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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

April 5, 2024|Editor

Rife Machine Therapy Reviews

Rife machines provide a non-invasive method of natural health and healing. They may be used alone or combined with other holistic modalities.

These practitioners use frequency identification techniques to locate diseased organisms like bacteria and viruses and use that resonant frequency to kill them, while simultaneously emitting frequencies that support healthy organisms and cells in your body.

What is Rife Therapy?

Rife machines produce low electromagnetic energy waves that may resonate with various pathogens or diseased cells in the body, killing or neutralizing them. First created in 1920 by Royal Raymond Rife, these controversial devices may offer promising advantages in natural health and healing.

Rife therapy uses various frequencies to target specific organisms and cells in the body, potentially aiding in eliminating viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus and cancer cells. As well as killing pathogens directly, Rife therapy also serves to detoxify, regenerate and support immune systems as well as natural healing processes.

Rife machines, when administered correctly, can produce an impressive resonance effect with diseased cells that disrupts both their membrane and genetic material, leading them to die off. This process has even been shown to enhance conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

Rife therapy, when combined with other holistic modalities, has the power to significantly boost overall effectiveness of cancer treatments while decreasing side effects. As such, many holistic practitioners – including those at Irvine’s Cancer Center for Healing – recommend including Rife therapy as part of any cancer treatment plan.

At a Rife session, patients sit comfortably with either their hands on contact plates or their feet resting on contact plates while various frequencies are broadcast through the device. These frequencies depend on which conditions are being treated and will be determined by a practitioner according to which ones they feel would provide maximum benefits for that patient.

The Rife machine utilizes frequency transmissions similar to ultrasound during fetal exams; however, these transmissions occur with lower intensity and random frequencies, effectively killing or disabling many pathogens, viruses, bacteria and parasites; it then releases sound waves to further eradicate any remaining trace elements.

Rife therapy still has much to teach us; however, its advantages over PEMF Therapy should be clear. When considering any alternative therapy method it is vitally important that one consult with a healthcare provider as well as conducting extensive research before making their choice.

How Does Rife Therapy Work?

Rife machine therapy is an alternative medicine method designed to target the source of disease and restore health, without resorting to pharmaceutical interventions. Rife machines emit an electromagnetic field which penetrates the body in order to destroy disease-causing microorganisms while stimulating immunity – it may help alleviate symptoms associated with Lyme disease, chronic pain and weight loss among others.

Rife machines can be programmed to run different frequencies that target specific conditions. Each frequency resonates uniquely with specific bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites – for instance killing tapeworms with 727Hz oscillations can effectively match their specific resonant frequency; Rife machines also feature numerous other programs designed to kill wide variety of microorganisms and treat various medical issues.

Royal Raymond Rife created a microscope capable of visualizing living viruses for the first time ever. Through his research he learned that all viruses, bacterium, and parasites possess electromagnetic frequencies, as well as that broadcasting these hertz frequencies directly onto specific diseased cells can cause them to either dissolve or implode. Rife advocates believe finding specific frequencies for different conditions and producing impulses at these frequencies can kill or disable diseased cells without harming healthy ones.

Rife sessions involve clients sitting comfortably with electrodes in their hand or feet resting on contact plates, while an invisible program of frequencies runs silently through their body, targeting harmful microorganisms while not endangering healthy tissues. Session length can last from 90 minutes up.

Consultation with an expert practitioner experienced in Rife machine therapy is highly recommended to determine the most suitable Rife machine therapy protocol to address your individual needs and health goals. Combining Rife treatments with other holistic modalities may lead to even more comprehensive results than either alone; for instance, Rife combined with Ozone Therapy is an excellent approach for combatting parasitic infections like Candida or Tapeworms.

What Are the Benefits of Rife Therapy?

Rife machine therapy offers an effective and tailored way of combatting harmful pathogens and bacteria within the body. Utilizing frequency selection tailored specifically for each individual ensures targeted and effective cancer care treatment. Furthermore, by combining Rife machine therapy with holistic approaches such as nutritional counseling or detoxification protocols you can create an all-encompassing and streamlined cancer care approach.

