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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

August 7, 2024|Editorial

What is the Quantum Radionic Table?

The quantum radionic table is an integrative healing tool, combining Dowsing and Psionics (Holographic Mind Projection). Based on Radionics, Radiesthesia and Sacred Geometry it allows practitioners to identify and clear energetic blockages at the mental, emotional and physical levels.

To conduct a radiesthesic search, write the name and contact details of the witness you want to test on the Decagon (radionic graphic No 1) before charging it with radioactive material.

The table

The quantum radionic table is an effective therapeutic tool that combines dowsing, psionic radionics and magic to dissolve negative energies, pave the path for success and foster harmonious relationships. Furthermore, this tool can assist with balancing emotions, beliefs and patterns that exist across life’s many facets.

A square table featuring various layers of sacred geometry and symbols. The first layer includes a dowsing clock whose five radiesthesia charts enable users to make measurements and select chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart throat 3rd eye crown); along with tools and frequencies.

Next, the table features a seven-pointed star (septagram), which serves to protect and invisibilize your work. Above it lies a decagon connecting to Ansata Cross – wherein lies the highest concentration of power within quantum radionics table – while in its lower portion sits a matrix of planetary and cosmic energies including violet fusion energy associated with Master Saint Germain and blue energy connected with Archangel Michael.

By using a pendulum, you can choose among these vibrational patterns one that corresponds with your aspirations or request. Once found, use it to ask any relevant egregoras (energetic frequencies of angelic hierarchy) questions about this specific vibrational pattern.


For optimal results, it is essential that the pendulum be placed at the center of each case and allowed to oscillate several times until its balance point has been found. Furthermore, you will require pen and paper ready in order to record answers from your pendulum as well as a sheet where all questions posed to it during every consultation can be listed in an organized fashion.

Quantum Radionics Table can help you connect with your Higher Self and open communication lines with angelic hierarchies, opening access to guidance and support from White Brotherhood and Master of Universe on your healing journey. Accessing their infinite power of love and light is made possible through this technology.

The dowsing

Dowsing is the practice of using a pendulum to seek answers about invisible energies. Dowsers believe that by concentrating on their question and the object of interest, a psychic connection is created. From there they interpret how the pendulum swings as a response. Although some doubt the effectiveness of this technique, many swear by it nonetheless; though scientific explanations for dowsing remain lacking and it could possibly connect to energy fields surrounding inanimate objects.

Numerous tests have been carried out to test the effectiveness of dowsing. One extensive experiment involved asking dowsers to locate hidden water sources with remarkable accuracy; yet scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon; perhaps due to beliefs and desires driving dowsers themselves? Other researchers have researched whether or not dowsers can detect mineral presence; unfortunately these experiments yield inconclusive results.

While skeptics may doubt dowsing’s efficacy, many practitioners use this technique for spiritual healing. Dowsers believe all living and inanimate objects possess an energy force or vibration and that their psyche can tune in to this energy by using a dowsing rod or stick to communicate with it.

Dowsing rods may be made of copper or brass and equipped with flat ends designed to hold palms securely. They’re attached to chains held in both hands. In order to get accurate answers, dowsers must remain calm and focused when holding the rods; standing before an object or area and concentrating while holding onto them can help ensure an accurate reading. Sometimes people subconsciously move the rods due to an effect known as “ideomotor effect,” though this phenomenon is rare and easily overcome by remaining still and focusing their mind.


The quantum radionic table is an innovative holistic healing instrument that utilizes dowsing, psionics, sacred geometry and healing frequencies to balance, harmonize and cleanse energies. Additionally, this table can also be used for remote healing sessions as it serves as a powerful shield against negative energies and influences; furthermore it’s great for spiritual development, balancing emotions beliefs patterns of behavior as well as helping clear past negative karma to help individuals live more fully within Divine Order.

The chart

This quantum healing instrument, using dowsing and radionics with sacred geometry, balances and harmonizes energies at all levels of your being, enabling you to release any karmic constraints which have limited your potential and liberate your soul. Furthermore, its cleansing effects restore Divine Order to your energy field, enabling greater fluidity, lightness and personal fulfillment through co-creating life together with it.

This radiesthesic radionic circuit amplifies and charges any evidence you have previously presented on a Decagon (No.1 graphic). This technique is especially beneficial to novice radiesthesistians in training; using its unique shape, this circuit will enable more precise and reliable questions of your pendulum by providing extra energy boost on responses.

