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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 9, 2025|Editorial

Is Bioresonance Fake?

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an alternative therapy designed to balance energy within the body and foster healing. The process uses a machine that detects and gauges electromagnetic waves of your body’s electromagnetic fields; using this data, imbalances within your system are identified and addressed painlessly and non-invasively.

A therapist will connect electrodes to your body, and the BICOM device will detect its cellular frequencies. It then boosts electromagnetic waves considered beneficial and inverts those considered detrimental, helping bring your frequencies back into balance and identify and treat various health issues including allergies, digestive problems, stress and other conditions.

Bioresonance may not be medically approved, but it can often be effective. It’s important to remember, though, that no single method will help everyone; each person has different needs and the root causes of illness may often be complex and multifactorial – bioresonance may detect some underlying causes and treat some aspects, but cannot replace the need for physical, emotional, and spiritual support.

Your body’s electromagnetic wave amplitude is determined by a number of factors, including heavy metals and other toxins as well as your stress levels and adrenal gland health. An illness affecting either could alter cellular frequencies significantly causing fatigue to set in, making managing stressors impossible. Bioresonance therapy may help restore these frequencies back to normal thus improving mood while simultaneously managing symptoms effectively.

Bioresonance therapy is a safe, noninvasive, drug-free therapy designed to enhance quality of life. If you’re interested in booking bioresonance sessions, first arrange for a 60-minute new patient appointment which allows you to discuss results and ask any pertinent questions before the bioresonance appointment itself. You must also complete both an intake form and consent form prior to starting therapy sessions.

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance therapy scans the electromagnetic wavelengths and frequencies in your body to detect imbalances that lead to medical conditions, using noninvasive techniques without pain or side effects. Based on the theory that all living organisms emit electromagnetic oscillations detectable with special equipment, electrodes on your skin read these vibrations before inverting any unhealthy ones to stimulate healthy resonance resonance instead.


Energy testing is used to diagnose various health conditions, such as allergies, fibromyalgia and chronic degenerative diseases like arthritis. Furthermore, energy testing can detect parasites hidden in the digestive tract or elsewhere on the body.

At each session, the therapist attaches electrodes to the skin and connects them to a device which assesses their energy wavelengths. Based on test results, they may recommend detoxification treatments or dietary changes – possibly even advice against certain substances such as tobacco and caffeine that could interfere with natural frequencies in their bodies.

Bioresonance works on the theory that diseased tissues produce different frequencies than healthy ones, leading to energy distortion in those affected. A therapist then adjusts patients’ energy frequencies so that theirs match, thus potentially curing any illness present.

Many therapists claim that bioresonance can detect and treat various disorders, including cancer, allergies, asthma and heart disease; however there is limited scientific support to back this claim up; bioresonance allergy sensitivity testing has only ever proven itself effective at treating allergies so far.

An average session typically lasts 20-40 minutes and involves lying down. While bioresonance therapy is painless, it may feel slightly uncomfortable at times if someone has allergies or is sensitive to one of the electromagnetic waves used during treatment. Most clients report no negative side effects following therapy; though bioresonance therapists will promote themselves as “curing diseases,” their services typically focus more on alleviating symptoms than creating total cures; due to multiple contributing factors and multiple effects that bioresonance cannot address alone.

Is bioresonance safe?

Bioresonance therapy has gained in popularity among those looking for holistic remedies, as it utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to analyze cellular levels and identify imbalances that may be contributing to illness. Based on the idea that all living organisms emit electromagnetic waves; when their frequencies become disturbed due to illness they emit different wave patterns which can be detected using bioresonance equipment. Bioresonance practitioners then match up these different frequency patterns with healthy ones so as to “cancel out” or eliminate unhealthy ones from their bodies by applying more healthy ones instead.


Bioresonance therapy allows your body to heal itself naturally without experiencing side effects associated with allopathic medicines. Furthermore, this form of therapy can detect parasites not always detected through conventional medical testing methods – this can be especially useful in cases of hidden parasite infestation which may otherwise be difficult to treat effectively.