Rife therapy results may differ for each client, yet many experience renewed energy and a sense of wellbeing following regular sessions. Occasionally, specific health issues may even be resolved or diminished entirely such as when targeting tapeworms using 727hz sound wave resonance combined with ozone therapy to kill off parasites that remain inside.

Though more research needs to be conducted in order to confirm rife therapy‘s efficacy, existing scientific evidence, case studies, and testimonials demonstrate its potential. If considering using it as part of their holistic cancer treatment plan, consulting with a certified healthcare professional is advised in order to determine their ideal course of action.

Importantly, rife therapy should only ever be used as an additional approach and should not replace more traditional therapies like chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Furthermore, combination rife machine therapies with chemotherapy or radiation may even improve outcomes while simultaneously decreasing side effects.

Rife machines represent an innovative new advancement in holistic cancer care that can provide targeted and effective ways of combatting numerous health issues. As more research into their benefits continues, this technology may become even more widely utilized for treating various health conditions.

As for those looking to harness the power of a rife machine, they should seek out a certified natural healthcare practitioner familiar with low-energy electromagnetic sound waves and their healing properties. One such facility in Clarksville, TN offering Rife Therapy therapy services for various health concerns is Apathecary Natural Health Center; reach out today and schedule your appointment!

Where Can I Get Rife Therapy?

Rife therapy is a type of sound-wave-based healing modality developed by Royal Raymond Rife that utilizes resonance frequencies to target pathogens in the body and restore health. Since its creation, practitioners have utilized Rife therapy for various conditions.

Rife therapy works by employing a machine which emits frequencies that resonate with cells and tissues in your body to help restore balance, making rife therapy particularly helpful for improving immunity or managing chronic pain. However, it should be noted that it should never replace traditional medical treatments; rather it should only ever be used alongside them.

Though there has been limited scientific research conducted on rife therapy, users have reported positive experiences. One individual who was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease found that using the Rife machine helped decrease symptoms and enhance quality of life; another who was receiving chemotherapy treatment found it helped minimize side effects from medications like Taxol.

Other users have utilized the device to address various health conditions, including chronic infections and muscle/skeletal pain. Results can differ depending on each user’s unique symptoms; however, many report feeling rejuvenated after consistent sessions.

Rife therapy offers its own set of advantages, but it is wise to weigh its advantages against others like PEMF Therapy that offer similar resonance-based benefits like PEMF. PEMF can promote cellular health, increase energy levels and help relieve pain more efficiently than Rife.

Prior to beginning any new therapy, it is also essential that you seek professional advice. Healthcare providers will be able to provide guidance regarding which options will best serve your specific health journey. By consulting healthcare providers and conducting extensive research while considering personal preferences and health goals you can make an informed decision as to which therapy may be suitable for you.

April 5, 2024|Editor

Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique PDF

Dolores Cannon has used her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), to aid thousands of people around the world. Sessions connect clients with their Subconscious mind – something she and her certified practitioners refer to as their Higher Selves.

QHHT explores deep into spiritual landscapes, unearthing answers and memories while encouraging healing and self-discovery. Explore this process here.

Deep Relaxation

Deep relaxation techniques are an excellent way to lower blood pressure, ease muscle tension and enhance mood while breaking free of any limiting beliefs that prevent you from reaching your goals and desires in life. Deep breathing exercises, visualization exercises and self-hypnosis techniques may all contribute to creating this state of deep relaxation – while some individuals can reach it without support of trained practitioners; other may need the guidance of one. For those searching for ways to connect with Universal Consciousness while healing their body mind and spirit simultaneously a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session may offer all three!

QHHT, created by Dolores Cannon, uses hypnosis to enable individuals to connect with their higher selves for guidance and answers beyond what can be gleaned through conscious thought alone. To do so, Dolores induces deep relaxation known as the theta brainwave state as they communicate with both their subconscious mind and higher selves in this state of relaxation.

Hypnotic trance created through this process allows individuals to explore past lives, experience physical and emotional healing, and gain a wealth of information outside of their current awareness. Connecting more closely with one’s inner wisdom serves as a powerful source of change and empowerment that goes far beyond their healing journey.

