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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 11, 2024|Editor

Is Quantum Energy Healing Near Me Right For You?

If you’re seeking alternative therapies, quantum energy healing might be just what the doctor ordered. Utilizing principles from quantum physics, this form of energy therapy can be performed remotely and safely improve wellbeing.

Energy healers believe that just as quantum physics has revealed the dynamic nature of physical matter at an atomic level, so too can our biofield be affected by psychological and emotional states.

What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum energy healing works under the premise that all matter is composed of energy. This vibrational state can be altered and utilized for health and healing. Practitioners utilize various techniques like Reiki and quantum healing to restore equilibrium in the body’s energy balance. They believe in its inherent intelligence and self-healing capacity; so reducing stress levels and tapping into its vitality are integral parts of healthful living.

Many individuals who undergo quantum energy healing experience physical, mental and emotional benefits. Studies have proven its ability to reduce stress levels, boost immunity and enhance sleep patterns as well as promote relaxation and increase relaxation levels. Furthermore, quantum healing may help improve outlook on life while building confidence within yourself – although it should not replace conventional medical treatment methods.

Quantum energy healing utilizes meditation, visualization, and hands-on healing techniques to manipulate the energy fields around the body and restore balance. It draws inspiration from quantum physics’ exploration of energy and matter at microscopic levels – something familiar to practitioners of traditional therapies like Reiki or Chinese herbal medicine where imbalances in life force were believed to lead to disease.

Quantum Energy Medicine practitioners assess both physical and energetic conditions through muscle testing, helping identify imbalances within the body as well as patterns in energy flow that need addressing. Contrary to traditional disciplines which rely on symptoms for diagnosis, quantum healing practitioners aim to identify any underlying energy conditions which might contribute to future illness or injury.

It is a form of alternative medicine

Quantum healing is an alternative medicine approach that works on a deep level to promote health and restore balance to the body. Based on principles from quantum physics – which suggests everything in the universe consists of energy – quantum healing expert Jerry Sargeant states it can help treat anxiety, depression and physical ailments like arthritis as well as improve immune systems and reduce pain levels.

Quantum healing differs from traditional medicine in that it aims to treat not just symptoms, but rather all three aspects of an individual: body, mind and spirit. Muscle testing helps practitioners pinpoint areas with imbalanced energy flows before employing energy techniques to release any blockages they detect.

This holistic approach to health is founded on the premise that our bodies are intelligent and life-giving systems, capable of healing even serious illnesses if nurtured properly. However, our health depends on nourishing the QEF properly while protecting it from stress factors that might suffocate its healing powers and potentially compromise its abilities.

Quantum Healing‘s focus on energy parallels the principles of meditation practices that have been scientifically supported as offering mental and emotional benefits, making incorporating Quantum Healing concepts into existing meditation or mindfulness practices beneficial for exploring this alternative healing modality. Furthermore, its concepts of interconnectedness resemble those found in biofeedback practice as another alternative medicine technique that may promote wellbeing.

It is a holistic approach

Quantum energy healing differs from traditional medicine by treating the whole person holistically and holistically addressing specific diseases, instead of targeting individual organs as such. It incorporates mind-body connection theory as well as emotional well-being principles in its holistic healing practices; further recognizing consciousness’ role in body’s healing processes – for instance scientific research has demonstrated how negative emotions and stress increase disease risk while positive emotions promote overall well-being.

Quantum healing sessions involve using light touch or hovering their hands over the body to clear away energy blockages and promote self-healing. Your practitioner may also use energy healing techniques like Reiki – channeling universal life force energy for relaxation and balance – as part of this holistic approach that integrates ancient wisdom with modern science, in order to heal both spirit, mind, and body simultaneously.

Energy disruptions are at the root of all physical and emotional imbalances. Quantum energy healing provides an effective means to correct those energetic issues causing these disturbances, helping you restore balance to your life while improving overall health and wellbeing.

Quantum healing should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medical therapies; rather, it can supplement them by targeting the root causes of disease. Quantum healing focuses on understanding all three dimensions of human existence simultaneously – something Western medical practitioners might find difficult.