Bioresonance tests can also help detect nutritional deficiencies in the body and provide advice for diet changes to correct them, which is especially useful for people suffering from chronic health conditions like digestive problems, low stomach acidity levels or autoimmune disease.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective tool in aiding individuals manage their stress levels and enhance emotional well-being. It works by applying fluctuating frequencies into active points on the body that trigger natural processes that promote relaxation and provide stress relief.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an invaluable asset in diagnosing whether specific symptoms are psychosomatic rather than caused by physical issues, making it a helpful solution for depression or anxiety sufferers seeking a more efficient means of treatment.

Though bioresonance may remain obscure to some extent, many have seen positive results from bioresonance treatment. It’s a noninvasive and safe technique which can be used to diagnose everything from allergies and digestion issues to stress management and emotional well-being.

Is bioresonance effective?

Some practitioners claim that bioresonance therapy can detect and treat various illnesses, but no solid scientific research supports such claims. Many individuals still report positive experiences from bioresonance therapy; it should be approached cautiously though.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonise your body’s energy fields, which helps restore balance and enhance overall well-being. Non-invasive and safe, this form of treatment is frequently employed as an allergy remedy as it desensitizes immune systems to decrease allergic responses.

At a bioresonance session, electrodes will be attached to your body and connected to a machine which reads your electromagnetic frequencies. It then compares these with healthy frequencies to identify any imbalances and boost healthy frequencies while cancelling out diseased ones so your body can heal itself more quickly.

Bioresonance works on the theory that DNA damage and damaged cells produce different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones, which can be detected by an electrical device and used to boost healthy cell frequency while simultaneously cancelling out damaged cell frequencies – helping identify their source as well as any necessary homeopathic remedies.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective means to address emotional problems. It can provide relief from stress, anxiety and depression by harmonizing our energetic fields; and can aid digestion while increasing energy levels.

Bioresonance therapy is generally considered safe; however, there may be side effects such as headaches, dizziness, or fatigue; however these tend to be mild and short-lived.

Bioresonance therapy is another expensive form of treatment; sessions can cost as much as PS200 an hour and some practitioners require patients to pay a monthly fee for follow-up treatments.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself to be relatively painless for most patients and does not lead to any side effects, but some individuals may experience a slight tingling sensation during their sessions. If you’re considering trying bioresonance therapy for yourself, be sure to do your research first and speak to a trusted healthcare provider prior to beginning any treatments.

February 9, 2025|Editorial

An Alternative to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy entails sitting comfortably in a pressurized chamber filled with pure oxygen at an increased pressure, to allow blood to carry oxygen more effectively to areas in need of it – an approach which promotes healing by increasing oxygen supply to these parts of the body.

HBOT has also been shown to reduce key autism symptoms such as reduced receptive language ability and impaired facial expressions, by increasing brain perfusion.

1. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is best-known for treating decompression sickness in scuba divers; however, it’s also used for other medical conditions. HBOT involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber that raises air pressure five times higher than usual – increasing how much oxygen your lungs can take in and helping heal certain injuries and infections faster. These chambers may be tubes large enough for one person, or rooms large enough to house several individuals and FDA regulations ensure its safety and efficacy.

Treatment sessions last between 90 minutes and 300 minutes. People suffering from chronic wounds or infections can benefit greatly from HBOT therapy; however, before undertaking it on any condition it is wise to discuss it with their healthcare provider first.

HBOT can do more than increase oxygen delivery; it also facilitates wound healing and activates growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and cell growth, making it a suitable treatment option for skin conditions, such as burns, as well as muscle pain associated with arthritis or other injuries.

Some common side effects of HBOT include temporary nearsightedness, which typically affects those with diabetes or over 65. If any changes to your vision occur it’s important to inform your physician as they may provide assistance. Another possible complication includes negative pressure injury to ears caused by inhaling too much oxygen during treatment and oxygen poisoning which occurs if your lungs cannot absorb excess oxygen which could result in fluid build-up, seizures and possibly death.

HBOT may be costly, but Medicare and most health insurance plans cover it for “on-label” (traditional or accepted) indications. Please contact your insurer to determine pre-authorization needs; in many instances HBOT costs less than alternative treatment methods and is covered by workers’ compensation or personal injury policies as well. Several private companies also provide discounted HBOT treatment to patients covered by certain health policies; these patients can receive up to 30 treatments annually from these providers.

2. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a noninvasive and drug-free light-based therapy used for relieving pain and healing tissue damage through photobiomodulation. This powerful tool accelerates and enhances natural healing processes within the body to relieve discomfort, accelerate wound and tissue repair and enhance brain functioning.

LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy, or “Cold Laser Therapy”) involves subjecting cells and tissues to low levels of red and near infrared (NIR) light, otherwise known as cold laser therapy, that does not produce heat. When NIR light enters cells through mitochondria, photochemical reactions take place which increase energy availability for cell metabolism, decreasing oxidative stress while simultaneously increasing ATP production and metabolic activity; additionally LLLT stimulates fibroblast development which is crucial in creating new tissue formation and wound repair.

Studies have demonstrated that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can accelerate tissue repair by stimulating new blood vessel growth and increasing circulation to speed tissue healing. Furthermore, LLLT may reduce inflammation and pain while strengthening and flexibleening healed tissues structures. Furthermore, it may treat conditions like diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) by stimulating proliferation of granulation tissue proliferation while improving skin elasticity.

Preconditioning with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can be an exciting application of LLLT for patients suffering from hypoxic injury or illness. By treating tissues with LLLT before subjecting them to stressful events such as surgery or anesthesia, such as preconditioning can induce protective stress responses in the body that reduce edema, swelling and postoperative discomfort significantly.

LLLT has also proven effective at treating nerve-related conditions like neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia and neuropathy. One study showed LLLT to decrease pain intensity among fibromyalgia patients as well as improving muscle strength, joint movement and range of motion for those suffering with chronic musculoskeletal disorders.

Researchers have revealed that Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) can reduce both frequency and duration of flare-ups of chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, its use has even shown to decrease symptoms related to dementia/Alzheimer’s such as anxiety outbursts, wandering behaviors and anger outbursts; using Erchonia’s FDA-cleared medical-grade laser therapy devices physicians and healthcare professionals can incorporate LLLT into their practices for relieving various painful musculoskeletal conditions.

3. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic gastrointestinal disease characterized by inflammation and ulceration of your large intestine (also called your colon). Although treating this condition can be challenging, new therapies exist which can help manage symptoms – one being hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which uses pure oxygen under high pressure to promote healing by decreasing inflammation while increasing blood flow to affected areas.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has proven its efficacy for treating various forms of inflammatory bowel disease. For instance, it’s often prescribed to patients suffering from refractory ulcerative colitis who do not respond to conventional treatments, including steroids. A recent study demonstrated that patients receiving HBOT experienced reduced symptoms and an enhanced quality of life; researchers also concluded that HBOT reduced surgical needs as it successfully decreased colectomy-related surgeries.

HBOT may work by stimulating colonic stem cells and offering anti-inflammatory effects, while its benefits likely arise from its ability to increase oxygen levels in blood plasma and improve tissue vascularization and oxygenation rates. Hyperbaric oxygen can also prevent reperfusion injury which occurs when oxygen-deprived tissues receive fresh blood supply resulting in significant tissue damage from reperfusion injury.

HBOT can be used to treat various conditions, including brain injuries, decompression sickness and wounds. Furthermore, it has also proven effective against refractory ulcerative colitis where immune response becomes abnormally active despite conventional medical intervention.

To receive HBOT, you will lie or sit in a chamber that has been pressurized three times normal air pressure. Your ears may become blocked with increased pressure but can be relieved by swallowing or chewing gum – sessions typically last anywhere from 45-300 minutes.

HBOT can be an expensive treatment, but some insurance providers may cover its cost. Furthermore, its expenses may qualify as tax deductions under the Affordable Care Act; but before getting any treatment you should check with your insurer first.

4. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for Brain Injury

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can provide vital oxygen to tissues in need, and help facilitate healing after severe head trauma. By forcing more oxygen into blood vessels and into tissue such as the brain that are lacking it. This therapy promotes faster healing times.

Breathing 100% pure oxygen while inhaling pressurized air in an enclosed chamber or pod that can accommodate one or more individuals at the same time is called hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOAT), and the pressure level can reach up to 2.8 atmospheres absolute (ATA). HBOAT therapy is most frequently used to treat decompression sickness and carbon monoxide poisoning but has proven useful in other conditions involving oxygen deprivation such as brain injury.

