What is the Quantum Radionic Table?
The quantum radionic table is an integrative healing tool, combining Dowsing and Psionics (Holographic Mind Projection). Based on Radionics, Radiesthesia and Sacred Geometry it allows practitioners to identify and clear energetic blockages at the mental, emotional and physical levels.
To conduct a radiesthesic search, write the name and contact details of the witness you want to test on the Decagon (radionic graphic No 1) before charging it with radioactive material.
The table
The quantum radionic table is an effective therapeutic tool that combines dowsing, psionic radionics and magic to dissolve negative energies, pave the path for success and foster harmonious relationships. Furthermore, this tool can assist with balancing emotions, beliefs and patterns that exist across life’s many facets.
A square table featuring various layers of sacred geometry and symbols. The first layer includes a dowsing clock whose five radiesthesia charts enable users to make measurements and select chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart throat 3rd eye crown); along with tools and frequencies.
Next, the table features a seven-pointed star (septagram), which serves to protect and invisibilize your work. Above it lies a decagon connecting to Ansata Cross – wherein lies the highest concentration of power within quantum radionics table – while in its lower portion sits a matrix of planetary and cosmic energies including violet fusion energy associated with Master Saint Germain and blue energy connected with Archangel Michael.
By using a pendulum, you can choose among these vibrational patterns one that corresponds with your aspirations or request. Once found, use it to ask any relevant egregoras (energetic frequencies of angelic hierarchy) questions about this specific vibrational pattern.
For optimal results, it is essential that the pendulum be placed at the center of each case and allowed to oscillate several times until its balance point has been found. Furthermore, you will require pen and paper ready in order to record answers from your pendulum as well as a sheet where all questions posed to it during every consultation can be listed in an organized fashion.
Quantum Radionics Table can help you connect with your Higher Self and open communication lines with angelic hierarchies, opening access to guidance and support from White Brotherhood and Master of Universe on your healing journey. Accessing their infinite power of love and light is made possible through this technology.
The dowsing
Dowsing is the practice of using a pendulum to seek answers about invisible energies. Dowsers believe that by concentrating on their question and the object of interest, a psychic connection is created. From there they interpret how the pendulum swings as a response. Although some doubt the effectiveness of this technique, many swear by it nonetheless; though scientific explanations for dowsing remain lacking and it could possibly connect to energy fields surrounding inanimate objects.
Numerous tests have been carried out to test the effectiveness of dowsing. One extensive experiment involved asking dowsers to locate hidden water sources with remarkable accuracy; yet scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon; perhaps due to beliefs and desires driving dowsers themselves? Other researchers have researched whether or not dowsers can detect mineral presence; unfortunately these experiments yield inconclusive results.
While skeptics may doubt dowsing’s efficacy, many practitioners use this technique for spiritual healing. Dowsers believe all living and inanimate objects possess an energy force or vibration and that their psyche can tune in to this energy by using a dowsing rod or stick to communicate with it.
Dowsing rods may be made of copper or brass and equipped with flat ends designed to hold palms securely. They’re attached to chains held in both hands. In order to get accurate answers, dowsers must remain calm and focused when holding the rods; standing before an object or area and concentrating while holding onto them can help ensure an accurate reading. Sometimes people subconsciously move the rods due to an effect known as “ideomotor effect,” though this phenomenon is rare and easily overcome by remaining still and focusing their mind.
The quantum radionic table is an innovative holistic healing instrument that utilizes dowsing, psionics, sacred geometry and healing frequencies to balance, harmonize and cleanse energies. Additionally, this table can also be used for remote healing sessions as it serves as a powerful shield against negative energies and influences; furthermore it’s great for spiritual development, balancing emotions beliefs patterns of behavior as well as helping clear past negative karma to help individuals live more fully within Divine Order.
The chart
This quantum healing instrument, using dowsing and radionics with sacred geometry, balances and harmonizes energies at all levels of your being, enabling you to release any karmic constraints which have limited your potential and liberate your soul. Furthermore, its cleansing effects restore Divine Order to your energy field, enabling greater fluidity, lightness and personal fulfillment through co-creating life together with it.
This radiesthesic radionic circuit amplifies and charges any evidence you have previously presented on a Decagon (No.1 graphic). This technique is especially beneficial to novice radiesthesistians in training; using its unique shape, this circuit will enable more precise and reliable questions of your pendulum by providing extra energy boost on responses.
Use this radiesthesic radionic circuit to increase your sensitiveness, or as part of an energy healing or therapy practice; using your pendulum, you will develop an entirely new level of sensitivity which will serve you in professional activity. Simply place your witness subject at the center of the figure, then mentally state: I ABSORB THE ENERGIES OF THIS GRAPHIC CIRCUIT.
This radiesthesic radionic chart is an effective and powerful tool that works on an energetic level to help you harmonise relationships within yourself and with loved ones. Additionally, it opens your connection with angelic and white brothers/sisters of all levels for support across your being. Furthermore, energy from entities like Exu and Pomba Gira (known in spiritual practices like Umbanda and Candomble) may assist with clearing away obstacles from your path preventing success and abundance in all aspects of your life; further fostering spiritual development fostering greater self-awareness while increasing love towards all.
The session
Psionic tables are instruments designed to balance and harmonize energy in all aspects of life. Used effectively, they can clear away limiting beliefs, patterns, habits and situations as well as help accept reality, forgive others and break free of past baggage. Furthermore, this treatment also works on an astral and etheric level to clear past negative karma as well as clearing chakras and aura blocks.
Radionic sessions can be conducted for people, animals, houses or situations. To search for specific subjects, the radiesthesic operator creates a question on the Decagon (graphic No. 1) with their name written out clearly so the pendulum can test it: “Has [name of witness] received energy from this radionic circuit to succeed in [field].” Be mindful of all parameters discussed on page 6 concerning The Right Formulation Of Questions as this will ensure correct interpretation by the pendulum.
Once complete, a radiesthesic operator should then examine the time of radionic emission from this circuit on a compass by placing subject witness in its center. They should ask themselves “WHO HAS RECEIVED THE ENERGY OF THIS CIRCUIT FOR SUCCESSFULNESS IN THIS FIELD?”
The Guardians of the Hermetic Radionic Table are powerful entities honored within spiritual practices such as Umbanda and Candomble. Additionally, these entities serve as protectors for all humans embodied by universal principles of compassion and the natural law of charity. By clearing away negative energy blockages they create opportunities for success, abundance, and harmony across all aspects of life.
Regia Prado offers an online course and live training designed to increase your knowledge and use of the Quantum Psionic Table, including four Practitioner levels taught by Raquel Sacramento, an international holistic therapist and teacher.