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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 16, 2024|Editor

Quantum Manifestation Reviews

Quantum manifestation is an effective means of manifesting abundance, financial prosperity, better health and stronger relationships by tapping into quantum energy which exists at higher vibrational frequencies.

Visualization techniques and affirmations can be effective ways of tapping into this energy source, but managing the transition phase – whereby a different frequency becomes your new normal – is key to finding success in shifting frequencies.

The Law of Attraction

Manifestation is the art of manifesting reality. First you need to have clarity on what it is you want to manifest by creating a mental picture or feeling of what it would take for it to materialize; once done this image can then be sent into the quantum field via your vibrational frequency and sent into the quantum field through quantum field via vibrational frequency; finally the universe responds by manifesting it based on this intention via Law of Attraction which states “Like attracts like”. Simply think positive thoughts and feel positively towards anything and it will manifest into reality and manifest into reality!

Attempts at manifesting what we want can be challenging if they lack clarity. Your focus may shift between satisfying ego desires and soul longings; money, status and power tend to come first for your ego, while manifesting from this space allows us to access what will best fulfill us as soulful beings.

This product is intended to help you manifest the life of your dreams using quantum manifestation. It begins by covering an overview of Law of Attraction and creation principles before providing an introduction to quantum jumping – a technique drawn from quantum physics that refers to sudden shifts in energy which alter an individual’s reality.

Quantum Jumping Manifestation is an innovative approach that integrates quantum theory with the Law of Attraction to produce life-altering changes quickly for individuals. The program teaches participants how to release any limiting beliefs that hinder progress while using visualization techniques to manifest their intentions.

It provides guidance for how to overcome obstacles that obstruct your success, including identifying and eliminating subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you back, followed by teaching how to reshape them through visualization and simple reprogramming techniques. This approach is more holistic than many Law of Attraction programs and highlights this product’s commitment to personal development.

The Quantum Field

Quantum physics has proven that matter does not exist as solid particles but as wave energy. We can use the quantum field to influence physical reality by creating new vibrational patterns of resonance in our body. Aligning our consciousness with our desires, adding powerful positive emotions, and taking inspired actions becomes the cornerstone of quantum magic; turning possible outcomes into realities.

Imagine you want to manifest financial abundance. When you think and feel as if you already possess wealth, you compress the wave function of possibilities in the quantum field and set yourself on the path toward manifestation. Conversely, if you only think about being rich but lack that feeling inside, an incoherent quantum signal will send out to manifest inconsistently for you.

Quantum jumping manifestation begins by releasing old beliefs and habits that no longer serve you and replacing them with positive, affirmations-laced thoughts that spread quantum energy across space to bring about desired outcomes.

Recognizing that life is an ongoing creative process is key to successful quantum jumping manifestation. The quantum universe constantly adjusts and changes; what you desire today could change drastically tomorrow.

Therefore, being flexible and open minded are necessary in order to attract what you desire into your life. Furthermore, be willing to release any predetermined “truths” imposed upon you by society or others – this will allow you to discover new dimensions at your own pace, creating your desired reality with your unique vision in mind.

Lynne McTaggart’s book Quantum Jumping Manifestation emphasizes the significance of tuning into yourself and accepting yourself for who you are right now, while using visualization techniques to attract the life that truly fulfills you. Focusing on an ideal version of yourself five years from now – how s/he feels inside and out – and then acting and behaving as though this person already existed is recommended to increase success at manifesting the life that matters to you.

The Bridging Phase

The Quantum Manifestation Code is a personal development program that blends Law of Attraction principles with quantum science facts. Over 7 weeks, you’ll explore your life purpose, attract what you desire, and manifest the life that best serves you – creating an enjoyable and rewarding life using gratitude as your power of positive thinking.

Quantum manifestation can help you achieve greater abundance, stronger relationships, or an effective career. By understanding how the Universe operates and tapping its abundant energy resources, quantum manifestation can become your secret weapon for realizing your goals. However, remember that manifestation isn’t a magic bullet and takes commitment and action on your part to succeed.

