Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 7, 2024|Editor

Resonant Voice Therapy

Resonant voice therapy (RVT) is an established method of treating voice disorders. For more information, see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Voice Disorders.

Encourage patients to sense vibration or tickling sensation in front of their face, with an emphasis on easy phonation and pronunciation.

Resonant techniques such as vocal function exercises, lip trills, diaphragmatic breathing exercises, neck massage and laryngeal massage as well as vocalizing into straws can help enhance voice outcomes and produce successful voice outcomes.

Oral Sensations

Resonant voice therapy emphasizes vibration in one’s mouth and nasal cavity during phonation to develop a stronger and cleaner voice with less impact between vocal folds. Oral sensations include easy phonations and sensory processing beginning with basic speech gestures before transitioning into conversational speech, as well as forward focus and kinesthetic awareness of one’s own voice; Katherine Verdolini Abbott created the Y-Buzz technique as one way of doing this type of therapy.

Resonance Voice Therapy is an effective therapy for various disorders affecting the voice, including muscle tension dysphonia (MTD). MTD causes laryngeal muscles to tighten and restrict airflow resulting in hoarseness, strain or loss of pitch; Resonance Voice Therapy also treats granulomas that form due to irritation or inflammation of tissue in the vocal cords.

A comprehensive review published in 2017 demonstrated that resonant voice therapy significantly enhances both voice quality and efficiency, as measured by changes in auditory perceptual judgments, videostroboscopic examinations, acoustic measurements and functional measurements both before and after therapy.

Improvements in voicing of an individual are typically the result of improved vocal fold closure, reduced breathiness and less strain on their vocal folds. Furthermore, resonant voice techniques maximize resonance to increase power of one’s voice while increasing overall stamina of their singing voice.

Vocal placement exercises and humming exercises allow individuals to explore the vibratory feeling in their lips, mouth, and nose. Resonance Shaping techniques assist SLPs in helping individuals adjust tongue posture, lip tension, mouth configuration and throat configuration in order to optimize resonance; gentle onset techniques encourage individuals to initiate sound gradually without forcefully striking vocal folds when initiating sound; all these strategies come together to enhance both quality and ease of daily communication; hence why resonant voice therapy has become such an integral component of managing dysphonia management options.

Easy Phonation

Use of plastic or reusable straws found in your kitchen can reduce vocal strain during speech production and can help improve voice quality, particularly among individuals who engage in frequent throat clearing. Straw phonation is one of the primary components of resonant voice therapy, an evidence-based approach for treating voice disorders in both children and adults. This therapy emphasizes oral sensations, effortless phonation, and sensory awareness to treat these voice conditions effectively. At first, this means sensing these sensations through basic speech gestures (such as ma, me and moo) before progressing through sentence level and conversational production. The goal is to reach for the strongest, smoothest and clearest voice possible with minimal effort or impact between vocal cords.

Speech-language pathologists frequently utilize resonant voice therapy alongside other approaches for treating voice disorders in order to maximize benefits and minimize negative side effects on the voice. Such techniques include flow phonation, Smith accent technique, Lee Silverman Voice Treatment LOUD (designed specifically for Parkinson’s disease), and expiratory muscle strength training.

Vocal fold vibration is produced through interaction among airflow, vocal cords and the thyrohyoid space. Lowering tension and increasing ease with which vocal folds vibrate is beneficial in terms of minimizing injury, inflammation, swelling and fatigue as well as increasing intelligibility and intelligibility.

Hard attack is a vocal fold condition caused by excess tension and difficulty producing vowels, where vocal folds come together with too much force at the beginning of words or syllables – usually at their beginning – leading to an audible “thunk,” most noticeably in phrases like “Annie ate an apple.” To reduce hard attack’s negative impacts on vowel production and its sound production, goal should be easy onset – which involves soft contact between vocal folds.

Ingo Titze developed an easy phonation exercise known as straw phonation that uses a semi-occluded vocal tract. This form of exercise can be beneficial in managing voice nodules, polyps, overuse patterns and vocal overactivity. Click HERE for more information and YouTube video footage of it in action!

Forward Focus

Resonant voice therapy aims to create an oral vibration sensation continuum and easy phonation, beginning with basic speech productions and progressing to conversational speech. The therapy works by targeting the glottal adduction/opening mechanism to produce high amplitude vibration with minimal impact stress between vocal folds; this reduces force requirements required by patients when speaking, aiding many disorders like muscle tension dysphonia as well as vocal cord granulomas (Kao, 2019).

