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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 15, 2024|Editor

Biohacking Devices 2023

Biohacking refers to the practice of employing noninvasive technologies to optimize cellular health and performance, such as changing one’s diet or exercising regularly in order to lower risks associated with chronic illnesses.

Wearable devices, like fitness trackers and smartwatches, provide biohackers with real-time data that enables them to make informed lifestyle decisions. Other popular tools include the Oura Ring for monitoring heart rate and sleep patterns.


Smartwatches hold great promise as biohacking devices, with wearable gadgets offering more than timekeeping services: They also serve as health monitors and have various features – like tracking blood pressure and glucose levels – that could come in handy during biohacking efforts.

Other useful features of smartwatches include heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking and stress management. Furthermore, some smartwatches contain built-in cameras, speakers and microphones for hands-free calling capabilities.

Garmin, for instance, has created several smartwatch models designed specifically to meet the needs of outdoor enthusiasts that integrate GPS and other sensors, in addition to ruggedized designs that can withstand backcountry expeditions and underwater diving.

Smartwatches have also become an integral component of the quantified self movement, which uses self-tracking to optimize health and performance. Real-time biometric data helps identify opportunities and iterate on interventions; taking this approach requires focus and discipline if it is to result in meaningful improvements.

The rise of biohacking as a trend has spurred on an explosion of innovative products ranging from fitness and nutrition trackers to wearable technology designed to support mental wellbeing. Some technologies even offer immersive at-home experiences like FightCamp – an interactive boxing experience using sensors, an app, and punching bag! Furthermore, wearable vibration devices such as FightCamp can also be found which aim to improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels.

Health trackers

Biohackers are driven by a desire to perform at their highest potential and prolong life, and to implement lifestyle habits which promote these goals. They make changes such as changing diet, exercising regularly, monitoring biological markers, and wearing wearable tech devices as a way of monitoring biological markers for improved health. Biohackers understand how lifestyle habits may contribute to chronic disease; so they look for ways to decrease their risk by making healthy adjustments.

Fitness trackers like the Fitbit and Oura Ring provide vital data about exercise levels, heart rate, sleep patterns, stress levels and stressors. More advanced devices such as Levels wearable glucose monitoring system or EEG headbands which track brain activity offer even more metrics to assist you in making informed decisions regarding health and performance.

Optimizing nutrition is another popular biohack. Tracking nutrient intake and experimenting with various diets such as ketogenic or intermittent fasting diets are popular examples, helping biohackers increase metabolic efficiency for increased energy and improved physical performance.

Biohacking startups are creating implantable devices that can monitor vital signs, deliver medications directly into the body and enhance cognitive abilities. Although these innovations are exciting, they raise important ethical considerations that need to be considered before proceeding with them. It is vital that people are fully informed about potential long-term effects and risks prior to undergoing any procedures; additionally it must ensure these products are accessible across socioeconomic boundaries.

Ring wearable technology

Biohackers take the ‘quantified self’ movement a step further by employing wearable technology to measure various aspects of their health. Wearable gadgets provide valuable insight into their body and allow biohackers to make data-driven decisions for optimizing their wellness; such as fitness trackers or smart clothing with sensors monitoring body temperature or muscle activity.

Biohackers often utilize supplements and nutritional protocols to increase energy levels and performance, such as intermittent fasting or the keto diet. Furthermore, many drink alkaline water to boost immunity. Furthermore, there are various biohacking devices for optimizing sleep quality such as the Oura ring which monitors stages, duration and heart rate variability to gauge overall quality of restful slumber.

Some biohackers even utilize implants to enhance cognitive functions. Kernel, for instance, is developing a brain implant to aid memory loss sufferers – this device works by stimulating specific areas of the brain associated with memory formation and recall.

When selecting a biohacking device, prioritize accuracy and ease of use. Look for one with an intuitive user interface and clear instructions, along with an active community for support. Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity should provide seamless data transmission and integration. Finally, pick one compatible with your lifestyle and health goals.

Red light therapy

Light therapy (PBM) is an effective and natural way to boost health. PBM uses light beams to aid cells in recovering from damage, strengthen immunity and address mood disorders; red light therapy has even been proven effective at relieving symptoms related to fibromyalgia pain and inflammation; it may even aid in treating skin conditions like acne or psoriasis.

As it may cause harm to an unborn fetus, this treatment should not be utilized during pregnancy. However, it can still provide beneficial health enhancement without resorting to dangerous drugs or invasive procedures.

