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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 16, 2024|Editor

Holistic Health Practitioner Denver

Holistic health practitioners in Denver focus on treating individuals as whole organisms, seeking solutions with natural methods. This differs from traditional doctors who solely prescribe drugs.

Devon Nelson is a Family Nurse Practitioner who believes open communication and quick follow up are integral parts of authentic healing and wholeness for her patients. She practices at Bella Health + Wellness in Englewood, Colorado.


Acupuncture is an integral component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture involves inserting needles at specific points on your body known as acupuncture points or acupoints – these points are believed to be connected with energy pathways called meridians that run throughout your body, which, when blocked, lead to imbalances leading to illness. Acupuncture can be used for pain management, anxiety relief, controlling nausea/vomiting episodes during cancer treatments and relieving menstrual cramps among other applications – among many more uses!

Acupuncturists use very fine needles inserted just below the skin’s surface for acupuncture treatments. Additionally, they may stimulate these points with heat (moxa) or small electrical current. You may feel some slight sensation of heaviness or tingling when these needles are introduced; several sessions may be required before seeing results.

At your initial appointment, your practitioner may ask a series of detailed questions about your health history, lifestyle and habits in order to assess the source of any symptoms that have developed and create a holistic treatment plan for them. Your treatment could consist of various TCM techniques as well as herbal therapy or nutritional counseling.

Western medicine believes acupuncture relieves pain by blocking nerve signals that send pain messages directly to your brain and activating natural painkilling chemicals in your body. Furthermore, it appears to affect parts of the brain associated with serotonin production and emotional regulation.

When selecting an acupuncturist, it’s essential that they be licensed by your state medical board. Professionals licensed under such boards have completed an intensive educational program before passing a state board examination; additionally they must attend regular continuing education seminars to maintain their license.


Chiropractic is a hands-on health care profession that specializes in manipulating joints to their optimal positions and their connection to your nervous system. Instead of using drugs or surgery, chiropractors use manipulation techniques on bones, muscles and joints that may have become dislocated over time – helping your body move more freely while relieving any associated discomfort while helping prevent future issues from reappearing.

Chiropractic doctors believe that our bodies possess a natural capacity for wellness. They acknowledge the role that lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, sleep and stress-relief activities play in this process and often work closely with other healthcare professionals to achieve maximum effectiveness for their patients.

Chiropractic comes from two Greek words cheir (hand) and praktikos (done by hand). Chiropractors are primary contact practitioners, meaning they can see you without needing a referral from your GP. Chiropractors treat conditions affecting bones, joints, muscles as well as musculoskeletal disorders caused by accidents, sports injuries, ageing or other health conditions.

Chiropractors are trained to prescribe exercises, provide nutritional guidance and aid injury rehabilitation. If they feel you require specialist or surgeon care they can refer you.

Naturopathic doctors are health professionals who use herbal medicines, supplements and natural therapies such as massage therapy to treat diseases and disorders. Their treatment takes into account all aspects of life when diagnosing and treating their patients. Most naturopathic doctors possess four-year degrees from universities or colleges while some may possess additional qualifications such as degrees in nursing or nutrition.


Massage therapy involves manipulating soft tissues of the body to promote relaxation and treat various conditions, including headaches and migraines, neck and back pain, stress-related disorders and the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ). Massage can also relieve anxiety while stimulating nerves to block pain signals from entering the brain. A massage therapist may use different levels of pressure depending on who they’re treating.

Hospices and units for patients with terminal illnesses sometimes utilize massage as part of caregiving; nurses or other unpaid practitioners provide this form of touch to promote general well-being and foster feelings of connectedness between patient and care provider, leading to improved communication and trust between them.

Craniosacral therapy, another form of massage therapy, involves manipulating the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord to address imbalances and restrictions in this system. A trained craniosacral therapist usually performs it; it should not replace conventional medical care; rather it should be combined with other forms of treatments, such as physical therapy.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition counseling aims to assist clients in creating a new relationship between food and their bodies, by looking into its causes. A client may learn to recognize when they’re using unhealthy choices as emotional coping mechanisms and be shown ways to replace those behaviors with healthier alternatives.

