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April 5, 2024|Editor

Ion Cyclotron Resonance Therapy

Studies have demonstrated that electromagnetic fields (EMF) with low intensity can influence DNA transcription; however, the exact mechanism underlying such effects remains elusive.

Researchers conducted a cyclotron resonance magnetic therapy study with 32 healthy volunteers who participated in 15 sessions each lasting 27 minutes long. Researchers monitored blood concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) and cholesterol before and after treatments to measure MDA concentrations and cholesterol levels respectively.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Cyclotron resonance therapy is a noninvasive, drug-free therapy designed to relieve stress and enhance overall wellbeing. It works by producing electromagnetic fields similar in frequency and intensity to Earth’s natural geomagnetic field – stimulating cell membranes to release toxins faster, helping the body absorb essential nutrients more easily, as well as supporting healthier cells and building up stronger immunity systems.

Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) is a form of plasma heating in which electrons are accelerated by an alternating magnetic field in a low pressure gas volume by means of an alternating electric field set to the frequency of electron cyclotron resonance, when free electrons reach this frequency they become energized and ionized, increasing their kinetic energy proportional to both their radius and frequency of electron cyclotron resonance.

Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance-mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) is an analytical technique that employs an ICR cell to trap ions in a high-field (3 to 12 Tesla) superconducting magnet, and then measure their mass. This process allows scientists working with organic compounds to assess molecular composition as well as detect impurities within samples. It provides valuable data regarding compositional change.

Studies conducted by researchers revealed that patients with autism experienced significant improvements after receiving ion cyclotron resonance treatments. This therapy proved effective at treating symptoms associated with autism such as gastrointestinal issues, sleep disruptions and anxiety; furthermore it improved mental health and emotional stability as well as relieving stress and depression among autistic children.

An initial, superficial analysis of cyclotron resonance experiments often yields an apparent scattering rate which bears little relationship to actual scattering processes in the system and may contain contributions from experimental factors, making a thorough evaluation necessary. To get accurate results it is therefore essential that every experiment undergoes rigorous scrutiny in terms of analysis.

MED CRI is equipped with special devices designed to prevent interference from the Earth’s magnetic field in its treatment area. A pair of Helmholtz coils were powered up parallel with an alternating magnetic field and used to zero out vertical component z of geomagnetic field z in bed zone; value vector component south-north Earth magnetic field was aligned so as to maximize superficial geomagnetic flux.

It is safe

The Ion Cyclotron Resonance Technique uses a powerful superconducting magnet to produce an electric field. This magnetic field is then tuned to match up with cyclotron resonance frequencies of physiological ions, which absorb electromagnetic energy and move in circular motion as they absorb electromagnetic energy from its presence; they move faster under magnetic fields which makes this method even more effective at stimulating cell growth than without. Furthermore, this non-invasive and needle-free approach to stimulating cell growth makes this an extremely safe technique that does not require manipulation by needles!

Diabetic foot ulcers, an ongoing health concern among people living with diabetes, can be treated using this therapy method. Results have proven it can speed healing processes while improving foot function among diabetic patients – but further research needs to be conducted into what mechanisms underpin its success.

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of low frequency can exert various biological effects. For example, EMFs can modify signal transduction pathways that regulate lymphocyte proliferation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) while attenuating oxidative stress and activating bone-healing responses in rats PBLs.

Ion cyclotron resonance operates by having magnetic fields interact with coherent domains of water found throughout living organisms. According to this theory, liquid water contains both coherent domains – composed of clusters of molecules whose quantum oscillations are in phase with each other – and incoherent fractions composed of isolated or weak hydrogen bond-connected molecules – within it and an incoherent fraction composed of molecules with weak hydrogen bonds that link isolated or linked molecules; when exposed to cyclotron frequencies or acupuncture increases the fraction of coherent domains, leading to conductivity increases and reduced ratio of reactance/resistance ratio.

To evaluate the potential of ICR therapy for cartilage regeneration, we investigated its effects on two chondrogenic genes COL2A1 and SOX9. A cell stimulation experiment was carried out whereby cells were exposed to various EMFs either using ubiquitous PEMF parameters or one tuned to ICR of Ca2+ frequency. Results revealed that exposure of cells under these ICR conditions caused significant increases in glycosaminoglycan and type II collagen synthesis while other EMFs did not significantly change these parameters.

