Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 16, 2024|Editor

How to Be a Natural Cut Healer

natural cut healer

Most small wounds heal over time naturally, though there are ways to speed healing more rapidly, including using antibacterial ointment, aloe vera gel, turmeric powder or coconut oil. People experiencing large open wounds that involve significant blood loss should seek medical advice immediately.

Diets rich in vitamin C and other vital nutrients may aid the healing process by speeding it along. Sources of Vitamin C include oranges, berries and bell peppers in addition to supplements available as nutritional support.

Antibacterial Ointment

Antibiotic ointment can be an invaluable way of speeding the healing of any small wound or cut. Over-the-counter versions can be purchased without needing a valid prescription; just read and follow all instructions carefully prior to applying it on your skin. In case of questions regarding use, always contact your physician.

Neosporin and Polysporin antibiotic ointments are both available as solutions to help combat infections of small skin cuts and scrapes, while some offer added pain-relief by way of numbing properties.

Bacitracin, the primary active ingredient found in these ointments, works by disrupting cell-wall synthesis to kill off bacteria that have colonized and become problematic, as well as help keep moisture locked into your skin, thus decreasing scar formation.

These ointments can be found at any store that sells first aid products and are easy to apply directly onto wounds. Children can safely use them, and sensitive skin won’t be compromised; however if you are allergic to any of the ingredients they should not be used.

Antibiotic ointments are among the most indispensable items found in any first aid kit, alongside disinfectant and bandages. Used on minor cuts, scrapes and burns to protect them from infections, these ointments should only be applied over shallow wounds without deep lacerations; larger or deeper injuries should be evaluated by medical professionals to ensure there are no serious complications and receive the care required for healing.

Petrolatum ointments also act to prevent infections and promote wound healing, making them accessible at most pharmacies and drug stores. Numerous studies were conducted on its efficacy versus antibacterial agents; all were found to provide similar results when it came to wound healing in clean wounds; some studies did experience mild allergic contact dermatitis during testing, though.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an aquatic succulent plant known for centuries for its healing properties and many claimed medicinal uses, with ample scientific support backing this natural substance as the “Plant of Immortality.” Aloe can easily grow indoors or outside and its leaves contain polysaccharide gel acemannan which can be extracted and consumed or applied topically, boasting several vitamins, minerals, amino acids as well as essential fatty acids, glucomannans and sterols beneficial to human bodies.

Aloe vera can help treat cuts, scrapes and wounds because its powerful healing agents stimulate cell regeneration while its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties keep wounds clean while reducing swelling and redness. Rich in vitamins C and E as antioxidants to fight free radicals responsible for cell damage and oxidative stress; in addition, its glucomannan compound increases collagen production while acting as an anti-inflammatory agent – all essential qualities when dealing with wounds of any kind.

Studies have demonstrated that the gel from this plant can reduce skin inflammation and speed healing, as well as be used to soothe minor burns and treat them effectively. Furthermore, its abundance in fatty acids and antioxidants protects it against UV radiation while slowing photoaging of the skin.

The gel of this plant can also be used as an aftershave because it helps hydrate skin while soothing irritations caused by shaving. Furthermore, its antibacterial and soothing qualities have proven effective against razor burns as well as small cuts or nicks; its fatty acid content has even shown promise against allergy and irritation issues.

This plant has long been utilized in Egypt, China, India and Mexico. In fact, its name was included in an Egyptian medical text from 16th century BC known as the Ebers Papyrus as being “a plant of immortality”. At its funerals of Pharaohs it would often be presented. Some compounds like aloin and emodin contain laxative effects as well as acting as antiviral and antibacterial agents while it also boasts 12 anthraquinones that provide health benefits.


Curcuma longa (commonly referred to as turmeric), the yellow spice widely popular as part of traditional medicine, is an integral component of traditional remedies. Its medicinal benefits are attributable to curcumin which exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties; additionally it acts as a natural antioxidant protecting cells against free radical damage.

Turmeric may help speed wound healing by stimulating cell division that forms granulation tissue, leading to faster epithelialization and reduced scarring. Furthermore, turmeric increases blood circulation which speeds the healing process; you can apply directly onto skin or use as part of cream, oil or powder treatments.