Use this radiesthesic radionic circuit to increase your sensitiveness, or as part of an energy healing or therapy practice; using your pendulum, you will develop an entirely new level of sensitivity which will serve you in professional activity. Simply place your witness subject at the center of the figure, then mentally state: I ABSORB THE ENERGIES OF THIS GRAPHIC CIRCUIT.

This radiesthesic radionic chart is an effective and powerful tool that works on an energetic level to help you harmonise relationships within yourself and with loved ones. Additionally, it opens your connection with angelic and white brothers/sisters of all levels for support across your being. Furthermore, energy from entities like Exu and Pomba Gira (known in spiritual practices like Umbanda and Candomble) may assist with clearing away obstacles from your path preventing success and abundance in all aspects of your life; further fostering spiritual development fostering greater self-awareness while increasing love towards all.

The session

Psionic tables are instruments designed to balance and harmonize energy in all aspects of life. Used effectively, they can clear away limiting beliefs, patterns, habits and situations as well as help accept reality, forgive others and break free of past baggage. Furthermore, this treatment also works on an astral and etheric level to clear past negative karma as well as clearing chakras and aura blocks.

Radionic sessions can be conducted for people, animals, houses or situations. To search for specific subjects, the radiesthesic operator creates a question on the Decagon (graphic No. 1) with their name written out clearly so the pendulum can test it: “Has [name of witness] received energy from this radionic circuit to succeed in [field].” Be mindful of all parameters discussed on page 6 concerning The Right Formulation Of Questions as this will ensure correct interpretation by the pendulum.

Once complete, a radiesthesic operator should then examine the time of radionic emission from this circuit on a compass by placing subject witness in its center. They should ask themselves “WHO HAS RECEIVED THE ENERGY OF THIS CIRCUIT FOR SUCCESSFULNESS IN THIS FIELD?”

The Guardians of the Hermetic Radionic Table are powerful entities honored within spiritual practices such as Umbanda and Candomble. Additionally, these entities serve as protectors for all humans embodied by universal principles of compassion and the natural law of charity. By clearing away negative energy blockages they create opportunities for success, abundance, and harmony across all aspects of life.

Regia Prado offers an online course and live training designed to increase your knowledge and use of the Quantum Psionic Table, including four Practitioner levels taught by Raquel Sacramento, an international holistic therapist and teacher.

August 7, 2024|Editorial

Resonant Voice Therapy Steps

Resonant voice therapy has proven itself an effective solution for treating various voice disorders. The approach involves training patients to feel vibrations at the front of their faces (i.e., anterior alveolar ridge and lips) during easy phonation as well as voiced and voiceless sounds.

Teaching clients how to implement this technique into their everyday conversation can be challenging. Adherence and generalization are crucial in order to successfully complete any treatment program.

1. Listen to the Vocal Signal

Resonant Voice Therapy is an evidence-based method of improving vocal quality and harnessing its power for maximum impact in all settings. It has proven highly successful at treating various voice disorders, including muscle tension dysphonia. Reducing strain on the vocal folds reduces fatigue while simultaneously increasing stamina for improved communication across settings – leading to more confident and impactful communications in all situations.

Resonant voice techniques train patients to speak with forward focus and easy phonations, striving to produce a resonant voice with sensations of vibration in the lips, teeth, upper lip and nose of a speaker – as opposed to production that involves vibration in their throats (laryngeal adduction). Furthermore, these techniques optimize breath support, reduce speaking effort, increase phonation flexibility and improve voice quality.

Nodules or polyps can make producing a resonant voice difficult for clients with difficulty, making speech production an ongoing struggle. In such instances, adding a silent hum at the beginning of words and sentences may help accentuate its sound, eventually subsiding as clients produce natural glottal onsets without added strain or vibrato.

Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) is one of the most frequently employed resonant voice therapy protocols, used for treating vocal nodules and polyps and overuse patterns. Furthermore, LMRVT is proven to reduce strain on vocal folds while improving stamina.

In this free webinar, we will introduce the basic concepts of LMRVT and demonstrate step-by-step instruction for performing it in practice. Emphasis will be on teaching clinicians to listen for vocal signals to guide patients in developing resonant phonation and voice production. Furthermore, we will cover adherence and generalization challenges within LMRVT therapy – two major hurdles encountered by voice therapy clients that must be navigated successfully for maximum efficacy of treatment outcomes.