It is effective

Ion cyclotron resonance magnetic therapy (ICRMT) has shown promise as a treatment option for diabetic foot ulcers. It speeds healing while simultaneously alleviating discomfort for patients suffering from this condition and also helps prevent new ulcers from forming, but its exact mechanisms of action remain unknown. This therapy may be applied both topically or subcutaneously, and is thought to influence water molecules within cells. Ions flowing through an ICR cell create an electric current in two detection electrodes on opposite sides, parallel with its magnetic field. These signals are processed using mathematical operations (principally Fourier transform) until a mass spectrum has been generated which allows one to identify concentration of an ion in their sample.

ICR-MS operates under the principle that ions immersed in magnetic fields undergo circular motion known as “cyclotron motion.” A high-field (3 to 12 Tesla) superconducting magnet is mounted within a vacuum chamber and connected to Helmholtz coils which produce an alternating magnetic field with zero vertical component z value; this ensures there is no interference caused by Earth magnetic field interference.

ICR-MS systems produce vast quantities of data that require efficient data processing to understand. By making use of this information, it’s possible to differentiate the contributions of various scattering processes and more accurately estimate effective mass. Beyond simply measuring concentration of specific ions, ICR-MS technology also serves well in revealing molecular structures.

Studying the effects of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Magnetic Therapy, healthy volunteers were subjected to 15 treatments over five weeks – each lasting 27 minutes – conducted using this technique. Before and after each session their blood concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) and cholesterol were measured before and after. Results demonstrated that this technique significantly reduced MDA levels – returning them back to normal one month post session.

A 7Hz calcium ICR electromagnetic field successfully promoted cardiogenic and angiogenetic differentiation in ex-vivo expanded hematopoietic stem cells (CSCs), modulating cardiac markers such as troponin I and MHC while down-regulating angiogenesis markers like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Kinase Domain Receptor (KDR). These findings demonstrate how noninvasive cyclotron resonance magnetic fields may modulate CSC biological functions, providing potential strategies for tissue engineering or cell therapy applications.

April 5, 2024|Editor

Whole Body Vibration Therapy Machines

A whole body vibration therapy machine vibrates your entire body, stimulating muscles to contract several hundred times per second and helping strengthen bones and muscles while improving posture and balance, burning calories and aiding recovery of muscles.

Vibration plates on machines should be carefully considered. Pivotal vibration plates provide great fitness and rehabilitation opportunities while linear vibration is designed specifically to target lower legs.

Increased Blood Flow

Vibrations generated from a whole body vibration machine cause muscles to contract and relax dozens of times per second, helping strengthen muscle, burn calories, build bone density, improve balance and postural stability and boost cardiovascular performance.

Retraining of the musculoskeletal system and improving blood flow to all parts of the body are additional advantages of Pilates practice. When used appropriately, it has also been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis while helping with weight loss, building strength and building endurance. Furthermore, Pilates practice has also been demonstrated to enhance athletic performance as well as reduce pain from arthritis joints.

Vibration therapy works by forcing your muscles to move in ways they cannot under normal circumstances, forcing them to work harder just to keep up. Research shows it to increase core, arm and leg strength. Working out all aspects of the body has also been shown to decrease back pain, inflammation and blood pressure levels – making vibration therapy an invaluable addition to workout programs aimed at recovery after injury or simply increasing energy levels.

Rapid contractions of muscles and movement of joints stimulate oxygen to enter our capillaries and promote circulation. Without good circulation, feet and hands become numb, the body gets cold and arthritis can develop; with adequate circulation our bodies can absorb all necessary nutrients while expel waste products safely for healthy development.

Studies on diabetic patients suggest that whole-body vibration therapy could be just as effective in increasing blood sugar control, improving muscle quality, and decreasing fat tissue as exercise. Other research shows it increases bone density, improves posture and balance as well as increasing balance for older adults living with lumbar hyperlordosis.