Some clients have experienced great success reliving and healing from childhood abuse, the humiliation and fury associated with sexual assault or grief over family deaths in Holocaust. Through deep relaxation therapy sessions they were able to release any limiting beliefs they held onto while finding peace through forgiveness.

Other sessions have focused on treating specific health issues, such as chronic pain, digestive issues and migraines. Individuals were able to identify their sources and find effective natural solutions; long-held beliefs which kept them stuck in situations or relationships they no longer want were resolved while memories from past lives which are relevant to present day journeys were recovered as well.

Guided Inquiry

QHHT sessions go beyond simple hypnosis – they offer guided exploration into the subconscious. Each session begins with a conversation between practitioner and client about background, needs, goals for their journey ahead, then deep hypnosis wherein veils between conscious and subconscious become thinner; thereafter practitioners might prompt inquiries or guide clients through past lives or future glimpses – all within a safe environment that encourages self-discovery.

QHHT sessions can benefit almost anyone from curious skeptics to those who have tried everything else. QHHT’s unique approach can address nearly anything troubling an individual – from past traumas and illnesses, to finding purpose and understanding repetitive patterns.

Real-life success stories in this article show just how varied a QHHT session can be, demonstrating its adaptability to meet various needs and goals. From emotional trauma healing and connecting with the universe, to uncovering physical symptoms’ root causes – QHHT offers powerful healing and transformation.

When selecting a QHHT practitioner, be sure to find one certified by an established body. This ensures they’ve met rigorous standards and can safely guide you through a session. Furthermore, find someone who resonates with your personal goals and can tailor each session to meet those requirements.

Michelle found that QHHT sessions enabled her to recognize her kismet and recognize she needed to address stress and anxiety more closely, leading her to connect to her spiritual self, gain new perspectives on life, and establish tangible paths towards realizing her dreams. Dagmara experienced something similar – an awakening which helped her develop a more cohesive understanding of herself while building self-confidence that enabled her to overcome obstacles more easily and achieve her goals more quickly.

Past-Life Regression

Regression meditation allows you to recall memories from previous lifetimes for deeper insight into who you are today. Although the concept of past lives may be controversial and can raise many questions among skeptics, research and anecdotal evidence support its existence and the possibility for spiritual growth through exploring one’s subconscious.

Past Life Regression is an approach used to accessing parts of yourself that hold all the answers, usually via hypnosis. This part can be known as your Higher Self, Over Soul, Super Conscious or Subconscious; and provides instantaneous healing as well as guidance in finding solutions to everyday situations in your present life experiences.

Beginning the process by visualizing and relaxing into an alpha state (8-12Hz), once relaxed enough your subconscious will open a portal into the past and you can select which past life(s) to explore during regression therapy sessions guided by an experienced therapist. As part of the experience you may experience emotions or physical sensations during regression as well as connecting to deeper memories through accessing guides, angels or spirit helpers for guidance or insight – it can truly be transformative! This experience should always remain safe, empowering, and transformative!

At a session, your unconscious may allow you to explore as many past lives as your imagination will permit, the most popular being childhood past lives; often these memories seem so vivid they feel as though they’re happening right now! This information can help explain your talents, phobias, relationship difficulties or medical conditions by explaining their cause or providing potential solutions.

QHHT, developed by Dolores Cannon over decades of practice with thousands of clients, is an extremely quick past life regression therapy technique. This process gives clients access to their subconscious minds that are responsible for understanding why challenges exist in their current life.

Physical Healing

At QHHT sessions, clients experience both past lives and healing in present time. According to Dolores Cannon (who passed away in 2014), all humans possess an information and healing force she called “The Higher Self,” which QHHT practitioners access during sessions.

Hypnosis helps clients enter an altered state of consciousness that facilitates physical healing. This trance-like state allows clients to access all the information their bodies require for recovery as well as guidance from their Higher Selves.

Filling out a quantum hypnosis scripts pdf form requires accuracy and providing true and legitimate data, otherwise mistakes could have detrimental repercussions. Before submitting the form, doublecheck its information and use an effective tool to correct any mistakes if any arise; doing so could save a great deal of stress, effort and money as well as penalties from missed deadlines.