Infrared saunas generate heat that can enhance overall wellness by improving cardiovascular and detoxification benefits, pain relief, and weight loss. You have two choices for infrared sauna devices: blanket or handheld device that emits infrared waves directly onto your skin.

When purchasing a red light therapy device, it’s essential to consider its size, portability, price, convenience and special features. Two popular choices are the Joovv Solo 3.0 or Biomax 600 as they possess unique features that set them apart from competitors; such as its built-in timer which helps track session times effectively as well as visible wavelength indicator which lets users know when infrared is active.


Cryotherapy is one of the most widely utilized wellness-enhancing technologies used by people of all ages and activity levels to recover, perform, and live better. Cryotherapy involves subjecting one’s body to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes at a time in order to provide numerous health benefits such as reduced oxidative stress levels, muscle recovery improvement and even helping combat depression. You can find cryotherapy devices ranging from handheld models to full body panels.

Biohacking is a self-experimental practice aimed at optimizing personal well-being and performance using various means, such as taking specific dietary supplements or engaging in regular physical exercise and using specific tools, gadgets and devices (Seyfried, Pei & Schmidt 2014). Biohacking may even involve genetic modification for medical research or treatments (Seyfried et al, 2014).

Dietary biohacking involves selecting and eating appropriate foods in order to optimize cellular metabolism, promote weight loss, prevent chronic diseases, and extend longevity. This may involve taking various dietary supplements like antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and prebiotics and probiotics; intermittent fasting as well as ketogenic diets may all play a part in this practice.

Biohacking involves injecting nutrients and biological compounds directly into the body through injections or pills or powders; these may help with energy production, athletic performance and general wellbeing. Such supplements can often be found at nutrition stores without needing a valid prescription.

Electro or electro-vibrational therapy

Biohackers are frequently seeking ways to optimize both their physical health and mental clarity. To meet their goals, biohackers use various gadgets that measure bioindicators such as heart rate and sleep quality – popular ones being fitness trackers and smartwatches which provide real-time data on multiple metrics as well as helping individuals set and meet exercise goals.

Vielight photobiomodulation headset is another biohacking tool, using light therapy to enhance cognitive performance and target specific brainwave frequencies, improving focus and memory while creating a state of calm by tracking heart rate variability and providing meditation exercises.

Other biohacking devices that can aid biohacking include TrueDark glasses that block blue light, as well as sleep systems that track an individual’s cycles of restful or restless sleeping. Both types of devices have been shown to reduce chronic inflammation – an established risk factor for cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases; in addition, they increase cognitive performance by improving sleep quality and encouraging relaxation.

Biohackers are passionate about finding supplements to optimize both mental and physical wellbeing. Nootropics, which improve memory and focus, are particularly popular among biohackers and may come from natural sources like caffeine and omega-3 fatty acids; or synthetic versions like modafinil and piracetam. Nootropic supplements can also come as dietary or liquid products from manufacturers; in some cases wearable devices may even deliver these ingredients directly to the brain!

March 15, 2024|Editor

Biophoton Therapy Reviews

Biophoton Therapy is an innovative new way to bring hope into your body! It kills bacteria and viruses, strengthens immunity systems, increases oxygenation levels and even balances out energy!

Dutch health pioneer, Arjen Chiren, designed the Chiren to assess whether there is harmony or disharmony present within biophotons; coherent biophotons indicate wellness; those that are disorganized indicate disease.

What is Biophoton Therapy (BT)?

Biophoton Therapy is an holistic, noninvasive light treatment that works in harmony with the natural healing mechanisms in your body to eliminate disturbances to its energy system. It’s pain-free and safe, having been found effective against many chronic ailments.

Based on scientific discoveries that every living cell emits over 100,000 photons every second, creating an electromagnetic field and stimulating cells to regenerate themselves, while strengthening immunity systems, increasing oxygen flow and balancing energetic structures of bodies.

By targeting malignant cells with light waves at specific wavelengths, we can penetrate their surface cells and absorb photons into them – causing the antigenic cells to activate your immune system and treat cancer more effectively than ever. It’s an extremely straightforward and simple process proven effective against cancer as well as viral and bacterial infections and more.

UV (ultraviolet) light can do more than purify air and sterilize water; it also has the power to purify bloodstream infections with viruses and bacteria as well as remove heavy metals that interfere with healthy metabolic functions. Furthermore, unlike some antibiotics treatments like BT do not depress immune systems by suppressing beneficial microorganisms that provide beneficial immunity support; furthermore BT is extremely effective at killing off resistant strains of bacteria that have developed resistance.