Studies investigating the long-term effects of whole-body vibration training were typically conducted on adults who were either sedentary or had little regular physical activity. While these studies had limited length and scope; some focused on one type of vibration machine or its effect on one muscle group or part of the body while other studies compared multiple vibration devices or frequencies of vibration training equipment to determine which had the greatest effects.

Increased Muscle Tone

Whole body vibration machines deliver energy directly into the body using a vibrating platform that stimulates muscle contraction and relaxation multiple times per second, strengthening muscles through this method and helping form neuromuscular junctions where nerve cells meet muscles for effective muscle contraction under various circumstances, such as lifting or moving. Vibrations also strengthen and maintain neuromuscular junctions which facilitate contractile regulation under stress conditions such as lifting or moving, aiding neuromuscular junctions formation and maintenance, as well as improving the formation and maintenance of neuromuscular junctions which aid neuromuscular junction formation and maintenance and help contract the muscles when needed under various situations such as lifting or moving, for enhanced muscular contraction under various situations allowing muscles to contract or relax multiple times per second forcing contraction/relaxation cycles per second allowing contractile regulation by forcing contraction/relaxation cycles that strengthen and relax multiple times per second forcing contraction/relaxation cycles that force muscles contracting/relaxation multiple times per second which also improves formation/maintenance/maintenance/maintenance/maintenance/formation/maintenance/maintenance neuromuscular junction formation/maintenance between nerve cells connecting nerve cells that meet muscle contracts contract under different circumstances, such as lifting/moving forces or movement forces etc.

As the platform moves within a vibration machine, its acceleration upward creates G-force – this rapid change in Gravity triggers reflexes which improve muscle power, strength, balance and bone density. Vibration therapy stimulates hormones like Dopamine, Serotonin and Human Growth Hormone which help the body feel energized and focused while decreasing Cortisol production, which promotes fat storage and weight gain.

Studies on vibration machines have demonstrated their ability to increase muscle tone without needing a comprehensive exercise routine. One such study involved 10 young women who performed either three sessions of vibration training or served as control group without exercising; vibration therapy significantly strengthened legs and back muscles while decreasing fat mass significantly more than its nonexercising counterpart.

Whole body vibration machines also help increase muscle tone by improving the body’s ability to absorb shock and protect itself against injury. A study using vibration machines showed participants experienced significant relief from knee joint pain as well as improvements in flexibility while using it, with subjects who underwent hip replacement experiencing similar improvements when they used a vibration machine.

Though some individual studies report the efficacy of whole body vibration therapy for weight loss, most are short-term and feature only a limited number of participants. Furthermore, these research projects frequently combine whole body vibration with diet or other forms of exercise.

As you search for a whole body vibration machine, look for one that is durable and user-friendly. Additionally, pay close attention to its size – larger platforms are more adaptable for accommodating various vibration machine exercises, while smaller platforms may only permit standing or sitting on them.

Increased Bone Density

Russian scientists first recognized the benefits of vibration therapy through its application with cosmonauts who needed it to recover from long space missions and maintain bone mass, leading them to use this form of treatment for increased muscle strength and bone density. Since then, vibration therapy has become a widely used approach to increasing both. This therapy may even prevent or slow the progression of osteoporosis!

Vibration technology is now widely utilized by physiotherapists to increase the efficacy of treatments for various medical conditions, including scoliosis. This treatment works by stimulating both nervous systems and skeletal muscles to increase activity resulting in improved circulation, better muscle tone and stronger bone structures; plus pain relief as well as relief of stiffness and improved mobility.

While vibration plates may claim to increase bone density, it’s essential that you choose one which fits with your condition and lifestyle. For instance, those suffering from osteoporosis should avoid devices which vibrate at high speeds as this could put undue stress on their spine and result in serious injury. It is crucial that you work with an experienced physiotherapist when choosing one of these devices so they can provide advice on how best to use it for you and your condition.

Studies conducted recently have confirmed the effectiveness of whole body vibration (WBV) therapy on postmenopausal women, specifically postmenopausal women. Participants in the research included 202 individuals divided into three groups for eight weeks: group one received low-magnitude WBV for 20 minutes daily for eight weeks; group two completed similar training but without WBV; while the third served as control. Group one saw greater increases in both femoral neck and lumbar spine bone mineral density than either group not receiving WBV nor those only performing balance training without vibration training without vibration training.