Resonant voice therapy is an ideal choice for children. Behavioral approaches can easily be implemented with children and can increase adherence when they demonstrate physical benefits such as decreased pain or effort with speaking. Diaphragmatic breathing, resonant voice therapy and vocal function exercises may all be used with children, although modifications should always be made depending on their level of understanding and participation within treatment sessions. Children suffering from voice disorders tend to have caregivers fill out GFI forms on them more frequently as well as being more worried about symptoms which could impact how many sessions will be required in order for them to recover completely.

Teaching Resonant Voice Therapy to children, it is vitally important that they understand the significance of following proper vocal hygiene routines at home in order to maintain healthy and strong voices for years. A handout on voice hygiene education as well as practicing with vocal functions exercises and Resonant Voice Therapy at home will assist this endeavor.

Forward Focus is a user-controlled feature available in Custom Sound 5.1 for implant recipients 12 years or older, designed to offer benefits in noisy environments for those able to actively face the person they’re communicating with and minimize distracting noise behind them. However, it should only be activated for those able to accurately assess sound quality as they move between environments or change settings.

Sensory Awareness

Resonant voice therapy focuses on the vibrations of the hard palate, alveolar ridge and nasal cavity. Kinesthetic awareness of vocal fold vibration during phonation helps develop holistic and efficient power in voice with flexibility; additionally it promotes forward focus and easy phonation (for more on this subject please see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Voice Disorders).

Resonant voice therapy aims to produce the strongest, cleanest possible voice with minimum effort or impact between vocal folds. A 2017 systematic review demonstrated that this form of treatment improves quality and efficiency in speech production for its participants; particularly beneficial to those suffering from muscle tension dysphonia (Gartner-Schmidt 2020).

Some techniques employed in resonant voice therapy involve flow phonation and sensory processing, which enable patients to use all parts of their vocal tract. Flow phonation promotes smooth speaking without excessive force required; it may help reduce throat tightness; sensory processing allows a patient to detect unvoiced versus voiced sounds for reduced aphonia as well as increasing ease in switching pitches between low to high pitches as well as treating stuttering/apraxia (please refer to ASHA Practice Portal page for further details).

An alternative approach is Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT), developed by Kathrine Verdolini Abbott and Joseph Stemple’s Resonant Voice Therapy. Both of these approaches are evidence-based; numerous studies have proven their efficacy at treating various voice disorders (see ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Voice Disorders for more).

Resonant voice therapy does not treat throat pain or hoarseness; for those experiencing these issues, speech pathologists may utilize other forms of treatment, including palatal repositioning and laryngeal injections. Due to the complexity of one’s vocal physiology, it may be hard to address all potential sources of weakness in one’s voice; thus the best way to strengthen and enhance its quality and strength is being aware of ones’ vocal habits, taking proper care with it, exercising regularly, and paying close attention when taking note of their voice habits as this will improve its strength and quality significantly.

March 6, 2024|Editor

Benefits of Localized Vibration Therapy

Local vibration therapy helps target and strengthen small muscle groups with targeted vibration therapy devices like TheragunTM and Hypervolt handheld attachments.

Vibration activates specific receptors in the skin and muscles. Afferent impulses from these receptors activate spinal neurons and thalamus neurons to trigger muscle contraction – producing an tonic vibratory reflex in skeletal muscle fibers.

Safer than TENS

Vibration therapy differs from TENS in that it stimulates muscles and nerves with percussive vibration rather than using electrical current to activate muscle groups and nerves, thus keeping vibration within its targeted area and not impacting neighboring structures or individuals, making it safer.

Add vibration therapy to your workouts or physical therapy for improved muscle contractions and overall wellness. Vibration therapy can also target specific areas that need healing, like knee or back pain or joint issues. There are two main forms of vibration therapy: whole-body and localized. With whole-body vibration therapy sessions, users will stand, sit or lie on an interactive machine that vibrates; in localized vibration therapy sessions a therapist uses hand-held vibration devices on specific parts of their bodies such as calves or thighs muscles.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of vibration therapy as an approach for relieving pain. Vibration appears to stimulate receptors on your skin, thus decreasing transmission of painful signals into your brain. Localized vibration can also help decrease tension in joints while improving blood circulation – providing relief and improving mobility for individuals suffering from pain.