Nutritional counseling typically takes place in one-on-one settings. The initial session aims to assess a client’s relationship with food and determine which issues need addressing. A food journal will often be asked of clients; this data helps the counselor set goals for behavior change as well as evaluate progress during later sessions.

Throughout this process, clients are educated about the various dietary practices. For instance, nutrition counselors may advise clients how to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in their diet – which can help lower risks of heart disease and chronic illnesses.

Nutrition counseling can be immensely helpful to those struggling with eating disorders, particularly those who struggle with body image issues and antagonism towards food. Nutrition counselors specialize in working with avoidance behaviors and emotional responses related to food – an expert therapist will focus on what’s going well rather than on what may not work so that recovery plans can continue being effective long term.

Lifestyle Counseling

Chronic pain can often be relieved through changes to lifestyle and diet. Such behavioral adjustments may also prevent further episodes of pain, reduce severity of existing symptoms and enhance quality of life. Furthermore, lifestyle counseling provides patients with effective coping skills and provides a strong support network that encourages healthy decisions.

Healthy lifestyle counseling aims to foster behaviors and routines that encourage overall health, such as making healthier food choices and decreasing sedentary activity, while eliminating harmful habits like smoking or excessive alcohol intake. Furthermore, counseling may assist people managing chronic diseases influenced by lifestyle factors, such as heart disease or diabetes.

Lifestyle counseling can be provided by CHNs who specialize in health promotion and disease prevention. Lifestyle factors that influence an individual include sleep patterns, exercise habits, dietary choices, study or work routines, medication usage and recreational activities – these factors all have an effect on an individual’s daily life and healthy lifestyle counseling encourages these changes by setting long-term goals to improve overall well-being.

Lifestyle counseling begins by assessing patients’ perceptions about their current lifestyle and whether or not they’re open to change. This assessment should form the foundation of any partnership between patient and clinician; motivational interviewing provides a client-centric technique designed to induce change by helping clients explore and resolve ambivalence.

Shawna specializes in working with teens, adults, and couples of all ages and utilizes various therapeutic approaches such as solution focused therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness meditation and others to meet her client’s needs – solution focused therapy, CBT, mindfulness. Shawna’s counseling approach is founded upon empathy, warmth, understanding and empowerment for her clients to become the best versions of themselves.

March 16, 2024|Editor

Neurofeedback at Home Devices

Neurofeedback can help improve focus or stimulate creativity. Discover its processes, choices for selecting an ideal device and practical guidelines for use.

Sensors detect electrical activity of the brain and send this data to software for processing. Once processed, this software performs over 200,000 mathematical calculations per second to detect changes in state. Auditory or visual feedback alerts notify you as to what has been found.

The Basics

Neurofeedback, commonly referred to as EEG biofeedback or brain wave training, is an alternative treatment method used for various conditions. It has many benefits for helping reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as improving sleep quality while decreasing migraines headaches and chronic pain. Furthermore, it may help individuals cope better with ADHD autism as well as developmental and neurological disorders.

Neurofeedback involves placing sensors on the head, and when sessions begin, a computer reads surface electrical activity generated by brain cells and displays it on a screen – much like in video gaming! A trainer helps their patient break harmful patterns of activity by comparing what their own brain is producing to what normal brains produce using quantitative EEG (QEEG).

Once a trainer receives the results from a QEEG assessment, they will devise a treatment protocol tailored specifically to address any identified issues – for instance poor self-regulation, focus or concentration difficulties or even multiple sources such as stress and fatigue.

Neurofeedback begins by training the brain to self-regulate. This is accomplished by teaching it how to change its behavior – such as lowering its heart rate – in response to feedback from a computer monitor, sound or video system. Ideally, neurofeedback practice helps make these new skills automatic just like learning how to ride a bicycle or play musical instruments.

Neurofeedback offers an effective solution that goes beyond temporary fixes: permanent transformation. Through repeated treatment sessions, similar to learning a musical instrument or how to ride a bicycle, neurofeedback helps alter how your brain operates permanently.

Though our minds can become trapped in unfavorable behaviors, this doesn’t have to remain a permanent state; neurofeedback provides a unique solution that teaches your brain how to regulate itself more efficiently – helping reduce or even eliminate negative symptoms altogether.