2. Listen to Your Breath

Resonant voice therapy helps individuals develop powerful, effortless voices by optimizing resonance while minimizing strain on the vocal folds. Through various adaptive strategies such as vocal placement exercises, breathing exercises, and resonant humming exercises, Resonant Voice Therapy improves your quality of voice while decreasing throat tension and hoarseness, giving you confidence to speak in even difficult environments with clarity and ease.

Resonant voice techniques aim to bring vibratory sensations into the front of the body, such as buzzing or tickling sensations in lips, nose, teeth and anterior alveolar ridge of the mouth (or “mask”) as well as airborne. Vibrations should feel balanced when practicing easy phonation (voiced versus voiceless sounds); when moving through vocal range vibration will feel more focused on the sternum and ribs than larynx.

Practice Resonant Voice Techniques You will learn to quickly switch between disordered and healthy voices, helping reduce fatigue and avoid injuries. Your voice will also resonate more freely and sound more beautiful!

Many individuals suffer from issues related to pitch and tone that lead to hoarseness, weakness or breathiness in their voice. This issue often stems from excessive muscle tension or poor breath support; through Resonant Voice Therapy we learn techniques for relieving unnecessary tension while supporting the voice properly for greater strength and stamina.

Resonant voice therapy offers many advantages for improving both professional presence and interpersonal relationships, as well as building stronger bonds within families. Not only can it strengthen vocal technique, but its benefits extend far beyond this; resonant voice therapy can boost your confidence, assist with speaking more clearly in challenging circumstances, and foster harmony within the home environment. To find out how resonant voice therapy could benefit you further, speak to a qualified speech-language pathologist; they have expert guidance that can help you master these techniques to unleash your full vocal potential!

3. Listen to Your Mouth

Resonant voice therapy is an extremely effective solution to vocal fold nodules and muscle tension dysphonia, teaching patients to speak in a forward focus that shifts power away from vocal folds, thus decreasing tension levels and tension-related voice disorders. Resonant voice therapy demystifies anatomy and techniques while targeting common disorders to unlock one’s true vocal potential and unlock it for everyone involved.

Resonant Voice Therapy utilizes vocal cues to increase patients’ awareness of their own vocal production. This may involve simple sounds like “bum humming” to help patients sense vibrations in the front of their mouth and face, as well as exercises designed to practice feeling resonant voices such as lip trills, tongue out trills, y-buzzing or straw phonating. Therapists will also instruct their patients how to monitor their own voice production by placing fingers under their nose or in front of their mouth which indicates continuous airflow during production of resonant voices.

Once a patient has acquired the ability to find their resonant voice, they will be able to use this skill in conversational settings. Therapists will gradually introduce more complex sounds and phrases designed to transition RVT into functionally relevant speech, such as questioning the client using their own resonant voice (e.g. “What did you have for breakfast?”). This will enable the client to build self-efficacy with this form of speech while feeling more secure speaking in real-life scenarios.

Resonant Voice Therapy (RVT) is an evidence-based practice proven to improve both the acoustic and perceptual characteristics of voice, including resonance, intensity and loudness. RVT promotes healthy voicing patterns while treating voice disorders such as muscle tension dysphonia, vocal nodules and glottic insufficiency. For more information about this therapy visit ASHA’s Practice Portal page on Voice Disorders.

4. Listen to Your Voice

Resonant voice exercises when combined with other therapeutic approaches, optimize vocal resonance while decreasing strain on the vocal folds, enabling individuals to communicate more effectively in all aspects of life – for singers this could mean improved range and vibrant singing voice; for business professionals and everyday individuals this could mean reduced hoarseness and increased confidence when it comes to communicating.

Voice production involves the adduction and abduction of vocal folds during voice production, which impacts larynx vibration and harmonics/formants production. If these mechanisms become impaired, vocal strain increases further leading to muscle tension dysphonia or vocal nodules forming in response to muscle strain. Resonant voice techniques may help alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions while also helping prevent or lessen future nodule formation by decreasing episodes of fatigue/stretch thus helping prevent or lessen future nodule formation.

