Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 14, 2024|Editor

High Frequency Vs LED Light Therapy

high frequency vs led light therapy

Light therapy helps clear away toxins, bacteria and inflammation – an ideal treatment option for soothing painful inflamed acne as well as preventing future breakouts!

LED light therapy has long been utilized by Navy SEALs to aid healing. It has proven its efficacy against an array of skin conditions, such as fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, rosacea, scarring, uneven skin tone and texture, eczema.

Acne Treatment

High frequency is a noninvasive, painless treatment designed to kill acne-causing bacteria, reduce pore size, and promote healing in the skin. This non-invasive therapy promotes cell renewal while increasing circulation to give your complexion a radiant appearance.

A high-frequency electrode contains inert gases like argon or neon, which are ignited by electrical current upon contact with your skin, creating an explosion of chemical reaction that releases enriched oxygen molecules to destroy acne-causing bacteria while heating deeper layers to trigger collagen production for firmer looking skin.

Even though results of high-frequency facials are temporary, they can still provide an effective boost to your skincare regimen and help prevent future breakouts. When combined with other techniques like extractions, diet change, and cleaning habits, they may provide the way back to clear, beautiful skin for you.

LED light therapy is another noninvasive technique to enhance skin texture, tone and overall health. LED treatments use light-emitting diodes with different wavelengths of light that emit different wavelengths to treat various medical and cosmetic issues. LEDs come in the form of handheld wands used to target specific areas on your face as well as panels or masks – they all serve the same function.

LED light therapy for acne treatment uses a combination of red and near infrared (NIR) wavelengths, with blue light often included as it can help decrease activity from acne-causing bacteria that causes inflammation and blemishes on the skin, as well as decrease sebum production to lessen oil on the surface, leading to breakouts of acne.

LED light therapy uses red and NIR wavelengths to treat fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes, fade dark spots, rejuvenate hair follicles to promote healthier hair growth, as well as rejuvenating hair follicles to stimulate newer growth. Although it may take some time before results show, LED light therapy treatment is safe and effective option to address various skincare needs.

Skin Tightening

One of the hallmarks of aging is collagen depletion and loss of skin elasticity, leading to loose, crepey skin on both face and body. There are various treatments available to tighten loose skin on either face or body including nonsurgical facial treatments like Thermalift or radiofrequency procedures like Genius or ThermiRF that heat deep layers of skin while stimulating collagen production for tighter, firmer and more youthful complexions.

LED (light-emitting diode) therapy aims to improve skin appearance by reducing inflammation, speeding healing, and eliminating age spots. LED treatments have also been proven to stimulate collagen production through increasing fibroblast production and stimulating fibroblast activation to produce firmer skin – as well as being useful in reducing scars, fine lines, wrinkles and rosacea symptoms.

Red and infrared light treatments have been demonstrated to increase fibroblast production; however, their power and speed is too limited and slow for any noticeable stimulation of hypodermis (the layer where cellulite accumulates). They require multiple sessions before showing noticeable results.

Radiofrequency treatments differ from LED light therapy in that they penetrate deeper layers of skin to stimulate collagen for firmer appearance and produce faster results. Electrotherapy treatments offer an ideal alternative to surgical facelifts and other invasive cosmetic procedures that can be painful, lengthy and expensive. Most clients notice a difference in skin firmness after just a few treatments and see continued improvements over time. These treatments are an ideal option for busy professionals who wish to avoid the expense and recovery time associated with surgery, but still want to address sagging or crepey skin. In addition, these procedures can also improve stretch marks on the body or tighten drooping eyelids safely and painlessly; most patients report only feeling some warmth or tingling during sessions – making this choice appealing for people wanting a youthful appearance without surgery being an option.

Skin Rejuvenation

Are You Struggling with Fine Lines, Wrinkles and Signs of Aging? LED (light-emitting diode) light therapy could be the solution! Utilizing different wavelengths, LED treatments use various types of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to address multiple skin concerns and medical conditions painlessly and noninvasively. There are various kinds of LED devices available such as handheld wands for spot treating certain areas; light panels; lamps; masks. Your goal and skin requirements will determine which kind of LED light therapy therapy you select.