BT technology uses a photoluminescent probe to detect photons released by malignant and normal tissues in vitro. This is achieved by placing a PMT (Photomultiplier Tube) detector under a plate of confluent malignant and normal cells, with an emission filter which only detects emissions at specific wavelengths; emission patterns from each type are distinct, providing proof that biophotons can serve as noninvasive molecular markers to distinguish malignant from normal tissues.

Ali Al-Safi is a Certified Chiren Practitioner trained and certified by the Institute of Applied Biophoton Sciences of Norway and Netherlands. The StarLight device he utilizes offers similar features as the original Chiren device; however, he does not prescribe medications.

BT Treatments

Light is absorbed by our cells’ chromophores, which act as the sites of biochemical reactions necessary for healthy cell function and healing. Biophoton light therapy is a noninvasive solution using red LED and infrared laser energy to trigger our bodies’ natural healing mechanisms and promote wellbeing.

Based on scientific research, Biophoton Therapy works by harnessing light, or biophotons, which emit from all living organisms as an electromagnetic signal of their health status. Modern lifestyles may cause deficient or excess biophoton emissions that interfere with normal cell activity leading to various health conditions; Biophoton Therapy fills any biological information gaps to restore optimal body functioning.

Our bodies are wrapped in fascial tissue, an interconnective connective tissue which connects skin, organs and muscles into one cohesive structure. This fascial tissue emits biophotons which contribute significantly to our physical and emotional well-being. At Chiren and Starlight instrument we measure human Field to identify remedies tailored specifically to each client and program them into device for light therapy sessions that promote cell health regeneration while supporting body’s own innate healing processes.

Patients typically report feeling more relaxed and energized even after one treatment session; others require repeated sessions for maximum results. You lie back while our device is placed either on your abdomen or legs depending on where attention needs to be focused most; no discomfort whatsoever will be experienced throughout this relaxing experience!

After each session, you may feel fatigued for one or two days due to your immune system releasing toxins and other disturbances from your cells and tissues – these disturbances being processed through lymphatic and waste systems for elimination.

Biophoton light therapy can be combined with other complementary modalities for more comprehensive cancer care, as seen at the Cancer Center for Healing in Santa Barbara, California where this approach to healing is provided alongside traditional cancer therapies as part of an integrative holistic healing model.

BT Results

Biophoton Therapy (BT) is a safe, noninvasive therapy used to restore the body’s natural healing potential. BT can be utilized in treating pain management, wound healing and skin rejuvenation as well as stimulating healthy organ function and regeneration of cells. Furthermore, research indicates it assists immune systems by eliminating various microorganisms including viruses, fungus, bacteria protozoa and worms.

Photons differ from lasers and other light sources in that they can penetrate deeply into cells, activating enzymes that aid healing while increasing production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Biophotonic treatments also stimulate nitric oxide release to increase blood flow to treated areas – helping the body absorb biophotons better and speeding the healing process.

As biophotons penetrate the body, they can activate the cytochrome system, which is responsible for activating genes necessary for cell division and repair. By activating this pathway, biophotons initiate new biological activities which have shown to increase collagen production which in turn increase skin elasticity and firmness.

At the start of every BT session, a Biontologist performs an assessment of biophoton coherence within each organ system by using an instrument called Chiren to measure biophoton coherence within different organ systems. Chiren evaluates acupuncture meridians that overlap heavily with body’s biophoton highways. If any disruptions are discovered during this process, practitioners can employ informational remedies which invert chaotic light into coherent light while strengthening internal coherence of body biophotons to correct disruptions and correct disruptions by inverting chaotic light into coherent light while strengthening existing coherent light within our bodies’ own coherent light systems.

Clinical studies have revealed that a new biophoton gel significantly expedited healing for hard-to-heal chronic ulcers such as venous leg ulcers (VLUs) and diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), by stimulating production of nitric oxide, which stimulates production of cytochrome system genes which support natural healing by reducing inflammation and pain reduction. This revolutionary discovery could revolutionize medical industry allowing new avenues of exploration to open up.

BT Safety

Biophoton Therapy is an FDA-approved noninvasive procedure using LED technology originally developed by NASA for use during their manned space flight experiments. Unlike laser devices, LED devices emit negligible heat when used according to specifications, making them much safer options than lasers when applied according to plan.

At each session, blood is drawn from your arm and passed through a device which exposes it to controlled ultraviolet light. After being returned back into your body, this light energy can help enhance natural functioning and heal itself.