Resonant Voice Therapy (RVT) is an evidence-based clinical approach that involves using resonant humming, voice placement and breathing exercises to maximize vocal resonance and promote optimal vocal health. RVT has proven itself effective against various voice disorders.

RVT starts by emphasizing oral vibratory sensations during easy phonation and progresses through various vocal functions (vocal trills, voiced vs voiceless sounds, sentence level speech) until we achieve a strong clean voice with minimum effort required to produce it. Our RVT-specific laryngeal pattern maximizes laryngeal health and function.

RVT treats not only posture and movement of the head and neck but also vocal cord strain by targeting these aspects of movement. As RVT is an all-inclusive treatment approach, skilled speech-language pathologists will be able to implement it across multiple clinical settings.

Start Resonant Voice Therapy Now Speak to your speech-language pathologist about its benefits before embarking on it yourself. They can create an exercise plan tailored to your unique voice needs, while our shop contains patient handouts and other SLP resources.

August 7, 2024|Editorial

Health Benefits of Vibration Physical Therapy

Vibration therapy uses vibration to force your muscles to contract and relax, increasing blood flow and supporting natural healing processes.

Your therapist may utilize a mechanical vibrating machine or device which applies pressure directly to specific muscle areas of the body, with frequency and amplitude settings adjusted according to your condition.

Increased Blood Flow

Vibration therapy causes your muscles to contract and relax rapidly in sequences similar to intense exercise. This causes muscles to strengthen and tone up quickly while stimulating natural healing processes in the body – this may relieve nerve pain as well as promote recovery in injured tissues, muscles, tendons or ligaments.

Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers. Coupled with improved circulation and muscle healing, these effects can dramatically enhance quality of life while decreasing muscle pain, stiffness, swelling and increasing range of motion.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of vibration training for improving blood flow to muscles. It may work because vibrations cause your artery and vein walls to expand, leading to more oxygen-rich blood circulating throughout your body, leading to improved muscle performance and therefore improvement.

Vibration training offers another advantage of improving proprioception – your body’s sense of movement and positioning – which can enhance balance and coordination, making vibration therapy an excellent solution for individuals suffering from balance issues as well as those recovering from injuries.

Studies have also revealed that vibration therapy can increase bone density and enhance motor function for those suffering from spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries, reduce spasms, build muscle tone and build resistance against Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, side-alternating vibration treatment optimizes “motor relearning” according to the principle of repetition to expedite rehabilitation – in turn alleviating other conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis pain and fibromyalgia symptoms as well.

Relieves Tense Muscles

Vibration therapy is an effective way to relax tense muscles, increase flexibility and build strength at the same time. Vibration causes your muscles to contract and relax several times every second – this helps increase blood flow to muscles and joints and has numerous health benefits for athletes as well as people suffering from conditions such as joint pain, back/neck issues, osteoporosis or balance issues.

Vibration massage may help relieve muscle spasms in both the back and neck areas, as well as myofascial pain syndrome, which involves tight bands of muscles which become painful with compression or pressure. Vibrations help ease this tension in these bands, leading to decreased symptoms like tingling or numbness.

Studies suggest vibration therapy could provide significant musculoskeletal health benefits, including osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Vibration therapy could improve bone density as well as decrease muscular atrophy to prevent fractures; furthermore it could assist with pain management as well as speed up recovery from injury or surgery.

Are you interested in experiencing the health and fitness benefits of vibration therapy? Visit our physical therapy facility in Williamsburg! Our team of highly-experienced therapists can help find a customized solution to fit your condition – such as knee rehabilitation, balance/fall prevention, low back pain relief, CVA/stroke rehab rehabilitation services, osteoporosis rehabilitation and much more! Get in touch today for an appointment; let’s make you stronger together.

Promotes Natural Healing

Vibration therapy employs mechanical force to increase circulation, speeding healing and recovery while also aiding soft tissue repairs such as ligaments, muscles and discs. Vibration therapy‘s passive therapy method reduces pain, inflammation and limited range of motion by relaxing compressed tissues allowing your body to heal naturally without surgery or need for drugs or narcotics.

More and more medical professionals are turning to vibration therapy as an effective way of improving balance, strength, flexibility and bone density. This noninvasive technique has been shown to stimulate both endocrine system activity and muscle function as well as osteoblastic activity (the cells responsible for building bones).