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties provide another advantage, helping to reduce swelling and redness and treat various conditions including wounds and arthritis. Many anecdotal accounts cite turmeric’s pain-relieving qualities while studies have demonstrated it may even outperform traditional medications like ibuprofen for some users.

Skin lightening and dark spot removal can also be achieved using this approach, by creating a paste and applying it daily to the face or body. This approach is particularly helpful for people suffering from acne; additionally, its improved condition of scalp makes shaving much simpler!

Turmeric can also be used to treat minor open wounds and prevent infections, while large open wounds require medical treatment from a doctor. Applying antibiotic ointment with turmeric application may help keep wounds clean while speeding healing time – however a dermatologist should be consulted if an open wound doesn’t heal as expected.

Honey can also aid the healing of cuts quickly by offering antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as stimulating collagen production. A 2016 study concluded that honey could heal partial-thickness wounds faster than any other treatment; additionally it can reduce scarring while exfoliating dead skin cells off your body more quickly than other methods. For best results, however, only use honey on minor open wounds; consult with a physician first if using on larger cuts.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an antimicrobial plant-based fat used for both culinary and cosmetic applications, such as treating skin conditions. Coconut oil’s medium-chain fatty acids – specifically lauric acid, an antimicrobial – provide it with antimicrobial properties which help fight bacteria and other harmful microorganisms; its antimicrobial qualities may even speed healing in minor cuts or scrapes.

Coconut oil combined with garlic can speed the healing of wounds by acting as an antimicrobial, with allicin acting as an antimicrobial compound to help combat infections. You can add drops of this ointment directly onto an antibiotic ointment, or purchase one already formulated.

Fatty acids found in vegetable oils play a pivotal role in how well wounds heal, particularly coconut oil’s rich source of fatty acids which aid in absorption of key vitamins like Vitamin E – essential to overall skin health and healing. Furthermore, coconut oil offers soothing relief while aiding healing processes.

Stretch marks can be a common side effect of pregnancy or weight gain, and are hard to get rid of. Coconut oil’s fatty acids may help soften skin while gradually making stretch marks fade in color over time.

Coconut oil can also serve as an effective natural treatment for acne. The fatty acids contained in it can reduce inflammation, combat bacteria that causes it, and prevent pimple formation – as well as potentially reduce scarring due to acne scarring.

Coconut oil-containing ointment can help treat acne scars by diminishing their appearance, as well as reducing redness and swelling associated with them.

Ointment should be applied twice daily for optimal results, following each application with moisturizer to help the ointment from drying out and sun protection to stop its scars from darkening further. Sun protection also reduces scar depth.

February 16, 2024|Editor

Types of Energy Healing Therapies

Energy healing therapies focus on using subtle energies to heal both body and mind. By engaging these techniques consciously, they aim to use this subtle energy flow for self-healing purposes.

Most energy healing methods that employ chi-based energy medicine focus on your aura, or energetic field that encompasses four feet around you, and seek to pinpoint any distortions within it that could lead to pain, chronic illness or early signs of aging.


Acupuncture is an energy healing therapy that uses needles to stimulate the body’s energy field, with proven benefits that include relieving pain, decreasing stress and improving sleep. Studies have also revealed how acupuncture may be helpful for PMS symptoms such as anxiety and moodiness.

Practitioners of energy healing believe that illness, ailments and symptoms result from misaligning or blocked energies. By channeling, boosting, or realigning the natural energy flows that run through all things in our universe – from trees to our cells – practitioners believe they can treat and even cure disease.

Reiki practitioners utilise hands to manipulate energy while bioresonance therapy uses machines that measure and transmit electrical current into cells of the body.

If you are interested in receiving energy healing treatments, it’s essential that you seek out trained professionals licensed in alternative medicine. Check their credentials, such as completion of a rigorous training program or licensing from their state board, when selecting a practitioner with whom you wish to partner for such treatments. Experience and a proven track record are both key when selecting practitioners; energy healing should not replace conventional medical care; rather it serves as a great supplement. Indeed, researchers are currently researching its effects among cancer patients to see whether energy healing could enhance quality of life or decrease side effects associated with their disease.


