Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

August 16, 2024|Editor

Energy Healing Remote – Reconnect With Your Inner Essence

Energy healing is a type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that works by channeling vitality through physical or nonphysical means to the body’s life force. This healing modality may be performed alone or combined with medical therapies as a complementary approach.

Energy healers employ the universal life force to regulate the flow of energy within an animal or person’s energetic body, using specific practices to restore harmony to spiritual and emotional well-being.


Energy healing sessions can help alleviate many physical and emotional ailments. From pain, stress, anxiety or lack of focus to reconnecting with inner essence and feeling restored after receiving energy healing sessions. People often report feeling calmer after their session with us – both physical and spiritual benefits.

Energy healing remote sessions offer numerous advantages that can be felt from any location worldwide, regardless of physical proximity. This is due to their foundation in universal life force energy (chi), which can travel long distances when directed with intention.

Energy healing modalities like Reiki enable practitioners to remotely channel this life-force energy into clients’ energetic bodies. Your healer will connect to the energies within your body and use their intention to deliver positive energy into your vibrational field.

Your energy can then be restored and balanced, keeping your frequency at an ideal level – an important aspect of overall wellness that cannot be overemphasized.

Studies conducted between 2015 and 2018 demonstrated that patients receiving Reiki sessions as part of their medical treatments experienced reduced levels of pain, fatigue, and depression. Other research shows how remote energy healing can reduce anxiety symptoms and stressors while simultaneously improving sleep quality and strengthening immunity systems.

Energy healing can help enhance concentration and productivity. This is due to its relaxing effects, which help promote an atmosphere that’s conducive to clear thinking and focus on task at hand.

Remote energy healing sessions can enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes by helping balance its energetic fields and facilitate their release, leading to improved health, wellbeing and reduced symptoms such as fatigue or headaches.

Getting Started

When beginning energy healing, it’s helpful to conduct some research in order to locate an ideal practitioner. Some practitioners provide their rates online while others may require you to reach out before disclosing pricing information. Once you find one, select your session type and set an appointment time with them.

Energy healing sessions typically occur face-to-face; however, some practitioners also offer remote sessions via video chat. The process remains the same but with less direct physical contact between client and practitioner; nonetheless, energy sent can still be just as potency despite distance barriers.

Energy healing aims to restore balance and harmony within both physical and energy fields, treating both physical and emotional conditions. Practitioners usually place their hands directly onto clients’ bodies during an in-person session. Furthermore, energy healing may help release and shift any stuck emotions as well as physical ailments like muscle pain, headaches, migraines, or anxiety that might otherwise persist.

Note that although energy healing has grown increasingly popular, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical therapies or therapy approaches. Instead, energy healing works best in tandem with them.

Energy healing works by clearing away any barriers that are keeping you from moving forward and experiencing joy in your life, whether they’re due to past traumas, negative beliefs, or just stress from day-to-day living. For instance, even though logically you know not all men cheat, your mind might tell you otherwise and keep you single or sabotaging relationships due to fear that someone might cheat on you; energy healing can help release these blockages and rewire your energy to get rid of these fears and regain power over them all.

For those who prefer doing their own healing work, mobile apps can be immensely useful in identifying and discharging blocked energy. One such app, Discover Healing’s Emotion Codes and Body Codes as well as now Belief Codes can assist in pinpointing trapped emotions, correct imbalances and release faulty belief systems.


Reiki, biofield tuning, chakra alignment and pranic healing all operate under the assumption that our bodies are an intricate web of energies which may become imbalanced over time. Energy healing techniques aim to bring these back into balance for physical and emotional well-being.

Energy healing techniques vary considerably. While some forms involve touching the body directly, others do not. Practitioners of non-touch energy healing sessions can easily conduct remote sessions compared to classical forms like acupuncture which cannot. Energy healers work non-physically with clients’ energies using tools like singing bowls or cards invoking life force energy as well as drawing upon quantum physics’ theory that suggests everything exists as pure energy.

Befor a session begins, the recipient should prepare themselves by clearing their mind of all thoughts and emotions that could distract from healing needs. They should set clear intentions and focus on healing those areas where there are imbalances within themselves that require attention. They can visualize their bodies as well as energy centers to focus on any areas needing healing.

Make sure that they find a comfortable spot where they won’t be disturbed, sit or lie down comfortably and try to relax as much as possible during their 30-minute session. They may experience warmth as well as possibly experiencing emotions; others will even fall asleep or enter a state similar to semi-sleep or alpha state.