Vibration therapy uses vibrations to cause muscles to contract and relax rapidly, similar to exercising. This provides tissue stimulation, increased blood flow, improved muscle tone and strengthened tendons – all which reduce injuries or strains.

Whole-body vibration therapy provided by BAHI therapy can enhance proprioception – the body’s sense of movement and positioning – to assist older adults as well as people recovering from injuries or surgeries in improving posture, gait and balance.

Vibration therapy stimulates the endocrine system to produce growth hormones and cytokines that promote healing, tissue regeneration, and accelerate recovery after intense workouts. Therefore, vibration therapy has become an invaluable way of combatting chronic conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia as well as treating sports injuries and improving recovery after intensive workouts. For these reasons, vibration therapy has quickly gained in popularity over recent years – the buzz around vibration therapy may just be the key to reaching your fitness, health, and wellness goals – talk with one of our physical therapists today about what could work for you.

Boosts Metabolism

Vibration therapy is an excellent way to speed up metabolism and burn more calories. Vibrations cause your muscles to contract and relax repeatedly, simulating regular exercise. Furthermore, vibration therapy increases blood flow to muscles and joints which aids healing injuries while providing additional strength and endurance benefits – giving you more strength than ever!

Vibrating your body can also improve bone health, muscle function and the endocrine system. It does this by sending anabolic mechanical signals through bone and musculo-tendinous systems to positively influence muscle function training and regulation of the endocrine system. Vibrations activate mechanoreceptors within your musculoskeletal system which stimulate production of growth factors and bone-specific proteins that contribute to strong bones.

Researchers published in Endocrinology found that whole-body vibration recapitulated some of the positive benefits associated with regular exercise. Their results showed that 20 minutes of daily vibration — similar to what you’d spend running on a treadmill– reduced insulin levels while improving muscle and bone strength among obese mice with Type II diabetes. Fat accumulation decreased less in liver areas that typically store excess lipids leading to liver disease while their skeletal muscles became stronger than control mice.

Vibration therapy also helped stimulate the release of endorphins – natural painkillers produced by your body–which helped reduce stress. Vibration therapy was found to boost joint lubrication, helping prevent arthritis symptoms while simultaneously improving cartilage by decreasing caspase-3 activity responsible for cartilage destruction, which helps preserve it while increasing production of lubricin–a protein that acts as a joint lubricant lubricant lubricant protein lubricant protein lubricant protein.

Increases Range of Motion

Vibration therapy works by stimulating muscle fibers to contract and relax, similar to what occurs during an exercise routine. This allows greater range of motion in joints by soothing tight muscles, improving circulation and relieving tension pain relief. Additionally, vibration therapy may also relieve symptoms by relieving tension-induced discomfort in circulation systems and relieving tension pain relief by relaxing tightened muscle mass and improving overall circulation.

Vibrant vibrations also promote bone health by increasing muscle and bone strength. Studies show that vibration can mimic the anabolic effects of physical loading by encouraging bone formation while decreasing bone resorption – thus decreasing osteoporosis risk and sarcopenia (loss of skeletal mass).

Whole-body vibration therapy can improve balance and gait, decreasing the risk of falls and injuries. Furthermore, whole-body vibration can provide muscle relief from soreness or aches while simultaneously helping increase growth and strength for faster healing from injuries.

Researchers conducted a study involving 19 healthy participants using a vibration platform for three minutes in order to observe its effects on balance and range of motion. Before and after this vibration period, measurements such as H-reflex amplitude and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion were recorded before and after. Results demonstrated that vibration suppressed monosynaptic pathways of plantarflexors, thus decreasing H-reflex amplitude while simultaneously increasing dorsiflexion range of motion.

Vibration technology shows great promise as an effective tool to enhance posture and gait, increase bone density and alleviate muscle soreness caused by exercise. If you’re interested in giving vibration therapy a try, make sure to discuss it with your physical therapist first to gain more information on its benefits and possible uses – MDM Physical Therapy team are always happy to answer questions regarding any aspect of physical therapy!

August 7, 2024|Editorial

The Best Bioresonance Devices For Holistic Wellness

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive holistic wellness approach gaining in popularity for all the right reasons. It has been found to assist with everything from allergies and pain relief, all the way through to managing autoimmune disease symptoms.