Since 1900, scientists have put forward the notion that all cells produce and send out light impulses as a form of communication between themselves and outsiders. This light generated by every cell can be detected externally – biophotons.

Modern lifestyles may cause biophoton deficiency or excess, causing various imbalances and symptoms. Biophoton therapy aims to correct these imbalances and restore your optimal level of health.

Biophotons contain an intrinsic energy that allows them to act as an intercellular communication mechanism, activating our bodies’ natural healing processes and helping overcome various illnesses or disorders. Treatment sessions may cause fatigue as cells clear themselves of waste accumulated from cells’ efforts of purging themselves of toxins; this may last up to 24 hours but should subside once immunity has done its work in clearing away these substances from our system.

Biophoton Therapy sessions can promote natural self-regulation to quickly reduce the impact of disruptive microorganisms such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, moulds and protozoa. Such organisms may cause allergies, inflammation and other autoimmune conditions – thus Biophoton Therapy offers the ability to restore gut microbiome while clearing pathogenic overgrowth.

Biophoton Therapy practitioners utilize an instrument called the Chiren to assess biophoton coherence across organ systems. Once imbalanced biophotons have been identified, biontologists then look for informational remedies that restore balance to these biophotons; such remedies neutralize incoherent chaotic light while amplifying coherent light; this allows the body’s own healing capacity to return.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Vibration Therapy Chiropractic

Vibration therapy is an innovative addition to our chiropractic arsenal, used primarily for strengthening and healing purposes.

Your chiropractor will have you stand on a plate which emits vibration throughout your entire body, activating both muscle-skeletal systems and nervous systems.

Relieves Pain

Chiropractors know that to treat pain effectively, the best approach involves using both manual adjustments and non-invasive techniques, such as vibration therapy. Vibration therapy has become an invaluable asset in pain treatment; using vibration to alleviate back or joint discomfort while strengthening muscles is just one benefit; so if you want to strengthen your chiropractic practice and attract new clients, why not add vibration therapy into the mix?

Vibration therapy is an easy, noninvasive way to bring many potential benefits. Simply put, vibration therapy involves sitting or lying on a device which emits vibrations throughout the body similar to those experienced during exercise and stimulating muscle contractions – helping alleviate pain by increasing blood flow and flexibility.

This method of treatment is often employed to alleviate symptoms associated with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, strengthen bones, increase bone density and ease bone thinning due to age, as well as increase muscle mass thereby alleviating back pain in older individuals.

At Mile High Spine & Pain Center, we employ this form of therapy to relieve muscle knot pain. These knots usually form in the back but may also manifest themselves elsewhere on your body, including your neck. Our method works to ease them by stimulating specific muscle groups – up to 12 times every second! – to contract and relax more regularly.

Vibration therapy offers another key advantage by speeding up natural healing processes in the body. Vibrations encourage capillaries to dilate, increasing blood flow and oxygen levels – this in turn aids the body in healing injured muscles, ligaments and discs more rapidly.

Vibration therapy has proven itself as an effective method to quickly relieve lower back pain in the short term, speed recovery time from injuries, and improve flexibility. Because of these multiple advantages vibration therapy provides, it has become an increasingly popular treatment option among chiropractors and other health care professionals.

Strengthens Muscles

Vibration therapy chiropractic can strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and metabolism, enhance balance, build bone density and increase circulation while simultaneously decreasing inflammation and speeding healing – without resorting to drugs or surgery!

Vibration therapy can be integrated with traditional chiropractic methods like manipulation, adjustments, traction and massage therapy to increase effectiveness and efficiency of therapy sessions. By adding WBV as part of their practice plan, chiropractors can maximize its use.

A typical treatment typically lasts 10-20 minutes and involves standing upright on a vibration platform emitting sonic vertical vibrations with variable frequencies. These vibrations activate different muscle groups to relax them more thoroughly. They also stimulate nerve pathways and vasodilation – essential factors that promote the body’s own natural ability to heal itself.

By combining whole-body vibration therapy with chiropractic techniques, patients experience faster results and can return to their usual lives more quickly than if only chiropractic techniques alone had been utilized. Vibration helps energize, rebuild healthy muscle tissue, improve balance and coordination and ease spinal adjustments by relaxing tense muscles and aiding better “holding” of adjustments by chiropractors.