After their session has concluded, clients should allow the energy to continue working within them for several days and monitor any changes in their thoughts, emotions or interactions over the following weeks and months. It’s best to refrain from asking too many questions right after healing sessions in order to let their energy settle; nonetheless they should remain open to receiving feedback from practitioners regarding how healing has affected them personally as well as any changes they can expect to see in their future – being open-minded is key if one wishes to reap any of its rewards!


Energy healing is a gentle non-invasive therapy to promote overall health, balance, and wellbeing. It clears and rebalances your energetic system to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness; supporting conventional medical treatments by strengthening their effects as well as offering complementary support. Energy healing practices may include physically touching or working non-physically with the body – including Reiki, chakra healing and aura cleansing that can be done remotely whereas others like acupuncture which involves needles can’t.

During a healing session, you’ll lie comfortably on a comfortable position with eyes closed while the healer works their magic with your energy. They will ask you to focus on any issue or concerns that you would like them to work on, then use their highly developed focus to transfer energy into your soul and light bodies using images as anchor points, intentions or simply feelers.

As your session unfolds, you may experience feelings of calm and clarity, an odd tingling sensation in your body or even an emotional release. Physical movements may also become jerky as energy moves through your system – this is normal and shows that energy is moving through. At the conclusion of each session you will experience deep relaxation that lasts days, weeks or even years afterward.

Energy Healing Therapy (ETT) is an exclusive form of energy healing designed to align you with your highest vibration, leading to enhanced levels of health and closer connections to God.

Massage therapy is an incredible therapy to assist with managing any emotional or psychological challenges that are hindering your growth and evolution, and to support you in becoming fully present within yourself and body and mind – clearing away blocks, beliefs or limitations to bring higher frequencies of love and light for the greater good of all. It’s truly beautiful and transformative journey.

August 16, 2024|Editor

Peter Gariaev’s Linguistic Wave Genome

Gariaev‘s Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics is an innovative concept which can cure any illness and extend life indefinitely. It works by using radio wave frequencies to encode DNA information into data files (MP3) that are then translated back into audio signals for human consumption.

Scientists propose that 97% of the genome could be altered by electromagnetic and acoustic waves, creating genetic texts similar to natural context dependent texts… Read More.

What is LWG?

Lingvistiko-wave genetics (LWG) is an emerging branch of biology and medicine based on the idea that living organisms contain within their genetic apparatus holographic, soliton, fractal structures. Additionally, this quantum biocomputer displays distinct elements of consciousness and thought.

LWG’s central discovery is that DNA can be altered through human speech. This is possible as human genome emits waves with genetic and sign-modulated frequencies which can be detected and recorded using lasers. When certain words are spoken at specific carrier frequencies, they can alter physical structure of DNA molecules as well as alter genetic code; potentially curing diseases or lengthening life span.

LWG is an innovative new way of looking at biology and the universe. Combining concepts from quantum physics, biology, linguistics and bioinformatics into one theoretical construct that proposes that DNA acts like an infinitely scalable information storage and transmission system with holographic properties; likened to an intelligent biocomputer. LWG proposes that genetic information can be transmitted from one person to the next by exchanging wave replicas of individual DNA molecules between persons.

V. Adamenko conducted an experiment in 1975 that proved this theory’s effectiveness. He discovered that when part of a living plant was cut and placed into an electromagnetic field at high frequency, an image of its leaf suddenly appeared for 10-15 seconds and could even be recorded onto film; this provided proof of how electromagnetic fields may store and transmit biological cell data.

Russian scientist Peter Gariaev has made significant strides forward with this theory by creating an innovative technique to record DNA polarization with laser beams. His technique involves using a helium-neon laser equipped with two orthogonal optical modes. One mode records modulations in biological structures while the other measures birefringence; then both signals are combined into one 3D image that can then be extracted and interpreted using computer software.

How does LWG work?

Dr. Peter Gariaev has made the discovery that our DNA is a wave that can be altered through sound and words; that it can be programmed through sound frequencies; that our genetic code uses spoken-language syntax coding; thus allowing us to record our individual cellular-level DNA data file using only our voice; that certain frequencies can heal our bodies and even reverse disease – with many people providing testimonials of healing from strokes, IBS symptoms and life-changing injuries in just a matter of days – with these discoveries being transformed through sound frequencies alone!