LED devices are handheld wands containing numerous glass nodes that glow when exposed to electrical current, with different-shaped nodes designed to target specific parts of the face (i.e. nose and forehead). While it’s generally straightforward, always read and follow any applicable manuals first in order to ensure it suits your skin type and condition before using one at home.

Though the LED light device won’t completely eliminate your acne, it is an invaluable resource to help manage and improve skin texture. The device kills off bacteria that contribute to acne while soothing inflammation so as to soothe your skin, while also activating your body’s natural healing response to remove blemishes more effectively.

An alternative option to consider is getting a full facial with a professional. Doing this allows for an in-depth assessment of your skin, as well as working with someone who knows which treatments would best suit you; whether that be LED or radio frequency therapy solutions they will be able to guide your decision accordingly.

Dermatologists can help provide comprehensive skincare treatments, as well as creating an ongoing plan to maintain healthy and attractive skin. If sagging is a concern, high frequency treatments may help tighten it without harming the surface.

Selecting the appropriate treatment can be key to maintaining healthy and youthful skin. High frequency and radio frequency treatments each have unique benefits that may best meet your specific goals and concerns; consulting with a specialist is recommended in this regard.

Skin Repair

blue LED light therapy can be an excellent treatment option for those suffering from surface texture acne (pimples that appear predominantly on the top layer of their skin). By eliminating bacteria that causes breakouts and helping keep pores clear, blue LED therapy works wonders on surface texture acne; however, it doesn’t seem effective against cystic blemishes buried deeper within pores – for this type of blemishes high frequency facial with light therapy may be the more suitable route to go down.

Red LED light therapy can not only reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but it is also used to address other skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, inflammation reduction and redness reduction, collagen production enhancement and promotion. Red LED therapy has proven especially useful for treating those suffering from rosacea by stimulating heat-shock proteins that help heal their skin as well as decrease redness.

Home LED light therapy treatments can be done at the convenience of your own home using devices that you purchase online or from retailers in stores, typically more cost-effective than facials in spas; though you do have to purchase the device itself. Or opt for LED light therapy sessions at a salon offering skincare services; trained aestheticians will likely help select an ideal device.

Individuals with more extensive skincare budgets can consider devices with multiple LED wavelengths, like the Artemis LED Mask & Neck System which features over 1,000 densely packed LEDs emitting red, near-infrared yellow violet green blue colors to provide an array of wavelengths including red near infrared yellow violet green blue. Furthermore, this device also delivers microcurrents to soothe your skin!

Before beginning LED light therapy, it is recommended that your skin be free from makeup or topical treatments such as waxing or shaving; and several hours prior to receiving therapy sessions you should refrain from any grooming techniques that might irritate it (waxing or shaving for instance). Also important is being aware of medications you might be taking that could make light sensitive or cause other reactions – most sessions typically last 15-30 minutes without any downtime required afterward.

February 14, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Allergy Test – Is It Accurate?

bioresonance allergy test accuracy

Food intolerance testing methods include vega testing, electrodermal screening and bioresonance. Unfortunately these aren’t widely utilized in the US and have only limited scientific backing behind them.

These methods use a device known as the BICOM to assess how your body responds to electromagnetic waves matching certain food types and detect any imbalances within the body.


Food allergy tests can be an invaluable asset in identifying foods that cause allergic reactions. Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to certain substances that it perceives as threats, with symptoms varying depending on individuals – from no obvious reaction at all, to potentially life-threatening reactions that require hospitalization or hospitalization. There are various allergy tests available, including patch testing and skin prick tests; however, not all are reliable when used to test food sensitivities.

Bioresonance allergy testing is an innovative form of allergy testing that uses electromagnetic waves to measure how your body reacts to allergens. Unlike traditional allergy tests, which require blood samples, bioresonance doesn’t – making it non-invasive way of identifying foods causing issues. The BICOM device emits electromagnetic waves similar to what the body would emit upon reacting with particular allergens, then analyzes this feedback from this machine which provides feedback back to you practitioner to pinpoint allergens which cause severe symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy can not only be an effective method for detecting allergies, but can also detect food intolerances and mineral deficiencies that cause discomfort. By understanding why certain foods make you sicker than expected, bioresonance therapy provides insights into changing your diet to avoid what’s causing unhappiness in you. It is also an excellent way of discovering whether genetic predisposition exists for certain diseases like heart disease or cancer.