The Intermediary

In England and Wales, the Ministry of Justice and Department of Justice (New South Wales) provide referral services that match a registered intermediary with vulnerable people. Once received, an intermediary collects basic information from that individual while, with appropriate consent, collecting further details regarding his or her communication needs or abilities from sources like parents/carers, teachers or psychologists/psychiatrists.

Before giving evidence in court, an intermediary reviews advocate’s cross-examination questions with the vulnerable witness so that structure and phrasing can be agreed upon. She then sits beside them to assist with emotional state management while monitoring how they’re responding.

Witness memory refreshing is a process which can be very stressful, so the intermediary’s role should be to facilitate memory recall so the witness can give their best testimony and understand what questions have been put forth and their implication.

The Feedback

Neurofeedback at home devices utilize real-time feedback to help change how your brain operates. Sensors are safely placed on your head or scalp during a neurofeedback session and the data sent directly to a computer for analysis and display on screen in real time.

Your training session begins when you and your doctor observe and monitor your brainwaves on the computer screen, while setting precise training parameters with specialized software. After setting these parameters, they’ll present visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli (such as movies on a screen or musical tones) reflecting brain activity being monitored – for instance a movie may play on screen or musical tones intensify when more harmonious patterns emerge on-screen whereas disharmonious ones become apparent; playing video games with these effects could brighten or diminish accordingly – similar effects could occur during gameplay – with more harmonious patterns emerging being brightened or intensified respectively when disharmonic ones develop;

Over time, your brain will learn to produce more harmonised and healthy patterns. Although it may require several sessions before optimal outcomes can be reached, neurofeedback offers lasting improvement for many symptoms, including ADD/ADHD, anxiety/depression, insomnia headaches stress autonomic dysregulation epilepsy etc. Additionally it has also proven helpful in increasing concentration performance self-regulation within academics work or athletics environments.

Neurofeedback is generally safe for most adults; however, those with unstable medical conditions or pregnant women should seek professional guidance prior to using it at home without assistance. Pregnant women should avoid neurofeedback due to unknown effects on the fetus; however those with cognitive impairments or developmental delays, including autism spectrum disorders can benefit greatly from it as a self-guided learning tool that will help regain inner strength and gain control of life again. Like any physical training technique however, neurofeedback requires commitment and consistent practice if it will produce results; just like physical training techniques it will take time – however results will come.

The Latest Generation

Neurofeedback can be used for treating ADHD and anxiety as well as improving cognitive performance, to reducing symptoms associated with Autism spectrum disorders, increasing memory, and improving quality of life.

Neurofeedback specialists start off their sessions by conducting an initial reading of your brain. Based on its results and your individual needs, they’ll determine the appropriate training to provide for you based on both. Their goal is to help people learn to control certain involuntary functions like their heart rate. Deep breathing may be used to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and lower heart rates.

EEG neurofeedback equipment consists of sensors, amplifiers and computer software. Sensors attached with conductive paste to the scalp gather brainwave activity using electroencephalography (EEG). Amplifiers transform these signals into electric voltage before sending it onward to be converted by software into numbers which can then be displayed on screen by trainers as they observe any changes and encourage their clients to improve them further.

NeurOptimal is one of many home neurofeedback devices on the market, including NeurOptimal’s medical-grade version, featuring clips for placing sensors on your head, headsets, amplifier boxes, USB or Micro SD cards, cables, etc. Although slightly more cumbersome than some brainwave tracking devices, NeurOptimal still makes setting it up relatively simple.

People who have experienced concussion or head injury should seek professional guidance before engaging in neurofeedback at home alone, just as pregnant women, those using drugs/alcohol, pacemakers should avoid certain neurofeedback devices and anyone with pacemakers should avoid certain types of neurofeedback devices. Overall though, evidence supports neurofeedback’s use for mental health and cognitive enhancement – it has even begun being combined with medication treatments as part of integrated treatment approaches.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Can Quitting Sugar Reverse Aging?

Sugar is harmful for our health. It contributes to obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even premature aging – according to Gwyneth Paltrow’s holistic doctor avoiding sugar can make you look younger by up to 10 years.

