Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 16, 2024|Editor

The Best Neurofeedback Device 2023

best neurofeedback device 2023

Neurofeedback is a nonlinear dynamic brain training system. Using feedback to condition the brain to shift out of maladaptive patterns of brainwave activity and facilitate its natural self-optimization process. Neurofeedback should be seen as a long-term healing strategy rather than as a quick fix solution.

InteraXon has successfully cornered the at-home neurofeedback market with their Muse headband. This low-cost EEG neurofeedback device can help users feel calmer and remain focused.


Smart glasses could help improve your focus. Although they appear similar to regular sunglasses, these neurofeedback devices use biofeedback technology to teach you how to concentrate and block out distractions by monitoring brain activity through electrodes attached to your head and tracking brain signals to measure behavior patterns and reward focus when necessary.

Electroencephalography (EEG) sensors collect tiny electrical impulses from the brain and convert them to digital data for display on a screen, rewarding users when they focus and punishing them when they wander off task. By learning to control these impulses and improve its performance, neurofeedback or brain training techniques can help your mind learn to better control its impulses – an approach known as neurofeedback or brain training.

The Narbis device is the first neurofeedback product designed for home use. Utilizing EEG technology and featuring a minimal, comfortable design, this EEG device was intended for wear while reading, playing games or doing chores; Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins uses his while driving his Netflix show car! Ideally, its creators hope that this device will improve concentration and allow people to perform better academically, professionally or athletically.

Techneruo offers another form of neurofeedback via its headset device. This device trains users to concentrate by having them control a character in a video game or watch videos; when focused, these characters move faster while when distracted they slow down significantly.

Mendi has developed an innovative neurowearable that is more portable and cost-effective than other devices on the market. Utilizing near-infrared light to detect changes in blood flow within the brain and track attention and heart rate variability. Perfect for use on-the-go or use alongside electromagnetic brain stimulation devices (tDCS, tRNS). Also comes with 30-day money back guarantee!


Mendi is the first and only home neurofeedback device on the market that utilizes fNIRS rather than EEG to track brainwaves, using sensors to measure signals which are then processed using proprietary algorithms before being displayed on a mobile app. Users interact with this display via game-like challenges that reward more brain blood flow as they complete them – this method allows Mendi to deliver more accurate results than competing consumer devices.

Neurofeedback is a subset of biofeedback that specifically targets brain electrical activity as measured by EEG (electroencephalography). Neurofeedback allows individuals to manage their brainwaves to alter state, such as relaxing into alpha waves for relaxation or increasing alertness via beta waves. Neurofeedback has proven itself an excellent way to increase concentration, focus and mental wellbeing – though it should not be used as an alternative treatment solution or in place of professional medical care.

On the market are several consumer devices that enable individuals to monitor their own brainwaves and practice mindfulness meditation at home. From inexpensive to high-end products available online, these products can help monitor brainwave activity for mindfulness meditation at any level of difficulty and age group – including children and adults alike. Although these devices provide valuable insight, it’s essential to recognize the distinctions between self-guided neurofeedback and professional supervised calibrated approaches endorsed by experts.

Some of the most well-known brain wellness tools include Enophone’s headset that uses music and smartphone feedback for meditation and mindfulness training; Muse headband provides soothing concentration techniques using its Dynamical neurofeedback technology based on neuroscience research that has proven its ability to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms;

Consumer brain-based wellness tools use EEG to track brain activity and provide visual and haptic feedback, such as the Neurosity Crown device which uses EEG to monitor gamma wave monitoring for cognitive enhancement. Unfortunately, its cost may prevent some from using it; virtual and augmented reality are emerging technologies which offer higher engagement levels with realistic training scenarios; virtual reality could potentially serve as a promising avenue to train emotional regulation skills and enhance mental wellbeing.


Neuroptimal is a non-invasive brain wave therapy method that does not rely on electrical stimulation to provide therapeutic results. Instead, its sensors monitor your brain waves while an analysis computer program analyzes them, then displays real-time results to you in real-time. This allows your brain to view its own behavior more clearly so it can self-correct over time. Neuroptimal can benefit people of all ages and is compatible with any treatments or therapies you might also be receiving.