He has created a method for converting the resulting data file to audio (mp3) or video formats – which can then be utilized by qualified practitioners as part of therapeutic treatment plans. He begins his process using a laser capable of producing photons with variable polarization; this allows him to record information from samples such as blood, placentas, metabolites and photographs into data files for processing later.

Data is then processed by a computer program which converts polarized information into digital form for recording in a special type of helium-neon laser which then transmits modulations between sample and laser and back again, translating it all into an MP3 file that can then be played back for playback to patients.

Dr Gariaev‘s team has discovered that DNA codon sequence reprogramming can be accomplished by modulating coherent laser light or radio waves with semantics – meaning of words. They even demonstrated this method working on an in-vivo scale by shone a low power laser beam through salamander embryos in one container to frog embryos in another – with many of those latter turning into adult salamanders!

This scientific discovery represents an incredible scientific achievement and challenges the current genetic code model. The DNA language shows its grammatical syntax is indicative of computational processing operating with quasi-intellect, rather than codon by codon selection seen today in translational machinery. Understanding and applying LWG principles are therefore vitally important in comprehending how our bodies and minds work and function.

What are the benefits of LWG?

Lingvistiko-wave genetics is an emerging field in biology and medicine that studies genetic systems as Quantum Biocomputers with consciousness components. LWG employs laser technologies, holography and quantum nonlocality principles for operating its QBs; applying it can solve various biological issues including treating diseases, reversing mutations or increasing longevity.

Dr Gariaev‘s most astounding discovery is his demonstration that DNA can be reprogrammed through sound and language, using specific codon sequences similar to how spoken words follow grammar rules. This allows him to reprogram his code by altering frequencies used to encode triplets; ultimately affecting his DNA molecule itself.

Torsion field frequency has been shown to effectively correct DNA mutations and even reverse certain diseases, like autism. Studies have also demonstrated how an Individual Matrix created by their closest blood relative can reprogramm their DNA using this technique and store changes within their chromosomes like holograms for storage later. Reprogramming of DNA may also help with congenital conditions like Down’s syndrome.

Dr. Gariaev‘s research has also demonstrated how DNA can be affected by environmental factors like electromagnetic radiation and sound. His work has demonstrated how plants can be made to grow more quickly simply by speaking directly to them; and even helped wheat and barley seeds withstand lethal doses of radiation exposure! In addition, he invented a device which transforms human speech into electromagnetic signals understood by plants, instructing them what to do.

These findings represent a breakthrough in genetics, and have the power to significantly enhance life for humanity as a whole. If properly harnessed, this technology could lead to cures for many diseases as well as longer lives than ever before – proof that ancient Chinese proverb “Man who says something cannot be done should not stop others who are trying to do it” certainly applies!

What are the drawbacks of LWG?

The theory of wave genome is founded upon the belief that DNA operates at both material, physical, and wave/field levels simultaneously, providing genetic information via electromagnetic (EM) and acoustic waves to particular proteins, which then create unique shapes characteristic to individuals; this process is known as “genetic fingerprinting”.

Gariaev also noted the existence of an order and logic to DNA’s sequence of codons, prompting him to suggest that DNA serves as a biological language with set rules that follow suit with spoken languages’ grammar rules.

Gariaev and his team conducted numerous experiments to test this theory. Most notable among these was when they used a laser beam to record photons from DNA samples, and then analyzed them – this revealed that codon sequences in DNA corresponded perfectly with photons recorded from them, leading them to conclude that DNA acts like an information storage system containing records of what has occurred throughout a species’ lifespan.

Gariaev‘s team performed another experiment by passing low-power laser light through some salamander embryos, then scanning their chromosomes with a photometer. They discovered that some chromosomes emitting frequencies related to salamander embryos – this confirmed that chromosomes contain an encoded information matrix which could be read using a laser spectrometer.

Gariaev and his team carried out other experiments that further supported their theory of a wave genome. For instance, they found that physical vacuum can be created around pieces of DNA to alter its structure and use this to reprogram DNA by changing electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies.

While Gariaev‘s theory remains unverifiable, its implications for medicine and biology are clear. His theory implies that we may be able to use genetic code correction and healing processes to correct and heal diseased cells, leading to “wave medicine”, an approach where DNA could be harnessed for improved health and wellbeing.