This book offers an innovative blend of quantum theory, metaphysics, and practical techniques to help readers achieve abundance in all areas of their lives. This holistic approach marries spirituality with mindfulness while awakening psychic and extrasensory powers for lasting change in reality. Some features that distinguish this book from other manifestation books include:

At this stage, ODC collaborates with its engineering consultants and Program Manager (if present) to produce Bridging Contract Documents (“BCDs”). These are similar to the Design Development documents created during traditional design services for Owner-Operators but more comprehensive and advanced. Budget and schedule will usually also be reconfirmed during this step.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratefulness is an effective practice of quantum manifestation. By making you feel grateful and the Universe responding with more positive experiences in your life. Therefore, practicing gratitude daily is integral for manifesting success.

Gratitude can also help you release any beliefs that prevent you from receiving what you desire, shifting your focus from lack to abundance. Furthermore, gratitude helps reclaim your power as a conscious creator – you are an incredible force with the potential to shape physical reality and manifest whatever desires arise for yourself! All it takes to unleash it all is aligning expectations, managing beliefs and taking back your role as sovereign creative!

Quantum superposition is another fascinating idea that can aid your manifestation efforts. According to this theory, particles exist simultaneously in multiple states until observed with external energy; meaning your thoughts and intentions can influence events both past and future.

Attaining what your heart truly desires requires faith and presence in each moment – being fully present connects you with quantum field frequencies that allow for timeline collapse, timeline jumps and the manifestation of what your soul truly seeks.

Positive thinking sets the scene, while inspired action brings your goals from quantum reality into tangible existence. By signaling to the universe that you’re committed to your goals and encouraging its fulfillment, inspired action takes your desires from theoretical to tangible reality.

At the bridging stage, you may experience moments of bliss or success that transport you into another reality where your desired outcomes exist. This indicates that your beliefs, intentions and vibrations align with your desired outcomes, and the universe is working towards making them tangible in your physical reality. Stay open to this process, taking inspired actions whenever possible to bring about your dreams!

March 16, 2024|Editor

John of God Distant Healing

People visit Joao De Faria De Texeira, more commonly known as John of God, at his healing center in Brazil seeking remedies that traditional medicine has failed to address. Many miracles have been credited to this spiritual healer and those that work through him.

John of God incorporates entities that provide distant healing services as well as in-person sessions. If people cannot come directly to Casa, they often send pictures and request that an Entity prescribe herbs.

What is Distant Healing?

Distant healing involves sending vibrational energy across physical spaces to promote someone’s well-being. Think of it like an invisible bridge of positive vibes connecting two people regardless of distance between them; such energy work has proven itself successful at producing high-level results for everyone involved – without ever overriding free will or creating harm.

John of God is an esteemed psychic surgeon and trance medium who operates out of Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania, Brazil. Known for facilitating spiritual healings that go far beyond what can be accomplished using conventional medical treatment alone, John also facilitates trance mediumship sessions at Abadiania’s Casa de Dom Inacio to contact various spirits at once. He’s known to facilitate more profound spiritual healings than what conventional medical treatments can achieve alone.

While renowned healer Dr. Ekhart Tobias may be widely recognized, he insists it’s not him who does the miraculous healing work; rather it is divine spirits working through him that bring about these miraculous results. Known for taking patients out of wheelchairs and even reversing heart disease, cancer, dementia and other serious illnesses he is well-known for taking people off wheelchairs or reversing heart conditions such as these.

Remote healing may seem far-fetched, but its power lies within universal energies similar to what we experience when listening to our favorite tune on the radio despite not physically attending its concert. This form of communication allows us to maintain connections with people and things even when they’re thousands of miles away.

During a session, healer and client synchronize their energy by aligning their focused intents, which allows the healer to send and receive vibrational energy to promote health and well-being for their recipient. No matter where they’re situated – from sitting together in one room to thousands of miles apart – this connection is genuine and transformative.

There is no scientific data to demonstrate the efficacy of distant healing, yet that hasn’t stopped it from becoming increasingly popular with both individuals and groups alike. It can help promote overall wellness while supporting other forms of treatment; furthermore, technology has only furthered this form of alternative medicine’s growth and acceptance as modern medicine’s next frontier.

How Does Distant Healing Work?

Distance healing sessions involve using visualisation techniques and Reiki symbols to connect with the energy field of those receiving care, and send healing energy in their direction for their highest good. This form of healing is extremely powerful yet safe – never overriding or interfering with free will or causing harm.