NeurOptimal stands apart from other devices in that it doesn’t “push” the brain in one particular direction like other systems do; rather, it relays information about its activity and allows your own mind to intuitively adapt accordingly – this allows powerful shifts without exppending additional energy, without negative side effects such as increased heart rate or headaches.

Another wonderful aspect of this device is that it’s portable, making it simple and hassle-free to bring with you anywhere. Plus, its built-in timer lets you monitor your progress over time! Ideal for use when dealing with migraines or chronic pain; helping regain control over it and thus improve quality of life.

Neuroptimal is unlike other devices that require you to set aside specific time for sessions; instead it works by combining neurofeedback training with an eyeglass-style headset you can wear throughout the day while working, reading or playing games. Within just a few sessions you should experience improved focus; you’ll be able to concentrate longer and easier which will ultimately benefit both work and personal life.

This device’s technology is grounded in neuroplasticity, or how the brain adapts and changes itself over time. It was created by Drs. Valdeane and Brown under influence of Karl Pribram’s Holonomic Theory of the brain which suggests that its regions work as one integrated whole to enable your mind to more efficiently process information while creating new pathways for processing pathways.


Neurofeedback can assist with an array of issues, from ADHD symptoms and anxiety/depression to reduced stress levels, improved sleep and even cognitive performance enhancement. While not designed as a replacement for traditional medical therapies or therapies, neurofeedback is an invaluable way to enhance quality of life.

Neurofeedback devices monitor and provide feedback on your brainwave patterns, providing information that enables you to change them on your own. While traditional neurofeedback equipment required professional trainers to interpret data and offer guidance, new brain fitness devices offer interactive auditory feedback which empowers users to manage their brainwaves independently.

NeurOptimal brain training device is an innovative home solution, easily implemented for long-term healing strategies such as neurofeedback. Results take time to show, sometimes making you frustrated initially; but with practice comes improvement.

Neurofeedback requires the perfect pairing of an EEG headset and software, working together seamlessly. When selecting your headset, look for accurate sensor locations in different environments as well as being comfortable and lightweight so you can wear it while training. A computer or tablet will also be necessary to run the software and visualize feedback; you may require reliable internet connection if remotely monitoring brainwaves is involved or consulting with neurofeedback coaches remotely.

Renting a brain fitness device like EmWave2 will save money and offer similar results as in-office sessions. Setup is simple with instructions, video tutorial, and neurofeedback rental coach on hand for guidance through the process. Although using different method for brainwave monitoring than traditional neurofeedback, EmWave2 still remains highly effective and has been clinically tested for safety. You can purchase one for around $3000.

February 16, 2024|Editor

Biofeedback Scanning With the Spooky2 MicroGen

spooky2 microgen

Prior to beginning, please read through both biofeedback scanning tutorials in the Spooky2 User’s Guide.

The ScanBuilder tool makes it easy to create biofeedback presets to run on generators, including both full body scanning and targeted scanning for specific issues like cancer.

You can set a threshold value to help streamline biofeedback scan data processing time.

1. Biofeedback scanning

Biofeedback scanning enables you to understand where the issues in your body lie by comparing your energy field against hundreds of vitamins, hormones, foods and other substances – much like an allergy test but using frequencies rather than needle pricks – and providing an energetic snapshot of what may be going on within physical, spiritual and emotional systems.

Biofeedback technicians use this tool to identify what’s not functioning as intended and determine treatment options available to them. Biofeedback helps alleviate stress in your body by showing what’s not working and helping you relax while focusing on restoring equilibrium and finding balance again.

The HeaWea MicroGen can be used without needing a PC and is small enough to fit easily in your pocket or hang on its supplied lanyard. Featuring advanced protection to avoid excessive current passing through your body when short circuited, as well as user-friendly operation that requires no prior knowledge of Spooky2. Simply connect all necessary cables, open software and arrange frequency sets in sequence to run them all chained together.

As part of this course, you will gain knowledge on how to develop and customize your own programs, use hand cylinders for frequency imprinting crystals and treating conditions such as inflammation and arthritis; use MicroGen in various configurations for treating conditions like increased ATP levels; as well as biofeedback.