One study demonstrated that localized vibration was more effective than high-frequency TENS at alleviating chronic musculoskeletal pain, increasing proprioception and balance, and possibly providing stronger pain control than TENS. Another found that combining localized vibration with physiotherapy significantly decreased knee pain perception, balance indices, active knee flexion range of motion (6MWT), as well as knee pain perception among women suffering knee osteoarthritis; yet inconsistencies have been observed between studies employing various vibration techniques.

Before beginning vibration therapy, it is vital that you consult a physical therapist. An experienced physical therapist can determine whether vibration therapy is suitable for you and when and how often sessions should take place. Furthermore, they will help select an ideal machine and devise a workout plan designed to ensure maximum effectiveness from treatment.

Targeted Pain Relief

Localized vibration therapy offers targeted pain relief to areas of the body where it’s needed, according to Healthline. Vibrations pass through the body creating quick muscle contractions and nerve activity stimulation; these vibrations may help alleviate back pain by disrupting pain signals sent directly to the brain as well as helping reduce stress by soothing nervous systems.

Vibration therapy can increase muscle strength and mobility. Furthermore, it may prevent sarcopenia among older adults or increase bone density for those living with osteoporosis, reduce risk of falls leading to fractures by improving neuromuscular coordination and balance, promote growth hormone release and boost muscle mass and strength simultaneously.

Studies demonstrate how vibration training enhances one’s daily activities by decreasing muscle stiffness and increasing joint flexibility. This effect occurs due to stimulation of musculo-tendinous connective tissues that lengthen tendons and muscles.

Vibration therapy can also reduce muscle soreness after exercise, helping you return to the gym sooner and prevent injuries that impede training progress. Furthermore, vibration therapy has also been found to increase muscle density while decreasing risk of falls in older people by encouraging new bone growth.

One study discovered that combining vibration with traditional rehabilitation could increase muscle strength and speed up recovery time, providing researchers with valuable data on optimal vibration intensity and frequency to achieve maximum effectiveness and standardize treatment protocols.

Research demonstrates the effectiveness of vibration therapy to alleviate spasticity in individuals living with stroke. This therapy works through stimulating both agonist muscle contraction and antagonist muscle relaxation. Researchers must find ways to increase its efficacy as well as create a standard training program for individuals affected by stroke.

Vibration therapy can be administered either directly to the skin surface, through clothes or with a device held in hand. When choosing a vibration device it should be simple and intuitive for use as over-intensified vibrations may cause discomfort and fatigue when not applied correctly.

Enhances Circulation

Vibration therapy has been found to increase circulation to muscles being treated, particularly the areas under scrutiny. Studies have revealed it increases oxygen flow to active muscle fibers which helps fuel and eliminate waste products, leading to improved performance with reduced accumulations of lactic acid.

Localized vibration therapy employs a vibrating device focused on specific body areas such as knees or shoulders. This method of vibration treatment can be used to address injuries to muscles/bones as well as chronic conditions like incontinence or neuropathy, alleviate pain, increase bone density and stimulate blood flow.

Vibration of skeletal muscles often triggers a proprioceptive spinal reflex known as the tonic vibration response (TVR). This happens through stimulating type Ia sensory afferents in the neuromuscular spindle and attenuating Golgi tendon organ’s inhibitory signal to motoneuron pool; similar processes happen during resistance training and plyometric exercises but with lower intensity levels.

Though whole-body vibration has been studied extensively and found to produce many beneficial responses for muscles, bones, and nervous systems, much less is understood about its localized effects. A few research studies conducted recently indicate that localized vibration devices may increase muscle blood flow (blood flow [BF]), thus helping support recovery and strength following exercise.

One study conducted on the hand and wrist showed that localized vibration at 38Hz significantly increased bone-fide thickness without impacting heart rate or fingertip/thumb flexor response equally to vibration treatment. Other research used vibrating foam rollers or massage guns to treat various muscle groups.

Studies demonstrate that localized vibration therapy is a safe, simple solution that can effectively help increase bone density, muscle strength and circulation. If you would like more information on how vibration therapy could benefit your health, call MDM Physical Therapy in Mesa, Arizona now to book an appointment and schedule your initial session!

Promotes Bone Growth

Vibration therapy increases bone density by stimulating osteoblasts (bone building cells) to produce more calcium ions for bone formation, stimulating osteoporosis-preventive hormones like growth hormone and testosterone, and decreasing fracture risks by improving muscle strength, neuromuscular coordination and balance. Furthermore, studies demonstrate how vibration therapy enhances muscle growth while improving balance, coordination and posture – potential aid against sarcopenia, which often affects older individuals due to decreased muscle mass and loss of physical function.