Studies have demonstrated that vibration stimulates osteoblasts, or cells responsible for creating new bone. This helps treat conditions like scoliosis, osteoporosis, fractures and degeneration of connective tissues. Furthermore, vibration has also shown to strengthen postural stabilizing muscles such as pelvic floor muscles, spinal erector muscles and transverse abdominal muscles – providing preventative benefits against these issues.

WBV vibrations trigger muscle contraction and release, simulating the effects of intense exercise. This allows your muscles to gain more strength while increasing lymph flow (an effective natural detoxifier) and stimulating cell growth. In addition, WBV increases energy levels while simultaneously decreasing stress hormones like cortisol that contribute to weight gain, fatigue and depression.

Vibration therapy offers several key advantages over traditional resistance exercise: It can be practiced at home with minimal time and money investment, providing muscle stimulation in 10 minutes rather than one full hour of traditional resistance exercises; recovery times from exertion are reduced through improving your body’s production and maintenance of nitric oxide, necessary for optimal blood flow.

Increases Circulation

Imagine standing on a platform as waves of energy pass through your body, stimulating muscles to contract and relax rhythmically. While this might sound like something out of science fiction, whole-body vibration therapy is actually an innovative addition to chiropractic care that boosts muscle strength, flexibility and circulation.

Vibration therapy utilizes a full-body vibration plate to provide vertical vibrations to all parts of your body, including exercise or stretching while standing on it. Your chiropractor may also suggest localized vibrating treatments using handheld vibrating devices on specific parts such as neck areas.

Vibration causes your bones and joints to react by increasing blood flow to affected areas, providing injured or tight muscles and joints with additional oxygen and nutrients for healing purposes. Furthermore, vibration reduces swelling responses thereby decreasing pain levels and speeding recovery times.

Vibration therapy aids healing in another way: by stimulating the nervous system. Vibrations stimulate nerve pathways connecting your muscles to your brain, encouraging communication between the two sides and helping your body more readily adjust to a chiropractic adjustment.

For people suffering from chronic neck pain, vibration therapy can provide much-needed relief by relaxing muscles in your neck. This allows vertebrae to move more freely, improving range of motion and eliminating neck pain altogether.

Whole-body vibration therapy can increase bone density and muscle mass while improving postural stability and mobility, as well as stimulating fast-twitch muscle fibers for athletes to improve explosive strength and performance. Furthermore, vibration therapy enhances lymphatic drainage across your entire body which encourages more natural detoxification processes.

Decreases Stress

Vibration therapy helps your body reduce cortisol, or the stress hormone, levels. An excess of cortisol can cause health issues including weight gain, muscle weakness and cardiovascular disease – but regular chiropractic visits can help keep these levels under control to promote overall good health.

Vibration therapy works to decrease cortisol in your body by stimulating muscle cells and nerve cells to send messages that encourage relaxation instead of tension, rather than tightening them up. This therapy may be particularly useful for people suffering from chronic stress as prolonged stress exposure can damage immune systems as well as lead to weight gain, heart disease, depression and anxiety.

Chiropractics have increasingly adopted this form of treatment because it can increase muscle strength and bone density while simultaneously decreasing pain and inflammation. Vibrations used during this therapy stimulate bones and muscles to produce more bone and muscle while simultaneously helping with blood circulation.

If you would like more information about how vibration therapy could benefit you, reach out to Momentum Healing Arts to arrange a consultation session with one of our expert chiropractors. They can offer additional information about how this type of treatment may assist with everything from relieving pain to increasing bone density – helping you live an overall healthier lifestyle!

Our chiropractors may suggest either whole body or targeted vibration therapy to meet your specific needs. With targeted vibration therapy, patients sit or stand on a device which emits rapid vibration forces to deliver targeted treatment directly into a specific part of their bodies, forcing muscles in that region to contract and relax – stimulating tissue stimulation while aiding natural healing processes within their bodies. This treatment method is ideal for recovering from injuries, strengthening muscles and joints or increasing fitness training levels.

March 15, 2024|Editor

Energy Medicine Devices

Energy medicine devices provide healing through balancing energy channels in the body. It treats imbalances that cause discomfort, insomnia, mood disorders and early signs of aging.

Practitioners of energy medicine generate electromagnetic frequencies that alter cell vibrations and the biofield in general, as well as being detectable through physiological indicators such as acupuncture instruments or electrical discharge photography (Kirlian photography).


Acupuncture is one of the best-researched forms of energy medicine, serving to balance the flow of vital energy known as “qi” through pathways known as meridians in the body. Acupuncture has many health benefits including reduced pain and inflammation, improved blood circulation and immune system support, as well as neuroimaging studies showing it calms areas of the brain that register physical discomfort while simultaneously activating areas that facilitate healing. Furthermore, research indicates acupuncture’s success at treating chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy which causes numbness in feet and hands.