Researchers believe this to be the first time WBV has been demonstrated as an effective supplementary treatment to lower postmenopausal women’s fracture risk, although their studies contain several limitations; all training methods were different which made comparing results across groups difficult.

Reduced Pain

Vibration therapy may not be a cure-all solution for everything, but it does offer benefits that may help reduce pain and inflammation. Vibrations help retrain muscles to relax tightness in painful muscles and joints as well as increasing flexibility – this may reduce or even eliminate pain caused by back problems, arthritis and other conditions.

Vibration therapy can also assist in improving balance and posture by retraining muscle patterns. A Power Plate vibration plate workout engages 95% of your muscle fibers compared to only 45% for regular exercises (American Chiropractor).

Studies conducted at the University of Minnesota demonstrated how whole body vibration therapy helped alleviate symptoms in those living with fibromyalgia. Vibrations may interrupt painful signals sent directly to the brain, providing significant relief of pain as well as stress and anxiety relief.

Vibrations may also promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria that help regulate blood sugar and digestion, helping regulate it as needed and aid digestion. An imbalanced microbiome has been linked to various health conditions like bloating, constipation, diarrhea and increased levels of inflammation within the body.

Vibration therapy can increase bone density while strengthening muscles and ligaments to reduce joint pain, as well as help prevent weight gain, reduce blood pressure, triglyceride levels, cholesterol and improve heart health. Furthermore, vibratory therapy may lower risk for diabetes development while helping alleviate digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease, IBS, colitis and celiac disorder.

Before using a vibration machine, it is wise to consult your physician first. Depending on your health conditions and medical history, a referral may be required before using one; otherwise you could just start using it yourself without consulting anyone first. There are various kinds of vibratory machines on the market today, ranging from large platforms that you stand on to smaller units designed to be held or placed directly onto the body – each has different frequency settings that should only be used under professional guidance tailored specifically for you and your current state of health and medical history.

April 5, 2024|Editor

The Best Supplements to Reverse Aging

As people age, their diet may become restricted due to decreased appetite or health conditions that impair nutrient absorption or medication that reduces vitamin intake. Supplements may be beneficial.

As respected aging scientists tend not to endorse specific anti-ageing supplements, it’s essential that you conduct your own research before making any definitive decisions.

1. Resveratrol

Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol found in plants, has been scientifically demonstrated to offer multiple health advantages. It can be found in red wine, dark berries and raw cocoa food items and has been used as an antioxidant protection against oxidative stress while simultaneously improving cardiovascular and neurological health. Laboratory animal tests have also demonstrated its anti-aging capabilities that could potentially slow or stop human aging processes altogether.

Resveratrol works by simulating the effects of caloric restriction in cells. This occurs by activating Sirtuin 1 deacetylase to mimic this mechanism and activate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide deacetylase to activate NAD+ deacetylase which in turn inhibits Fatty acid synthase to convert cholesterol to triglycerides as well as improve blood sugar control and metabolic flexibility in mice – these actions make Resveratrol one of the most sought after supplements for overall improvement and wellbeing!

This nutrient has been associated with improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and reduced inflammation levels. Furthermore, it helps control glucose and strengthen immunity systems – as a powerful antioxidant it has even been linked to improving some long-term conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Resveratrol can be found in grape skins and seeds, berries, peanuts and pistachios – with red wine being said to offer additional health benefits as it reduces blood pressure. Dark chocolate and some dietary oils contain it too – alongside its anti-ageing benefits it also brightens and evens out skin tone while decreasing hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

2. Curcumin

Curcumin, an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound found naturally in turmeric spice, may provide many health benefits, including anti-arthritic, Alzheimer’s and depression prevention and treatment. Curcumin may help slow down ageing processes while increasing longevity by acting at molecular level to protect body against chronic inflammation, oxidation and glycation pathologies as well as mitochondrial dysfunction and shortening.

As an antioxidant, green tea has proven effective against neuronal damage, inflammation diseases, cancer and heart disease. Furthermore, its powerful pain relieving properties may aid those suffering from osteoarthritis in restoring joint function while simultaneously decreasing oxidative stress associated with aging and degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.

