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Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 23, 2024|Editorial

Remote Healing Cleanse

Energy permeates everything around us, including us humans. In this session, participants tune into their individual energy fields in order to identify any imbalanced points and transmit healing energy for healing purposes.

Meditation can be an extremely powerful and effective treatment that offers many advantages, including: – Addressing all aspects of wellness including physical, mental and spiritual issues


Cleansing can be an effective way of clearing away toxins in your body. Before undertaking a cleanse, however, it’s a good idea to consult your family doctor; any conditions like diabetes or an eating disorder may make fasting or altering diet counterproductive. In addition, stock up on any supplies needed ahead of time in case any unexpected issues arise during the cleanse itself.

This session purifies and revitalizes the energy in your home or spaces, clearing away congestion while infusing them with prosperity and abundance. This session can also be done before moving into a new property or business location.

July 23, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance Magnetic Therapy

Bioresonance is a non-pharmaceutical therapy that uses frequencies similar to piano strings to heal the body. By tuning this system of resonance frequencies into our bodies we can tune and balance ourselves more precisely.

Cannabis may help with symptoms related to fibromyalgia, stomach pain and allergies as well as helping people quit smoking.


Bioresonance magnetic therapy is an invaluable diagnostic tool that identifies and promotes healing at a cellular level. It has been successfully used to treat allergies, chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, Lyme disease in animals as well as Lyme disease itself in people. Bioresonance works by scanning electromagnetic waves generated by your body to neutralize distressed (asymmetrical) ones using specific magnetic frequencies – this encourages it to operate at its optimal energy frequency which may have been disrupted due to heavy metals, other toxins or stress.

BICOM is a unique machine that uses electromagnetic fields to detect harmful vibrations that contribute to illness and boost healthy vibrations in the body. To do this, users send a signal that reads from their electromagnetic fields; once read, the appropriate wave is sent back out again amplifying healthy waves while diminishing negative ones – this provides safe and natural treatment with no known side effects.

BICOM can identify stressors that cause symptoms and trace their source, such as food or inhalation stress like pollens. Such stressors affect organ informational levels and create an imbalance in an organism’s regulation system – creating symptoms from runny nose to severe depression resulting from nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins or emotional traumas.

A typical 60-minute session involves using the BICOM to detect various stressors causing issues for their patient and apply an appropriate harmonizing wave through an electromagnetic mat covering all body areas. As they lie on the mat, their therapist uses its applicator device to make sure healing vibrations reach every part of their body.


Another advantage of this technique is that it can help patients sleep more soundly. Harmonising vibrations may also enhance limbic system functioning, which regulates emotions and mood regulation. Furthermore, this therapy may help reduce pain by decreasing inflammation while simultaneously improving overall quality of life – it could even be used to manage symptoms associated with Crohn’s and fibromyalgia disease!


Bioresonance energy therapy works to stimulate depleted meridian pathways, replenish natural energy stores in the body and boost weight loss and detoxification efforts. It can also improve immunity while encouraging restful sleep and relaxation – non-invasively and painlessly used on patients of all ages; its gentle pulsing energy fields mimick those produced during physical exercise and reduce jet lag as well as relieve symptoms associated with colds or flu.

VEGAMED technology is founded on the theory that all substances have their own unique resonant frequency, with every organ having its own. Different disease conditions also possess their own set of resonance frequencies which can be determined with a frequency imprinting machine and then transferred onto carrier substances like water, salt solution, glycerin oil or silicon to be transmitted directly back to patients via devices which create healing signals to counteract diseased cell vibration patterns.

VEGAMED products are founded on quantum physics knowledge, supported by over two decades of research and clinical trials. Class 2A CE-marked and medically approved devices from VEGAMED work with your body’s natural self-healing abilities to detect and treat health issues without creating adverse side effects.

This new test method for the Rayocomp PS10 and PS1000 Polar will enable practitioners to more clearly display HRV testing results onscreen, greatly increasing client trust while simultaneously increasing bioresonance treatments’ efficacy and helping overcome resistance from mainstream medical practitioners who view bioresonance as unproven and not accepted by scientific communities.


A magnetic therapy device called AMPCOIL employs electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances within body cells and restore healthy interactions between them, treating conditions such as allergies, fibromyalgia, chronic diseases and more. It’s also widely used for detoxification, energy boosts and mood improvement by releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine into the system.


Bioresonance technology operates under the principle that sick organs produce different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones, enabling machines to analyze these frequencies to identify illness and restore them back to their original frequencies in order to treat diseases. Proponents assert that bioresonance devices can diagnose illnesses by measuring how they alter body organs’ electromagnetic emissions and comparing these differences against normal patterns.