Reflexology is an energy healing technique practiced on the feet and hands. Reflexologists utilize special walking and pressure techniques on certain reflex areas on these reflexes in order to balance out energy flow in the body and encourage its healing processes.

Energy healing operates under the assumption that diseases, ailments and symptoms result from misalignments in energies within our bodies. By channelling, boosting or realigning these energies to bring balance back into balance within their respective channels of health and healing in turn promoting relaxation while relieving stress.

Energy healing encompasses various practices that can complement traditional medicine. Most are noninvasive and no touch, such as acupuncture and reiki which use the human biofield, while cranial sacral therapy and qigong which work by altering body movement through subtle variations.

Many modalities have been touted to help with various ailments and conditions, with claims often supported by anecdotal evidence and no scientific research backing up these claims. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that science still doesn’t understand much about how our bodies operate.


Massage is an energy healing modality widely utilized, as it can unclog vital life force from being blocked off from its full expression. Massage techniques typically involve massaging, pinching, tracing or twisting specific points on the body in order to reestablish energetic balance and restore vital life force flow.

Although many medical practitioners regard such methods as pseudoscience, basic and laboratory research has confirmed their efficacy in certain instances. For instance, Thomaz de Souza’s animal studies proved Therapeutic Touch can facilitate wound-healing through activating fibroblasts.

Reiki is one of the world’s best-known forms of energy healing, with practitioners believing that an unseen universal life force (chi, qi or ki) resides both inside their bodies and the universe, supporting its natural healing processes.

Applied Kinesiology is another energy therapy which utilizes muscle testing, using both ancient Eastern medicine and modern Western understandings of neuroscience and anatomy-physiology to “read” your body’s energy and detect any undiagnosed imbalances or conditions. Practitioners can “read” your energy in order to detect imbalances or conditions unknowingly present within yourself.

There are also energy healing modalities that don’t involve physical contact at all, like PEMF knee devices and sound healing, which use magnetic pulses to deliver healing vibrations to promote healthy knees. Prayer and meditation can have a positive effect on health by helping create peace in life and decreasing stress hormone levels.

Quantum Touch

Mary Ellen offers Quantum Touch energy healing techniques based on Richard Gordon’s Your Healing Hands – The Polarity Experience work. This energy based system allows both lay people and healers to direct life force energy (also referred to as chi, qi or prana) toward correcting health issues through breathing and body awareness techniques which raise vibration levels so life force energy can be transmitted at its natural vibrational rate to others at their level and accelerate healing processes for all parties involved.

Mary uses energy healing techniques to assist clients who are ready to take responsibility for their own healing. She assists clients in clearing away blockages that obstruct electrical impulses between their brain and body – something which often causes physical discomfort as well as feelings of disconnection and dissatisfaction. Furthermore, Mary helps clients raise their own vibration through breath awareness exercises in order to alleviate emotional stress, which often plays a part in contributing to disease.

Mary Ellen often witnesses remarkable miracles of how our bodies can heal themselves with just a touch or intention, especially how this energy can move bones back into place after one session of Quantum Touch. She has seen x-rays showing this remarkable process at work.


All bodywork has an effect on your energy field (also known as an aura) but there are specific methods designed to specifically focus on this aspect. Examples include Reiki, healing touch, cranio-sacral therapy and polarity therapy.

These methods utilize a practitioner’s hands to clear, energize, and balance your energy fields. This work is noninvasive and often no-touch; however some techniques involve dowsing within your biofield (near your body but without touching) or direct touch on certain points on your body.

Reiki is one of the most frequently practiced forms of energy healing. Practitioners believe it channels universal energy known as qi in China or prana in India that pervades all living things – the same energy used during tai chi exercise to connect to your higher self and aid relaxation, support body’s natural healing processes and increase emotional mental and spiritual well-being.

A small study published in 2018 suggested that Reiki can be effective at relieving herniated disk pain and decreasing depression, though larger, in-depth studies need to be completed in order to confirm these results. Although energy healing should not be used as a replacement for traditional medical treatments such as consulting your physician or therapist directly. Furthermore, most health insurance policies don’t cover reiki sessions but some therapists offer low cost or free sessions for the local community.