Curcumin has long been used in Indian and Chinese medicine to treat various conditions, from digestive issues such as indigestion and gas to arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even fibromyalgia. Curcumin stands out as a highly effective cure-all with its ability to ease inflammation while simultaneously offering protection.

When selecting a curcumin supplement, make sure that it is made from high-grade turmeric and manufactured under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards. In addition, select a formula specifically tailored to deliver high levels of curcumin into the brain; clinical trials have verified their success in meeting this goal.

Curcumin levels found in blood plasma don’t accurately reflect those found in brain tissue. Since lipophilic curcumin is highly concentrated in fatty tissues such as the brain, its effects on humans will depend on disease stage; more research must be conducted in order to ascertain an effective dose for each condition; however some studies suggest a daily dosage of 80 mg Longvida could significantly lower beta-amyloid levels and prevent or reduce symptoms associated with MCI and Alzheimer’s.

3. Green Tea

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols, which can reduce inflammation and combat chronic disease. Polyphenols also defend cells against free radical damage caused by reactive chemicals known as free radicals that damage cells and contribute to premature aging symptoms. One such polyphenol found in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG; an effective anti-age supplement with potential protection from cancer, heart disease and neurodegeneration.

Green Tea may contain quercetin, a flavonol known for helping reduce stress, lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease as a natural detoxifier. Green tea may also contain the nutrient kaempferol which has been proven to lower type 2 diabetes risk as well as vitamin C which improves cellular health and protects against oxidative stress.

Supplements that effectively reverse aging should be designed scientifically with high-grade ingredients, giving an added edge in life. For optimal results, take these with a healthy diet and active lifestyle for best results.

There are countless supplements on the market that claim to slow aging, but most don’t actually back their claims with science. That is why we compiled only the most effective longevity supplements in this list – such as curcumin and resveratrol which have long been associated with anti-ageing effects, while lesser-known but possibly beneficial ingredients like coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol, acetylcysteine and nicotinamide riboside may provide similar advantages; making our list the most comprehensive yet up-to-date and comprehensive and up-to-date list available to those seeking longer healthier lives. We also included magnesium, collagen peptides and fisetin as nutrients that could aid such outcomes as well.

4. Lion’s Mane

Lion’s Mane mushroom, widely considered one of the most effective anti-aging herbs available, assists nerve growth and repair. This medicinal mushroom may help relieve symptoms such as numbness, tingling or weakness due to injury or disease; additionally, studies indicate its beneficial properties as an aid for nerve cell communication; research has even linked Lion’s Mane to helping reduce HIV/AIDS related effects.

Studies indicate that yoga may help alleviate symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease by slowing the degradation of neurons that contribute to movement problems and balance issues, and by enhancing spatial and visual recognition memory. This can provide great news for people looking to stay mentally healthy as they age, as it could prevent diseases that interfere with cognitive function, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Lion’s Mane can also help strengthen your immune system. It can protect the liver from oxidative stress and inhibit H. pylori bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Studies have also demonstrated its ability to boost “white blood cell counts”, helping your body combat infections by decreasing inflammation.

Lion’s Mane contains numerous compounds with health benefits, including hericenones, erinaceous acid, beta-polysaccharides, phenolic acids and lectins. These substances have been found to cross the blood-brain barrier and promote nerve growth while speeding recovery from ischemic injuries and improving mental cognition in mice. If you are an athlete or regularly engage in physical exercise this supplement could boost performance while decreasing fatigue – great news if fatigued during training sessions! Furthermore it has adaptogenic properties which help deal with stress as well.

5. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well-known as a great immune booster, but it also boasts multiple anti-aging benefits. One reason it remains so popular today is due to the work of Nobel Prize winning chemist Linus Pauling who promoted its use in megadoses (3,000 milligrams per day) as the secret remedy against all diseases from common cold to cancer. While vitamin C does help strengthen our immune systems, excessive doses could actually prove hazardous and should only be consumed under strict medical supervision.

Vitamin C is more than an immune booster – it’s an antioxidant that devours free radicals for breakfast! Oxidative stress has been linked with numerous health conditions including aging, heart disease and cancer (2).