Electrodes attached to the skin and connected to a device which reads electromagnetic wavelengths from cells of the body is connected to a machine that reads electromagnetic wavelengths from cells and analyzes results, identifying frequencies out of sync with those found in healthy bodies and then transmitting new programming via electrodes back into cells in an effort to reduce disease symptoms or identify parasites and bacteria that need eliminating through desensitization programs.

Devices designed to help the body overcome toxins, heavy metals, and stress are also able to restore lost cellular frequencies that have been lost due to age or environmental influences – essential frequencies needed by cells for proper functioning. No matter if you’re new or experienced practitioner these devices can help achieve optimal health for all.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), commonly referred to as pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), is a form of wellness therapy. PEMFs can increase oxygen flow to the brain and improve circulation for overall wellness; reduce pain and inflammation, promote better sleep quality and stimulate immunity systems – not to mention helping with chronic fatigue and depression. Studies have also revealed this benefit.

Claims that these devices can cure cancer and other serious diseases are unfounded; there is no evidence to show they kill cancerous cells and no clinical trials to support such claims. Furthermore, no proof has emerged showing these therapies can reactivate tumor-suppressor genes which have been suppressed over time.


Quantum Functional Medicine (QFM) is an extremely effective non-invasive technique that employs quantum resonance magnetic therapy to restore natural healing processes. This groundbreaking technology utilizes quantum energy to identify imbalances within the body and provide targeted treatments for various conditions. It’s been described as “ancient healing traditions combined with cutting edge science”. It produces remarkable results.

All living organisms emit electromagnetic oscillations or waves with frequencies measurable by bioresonance scanners; these frequencies vary between cells, tissues and organs – and even diseased organs and healthy ones – so that QFM bioresonance scanner can identify them to assist practitioners in pinpointing and treating the source of illness.

The Quantum Functional Medicine bioresonance system also assesses the effectiveness of any treatments being utilized by the patient, such as food supplements or homeopathic remedies. It can identify which therapies are most efficient at relieving burdens from your body, helping it return to a state of health and returning itself back into balance. With this knowledge in hand, QFM treatments are tailored specifically for each individual based on your specific needs and conditions.

Bioresonance scanners utilize powerful computers to analyze electromagnetic frequencies emitted by organs and compare them against frequencies associated with various illnesses. With this data at hand, healing frequencies can then be transmitted back into your body to promote healing while clearing away toxins that are contributing to illness.

According to scientific evidence, each organ possesses its own vibration spectrum. Therapists can choose an appropriate frequency to send to each organ depending on symptoms and conditions in order to promote healing and aid recovery. This therapy has proven successful for treating numerous symptoms and diseases including cancer, arthritis, asthma, allergies, inflammatory disorders infections parasites heavy metals bacterial/viral infections environmental toxins geopathic stress among others.

Quantum Functional Medicine is proud to offer this innovative technology to our patients, with remarkable results seen immediately. Many have reported no return of symptoms and an improvement in overall health status.

July 23, 2024|Editorial

What is the Spooky2 Generator?

Spooky2 is a frequency device capable of tapping into the body’s natural healing mechanisms with carefully programmed frequencies.

The device also comes equipped with accessories, such as hand cylinders or tens pads that can be used for contact mode treatment, as well as a signal processor called Boost that increases generator power.

What are the benefits of using Spooky2?

Spooky2 is a highly powerful and flexible Rife system that offers various treatment modes – plasma, contact and remote methods as well as PEMF and cold laser therapies – in one compact system. Furthermore, its software enables multiple generators to connect simultaneously as well as adjust hardware configurations and transmission frequencies accordingly. Furthermore, there is also an extensive library of protocols covering issues like pain management, detoxification and healing available within its database of over 30,000 frequencies covering numerous issues including detoxification, pain reduction and healing.

Spooky2 stands out from other Rife machines by being the only machine capable of applying Rife’s original frequencies without using a carrier; this makes it highly effective at killing most parasites and diseases, making Spooky2 an excellent option for those wanting to utilize Rife but do not have either the time or money for full-size Rife machines.

Spooky2 offers the ability to scan for frequency hits in your body and create customized programs tailored specifically to issues or goals, known as biofeedback scanning. You’ll get results in minutes; making this feature ideal for people dealing with chronic health conditions as they can find the exact frequencies necessary to heal themselves. is an official authorised store for spooky2 products and features an array of accessories and replacement parts, in addition to support materials like video tutorials and user manuals. There’s even an active community that’s always ready to answer questions or offer advice!