April 5, 2024|Editor

Occupational Therapy and MS – Energy Conservation Techniques

Energy conservation techniques (ECTs) can be invaluable tools in treating MS and other diseases treated by occupational therapists, helping manage fatigue and pain management.

Occupational therapy practitioners also employ ECTs with patients suffering from lung conditions. They train them how to monitor oxygen saturation levels and take necessary action when the saturation becomes unsafe.


Energy conservation techniques are strategies used by occupational therapists to assist their patients in managing fatigue and accomplish daily tasks more quickly and feel accomplished more quickly. Furthermore, energy conservation techniques may reduce caregiver fatigue which often leads to burnout and stress for caregivers as well as reduce symptoms associated with conditions like COPD, cancer, cardiac conditions or fibromyalgia that lead to fatigue.

Energy conservation techniques for respiratory patients are particularly essential. Because oxygen helps these individuals breathe, any excessive physical movement that exceeds 90 percent saturation levels could potentially lower it below 90% and result in decreased oxygen saturation levels or decrease fatigue, discoloration of skin tone, nausea and dizziness symptoms. Occupational Therapists (OTs) should recommend consistent use of pulse oximeters along with education on signs and symptoms to help their patients recognize when they need to rest or stop for good.

Occupational therapists (OTs) employ various strategies when teaching energy conservation techniques, including individual education, activity logbooks and tailored home modification/equipment prescription. Additionally, OTs can offer safe body mechanics education to decrease the risk of repetitive use injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis and rotator cuff injury.

Plan ahead in order to conserve energy and avoid unnecessary trips, beginning each day or week with the most important task and switching up light and heavy tasks throughout. Ask for assistance if necessary and consider investing in lightweight equipment like wheeled trolleys and jugs that help lower energy consumption.


Individuals living with conditions such as COPD, Multiple Sclerosis and other chronic illnesses may find it challenging to complete everyday tasks without expending excessive energy. Conserving energy can help these people increase independence in daily activities as well as reduce pain, muscle fatigue and joint stress. Occupational Therapists (OTs) can teach these principles into daily routines to promote energy conservation.

Occupational therapists will frequently work with respiratory patients to make sure that their energy reserves don’t drain away too quickly, especially those on oxygen, as overexertion of energy levels may lead to oxygen desaturation and lead to symptoms like fatigue, nausea and skin discoloration. Therefore it’s imperative that OTs educate their patients on ways to conserve energy while encouraging the use of pulse oximeters so they can monitor oxygen saturation levels more closely.

Before beginning to implement energy conservation techniques, conducting a detailed task analysis is key. This will determine which tasks the patient can complete independently and which they require assistance from caregivers with. Furthermore, it should identify energy costs for each task and the necessary time commitment required to complete them.

There are various strategies available for energy conservation, but it is essential to remember that every person’s tolerance level varies day-by-day. When undertaking tasks that become too much for you to bear alone, ask for help as soon as necessary – for instance when trying to reach items on high shelves or cupboards ask someone else for assistance instead – this can reduce strain on back and shoulders and save energy overall.


Occupational Therapists possess vast knowledge in energy conservation techniques and strategies. They can also suggest home modifications or assistive equipment that will reduce energy use for daily activities, including prioritisation of tasks, activity logs and ergonomically optimised equipment prescription.

Energy conservation techniques can be especially helpful for patients living with chronic illnesses such as COPD and cardiovascular diseases. Energy-saving measures can enhance quality of life while creating a sense of well being, reduce fatigue and enhance performance during daily living activities. Occupational therapists can teach their patients simple energy saving activities such as sitting instead of standing for prolonged periods and limiting arm movement to reduce strain on shoulders and backs.

Occupational therapists (OTs) can educate respiratory patients on how to conserve energy by positioning themselves comfortably and safely, and also encourage consistent use of a pulse oximeter in order to monitor oxygen saturation levels and avoid oxygen desaturation, which may occur either symptomatically or non-symptomatically depending on illness, leading to discoloration of skin, dizziness, nausea or fatigue as symptoms.