Studies have revealed that vitamin C can increase blood levels of other antioxidants, helping to lower oxidative stress levels that cause premature aging and chronic diseases (3)

Vitamin C also can aid the skin in staying youthful by helping it remain firm and elastic. Research has demonstrated its ability to prevent dark spots from forming while increasing skin elasticity, as well as supporting collagen production – an essential structural protein essential to healthy skin. Vitamin C is an effective skin moisturizer and protects against UV damage that causes wrinkles. While food-grade sources of vitamin C may provide more nourishment than supplements do, these latter options can still provide necessary supplementation if your intake falls short of adequate levels. Find a vitamin C product containing acetic acid to ensure optimal absorption of its benefits. Acetic acid can be found naturally in cantaloupe, oranges, and grapefruit as well as many cosmetic products like face creams and cleansers.

April 5, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Machine Germany

The BICOM device is becoming an increasingly popular way for those seeking to detox their bodies of toxins. Used alone or combined with other therapies, reports of its success are coming in daily.

Bioresonance therapy has been demonstrated to have great success across clinical, biological and physical studies [2-11,12-17,18-19].

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy (BICOM) is a noninvasive, drug-free complementary therapy designed to aid the body’s own healing capacity. Safe for babies, children and even pregnant or breastfeeding women to use safely, this therapy works by reinforcing healthy signals while suppressing pathogenic ones.

Bioresonance refers to how substances vibrate at different frequencies. Every substance, living and nonliving alike, has its own energy frequency that Bioresonance can detect as being unhealthy or stressful and provide feedback of an opposite frequency in order to diminish or cancel out these sources.

This technique has been shown to effectively treat allergies, chronic diseases (such as cystitis, prostatitis and thyroiditis), respiratory conditions such as asthma and other issues. Furthermore, it has also been known to relieve pain and alleviate stress levels.

There have been claims that bioresonance therapy can reverse cancer by activating suppressed tumor suppressor genes – however no clinical trials have yet been carried out to prove these claims.

At your first session, your therapist will conduct an in-depth review of your health history. This may involve gathering a comprehensive list of symptoms as well as any possible contributing factors in order to develop a personalized treatment protocol just for you.

Once connected, the BICOM device will perform a comprehensive body scan in order to identify any imbalances in its energy flow, which could be caused by anything from food intolerances or intolerances, viral/bacterial infections, environmental contaminants such as heavy metals or even dental work.

The BICOM device will then identify frequencies that best correspond with disturbances in your energy system. These frequencies will then be fed through its filters and returned into your body via mirroring so as to weaken or cancel out their original frequency – for instance if gluten stress were an issue for you, the machine would send back information that will weaken or cancel out this stressful signal.

How does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Bioresonance therapy employs frequencies to identify and eliminate health stressors such as parasites, toxins, bacteria and other forms of illness. It works by reading electromagnetic vibrations that emanate from each cell in your body – these frequencies are then analyzed by the device used for bioresonance therapy; when unhealthy electromagnetic vibrations are identified it will send healthy frequencies back to those cells exhibiting problematic behavior in order to restore harmonious interactions among them while encouraging them to rid themselves of any potentially harmful substances and microorganisms.

To achieve this goal, the BICOM device emits a mild and harmless electromagnetic wave which travels throughout the patient’s body. Attached electrodes will detect harmonic oscillations from disharmonic ones that will be sent back for analysis by the machine. When healthy vibrations have been identified by its sensors, its frequency analysis tool searches for frequencies which correspond with them before cancelling them out; similar to how a piano string can be tuned using a tuning fork.

BICOM-Optima magnetic bioresonance system can also help prevent illness by detecting changes on a cellular level before any major pathological processes take place. As such, this tool provides an effective means of combatting illness and encouraging healing.

The BICOM-Optima magnetic Bioresonance system has been shown to be effective in numerous studies, such as one showing it can significantly improve gastrointestinal disorders and another which shows it helps people stop smoking without any negative side effects. Furthermore, studies have also demonstrated its success at relieving symptoms associated with psychosomatic diseases, and helping lymphedema and lipedema patients drain excess fluid away. For these reasons and more people consider it safe – making it a very popular alternative treatment choice for numerous health issues.