If you’re curious to explore quantum energy healing, formal courses or consulting with certified practitioners may be your solution. Be it to overcome addictions or enhance overall well-being, quantum healing can help achieve your goals.

It is a form of therapy

Quantum healing employs principles from quantum physics to promote wellness and balance within the body. According to this theory, everything is composed of energy – our physical bodies included. When this energy becomes blocked or imbalanced it can create physical and emotional health issues, and quantum healing can help restore equilibrium by manipulating electromagnetic fields surrounding us all.

Quantum healers believe that by balancing our own energy fields, we can improve both our own health and that of others around us. Their practice argues that when people connect their thoughts, emotions and beliefs to energy fields they affect in this way; this also suggests our health can be altered by people around us; hence it could also impact their own. Quantum healers claim by improving your own energetic fields you can aid others’.

Quantum Energy Healing can be an excellent adjunct to traditional medicine, providing a holistic approach that addresses mind, body, and spirit – and many practitioners believe addressing its causes rather than treating just symptoms is more effective.

Quantum Energetics practitioners ask their clients to detail their medical history and current physical condition during an initial evaluation, before conducting muscle testing to check for imbalances in their energy network. Once found, these imbalances will be corrected in numerical order for lasting effects – treating individual symptoms first might offer temporary relief but will likely fail to provide long-term benefits.

Not a brand-new concept, this method has recently seen tremendous growth. A non-invasive alternative to surgery and medication, many who have tried Infinity Bloc therapy have reported its ability to relieve stress, boost immunity, reduce pain and balance energy within their bodies. It also generates negative ions to balance out body energy.

It is a form of healing

Quantum energy healing is a holistic therapy using crystals and breathwork to adjust energy fields in the body. It promotes relaxation and balance within, helping alleviate pain while simultaneously decreasing stress, anxiety, sleep quality and immunity boosting effects. Quantum energy healing has proven its efficacy for treating conditions ranging from backache to migraine headaches while providing a viable alternative to expensive western medical equipment or medications often used as part of medical treatments.

Even though some may view quantum healing with suspicion, many have reported positive experiences from practicing this form of alternative medicine. Based on quantum physics principles – which explore energy and matter at microscopic levels – quantum healing practitioners believe influencing these energies will promote healing; although its science still needs further exploration.

There are multiple approaches to quantum energy healing, from acupressure and breathing exercises to hands-on healing sessions. Practitioners sometimes utilize crystal grids to channel energy and heal various parts of the body. A pendulum or chakra beads may also help clients relax and find inner peace.

Quantum healing can treat a range of health issues, from headaches to depression. Additionally, quantum healing can help you feel more positive about yourself and improve relationships while finding direction in your career – ultimately reconnecting you to your source of power that lies within yourself.

Quantum healing has proven successful for treating chronic conditions, such as arthritis, asthma and back pain. It may also help those living with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and insomnia find relief; and can even reduce inflammation in joints for greater comfort.

February 11, 2024|Editor

Are Bioresonance Tests Accurate?

Bioresonance has gained widespread recognition as an integrative wellness solution. It works by scanning your body’s energetic alignments for sensitivities to allergens, toxins and foods which cause health problems.

Your body can return to optimal functioning thanks to this device by connecting electrodes on your skin with an energy BICOM machine and monitoring energy wavelengths and counteracting harmful frequencies with healthy ones, thus helping it return to optimal state of functioning.

Does it work?

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative form of healing using electromagnetic waves to identify medical conditions at a cellular level. It works by detecting imbalances in energy wavelengths and vibrations of your body’s energy channels and emitting counter frequencies to correct them – helping your body self-regulate and heal itself more quickly. Bioresonance can also assist with allergies, asthma and eczema by scanning for sensitivities to certain foods or allergens that could trigger their symptoms.