Studies of HBOT for mild traumatic brain injury and persistent postconcussion syndrome have demonstrated its benefits by decreasing headache, increasing sleep quality and improving cognitive processing speed and memory. It can also reduce symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as irritability and anxiety. Finally, HBOT may help enhance balance and vestibular symptoms in TBI patients as well as functional ability in stroke victims.

Researchers first began exploring HBOT as a treatment for TBI in the 1960s due to its ability to slow brain cell death and suppress inflammation. Studies of its effectiveness on humans with TBI have been limited due to ethical considerations associated with life-threatening injuries; however, recent research indicates that HBOT can increase quality of life for these individuals by improving cognitive and behavioural functions as well as decreasing inflammation.

Evidence is strongest when obtained through randomized controlled trials that use placebo control groups and assess immediate symptomatic and cognitive outcomes. We searched both Cochrane Systematic Review Database and PubMed for adult clinical studies published in English regarding HBOT or TBI treatments; those incorporating a randomization procedure were only considered for final analysis.

HBOT can be effective in treating certain conditions, but it’s wise to consult your physician prior to beginning treatment with it. While HBOT may help some people, some may experience side effects including claustrophobia, fatigue, sinus pain and nearsightedness – although more serious risks include lung collapse, seizures, embolisms or oxygen poisoning.

February 9, 2025|Editorial

Quantum Physics Healing Modalities

Quantum physics healing modalities draw on principles from quantum physics to balance and harmonize energy fields within the body, creating an holistic approach that promotes physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Quantum energy healing provides many important benefits, chief among them stress reduction. Furthermore, this method supports your body’s natural healing processes to facilitate better sleep, overall mood and vitality.


Quantum healing involves harmonizing energy fields within the body to promote natural health and well-being. It may address emotional stress-induced physical ailments by activating natural healing mechanisms within our own bodies; furthermore it boosts energy levels while improving general wellness and vitality.

Muscle testing is used to assess energetic health and identify any imbalances within a client’s body, before practitioners use quantum energy healing techniques such as Reiki to correct these imbalances and promote overall wellbeing. Such techniques include:

One of the most widely utilized techniques involves placing one or both hands on someone in need of healing – an action known as energetic touch. Practitioners employ this approach to transfer energy from their hand into the body, raising its baseline frequency. This technique has proven useful for alleviating chronic pain as well as speeding healing from illness or injuries.

Non-local healing uses quantum entanglement theory to send energy between people or objects from different locations, which allows for distant healing – even when someone is unconscious – which is particularly useful when treating chronic illnesses, like cancer, that do not respond well to traditional methods.

Some practitioners believe humans were designed to be healthy at an energetic level. According to quantum theory, people’s bio frequencies and vibrations directly correspond with their physical state; stress-induced exposure can reduce these frequencies or meditation can raise them up again.

Quantum healing research is in its infancy; more research needs to be conducted to ascertain definitive cause-and-effect relationships between quantum healing modalities and reported positive experiences by individuals. While such approaches should not replace established medical treatments, they can provide invaluable complement practices.

Though many theories exist, all can be reduced to this core belief: Matter in its most fundamental state does not remain unchanged but instead fluctuates constantly – known to physicists as wave-particle duality of matter – providing key insight into understanding our physical reality.


Quantum energy healing techniques aim to balance and harmonize energy fields within the body, creating emotional wellbeing and spiritual expansion. While their practices draw upon various spiritual traditions, all share concepts found within quantum physics that demonstrate everything is connected on every level – quantum healing uses these ideas to promote wellness through energy alignment and intention.

Quantum physics’ central concept is wave-particle duality, which states that particles may exist simultaneously as solid and wave forms. Furthermore, quantum physics reveals how matter and energy are inextricably interwoven at ever smaller scales – disproves traditional perception of matter as separate from energy. Furthermore, quantum physics shows how just the act of observation alone can impact an experiment’s results, suggesting consciousness plays a part in creating reality.

These insights into the nature of matter and energy resonate with many forms of spiritual healing, including Reiki. This ancient Japanese practice, which originated with its name derived from “reiki,” stems from its belief in an universal life force energy flowing through all living things and channeled through practitioners’ hands to promote relaxation and healing in recipients. Reiki practitioners typically describe transmitting healing energy as creating feelings of euphoria and lightness when transmitting healing energies to recipients.