3. Sleep

Sleep is a natural, reversible and recurrent state in which external stimuli have diminished responsiveness to each other, marked by changes to brain activity, hormone levels, muscle relaxation and other physiological systems. Sleep stands in stark contrast with wakefulness which has an enhanced potential to detect external stimuli.

Spooky2 can help your body transition into sleep or a state of relaxation that may help reduce stress. While distinguishing the various sleep stages can be somewhat arbitrary, their classification provides useful insights into basic features of sleep physiology.

4. Stress reduction

HeaWea’s MicroGen device is a portable frequency therapy device designed to help you feel like yourself again and recover quickly. With its easy setup and power level selection feature, this portable frequency therapy device lets you experiment with various frequencies and durations while treating PEMF, arthritis treatment, natural healing processes like cell energy generation or natural healing in general, effective increasing ATP and decreasing pain while offering Rife machine set zapping viruses bacteria flukes as well as low power FSM sets to remedy over time.

This training session is tailored for anyone wanting to use Spooky2 and HeaWea MicroGen in autonomous mode, including frequency transfers, prereglages (preset), repetitions, settings adjustments and biofeedback. In addition, students will learn how to import BFB scan results into MicroGen and operate remotely using it.

February 16, 2024|Editor

Metatron Hunter 4025

hunter 4025

Comparative to previous versions, metatron hunter 4025‘s software has been upgraded and now allows more accurate location of tumor nidus or hereditary diseases.

“METATRON”, developed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, allows for controlled bioelectrical activity of brain neurons that allows selective amplification of signals hardly detectable due to statistical fluctuations while isolating and decoding them.

Non-linear analysis system (NLS)

Non-linear Analysis System (NLS) is an innovative technology that utilizes light wave resonance to analyze and assess a person’s health condition. NLS detects abnormalities at the cellular, tissue and DNA levels that enable tracking the gradual development of conditions as well as uncovering their root causes; plus it’s capable of measuring effectiveness of medications or supplements prescribed to individuals.

This non-invasive device is highly effective at diagnosing chronic and acute diseases. Physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, dietitians and other healthcare providers use it regularly; its applications range from osteopathy and chiropractic treatments to cancer diagnosis and management. NLS technology utilizes biofeedback devices with computers in tandem for decoding brain signals in 3-D models before comparing this data against its database to make a diagnosis before informing treatment plans accordingly.

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS is a computerized medical diagnostic device capable of accurately diagnosing various illnesses and disorders. Equipped with its own database, it identifies underlying causes and offers treatment and diet advice as well as recommendations. Portable yet user-friendly, the NLS device can be utilized in different environments such as hospitals, clinics and health care centers.

NLS software is constantly being enhanced, keeping it the latest and most accurate available. It boasts many new features to provide more in-depth analyses of organs and tissues such as three-dimensional models which allow users to get an accurate representation of organs and their functions on screen. Furthermore, this program reveals early indications of cancerous growths which allows early diagnosis.

The NLS system can be used in tandem with traditional diagnostic methods, such as X-rays and blood tests, to create an overall picture of health status for a patient. Furthermore, its software offers a holistic perspective that provides a fuller view of his or her physical well-being as well as testing effectiveness of treatments or determining imbalance in energy systems of the body.

Three-dimensional scanning

Three-dimensional scanning is a noninvasive technology that utilizes an imaging device to scan a patient’s body. It can detect organs, tissues and cells throughout their bodies to allow doctors to track abnormalities within them as they develop gradually over time – this allows for identification of tumors, hereditary diseases or any symptoms in an effort to treat without adverse side effects.

Metapathia-GR Hunter>> stands out as a multidimensional virtual scanning technology that enables automatic localization of tumor and hereditary disease nidus locations and the reason behind their manifestation on genome level, by following histological preparations, cytological preparations, chromosomes and further down to DNA molecules themselves. This allows faster investigation of pathological changes with more accurate estimation of their severity.

Additionally, this system can monitor disease progress and risk stage. Furthermore, it can detect early symptoms of cancerous illness to assist doctors in treating it in its initial stage and halt any possible spread into other parts of the body.