August 16, 2024|Editor

The Wave Genome Movie

What is the wave genome?

Since the 1990s, Russian scientists have proposed an idea known as the “wave genome.” According to this theory, DNA can be affected by waves at various scalar frequencies; such as acoustic, electromagnetic or quantum waves.

Wave Life Sciences Ltd. (Nasdaq: WVE) today announced a discovery collaboration with GSK plc that will accelerate Wave’s clinical pipeline of oligonucleotide therapeutics, such as its preclinical RNA editing program targeting alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), WVE-006. This four-year research term discovery collaboration.

To create an organism, two genetic programs are necessary. One program should contain geometric specifications for designing the body while the second contains instructions and explanations on how to use and understand the first program and build your organism.

Why is the wave genome important?

In 1990, the Department of Energy and National Institutes of Health launched the Human Genome Project: an ambitious endeavour designed to sequence all the DNA in humans. This “moonshot for biology” had as its goal the sequencing all individual’s genome.

Scientists have accomplished their goal and we now understand the sequence of all our genes, but what remains unknown is how they work together to form individuals. To gain a fuller understanding of how our genomes operate, it is necessary to study cell dynamics within our own bodies.

To do this, we are employing a cutting-edge technique called high-field optical microscopy. This innovative tool employs an ultrapowerful laser to record high-resolution movies of individual cells within living systems – showing their interconnection and how they coordinate activities to form organisms.

These findings offer our first glimpse of how genes are transmitted and activated during early development, and suggest a more general process of parental inheritance, pre-marking embryos with genes which later get erased and redeposited at later stages.

These results represent an important step toward understanding the biological foundation of inherited diseases, as well as developing strategies to treat them. Wave genome data will provide us with insight into molecular mechanisms of genetic disorders as well as providing a roadmap for using oligonucleotide-based therapeutics – small strands of DNA or RNA which have various capabilities of modulating or decreasing levels of RNA through multiple mechanisms.

How did the wave genome work?

Ashley Smart: There’s no doubt about it; the Human Genome Project was a monumental undertaking. It involved numerous scientific teams working for over 10 years at an estimated cost of $3 billion – truly an ambitious mission in biology!

Scientists used fragmentation of DNA followed by inserting each fragment into a different strain of bacteria until each fragment replicated successfully, to reconstruct the genome. By performing this procedure several times over, scientists could reassemble their genome.

Scientists used this technique to read all of the DNA that comprises an individual, but it left out one important piece of data – how all the genes connected one to another through an intricate network, giving shape and function to their genome. Now researchers believe that this web of information may exist as encoded waves within space that affect it – for example acoustic waves may alter it; electromagnetic and even scalar waves have an influence over it.

How can the wave genome help us?

Wave Life Sciences, a clinical-stage genetic medicines company, and GSK have joined forces to jointly discover therapeutic oligonucleotides targeting inherited diseases. As part of the discovery collaboration agreement, GSK will have exclusive global rights to Wave’s WVE-006 preclinical RNA editing program designed to treat alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD).

In 1990, scientists embarked on the Human Genome Project–an ambitious undertaking many have likened to an Apollo mission–in an attempt to sequence every piece of DNA that constitutes humanity. It took years and billions of dollars for scientists to sequence our own individual genetic makeups – the foundation of humanity itself.

Russian scientists have reported that DNA can be affected by waves such as acoustic, electromagnetic and scalar waves; thus opening up a new field of science known as wave genome research.

August 15, 2024|Editor

Speech Therapy Goals For Resonance

Resonant voice therapy focuses on creating balanced oral-nasal resonance for easy phonation. It begins with humming and gradually moves on to vocalizing words, phrases, and sentences.

SLPs can play an essential role in screening, assessing, diagnosing, treating and managing resonance disorders in individuals. Furthermore, they collaborate with craniofacial teams and cleft teams in identifying their source.

1. Vocal Quality

Voice quality refers to how well your vocal folds vibrate when producing speech, creating full sounds with minimal effort and leaving listeners with an engaging, rich experience.

Genetics, voice usage and voice habits all play a part in your vocal quality, while your diet, stress levels and emotional issues such as depression or anxiety also play an integral role. Bad vocal habits that negatively impact tone include using too much glottal fry or nasalizing consonants excessively. Your overall vocal health depends heavily on other factors as well, including diet, stress levels and emotional issues such as depression or anxiety.