Reddy Care can assist in managing fatigue for a better quality of life, and our skilled rehabilitation team can show you how to conserve energy so that daily activities become simpler. Call now to set up a consultation! We provide physical and occupational therapy services for residents in Farmingdale and Great Neck, New York.

Pace yourself

As an illness reduces energy levels, even simple tasks may become tiresome and exhausting. Your body has to expend more energy on performing these activities, which requires using energy conservation techniques in order to adapt the way you complete them and lessen fatigue levels – these simple changes could make an incredible difference to how you feel each day!

An occupational therapist (OT) will help you find ways to conserve energy while still accomplishing tasks you need or want to complete. This could include simplifying difficult tasks, taking frequent rest breaks during activities and learning strategies to enhance your ability to perform activities.

One of the key energy conservation techniques is to take it slow. Avoiding rushing or trying to do too many tasks at once in one day could lead to exhaustion that takes more energy to overcome than expected.

Your occupational therapist (OT) will teach you to prioritize, plan and position yourself to save energy. Focus on doing the most important tasks first before working through the list; avoid activities requiring excessive movement such as swimming or playing sports that require extensive movement; change positions frequently when possible (sitting down can save 25% more energy than standing for tasks such as washing hair and getting dressed); etc.

Conserving energy can reduce fatigue and increase independence for people suffering from cancer, COPD, heart conditions, aging or any condition which leads to fatigue. For more information about energy conservation techniques contact Reddy Care Physical & Occupational Therapy located in Farmingdale and Great Neck NY for further assistance.

Pursed lip breathing

Pursed lip breathing is a technique designed to let more air enter the lungs and combat shortness of breath, reduce fatigue, make breathing easier during exercise and increased activity, as well as aiding chronic respiratory conditions, like COPD.

Occupational therapists can teach their patients energy conservation techniques such as pursed lip breathing. Additionally, they may show the patient how to make modifications in their home environment and utilize assistive equipment. Finally, occupational therapists may teach prioritizing tasks and using energy conservation strategies during daily activities, taking regular rest breaks, delegating tasks to others and delegating simple tasks to others.

People living with COPD may benefit from pursed lip breathing to increase oxygen intake and decrease feelings of exhaustion, helping them feel more active while improving quality of life. It is important that pursed lip breathing be practiced safely; always seek advice from a medical provider prior to trying any new breathing techniques.

For this exercise, first sit or lie down while relaxing your neck and shoulders. Next, inhale slowly through your nose for two seconds with mouth closed; exhale through lips for four or more seconds with mouth open (it helps if counting to yourself!). When used correctly, one should feel their abdomen expand with each inhalation and contract with each exhalation – this will prevent hyperpneic breathing which is intense or deep breathing that leaves one feeling short of breath.

April 5, 2024|Editor

Wave Genome Tesla Generator

Wave genome tesla generator is a quantum biocomputing technology designed for rejuvenation and wellness, protecting users against psychic attacks.

The generator distributes holographic information-wave streams according to client holographic biofeedback produced automatically by their CHIP and self-test results, and takes about 15 minutes for this process to take place.


The Tesla PSI-GENERATOR is the world’s most sophisticated quantum biocomputing device. It is designed to enhance wave optics of your chromosomes and protect you from psychotronic or genetic warfare. Available in both basic and advanced models, with the latter featuring an additional aura psi-generator capable of speeding physical and spiritual development while protecting from electromagnetic fields.

TESLA PSI-GENERATOR’s chip contains the client’s biohologram encoded with laser technology on a nano level. To customize their experience, the client is modulated by five soundtracks of sacred ancient mantras for each physiological system in their body – played through headphones over 12-13 minutes for optimal treatment results. While receiving therapy, the holographic signal influences part of your brain responsible for that specific functional system.

As with any device, optimal results from wearing or sleeping with the MINI-TESLA PSI-GENERATOR depend on individual body geometry; thus, we advise wearing it on your solar plexus in SHIELD mode for maximum effect. However, placement will depend on personal choice.