This computerized device can accurately detect acute and chronic illnesses as well as predispositions to specific ailments with an accuracy rate of 85.5%. Easily portable, user friendly diagnostic computer that delivers valuable insights within minutes – this device can be used virtually anywhere and safely!

This NLS-diagnostic device employs an innovative software based on the principles of bio-resonance to detect disease through electromagnetic fields. Bioelectrical signals from patients create an image on the screen which is decoded by software into specific diagnoses and recommendations for patients, providing detailed lists of treatment options as well as advice about making healthy lifestyle choices. Furthermore, using such a device reduces time spent visiting doctor consultations as well as saving them money on frequent hospital visits for various tests.


Metatron is a hardware/software system developed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics to produce preset bioelectrical activity of brain neurons and detect hardly detectable signals against statistical fluctuations. Once decoded, Metatron presents this information onscreen in three dimensional form allowing users to find the source of disease and eliminate it effectively.

This equipment is built on modern elements, features a sleek design and connects to computers via a USB-port for ease of use. This equipment is a very useful resource for individuals suffering from physical and mental disorders; its technology identifies causes of illness while predicting its course; additionally it analyzes remedies used as remedies and their efficacy.

An OPG machine is an invaluable asset to health practitioners such as physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths and chiropractors. Sanatorium resorts, fitness centers and spas, clinics and pharmacies all use this equipment, while massage therapists and homeopaths find its use particularly helpful for determining which supplements and homeopathic remedies will best treat their patients.

During a diagnostic session, various preparations and diseases are digitalized by the system and transmitted directly to a computer where they are instantly decoded before being displayed on-screen in real time for user viewing, giving an accurate snapshot of body’s state to allow diagnosis.

Metapathia GR Hunter software has undergone significant upgrades, with several significant modifications. It features a continuous scanning algorithm which significantly enhances research results. Furthermore, the program now analyzes search results in specific colors for easier analysis and displays them more clearly than ever. Furthermore, the system now amplifies signals difficult to detect against statistical fluctuations and isolates them for greater visibility.

Metapathia GR Hunter stands out with its multidimensional virtual scanning function, which allows automatic localization of tumor or hereditary diseases and their causes at genome level by sequentially passing through histological and cytological sections, chromosome sets and individual chromosomes to isolate fragments of DNA molecules – this unique functionality marks Metapathia as one of the world’s most advanced NLS systems.


Hunter is an information-based device that uses nonlinear analysis and special computer software to decipher energy patterns emitted by living systems, with the aim of deciphering their energy patterns and decoding energy patterns from living systems. It can detect disease in human bodies as well as forecast future health dynamics through reading electromagnetic waves produced by cells as well as measuring bacteria or parasite activity inhabiting our bodies.

The software contains an expansive database containing over 10,000 spectral etalons of various medicines, illnesses and specifications stored in magnetic memory for conversion to digital signals and processed by the brain for display as virtual organ models; its results can then be used to diagnose problems and prescribe treatment solutions to customers.

Metapathia GR hunter is an innovative device that combines the advantages of three powerful technologies into an informative and safe system. Utilizing an innovative multidimensional virtual scanning technique, it enables the user to pinpoint tumor sites or hereditary diseases using virtual multidimensional scanning technology. Likewise, its sequencing function reveals genomic level problems by passing sequentially through histological cuts, cytological sections, chromosomes and even fragments of DNA molecules – providing additional clarity as to where problems may lie.

Pathogens such as parasites, mycosis and bacteria as well as toxins draining from the body can also be identified with this device, providing physicians with crucial data that allows them to accurately diagnose organs and systems within the body using this information from both models and Hunter devices.

This equipment should not be seen as a replacement for medical tests or X-rays; rather, it uses a computer to generate artificial signals that are recorded onto the brain and analysed afterwards – similar to how CAT scans work except that this one is noninvasive or harmful. Once collected, this data is displayed as virtual models on screen that have specific colors assigned for organs that require exploration.

February 16, 2024|Editor

Bioresonance Hair Testing

bioresonance hair testing

Bioresonance hair testing is an holistic form of therapy considered complementary and alternative medicine, working on the theory that everything emits electromagnetic frequencies.