Healing energy will travel through the etheric body and into its meridians to remove blockage and restore depleted or excess energies, cleansing chakra energies to allow fresh chi to start flowing again, cleansing chakra energies to clear them away, cleansing chakra energies re-establisher them so fresh chi can begin flowing, as well as exerting gentle pressure onto head or palms of anyone receiving healing treatment. They may experience pleasant sensations such as warm air flowing over them or tingling hands and feet or gentle pressure on their heads or palms from their healer during treatment sessions.

Though research on distant healing may be limited, its positive results have been seen by those who receive it. Studies have reported that those receiving energy healing experienced increased quality of life and reduced symptoms associated with chronic illness compared with control groups. Additionally, one 2020 Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine study demonstrated how distant healing could help cancer patients improve their quality of life.

Distance healing continues to gain in popularity and now offers access to this natural form of energy therapy for a growing number of people. However, it should be remembered that distant healing sessions should not replace medical or psychological advice; they should instead complement traditional treatments in addition to being used alone.

For optimal results, patients must make lifestyle adjustments to facilitate their healing journey, such as getting enough rest and eating healthy food. Meditation or grounding and nervous system regulation exercises can further boost the success of distance healing sessions.

What Can I Expect from Distant Healing?

Joo Teixeira de Faria may be best known as a healer, but he’s also a prophet and teacher. His spiritual teachings draw heavily upon biblical principles, emphasizing humility before God while following his path. He believes Jesus embodies compassion for humanity; therefore his mission is to help people find their way back home to him.

His work is profound and life-altering, offering profound and life-changing relief to both mind and body. With an extraordinary gift for connecting to spirits, his methods offer miraculous healings for visitors to his spiritual center in Abadiania, Brazil. Although some may find his methods strange, his patients have reported miraculous recoveries from crippling diseases or surgeries thought impossible; and their bodies healed from within out.

He also has an extraordinary talent for dispelling curses and spiritual blockages placed upon those who have committed crimes or caused harm to others, with many people coming to him with these issues being completely healed and returning back into society without needing to live in isolation.

During a session, clients/patients are instructed to remain in a quiet environment and sit comfortably, covered by a light covering over their shoulders. Half a glass of water may also be consumed throughout and kept silent/airplane mode on for their phone.

Once the healing session has concluded, it is advised to rest for some time and allow the energy from the herbs to seep into their system. The healing will continue working at an etheric or pranic level of your body – improving meridien flow, clearing blockages, balancing excess or depleted energies, cleansing chakra energy and dispelling all negative vibes from any ailments or conditions.

If the Spiritual Doctor/Spirit Guide/Aumakua/Entity finds it necessary, they may give you herbs (passiflora) in capsule form for home consumption to address the problems in your photo. In order to achieve optimal results from taking these herbs over 40 days.

What Can I Do to Prepare for Distant Healing?

Distance healing should not be seen as a replacement for traditional in-person sessions, but rather an opportunity to strengthen and deepen your spiritual bond. Furthermore, distance healing allows herbs and spirits working for you to flourish more fully without physical barriers limiting their efforts.

As with any energy healing technique, setting clear and concise intentions is the cornerstone of success. By doing so, you create an opportunity for spirit world healing energies to enter into your life and help make lasting changes to it.

No matter the purpose of your distant healing sessions – be it for specific issues or simply seeking deeper connection to spirituality – spirits will respond positively when your requests are clear and concise. However, keep in mind that healing goes beyond physical ailments; it also involves emotional and mental wellbeing.

Before beginning a session, it’s essential that you first prepare yourself by clearing your space and setting your intention. Light meditation or prayer prior to commencing will further increase concentration levels as you set your intentions.

As soon as your session commences, find a quiet location without distractions and lie down for as much of the healing session as possible – this allows your subtle body to remain open so healing spirits can access and clear energy pathways more effectively.

Once your session has concluded, it is crucial that you remain well hydrated. Aim to drink one glass of water every hour throughout the day in order to stay hydrated and aid the healing process. This will also facilitate recovery.

Keep a water bottle handy at all times so you can easily access the healing energy provided by Spirit and John of God to assist with your journey of self-healing. Doing this will allow for faster recovery timeframes and allow for fulfillment of goals and dreams more rapidly.