Abstaining from sugar can be challenging – particularly when experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Here are 12 remarkable things that will happen when you give up the sweet stuff.

1. Increased Energy

Sugar may provide you with a quick boost of energy, but its spike will quickly lead to a crash, leaving you exhausted and demotivated. By ditching sugar altogether, your body’s energy levels should become more consistent throughout the day and your mood swings should decrease significantly. For optimal energy levels try including lean proteins, whole grains and vegetables in your diet in order to stay energized and awake!

Sugary foods stimulate your brain’s release of dopamine, similar to how addictive drugs do, triggering withdrawal-like symptoms when you stop eating them, such as headaches. Be mindful to drink lots of water to stay hydrated as dehydration can also contribute to headaches.

People experiencing withdrawal due to changes in blood sugar and dopamine levels often become irritable and fatigued as a result of quitting sugar, so make sure that you stick with your new eating habits, exercising daily to boost energy levels.

Remember, quitting sugar may take some time; however, its benefits will become evident within days or weeks of making the commitment to leave sugar behind. While at first it may cause discomfort, quitting can boost energy, sleep quality, focus, weight management, mood and skin quality while contributing to improved energy, sleep, focus, weight control, mood regulation and skin conditions. Following a healthy and nutritious diet combined with physical activity will have long-term health benefits that will leave you feeling healthier than ever!

2. Better Sleep

Sugary foods cause blood sugar spikes that disrupt sleep cycles. Furthermore, their fluctuations interfere with hormones that control appetite control – leading us back down the same cycle: craving sweets but being unable to rest well enough.

Sleeplessness increases hunger and can contribute to weight gain and poor health, including heart disease and high blood pressure. A diet rich in sugar but low in fiber increases your risk for cavities and bad breath.

As your body adjusts to using glucose for energy instead of sugar, your sleeping and waking patterns will improve and become more restful. No more nightly blood sugar spikes and drops; your body will get used to having steady amounts of glucose as fuel instead.

As cutting out sugar reduces stress hormones that inhibit restful sleep, sleep quality will also be improved. People often eat sugary snacks close to bedtime which increases stress hormones and prevents them from having restorative restful restful slumber.

Study findings revealed an inverse relation between added sugar intake and sleep quality that did not reach statistical significance; however, poor quality sleep was much higher among participants in Group A who consumed more added sugar compared to groups C and D who consumed less added sugar; also, Group A participants consumed more caffeine than groups C and D, likely explaining why their relationship wasn’t significant; these results indicate that restricting added sugar can improve sleep quality as well as decrease stress hormone levels and risk for heart diseases.

3. More Glowy Skin

Sugar consumption triggers a process called glycation. This involves sugar molecules combining with certain proteins in our bodies such as collagen and elastin to form chains of molecules called glycoproteins that give skin its youthful look and texture. Consuming too much sugar exacerbates this effect and accelerates it, leading to wrinkles appearing sooner than normal and an acceleration in skin aging processes.

A diet high in sugar leads to inflammation. This inflammation not only damages our internal organs but can be especially destructive for skin conditions like acne breakouts and other forms of inflammation that lead to an aged-looking complexion. Furthermore, high sugar consumption makes healing from injuries harder, fight allergens off better, and makes us more susceptible to infections such as the common cold.

But when you stop eating sugar, your body can quickly begin healing itself and reducing inflammation. Within 72 hours of eliminating it, insulin levels and inflammatory responses should decrease significantly and your complexion should improve, along with any cravings for sweets that you previously had.

Plan to consume less sugar by opting for fresh, whole foods and understanding ingredients on labels. Switch out soda for water and opt for fruits and vegetables over processed baked goods or snack bars as snacks; try to increase fiber intake as this will help your body regulate sugar intake while slowing the aging effects associated with an excess of sweets in your diet. BB Aesthetic offers various skincare treatments like Sculptra and BBL Forever Young that can further help boost your glow such as fine lines/wrinkles/acne breakouts/uneven skin tone! For even further enhancement, they offer various skincare treatments like Sculptra/BBL Forever Young which can reduce fine lines/wrinkles/acne breakouts/uneven skin tones and more!

