regimen to treat acne breakouts and prevent future flare-ups, while simultaneously moisturizing your skin to keep blemishes at bay.

Aloe vera contains naturally-occurring salicylic acid, which has proven itself an effective acne treatment. This acid works to gently exfoliate dead skin cells while clearing away any excess oil in pores. Plus, aloe contains antioxidants which fight free radicals that damage skin and contribute to acne breakouts.

Aloe vera for acne should be applied directly onto blemishes for maximum effectiveness. You could also incorporate it into homemade face masks and body scrubs for additional benefits, while some people combine aloe vera with traditional remedies such as tretinoin cream or tea tree oil for even greater effect.

Green Tea

Green tea contains plant-based compounds called polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help combat acne-causing bacteria. Polyphenols also act as antioxidants, protecting the body against free radical damage caused by free radicals in the environment. Studies have revealed that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in particular, can reduce sebum production and improve acne symptoms – making green tea suitable both as topical treatment as well as oral supplement.

apple cider vinegar has not been studied as an acne treatment; however, our experts cite its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties along with astringent qualities to minimize oil production, and various acids to exfoliate away dead skin cells. They suggest applying equal parts water and vinegar twice or three times per day directly onto an acne pimple for maximum effectiveness.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is an anti-inflammatory botanical extract used for centuries in Native American medicine to treat everything from sore muscles and dysentery to bug bites and rashes. As a natural astringent, witch hazel reduces excess sebum by tightening pores and contracting oil glands – helping remove dead skin cells while soothing inflammation.

As alcohol can dry out the skin, those with sensitive skin should opt for witch hazel with alcohol-free formulation to minimize irritation or stinging sensation.

Witch hazel is made from the bark and leaves of an American shrub known as Hamamelis virginiana, with high concentrations of tannins (phenolic compounds) which have astringent properties, known to reduce redness and tighten pores. Studies have also indicated it helps treat three main causes of acne such as excess oil production, bacterial overgrowth and inflammation – making it an indispensable ingredient in many skincare products like toners and astringents.


Ice can help reduce swelling and redness caused by pimples, but should only be used temporarily as it does not address the source of acne and should be combined with other therapies like warm compresses and topical acne products for maximum effectiveness.

Ice can cause skin damage when left on for too long; to reduce this risk, apply in one-minute increments. As an alternative solution to ice, freezing green tea or milk into an ice cube tray creates natural soothing treatments to calm inflammation and provide a revitalized complexion.

TikTok users have taken to adopting the #thymeicecubehashtag, popularly associated with acne treatment. While rubbing thyme-infused ice cubes on your face may help alleviate inflammation temporarily, this should not be seen as a long-term solution to managing acne; to truly address it it’s wiser to consult a dermatologist who can offer tailored advice and treatments designed to prevent breakouts and unclog pores.


Aspirin may be best known for relieving pain, but it also contains salicylic acid – an ingredient often found in acne medications – which has skin-healing benefits. Crush some tablets and mix with water into a paste; dab this on affected areas to reduce swelling and redness.

Create your own soothing face mask using crushed aspirin, green tea leaves or chamomile to provide soothing relief from inflammation and promote healing. Apply this soothing treatment several times each day until your symptoms subside and healing has occurred.

If a large pimple is making you self-conscious, try icing it first. Wrap a cube of ice in cloth and press it against its target area for about 3 minutes at a time; this may reduce blood flow to that spot, and could help decrease swelling and redness. If no ice is available, try applying a cold compress instead; alternatively use moisturisers containing tea tree oil and/or niacinamide which are both excellent acne fighting agents to further help soothe any discomfort caused by acne breakouts.


Vinegar is an age-old kitchen essential, used in everything from salad dressings to hair rinses. Additionally, vinegar has long been considered an effective natural cure for various illnesses including acne.

Studies have demonstrated the antimicrobial properties of vinegar (thanks to organic acids such as acetic acid) can aid in managing acne breakouts. These acids work by breaking down bacteria that clogs pores that lead to oil and sebum build-up leading to acne outbreaks.

ACV can also act as a natural chemical exfoliant to remove dead skin cells that contribute to blemishes. When applying ACV directly to the face, however, care must be taken as undiluted vinegar may burn or irritate its way across.