Acupuncturists use tiny needles that are inserted into specific points on the body known as acupoints or acupressure points to relieve tension and promote healing processes within. A special needle used by acupuncturists, known as an acupuncture needle, is smaller than medical needles but still strong, stainless steel, and sterile for this treatment; these acupuncture needles are then inserted through skin into specific spots identified on maps of energetic anatomy or flow maps and into precise spots identified on maps for treatment; these points are then stimulated with small electric currents which helps relieve tension and promote natural healing processes within.

Reiki or craniosacral therapy are energy healing techniques in which a healer uses his/her hands without physically touching a patient, such as Reiki. These types of practices work to manipulate mechanical vibrations within cell membranes and cytoskeletons and the entire human biofield in order to return it back to a healthier harmonic pitch.

Some practitioners use the term pranic healing, which refers to no-touch energy practices that focus on awakening and nourishing the biofield. A practitioner might gently shake your hand or rub their abdomen to release toxins and increase flow of energy – although these practices might seem strange at first, they’re supported by science as well as ancient beliefs regarding how our energies work – providing holistic care that works together rather than treating symptoms individually – making pranic healing ideal complements for Western medicine’s advances.

Electromagnetic Therapy (EMT)

Contrary to pharmaceuticals, which only affect chemical signals in the body, electromagnetic (EM) treatments and devices target electromagnetic waves influenced by biofield disturbances and human biofield. Practitioners employ energy in order to help balance out biofield imbalances and bring harmony back into it.

Electrostimulation therapy utilizes low-level electromagnetic waves to stimulate cells into producing chemicals that activate and regulate specific genes, while Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy utilizes devices that create an electromagnetic field similar to that produced naturally by our bodies, offering pain relief, bone healing, joint mobility and circulation improvement, heart health support, mood enhancement, detoxification support, immune system support, as well as weight loss support.

Veritable Energy Medicine (EM), including acupuncture, Reiki and chiropractic techniques, involves manipulating subtle forms of energy through skilled practitioners. This may involve tapping, massaging, pressing, twisting or connecting specific energy pathways on the body using techniques from yoga, kinesiology or qi gong or through meditation – among many others. In addition to acupuncture there are other examples such as Bowen Technique Eden Energy Medicine Feldenkrais Method Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques or Rolfing which are all veritable EM techniques that fall under this umbrella of veritable EM.

Putative Energy Medicine, on the other hand, uses human touch instead of device-based therapies and is founded upon the belief that therapists can influence subtle energies through interaction – whether through healing intentions or simply touching someone. This category encompasses therapies and assessments such as Reiki, Tarot Card Readings, Palmistry Astrology Astrology Intuitive Coaching as well as Laid on Hands Therapy.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of electromagnetic field (EMF) therapy on blood circulation and swelling reduction, pain relief, stress reduction, headache relief and sleep enhancement. Unfortunately, most studies were limited by small sample sizes leading to unreliable results; until larger clinical trials involving multiple patients are conducted EM therapy should not be recommended as a solution for pressure ulcers or multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia due to biofield manipulation which could worsen delusions and hallucinations.


Biofeedback employs electronic sensors attached to the body in order to provide patients with feedback on their physiological state, such as skin temperature or brain wave activity changes. The goal is for individuals to learn to make these changes themselves so that they may eventually find long-term relief from symptoms and even improve overall health; this form of therapy has been utilized as part of treatment plans for everything from sleep disorders and headaches, anxiety management and pain reduction as well as stress reduction.

Biofeedback devices come in various forms. Thermal biofeedback utilizes sensors placed on fingertips or wrists to detect changes in blood flow and skin temperature; patients can then use these signals to help manage stress by relaxing muscles and slowing heart rates. Other forms of biofeedback use sensors placed on scalps to track brainwave activity – often used to help treat conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Another type of biofeedback involves monitoring nerve activity. For instance, sensors could be placed on wrists to measure C-fibre activity – these nerves produce neuropeptides that regulate emotions and manage behavior.

Biofeedback may be administered by trained professionals such as psychologists and physical therapists; however, some people prefer doing it themselves with home equipment. Biofeedback tends to be less costly than other forms of medical therapy and in some cases insurance policies will cover its cost.