4. Stronger Immune System

Your immune system is what protects against disease-causing germs, so a weaker one increases your susceptibility to illness and increases the risk for chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and obesity. A diet high in sugar also suppresses this function within your body.

A healthy immune system relies on having a balanced gut microbiome and eating nutritious food, but research also suggests that other factors, including stress management, sleep hygiene and exercise can enhance its performance. Though no direct correlation can be proven between lifestyle choices and improved immunity and better overall health outcomes, eating foods low in added sugars, processed food products, alcohol consumption or excessive alcohol can help strengthen immunity and protect from disease.

Consuming more nutritious whole foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains is one way to build up a strong immune system. But even health conscious eaters may still consume too much sugar through sweetened beverages, desserts and snacks such as soda (39g per 12-ounce can) and Starbucks grande chai lattes (42 grams), so it is crucial that consumers pay attention to nutrition labels and monitor how much sugar they’re taking in.

Sugary diets contribute to chronic inflammation that further weakens your immune system. By cutting back on sugar and other unhealthy fats, inflammation levels will drop, helping your immunity work more efficiently.

5. Better Teeth

Since childhood, we’ve all heard that sugar rots our teeth. While consuming excessive sugar may damage oral health (including leading to tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss), cutting back on sugar consumption can have numerous other positive outcomes for both your body and oral health. Not only will cutting back help you lose weight faster while glowing your skin with radiant health benefits while improving mental clarity as a bonus but cutting sugar consumption also results in fewer cavities and better remineralization of our teeth!

Remineralizing teeth refers to the process of replenishing them with minerals such as calcium and phosphorous to strengthen them, replacing lost minerals like calcium and phosphorous and replacing their density in order to strengthen them against plaque and bacteria damage. Quitting sugar may help remineralize, as can practicing good oral hygiene: brushing twice a day, flossing daily, using mouthwash frequently and scheduling regular visits with your dentist will all help ensure you maintain healthy, strong smiles for many years ahead.

Reduced sugar intake may help lower the risk of dental diseases. According to Healthy Food America, people who consume at least one sugar-laden drink each day are 30% more likely to develop tooth decay than those who don’t due to glycation, where glucose in the blood attaches itself to proteins in gum tissue, creating cross-links between protein chains which leads to ageing and disease.

Reducing sugar intake can help protect against this. Doing so involves cutting back on foods and beverages containing added sugars as well as naturally occurring ones found in fruits like those found in dairy. Although some people experience headaches, low energy, or irritability at first when cutting back, such symptoms typically dissipate within six weeks as their bodies adjust hormonally to finding energy elsewhere.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Alternative Therapy Center San Antonio TX

Alternative medicine therapies offer an effective means to enhance nutrition, health, and spirit. Mindfulness meditation may improve cognition while healing occurs more effectively; mild exercises like yoga can also decrease stress levels while providing relief from pain.

Alternative Therapy Center of San Antonio has been in operation since 1982 and takes an integrative approach to health care. Owner Susan Wallace-Cuellar is a registered colon therapist and reflexologist, and works to educate her patients on colon and nutritional wellness.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are techniques designed to keep us grounded in the present moment, providing relief from stress, improving physical health and relationships while improving mental wellbeing by helping individuals cope with unpleasant emotions or thoughts. Used since centuries as part of holistic treatments such as holistic medicine treatments; now also being integrated into addiction recovery and trauma healing programs.

Studies demonstrate the positive benefits of mindfulness meditation in terms of relieving stress, anxiety and depression. But it should be remembered that these practices should not replace medication; in fact they work best when combined with other forms of treatment. Also keep in mind that mindfulness might not work for everyone so find one that does.

Mental health treatment centers San Antonio often incorporate mindfulness and meditation practices as an add-on therapy regimen, such as yoga. Such practices combine physical postures with breathing exercises for enhanced both mental and physical wellbeing, with some programs using it to address co-occurring disorders, like PTSD and substance abuse disorder, while some even provide art therapy programs so patients can express themselves creatively through artistic expression.

Studies have revealed the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) programs in helping veterans combat PTSD. MBSR programs consist of group meetings led by an expert trainer, as well as daily meditation sessions to teach veterans and their family members to pay attention to emotions, thoughts, physical sensations and PTSD symptoms in a nonjudgmental manner while learning healthy coping mechanisms.