Bioresonance equipment can transfer the frequency spectra of homeopathic substances, nosodes, Bach flower remedies and patient blood onto carriers while attenuating or amplifying these frequencies.

1. Anywhere Healing’s Alpha Wearable

The Alpha device works to harmonize body’s energy, increasing wellness and vitality and helping healing while alleviating stress. It’s an ideal way to promote healing while alleviating tension.

Wearable electronic sensors are currently being utilized to monitor analytes present in biological fluids like blood, urine and sweat. Unfortunately, such sensors tend to collect turbid adhesion that impedes normal operation and limits their ability to detect analytes.

Spring wants to change that with its DoS devices that use liquid functional ink directly on the skin for adhesion and remain unaffected by movement. While still early stage development, they promise more stylish options than existing offerings with simpler usage.

2. The BICOM Optima

The BICOM Optima energy medicine device utilizes your body’s natural frequency to accurately identify and treat any health conditions you may be experiencing. The device analyzes energy wavelengths of substances placed on its input tray and detects those which don’t resonate well with your natural frequency spectrum; then uses frequencies which resonate harmoniously with the body to balance out these dissonant frequencies.

Preclinical evidence revealed that the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device could enhance cell vitality and wound healing rates of human connective tissue fibroblasts, representing a groundbreaking discovery which shows bioresonance treatments can have visible biological results.

In a full session, patients are placed on an electromagnetic mat while sitting or lying down and connected to the BICOM machine using special applicators. A therapist then selects from among various therapy programs available on-screen before selecting relevant applicators that record information collected by those applicators – then records this data into electromagnetic waves for transmission back into the body via BICOM device.

BICOM filters all information coming in through an external device into healthy-harmonic and pathological-disharmonic waves, then amplifies those that are healthy while sending any pathological ones back into your body to clear away electromagnetic recordings and restore equilibrium and restore health. This helps your natural frequencies return into equilibrium – something essential to reclaiming good health.

BICOM Optima is a stand-alone unit, and is ideal for doctors or naturopathic practitioners looking to work exclusively within their own practices. Additionally, there is also the BICOM optima Mobil available which gives more flexibility for therapists offering home visits or on-site appointments.

3. The BICOM Optima Mobil

Therapists traveling to client homes or clinics will find the mobile BICOM Optima is ideal, providing all of its functionality from the desktop version with added trolley and second aluminum case storage space for accessories. At only 7.5kg, it makes treatment portable! Utilizing energy waves, this device detects and plays back information which increases healthy frequencies while attenuating pathogenic or allergenic ones; additionally it eliminates toxins and blocks negative biofields.

Study results using cultured connective tissue fibroblasts using the BICOM Optima Mobil have demonstrated significant increases in cell vitality and regeneration/wound healing after treatment with bioresonance therapy, supporting its positive impacts seen across many case studies. This preclinical evidence further proves the success of bioresonance therapy treatments.

A typical BICOM session involves placing applicators on various body areas – forehead, hands, feet, organ areas or reflex zones while sitting or lying down – while sitting or lying down. When information enters, its bioresonance chip records and processes it using internal filters – such as when gluten stress is detected the mirror circuit inverts it so it still looks the same but eliminates harmful information.

Information gained through these sessions is then transmitted back into the body in the form of harmonic frequency patterns that stimulate self-regulating and healing processes. A 60-minute session may incorporate multiple therapy programs; some might use information gathered directly from within one’s own body while others use information obtained through substances.

BICOM can be used to treat both animals and humans alike. A veterinary surgeon shared that his young German shepherd with Borreliosis responded remarkably to just five BICOM sessions over two weeks of treatment; it was the first time this animal had shown such an effective response to treatment.

4. The BICOM Optima Plus

Bioresonance therapy is an holistic and drug-free way of testing for imbalances that could affect your body’s natural equilibrium, such as food sensitivities, nutritional imbalances, hormonal issues or any toxic substances entering the system. Bioresonance sessions usually last two hours while being monitored by electrodes that monitor electromagnetic wavelengths emitted from molecules.

This information is sent to a computer that can analyze it to detect imbalances and pinpoint frequencies to cancel out using an equalizer machine. By canceling out unwanted frequencies using counter frequency waves, an equalizer restores an effective and balanced electromagnetic field within cells to enable better cell communication – an approach proven effective against both biological and chemical toxins.