Vibration’s effects on cells are achieved through monosynaptic and polysynaptic afferent pathways that regulate hormonal responses in the musculoskeletal system, targeting low-magnitude mechanical signals through monosynaptic synapses in monosynaptic pathways that regulate hormonal responses in this organ system. Low magnitude mechanical signals target mesenchymal stem cells – progenitor cells for osteoblasts, osteocytes and myocytes; vibration modulates their differentiation while restricting adipogenic commitment and increasing communication; reduced expression of osteoclast-forming RANKL inhibited formation; while vibration also stimulated production of lubricin by chondrocytes while decreasing activity of protease Caspase-3 which protected structure against apoptosis.

Whole body vibration therapy has become a staple among professional athletes, trainers and rehabilitation specialists for its ability to increase circulation, enhance performance and prevent injuries during workouts. NASA is even conducting tests with whole body vibration as an aid for maintaining astronaut bone density while in space.

Localized vibration can also help speed recovery post workout by increasing blood flow, transporting oxygen, nutrients and healing cells directly to damaged muscles, joints and bones, speeding injury healing while avoiding delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

Localized vibration therapy differs significantly from whole body vibration in that it poses no risk to those taking blood thinners or diabetes medications; pregnant women, pacemakers and those without painkillers do not need to be concerned; intensity levels don’t reach levels that cause back pain or injuries; it targets trigger points without creating excessive discomfort for those living with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis – particularly beneficial if combined with physical therapy from trained physical therapists and athletic trainers to ensure the frequency and amplitude are safe for their specific needs without any unwanted side effects or unwanted side effects from treatment plans that exceed expectations. Intellinetix devices allow these techniques; set frequency/amplitude to ensure treatment suits your specific needs while eliminating unwanted side effects from treatment sessions that might otherwise occur; this way you ensure safe care is tailored specifically tailored for each person receiving therapy from trained physical therapists/trainers before engaging in treatment session ensuring maximum benefit from all treatment plans provided from experienced health professionals, thus creating maximum benefit! For maximum results use this device with trained physical therapist/athletic trainer to adjust frequency/amplitude adjustments on behalf of each person receiving treatments without unfavourable side effects from experienced physical therapist/athletic trainer can ensure best results are tailored specifically ensuring optimal treatment without unwanted side effects! For optimal use Intellinetix device will ensure its safe treatment suits your specific needs without unwanted side effects due to being safe treatment, thus creating maximum benefit while not incurring on side effects from unwanted side effects /instructor training session to avoid unnecessary side effects and side effect free treatments safely used alongside trained physical therapist/athletic trainer to set frequency/amplitude settings which will ensure treatment accordingly and set frequency amplitude settings when setting frequency/amplitude settings by your trained physical trainer/physical trainer to set frequency/amplitude settings to create personalised treatment and not side effects or side effect or otherwise available when setting Intellinetix device will get best results in terms /a trainer can set accordingly with full results without unwanted side effects! &amp resulting to set correctly &amps any unwanted side effects!

March 6, 2024|Editor

How to Set Up a Spooky2 Pulse Biofeedback Scan

Spooky2 pulse scans your body for pathogens by tracking changes to electrical signal and heart rate, including stress frequencies that appear as increases in heart rate.

Once your biofeedback scan is complete, save the program by clicking the Save button and give it a name so that later when looking for files it will be easy for you to locate.


There are various methods of setting up your Spooky2 pulse rig. One popular solution is connecting generators via wires from a single BNC-to-dual banana plug adaptor (pictured above), available on Spooky2, with its associated 6-inch cable plugging into each of the generator outputs. For a more professional and durable setup, TENS pins and banana plugs may also be purchased here for making this connection more secure and stable.

Spooky2 can track your pulse rate during frequency scans to create a personalized energy balancing program for you. To access this feature, press on the circled button.

Spooky2 features up to 127 physical generators for you to manage and monitor with its red buttons, each representing one generator individually and individually controlled. To be certain you are working with the correct one, double-clicking on any of them will bring up its Details View control as seen above.

The first column displays channel numbers of generators. The second column names each generator while the third displays whether each generator is on or off.

Change the order of channels by dragging and clicking in the list in the top-left corner. This allows you to position resonant filters or amplifiers where they will provide optimal results in your rig.