Studies on mindfulness have documented its many benefits; however, few have explored its effects among older adults. This pilot study sought to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of an 8-week mindfulness-based meditation program designed for community-dwelling older adults with chronic low back pain in terms of pain acceptance and functional outcomes.

Mindfulness can be used as an effective means of relieving stress. The goal is to focus on being in the moment and experience all that life has to offer – an everyday technique with strong potential in fighting mental illness.


Yoga is an integrative health practice that can benefit physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Yoga combines muscular activity with internal directed meditation and an awareness of one’s body and breath – features that have been proven to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety while increasing mood stability.

Yoga practice can help alleviate symptoms associated with mood related disorders by decreasing cortisol, an inflammatory hormone linked to depression and anxiety, while simultaneously increasing serotonin and dopamine, both natural mood enhancers. If you suffer from any mood-related disorder, however, please consult with a physician prior to embarking upon any yoga regiment.

Many Westerners have an inaccurate understanding of yoga. When they hear the term, many envision complicated physical postures impossible to execute. Yet yoga is actually an art and technology designed to bring you into contact with reality as it exists now instead of what you think or wish it should be.

Yoga is a philosophy that recognizes human beings as multidimensional beings with distinct aspects such as body, senses, thought, emotions and intuition that interact and play an essential part of living a fulfilled life. By tapping into all layers of self, practicing yoga helps individuals experience life to its fullest by tuning in harmonious resonance of all layers.

Yoga offers many health and wellbeing advantages. This discipline can improve mental and emotional well-being, boost immunity, build flexibility and endurance, lower blood pressure, aid weight loss, decrease depression and anxiety levels and enhance sleep quality – among many other advantages. Yoga is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels and may even aid rehabilitation following injuries, illness or surgery.

Studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of yoga practice on cardiovascular functioning. Regularly engaging in yoga practice has been found to increase blood hemoglobin and red blood cell count while improving oxygen supply to cells, leading to higher energy and better ability to perform activities. Yoga may also reduce heart attack risk by encouraging venous blood from legs and pelvic area back towards heart for reoxygenation; further lowering cholesterol level, and preventing blood clots in arteries; it reduces risk of stroke by lowering cholesterol level, and decreasing risk by encouraging flow from legs/ pelvic area back towards heart; eventually increasing energy and improving oxygen supply to cells resulting in higher energy and ability to perform activities.

Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment

Treatment centers for substance abuse disorders provide their patients with a variety of services and approaches that aim to help. Some centers focus on behavioral, pharmacological, alternative medicine therapies or even combinations thereof to provide more holistic care; many programs even provide aftercare programs or 12-step groups which assist their patients overcome addiction.

Addiction is a multifaceted disorder that impacts every aspect of life. From physical symptoms to disruption in social or family relations and legal or financial issues, addiction has lasting repercussions in all spheres. Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment’s ultimate goal is to enhance living skills and assist patients in regaining control over their lives and relationships. Many addicts also struggle with coexisting mental health conditions that complicate recovery. Depression, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), physical or sexual abuse history or psychoeducation regarding alcohol or drug misuse and its consequences are just some of the conditions treated with individual and group therapy, counseling sessions or psychoeducation presentations about drug and alcohol misuse and its impacts.

Other treatment strategies for addiction may include teaching patients to recognize cues that signal withdrawal or craving, developing contingency plans for managing difficult situations and providing support groups and relapse prevention planning. These approaches can be especially helpful for women who often have coexisting mood disorders and are at greater risk for relapse. Treatment for women should also encompass education regarding its impact on families as a whole and the importance of family involvement in recovery – this should include spouses, children, parents and siblings playing an integral part.

Abstinence from drugs and alcohol is often the best treatment option for substance abuse or dependence, although various forms of treatment such as community residential treatment, therapeutic community treatment and intensive outpatient programs may also help. Community residential treatment tends to work best when dealing with severe or persistent issues that do not respond well to less intensive interventions.