March 16, 2024|Editor

The Hulla Clark Zapper Protocol

Dr Clark developed a circuit known as the Zapper to activate your white blood cells to attack any potential invaders that come their way and kill them off.

With less than $20 and some Radio Shack parts, it is possible to construct your own zapper. Ours differ from Dr Clark’s design by supporting multiple frequencies including 30kHz as suggested.


Parasites are single-celled microorganisms that live off other cells. While many parasites are harmless, others can cause disease or even lead to the death of humans and other animals. Faecal-oral contact is the primary means by which parasites spread between people with human gastrointestinal infections; parasites in stool end up in another person’s mouth before being swallowed whole. Protozoa and helminths are particularly dangerous parasites which typically populate intestinal areas and cause symptoms like diarrhoea or damage red blood cells or organs.

Some of the more serious diseases caused by parasites include malaria, chagas disease, typhoid fever and genital infections like herpes and gonorrhoea. Other parasitic-borne conditions include infections of liver, kidney and heart; intestinal issues like IBS; and various cancers.

Parasite symptoms typically manifest themselves through digestive system ailments such as bloating, itching, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Other indicators of parasite infection can include joint and muscle pain, fatigue and weakness as well as loss of appetite and joint fractures. Some individuals can even have life-threatening reactions to parasites, including severe allergic reactions.

Parasites have evolved mechanisms to bypass immunity by altering surface antigens and using various strategies to avoid recognition by their hosts’ immune systems, making evasion an essential aspect of parasitology research. Successful parasite evasion poses one of the greatest challenges in understanding parasites; those that target highly social individuals can quickly spread and become increasingly dangerous over time.

Dr. Hulda Clark proposed that most diseases and cancers are caused by parasites, toxins and pollutants present in our bodies. She claimed to have found an effective method to eliminate such substances called “zapping,” by passing an electric current through our bodies – thus coining her invention “zapper.”

The Zapper is a small device equipped with copper handholds that transmit an electric current directly from palm to blood stream, killing parasites and toxins in your system. When used according to Dr. Hulda Clark’s programs 1 and 2, bacteria, viruses and tapeworm stages decrease while flukes and flukes become inactive; simultaneously the Zapper destroys molds.


Toxins are harmful chemicals and substances found in our environment, food, and water that pose serious threats to human health and wellbeing. They have been implicated as the source of many chronic diseases as well as cancer; being absorbed through skin pores, respiratory tract tract, digestive system etc and entering through skin pores into cells and organs leading to illness, disease or even death. Unfortunately our bodies lack the capacity to rid themselves of such toxic waste on its own and so external forces must intervene to cleanse us of such substances that are damaging.

Dr. Clark devised the Huda Clark Zapper Protocol to address this need. By employing a frequency generator called a zapper, she could target and destroy microorganisms within our bodies without damaging healthy cells directly, instead temporarily paralyzing and electroshocking any unwanted organisms thereby giving our immune systems time to select and destroy these invaders more efficiently while not impacting good gut flora negatively.

As well as eliminating parasites, the Hulda Clark Protocol Zapper can also remove heavy metals and clear environmental toxins – these include those found in air, water, food, medication and other products we regularly use.

The Zapper employs low voltage to produce electronic signals in the form of oscillating waves that are harmless to human bodies but are extremely effective against pathogens like parasites, viruses, bacteria and molds. These waves have similar results to soundwaves generated when hit with strong vibrating objects – they kill or severely disrupt cell membranes of unwanted organisms such as parasites.

The zapper consists of a 9-volt battery to power its circuitry, a 555 timer IC to monitor it and two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds in either hand during a zapping session. Each copper electrode is covered with thin cloth to enhance connectivity while protecting from electric shocks.

Herbal Supplements

Many herbal supplements have been linked with heavy metal toxicity, and certain herbs can interact with prescription drugs. Before trying herbal supplements or consulting with a healthcare provider about them, it’s wise to conduct extensive research and consult a healthcare professional first. Because herbs are less strictly regulated than pharmaceutical drugs, their impurities such as lead mercury and cadmium could potentially pose more of a threat than expected; furthermore some herbs are believed to interfere with specific chemotherapy medications.