Resonance disorders typically stem from physical abnormalities in your larynx, neck or throat that interfere with how your vocal folds vibrate (see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Craniofacial Abnormalities for more details). Speech therapy may help adjust these structures in order to enhance voice quality; however it’s difficult to treat underlying causes such as genetics or illness or injury.

SLPs may help children suffering from hypernasal resonance by training articulation patterns and increasing phonatory resistance (for more information, see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Treatment of Cleft Lip and Palate).

Exercise that enhances vibratory sensations around your lips, nose, cheek, teeth, and alveolar ridge is another effective way to strengthen the quality of your voice. Trills, voicing into a drinking straw or humming are examples of such exercises which encourage natural and resonant phonation patterns that are considered easier and less fatiguing than hypernasal speech’s harder, breathier phonation pattern.

Rating the severity of a pathological voice for qualities like vocal intensity, hoarseness, roughness, breathiness or resonant tone is a complex endeavor due to its variable nature; such qualities vary over time according to phonemic complexity, pitch and effort in speech production. Multiple linear regression analyses have been employed to predict these features in normal voices as well as those suffering from various vocal disorders; yet no single measure exists that reliably ranks these attributes against one another.

2. Vocal Health

Resonant voice therapy aims to improve vocal health by relieving tension, strengthening closure of vocal cords and encouraging balanced vibration of vocal folds during easy phonation. This reduces wear-and-tear symptoms like hoarseness, breathiness and dryness while decreasing risk for nodules/polyps forming due to irritation/overworking of vocal cords.

SLPs use various approaches to teach individuals how to produce resonant voices. One such technique uses a straw as backpressure during phonation to regulate airflow and promote balanced vibrations of vocal folds. Other techniques may include using humming as well as voiced and voiceless sounds shaped into phrases or sentences with positive practice, negative practice in which patients attempt to retreat into their throats.

SLPs may also teach patients articulation and fluency techniques to increase voice clarity. This may involve teaching them how to produce consonant clusters with stronger, more consistent vowel sounds; deviate at rounded and onset-timed sounds; elongate consonants; as well as how to deviate at rounded and onset-timed sounds and elongate consonants – techniques which are particularly helpful with patients suffering from articulation disorders.

Cochlear implant users may benefit from using aural (re)habilitation techniques to normalize hypernasal speech, which is common among this population. To accomplish this goal, tactile feedback such as chewing or humming sensations and facial and nasal bone movement during these activities may provide information. For more on aural (re)habilitation please visit ASHA’s Practice Portal page Language and Communication of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

Resonance therapy aims to give people a strong, clear, and effortless voice they can use both at work and home. This will enable them to feel more confident during presentations while engaging audiences more fully; connect better with family members; foster harmony within the home environment; or express themselves more freely socially to make a lasting impression with new acquaintances.

3. Vocal Stability

Vocal stability refers to how easily an individual is able to produce and sustain speech sounds for long durations, as well as whether their voice remains consistent from moment to moment regardless of environmental and physical changes. Speech therapy treatment goals for vocal stability typically focus on decreasing breathiness while creating a steady, strong voice.

Strong voices depend on having a healthy larynx, the tissue which holds and protects vocal cords during phonation. Therefore, it is essential that any treatment plan for voice problems include an assessment of your client’s larynx health prior to beginning treatment programs.

The therapist will begin by asking about any history of voice problems, while their client should describe how their current voice feels. This information will allow the therapist to determine whether it’s normal or abnormal; for example, weak or breathy vocal cords may indicate tightening from strain; in this instance, rest and exercise might help loosening them up.

Another method for assessing vocal health is through conducting a nasal obstruction test. To conduct such an exam, a therapist will have their client close their nose and pronounce some consonant sounds; if these appear muffled or suppressed then that could indicate Velopharyngeal Dysfunction in their voicebox (for more information see ASHA Practice Portal page on Velopharyngeal Dysfunction).

If a therapist suspects a resonance disorder, they will examine the anatomy of both mouth and nose to ascertain its source. A repaired cleft palate could result in an abnormal or fixed opening (VPI) of soft palate which can result in hypernasality; on the other hand, large tonsils or evidence of mouth breathing could indicate obstruction leading to hyponasality.

Occasionally, if swelling or inflammation are the source of an abnormal VPI reading, antihistamines or steroids may be prescribed to decrease sinus pressure and increase nasal airflow.