Allergy tests are often utilized by doctors in diagnosing patients for various ailments, including hay fever, asthma and eczema. Sometimes allergy tests can reveal environmental allergens like pollen or pet dander as potential triggers – though such testing can sometimes be painful or intrusive for individuals and there may be false positive results.

If you’re searching for an easier and less costly allergy testing option, food intolerance tests might be right for you. With no blood sample required to identify food sensitivities to hundreds of items, they are available both online and in stores and can easily be completed at home – giving results within days or weeks! They can help identify whether you are sensitive to foods, minerals, vitamins, hormones or metals.


Bioresonance therapy currently lacks scientific proof as an effective method for detecting allergies; nevertheless, this alternative medicine practice remains popular among alternative practitioners. What research there has been contradicts claims made by some practitioners – for instance a randomized clinical trial comparing electrodermal testing to skin-prick tests for allergies such as cat dander and house dust found that it wasn’t effective; other studies also indicate electrodermal testing to be unreliable and unsuitable replacements for traditional allergy testing procedures.

Bioresonance is an alternative method of testing food intolerances non-invasively. It involves placing a sample of hair into the BICOM device and monitoring how your body responds to electromagnetic waves programmed into it; with this data in hand, a practitioner can then identify foods causing reactions in patients.

Vega testing can not only identify food intolerances but also drug sensitivities and imbalances within the body. A few strands of hair are put through one of four analytics machines on the VEGA system, and the results tell clients which items might cause reactions as well as providing details about vitamins, hormones, gut biome and metals in their report.

Vega analysis has become increasingly popular as it offers an ideal balance of accuracy, speed, and scalability. Easy to use with no invasive sampling required for safe use by patients searching for answers, this testing method can identify food intolerances such as E-numbers, additives and high sugar content – proving useful as a testing solution to any number of concerns for both doctors and their patients.

The vega machine is a medical-grade scanning device that uses bioresonance and quantum physics for diagnosis. In just minutes it can diagnose 47 organs and systems and provide detailed reports on each system’s state, as well as evaluate medications’ efficacy. Modern versions such as Life Expert Profi from WebWellness feature portable artificial intelligence technology as well as cloud data processing servers; measuring 35,000 indicators while providing visual analyses in mere minutes of their patient’s body condition.


Food allergies or intolerances affect many individuals, resulting in symptoms like bloating, fatigue and difficulty breathing. Bioresonance allergy testing offers one solution for alleviating these symptoms – offering more accurate and convenient diagnosis than traditional blood tests.

At a typical session, the practitioner will collect a small sample of hair and use it to conduct food intolerance tests without pain, blood samples or time delays. Results typically appear within hours after testing with the BICOM machine using electromagnetic waves designed to mimic those present in certain types of food and detect how your body responds. Once measured against these frequencies, BICOM gives a list of foods likely to trigger allergic reactions in you.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy that can effectively relieve allergies and sensitivities by targeting their core causes, relieving stress, and improving overall wellness. Unlike antihistamines that only mask symptoms, bioresonance therapy goes deeper to address its sources. Energy tests provide vital insight into potential source issues while tailored treatment programmes target root issues more directly.

Some allergies are caused by tiny insects known as dust mites that live in house dust. Dust mites can trigger an allergic response in both skin and eyes; its symptoms include itching, reddening and swelling of skin areas as well as runny nose and nasal discharge. While certain allergic reactions may be life-threatening, bioresonance therapy has proven successful at managing most allergy reactions effectively.

Allergy-Link provides an array of alternative therapies, such as bioresonance allergy tests. This noninvasive alternative to blood testing can detect up to 975 potential allergens – including food intolerances – as well as viruses and cancer cells.


Bioresonance food sensitivity testing is a holistic form of therapy used to identify foods you might be intolerant of. A small sample of hair is tested on the BICOM machine which uses electromagnetic waves from your body and compares them to frequencies found in 970 foods, drinks, and environmental factors – considered safe and non-invasive technology by medical professionals worldwide.