Herbal supplement and dietary supplement labels must include accurate information regarding their ingredients. They should detail dosage amounts, the recommended daily amount for each active ingredient and more. Supplements may come in various forms like capsules, tablets, powders or tea bags as well as oils tinctures or drops for easier consumption.

The Huda Clark Zapper is a device used to kill parasites and detoxify the body. It consists of a battery-operated pulse generator which produces low voltage (usually dual polarity 5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V) as well as two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds between their fingers; you can purchase this device from various retailers.

While some critics argue that the Huda Clark Zapper doesn’t work, many users report positive experiences from using it. Users report their addiction to sugar and carbohydrates has reduced significantly while some also claim it has helped them feel more energetic overall.

As opposed to herbal medicines, herbal supplements aren’t subject to FDA regulation and therefore don’t have to undergo human testing for safety and efficacy – making them vulnerable to contaminants while being less effective than a pharmaceutical drug.

Hulda Clark claims there are three herbs that can rid the body of parasites: black walnut hull, wormwood and cloves. Together they have been shown to kill over 100 types of parasites without interfering with medications you’re already taking; black walnut hull kills adult parasites while wormwood and cloves destroy eggs; they may even help treat other conditions as well as parasites; in fact the Hulda Clark Zapper uses similar frequencies as these herbs to eliminate them all at once!


Note that the zapper should not be considered medical device and used at your own risk. As it is a form of alternative medicine, use must always be at your own discretion and consult a qualified physician prior to using one as it has the potential to disrupt normal cell functions and cause damage – if any adverse side effects arise it’s wise to discontinue use immediately and contact your healthcare provider immediately.

The zapper works by emitting radio waves similar to how cellular phones do, targeting specific pathogens – viruses, bacteria and parasites. When one of these pathogens are targeted and destroyed, their infected cells are destroyed while also stimulating your body’s immune system.

One of the greatest advantages of the zapper is that it doesn’t affect beneficial microorganisms in the body, like beneficial gut bacteria. Instead, it uses electroshock therapy to temporarily paralyze pathogens – without harming beneficial gut flora that exists there! Furthermore, using it may actually encourage their growth!

As opposed to typical zappers that support only one frequency, the Armand Hulda Clark Therapeutic Generator features multiple operating frequencies ranging from 30kHz – the traditional frequency for zappers – up to higher frequencies that may be more effective against certain organisms.

Moreover, the zapper features advanced technology which enables it to generate much more complex and powerful output pulses – evidenced by its output waveform on an oscilloscope – than ever before. In particular, it produces square wave pulses at various frequencies with an overall positive offset.

Dr. Clark designed an improved version of his original zapper design. Its output pulses are stronger and more concentrated, which allows it to kill parasites faster than its predecessor model. Furthermore, this versatile device can also be used on larger areas of the body than most zappers available today.

March 16, 2024|Editor

Can Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy Treat Cancer?

Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy (FSM) uses a gentle electrical current which is a millionth of an amp. Our bodies naturally generate this type of current within cells.

We have found that TTFields at frequency specific for each tumor significantly inhibit cell growth as measured by crystal violet staining and clonogenic assays. The optimal frequency resulting in the greatest reduction of clonogenic potential was 200 kHz for both ovarian and glioma cells.

What is Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy?

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) works under the assumption that each tissue in our bodies has its own resonant frequency, and when fed into a device that delivers micro amperage current to promote natural healing of injuries and conditions. Once applied to tissues, changes can be seen and felt immediately; scars soften; trigger points dissipate or lessen; swelling often drains off; it appears cells reset their electromagnetic field, speeding up their ability to heal naturally.

One mechanism of microcurrent therapy is increasing your body’s own chemical energy production by 500%, which may make it easier for injured tissue to repair itself. Furthermore, its vibration/resonating effect unwinds tissue to release blockages in circulation and facilitate more nutrients and water reaching damaged areas more quickly.

Studies have demonstrated the power of FSM frequencies to aid your body’s healing without drugs or surgery. FSM frequencies target numerous symptoms and physical conditions ranging from pain, scars and nerve issues – many clients have reported reduced or eliminated symptoms with only a few sessions!