Your hair is tested against frequencies of common items such as food & drink, vitamins, minerals, metals and enzymes to establish levels of body reactions. The information gleaned helps set reaction levels within your system.

It’s Non-Invasive

Bioresonance hair testing is a holistic practice based on the belief that all living organisms emit electromagnetic energy, which can be measured and detected using frequencies and wavelengths. Bioresonance testing uses this energy to scan energetic alignments within your body to detect any imbalances and detect imbalances safely and noninvasively; offering an objective way of evaluating health and well-being.

Bioresonance scanning will uncover energetic patterns within a lock of hair which could indicate imbalances or health concerns, including foods, toxins, vitamins and minerals as well as emotional blocks or chakra information. The test measures these frequencies.

Our test utilizes one of the latest, cutting-edge certified Class 11 Medical scanners accredited to ISO EN 13485: MARS III analytics machines. A few strands of your hair are placed into this device, then compared against frequency resonances for all items we offer a test for such as food/non-food items, vitamins/minerals/gut bacteria/hormones/metals/enzymes etc – any item showing resonance over 85% will be noted on your results sheet.

A comprehensive wellness test allows us to understand what parts of the body are not functioning at optimal levels and is an excellent starting point for an effective holistic wellness plan. A test may identify any deficiencies, imbalances or toxicity levels as well as nutritional, mineral, herbal or homeopathic remedies which could benefit.

Bioresonance therapy, also known as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), offers a unique perspective on your health and wellbeing that goes beyond what conventional medical practices consider. A balancing remedy can be prescribed to restore equilibrium – this often includes supplements, essential oils or flower essences – after several months it will be assessed again to see how much of an effect they had on bioenergetic stress levels.

It’s Fast

Bioresonance hair testing differs from many traditional tests in that it doesn’t rely on blood samples for analysis; simply insert one strand of your hair into the MARS III analytics machine, which then tests against food, drinks, minerals, vitamins, metals hormones and bacteria to establish your reaction levels in your body.

Results from these assessments are extremely detailed and comprehensive, identifying food intolerances, ineffective organ function, nutritional deficiencies, toxic levels, Candida, emotional blocks and chakra data – an invaluable resource to help identify health concerns and make better choices regarding diet, lifestyle and wellbeing.

In essence, this test works by detecting imbalances in your electromagnetic field that could be contributing to health issues within your body. It’s a holistic form of therapy and falls under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Quantum physics provides the science for this application, acknowledging that all matter and energy emit frequencies which can then be measured, amplified and graphed – this makes it possible to identify food sensitivities, chemical intolerances and any number of other things.

This test detects vibrations associated with all known allergens present in your system, and matches those up with food or beverage items that match up their vibrations to determine whether you’re sensitive. You can avoid those which trigger symptoms while prioritizing those which help sustain your body instead. This makes for an inexpensive, at-home option that lets you quickly scan a vast list of food sensitivity reactions without needing prick or blood tests for diagnosis.

It’s Affordable

As opposed to costly and inconvenient blood samples, this testing method involves nothing more than taking one strand of hair at a time for testing – completely painlessly and at no expense to yourself!

Holistic practitioners take advantage of electromagnetic energy’s electromagnetic influence by taking readings on individual hair strands as a way to analyze sensitivities and discover any imbalances that might exist within.

Bioresonance scans are a form of digital kinesiology used to pinpoint imbalances within your body. A bioresonance scan can show where there may be food sensitivities and intolerances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, toxic levels in your system, digestive issues such as candida overgrowth as well as stress or emotional blocks within an individual’s life. They’re safe, noninvasive and effective tools used in the treatment of various health conditions.

MARS III can detect and assess your sensitivity to over 300 foods, environmental products, metals, vitamins, and minerals. Results are recorded and analysed on our MARS III bioresonance machine which records electromagnetic signals produced by your body and compares this data against frequencies found in various foods/drinks/non-food environmental items.