Shamanic Work

Shamanic healing works to address the fundamental cause of mental, emotional, and physical illness: disharmony, fear, or soul loss. Whether this issue stems from lack of life purpose, spiritual connection issues, unprocessed trauma or anything else affecting energy flow in your body – they all erode away personal power and energy that are essential components for overall well-being.

Through shamanic journeying, shamans journey into non-ordinary reality in an altered state of consciousness to meet spirit helpers and deliver sacred messages from non-ordinary realities. These helpers could take the form of humanoid spirits or they may take shape as animal spirits, plant spirits or insect spirits; in addition to helping heal earth itself and all its inhabitants and creatures.

Shamans often perform various healing ceremonies during an energy healing session, including soul retrieval (retrieving lost parts of an individual), power animal retrieval (restoring one’s spiritual guardian), extraction (removing blockages in energy systems), and extraction.

Note: Shamanic work should never replace medical or behavioral health treatment provided by qualified professionals. A shaman’s intention is to offer spiritual guidance and support on your path toward healing; they may suggest dietary changes, herbal remedies, or other healing methods as part of their plan; during the healing process clients often experience shifts and transformations within themselves and their lives.

February 16, 2024|Editor

What is Rife Light Therapy?

rife light therapy

Everything on Earth vibrates at a certain frequency or vibration rate, and doctor Royal Raymond Rife conducted many experiments that revealed microorganisms possess specific mortal oscillatory rates which when amplified can debilitate them or collapse their membranes until death occurs – in other words vibrating them to death.

Non-invasive frequency therapy uses specific frequencies to target harmful microorganisms and is an ideal addition to holistic wellness practices. Read on to gain more knowledge of this treatment option.

It’s Non-Invasive

Rife machine therapy is non-invasive and uses no harmful chemicals or radiation – an ideal choice for people looking for non-drug ways of managing pain or treating diseases.

This device emits low-energy radio waves that are absorbed by cells within the body. Supporters believe repeated exposure can reduce chronic pain, accelerate healing processes and even eradicate cancer altogether.

Royal Raymond Rife made several discoveries during the 1930s that ultimately led him to create his Beam Ray device, which would produce frequencies designed to destroy harmful microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. Rife’s work rested on his conviction that everything vibrated at different rates or frequencies. His experiments demonstrated that specific organisms have specific mortal oscillatory rates (MORs) at which they died – Rife’s machines could identify these frequencies and deprive microbes from them.

Under the supervision of a trained practitioner, Rife frequency therapies can offer safe and effective solutions for treating various autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

At the Cancer Center for Healing, their experienced practitioners help patients find the appropriate combination of treatments to meet their wellness goals – such as including Rife machine therapy in their holistic treatment plans to facilitate body’s natural healing processes.

Rife machine therapy as an adjunctive therapy to existing medications and treatments may offer additional advantages such as reducing inflammation, stimulating cell regeneration, and strengthening immunity.

At the Cancer Center for Healing, our practitioners can discuss your medical history, current health condition, and desired treatment goals to determine whether rife machine therapy may be a suitable approach to your wellness journey. If you would like to explore its potential benefits further, get in touch with us now so we can arrange a consultation appointment and start helping you on the road toward optimal wellness! We look forward to supporting you along this path to optimal wellness!

It’s Painless

As cancer care becomes increasingly complex, patients are turning toward less invasive, non-toxic treatments as a solution. Rife frequency therapy provided by the Cancer Center for Healing in Irvine, California, is a holistic treatment option that works to eliminate harmful pathogens and foster healing within the body. Rife machine therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with cancer cells, breaking them apart and killing them off. Royal Raymond Rife made an incredible discovery through his research, when he observed that all micro-organisms have specific frequencies which resonate, which could be used to kill them. Rife’s experiments demonstrated this fact by amplifying their natural frequencies until their natural frequencies vibrated out, killing viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus and other microorganisms through vibrational death.

Rife machines were often greeted with doubt in the early 1900s; however, more recent research is proving their efficacy. Low-energy radio waves emitted by this technology are believed to help heal our bodies by balancing immunity and decreasing inflammation levels, relieving pain relief as well as helping chronic fatigue sufferers with migraines.

After experiencing Rife machine therapy, many have reported feeling better within just a few sessions. These positive results have encouraged more and more people to give Rife machine therapy a try; its positive results serve as an encouragement for others to explore this form of holistic treatment, which works especially well when combined with other holistic modalities like acupuncture.