FSM treatments have long-term, and often permanent effects. FSM frequencies can help reset communication links between your brain, brainstem, and spinal cord to correct painful nerve signals that control and perceive pain. Once applied with frequency appropriate frequency settings, tissue can re-set its resonant configuration – something it does when given sufficient nutritional support.

FSM therapy has proven its efficacy for treating conditions related to radiation exposure such as radiation-induced fibrosis; xerostomia; trismus; surgical scars; nausea associated with chemotherapy or radiation treatments; proctitis; back and neck pain; sciatica; arthritis and fibromyalgia, just to name a few. Before your FSM sessions begin it is recommended that you drink at least a quart of water an hour beforehand in order to ensure that your tissues can absorb all available energy efficiently. To maximize efficacy it is advised that at least quart of water an hour prior so your tissues can fully benefit from it all its potential.

FSM may not be suitable for pregnant women or individuals experiencing spinal cord compression, disc bulges, or taking blood-thinner medication. Your practitioner can provide all of the relevant information to make sure it’s safe for you.

How Does FSM Work?

Human bodies are electrical conductors and each tissue has its own frequency. By modulating this frequency, FSM technology was first developed in the 1990s and used at leading-edge facilities such as Cleveland Clinic, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for Wounded Warriors, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago to encourage tissues back into tune, thus improving health and decreasing pain. FSM can support your innate healing capacity to reduce scar tissue remodelling, nerve pain relief and inflammation across many conditions including but not limited to:

As part of a treatment session, you will be comfortably situated within a private room while lying on a massage table. Depending on your condition and individual sessions’ protocols, they will use various combinations designed just for you during each 60 minute treatment session.

FSM sessions involve running a small current through your body – just one-millionth of an amp! – which is extremely safe. You may feel it as faintly vibrating skin areas needing treatment; then the technician will attach towels over these areas that connect wires from the machine which then deliver appropriate frequencies according to your condition.

Once the frequencies have been chosen, the machine will vibrate your skin and activate cells in that area of your body. These frequencies stimulate cells to change their behaviour – whether that means decreasing inflammation, dissolving scar tissue, increasing circulation, removing calcifications, reducing pain etc.

FSM can address a broad spectrum of symptoms and conditions by altering cell signaling in each affected tissue. Furthermore, different frequencies seem to resonate more effectively with certain behaviors (or dysfunctions) within the body than drugs or supplements can.

FSM relies heavily on accurate diagnosis – treating only tissues affected by specific conditions – so GMA staff members offer full evaluation of your symptoms and causes through Autonomic Response Testing and Functional Medicine testing to maximize its efficacy.

What are the Benefits of FSM?

Frequency healing technology has quickly gained prominence among alternative medicine practitioners as it offers natural healing methods and supports our bodies’ own innate healing processes. One such revolutionary device, Rife Machines are one of the most recognized examples of frequency healing technology which use specific frequencies to target and destroy pathogens while supporting immune system health and overall wellness.

Microcurrents are commonly employed in medical devices to hasten wound healing, reduce inflammation and accelerate fracture repair. Unfortunately, they only work at the surface level and don’t trigger healing responses on a cellular level like FSM can. Our frequency combinations target cells that need help the most; allowing us to treat more conditions than ever before!

FSM can also help address other health conditions, including chronic pain and inflammation as well as autoimmune disorders. Studies have also revealed its ability to reduce stress, improve range of motion and boost sleep quality.

As more attention is focused on preventative health care and personalized medicine, many individuals are turning to noninvasive treatment options that support their natural healing capabilities. Frequency therapy holds promise as a noninvasive solution that can address health conditions while improving wellness without resorting to harsh drugs or other invasive procedures.

Results of the study demonstrated that TTFields could successfully affect cancer cells by activating their natural self-destruct mechanism and prompting it to cease growing or dividing, similar to how radiation kills tumors by deactivating DNA; but without any harmful side effects.

At each treatment session, the client will sit comfortably while the device is applied directly over areas being addressed. Most patients report feeling deep relaxation as soon as the frequencies apply – scars and trigger points soften, inflammation decreases and pain relief can often be felt within minutes! Interestingly enough, many changes seen with proper hydration and nutrition support.

Implementing an FSM solution also offers technicians access to easy-to-read job data that enables them to make sound decisions instantly on site, leading to increased productivity and customer satisfaction.