An effective way of applying ACV directly to the face is with a mixture of one part ACV to three parts water, then using cotton balls soaked in this solution to gently apply it over areas where acne has developed. Repeat this step several times each day as necessary.


Turmeric is a yellow spice derived from the Curcuma longa plant of the ginger family and grown around the world in warm climates. It is widely known for its numerous health benefits and popular as an anti-inflammatory supplement; moreover, traditional medicine often relies on turmeric’s ability to strengthen and regulate digestion while ridding bodies of parasites and worms.

Turmeric plants produce volatile oils called volatile oils such as turmerone and zingiberene that provide volatile oil compounds known as curcuminoids – natural antioxidants responsible for giving turmeric its golden hue. Furthermore, this plant also boasts various sesquiterpenes like germacrone; a- and b-termerone; ar-(+)-, a-, and b-curcumin; bisacurone; isoprocurcumenol, epiprocurcumenol; and procurcumadiol.

Though some individuals believe applying a paste of turmeric on their skin can help treat pimples, no scientific evidence supports this claim. Therefore, it is advisable to first speak to your physician prior to taking any supplements or blood thinning medicines, diabetes medications or have acid reflux disease.

April 11, 2024|Editor

What is Biohacking Technology?

Biohacking has quickly become a trendy movement among innovators and dreamers, appealing to both innovators and dreamers. Utilizing technology and self-experimentation techniques, biohacking seeks to enhance cognitive function, boost physical performance and extend lifespan in humans.

Biohacking techniques vary, from lifestyle changes like adopting the keto diet or mediating to more technical techniques like using research chemicals and supplements to alter body chemistry.

Wearable devices

Biohacking devices can help you maximize your health, performance, and wellbeing. Sleep monitors to red light therapy devices are powerful tools to use biohacking for improving various aspects of health. But to use them effectively it’s crucial that you understand their science behind and how best to utilize them – always consult experts beforehand if using such devices!

Biohacking practices vary, ranging from lifestyle tweaks to sophisticated technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 gene engineering technology that enables scientists to make targeted changes to living organisms’ genomes – an approach which has great potential for reducing risks related to genetic diseases while increasing human performance, yet may raise ethical considerations.

Another popular biohacking practice involves improving sleep. Quality rest is vital to health and well-being, yet many struggle to get enough restful slumber each night. While many techniques exist for improving quality rest such as setting consistent bedtimes, creating relaxing environments, and limiting stimulants before bedtime; some biohackers have gone one step further by using wearable devices to monitor sleep patterns and establish better hygiene – for instance the Oura Ring which tracks heart rate variability, temperature, sleep cycles and provides useful insights into their overall health and performance.

As well as these technologies, other biohacking devices include at-home diagnostic testing kits like Viome and Everlywell that measure various aspects of health including gut health and food sensitivities as well as hormones and sexually transmitted diseases. Also useful are Ezra Full Body MRI scanners – reliable interventions using science-backed technology that detect early stage abnormalities in up to 13 organs or body parts at once.

At-home genetic testing kits

Home genetic testing kits provide invaluable insights into an individual’s health, such as their ancestry, food sensitivities and disease risk factors. Furthermore, they can guide nutritional decisions and exercise routines; some biohackers have utilized such tests to avoid hereditary illnesses like diabetes and heart disease through lifestyle adjustments or different forms of exercises.

As well as genetic testing, at-home products like cold plunge tubs and personal saunas can aid in overall wellness improvement. These devices can enhance sleep quality, lower stress levels, boost physical performance, monitor chronic conditions and prevent future issues – but make sure that it has been rigorously tested against relevant methodologies to comply with FDA regulations before selecting one to meet your needs and budget.

At-home health technologies have transformed fitness and nutrition trends, creating an ever-expanding market for biohacking products. These innovations enable individuals to self-test their bodies for potential risks while relieving healthcare systems of an additional burden.

However, some of these tools may be hazardous when misused. The California Department of Consumer Affairs is investigating Josiah Zayner of ODIN who sells DIY CRISPR engineering kits; he has become an outspoken supporter of affordable DIY biology and was recently accused of practicing medicine without a valid license. Legislators fear biohackers may attempt to mimic stunts seen on popular TV shows like Jackass which have resulted in injuries or deaths among teens.