Since 1978 when Bicom bioresonance devices first hit the market, this therapeutic modality has grown increasingly popular around the globe. Noninvasively treating various chronic health conditions without adverse side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs or surgery – including cancer treatment! It is becoming more widely practiced across continents.

BICOM Optima Plus is one of the most advanced devices available and can detect a range of imbalances within your body and suggest solutions for correcting them. This makes it ideal for anyone looking to enhance their wellbeing without traditional pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures; indeed, patients suffering from cancer, arthritis and multiple sclerosis have used it successfully with excellent results, as have those suffering with symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia rheumatism.

5. The BICOM Optima

The BICOM Optima is the latest innovation in bioresonance therapy, featuring an on-screen therapy manual demonstrating where electrodes should be placed and offering constitutional support treatments concurrently while treating stressors; its primary channel can also treat stressors; additionally it features programs operating within the 1-25Hz frequency spectrum.

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative diagnostic and therapeutic procedure based on the principle that each organ, tissue and specific area (reflex zones) within our bodies has a distinct electromagnetic wave frequency pattern that should balance with each other; when diseased bodies exist these frequencies become imbalanced. By analyzing frequency patterns of an organism and cancelling out any disturbing ones with its BICOM bioresonance device, our bodies can return into equilibrium.

Although not considered an alternative form of medicine, the BICOM bioresonance device is becoming more and more popular with veterinarians and other health professionals due to its effectiveness in treating both animals and people. Noninvasive in design, many patients credit its effects for improved symptoms.

One such case involved a dog diagnosed with Borrelia who was treated using the BICOM bioresonance device; after only five sessions it had returned to health. Many other pet owners have similar stories of how their animals’ ailments have been eased thanks to BICOM; its stand-alone unit or mobile version provides greater treatment locations flexibility; both versions have been approved as medical devices of risk class IIa with equivalent therapeutic functions.

August 7, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony

Scalar energy is a type of healing light therapy which restores intercellular signal transmission and chemical exchange pathways within your body, to recharge energy stores. Scalar energy has also been shown to alleviate pain, strengthen immunity and boost vitality.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is the first device capable of applying healing scalar waves three different ways – Pure Scalar, Molecular Scalar and Rife Scalar modes.

Pure Scalar

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is a device that transmits healing scalar waves. These highly effective waves can draw energy directly from the environment without losing power over distance like electromagnetic waves do. Scalar energy has many other uses as well; for instance it increases cell wall permeability allowing more vital nutrients into cells and it aids with eliminating toxins from them more quickly; it’s suitable for people, animals, plants and can even treat various health conditions!

This small and portable device comes equipped with a frequency generator for regular EMF exposure and features an input coil to accept additional frequencies. Furthermore, there is also an internal frequency detector capable of identifying numerous health conditions; to make the most out of using this tool it is advised that a training course be attended prior to starting to use it.

Scalar fields have the power to heal both body and mind. Furthermore, they strengthen immunity while speeding cellular regeneration, raising spiritual awareness and decreasing stress levels; increasing spiritual insight while helping individuals sleep more soundly due to affecting cell DNA; plus they interact with your aura-made up of electromagnetic fields.

Pure Scalar Harmony can be applied in two ways. Either you place an object directly onto its input coil, or utilize Rife mode. The former option is usually more straightforward – all it requires is tuning your device, sitting between its transmitter and receiver and lying or sitting still until its effects take place – quickly restoring intercellular signal transmission pathways and chemical exchange routes, helping the body recharge energy stores more rapidly while healing faster.

A Molecular Scalar can enhance its signal by applying molecular substances on its input coil. This will allow the scalar field to transfer information contained within those substances to your cells – essential oils, medications and crystals may all work effectively here.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony contains an extensive database of frequency programs that can help stimulate brainwaves and heal the body, including viruses, bacteria and parasites. Furthermore, this device can detect and eliminate pathogens like these through detection and elimination.

Molecular Scalar

Scalar energy is an innovative solution that can restore cellular communication networks to boost metabolism and circulation, strengthen immunity, and rid the body of toxins. Although present in all living systems and naturally produced by humans themselves, its usage remains limited because most are unaware of its existence and benefits.