If you’re flying, take your TESLA PSI-GENERATOR along. It should pass through airport security without issue, and can even be set to SHIELD mode as an EMF and radiation-protection device for extra safety during flights.

WAVE GENOME LLC utilizes quantum biocomputing technology for rejuvenation, wellness and agriculture applications. Their products include Tesla water generators and glasses as well as the RA Sarcophagus/Second Birth Psi-Generator. Products of this company are developed through scientific research and clinical trials. With a global distribution network and multiple patents, licenses, and certifications pending for its products; in addition, numerous clinical trials for these have already taken place as well as a team of highly trained scientists working on them. Research studies conducted on its products at several universities is also an integral component of their services. Established in 2010 as a private, San Jose-based enterprise with more than one thousand employees worldwide and leading quantum biocomputing technology behind them – they offer several revolutionary rejuvenation and wellness products as part of their offerings.


Digital Pharmacy is an emerging trend in the pharmaceutical industry that provides patients with more convenient ways to receive medication. It has been spurred on by rising consumer demand for online pharmacies with enhanced services and faster turnaround. Companies providing digital pharmacies are using technology to enhance patient care while streamlining operations; customer education and outreach campaigns are being undertaken alongside business operations improvement. Many startups have entered this space including telemedicine companies and e-commerce giants providing customers with one stop shops for health care needs and medications.

WAVE GENOME LLC provides two versions of Digital Pharmacy: (1) TESLA TEST & TREAT DIGITAL PHARMACY and (2) TESLA HUMAN CELL DIGITAL PHARMACY. The former features software called TT along with MINI-TESLA PSI-GENERATOR; both models come in both GENERIC and INDIVIDUAL models with one having universal human biohologram encoded via laser into nano level chip on its chip while individual client biohologram is stored individually into its microchip while GENERIC PSI-GENERATOR contains encoded biohologram that contains universal human biohologram while the latter contains individual client biohologram stored inside its microchip chip;

As opposed to traditional pharmaceuticals, DIGITAL PHARMACY offers no side effects or withdrawal symptoms. Digitized bioholograms are balanced to the user’s specific geometry of chromosomes in order to not interfere with your body’s natural self-defense system and contain no chemicals or preservatives.

When the TT software is running, both computer spin states and human matrix/biohologram spin states are in alignment and instantaneous information transfer occurs between them – this allows DIGITAL PHARMACY to disburse both Holographic Signals and Therapy Methods.

Digitized bioholograms are comprised of 44 modules for every system and vital organ of the body, each one containing its own information-wave status in terms of human matrix/biohologram and cosmic matrix/biohologram holographic codes. Digitized bioholograms produced by TESLA PSI-GENERATOR can be downloaded into TT software for self-testing and self-therapy by clients while WAVE GENOME TECHNOLOGIES deliver white noise encoded music, so listening binaural self-therapy may take several minutes twice daily or daily in cases of illness/healthiness respectively.


TESLA TEST & TREAT is a software program that analyzes Wave Optics in living cells of every essential bodily organ and physiological system in the human body, as well as detect and correct waves in liquid crystal media of the brain. Additionally, this method can identify toxins and imbalances within our bodies as well as alleviating symptoms from various diseases without using drugs or chemicals like conventional medicine would. TESLA TEST & TREAT software may be purchased on its own or together with an individual MATRIX or ULTIMATE Psi-Generator from WAVE GENOME LLC for ultimate performance results.

TESLA TEST & TREAT comes in two variations, DIGITAL PHARMACY and TELASYN. DIGITAL PHARMACY is a software program which collects, stores, identifies and corrects distortions in energy fields; while TELASYN transmits this digital wave biofeedback directly into cellular matrix.

In addition to its use as a sonic therapy tool, the TESLA PSI-GENERATOR can also be applied in home and office environments as a powerful antidote for electromagnetic radiation exposure and environmental contaminants. TESLA PSI-GENERATOR was specifically created to deliver high quality results quickly – suitable for individuals suffering from anxiety, depression, insomnia, asthma or chronic pain conditions.