Intensive outpatient programs usually encompass 9-12 hours of treatment every week and offer more structured supervision and intensive therapies than standard outpatient programs, making them suitable for people who have already undergone less intensive rehabilitation. Many intensive programs incorporate cognitive behavioral therapy, relapse prevention planning, stress management training (using biofeedback, progressive muscle relaxation meditation or yoga), among other techniques as part of the therapy regime.

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe, natural therapy that involves infusing warm, filtered water into the colon (large intestine). Studies have demonstrated its many health benefits such as reduction in abdominal bloating, improved digestion, reduced fatigue levels and helping eliminate trapped gases from within your system. Colonic hydrotherapy has even been found helpful in alleviating symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome – although this treatment may not be right for everyone so it’s essential to discuss any options with your healthcare provider first.

An initial session typically involves lying on a treatment table while being gently placed on a small speculum tube inserted into their rectum by their therapist, with water slowly introduced through fills and releases while massaging the abdomen. This process, known as peristalsis, helps stimulate muscular contractions within large intestines to flush them out more efficiently and is essential to the process of detoxifying bowel.

The therapist carefully monitors both temperature and pressure of water so as to provide a gentle cleansing without discomfort to ensure a thorough cleansing session. They may use techniques like breathing or abdominal massage in addition to using drainage tubes to remove waste from their colon. In a typical 35-50 minute session, 5-20 gallons of water is infused into their colon and expelled out via drainage tube along with any waste, carrying with it dislodged from walls of their digestive system into this drain tube containing waste with it.

Sometimes people experience temporary discomfort from colonic irrigations such as abdominal ache, nausea or diarrhea – usually only temporary! As detoxing of your colon may result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalances – to minimize potential side effects after colonic irrigations it’s essential that you drink plenty of water immediately afterwards and refrain from caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Colonial hydrotherapy not only aids digestion, but it can also ease constipation, lower cholesterol levels and reduce heart disease risk. Furthermore, colonic hydrotherapy may relieve depression and chronic fatigue by clearing away built-up toxins in your body as well as improving skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Find a Scio Therapy Near Me

Scio therapy offers an effective and safe way to ease emotional distress. If you are dealing with depression, anxiety, or relationship difficulties, an experienced Scio therapist may be able to assist.

Stress is widely recognized by both the American Medical Association (AMA) and US National Institutes of Health as one of the primary contributors to all diseases; which highlights why Scio biofeedback is such an invaluable asset.


Counseling is a form of therapy in which individuals discuss their emotions and feelings with a trained professional. Counselling can help individuals address mental health issues such as anxiety and depression as well as relationship troubles, substance abuse issues or life changes. Local charities or social services usually specialize in specific areas such as bereavement support or family guidance – these organizations do not need a referral from your GP in order to make use of their services.

Scio licensed counselors provide various forms of therapy, such as psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches. Additionally, they can provide individual, group and couples counseling for children, adolescents, adults and seniors of all ages – some even offer online therapy! Whether it is emotional support you require or improving quality of life enhancement – finding a good therapist is important and the right counselor can make all the difference on your journey.

The SCIO connects with your body, to identify which energy imbalances are having the biggest impact on personal health: physical, mental and emotional. The machine measures your subtle reactions to thousands of biological, psychological and medical items presented as electro-magnetic signals; then ranks these responses accordingly so your practitioner can zero in on those most critical imbalances.

Every organ in the body has a particular frequency (vibration). When this vibration is altered by toxins, parasites or other factors, its full potential cannot be realized. SCIO can detect and correct these energy disturbances to bring equilibrium back to the body.

The Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System is at the forefront of energetic medicine, offering us access to our bodies’ electric communication pathways and subtly tapping into their subtle energies for assessment and clearing purposes. Furthermore, this cutting-edge system can address any blockages to vital life force flow that may cause any number of ailments in addition to being an invaluable way to monitor our well being over time.


Psychotherapy is a type of mental health counseling that can assist individuals in dealing with various mental health concerns, from depression and anxiety to addiction and trauma. Finding an individual therapist to meet each client’s unique needs – for instance specializing in trauma therapy, sexual abuse counseling or bipolar disorder is important – is crucial.

SCIO therapy requires practitioners to attach non-invasive headband and wrist straps around a patient’s body that emit energy signals that the body responds to, which are then measured and reported back on by the SCIO computer program. Unhealthy tissues respond differently than healthy ones, enabling the SCIO to detect illness or infection at its energetic core.