Bioresonance is founded on the idea that all cells release energy and produce resonance patterns, with deviations causing symptoms like sickness or disease in an organism. Energy testing is non-invasive and safer than blood or X-ray tests; additionally it can reveal connections that traditional tests don’t reveal, providing individuals with an opportunity to maximize well-being by targeting root causes of disorders and disorders.

Energy testing involves placing electrodes on the skin to scan for electromagnetic signals, then having a computer analyze these signals and identify any discordant frequencies. When these frequencies have been isolated, electromagnetic impulses at specific ranges can be sent at certain frequencies to match and harmonize them – this allows the body to release toxins faster while healing faster overall.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to identify and treat hormonal imbalances in women at all stages of life – from premenstrual pains and irregular cycles, through hot flushes to hot flashes – bioresonance therapy can balance hormones to provide relief of these symptoms. In addition, testing may reveal food or drug sensitivities or environmental toxins as possible causes.

To increase accuracy in results, proper hydration and avoidance of pollutants before the test are highly advised. Your therapist will also suggest the optimal time and day to undergo energy testing depending on your body’s rhythm and cycle; cells sensitivity changes throughout the day.

Does it help?

Bioresonance testing stands in stark contrast to traditional medical assessments, which often involve blood samples or needles being extracted, bioresonance is noninvasive and safe. Bioresonance involves attaching electrodes directly onto your skin which connect to a device called the Bicom machine; it then analyses energy wavelengths released by your body, counteracting any bad frequencies and returning your body back into balance. This technology has quickly gained ground among holistic practitioners as it offers insights that would otherwise go undetected through other forms of assessment.

Prepare for your bioresonance test by drinking plenty of water beforehand to stabilize your energy field and enhance accuracy in frequency patterns measured by bioresonance equipment. Also avoid caffeine, nicotine, or any stimulants as these could interfere with electromagnetic signals picked up by testing machines.

One of the primary uses for food intolerance testing is to identify potential intolerances. The machine can evaluate your body’s response to different foods and environmental factors to identify which ones work best for you – providing a great alternative to allergy tests that saves both time and hassle when planning a diet.

Results of a bioresonance scan typically take around one week to be provided to you and will reveal any minor stressors on your body’s systems, chronic weaknesses and imbalances in hormones, nutritional deficiencies and any energetic matches with toxic materials; you will also be provided with a list of foods and other natural remedies that resonate well with and can easily digest by your system.

Traditional medicine does not recognize bioenergetic testing as part of their wellness journey; however, this form of testing is an invaluable addition. You can use bioresonance testing alongside traditional treatments like acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments and homeopathy for improved health outcomes. To find out more about bioenergetic approaches to holistic health book a discovery call with one of CBH Energetic’s practitioners who can help interpret your unique bioresonance report and support you on the road towards complete well-being.

Does it hurt?

Bioresonance testing is a noninvasive technique that analyzes electromagnetic wavelengths at a cellular level. It identifies imbalances in our bodies’ energy wavelengths and vibrations that result from medical conditions or unhealthy cells, as well as resonance frequencies of foods or substances which could help restore balance within our bodies. As such, Bioresonance provides an in-depth, holistic assessment of your health status.

This test can be likened to digital kinesiology in that it identifies any imbalances in the body that cause symptoms, such as food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, toxicities, emotional blocks and chakra information. Furthermore, it provides a list of essential oils, flower essences, crystals that will assist your body in returning to its natural state of equilibrium.

An allergy test can be an accurate method, especially for people who cannot tolerate needles or blood tests. Furthermore, allergy testing looks at all aspects of one’s health instead of just one meridan; during an allergy test a practitioner looks at various points on hands and feet according to Chinese acupuncture and medicine’s ancient meridien system and compares those points against a range of supplements to find ones which match or harmonize any discordant frequencies within that meridian.

Bioresonance scans can be particularly effective at pinpointing allergens that are affecting your body, as well as how much of each substance you’re sensitive to and offering solutions such as an elimination diet that may help overcome them. They’re also great at diagnosing overtraining syndrome or balancing hormones.