Quantum energy healing offers more than emotional support; it also can bolster vitality and the body’s innate healing mechanisms, providing relief from chronic pain and speedy recovery from injuries. Furthermore, this form of therapy has been known to decrease stress levels, enhance sleep quality, promote inner peace and foster greater wellbeing for its recipients.

Note, however, that these techniques may largely owe their effectiveness to the placebo effect and belief in oneself rather than on any theoretical explanations offered by practitioners. Still, alternative practices remain popular and provide an excellent complementary treatment option alongside conventional medical care for diagnosed illnesses.


Quantum healing views negative emotions and stress as energetic imbalances that interfere with the body’s natural ability to heal itself, so practitioners address them to promote emotional balance and healing. Practitioners report that such practices not only decrease stress and anxiety levels but also help them cultivate mental clarity as well as inner peace and stability.

Quantum healing draws inspiration from modern science, particularly quantum physics. Both Reiki and quantum physics emphasize energy and vibrations to support ideas such as non-locality. Both also assert that all matter is comprised of vibrating particles which our observations can influence and change accordingly.

Visualization is a crucial element of quantum healing. Studies have demonstrated how vividly visualizing desired outcomes can alleviate stress and pain caused by illness, speed physical recovery and create new neural pathways which improve emotional wellness and physical wellbeing. Visualizing can also activate brain plasticity to form new neural pathways which contribute to physical wellness.

Visualization techniques are an integral component of quantum healing as they allow you to access your energy directly through imagination. Doing this allows you to connect with alternate versions of yourself who have already healed, thrived and achieved their dreams; clearing physical, emotional, mental blocks while reclaiming power.

Visualization should involve envisioning yourself entering an alternate universe that contains your healthiest and most balanced self. Visualize yourself welcoming this version of yourself into your current reality until the energies from both bodies and minds connect to this alternative universe you are visualizing.

If visualizing is challenging for you, try focusing on breathing instead. Breathing deeply for four counts before holding for four and releasing six is one method used to increase energetic resonance; this form of breathing forms the basis of many mindfulness and meditation techniques such as those taught by Martha Blessing, an internationally acclaimed healer.


Spiritual healing uses principles from quantum physics to balance and harmonize energy fields in order to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Spiritual healers believe that all illness results from imbalance or blockages within an energetic body; healing occurs when these energies align themselves with higher states of consciousness.

Quantum healing brings together ancient Eastern healing practices with modern scientific inquiry, with both emphasizing energy and vibrations as important aspects of health; for example, Reiki asserts interconnectedness through universal life force energy while quantum physics describes particles as vibrating entities influencing outcomes (quantum entanglement). Together these theories suggest healing occurs not just at physical but also at deeper energetic and consciousness levels.

Physically, quantum healing methods aim to alleviate pain and inflammation, boost immune function, and boost the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Many individuals report finding relief from chronic ailments like headaches and arthritis following such treatments. Emotionally, quantum energy healing treatments aim to relieve stress and anxiety by creating greater inner tranquility and emotional resilience – helping individuals face life’s challenges with more grace and serenity.

Quantum theory’s fundamental concept, wave-particle duality, redefines our understanding of subatomic particles as both particles and waves, shifting how we view our bodies from solid entities to being dynamic entities affected by emotions that shape their cellular structure. Quantum healing recognizes this duality to offer therapeutic insight.

Quantum physics healing practitioners draw on quantum physics concepts as an inspiration for their sessions, employing various techniques ranging from therapeutic touch and hands-off energy field manipulation, as well as spiritual practices such as diet modification, meditation and sleep enhancement to help guide sessions. Their sessions may utilize any number of these strategies in an attempt to clear blockages and facilitate energy flow – ultimately aligning energy flow with an individual’s causal body (the higher blueprint of their soul). Furthermore, practitioner intentions play an integral part in healing success – these quantum-inspired spiritual practices often combine well with holistic approaches like diet change, meditation and sleep enhancement in order to enhance overall well-being and overall well-being.

February 9, 2025|Editorial

Can Science Reverse Aging?

Scientists are making great strides toward slowing the aging process, but still have much work ahead.