This process resembles that of a standard prickle test, yet its results are more comprehensive. It can detect up to 975 potential allergies or sensitivities and provides an overview of what could be contributing to imbalance. Furthermore, unlike blood and urine tests, results of this method remain unaffected by recent food intake or stressors and can cover an extended period of time.

Bioresonance testing offers an efficient and painless alternative to prickle tests; only needing a small hair sample and results typically arriving within days. Furthermore, Bioresonance allergy tests tend to be cheaper than other forms of allergy testing making this an affordable solution for many individuals.

Bioresonance testing provides another means of diagnosing allergies more accurately and comfortably, without subjecting babies to uncomfortable prick tests. When babies become so sensitive that they cannot tolerate being poked by an allergy test needle, bioresonance can provide invaluable insight into what their bodies react negatively to and help determine what might be triggering an allergy in future.

Allergies can be devastatingly uncomfortable and life-threatening for infants and their parents, but there are ways to minimize or even avoid them altogether. One effective approach is identifying foods your baby’s immune system treats as invaders and eliminating those which have an overreactive reaction resulting in inflammation, swelling and other symptoms that impact quality of life.

Allergies can be challenging to diagnose in infants due to a limited immune system. However, several methods have been scientifically demonstrated as accurate in diagnosing food allergies in infants – Bioresonance being one of them and helping you make more informed decisions regarding their diet.

February 14, 2024|Editor

Support For Those Who Suffer From Stress and anxiety

default img contentomatic - 1 Support For Those Who Suffer From Stress and anxiety

Nervousness could have a bad impact on the most robust of men and women. It can do not discriminate against any person, and the consequence of it can devastate a life. If you are experiencing anxiety, the next article will provide you with some advice on the way to deal with and get over it.

Within the throes of any anxiousness attack, process diaphramatic breathing to assist you to calm down. Spot a single palm on the abdomen and breathe in seriously, forcing your hands outward. Maintain that inhale for a lot of seconds, and exhale slowly. This will keep you from hyperventilating and offers you something aside from your anxiety to pay attention to.

Commence your day with just a few minutes of good positive affirmations. Tell oneself how you want your time to go. Ensure you are making use of pleasant and stimulating terms when making use of this method. It will help the day go a lot better, which may reduce your anxiousness during the entire entire day.

In case you are suffering from anxiety at your workplace, which appear to be which makes it hard to get your task carried out, it may well assist to see a counselor. The therapist might enable you to discover what it is that may be triggering you distress. It could be a co-personnel, too much try to get done, or other career-related difficulties that could be quickly repaired.

Use desired goals to assist handle nervousness. In the event you established a target for every single day time of every week, you will get some thing to operate in the direction of. Doing this will keep the thoughts away from anxiousness and get worried, decreasing the level of stress and anxiety which you really feel on a daily basis. Daily life can be as good as you wish so that it is.

Therapy, in conjunction with trying to keep a diary, can certainly help you facing your anxiousness. It will help you realize just what the stress and anxiety is stemming from and you could then confer with your specialist regarding it. Speaking to other individuals and speaking about your troubles is usually a good concept.

When you’re developing a demanding time, pay attention to how you inhale. Your breaths get quicker, can vary greatly, as well as turn out to be erratic. When you find yourself concerned, it is interestingly very easy to did not remember to adopt correct breaths of air flow. Even so, it is actually continue to necessary for your body to find the correct intake of foods, normal water and oxygen. Give attention to your inhaling and exhaling when you have a panic or anxiety invasion.

Once you really feel your nervousness visiting a go, you are able to help obtain the thoughts of stress in check by controlling your inhaling and exhaling. When you are concerned, your breathing price improves, which alone, can cause a increased sense of fear. Inhale in and out gradually, counting to 4 on each take in and breathe out. As well as decreasing your respiration, furthermore, it will give you something to focus on apart from the way to obtain your anxiety.

Concerned thoughts could be decreased by viewing a funny movie or Tv program. Films this way enable you to place your way of life back into standpoint.

Figure out how to meditate. There are many different approaches to meditate, and they all have the impact of releasing your brain from concerned feelings. Relaxation is not really something that you at any time overcome, so will not be worried about doing the work right. A simple way to rehearse meditation is usually to lighting a candle and gently gaze with the flames for 10-20 minutes. Rest silently, and simply enable your thoughts move through the mind with out quitting them.