What is the Side Effects of FSM?

FSM (frequency specific microcurrent therapy) is an electrical therapy that utilizes frequencies to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. These frequencies work to restore energetic balance within various conditions and tissues, changing pain patterns, relieving symptoms, improving health, softening scar tissue formation and softening muscle structure; this therapy has proven particularly helpful for patients suffering chronic injuries such as those experienced in sports related incidents or acute injuries. FSM helps alleviate nerve, joint, muscle pain as well as reduce inflammation; furthermore it has also proven successful at alleviating delayed-onset muscle soreness post workout.

FSM cannot cure injuries or diseases, but it does have the power to energize cells of the body and encourage it to heal itself naturally. One key reason is that FSM increases cellular energy by 500% allowing more oxygen and nutrients into cells for proper tissue repair.

As humans are natural conductors of electricity, adding low levels (micro amps) of electrical current mimicking cell’s own internal current can significantly accelerate and enhance healing processes. Furthermore, frequencies used for FSM have been demonstrated to significantly decrease three key inflammatory markers while simultaneously increasing Beta Endorphin levels for an overall sense of wellbeing.

FSM uses microamperage electric current that is 1000x less intense than TENS devices, yet still powerful enough to have a noticeable impact on cells of the body. Depending on which condition is being treated, patients may experience nausea, drowsiness or even flu-like symptoms – these reactions are normal reactions and indicate that waste products have begun being released from long-stored tissues and metabolism has begun speeding up. Drinking plenty of water prior and post treatment helps aid this detoxification process.

At each session, a practitioner places electrodes on a client’s body to deliver frequencies directly into targeted areas. Sessions are safe and painless – often an entire course of treatments is required to achieve maximum benefit; during treatment there will also be time set aside for client questions or any concerns they have to be discussed with their practitioner. Certain conditions that contraindicate receiving this therapy, however, such as acute infections or recent injuries (less than six weeks old).

March 16, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Therapy – How it Can Help You

Bioresonance therapy has grown increasingly popular due to success stories shared by those who have had it work for them. It’s an alternative treatment without drugs that can provide relief for various maladies.

Energy medicine using BICOM machines offers an energy therapy treatment which eliminates disharmonic pathological frequencies and amplifies healthy harmonic ones; additionally, this therapy may remove parasites from the body.

Allergies & Intolerances

Allergies & intolerances can be extremely frustrating and severely impact your quality of life. Intolerance to certain foods, for instance, can lead to digestive issues, skin disorders and emotional disturbances; symptoms could include runny nose, itchy eyes, headaches or fatigue. Bioresonance therapy offers noninvasive diagnostic and treatment therapy solutions that may help identify the root causes of allergies or intolerances; it works on the principle that every cell emits an electromagnetic field which communicates between cells – any harmful substances or pathological processes disrupt communication among cells causing disruptions between them causing these conditions to manifest as symptoms in one way or another.

To detect disturbances, the BICOM bioresonance system is utilized. This device captures oscillations of your electromagnetic field that controls biochemical processes and distinguishes them into healthy and unhealthy frequencies; while its internal filters enable it to boost healthy frequencies while cancelling out unfavorable ones.

Food intolerance testing can be particularly useful for detecting food intolerances and balancing immune systems and metabolisms. Furthermore, drug allergy or intolerance testing is highly effective at identifying any allergic responses such as herbal supplements, pharmaceutical drugs, hormones or vaccines; while dosage determination allows physicians to ensure the appropriate medicine dosage is used on each patient without being too strong or weak.

BICOM can detect various toxins present in your body, such as heavy metals, mycoses, amalgam (teeth fillings) and environmental poisons. Furthermore, this device is capable of detecting inflammatory diseases like rheumatism or colitis as well as parasites and fungi present.

The BICOM can also be used to assess your stress level caused by environmental conditions and loss of energy due to imbalanced chakras, geopathy (geometric and geo radiations), scars or electrosmog. Furthermore, this device tests assimilation of vitamins, minerals and oligo-elements, along with balance between your two cerebral hemispheres.

Digestive & Skin Problems

As its name implies, BICOM is an electromagnetic bioresonance device that uses information gathered from your body’s cells and other substances to identify any imbalances in your energy field. With electrodes touching skin or magnetic electrodes attached to clothing, this system assesses energy wavelengths from within your body before counteracting bad frequencies to restore equilibrium for maximum wellbeing.