Scientists have achieved impressive success using mice. By mixing blood from young and old animals, scientists were able to inject old animals with fresh cells from younger ones.

Scientists then reversed its epigenome – which comprises chemicals that regulate gene expression – and used this knowledge to make its cells appear younger.

What is aging?

The science of aging is still in its infancy; as a field, it only recently received its due attention. Prior to this point, aging was simply accepted as part of life; an inevitable gradual progression from youthful health through frailty and disease until death finally claimed our bodies. Thanks to this paradigm shift, scientists now possess a deeper knowledge of its processes that lead to it as well as potential causes.

One of the main theories of aging is that it occurs as a result of biological byproducts known as free radicals, produced as part of cell metabolism. If these chemical compounds build up in your body, they can damage DNA and proteins leading to an acceleration in biological aging processes that will ultimately accelerate with age.

There are various strategies available for manipulation to reduce or even reverse aging in humans. Researchers have discovered that their bodies produce new cells more slowly to replace old ones while simultaneously repairing damaged proteins; this approach has only proven successful with mice thus far and its safety and efficacy may still need further study before being applied to humans.

Other researchers have attempted to reset the genes that control aging. By exposing mice to four Yamanaka factors known to restore youthful genes, some researchers have been successful at turning back time and turning off clocks in mice. Unfortunately, however, their experiments were not as fruitful as some had anticipated and have even led to tumor formation in some instances.

Even in spite of setbacks, many remain hopeful about the future of aging research. Some have even gambled their money on anti-ageing products like supplements purporting to lengthen telomeres and slow cellular aging.

While searching for the Fountain of Youth can be an exhausting scientific pursuit, it is also crucial to keep in mind the moral questions at play in its search. Even if immortality were scientifically feasible, would we pursue it anyway? Vadim Gladyshev from Harvard University’s Center on Aging has written extensively on these ethical concerns in his book published this past summer.

How does aging occur?

Human aging is caused by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic aging occurs within cells, the building blocks of our bodies. Over time, as cells divide, damage accumulates that renders them less healthy or inoperable and leads to cell death or breakdown, leading to cell aging. Extrinsic factors include environment, diet, stress levels and lifestyle habits which all play a part in how quickly humans age.

Scientists have studied the causes of aging for decades, and currently there are various theories as to why we age. One theory, called the programmed theory, suggests that certain genes turn on and off over time to cause our cells to age; another theory, known as the endocrine theory, indicates how hormones play a role by altering cell growth and repair processes; while finally the cellular theory proposes that genetic and environmental factors combined together cause our bodies to age over time.

Scientists recently unveiled an exciting discovery, showing they can use mice and human cells alike to reverse the aging process and thus possibly slowing or even reversing many diseases of aging, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Sinclair led a team that found a way to reconfigure cells’ backup copies of epigenetic instructions, eliminating corrupt signals that cause premature aging. They did so using a drug that cuts DNA at 20 locations throughout their genome before quickly repairing it – mice receiving this treatment experienced dramatic improvements in cell health as well as acting younger than expected compared to biological age.

Sinclair lab researchers decided to attempt reverting adult skin cells back into embryonic or pluripotent stem cells by genetically adding three of four Yamanaka factors into a harmless virus, then injecting this virus directly into damaged retinal ganglion cells at the back of mouse eyes; within days these injected cells rejuvenated themselves by producing new axons reaching deeper into its brain.

Sinclair and his colleagues have employed this technique to reverse aging in muscle and brain cells, including rejuvenating neurons in mice’s brains to extend memory retention and learning capabilities. His lab has demonstrated this effect.

How can science reverse aging?

Rewinding time has long been an aspiration of humanity’s, evident in myths and religions around the globe as well as numerous films and fiction works. Reversing aging has proven difficult through scientific inquiry – however scientists continue their efforts in an attempt to reverse aging; recent findings may make a big impactful statement about human health!

Over the past decade, research on aging has flourished to an extraordinary degree with billions being invested globally in this research field. But one key challenge remains: developing means to halt cell aging without killing it or turning into cancer cells. One promising solution may lie with stem cells known as Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells; researchers recently conducted groundbreaking work that showed this method can reprogramme these cells back into a youthful state.