While further study is necessary to understand the true benefits of Rife machine therapy, many have discovered its value as an alternative chemotherapy treatment option. Rife machine therapy has proven helpful for alleviating some side effects from Taxol chemotherapy drugs that impact immune function and cause side effects like fatigue, nausea and vomiting; or as complementary therapy alongside surgery or radiation. Rife machine therapy offers safe and effective relief from their side effects.

It’s Effective

Rife frequency therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies that emit electromagnetic pulses to target and destroy cancerous cells, as well as to support natural healing processes within the body. People who have undergone this alternative treatment for cancer have reported improved health and an overall increased sense of well-being after participating in Rife frequency therapy sessions.

This noninvasive therapy relies on bioresonance theory, which holds that unhealthy and diseased cells have different electromagnetic properties from healthy ones; this difference can be detected with electromagnetic radiation of appropriate frequency; using this energy, unhealthy cells can be destroyed while healthy ones “normalized.”

Royal Raymond Rife conducted research in the 1920s and 1930s that involved creating compound microscopes capable of magnifying microorganisms up to 30,000x magnification. He discovered that many microorganisms had specific frequencies or vibration rates that resonated with them, killing them off. Rife created the RIFE machine in order to target those frequencies with electromagnetic waves aimed at eliminating microbes that had become chronic problems, yet AMA suppressed his discoveries.

Rife technology is still widely utilized today to promote healing and treat chronic illness, while offering non-invasive pain relief. Combining ancient healing technologies with modern science, this non-invasive treatment has long been seen as an effective form of cancer therapy.

Clients begin their session in a comfortable chair and place their feet on specialized footplates. Next, they hold two plasma glass tubes which produce radio wave forms (RF), penetrating deeper than traditional electrode-based treatments which only cover the surface layer of skin.

RF frequencies are carefully tuned to only affect harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites without harming healthy cells or tissues. This allows RF therapy to effectively eradicate organisms responsible for conditions like candida, arthritis, Lyme disease and typhus; improve blood flow; strengthen immunity systems – as well as boost overall immunity – making rife an invaluable addition to holistic treatment plans addressing root causes instead of only symptoms of these illnesses.

It’s Safe

Rife machines employ frequencies to effectively target harmful microorganisms and enhance natural healing processes in the body. These frequencies are non-invasive, non-interfering with any other cells or systems and penetrate deep into tissues of the body – targeting microorganisms that would be hard to reach with traditional approaches alone. Therefore, frequency therapy like Rife machines is so effective at restoring balance and increasing immunity system health.

Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife machine during the 1930s. As both an electrical engineer and scientist, Rife built one of the first compound microscopes with high magnification, enabling him to experiment with frequencies on bacteria and viruses placed under his microscope on slides under magnification. Through experiments conducted using various frequencies he discovered certain frequencies could shatter cell walls of organisms without harming other parts of their cells, as well as match cancerous tumors’ resonant frequencies for destruction.

As a result of his discoveries, the medical establishment attempted to silence him and the work that he was doing. He was denied funding from the International Cancer Institute, discredited research was disproved, equipment destroyed in fires or lost; leaving little trace of his discoveries or of their significance. Yet anecdotal evidence points towards him being one of the greatest scientists and medical researchers of his era.

Modern scientific studies have verified Rife’s invention was spot-on; light frequencies used in his invention could effectively shatter harmful organisms’ cell structures without harming any other part of their cells, making them inevitability non-survivable for survival – making rife therapy particularly useful against diseases caused by Borrelia bacteria such as Lyme disease.

Rife therapy does not always yield immediate results, and sessions must typically continue in order to see real changes. Our clients report feeling renewed after receiving multiple sessions; others are surprised at how quickly their symptoms improve; but please remember these are anecdotal reports, not guaranteed outcomes.

February 16, 2024|Editor

Buy Hulda Clark Zapper

buy hulda clark zapper

Hulda Clark Zappers are battery operated devices designed to deliver pulses of low voltage current to stimulate cells within the body and promote healing, distinguishing themselves from Rife Machine and Bob Beck zappers which use different frequencies for various applications.