How is Bioresonance Therapy Different from Other Therapies?

Since its introduction in 1970, bioresonance therapy has become a go-to treatment method among healthcare providers worldwide for a range of health conditions. Bioresonance can identify and correct imbalances in energy flow within the body to help alleviate pain or discomfort; additionally it can prevent disease by recognizing potential issues before they worsen; in addition to treating existing conditions bioresonance also promotes self-healing processes and overall wellbeing.

Bioresonance therapy works by analyzing the electromagnetic frequency spectrum of your body’s cells, tissues, and organs. This data is then compared against a database of known substances to identify any abnormalities and correct them using electrodes on a device – sending these corrections back through electromagnetic waves to your body as feedback loops.

Bioresonance therapy works similarly to tuning musical instruments. When piano strings vibrate they emit specific frequencies that can be detected with a tuning fork; similarly, bioresonance machines use this same principle to analyze frequencies released from living cells within your body that match up against allergen frequencies to identify imbalances within your system and correct any potential imbalances with bioresonance therapy treatments.

Bioresonance therapy not only rebalances your body’s energy functions, but it can also reduce stress and enhance sleep quality. Detoxification with bioresonance therapy involves clearing away heavy metals and other toxins from your system; moreover it has even been used to treat chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.

While bioresonance therapy claims to treat numerous health conditions, its scientific efficacy remains unverified. Many claims made by proponents of this form of alternative therapy lack a scientific basis – including that devices can release suppressed tumor-suppressor genes and kill cancer cells. While such claims may seem appealing at first, they lack scientific rigor and should be ignored.

To evaluate the efficacy of bioresonance therapy, we conducted experiments on human subjects. We compared results between active and simulated bioresonance treatments as well as how they affected various symptoms over time.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that DNA damage causes diseased cells or organs to generate electromagnetic oscillations that differ from healthy ones, creating electromagnetic oscillations unique to each illness and organ. Bioresonance equipment detects this difference and resets energy frequencies so cells vibrate at their natural frequencies, treating illnesses at their source. Franz Morell is widely considered the father of this technique and developed the first electronic device which received and returned electromagnetic oscillations using electrodes on various parts of the body (now commonly referred to as MORA treatment).

The BICOM machine can quickly identify and display discordant energies on a computer screen, before sending electromagnetic impulses at precise ranges to match and harmonize them, returning a more balanced state and stimulating healing within your body – helping it return to its usual healthy self-regulating state.

After just one or two treatments, many patients experience significant relief of their health issues within weeks or two, while some experience no symptoms at all a year post procedure. The results are comparable to placebo effects but with reduced side effects risk; patients have even reported no longer needing medication due to how effective treatment was.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, painless and highly efficient therapy treatment option. It’s safe for children and sensitive patients alike and requires no special preparation beforehand. Patients have reported feeling more energetic after treatments, better able to handle stress and manage a hectic lifestyle more effectively than ever before.

Contrary to other alternative therapies, BICOM doesn’t rely on chemicals or supplements, which may produce unwanted side effects. Furthermore, its accuracy allows it to work alongside Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments; plus it can determine allergies such as food or perfume allergies that could compromise a patient’s health – helping them to avoid potential allergens altogether and improve health overall. Furthermore, its ability to detect areas prone to inflammation – an indicator for more serious illnesses – is invaluable.

April 5, 2024|Editor

Sound Advice For Anyone Struggling With Cancer

default img contentomatic - 1 Sound Advice For Anyone Struggling With Cancer

Many forms of cancer is a disease that is most beneficial recognized for its capability to trigger the production of masses of rogue cellular material generally known as tumors. Because they cancers increase, they start to halt the regular function of organs within the body. Professionals are already dealing with this ailment for decades, and for that reason we now know more than ever about how to cope with it. Here are a few details and tips which will help you or someone close to handle cancers.

Combating malignancy is most likely the biggest combat in your life. You have to be well informed and in control of each of the alternatives you might have. Don’t be afraid to inquire about concerns of your medical doctors, nursing staff as well as other medical care providers. Research your sort of cancers and inspire yourself with expertise. Arming your self for combat can help you earn the battle!