Kyoto University biologist Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking experiment that demonstrated how four factors can transform adult cells back into pluripotent stem cells – cells capable of forming any cell in the body – through just four factors. He used these cells to treat progeria, or premature aging. As a result, rejuvenated mice lived longer lives with improved eyesight.

Scientists have since used this technique on various parts of the body. Sinclair’s lab used this approach by injecting three Yamanaka factors into a harmless virus which targeted retinal ganglion cells in mouse eyes – revitalizing them to improve vision while stimulating new connections between brain neurons.

Altos Biopharma, one company working on this issue, plans to create a drug that would stimulate iPS cells to mature more quickly and reduce the risk of diseases associated with age such as Alzheimer’s or heart disease.

Tony Wyss-Coray from Stanford Neuroscience has conducted experiments using parabiosis – injecting older mice with blood from young animals- to rejuvenate their brains and prevent age-related mental declines. By creating new neural circuitry supporting memory and learning processes he hopes that parabiosis will spur.

What are the risks of reversing aging?

Legends have long spoken of a Fountain of Youth and humans have long dreamed of slowing or even reversing aging. Now scientists may have finally made progress towards turning back time – rejuvenating worn out organs in aged mice to make them act younger again.

These new findings mark a landmark achievement in biogerontology, raising hope that diseases related to aging may one day be treatable while remaining symptoms of a larger problem that hasn’t yet been addressed. At present, researchers only seek solutions for individual ailments like heart disease or Alzheimer’s but don’t address what leads up to those conditions – the aging process itself remains unknown and untreated.

Scientists have several options available to them when it comes to combatting aging, all centered on altering cellular signaling pathways. Some studies attempt to replicate the anti-ageing effects of caloric restriction; other projects focus on undoing mutations which accumulate over time and disrupt normal cell functioning; but perhaps most excitingly is something called “cellular reprogramming,” where scientists take fully developed cells and use genetic resetting technology to restart their development.

Researchers have succeeded in reverse aging the laboratory animal Caenorhabditis elegans, and are working on ways to implement it with other species such as mice, monkeys, and primates. Furthermore, researchers are exploring whether human reverse aging is even possible and, if so, what method they could employ to accomplish it.

Reversing aging research may generate considerable buzz, yet scientists not involved with those studies caution that any claims of making someone younger are premature. New work with mice relies on reprogramming genes to reverse epigenetic changes that accompany age, but that does not amount to returning someone back to embryonic stage zero.

Researchers have made progress toward decelerating aging in mice through rejuvenating organs, but even so have seen them succumb to age-related diseases and die. So while decelerated aging should be pursued as an ideal, we must also think through what this might mean in terms of turning back time for people, making them younger, healthier, and free from risk of disability and disease.

February 9, 2025|Editorial

Energy Medicine Professional Association Insurance

EMPA provides liability insurance to energy practitioners of all disciplines and provides education and community.

Some states mandate massage practitioners carry liability insurance. Most policies provide space for Innersource to serve as an Additional Insured Endorsement (AIE).

EMPA is here to support both you and your practice!

Liability Insurance

Energy healers help people achieve balance by clearing away blockages in the flow of energy throughout their physical bodies, minds and spirits. Energy healing specialists employ various techniques such as Reiki, Wim Hof Method, guided meditation, sound healing and numerology among many others to assist clients. As healers we have an obligation to ensure safe and effective services are delivered despite best practices being adhered to – liability insurance coverage should always be included when offering these services to clients.

Liability insurance protects you in case someone claims they were harmed by your services, while helping to get back to work quickly by covering legal fees and damages claims. Furthermore, liability coverage may be required in some states and cities in order to practice or rent space, making demonstrating professionalism to potential clients even easier and broadening opportunities for growth in your practice.

Energy healers and holistic providers in the U.S. who enroll with EMPA’s Professional and General Liability policy can obtain insurance quickly online at an affordable monthly cost – less than $25 per month is all it costs for peace of mind, plus upgrades can be added anytime during the year.

Purchase of insurance through EMPA allows you to list all of the Energy Medicine modalities you practice, and provides useful resources like the Practitioner Directory and educational materials regarding risk management strategies, marketing, and additional energetic skills. EMPA takes great pride in offering protection and helpful resources to energy practitioners from every background and modality; together we make stronger. For the latest insurance news and updates visit; underwriter for EMPA insurance is Tokio Marine Specialty Insurance Company of Tokio Marine Group.