The SCIO represents cutting-edge energetic medicine, capable of detecting stressors impacting physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. With an impressive database of over 9000 test frequencies that are scanned against your body like virus scans on computers – it identifies imbalances before providing a detailed report on overall state of health; then can suggest natural therapies designed to balance any imbalanced frequencies that may exist.

Providers may use electrodermal screening and other biofeedback modalities such as EEG biofeedback to address imbalances of their clients. These methods help alleviate stress while improving energy flow in the body for long-term change and lead to happier lives with more lasting changes.

Scio therapy near me can assist clients in working through various issues, from life transitions to inner child exploration and depression or anxiety. A good Scio therapist near me will offer support, validation and tools that will help manage the situation better. BetterHelp’s verified therapists offer sessions via video call, text and phone therapy sessions; additionally they may also offer worksheets or journaling features to keep clients on track with their treatment plan.


If you’re experiencing mental illness, seeking professional assistance could be of great assistance. Psychiatrists specialize in treating depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety and can also provide management of symptoms to help cope with life’s challenges; they may recommend an individualized treatment plan just for you. Psychologists, social workers and therapists all can work as part of a treatment team alongside psychiatrists as part of a multi-disciplinary treatment team approach to wellness.

Therapists provide various forms of therapy, including psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches. Additionally, they can help address any underlying issues which could be contributing to your problems. It is important to choose a therapist with adequate credentials and experience – an undergrad degree in psychology or master’s in counseling or marriage and family therapy would be ideal; other considerations might include finding one who accepts your insurance and understanding their fee structure before setting up a session.

Scio therapists can assist in pinpointing the source of your difficulty and providing much-needed support in times of hardship. Additionally, they can teach coping techniques and alter negative thought patterns; and can even assist in dealing with family or relationship issues and various conditions such as anxiety and mood disorders. Many therapists utilize psychodynamic techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), family and couples therapy modalities as therapy methods.

The SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System) is an advanced biofeedback device with over 9000 substances and illnesses included in its database of test frequencies, making it capable of scanning your body for these frequencies, identifying any imbalances within your energy field, then providing solutions tailored specifically for you based on this analysis. Your practitioner then evaluates these results to see if they meet with their expectations.

Scio therapists can assist in managing complex emotional challenges and building healthy relationships, as well as adapting to life changes, managing self-esteem issues and increasing confidence. These professionals are available both in person and online and some specialize in specific areas like addiction or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In some instances they can even help overcome depression or other forms of mental illness.


Therapists are licensed mental health professionals that offer support, guidance and counseling services for people experiencing emotional difficulties. Therapists may assist clients with addiction issues, relationship conflicts and depression as well as stress and anxiety management. Psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and marriage and family counseling may all be used by therapists as effective forms of treatment to overcome such challenges.

Some therapists provide sliding scale counseling, which takes income into account and charges only what their client can afford for each session. This makes scio therapy more accessible to more people. Furthermore, some online therapists are available so as to accommodate people with limited mobility or transportation issues.

SCIO biofeedback therapy uses non-invasive headband and wrist straps to transmit energy signals into the body, where unhealthy tissues respond differently from healthy tissues; this allows the SCIO program to detect imbalances before sending frequencies back out to heal naturally – this process is known as vibrational medicine or energy healing.

The Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System (SCIO) is an innovative new technology that measures bioenergy in your body to detect imbalances. Once identified, vibrational medicine or energy healing frequencies can then be transmitted outward to heal naturally – this technique has proven highly successful at treating cancer, autoimmune diseases and other chronic illnesses.

SCIO stands apart from traditional medicines by targeting its root cause of the issue – such as toxins or parasites contributing to symptoms you are experiencing – as opposed to just masking symptoms with medication. SCIO may help improve overall wellness by decreasing stress levels and improving sleep quality.

BetterHelp makes it easy to locate a SCIO therapist near you by connecting you with verified therapists online or over the phone. These experts can assist with life transitions, inner child exploration and managing mood disorders or negative thinking patterns; as well as supporting you during difficult relationship times or helping resolve marital conflicts.