Bioresonance scans should not be seen as replacements for Western medical diagnostic tools and should only ever be used alongside holistic approaches such as acupuncture and herbal remedies for optimal results. Furthermore, their accuracy depends entirely on who administers them – for maximum accuracy it’s wise to work with someone experienced with this form of testing.

Does it work for everyone?

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive therapy that employs electromagnetic waves emitted by living organisms to analyze electromagnetic waves at a cellular level and detect imbalances in energy wavelengths and vibrations associated with certain health conditions, helping restore balance through this therapy. This practice often acts as an adjunctive alternative medicine solution in aid of healing.

Energy testing isn’t a magic bullet and won’t work for everyone, but it may provide clues into what may be contributing to health issues in your body. Energy testing often becomes a go-to solution when other conventional and natural remedies have failed.

Bioresonance scans, also known as digital kinesiology, can detect stress patterns, nutritional deficiencies, toxins to be flushed from the system, intolerances to foods or chemicals, emotional blocks, chakra information and any supplements which might aid the body in its balancing processes.

Food sensitivities testing is another popular use for this form of testing, providing an easy way to discover which foods may be irritating your digestive tract and starting the journey toward eliminating potential food sensitivities from your diet.

Bioresonance testing has also proven effective at treating other conditions, including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, overtraining syndrome and acidity levels in the body. However, certain health issues cannot be diagnosed or treated through bioresonance, such as severe psychological trauma.

Bioresonance tests are an ideal way to enhance one’s health and wellbeing, providing valuable insight into how their body and mind are working, along with recommendations to make changes that could benefit their health. They’re especially useful in pinpointing any areas requiring attention while working with holistic practitioners on creating a health plan; what’s great is you can take one from the comfort of your own home!

February 11, 2024|Editor

Is it Possible to Reverse Aging?

Scientists have developed strategies for lengthening lifespans by reprograming cells, though reversing aging remains challenging due to potential uncontrollable cell growth and tumors that result from such techniques.

Harvard researchers recently developed a chemical cocktail that reverses aging in mice by rejuvenating old cells within muscles, tissues and organs. They aim to soon create treatments to extend human lifespan while improving vision and extending lifespan.

1. Diet

A healthy diet can slow the aging process and keep you looking younger, as well as prevent age-related diseases and keep you feeling your best. Focus on eating plenty of veggies, fruit, berries and low glycemic foods (such as whole grains). Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water instead of sugary drinks like soda or commercial fruit juices; seek out foods high in vitamin C which can reduce signs of aging; this includes green leafy veggies, tomatoes, kiwis and blueberries as examples of such. Additionally, nuts seeds and oils (e.g. sunflower seed oil) are excellent sources of Vitamin E which protect cells against damage by protecting cells against damage; such foods include nuts seeds as well as oils (such as sunflower seed oil).

While it’s impossible to fully halt aging, with healthy habits you can slow its effects down. Regular exercise and eating balanced meals will help you look and feel younger – this is particularly important if you are overweight or obese as these conditions accelerate aging and cause health issues.

Improve your overall health through mindfulness practices such as meditation, stress-reduction techniques and getting enough restful sleep. These activities will help your body cope with everyday challenges more easily while keeping you mentally sharp for longer.

Scientists are striving hard to develop anti-aging medicines. Experimentation has taken place with various chemical cocktails that affect gene methylation; for instance, one such cocktail developed by Navnit Haror can rejuvenate skin as well as muscles and organs in mice.

However, this technology is in its early stages and poses many challenges to ensuring safe use for humans. Scientists are also developing methods of genetically reprogramming cells into more youthful states – Shinya Yamanaka received the Nobel Prize for this work; his team have managed to transform aging mouse cells into youthful ones by virally inserting certain “Yamanaka” genes.

2. Exercise

Exercise is both an invaluable form of self-care and an effective anti-aging solution. Exercise helps protect against cardiovascular disease by delaying its onset; increasing energy and improving mood are additional advantages. Furthermore, regular physical activity supports bone density growth while keeping flexibility intact in your body.