Many patients find significant relief after just a few sessions of biofeedback; others require 20 weekly sessions for specific conditions like high blood pressure. At these sessions, patients learn relaxation techniques and mental exercises they can practice at home to manage stress better.

The SCIO Biofeedback device is an innovative energetic medicine machine, used to reduce all types of stresses housed within your body including food extracts, toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungus parasites and spiritual energies. When combined with The LIFE System’s computer software program using this state-of-the-art biofeedback device it helps address chronic as well as acute health challenges including anti-aging cosmetic weight issues sports injuries emotional balance issues & anti-aging treatments; its goal being stress reduction which is the root cause of disease; The LIFE System helps manages these stresses so as to balance emotional, spiritual and physical stress that causes illness & disease – contributing directly towards health!

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

Frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) therapy is a safe and gentle way to ease pain caused by injuries or medical conditions. FSM works by stimulating your cells to produce more ATP – increasing natural healing processes while decreasing inflammation caused by injuries of all kinds.

FSM provides numerous clinical advantages, such as improving the function and structure of tissues, relieving pain, increasing oxygen supply to tissues, and speeding the healing of chronic injuries. FSM has also been shown to significantly lessen acute pain intensity while shortening recovery times from surgery, trauma or sports injuries; plus treating nerve, muscle and scar tissue pain while alleviating symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

Human bodies are natural electrical conductors, with each tissue having its own individual resonant frequency. When tissue becomes dysfunctional, this normal resonance frequency can become dissonant with the rest of the body and become out-of-tune. With FSM treatments, frequencies are programmed into a programmable device before being sent directly to damaged areas to restore back their healthy resonance frequencies.

These frequencies are highly specific, enabling them to address a wide variety of ailments and conditions. Their effect can often be immediately visible as scars soften, trigger points resolve and swelling drains almost instantly upon application of the proper frequency. Furthermore, once altered tissue configurations remain unchanged with proper nutritional support.

FSM has been proven to increase anti-inflammatory molecules, decrease pro-inflammatory cytokines, increase cell permeability and enhance nerve conductivity – all of which make it an excellent way of dealing with chronic inflammation issues like arthritis, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, TMJ or frozen shoulder. FSM can also help alleviate acute injuries like sprains or strains within four hours after an injury has been sustained – patients treated within this window reported reduced pain levels as well as faster healing times after FSM treatments were administered within four hours after an injury occurred reported reduced pain levels as well as considerably accelerated healing timescales.

March 15, 2024|Editor

What is Resonance in Therapy?

Resonance refers to an emotional connection and attunement experienced during counseling sessions when your counselor shows genuine understanding and support for what you’re saying, also known as empathic resonance.

Empathic resonance refers to an interaction between client symbols and implicit experiences of the therapist; this process may either be supportive or provocative (Jensen 2007).


Empathy is a vital emotion when helping others, enabling us to enter their shoes more easily and connect and understand those we’re helping. Additionally, empathy reduces stress levels and supports an immune system healthier. If your empathy levels become excessive though, be aware of it so as to refocus priorities around yourself – not for others’ benefit but your own!

Empathetic resonance is a dynamic interaction between therapist and client that involves empathy, mirroring, attunement, intuition, kinesthetic sensing and other techniques to build rapport and create an uplifting field energy in which both can work towards aligning on healthy frequency patterns for optimal function. Carl Rogers termed this the therapeutic environment; its success being just as crucial in terms of therapy session success than interventions themselves.

Referring back to the violin metaphor, both bodies vibrate together like finely tuned strings that respond to each other’s vibrations, creating the essence of empathic resonance.

For a therapist to be effective with her clients, she must start from a place of centered resonance – self-awareness and empathic flexibility – where she can tune in to the client’s essential health pattern of functioning and absorb and contain their symptoms messages.

Empathy is a natural emotion we’re born with, yet can be difficult to manage and control. People with high levels of empathy may struggle to distinguish their own emotions from the feelings of those around them, leading them to take on too much responsibility or act on behalf of others unnecessarily. While empathy can be used effectively when practiced regularly and practiced responsibly.

Bhismadev Chakrabarti defines empathy in his book “Empathy in Action” as the process by which one understands, empathizes with, and responds to another person’s emotional or mental states. According to him, empathy derives its name from Greek roots that mean to “feel with” or “share suffering”. Furthermore, Chakrabarti believes empathy may have developed for selfish reasons: helping us identify dangerous strangers so we can avoid them.


Intuition is the part of your mind that stores insights from all of life’s experiences. It may appear as a quiet voice or feeling in your gut about what to do; or perhaps more often as a sense that something wise within is operating on behalf of you.