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)

As a business owner, you should obtain commercial property and general liability coverage. Sometimes this is legally mandated; other times it opens doors to renting space or participating in events. Carrying insurance demonstrates your dedication and shows clients you take your practice seriously.

Holistic practitioners working from their homes or other off-premise locations may benefit from investing in business interruption coverage should an incident impede their work and/or revenue-earning potential. Personal homeowners or auto policies typically don’t cover incidents that affect company property or income; an extra policy such as this one could be invaluable investments for holistic practitioners.

BOP, also known as Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), is a government mandate designed to provide protection for referral and counseling centers against third-party property damage claims and bodily injury lawsuits brought by third parties. BOP is required for non-profits as well as some for-profit businesses; its cost will depend on factors like property value and type, location, claims history history and more. BOP policies are available both to companies with less than 99 employees with designated workplace locations that generate less than $1 Million annual revenue and industries considered low risk.

Commercial General Liability (CGL)

Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance protects holistic health practitioners against third-party bodily injury and property damage claims on their premises, recommended for practitioners who rent or lease office space. CGL policies cover risks such as water damage, fire, severe weather events, theft and vandalism – with most policies also including business contents/inventory coverage as part of this package.

Two organizations were key players in developing the New IBC CGL Form; Insurance Services Office (ISO) in the US and Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC). Industry leaders determined that major revision was necessary to bring this standard form of insurance in line with evolving jurisprudence over two decades.

The primary difference from the previous version was the inclusion of a definition for “compensatory damages,” to limit their traditional indemnity nature and protect claimants’ right to defence and recovery without violating other statutes or common law principles. This step became necessary due to existing jurisprudence which upholds such rights while being at odds with statutory provisions or common law principles that apply.

As another change, a new exclusion for electronic data coverage was added due to concerns that its exclusion was missing from the prior form. While Canadian courts await clarity on its interpretation, IBC suggests purchasing an individual Technology Liability policy in order to cover this and other emerging “e-commerce” related risks.

The New IBC CGL Form’s definition of property damage contains a “deeming” provision which addresses when an insured’s loss of use claim arises. Let’s say Pop has an electric knife stolen from his home, reporting it both to his insurer and police; when these parties conclude that the burglary did not occur by accident and took place when left unattended; under this definition of loss of use under IBC CGL Form’s loss of use section his 2006 liability policy must respond pro rata rather than on an annual basis as was done under 2002 – 2004 policies which covered his losses under loss of use coverage clause.

Cyber Liability

As digital world evolves, so do hackers’ techniques of attacking and destroying data. Cyber Liability policies exist to protect companies against this risk; typically indemnifying insureds for lost income as well as costs to repair or replace electronic data and notify affected clients about data breaches and threats. Insurers typically get reimbursed for these expenses related to cyber liability policies.

Key to any cyber liability policy is defining “computer system.” This refers to any hardware and software owned, leased or utilized under service contracts by an insured; as well as digital assets like customer lists, sales records, intellectual property rights, marketing information or employee files that fall within its coverage.

As with other commercial lines of insurance, Cyber Liability policies come with their own set of coverages and terms to understand. One key point is that Cyber Liability policies tend to be occurrence policies; this means an incident must have taken place during the policy period in order to qualify as valid claim. Furthermore, limits represent maximum amounts that insurer will cover for individual causes of loss that have arisen under any active insuring agreement; they are usually listed on Declarations Page with each active insuring agreement having an associated limit displayed.

As part of their efforts to protect their insureds, most Cyber Liability policies include deductible and co-insurance requirements. A deductible is an amount the insured must pay toward a covered loss before receiving payment from their insurance carrier; co-insurance requires them to retain a certain percentage of risk through retention methods such as self-insured retentions or self-deductibles.

Policy exclusions should also be carefully considered; for instance, cyber liability policies do not reimburse their insured for losses caused by acts of terrorism or breaches related to criminal conviction or indictment proceedings. It is imperative for businesses to carefully consider all the exclusions found within their policies before purchasing them.

As technology and business practices advance, protection against ever-evolving risks becomes ever more essential. That is why EMPA provides comprehensive energy medicine professional association insurance packages.