Studies demonstrate the ability of consistent aerobic exercise to reverse aging by slowing and even reversing muscle loss as we age, known as the sarcopenic effect. According to Inverse, aerobic workouts stimulate muscle stem cell multiplication which in turn reduces muscle fiber aging over time while simultaneously increasing overall quality of muscles.

Weight training and resistance exercises, in addition to endurance activities like jogging, swimming, cycling, are also effective ways to fight aging. They work out the large muscles in both upper and lower bodies that tend to loosen with age. Climbing stairs provides another great form of lower-body exercise; its intense workout engages lower legs calves quadriceps hamstrings muscles.

3. Sleep

Studies have revealed the significance of sleep for overall health, improving concentration, boosting immunity and aiding body repair. Unfortunately, lack of restful slumber may lead to chronic medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease as well as damaging memory and mood. As such, Geroscience was established in order to investigate and manipulate biological aging processes.

Sleep remains one of the key aspects of our everyday lives that remains unexplained, yet essential for many systems, including immunity, hormonal balance, emotional well-being, memory/learning capacity and detoxing the brain of toxins. Furthermore, research shows that people suffering from certain illnesses such as traumatic brain injuries or Alzheimer’s have difficulty recovering without adequate restful slumber.

Sleep deprivation has long been linked to DNA damage accumulation, speeding the pace of cellular senescence and epigenetic aging. According to increasing evidence, disruptions of sleep cause more oxidative stress, altered gene expression in relation to telomere maintenance and DNA repair processes, as well as acceleration in apoptosis rates.

Studies have confirmed that lack of sleep reduces attention, memory and reaction times, with one landmark study by Avi Karni and colleagues showing how subjects trained in visual discrimination tasks performed better after entering REM sleep – this also strengthened memory stability; making this landmark study one of its kind.

5. Stress management

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but left unmanaged it can have serious repercussions. From traffic jams to relationship conflicts, recognizing warning signs and taking the necessary steps to alleviate them are both key components in maintaining overall good health.

One way mindfulness techniques can help manage stress is through practicing them regularly. These practices include meditation, breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises; all of which have the power to lower heart rates, slow blood pressure and decrease levels of stress hormones in your body while increasing oxygen flow to your brain, which in turn calms it and improves mood.

An effective way to manage stress is through communicating it with those closest to you. Sharing feelings of anxiety will allow your friends and loved ones to help navigate an emotionally charged situation more smoothly. If stress remains an issue for you, professional mental health help could be the solution; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may help modify how you react to stressful stimuli.

Stress has long been known to accelerate biological aging; however, a recent study indicates that its impact can be reversed following periods of recovery from stress. Researchers utilized DNA methylation as an accurate method of measuring biological ageing; after individuals recovered from stress their DNA methylation markers had returned to younger levels than before the stress had taken its toll.

Establishing a healthy, balanced lifestyle is essential to living well as you age. Making changes that reduce stress and develop coping techniques can make a dramatic difference in both stress level and physical wellbeing as you age. Simply by following these simple tips you can keep stress at bay and remain physically fit as time passes.

February 11, 2024|Editor

Infopathy – The 21st Century Upgrade to Homeopathy

Infopathy is an up-to-date approach to homeopathy that utilizes electromagnetic signals recorded from various substances to create infoceuticals and then imprinting them onto water or the body to stimulate natural healing processes.

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What is Infoceutical (IC) Therapy?

This system measures the bioenergetic state of your body on physical, chemical, and emotional levels. It identifies emotions or limiting beliefs that need to be addressed as well as life stages or archetypes that need addressing as well as potential health issues like viruses, parasites and inflammation that need treating. Our NES Practitioner can scan you both in clinic or remotely as well as providing specific infoceuticals tailored specifically towards helping correct imbalances that have arisen in your bioenergy fields.

These liquid remedies contain corrective information embedded within them to restore the integrity of human body-field. Their purpose is to optimize energy levels and promote information flow along acupuncture meridians for improved energy flow within our bodies, as well as balance cellular function, emotional communication and clearing the electromagnetic field within the brain.