Each of the 10 buttons at the bottom of the screen can be clicked to perform various functions – install drivers, show which generators are being controlled by which channel, etc.

The Advanced Menu offers an abundance of configuration options tailored specifically to your individual needs and tastes. Spend some time exploring it if you have the chance, remembering that settings will revert back to their factory defaults each time your computer shuts down – enabling faster launches once it has been configured as you desire!


BFBTool software assists in setting up and running biofeedback scan presets, which are groups of programs running across various hardware transmission modes: Remote, Contact, Plasma, Scalar, and Laser. In addition, Spooky2‘s program database offers targeted presets that target specific conditions like cancer, Morgellons/Lyme or autism.

The Presets tab in BFBTool’s window houses your presets. Clicking the Create New Preset button allows you to create one; after which, name it and specify its transmission mode (Remote, Contact, Plasma or Laser) as well as whether this scan covers full system biofeedback or targeted biofeedback scan.

BFBTool allows users to easily create presets for GeneratorX, GeneratorX – Pro, and Spooky2 scanners. Simply select your scanner type on the left column before choosing either Advanced or Basic settings (the latter requires more powerful computer). Within each setting, check off “Use same program for all frequencies”

Click the Add Frequency button and enter the frequency you would like to add to the preset. Give the program a name, select a notes field for additional notes relating to its use, then save Preset.

Once you have created a few prescans, they can be loaded by selecting them and choosing “Load Preset” in BFBTool’s window menu. For optimal performance during full system scans, however, programs should be temporarily suspended before running your scan; once complete you can resume them.

Create multiple users for your biofeedback scan presets by typing each person’s name in the User field before clicking Build Preset. All new presets created will include each name starting with R0, C0, P0 or S0 form so as to prevent second person’s presets from overwriting their first person counterparts.

Scalar Biofeedback

Scalar Biofeedback is a utility program that enables you to divide a raw biofeedback scan data file into sections that take less time for scanning each scan session, such as cancer scans or full system analysis that take too long in one sitting. Once finished, BFBTool will merge these sections back together into their original state for future reference.

Spooky2 offers four ways of performing biofeedback scans: Pulse, GX Pro TENS, Sample Digitizer and the Scalar Biofeedback feature. A biofeedback scan is used to find pathogen frequencies by recording changes in electrical patterns that indicate pathogen presence; running frequencies against it could kill or injure these pathogens and restore your body to an energetic balance state.

Biofeedback scans can be performed using any spooky2 device such as GeneratorX, DNA Remote or Boost, Spooky2 Boost, the new GenX Single Generator Kit or Contact Plasma and PEMF coil devices. All these devices apply Rife frequencies directly onto the body or DNA while offering advanced capabilities like biofeedback scanning and quantum entanglement frequency transmission.

To complete a biofeedback scan, it is necessary to connect the appropriate device. To do this, select it in BFBTool’s Presets tab and connect using its port number.

Choose your desired scan type from the combo boxes in the Scan menu. If you wish to detect cancer throughout your body, choose full system or cancer preset; for targeted cancer scans, target specific areas. After selecting your preset, set start and end times.

Once a biofeedback scan has finished, its results will be presented in a window and you can save it as a program by clicking Save and providing its name. After saving, this program can then be loaded on any Spooky2 device supporting its preset such as GeneratorX, DNA Remote, Plasma or PEMF coil.

Reverse Lookup

GeneratorX or Spooky2 Pulse collected all of your raw scan data into an old database file for storage. With our new Analysis button, all this old information will be opened up and analysed to provide you with a list of top hits from that scan – frequency sets that resonated with the body as well as any additional parameters like BPM and HRV that may have been recorded at that time.

Spooky2‘s Reverse Lookup feature can often be misunderstood. While it doesn’t actually provide any diagnosis, it does search the database for frequency sets containing frequencies which match up with those run in reverse scan. This feature helps narrow down potential frequencies that might help treat certain conditions more efficiently.

Reverse Lookup allows you to quickly search for specific frequencies in the database without using conditions or settings in the Conditions list. Simply enter the frequency you are seeking into the box, press Reverse Lookup, and check any tolerance setting if needed – the results will provide a list of frequency sets which contain this frequency in their frequencies set(s).

Frequency Blacklist control can also be an invaluable asset, enabling you to prevent Spooky2 from transmitting certain frequencies that have already been shown to be harmful or detrimental to the body. This feature can come in particularly handy if working with substances known to harm them directly.