As part of your analysis, you’ll receive a comprehensive report outlining its findings that identifies any imbalances or toxins found in your system and recommend dietary changes necessary to restore balance. It also offers insight into potential stress or emotional blockages as well as chakra information and suggestions for remedies during times of emotional difficulty. Furthermore, you will learn which herbs and supplements may best benefit your body as well as the best ways to use them naturally and therapeutically for maximum effect.

It’s Effective

Bioresonance hair testing is a noninvasive and safe body assessment technique that employs unique wavelengths or frequencies of your body, food ingredients, toxins and environmental factors in order to detect imbalances and potential imbalances in their harmonic ratios.

Food sensitivity testing with saliva tests is an increasingly popular practice, since they allow you to quickly assess how different foods affect your body over time and their cumulative effects. They offer an excellent alternative to expensive blood tests which may cause discomfort.

This test uses a small sample of hair and an analytics machine to assess your reaction levels to over 400 items such as foods & drinks, non-food items, vitamins/minerals/hormones/gut biome/metals etc. The machine identifies their electromagnetic vibrations before comparing these with your body’s response – providing a clear picture of your response levels to each item.

Many people use bioresonance hair analysis tests for food intolerances, and they can be an effective way to determine which foods may be triggering symptoms. However, it should be kept in mind that such tests do not diagnose any health conditions and should never replace medical advice given from your healthcare provider.

Many at-home food sensitivity testing kits claim to be accurate, yet there is limited scientific proof behind their claims. Many such tests can even be considered pseudoscience since there are not enough academic papers supporting them. Furthermore, it should be noted that at-home sensitivity tests do not take into account an individual’s metabolism and physiology so results may differ depending on who performs them.

Bioresonance falls under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), taking an holistic approach to looking at areas of the body not traditionally seen by conventional medicine. While some experts remain sceptical of bioresonance‘s approach, others see it as a viable replacement to blood tests or other invasive methods which could potentially harm over time. It has become more widely popular as an efficient, noninvasive body assessment technique without potential side effects and which provides multiple feedback results at one session.

February 16, 2024|Editor

Jeff Bezos Wants to Reverse Aging

bezos reverse aging

Jeff Bezos may be one of the richest men in history, with an estimated worth of over $200 billion, but instead prefers investing his fortune in scientific research rather than plastic surgery procedures.

Altos Labs, which he funds with his investments, reportedly works on developing biological reprogramming technology that can extend lifespan. They’ve also attracted top scientists with impressive credentials; its board includes multiple Nobel laureates.

What is it?

Jeff Bezos seems determined to meet this challenge head on by investing in Altos Labs – a startup founded by former GlaxoSmithKline Chief Scientific Officer Hal Barron who serves as CEO and Chairman. After conquering space, time will surely become his next frontier – and with his recent investment of $5 Million into the startup – bezos seems poised for action!

According to MIT Technology Review, a start-up company working on biological reprogramming technology that could extend human lifespan is developing its technology and hiring scientists from around the world, including joint Nobel Prize winner Shinya Yamanaka who serves as senior scientist and chairman of its scientific advisory board.

This technology works by reverting old cells into embryonic stem cells and then turning these back into muscle or nerve cells, with promising results from mice testing so far. But keep in mind that its implementation in human bodies remains far away.

But that doesn’t make this project any less serious – the company has already received $5 million in investment funding from investors like Yuri Milner and BlackRock, has a research facility in Silicon Valley as well as Cambridge in England, and could open up an entirely new frontier of health care if successful.

Bezos’ wealth would enable him to live for ever; for everyone else however, such a blessing would only postpone the inevitable.

That is why there are other companies searching for what Wareham refers to as the “fountain of youth.” Google-backed Calico Labs focuses on reprogramming as do other firms such as Lineage Cell Therapeutics; but perhaps the greatest push comes from tech billionaires such as Bezos who has pledged his funds toward these efforts.

Why is it important?

After spending billions on his space program, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is investing in research that could potentially extend human lifespan by decades. Reportedly he made a large investment in Altos Labs – a biotech firm working on “reprogramming” technology designed to rejuvenate cells and extend lifespan – via Altos Labs Bioscience Inc.