Resonance disorders often affect quality of life. Therapists may suggest behavioral techniques and strategies, such as hypernasality tips from this post’s Hypernasality section, to increase clarity during phone conversations.

4. Vocal Expression

As we speak, our vocal folds vibrate to generate sound that passes through oral cavities, nasal cavities and the pharynx like filters to shape what others hear. Their sizes and shapes as well as where the tongue rests determine quality and pitch of sound that others hear; position of tongue determines quality/pitch of tone produced when speaking; the velopharyngeal valve closing properly is also critical; failure may result in various resonance disorders for speakers.

Structural causes of VPDs include an overt or submucous cleft palate; irregular adenoids/tonils protrusion into the pharynx which preclude proper closure; post-tonsillectomy enlargement of lateral wall interfering with movement (asymptote); narrow Palatine Fenestrae; Pterygopalatine Fistula and Tumors are other possible obstructions; while behavioral therapy cannot correct resonance disorders that are caused by structural factors; however, behavioral therapy can improve speech quality when symptoms stem from nonstructural issues such as poor placement of sounds/inappropriate motor planning/execution for specific sounds.

Behavioral resonance therapy entails teaching patients the most efficient use of their voices for particular sounds, whether initial /r/ or final /s/, through an approach known as ‘sounding out,” where an SLP directs patients to produce it different ways and listens for any variation that achieves desired results. Sounding out is an integral component of treating VPD since it allows clinicians to determine which production methods produce results most efficiently.

Therapists can also help reduce the impact of VPD by suggesting various management options, including changing or avoiding certain foods and drinks that cause irritation to the voice, taking antihistamines and steroids to reduce swelling, and teaching patients how to manipulate their tongue or other areas of their mouth/vocal tract to brighten or darken resonance depending on specific speech sounds.

August 15, 2024|Editor

BICOM Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative natural healing method which uses bioresonance waves to detect disharmonies at an early stage, such as diarrhoea, gastrointestinal problems, allergies with or without itching and general state weakness. Bioresonance can identify symptoms such as diarrhea, gastrointestinal distress and general weakness through this holistic method.

Modern lifestyle, eating habits and environmental pollution have taken an enormous toll on our bodies, weakening it gradually. Energetic disorders may develop gradually over time leading to serious illness.

What is bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy employs electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat illnesses. As an alternative medicine method, it may help find the source of your health issues while restoring equilibrium within your body.

The BICOM device gathers information from your body using applicators that are placed on various parts of the head, hands, feet and organ areas while you sit or lie down. It then converts this data into harmonic frequencies which are sent back through applicators back into your body – this helps balance out distorted frequency patterns while neutralizing harmful ones.

Based on the assumption that every living organism contains individual information carriers in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns that vibrate harmoniously in healthy organisms while disharmoniously in diseased ones, harmonic frequencies from BICOM devices can help dissolve distressing information while stimulating an organism’s self-healing capabilities.

Bioresonance therapy can not only pinpoint the source of your symptoms, but it can also be used to improve overall health by relieving stress and increasing energy. Furthermore, it’s great for detoxification purposes; helping the body release heavy metals like lead from its tissues. Furthermore, it reduces pain by restoring natural energy flow within your body.

At each session, your therapist will apply various applicators to your head or body depending on the condition you’re treating, then follow it with energy therapies to address specific areas.

Bioresonance therapy is generally safe for most individuals, with no known side effects. It has been successfully employed to treat various conditions including allergies, pain and depression. A bioresonance therapist will use the BICOM device to identify specific substances causing symptoms; she then recommends natural solutions as treatments.

How does bioresonance therapy work?

At each treatment session, electromagnetic applicators are placed on your forehead, hands, feet or organ or reflex zones while you lie down and connected to a BICOM device which records information to determine which frequencies are out of balance and then retransmits these at more harmonic frequencies – encouraging the body back towards its natural state of health and self-regulation.

BICOM device also divides frequency patterns into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious components, and boosts or inverts those which are beneficial back into the body, while negatively affecting ones are turned upside-down before being returned, so as to lessen any adverse impact.

Bioresonance therapy can provide effective solutions for many conditions, including allergies and asthma. By identifying which allergens trigger these symptoms, bioresonance practitioners can recommend dietary changes or supplements that will alleviate your discomfort.