A zapper is easy and cost-effective to use; one new 9V battery lasts several months of zapping action.


Hulda Clark designed the Zapper as an alternative health treatment to alleviate various diseases. The device produces low-voltage (5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V) pulses of energy from its 9V battery through an NPN transistor. A pulse generator circuit then converts these pulses to an electromagnetic field at about 750Hz that resonates within your cells to help balance out your natural frequencies in an attempt to relieve symptoms.

A battery powers a circuit, sending pulses through copper electrodes held by users or placed strategically around their bodies. Studies suggest using the Zapper three times daily for seven minutes each time is thought to help kill parasites and pathogens while detoxifying and relieving pain in your body.

Hulda Clark believed that parasites and pathogens could be eradicated by subjecting them to their own resonant frequency, found by determining its bandwidth and using frequencies within that band – this principle can also be applied to electronic devices of all kinds.

Clark developed a sweeping motion with her zapper to maximize its effectiveness in killing bacteria, yeast, mold and parasites. Clark also suggested using an herbal program in combination with it in order to effectively eliminate parasites.

There are various zapper manufacturers who sell devices with Clark’s name or likeness on them, making it hard to distinguish which are legitimate. Many use her image on the packaging while some even display her name directly. But only one was ever approved by her directly – SHRC has an authentic version called SyncroZap which she endorses herself.

The Ultimate Zapper is 40% more powerful than its Hulda Clark counterpart and features an increased energy wave frequency. In addition, its design includes garnet and amethyst gemstones in its line to the positive electrode, increasing effectiveness.

Digestive Health

The digestive system is one of the body’s most vital systems, yet can often cause discomfort. A buy hulda clark zapper may provide relief by targeting harmful organisms causing digestive issues and providing increased energy after regular sessions using their device to zap harmful organisms away from their system and possibly eliminating toxins which are making people tired and run-down.

The Zapper generates low-level pulses that can kill parasites and other pathogens in your digestive tract, without harming beneficial bacteria in your gut. As such, these pulses may help improve digestion while simultaneously decreasing symptoms associated with gas, bloating, and constipation.

Buy Hulda Clark Zepper To Prevent Parasite Infiltration in Your BodyIn addition to killing existing parasites and pathogens, a Hulda Clark Zepper can prevent them from entering your body altogether by acting as an interceptor between food and waterborne pathogens and any new parasites entering through them. It also stops them surviving antibiotics or medicines prescribed by doctors which could otherwise allow these parasites to proliferate.

Many people who use a buy Hulda Clark device experience enhanced digestive health. A zapper device such as this one can target parasites that cause problems like constipation, diarrhea and stomach ulcers while simultaneously improving functions by reducing inflammation in the gut.

The Zapper can also help treat other conditions, such as skin rashes, arthritis and chronic fatigue. Before using any electronic device – be it this or another – consult with a qualified medical provider first. Also consider following a healthy diet with plenty of water intake while getting sufficient sleep and exercise; this will help avoid diabetes or obesity due to poor nutrition or inactivity as well as smoking or recreational drugs that could negatively impact health in future.

Stress Relief

Dr Hulda Clark postulated that parasites caused most diseases and toxins, and therefore created the Zapper as an electronic device that killed parasites with electromagnetic frequencies. The device features a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit and two copper handles which the user holds against various parts of their body – Dr Clark claimed it cured all diseases in her book but this claim has yet to be tested or validated; nonetheless many users have experienced stress relief while using it.

The Zapper has many benefits. First, it kills bacteria, viruses and parasites as well as helping remove toxins from your body. For optimal use it should be combined with an herbal parasite-killing program and changed every 7 minutes; 20 minute breaks between treatments should also be taken so as to eliminate any viruses or bacteria emerging from dead parasites that have surfaced.

In addition to its antiparasitic benefits, the Zapper also improves digestion and increases immune system strength, making it popular with those suffering from digestive issues, fibromyalgia or arthritis. Furthermore, it may reduce anxiety levels while improving sleep – some users even reported weight loss and increased energy levels! While more research needs to be conducted before making definitive claims regarding effectiveness as an alternative medication therapy option. Any use should only occur under supervision by qualified health care professional.