Should you be battling many forms of cancer, it could be useful to join a assist group to your kind of malignancy or cancers generally speaking. Speaking with other folks in your condition can help you really feel less alone and provide you with the opportunity to make new buddies. Joint assist can be quite crucial about the quest to recuperation.

It is important to eat well when you find yourself dealing with any type of many forms of cancer. While you are getting therapy, you might truly feel nauseous or fragile. There are actually certain meals that you can consume to feel less unwell or to feel more robust through the day. You must understand what these foods are and take in them on a regular basis.

When you have been diagnosed with cancers and so are a smoker, you must quit without delay. The ingredients in cigs have been proven to have really awful side effects on your body and also for someone who is battling cancers they are often really damaging. It is very important give up as quickly as possible to possess a battling probability from the cancer.

Start to other people with cancers. You could believe your friends and family, who have never had malignancy, may well not comprehend what you are dealing with. There are several support teams for those who have many forms of cancer or have made it through malignancy. There are on the internet message boards and community forums where by folks articulate candidly.

Trying to reduce your contact with radiation is amongst the very best techniques to protect against many forms of cancer. Now, the jury’s continue to on whether mobile phone-phone consumption puts you at the greater risk of such things as brain tumors, but there is a immediate weblink between cancers and rays. So do what you can to avoid radiation.

Those with many forms of cancer require comprehensive integrity by you, so tend not to conceal anything from them just because you feel it could damage them or damage your connection using them. Regardless of whether it’s something your physician explained or a magic formula you’ve been on for an additional reason this is the time for whole disclosure.

How you try to eat may help you combat cancer, plus a meals like cabbage is exceedingly healthy for you and very crucial if you’re trying to avoid acquiring sick and tired. Cabbage is loaded with indole-3-carbinols and sulforphane (that stinky stuff), and also this can assist you to fight against certain kinds of cancers.

Fruits may be an extremely robust ally if you are seeking to protect against being infected with many forms of cancer. A large variety of fruits like raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are loaded with anthocyanidins, phytochemicals, as well as other phenolic materials who have cancer-combating attributes and anti-oxidant power. Simple things like a berry will help avoid cancers.

Campferol and quercetin are potent anti-oxidants found in Brazil nuts renowned for suppressing the increase of malignancy cells. There are also these antioxidants in supplemental develop, too.

Cancers doesn’t must take root with your human brain in order to engage in techniques on your mind, so remember to hold imagination and actuality divided in one another. You will quickly feel as though you’re sleepwalking and dreaming while you’re awaken on your round with chemo. Keep your thoughts focused and just ignore the “weirdness.”?

When you are taking prescription medication for many forms of cancer, it is very important always eat a few meals a day. Even when you are not sensation adequately, try eating a little some thing. When your belly is bare, you will probably encounter queasiness and other signs or symptoms from your remedy. Food items like rice, loaves of bread, potatoes and fruit are common very good food choices.

A smart way of staying away from malignancy is, Will Not Light up! At least a few in every ten malignancy fatalities is linked to smoking cigarettes as tobacco cigarettes are full of toxins and chemical compounds that you just take in with each and every drag. Laying off is tough but your entire body will thanks a lot everyday for accomplishing this.

You can find on the internet risk calculators that can be used to ascertain if you are vulnerable to acquiring breast cancers. They have questionnaires which help females determine if they are inside the heavy risk classification for building intrusive breast cancer. These are not entirely correct but can give you a concept about whether it is something you must confer with your personal doctor.

Will not have a powerful top all around every person. If you have been told you have cancers, you may not should have a brave front in front of everyone. Get help from your family members and buddies and make sure to convey to many of them the method that you are in fact feeling.

Tend not to forget to speak to your doctor about pain medication in your cancer therapies. There are numerous available choices these days to help you control along side it consequences from your treatment method that you should not need to be unpleasant. Also speak with your doctor when you don’t just like the way a medication is causing you to sense.

There is a lot which can be done to battle cancer. Needless to say, it really is highly recommended that you get treted for cancers by an experienced oncologist. However, you will find mant techniques that you can put into practice oneself. Above all, maintain a optimistic attitude, and become going to enjoy on a daily basis of existence.