Spooky2 offers many features that will make it a valuable addition to your healing arsenal. It provides various scan modes for finding effective treatment methods, advanced settings for multiple generator rigs and dual configurable amplitude and frequency wobble systems as well as harmonic generation functions – plus multiple windows support and built-in audio recorder functionality! Furthermore, in addition to standard telepathic communication modes it offers remote telepathy options, telepathic remote control as well as email client integration!

March 6, 2024|Editor

The Meaning of Alternate Day Therapy

Patients taking moderate daily doses of short acting corticosteroids for an extended period may switch to alternate day therapy with minimal side effects and no loss in control. Alternate day therapy entails taking either methylprednisolone or prednisone once every other morning at about twice the usual dosage.

Corticoid Dose

Alternate Day Therapy offers those requiring long term pharmacologic dose treatment the benefits of corticosteroid therapy while mitigating certain undesirable side effects, such as pituitary-adrenal suppression, Cushingoid state, and growth suppression in children. This form of therapy involves giving twice the usual daily dosage every alternate morning; dosage will depend on patient weight and size and should be determined by a medical provider.

Some short-acting corticoid agents such as methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone and prednisone are considered short-acting (producing adrenal cortical suppression for 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 days following one dose), making them suitable for alternate day therapy scheduling. If patients have been taking suppressive doses for long periods of time it may be difficult to switch over; in such instances it may be necessary either: a) providing a trial of alternate day therapy and once control has been achieved b) decreasing daily maintenance dose until daily maintenance dose reached minimum effective level before switching over onto alternate day therapy schedule.

Adverse Effects

Alternate-day therapy was shown to significantly reduce GC-related adverse effects and serum autoantibodies levels, increasing patient compliance to treatment. When compared with consecutive day treatments, patients treated on alternate days experienced less serious infections like herpes zoster, with diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain occurring less often among this group of patients.

One study randomly assigned patients suffering from flares associated with IgG4 disease to either consecutive-day or alternate day corticosteroid treatment regimens, and showed that their flare-free survival was greater for alternate-day treatments due to reduced incidences of vomiting and diarrhea as well as the use of immunosuppressants concurrently; ultimately leading to alternate day corticosteroid therapy as an ideal approach to treat adult IgG4-RD cases. The authors concluded that alternate day GC therapy is an ideal treatment approach for adult IgG4-RD patients in adults.

March 6, 2024|Editor

Biohacking Hormones With Supplements

An emerging movement to biohack your body in order to preserve strength, health, and beauty into older years is underway. While more sophisticated forms of biohacking such as gene editing or neural implantation exist, beginning now with simple lifestyle changes and targeted supplements is just as effective.

Intermittent fasting, wearable devices and optimizing sleep for longevity all play an integral part in health optimisation, but one hormone often goes unseen: sexual hormones.


Biohacking supplements can be an invaluable aid for balancing hormones. Biohacking encourages you to seek methods that can help restore control over your health and hormones, such as eating nutrient-rich foods, prioritizing sleep, engaging in adequate physical activity and managing stress levels. Furthermore, Biohacking allows for exploring various supplements available which may support the endocrine system such as amino acids, herbs, vitamins, minerals or botanicals.

At the core of this approach lies the notion that every woman’s hormones are unique; generic solutions won’t suffice when dealing with symptoms like heavy periods, severe PMS, bloating, acne breakouts, cysts or fibroids in her ovary, infertility and low libido. That is why biohacking for your unique physiological needs should be undertaken as an approach.

Bioidentical hormones are an excellent way to biohack your endocrine system and restore hormonal equilibrium in the body. Because they mimic natural production patterns of hormones in your cells, these bioidentical hormones are able to pass through cell sentinels to activate or deactivate certain systems for maximum health benefits.

When purchasing supplements, always select those which have been independently evaluated to verify that their contents match those listed and do not contain harmful levels of chemicals, microbes, or pesticides. Furthermore, seek products manufactured under controlled and sanitary conditions according to FDA Good Manufacturing Practices as these will make a considerable difference to both quality and efficacy of the supplement.


Diet is an essential aspect of biohacking, and certain foods can hinder hormone function. Dairy products in particular have been linked with overproduction of oestrogen which in turn causes symptoms such as bloating, acne and cramps during your menstrual cycle. There are a few strategies available to you for decreasing dairy intake: consider switching out cow’s milk for almond, rice or soy alternatives or drinking coconut water or herbal teas like nettle or chamomile instead.