Pain Relief

The Zapper is designed to eliminate parasites, fungus, bacteria and viruses which could be contributing to health issues in an area. It may also provide pain relief by eliminating harmful organisms that cause discomfort; plus some people have reported using one to boost energy levels.

Hulda Clark, a naturopathic doctor and alternative medicine practitioner, invented the Zapper device. Clark discovered that most human diseases were related to parasitic infection; she used Frequency Generators (Zapper Digital Professional) in her clinic to kill these organisms and restore patient health. Clark wrote several books detailing her methods as well as operating clinics across America.

A zapper uses an electric current to kill parasites and other pathogens by changing their polarity, thus breaking their cells. It can quickly eliminate worms, tapeworm stages and mites without harming beneficial bacteria; plus it can inactivate toxins and parasites in the body – with one treatment session lasting only minutes!

The zapper uses a frequency of 33 kHz, which has proven most effective at killing parasites and microorganisms in the body. It consists of a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit, two copper handles or electrodes you hold with both hands during treatment sessions, alligator clips which allow treatment across more surface area of body at one time – or alligator clips which provide treatment on multiple body areas in one go!

Many have reported that using the Zapper can improve their digestive health, helping relieve symptoms such as bloating and gas. It’s thought that the device works by targeting harmful organisms in the digestive tract that can cause discomfort and impair daily functions.

The zapper is generally safe to use, although it should never replace medical advice from qualified healthcare professionals. Make sure that you follow any recommended use instructions for your specific model zapper model and contact your physician if any adverse side effects arise.

February 16, 2024|Editor

Holistic Practitioner Course

holistic practitioner course

Train students with professional skills in bodywork/energy work and holistic health care modalities that augment and work in concert with conventional medicine, supporting them in exploring how mind, body and spirit relate to physical health or illness by looking into psychospiritual influences behind it.


Acupuncture, the practice of inserting fine needles into specific points on the body’s meridians, is an effective holistic healing technique used by holistic health practitioners to treat stress, headaches and digestive issues. Acupuncturists employ traditional Chinese or Eastern and Western practices combined to diagnose imbalances within the body as part of their treatments; other services may include massage therapy, herbs or mindfulness meditation as part of these practices.

Acupunturists can be found working in hospitals, chiropractic clinics, private practices and hospices – even sports teams and hospices employ them for pain management purposes. More people are turning to holistic healing solutions due to growing distrust for traditional medicine; consequently holistic healers have seen an upsurge in demand.

Massage therapy is another popular holistic health practice, frequently combined with acupuncture in treating pain and anxiety. Massage therapists employ various methods for relieving tension such as Swedish massage, deep tissue work and trigger point therapies; some even incorporate energy work or guided imagery sessions into their sessions.

Other holistic health practitioner courses available today include herbal medicine, reiki and naturopathy – once dismissed practices that have become more recognizable over time as more people seek natural solutions for their ailments.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is one of the most widely utilized holistic health therapies. Used alongside traditional medicine to treat various conditions, massage can reduce pain, anxiety and depression while simultaneously strengthening immunity and treating chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia or arthritis. Furthermore, massage can improve quality of life for terminal illness patients while making them feel better about themselves – many report experiencing great relief through massage therapy!

This course provides comprehensive instruction in various holistic health care modalities, such as Anatomy/Physiology, Stress Management & Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Body Massage and Aromatherapy. Students will develop professional skills in these modalities while becoming aware of how food and nutritional supplements affect wellness.

This course also covers Energy Healing and Guided Imagery. As well as this, this course introduces Aromatherapy (including its history, benefits, contra-indications, chemistry and classification of essential oils) and Color Therapy (the use of visible light spectrum colors to energize, balance and heal on physical, emotional and mental levels). This course will teach the student how to create wellness goals and apply various strategies that promote holistic practice. Successful graduates of all courses, exams and case studies will receive a Holistic Health Practitioner Diploma from Transformational Arts. The Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners will recognize this degree and grant them Certified Natural Health Practitioner status (C.N.H.P).


Midwives are licensed healthcare providers who are specially trained to care for pregnant women, infants, and children throughout their pregnancies, labors, births, postpartum periods, as well as providing individual wellness education and counseling. Midwives work closely with families across a variety of settings such as private offices, community health centers and hospitals as well as being experts at remote delivery methods such as telehealth.