What is a thing that can help strike stress and anxiety from the life? Smiling and joking greatly assist in the direction of dealing with and combating anxiousness. Bear in mind exactly what makes you content and what you really are grateful for. When a panic or anxiety assault is encroaching, use a giggle.

Treatment and therapy aren’t just for those who have mental health disorders or mental troubles. These therapeutic solutions can help including the most typical and properly rounded men and women deal with their lifestyles far better. It is nice to obtain somebody that is impartial regarding your life to talk to and allow you to work through your troubles.

Create two words instructed with the issue that is causing you to stressed. You need to be fully positive only take note of positive things. Vent within the other message discuss how you want to work through your anxiety and discuss your rage associated with the circumstance. Acquiring all your thoughts and inner thoughts out can help you feel better.

Begin producing inside a gratitude diary. At the end of each day, write down at least several stuff you were actually grateful for. Start seeing each of the fantastic beneficial things in your life and move your focus away from home on things that set off be concerned, stress or negativity.

Look at making or becoming a member of a support class. People who have nervousness usually truly feel by yourself or confusing. When surrounded with other people of like imagination and issue, you will find a number of ways to find respite from your signs and symptoms. You’re heading so that you can let other individuals really know what serves you nicely and exactly what does not, and you can will also get aid yourself.

There may be multiple sort of nervousness that is available. In case you are unclear about what type of nervousness you happen to be suffering from, you ought to go over points with your physician just before looking for treatment or another causes of assist. This skilled should be able to allow you to establish your activates.

Stress and anxiety is frequently based on outside, instead of internal, factors. Because of this,it is important to pinpoint what causes tension, and nervousness. Once these trouble spots are already found, it is actually easy to attempt to take them off out of your life. If you are unable to take them out entirely, you may, perhaps, reduce them.

To assist you get over interpersonal anxiety, it is important that you are not very difficult on yourself. People have insecurities and unusual things about them. People have issues. You do not have to execute a perfect societal performance, just to be approved by the majority of people. Actually, some people are changed entirely away from through this conduct.

As stated earlier, anxiety can get its hold on any person from any go walking of daily life. Hopefully, this information has offered you some beneficial information and facts you may apply to your own personal situations and make use of to live a more content existence with less anxiety and anxiety and much more productivity and freedom, as anyone deserves to.

February 14, 2024|Editor

How to Use the Radionics Alarm Manual

radionics alarm manual

Radionics 2212 alarm system is renowned for its reliability, scalability, and user-friendly interface. One key function is notifying a designated contact in case of emergency or security breach.

To achieve this goal, you will need to program both your primary phone number and any event-specific phone numbers into your system. This article provides guidance and troubleshooting advice in programming your system.


Some Radionics home security systems and keypads, depending on the model, feature a set of numbered commands to manage how you arm and disarm your system as well as program functions and other settings. Older Radionics panels such as D8112 and D6112 as well as some older keypads (222A, 225A, and 232A) utilize this command format. Please refer to your User Manual for specific guidance for newer models that follow different formats.

Pressing this key followed by your Owner Code tests the bell, battery and telephone line connections in that order. In addition, pressing this key also performs a “smoke detector reset” on burglary/fire panels with fire alarm monitoring by temporarily disabling power to 2-wire smoke detector loop and reseting any tripped smokes.


Radionics burglar alarm panels and keypads have long followed a standard format for entering system commands. Most typically, commands are entered sequentially across models; with some keypads (including the 6112 and D2112 Radionics models) using dedicated Command buttons with various functions depending on system programming or user manual instructions.

Command 4 (“smoke detector reset”) temporarily cuts power to the two-wire smoke detector loop on 6112 systems, reseting any tripped or damaged detectors that might have activated during an alarm event. For more information, consult your specific panel and keypad manual.

Other commands, including Command 5 (“arm all on”) and 6 (“Arm part on with exit delay”), allow users to arm a system according to specific programming needs. Meanwhile, Commands 8 (bypass zone) and 11 (unbypass zone) serve trouble-call purposes only.