ICs differ from homeopathics in that they can be taken alongside any other supplements you are currently taking, or as part of an overall holistic homeopathic strategy, like Cold Flu Immunity Terrain (ET-6), which accelerates and strengthens the body’s natural abilities to overcome cold and flu symptoms.

Feel Good Infoceutical Set can be found in our online shop. ICs make an ideal addition to your current wellness program and should be taken in doses of 9, 15, or 28 drops with water, either daily or as needed to meet your wellness goals.

ICs are Electromagnetic Signals

ICs (Infrared Coherent Signals) are electromagnetic signals generated from substances with healing, therapeutic or other beneficial biological effects that are recorded. The information can then be imprinted onto water to produce infoceuticals; which provide potent, effective and safe alternatives to drugs for treating various diseases. ICs operate using quantum electrodynamic theory which states that electromagnetic spectrum of diluted substances can be replicated using algorithms in water – watch the video below to gain more insight into this fascinating phenomenon!

Interference to an integrated circuit (IC) typically comes in the form of external electromagnetic interference (EMI). Sources of external EMI include harmonics in output signals or switching processes in components; it can also result from interactions between two internal signals in nonlinear devices or circuits which produce sum and difference frequencies that reverberate through supply lines; lightning strikes and electrostatic discharge can damage unprotected circuits as sources of external interference.

This technique takes advantage of the elemental natural randomness inherent to integrated circuits by injecting guided RF waves that interact with their internal physical variation and producing responses which can then be post-processed to generate an identifier which can then be used for authentication – similar to how fingerprint or iris patterns can be extracted from these variations for identification. Finally, all these responses are stored in a database and compared against their identifier to determine authenticity of an IC.

ICs are a 21st Century Upgrade to Homeopathy

Homeopathy has often been criticized for lacking scientific validity and being mired in nineteenth century concepts like Hahnemann’s belief that disease stems from an active miasm. Yet homeopaths have shown it’s possible to treat patients according to their symptoms without being limited by an ideology such as miasms.

Homeopathic drug production through infinitesimal doses had profound ramifications for the pharmaceutical industry. No longer were large doses needed, rendering patenting treatments impossible and hindering competition and profit, leading to a sharp drop in homeopathic drug makers fortunes.

As patients in developed welfare states have access to all proven treatments, it is understandable why some choose homeopathy when they become sick; however, this should not be seen as an excuse not to use proven remedies instead.

Now there is an alternative to homeopathy that is scientifically credible, noninvasive, and affordable: infoceuticals (ICs). This therapy uses electromagnetic signals recorded from substances with healing or therapeutic properties to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, known as photons encoded on microchips for transfer using an IC device that generates high frequency bioelectromagnetic fields.

ICs are a Natural Pain Reliever

Herbal remedies, essential oils and alternative therapies offer natural solutions for relieving pain. By relieving inflammation and supporting healing from within, these methods offer better long-term solutions than over-the-counter drugs with potential side effects.

Quercitin (found in sunflower seeds, apples, grapes, onions and tea) has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant properties which have resulted in 57% response rates from an IC trial using oral quercitin as medicine.

Hyaluronic acid can be found in the subepithelial connective tissue of the bladder and its levels are commonly higher among IC patients. Morales et al. conducted a four-week trial where 25 IC patients received intravesical injections of 40 mg hyaluronic acid twice weekly for four weeks for treatment, and found both frequency and severity of symptoms decreased substantially over this time period.

Muscle tension is another symptom of IC that can contribute to pelvic pain and bladder discomfort. Learning to relax these muscles of the body is essential, so there are guided imagery CDs available specifically for this purpose.

Stress can also be a trigger, and practicing regular meditation may be useful in mitigating its effects. Individuals suffering from IC may notice their symptoms worsen during times of high stress; thus it’s especially essential to practice relaxation techniques both physically and mentally. Joining an IC support group and speaking to a therapist about feelings that one’s symptoms aren’t real may also prove helpful.