Diet can also help biohack hormones by providing certain nutrients that support oestrogen levels, such as tryptophan, vitamin D and iron. Tryptophan is an essential building block of serotonin which plays an integral part in mood regulation; research has also indicated that high intakes may help decrease PMS symptoms during menstrual cycles – check out foods like turkey, chicken eggs and nuts for tryptophan.

Other dietary biohacks to consider are adding turmeric or green tea into your meals and drinking more green tea. Turmeric, an antioxidant known for increasing oestrogen production by inhibiting aromatase (an enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen) is another powerful tool in increasing estrogen production; an additional way of increasing levels is consuming foods rich in phytoestrogens like sesame, chia, and flax seeds as these contain phytoestrogens and therefore increase levels.

Biohacking hormones requires making changes to both your diet and tracking blood markers, or biomarkers, that reveal your overall health and wellbeing. Utilizing supplements, exercise programs and healthy sleeping patterns as part of biohacking may help optimize these biomarkers to give insight into your state of health.

Bioidentical hormones can be an extremely effective way of improving your hormonal balance. Because these hormones mimic your natural hormones, they will not be rejected by the sentinels protecting cells in your body.

Rejuvime Medical offers free consultations about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to residents in Baton Rouge who wish to learn about its advantages for health, independence and beauty. They will show how bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can benefit you in terms of health, independence and beauty.


Sleep, physical exercise and stress management are key components of biohacking hormones. Also making sure your body receives sufficient nutrition can also aid in optimizing hormone function and health. Biohackers sometimes employ other practices like neurofeedback therapy and meditation/breathwork techniques in order to enhance cognitive performance and decrease levels of anxiety or stress.

While many biohacking practices may offer scientifically sound benefits, it’s still wise to exercise caution when undertaking them. Unsupervised hormone supplementation may have serious side effects and should only be done under medical guidance. Furthermore, extreme biohacking practices like trying to alter hormone levels without medical oversight could do more damage than good.

Recent years have seen biohacking gain prominence among social media influencers and represent an approach to wellness that involves self-experimentation tailored specifically for each person’s unique physiological make up. This DIY style of self-improvement includes anything from ice baths and zone training to fasting and nootropic supplements; all tailored towards optimizing fitness. More than simply increasing fitness levels, however, biohacking has expanded into a holistic form of wellbeing focused on hormone optimization and the prevention of chronic illness.

Men’s hormones play an essential role in physical fitness, mental clarity and overall health – it is therefore imperative that they function optimally. Biohacking hormones is an effective way to increase performance and reach goals that may previously have seemed out of reach such as building muscle mass, improving digestion or increasing energy levels – this involves getting enough restful sleep, eating nutrient-rich food sources as well as avoiding toxic chemicals in our daily lives as part of this strategy.

As men look for ways to live a more satisfying and balanced lives, biohacking offers one effective way they can take control of their wellbeing and make an impactful difference in quality of life. By optimizing hormones through diet, exercise, and rest strategies, men can enjoy better health for years.


An effective sleep biohack involves getting enough quality rest. Adequate rest helps regulate hormones, improve overall health, stamina, cognitive energy, sexual performance and longevity – among many other advantages. Sleep optimization practices such as using a tracking device or optimizing sleeping environments with soundproof walls as well as healthy hygiene measures such as avoiding caffeine before bed and keeping a consistent schedule are key components to optimizing quality restful slumber.

Biohacks that can boost fertility, mood and cognitive performance include increasing oxytocin levels by engaging in heart-opening activities such as hugging people or pets, listening to music, doing yoga or meditating. Women can also boost fertility and reproductive health with pelvic floor exercises and menstrual symptoms relief products like FloLiving’s period biohacks that provide end-to-end support during menstruation cycles such as these products from FloLiving’s period biohacks which offer comprehensive solutions for achieving hormonal equilibrium during menstruation cycles.

Biohacking can be an exciting journey, but it must be approached carefully and with full awareness of potential risks. Unsupervised hormone supplementation, for instance, may have serious side effects. Furthermore, certain extreme biohacking practices such as intermittent fasting or supplement stacks may not work for all people. At the core of it all lies biohacking‘s core philosophy – to tailor life and healthcare according to each person’s own genes, biology, chemistry and needs while optimizing them accordingly for maximum effect; biohacking allows individuals to do just this.