Radionics alarm panels (and their keypads) traditionally used a standard format of commands across models of their system. Their respective burglar alarm manuals will offer further explanations on how best to utilize these commands.

Radionics burglary/fire control panels equipped with 2-wire smoke detector loops support this command to perform a fire detector reset, temporarily suspending power to it in order to reset any tripped detectors back to normal operation.

Radionics panels (and their Bosch/ADT successors) are not DIY friendly; their firmware requires an access programmer with a dealer code in order to program these older panels. You’ll either need access from previous owners with master passcodes or installation codes in order to program these older panels, or purchase and utilize one from an alarm company in your area that sells and stocks these older pieces in their inventory.


Radionics (now Bosch Security) equipment features an inbuilt feature to alert you if there is an issue, typically through keypad beeps on your system keypads. These beeps serve to bring awareness to any potential issues in order to investigate further; their beeps range from long, slow to rapid beeps depending on which model and keypad combination your alarm system utilizes.

On most models of systems with keypads, Command 4 allows you to monitor for trouble conditions using its keypad. Entering this number acknowledges a problem condition and also silences a beeping keypad (for more on how this works see our article on Silencing a Beeping Keypad). Following it up with other digits can perform diagnostic functions; entering Command 40 on a 6112 will display up to four trouble events within its Trouble Event Buffer.

For older Radionics systems, Command 7 and Command 9 may help bypass an area on the panel and arm around any faulted points until service can be scheduled – this may even be enough to resolve an issue!

Sometimes it may be more cost effective to switch over from Radionics equipment to more modern home alarm monitoring equipment. Request free quotes for new monitoring from dealers near you.

February 14, 2024|Editor

Healing With Energy Medicine

healing with energy medicine

Energy healing involves manipulating subtle energy fields believed to exist within and around the body in order to support its natural healing ability. Research studies on forms like acupuncture, Reiki and healing touch have demonstrated benefits including pain reduction.

Jill Blakeway is an award-winning Chinese medicine practitioner and scholar who investigates energy healing.

1. It Works

Energy healing techniques like Reiki, EFT or tapping on specific acupressure points will be utilized by an energy healer in order to clear and balance your energies, returning your body back into harmony and homeostasis.

Although mainstream science has traditionally disproved of “vitalism”, the idea that living matter contains vital forces, numerous studies now support its existence and demonstrate how powerfully and significantly human energy fields influence bodily processes such as healing. Furthermore, such therapies as therapeutic touch and healing touch can rebalance energy fields to treat disease more effectively.

Not only can these techniques address the energetic foundations of a problem, they can also foster greater connection and compassion between physician and patient during healing processes. Indeed, some forms of energy medicine such as pulsed electromagnetic fields have already been employed by physicians in helping fractures heal faster while static magnets have been shown to ease pain relief.

Energy healing modalities are non-invasive, non-intrusive solutions that can be performed either in-person or remotely. When visiting in person, you’ll recline fully clothed on a treatment table as the practitioner assesses your energy field using various means – usually feeling your energy with their hands while off of your body or by dowsing within it.

At an in-person session, you will first discuss any concerns or goals with the practitioner. They’ll use their training and modalities to address them while still accommodating what your body requires at that particular moment in time – many clients leave feeling nurtured, balanced, and revitalized!

Energy healing is a quick and accessible way to bring harmony back into your mind, body, and spirit. You can use energy healing for anything from PMS symptoms and anxiety/depression relief all the way through to improving fertility by balancing hormones and decreasing inflammation.

2. It’s Safe

Energy healing has become an increasingly common trend among mainstream health professionals, helping with anxiety, stress and depression as well as cancer treatment side effects, arthritis and migraine symptoms, among other ailments. Furthermore, energy healing has been shown to speed healing times post surgery while simultaneously decreasing pain levels while increasing emotional resilience and spiritual growth.

Energy medicine is a holistic healing practice that uses an invisible field of energy known as the etheric blueprint to heal body organs, cells and the mind. By altering an imbalanced energy pattern and changing an imbalanced pattern in it, energy medicine may provide one of the most effective and least-invasive means to improve organ, cell and mental function. Drawing upon centuries-old practices such as acupuncture, kinesiology and yoga as well as practitioners trained to use intuition or physical sensations to detect an energy field imbalance, energy medicine seeks to address problems within this invisible field of energy field that surrounds human existence.