Midwifery may seem like an alternative form of healthcare, but it actually falls within mainstream healthcare. Certified nurse midwives (CNMs) are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) trained specifically in pregnancy and childbirth who provide referrals as well as medication prescription. CNMs may also perform medical screenings and physical exams.

The George Washington School of Nursing’s master’s of nurse-midwifery program equips students with the knowledge and experience required to provide holistic, family-centered care. Following Jesuit philosophy of cura personalis (or “care for the whole person”), this program focuses on making sure all women and men receive comprehensive, culturally sensitive health services.

This course covers basic sciences including physiology, anatomy, microbiology, pharmacology and more. Additionally, the principles of holistic health and their application in clinical practice are covered. Furthermore, emphasis is given to creating a healthy working environment by creating relationships among colleagues and clients while simultaneously emphasizing self-reflection and professional conduct.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional counseling is part of holistic healthcare that encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Nutritional counselors focus on meeting an individual’s individual needs and goals for creating and maintaining a healthier lifestyle; teaching diet changes to prevent future illnesses is also part of this therapy; commonly this form of therapy is offered at eating disorder treatment clinics for anorexia, bulimia or binge eating issues.

Holistic practitioners combine conventional and holistic treatments to promote overall patient wellness. Their treatments typically include exercise, diet modification and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Unfortunately, not all forms of holistic medicine are covered by health insurance plans; so patients may need to pay out-of-pocket for these services.

This course offers students a unique opportunity to explore topics in holistic healthcare that aren’t offered through electives in their IHHW minor. Students arrange an independent course under instructor approval; at least three holistic courses must have already been completed and this class is open to juniors as well as seniors.


Homeopathy is an alternative healing approach that employs highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and restore balance to physical, emotional, and psychological maladies. Homeopaths can treat many conditions – from emotional issues to developing healthy lifestyle habits or finding ways to cope with stress – providing holistic solutions without necessarily needing extensive training in a health field. Homeopathy makes an excellent career option for those interested in holistic healthcare without extensive prior training requirements.

Certification can open many career doors within this field, from running your own practice and working alongside medical professionals at integrative clinics, to writing books about alternative medicine and teaching classes or workshops at community centers or universities.

Holistic wellness is a multibillion-dollar industry, and enrolling in a holistic practitioner course will equip you with all of the knowledge and credentials to make a significant contribution in this dynamic segment of medicine. The Occupational Outlook Handbook projects above-average job growth through 2032 for massage therapists, nutritionists and homeopaths–an encouraging sign for those pursuing careers in holistic health. Now is a good time to consider holistic healthcare careers! HAI offers an individualized holistic healing program that is an accessible step toward holistic wellness careers, offering courses to begin your studies and grant certification upon completion of each course. With partial scholarships and payment plans available, this option makes holistic healthcare careers accessible and cost-effective for everyone interested.


Ayurveda, which translates to the “knowledge of life,” is an ancient Indian system of medicine which incorporates diet changes, herbs and yoga poses for holistic healing of body and mind. People of all ages have used Ayurveda for thousands of years in order to balance hormones naturally while experiencing healthy pregnancies and menstrual cycles.

An Ayurvedic practitioner will assess key signs and symptoms through questioning, observation and physical exams including pulse taking, tongue observation, eye examinations and mouth observations and listening for any alterations in tone of voice. They then offer palliative and cleansing solutions in order to restore equilibrium.

Doshas, or basic energy types or functional principles found within the human body, represent three essential energy types known as doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha corresponds to one of nature’s five elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) and govern specific bodily functions such as movement, metabolism and lubrication.

Ayurved practices can help reduce stress and improve sleep, leading to better mental and emotional well being and helping the body ward off disease and illness, according to experts in Ayurved. Meditation, Yoga, Massage Therapy and Herbalism all play key roles within Ayurved. Graduates of Ayurvedic Practitioner Courses will gain hands-on experience using various herbal preparations and pharmacy practices as natural therapeutic agents, providing graduates with invaluable information for yoga instructors, practitioners, massage therapists, health professionals or nutritionists alike. This knowledge makes Ayurved a powerful aid when used alongside medical health professionals or nutritionists in Ayurveda practices.