Bioresonance therapy has also shown promise in treating depression. A recent study demonstrated how this method reduced symptoms by stimulating natural regulatory mechanisms within the body.

Although bioresonance therapy cannot heal cancer, its devices are frequently promoted for this purpose. Such devices claim they can identify diseased organs by analyzing the abnormal electromagnetic waves they emit, as well as killing cancer cells through “releasing suppressed” tumor suppressor genes; however, no clinical studies have supported these claims.

Though the BICOM device can diagnose many different ailments, it cannot actually treat them. Instead, its best use lies in helping the body reduce its toxic load and return to a healthier, self-regulating state. Therefore it is vital to consume a balanced diet and drink enough water during treatment sessions in order to ensure your body absorbs essential nutrients and flush away any build-up of toxins that might be present. Furthermore, avoid stressful situations and get ample restful sleep as this will allow it to recover faster after each session and become stronger overall against future challenges.

What is the cost of bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy from BICOM Bioresonance Systems is available throughout Germany, with some private supplementary health insurers covering its costs. Treatment fees depend on which tests need to be run and their number.

A therapist feeds information into the device using a standardised sample of bodily liquids, solids and secretions from bodily organs – such as skin punch – from their patients. The device analyses this for changes related to stress in mineral/electrolyte balance, trace elements and toxic substances present. Once identified and neutralised, these harmful frequencies rebalance themselves while stimulating self-healing powers within your body without pain and without creating additional stress levels in your life.

Veterinarians and naturopathic practitioners have used BICOM optima in human healthcare settings for years. Additionally, this treatment method is utilized by allergists, allergology specialists/internal medicine specialists, allergists, allergists/general practitioners/internal medicine specialists, ophthalmologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists and dermatologists – among other healthcare specialists.

Bioresonance therapy sessions typically last 60 minutes and consist of multiple therapies that combine body and substance information, played back through an electromagnetic mat that covers the patient. They remain relaxed during this treatment session as they stand or lie down comfortably during their session.

As part of their treatment, therapists constantly assess results. A feedback loop ensures that if any frequencies fed into the body do not align with its harmonic frequencies, the therapist immediately interrupts treatment and takes a short break in order to protect the patient from overstimulation of information. This helps prevent excessive overloading.

The amp coil device is intended to help your body operate at an optimum energy frequency level for optimal functioning, which may become disrupted due to heavy metals, other toxins and high stress levels. Restoring these frequencies back to their proper levels helps facilitate natural healing within your body.

The BICOM has been granted approval from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), meaning clinical trials have proven its efficacy for allergy therapy. Due to it being too costly and time consuming to demonstrate efficacy for other conditions such as cancer, such as treatments cannot currently make claims at this time; this will change as we work with MHRA on providing evidence that will demonstrate its use against other disorders like fibromyalgia, anxiety depression and skin conditions.

Is bioresonance therapy safe?

Bioresonance therapy is an extremely safe and non-invasive form of treatment for animals. Sessions are painless and stress-free for the animal involved. Side effects may include increased thirst or tiredness post session; these symptoms typically resolve quickly afterwards; instead, many animals find the therapy soothing and enjoyable; some even fall asleep during their sessions!

At bioresonance treatments, electromagnetic waves are released that can be felt on the surface of the body. These electromagnetic waves allow your body to heal itself more effectively and treat numerous health problems or illnesses like allergies, skin conditions, fibromyalgia anxiety etc. Additionally, it boosts immunity systems and overall well-being.

Additionally, the BICOM device operates at very low frequencies so as to not cause harm to any of its patients and is non-invasive as it doesn’t interfere with cell functioning.

The BICOM device has been clinically evaluated and clinical trials performed to prove its efficacy as an allergy therapy solution. Furthermore, any claims made about it must be validated through the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the UK.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven itself effective at treating chronic illnesses, including arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, its application has also been utilized in treating respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Bioresonance therapy has also been successfully used to treat conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis. Furthermore, the BICOM device has been employed to address autoimmune diseases such as thyroiditis and lupus. BICOM technology has also been utilized for treating cancer; however, research in this area remains limited. Although some practitioners believe the BICOM device can assist in killing cancer cells by activating “suppressed” tumor suppressor genes to make tumor cells self-destruct, there have been no scientific studies to back these claims up and additional factors such as diet, exercise and supplementation must be considered in order for this technique to work successfully in treating cancer.