One of the key aspects of using the TESLA PSI-GENERATOR is maintaining and caring for it properly. It is especially crucial that no tampering with its battery, which contains high voltage components. Furthermore, keep away from other electronics which emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation as this could compromise its operation.

Tesla recently unveiled the beta version of their FSD feature, which allows cars to change lanes, exit highways and recognize stop signs and traffic lights automatically. Unfortunately, drivers have reported errors with this system which have raised concerns among researchers and safety experts such as Consumer Reports (CR). Tesla acknowledges these issues while warning owners to pay full attention while driving.


TESLA provides accurate spatial transcriptomics (ST) for tumor microenvironment (TME) discovery and tumor progression monitoring. While other ST platforms analyze gene expression at low resolution spots, TESLA leverages machine learning technology to detect individual cells as well as unique TME features like lymphoid structures that reside directly on histology images at pixel level resolution for accurate annotation and annotation.

A massively complex piece of technology, it plays a critical role in Cybertruck battery packs. And its development is one reason 4680 production is ahead of schedule for both ramp up and future vehicle programs – as well as supporting CEO claims of producing batteries with 1 Million Mile range per battery next year.

April 5, 2024|Editor

Eden Energy Medicine

Energy medicine taps into your energy to bring resilience, joy and greater vitality into your life. By balancing all nine energy systems you are empowered to meet modern day challenges with grace.

Donna Eden famously overcame multiple sclerosis without resorting to conventional medicine over four decades ago through working with her body’s energy system and applying Kinesiology techniques in order to assess what was needed for healing.


Eden Energy Medicine practitioners utilize nine specific energies or systems which support and maintain body health: meridians, chakras, aura and radiant circuits, Celtic weave, Five Rhythms Electrics and Grid. Energy medicine differs from conventional medicine by treating energetic imbalances rather than trying to repair physical conditions directly; as such, its approach relies on shifting impaired energy patterns rather than trying to restore physical conditions directly.

Energy work can aid digestion, increase vitality, reduce stress and anxiety levels and even provide relief from depression and PMS symptoms. Furthermore, its techniques can strengthen and support immunity, improve sleep and balance hormones; all possible as a result of balancing our nine energetic systems that make up our physical bodies’ infrastructure.

Energy Medicine by Donna Eden is an exhaustive overview of this subject matter, covering 9 energy systems with detailed explanations, case studies and research findings. She has also created an accompanying 6-hour video program entitled “Energies Medicine Essential Techniques”, where Donna herself instructs exercises for participants.

Titanya completed the two-year Eden Energy Medicine certification program and is a certified instructor. She serves as Movement Director and Ceremonial Mistress for Donna’s workshops worldwide, contributing her knowledge of sacred spirituality that enriches these educational programs.

Systematic Evaluation

As energy medicine remains in its infancy, there is evidence to suggest its methods could be useful in addressing shortcomings in contemporary health care strategies. While conventional medical approaches typically focus on the biochemistry of cells and organs, energy medicine focuses on energies that organize growth and repair. Altering impaired energy patterns may provide the most effective yet least invasive way of improving organ vitality as well as mental wellbeing.

Energy healing techniques have been found to significantly alleviate subjectively-rated symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, pain, nausea and insomnia in studies published in several professional journals and presented at various conferences. Donna Eden is well known for teaching Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) worldwide to physicians, nurses and other mainstream health practitioners.

EEM sessions involve clients remaining fully clothed while lying comfortably on a massage table, with energy testing performed by their practitioner to identify which energetic systems require support, leading to highly tailored sessions focused on supporting those systems. Each client’s energies determine the course of the session that may occur both on and off of the massage table.

Therapists practicing Eden energy medicine vary in terms of formal training and certification. One such institute, located in Boca Raton, Florida’s Barbara Brennan School of Energy Healing offers numerous certification programs covering aspects of energy medicine therapy. Private schools also provide workshops and certificate programs. However, most do not hold regional or national accreditation or state licensing, thus reducing eligibility for student loans; they may however offer nursing continuing education credit. Practitioners certified in EEM possess a range of techniques at their disposal, such as EEM, Reiki, Heilung, Four Winds Therapy, The Hurqalya Method and Qi Gong in its various styles; many of these modalities also make use of crystals and essential oils.