Even with its inherent risks, at-home genetic hacking has rapidly expanded within the healthcare industry. It’s a form of DIY science intended to optimize human bodies; many have discovered its positive benefits in improving their lives. Over time, such technologies could become integrated with biological intelligence implants; Elon Musk himself founded Neuralink, which develops brain-computer interfaces designed specifically to align artificial intelligence with human interests.

Metabolic monitors

Biohacking tools developed recently harness artificial intelligence (AI) for personalized health insights and recommendations that enable individuals to optimize their biology. These solutions use data analytics to examine data such as heart rate and blood pressure measurements, sleep patterns and nutritional intake in order to detect trends that can help improve health outcomes and create sustainable fitness regimes for their users. Be wary when using these technologies as some may lack long-term evidence and pose potential side effects. Anyone interested in experimenting should seek guidance from an accredited healthcare professional or biohacking specialist for optimal outcomes.

One of the most sought-after biohacking technologies is a metabolic monitor, which gives users insight into their metabolism and energy levels. These devices measure heartbeat variation – an indicator of cardiovascular health that can predict early signs of disease – which provides invaluable information. They’re available from numerous suppliers and many have garnered positive reviews on sites like GGR.

Popular biohacking techniques include cold exposure such as cold showers or ice baths, which is believed to stimulate metabolic processes, increase circulation, and boost immune function. Some biohackers also employ heat therapy like infrared sauna blankets in order to promote weight loss and mental clarity, while nootropics may increase cognitive functions such as memory, focus and creativity.

Other advanced biohacking techniques include gene editing, which has the power to transform medicine and healthcare. This technology enables scientists to correct genetic mutations and create enhanced traits in plants, animals and humans – however this technology also raises ethical concerns due to unintentional mutations as well as creating designer babies; additionally it has security and privacy implications surrounding its storage and transmission of personal data.

Brain stimulation devices

Biohacking may sound like the stuff of science-fiction novels, but it’s becoming an increasing reality. Biohacking involves optimizing physical and mental performance using out-of-the-box techniques in order to maximize health, wellness and longevity – from cold therapy and nutritional supplements to self-experimentation and monitoring metabolism, glucose levels and cell energy.

Cognitive biohacking refers to the practice of employing noninvasive brain stimulation technologies to increase concentration, memory retention and creativity. Common examples include Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) devices and Audio Visual Entrainment Headsets that have proven their worth in reducing anxiety, improving sleep and increasing productivity; other popular cognitive biohacking devices include Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) devices and Neurofeedback software programs.

These biohacking technologies may be effective, but should never replace professional medical care. Healthcare professionals offer valuable clinical judgement, contextual knowledge and experience that cannot be replicated by artificial intelligence; thus they can interpret and contextualise AI-driven biohacking technology for a more holistic approach to wellness.

As these technologies gain increasing traction, regulatory authorities may come under greater strain to regulate them responsibly. They should prioritize data and personal information protection, using credible metrics or measurements as measures of success; additionally they must establish guidelines that encourage responsible use.

Embeddable devices

One of the most impressive applications of biohacking technology is implantable devices. These can transform lives and prolong healthspans; some examples include heart rate variability monitors and brain-computer interface implants, which have become increasingly popular within biohacking circles as ways of increasing performance, relieving stress, treating mental illness, improving performance, relieving symptoms faster or treating mental illness more effectively. But such biohacking tools pose ethical concerns; for this reason they should always be carefully researched and assessed by professionals before being used on individuals as it is vital that these comply with regulations as well as medical guidelines set by medical bodies and medical authorities.

Informal Consent is another key element to keep in mind when employing these tools. Startups must ensure individuals understand all risks and implications associated with using such devices, and provide clear and detailed information for users so they can make the best decision for themselves based on individual circumstances; when implanting devices that alter one’s thinking processes for instance, individuals must realize this could cause changes to both personality and behavior traits to change as a result.

EEG (electroencephalogram) headsets have become an invaluable asset to the biohacking community, aiding individuals in improving their mental health and focus. These devices detect patterns in the brain to help individuals overcome stress, improve sleep quality and enhance cognitive performance; meditation and mindfulness practices also benefit greatly. Some biohackers even employ breathing training devices to increase oxygen intake for improved workout results.

Biohacking is an individual experience and should be approached accordingly; experiment with various techniques until you find what best works for you, remembering that what works for others may not suit your personal circumstances. Furthermore, consult a qualified healthcare professional prior to undertaking biohacking efforts so as to ensure they remain safe and effective.