Practitioners believe that life force energy of an individual is their natural healing force and that optimal health depends upon its balance and flow. This energy has many names such as chi, prana, ki spirit etheric energy bio-cosmic energy among others – many cultures and healing traditions consider this life force energy essential in driving healing ability.

Though scientific evidence for energy healing is limited, an integrative medicine clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics lists energy healing techniques like therapeutic touch, healing touch and spiritual healing as safe complementary therapies for children. And although finding a qualified practitioner is paramount to successful energy work, studies have revealed how using energy can significantly decrease pain and anxiety levels while simultaneously increasing relaxation levels and improving measures of autonomic nervous system balance like blood pressure and heart rate.

Research also shows that meditation and other forms of mindfulness can have profound effects on energy levels. Benefits may include reduced heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rates as well as relaxation – all which support your body’s energetic healing processes. Furthermore, energy healing sessions often feel like massage for your soul – making this approach to wellness an appealing one.

3. It’s Effective

Energy healing may sound far-fetched, but they’re actually quite effective. Our body is much more than muscles and bones – an imbalance in our subtle energy field can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and mood disorders – leading to additional physical problems.

Although its exact mechanisms have yet to be scientifically identified, several theories exist which support its efficacy, including bioelectrical processes in the body and prayer and intention on healing, quantum compatibility and holistic approaches that integrate mind, body and spirit health.

Practitioners of energy medicine use healing energies to balance and rebalance the body’s energetic channels, returning them to homeostasis (balance). By doing this, energy medicine practitioners are often successful in treating diseases that cannot be effectively addressed by conventional Western medicine alone.

As energy healing becomes an increasingly popular practice, more practitioners are becoming certified. Before choosing one of them as your healer, do your research carefully – ensure they are reliable and possess extensive experience to back their expertise up.

Home remedies also include energy healing techniques that can provide assistance for common ailments. Emotional Freedom Technique, commonly referred to as tapping, is one such healing modality available at home that involves tapping specific acupressure points while repeating two phrases: A) what’s bothering and upsetting you about this situation and B) your desired outcome or what change would help in life.

Other energy healing modalities involve practitioners moving their hands over the body without touching it, in order to identify an imbalance in subtle energy fields and then correct or strengthen them to promote health. Examples of such practices are Acupuncture, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese medicine which focus equally on body, mind and spirit health – many have existed for millennia while others are more recent developments within alternative medicine.

4. It’s Fun

Body energies provide a natural source of healing. They support immunity and the wellbeing of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and karma bodies as well as helping propel you toward spiritual development. Energy work is an ancient yet safe medicine available today – from minor aches and pains to clearing illness or trauma issues like inner child issues or ancestral karma releasing negative beliefs such as inner child issues or ancestral karma release.

Traditional healers believe there is an invisible, interconnected flow of energies coursing through and around your body daily, like wind. Though invisible, these subtle energies play a pivotal role in maintaining good health – disease arises when this energy becomes blocked or weakened and restoration back to balance brings healing.

As you explore energy healing modalities, you may discover it to be enjoyable! These practices typically don’t require physical contact (clothes on, hands off or light touch) and usually work faster than conventional medicine. Energy healing has many applications: it can alleviate aches and pains; clear illnesses; address emotional trauma such as depression anxiety PTSD etc; alleviate emotional trauma by shifting heavy emotions more efficiently etc…

This is one of the easiest and most fun ways to practice self-healing without needing an outside practitioner. Each month you’ll discover a different energy healing practice and begin applying it on yourself – tools you’ll be able to use for years! And see firsthand the profound difference they bring!

We will explore Donna Eden’s body energy work. Donna Eden is an influential leader in this field and was instrumental in popularizing energy healing to the public. With her playful, funny, yet deeply grounded voice she will provide an evidence-based case for expanding this ancient healing practice. Our curriculum includes video lessons with Donna as well as 50+ exclusive energetic tools she and David only ever teach during live workshops – simple techniques which can heal, soothe and rebalance in minutes every day!