After recovering from Multiple Sclerosis in her early thirties, Donna Eden discovered ways to harness her own energies for self-healing. This resulted in the creation of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), an integrative healing system comprising techniques from traditional practices like Acupuncture, Yoga and Kinesiology – but unlike conventional medicine it also considers the whole body as an energetic system recognizing that illness often results from disruptions in its energy systems, thus altering patterns that regulate cells, tissues and organs.

Eden Energy Medicine utilizes simple energy techniques that work on both the physical and subtle energies within the human body to bring balance, health and vitality back to everyday life. By restoring natural flow of energy within, Eden shows people how they can tap into and use their own innate healing capacity – something everyone possesses within.

Regression therapy is an energy-based process used in partnership with your practitioner to explore earlier moments in your life that could still be impacting your current health or emotions. By exploring these experiences both real and metaphorical, regression can provide the opportunity to discover patterns which no longer serve you and learn to change them for good.

Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioners need to have completed the yearly training required by Eden for certification as Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners, so this treatment should never be performed on its first session without first working to prepare your energies by clearing away stagnant energy, balancing your energies more evenly or helping you “inhabit” your body – talk to your practitioner for more details regarding preparation. They’ll guide you along this journey!


Eden Energy Medicine works with your body’s nine primary energy systems identified by Donna Eden, an internationally acclaimed healer and teacher. Sometimes referred to as “acupuncture without needles,” EEM blends ancient Eastern knowledge with modern scientific understanding for an integrative, holistic approach to natural healing.

EEM’s approach to health and wellness is founded on the idea that subtle energies lie at the core of all illness, behavior and consciousness – using this basic grid to manipulate these energies can bring profound and long-term effects. EEM stands as one of the most comprehensive Energy Healing methodologies available combining techniques from Acupuncture, Yoga, Kinesiology and Qi Gong into nine energy systems known as Meridians, Chakras, Aura Radiant Circuits Celtic Weave Five Rhythms Triple Warmer Electrics Grid and Grid.

Donna was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, but quickly learned energy techniques that allowed her to access the primary energy systems within her body and take control of her own healing. Since then she has remained symptom-free. It is her passion to teach others these simple and effective energy techniques so that they too may discover their natural self-healing capabilities.

Eva will work with clients during an energy session to identify areas in their lives which are causing discomfort, pain or disease in both their physical bodies and emotional/spiritual well-being. She may then provide simple techniques they can practice at home to bolster what was accomplished on the table and assist their healing journey. It is ideal that clients first repair their Grid (9th energy system). This unique structure of energy body acts like steel infrastructure in buildings; any extreme trauma to body, mind or soul may shatter this structure causing it to fracture irreparably damaging effects upon healing process.


Ancient yogis developed energy-flowing postures called mudra to connect individual consciousness to universal awareness. Mudras can also balance and direct vital energy within your nadis and chakras for maximum success – easy enough for anyone to practice! These energetic postures will bring you health, wealth, balance and success!

Anjali Mudra: Bring both palms of your hands together with thumbs placed upon the sternum, placing index fingers into the hollow of your throat to stimulate an acupuncture point that alleviates stress, anxiety and fear while providing healing and calmness. This mudra brings peace.

Vayu Mudra: This mudra can help calm anxiety by pacifying the air element, which is associated with it. By touching an index finger softly to one thumb and keeping all other fingers extended while performing this mudra.

Abhaya Mudra: To practice Abhaya Mudra is an effective way of dispelling fear and increasing courage. Simply interlock the fingers of the right hand together while using thumb to circle index finger with index finger. In addition, this technique has proven itself useful in relieving headaches while improving eye health and strengthening the lungs.

A 93-year old client of Eden Energy Medicine yoga came into see me for EEM sessions and self-care routine with Eden Energy Medicine yoga, due to symptoms associated with macular degeneration. When she introduced EEM yoga into her daily routine, the results were spectacular – completely alleviating discomfort while using yoga as part of supporting both physical and emotional well-being. This case serves as proof that combining Eden Energy Medicine and yoga together can produce amazing results!