Psychologists and neuroscientists describe intuitive processing as a natural human activity that can be enhanced through learning more about it and practicing specific skills, including distinguishing intuitive insights from rational thoughts and feelings – this ability will allow you to determine what’s true versus false in life.

Your intuition can assist in making decisions that support your values and goals, offer guidance in times of crisis or conflict, navigate relationships and direct career choices – as well as helping us discover more about ourselves in the process.

Your intuition can be strengthened through observation of yourself and others in real-time, or participating in therapy that includes reflective and attunement practices; reflective practice allows you to recognize resonant frequencies within yourself, while attunement practices give insight into others’ frequencies.

intuition can also be enhanced through interactions between therapist and client guided by Rogerian core attitudes for providing therapeutic relationship building and process enhancement, known as relational resonance.

Likewise, if a client is experiencing an overwhelming event during therapy sessions, their therapist can use images and metaphors to alleviate its intensity. For instance, the therapist might suggest they imagine that any violent perpetrator is behind glass walls where they cannot see or reach them; this can help increase client safety as well as empathy from both therapist and client.

Resonant interactions that correspond with client process intentions can greatly increase the odds of treatment success; as such, many therapists consider radical resonance an integral component of their work.


Mirroring is one of the most widely employed psychological tricks to build connection and rapport. This involves mirroring nonverbal cues of those you interact with such as their posture, body language and gestures – such as eye contact or hand gestures.

Mirroring can be an extremely powerful tool in counseling, but its use should be exercised with care. At times of high emotion such as anger, mirroring can quickly escalate into something worse if attempted too quickly; to ensure optimal results it’s best to wait until both client and counselor have settled before attempting to mirror tone or expressions back at one another.

Mirroring is designed to create connection with clients and help them feel understood and validated, while simultaneously helping to decrease the intensity of overwhelming experiences by making the client feel safer with someone they trust – this may involve using images and metaphors that mirror emotional states like glass walls or tactile/acoustic stimulation as ways of reducing arousal levels (touch/sound).

When confronted by memories of violence, clients can feel overwhelmed. Counselors can encourage clients to imagine the perpetrator from behind a glass wall or find an object which represents it and place it somewhere safe. Such techniques work by activating mirror neurons within our brains which prompt similar emotional responses from ourselves as when encountering such things as reminders.

An expert therapist can use resonance to connect with their clients in a way that goes beyond superficial relationships and is also deeply empathic. This approach, when coupled with empathy’s lesser-known superpowers, can help people heal from past traumas while creating healthier patterns in their lives.

Subtlety is key when using resonance as a therapeutic tool; too much mirroring may be off-putting or embarrassing for others. Therefore, it’s crucial that you remain mindful of your own body language, making sure not to mirror negative expressions like crossed arms or rolling eyes.


Early years are crucial in child development; their mother can play an integral part by responding to their baby’s feelings and perceiptions of the world around them, soothing pains while amplifying experiences of pleasure. Attunement lays a strong foundation for learning how to connect with other people, create relationships, and feel safe within society.

Attunement in therapy refers to the ability of therapists to empathically recognize and tune into their client’s experience, from body language and facial expressions, through nonverbals like body language and gestures, allowing a heightened state of attention that heightens awareness for clients to open up more freely. Therapists using empathic attunement can discern subtleties in stories such as hidden conflicts and emotional undercurrents that lie just below the surface allowing an in depth and transformative dialogue to occur between client and therapist that facilitates both deep conversations on both levels – between client and therapist and client!

Research has demonstrated the connection between attunement and early change in psychotherapy. This could be because attunement provides clients with a sense of validation for their needs, feelings, and experiences – something many may feel is lacking from previous interpersonal interactions in which they were misunderstood. It’s crucial that clients feel seen and heard, particularly after encounters where they have felt misunderstood or disregarded.

Attuned therapists can listen carefully, asking clarifying questions to better understand what their client is sharing, before responding in ways that support the goals for treatment and assist in overcoming barriers that impede its success.

Researchers from the University of Michigan used a movement-based measure of attunement to assess how well therapists were responding to their clients. They discovered that as attuned as they were, the more likely they were to belong to Class 2 (high impairment and early response), Class 3 (moderate impairment), or Class 4 (low impairment). Their findings were then adjusted for variables known to influence early change such as initial HSCL-11 score, chronicity, treatment expectation expectations as well as multilevel models which accounted for their nested structure.