Science of anti-aging has long fascinated scientists worldwide, and one team at Altos Research Lab reportedly includes several Nobel laureates as its members claim they may be close to developing technology that would reverse aging.

Researchers hope they can turn back time by reprogramming adult cells into stem cells, which have the capability of becoming any cell type in the body. Their hope is that by doing this they may use stem cells to replace damaged or aged cells and potentially prevent age-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s.

Altos Labs’ team is not alone in exploring this field; other companies, including Unity Biotechnology in California, are using reprogramming technology to produce drugs that revive aging cells and prevent disease – including Bezos and billionaire Yuri Milner who have both invested in Unity.

However, it remains to be seen which of these companies will actually make it work; currently the research is in its infancy and it could take years before any such product can be tested on humans.

Bezos, worth more than $200 billion, has long sought immortality through anti-aging therapies like Grail for early cancer detection and immunotherapy; and Juno Therapeutics which reprogramms cells to treat disease. He recently put some of his money into an anti-ageing venture focused on stem cell regeneration.

Other billionaires have made similar investments, including Google’s Calico Labs and Lineage Cell Therapeutics. Although such research may prove fruitless in creating an “elixir of youth”, its dream remains worth pursuing nonetheless.

How does it work?

This company strives to rejuvenate cells to fight against aging and diseases like dementia. They hope to achieve this by reprogramming adult cells into stem cells; then turning those stem cells into any type of cell in the body. Top scientists are on board as part of this research team and institutes will open in Silicon Valley, San Diego, Cambridge United Kingdom and Japan as a result.

If successful, this technology could extend human lifespans considerably. One injection could add 20 years to an individual’s lifespan; that could potentially save billions of lives while making our world much more pleasant for living. But work needs to be done before this technology can be implemented on humans.

Humanity’s greatest wish has long been to defy death, and now some of the richest individuals on Earth are making that dream a reality. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos reportedly invested in Altos Labs, an anti-aging research lab which works on techniques such as reprogramming cells to extend longevity; Hal Barron from GlaxoSmithKline will lead this initiative as chief scientific officer of Altos Labs.

Reprogramming cells can be an arduous task, so no guarantees can be given as to whether Altos Labs’ team of experts will succeed in making it happen. Although their technology has yet to be tested on human subjects, Altos Labs is currently developing an injectable molecule which could trigger cell reprogramming within human bodies.

Unity Biotechnology of California has made significant strides towards finding an anti-ageing treatment. Their drugs target senescent cells which produce colorless and odorless proteins which infect other cells with disease, making them susceptible to senescence as well.

What are the risks?

Once you amass a net worth in the hundreds of billions, anything seems possible – from buying an irresponsibly frilly cowboy hat to piloting rockets into space – but one challenge remains unmet – reverse aging isn’t easily achievable; that is why some of the world’s richest people are investing in companies researching ways to do just that.

reports, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is reported to be one of the investors in Altos Labs, a new startup which seeks to reverse aging by targeting specific cells called “senescent” ones that stop dividing after reaching certain ages and eventually cause disease and even death.

Altos Labs has reportedly been recruiting university scientists with generous salary offers so that they can focus their studies solely on reversing the process of aging. Furthermore, this company is opening institutes throughout California and England such as in Bay Area San Diego Cambridge locations.

A company has been set up in both the US and UK, and a recent securities disclosure revealed it has raised at least $270 million. Billionaires including Jeff Bezos and Russian tech investor Yuri Milner reportedly fund it, while Shinya Yamanaka shared in 2012’s Nobel Prize for his discovery of cellular reprogramming is said to have joined as unpaid senior scientist and chairman of its scientific advisory panel.

But while many of the world’s wealthiest individuals and families are investing in anti-aging research, it will still take years before any anti-ageing technologies are made widely available to the general public. Some scientists remain wary about potentially unintended effects such as unsustainable strain on Earth’s resources or even catastrophic outcomes resulting from dramatic extension of human lifespans.

But others believe it is completely reasonable to pursue longevity treatments, given the many other issues we currently face – like rising rates of dementia and other conditions that affect elderly populations. Jeff Bezos himself once asserted that “staving off death” must be achieved, though any failure would be “shocking.”