Scalar waves are electromagnetic energies without a set direction that carry information similar to electromagnetic waves but with greater potency and speed than regular electromagnetic waves. Scalar waves have the capability of traveling through solid objects as well as transmission over longer distances compared to electromagnetic waves; its frequency range typically falls within 1–10 Hz making it ideal for treating chronic health conditions such as pain and anxiety.

The Spooky2 Scalar Harmony Device offers three modes for sending healing scalar waves: pure, molecular and Rife. Each mode offers different advantages; simply select one based on your needs. Designed to be portable, convenient, powerful yet user friendly; no training or certification are needed to operate this device.

For creating a scalar field, place any molecular-rich substance onto a receiver box – such as essential oil. In order to experience its healing powers, add one drop onto the coil on the receiver coil or connect your device to an audio source such as Spotify that sends healing scalar waves through it directly into your body.

The Spooky2 Scalar Device was created with portability in mind. Featuring both transmitter and receiver boxes built into their lids, its receiver box can tune itself into resonance with both transmitter boxes to produce a scalar wave transmission between them and creates a field on its surface, while simultaneously reaching out for reception in its receiver box.

Rife Scalar

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony is an accessory to your scalar energy device that combines healing audio frequencies with scalar energy, providing each cell of your body access to natural healing energies from silent music broadcast through the scalar field. Furthermore, multiple frequencies can now coexist harmoniously within one scalar field for additional frequency applications.

Spooky2 Scalar Harmony creates an extremely strong scalar field, which makes it ideal for cell healing – especially immune system support and other parts of the body that need quick energy replenishment and recovery. Furthermore, its restoration of intercellular signal transmission pathways and chemical exchange pathways that the human body uses against disease provides additional healing benefits.

Scalar waves differ from electromagnetic waves in that they travel through space indefinitely and draw energy directly from it, giving scalar waves greater power over distance than electromagnetic waves do. This explains why healing frequencies can travel long distances via these scalar waves; additionally, Spooky2‘s scalar transmitter can draw on this source to continue sending frequencies while maintaining power throughout time.

Scalar Harmony was designed to be portable, compact and powerful. The transmitter box contains a frequency generator that supplies regular EMF (electromagnetic fields) which are converted to scalar energy by receiver antennas integrated into each box lid; then transmitted between these boxes as electromagnetic energy waves.

Scalar technology is one of the most widely-used uses for Rife modulation, which brings together Royal Rife’s findings with Nikola Tesla’s. Rife discovered that pathogens respond to specific frequencies; Spooky2 Scalar uses healing scalar energy to apply these frequencies for Rife modulation – making it one of the world’s most advanced Rife machines.

Molecular scalar energy offers another method for using scalar energy: medications, crystals or essential oils can be placed directly onto an input coil to receive their healing frequencies through scalar energy. This is an especially helpful way to integrate health and wellness remedies. You can visit Frequency Heals website to discover several programs designed to heal both yourself and family and pets.

Harmony Mode

Jazz harmony often relies on modal music. This genre relies on relationships between musical tones that the human ear readily accepts almost automatically and which can be expressed through elementary scientific experiments (for instance Pythagoras’ experiment of stretching a string and dividing it using simple ratios). Modal music has also been known to influence large-scale structures of songs such as strophes or sections by shaping tension and release within them.

Harmonic modes are melodic scales composed of dominant, subdominant and tonic notes that typically overlap. A chord can be built from any of these scales; each scale has a characteristic tone; chords containing such characteristic tones are known as characteristic chords. Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys used such major seventh harmony when supporting Bob Wills’ tonic melody during bar 2 of their 1935 recording of “Some Summer Day.”

The tonic mode is typically considered to be the most stable degree within a mode, though it can be altered through changes in harmony. Any shifts from its stable position create dissonance within melodic structure by altering its relationship to non-tonic harmonies which tend towards resolution over time. Hanging thirds such as those found in Examples 1a and 4a further strengthen this sense of stability for this mode. Stepwise neighbors such as those seen in Example 3a can further add stability.

As changes in harmony occur, tonic mode can also be affected. Unstable members of dominant chords do not always resolve back up to tonic mode when returning back there; this effect can be seen when ascending over dominant in Patton’s “Some Summer Day,” though tonic harmony will return again until bar 5. This interaction between tonic mode and dominant harmonic mode makes tonic more of a goal than it otherwise would be, adding tension within twelve-bar blues progressions.