Each cell emits its own electromagnetic field that can be detected by the BICOM device, as well as those generated from substances like toxins, metals and bacteria. Once detected by the BICOM, these signals can then be converted into frequency patterns which can help treat symptoms – healthy cells produce harmonious positive waves while harmful ones produce disharmonious negative waves which the BICOM can separate into healthy and disharmonious components that can either be amplified to strengthen normal functions or inverted to counterbalance harmful ones that were stressing energetic systems – much like waves deflected by rocks on beaches which flatten their next arrivals like waves deflected by rocks deflecting onto beaches flattens the next wave coming incoming!

Toxins may cause cells to release hormones that do not fit with your body’s natural processes and ultimately have an impact on how you feel. Therapists use the BICOM to identify and correct such disturbances.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapy lasting one hour that will leave you feeling revitalized and better than before. Some patients require multiple follow up treatments in order to maintain an equilibrium state within their bodies; other times a few sessions is enough.

At times, side effects from naturopathy sessions, such as tiredness or headache, may arise; this should be seen as positive signs and is an indicator that your body is receiving and processing the information provided by BICOM. If this concerns you, speak with your naturopathic therapist prior to scheduling an appointment to reduce their likelihood.

Stress & Anxiety

The technology works on the principle that our bodies emit energy in the form of measurable wavelengths. When these are at healthy frequencies, everything remains normal, however toxins from everyday life and poor diet can disrupt this balance and cause numerous health issues. The German-designed bicom bioresonance device helps restore this equilibrium scientifically to restore natural balance to our bodies.

Bioresonance therapy, used alongside existing medications and therapies, has been reported to enhance depression symptoms while relieving anxiety, arthritis and migraine headaches. Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle website GOOP features an article about bioresonance helping Lyme disease patients manage symptoms more effectively while TV presenter Noel Edmonds claims the device slows aging processes while relieving pain, stress and depression – and even combatting cancer!

Bioresonance is a noninvasive therapy that utilizes electrodes placed directly onto the skin. The device scans and checks energy wavelengths produced by your body to identify imbalances and potential health problems, with filters that separate beneficial from detrimental frequencies – similar to noise cancelling headphones – providing therapeutic oscillations which feed back into patients to restore harmony to their lives.

Bicom bioresonance devices not only detect imbalances but can also test for food intolerances and sensitivities. A practitioner can program frequencies associated with various foods into the device before transmitting these to their client and measuring their response in order to see which frequencies resonated with them.

The results of analysis can be used to pinpoint foods which could be contributing to symptoms experienced by clients and make recommendations accordingly. Sometimes therapists may recommend supplements which will correct imbalances and assist the body’s natural healing processes; additionally, this therapy has also been reported as helping clients deal with stress and anxiety by identifying any underlying issues which may be contributing to these conditions.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking can have serious repercussions for one’s health and lead to serious conditions like lung cancer, erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, smoking can also be an addictive habit which makes quitting difficult; if these methods fail, bioresonance therapy could provide an alternative that has an success rate of 70%- 90%!

German technology designed to regulate your body’s disturbed energy patterns and retune them back into a healthy harmonic frequency that supports vibrant health is used. Everything within you emits electromagnetic frequencies with specific wavelengths.

The BICOM device collects these wavelengths and records them to create an “energy picture” of your state of being. Every substance has a set of frequencies which can be identified and recorded by this device; reverse frequencies then return back into your body where they help cancel out negative frequency patterns to restore health in an organic state, helping your body back towards natural functioning before becoming addicted to nicotine.

As part of an hour and a half session, you will bring in your last cigarette and place it in a special beaker so the BICOM machine can read its frequencies. This session activates your body’s detoxification system to flush nicotine and its associated toxins through kidneys, skin and liver; the process is fast, gentle, and painless.

BICOM bioresonance device has been utilized by healthcare providers for more than 25 years with great success and safety for patients of all types. Reversed frequencies are administered using electrode mats or magnetic electrodes placed over light clothing; no side effects were noted during an intensive controlled study with 190 smokers; this reversal will allow your body to release nicotine memory faster, helping you quit for good!