ICs are a Bioelectromagnetic Therapy

Electromagnetic field stimulation (EMF) therapy has long been utilized to treat various musculoskeletal ailments, including fractures, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. EMFs can be divided into four main categories according to their physical properties and subsequent biological effects: direct current, capacitive coupling, inductive coupling and pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). Unfortunately, the mechanisms by which such techniques promote bone healing remain poorly understood.

ICs based on electromagnetic signal transfer theory provide one explanation for these mechanisms. PEMF signals, complex waveforms that vary in both amplitude and frequency, mimic natural body physiologic processes while stimulating cell activity to improve growth and differentiation.

This could explain why ICs and bioelectromagnetic therapies show such promising results in treating musculoskeletal disorders. However, it must be remembered that research of this nature can be highly complex due to many external and internal variables at play.

Studies have demonstrated the power of EMFs to affect cell behavior and proliferation, including an increase in expression levels for Oct4, KLF4, Nanog homeobox protein 1 (Nanog), Tenascin C and Collagen Type I Alpha-1 (COL1A1) genes involved with bone formation and fracture repair (44, 45). (These genes are considered critical players in bone growth).

ICs are a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy

Since Faraday’s discovery of magnetic induction between two coils, electromagnetic fields have been explored as diagnostic and therapeutic tools. PEMF therapy is a noninvasive electromagnetic field-based approach to treating pain and inflammation by altering cell function and microcirculation – this occurs through inducing “dirty electricity” (or electroporation).

An electric field generated by electromagnetic waves interacting with cells of the body allows molecules to cross from cell membrane to cytoplasm more quickly, as well as gene electrotransfer and siRNA delivery for cell specific treatments.

Low frequency PEMF is known to create an electromagnetic environment which is safe for cells, while higher frequencies can harm or kill them, necessitating that intracerebral catheters (ICs) be administered at frequencies lower than 10Hz.

Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome is a chronic pelvic pain condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Current management options, including opioid narcotics or surgical procedures under general anesthesia, may not always provide effective results. This study will test the hypothesis that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) could provide viable symptom and pain management treatment in IC/BPS patients by providing an FDA-registered PEMF device with full body sessions of 8 minutes twice per day that patients self administer at home for 8 minutes full body sessions at home for two full body sessions twice per day over eight minute full body sessions twice per day as well as questionnaires at enrollment, 4 weeks post enrollment as well as 3-day diaries detailing changes over time post enrollment and 12 weeks post enrollment.

February 11, 2024|Editor

Quantum Manifestation Sounds

Manifestation is the process of turning ideas or dreams into tangible experiences, by sending a coherent quantum signal through to the Quantum Field that generates materializations of experiences which match this signal in physical reality.

An important step to manifesting is setting clear and focused intentions – something which can be accomplished through visualisation exercises and gratitude practices.

1. Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl

Quartz crystal has long been used in modern technology due to its piezoelectric properties. This property enables it to conduct electricity at high temperatures, making it essential in timekeeping, radio engineering and sound healing applications. Quartz singing bowls represent both new and ancient technologies; first created from computer industry waste generated pure quartz crystal waste back in the 1980s.

A finely ground quartz powder is exposed to extreme heat in a centrifuge to liquefy individual quartz sand grains into one large piece of clear or frosted quartz that can then be formed into bowl-shaped crystals with beautiful resonance similar to Tibetan singing bowls. Furthermore, crystal bowls may also be enhanced with crushed gemstones for more vibrant results.

Depending on its size and pitch, crystal bowls can be played either alone or collectively to create an immersive sonic bath that promotes deep relaxation. While Tibetan singing bowls typically resonate at 440hz frequency, crystal bowls instead resonate on an harmonic resonant at 5th harmonic frequency instead.

The OM Shoppe works directly with our crystal bowl manufacturers to ensure fair trade practices and the highest-quality product available. You can choose from an assortment of frosted, clear, colored and mineral fusion bowls – each offering their own special resonance characteristics – such as our gem infusion crystal bowl that combines turquoise and rose quartz healing powers for wealth, love and personal power.

2. Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan Singing Bowls are standing bells that vibrate to produce sound. Historically used by Tibetan, Nepal, China and India Buddhist practitioners for meditation, trance induction, relaxation healing spiritual practice as part of Bon and Tantric Buddhist sadhana practice for meditation, relaxation healing spiritual practice spiritual practice etc. They are revered for their rich harmonies which correspond with each chakra – F represents Root Chakra; C Sacral Chakra; G Solar Plexus Chakra; D Heart Chakra A Throat Chakra B completing the circle!

Vibrations produced by rubbing the rim of a bowl cause ripples to form in its liquid, which then forces its atoms to rearrange themselves, producing droplets which are expelled, accelerated, and bounced on to the surface of fluid like “harmonic water” is created when struck upon by glass harmonicas.

Studies have demonstrated the power of singing bowl sound massage to diminish negative affect and boost positive feelings while increasing heart rate variability, respiration, subjective sleepiness and spiritual well-being.

Many practitioners believe tibetan singing bowls can help clear their minds and open their hearts, encouraging a meditative state of consciousness. Their rims often bear auspicious symbols such as an upright conch, never-ending knot, two golden fish, lotus flower and jeweled parasol for added luck.

Engraved engravings often showcase the OM symbol, an important sign of spiritual well-being in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Stylized henna designs are also popularly employed for this style of engraving. Additionally, Tibetan and Tingsha bowls often display Native American spirit animal symbols such as bear, cougar, eagle or raven to add some flair.

3. Crystal Singing Bowls

Crystal singing bowls are constructed from quartz crystal and often include small amounts of other minerals (such as rose quartz or emerald) for color and to add unique tones. Used commonly in sound healing sessions, crystal singing bowls provide a very rich and complex sound while helping balance chakras for improved wellness and inner peace.

Gongs produce an exquisite and soothing sound that makes them popularly used in yoga, meditation and sound healing practices. Furthermore, these instruments have powerful metaphysical properties which influence our energy field – proven to promote emotional healing, spiritual awakening and physical wellbeing.

Crystal bowls differ from their metal counterparts in that their resonance is much higher and vibrates for longer, creating a deep and rich soundscape to bring peace and comfort to listeners. Played using mallets, chimes or other tools they are an ideal way to complement a sound bath by providing deep and rich sounds that provide listeners with an intense yet peaceful listening experience.

When selecting a singing bowl, it is crucial that it speaks to you on both an emotional and practical level. We suggest trying different kinds of singing bowls until one resonates most and brings about the most beneficial effects for both body and soul.

Notably, both crystal and metal singing bowls offer distinct advantages to human body and soul; each may offer benefits specific to itself. You might prefer the soothing tones of crystal bowls while others might appreciate more earthy vibrations of metal singing bowls.

5. Crystal Singing Bowls

Crystal singing bowls can be powerful tools in sound healing practice, be it for personal self-healing and wellbeing or working with clients in a sound therapy setting. Used across many cultures for centuries, crystal singing bowls have long been considered to foster physical, mental and spiritual well-being by producing soothing tones, sounds, vibrations that penetrate our energetic field, inducing deep meditative states as well as providing relaxation.

Crystal singing bowls have been around for millennia, yet only recently have they gained widespread interest in Western countries, where they’re used for meditation, prayer, yoga and various other practices – in part due to increasing interest in alternative healing methods and seeking greater wellness.

Crystal singing bowls differ from metal bowls in that they are constructed of pure quartz crystal, making them much more expensive. Their sound has an ethereal and celestial tone which penetrates deeply into our physical and energetic bodies to activate, balance, or cleanse chakras and provide deep relaxation.

A crystal singing bowl offers something truly unique: emotional clarity. This can be particularly helpful when dealing with high levels of stress in life; small studies indicate its use can increase levels of serotonin hormone and ultimately result in less anxiety, stronger immune system function and decreased blood pressure levels.