For those just getting started with Spooky2, our Portable Starter’s Kit is an ideal place to begin. It includes one Spooky2 generator as well as all of its accessories; additionally, this set also comes equipped with a portable charger making your generator easier than ever to take wherever life may lead you!

For an even more powerful device, we highly suggest the Spooky2 xm Pro Generator or our newly introduced Spooky2 GeneratorX (GX) Pro. Both devices are built for speed and can generate frequencies up to 3.5 MHz – higher than any Rife machine available on the market!

How do I use Spooky2?

Spooky2 is an extremely powerful system, yet also easy to use. The software can be freely downloadable and comes complete with a comprehensive Quick Guide available here. When first opening Spooky2, the Test mode will run – meaning no physical generators or computers are needed for operation!

Once your software is running, click on the “Programs” tab and search for an illness or pathogen. When you find what you want, double-click to load it; this program will send frequencies directly to the generator which then send them onto whatever it’s attached to – typically your body but this could also include water bottles, sugar pills or crystals.

This software also contains features to conduct biofeedback scans and spectrum sweeps as well as acting as an Hulda Clark Zapper to eliminate household insect pests and mold growth.

Spooky2 can also connect to external devices, including the Cold Laser Wrist designed to be worn around the wrist and treat blood supply, carpal tunnel, meridian complex issues as easily as being worn around your arm. You can also insert units directly in mouth/nose or use as portable zapper. Furthermore, custom frequencies can be imprinted onto things such as water/food which could serve as footbath detox systems; other presets include Terrain Protocol; Morgellons & Lyme Protocol and Rife Parasitice which provide treatments/therapies etc.

How do I set up Spooky2?

Spooky2 system software can be freely downloaded and installed from our website for free, or bundled as part of a Starter Pack with Quick Guide in one zipped file. Once the software has been installed, Test Mode enables users to learn its interface while remaining unconnected from physical generators – an excellent way to familiarise themselves with how things work without making use of physical generators for production purposes. However, its usage should only ever be for education and test purposes – do not use same hardware in production situations!

The software offers many features to customize its functionality, such as creating customized frequency sets and waveforms; saving and restoring settings like frequencies, waveforms and program presets; as well as performing various treatments such as plasma infusions, biofeedback scans and kinesiology taping.

Spooky2 offers an expansive library of articles and videos covering Rife therapy as well as other useful therapies, and features weekly webinars hosted by experts of Spooky2, where expert guests answer any questions or provide tips on how to use both software and its accessories.

For hands-on contact treatment, this software supports both the Magnetic North (black pad) and Biomagnetic North (white pad) spooky generators; both models come equipped with short BNC-to-alligator clips cables. For hands-free sessions, TENS pads may be substituted instead.

The Spooky Boost 2.0 signal processor is an innovative piece of equipment, capable of quadrupling the power of Contact and Remote mode, with pass through connections for Out 1 and Out 2. Furthermore, this device includes a dedicated output for making high-quality colloidal silver as well as pass through connections for Outs 1 & 2. Some advanced features of software rely on its presence; to learn more about its potential, click here.

July 22, 2024|Editorial

Frequency Healing Therapy

Since ancient times, healers have used sound to promote physical and emotional wellness. Frequency healing therapy harnesses vibrational frequencies to accelerate natural healing processes within our bodies.

Explore frequency healing with Solfeggio frequencies. Integrate these soothing frequencies into your everyday life for greater wellbeing and balance.

1. 432 Hz

The frequency 432 Hz is comprised of the sum of four consecutive prime numbers and also acts as a harmonic of the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz. Many believe that sound frequencies at these vibrational frequencies resonate with nature’s natural rhythms to promote healing and balance within life.

Frequency healing through sound has been practiced by various cultures for millennia. While scientific validation remains preliminary, evidence exists showing it can reduce stress and improve sleep quality while simultaneously increasing feelings of connection and well-being in those listening to 432Hz music.

Many musicians, such as the Beatles, have reportedly tuned their songs to this frequency. Tibetan bowls and ancient flutes may also be tuned at this frequency while some researchers suspect tuning forks emit sound at this frequency.

Studies have demonstrated the beneficial properties of certain frequencies on human bodies. Entrainment and resonance work by synchronizing rhythmic cycles; higher resonance increases chances of healing for an organism.

Frequencies of sound have an incredible effect on how your brain operates; for instance, certain frequencies can stimulate creativity while others increase your risk for depression. Frequency healing using sound can also have direct implications on DNA. Frequency healing using sound therapy provides a simple yet effective pain treatment, taking only minutes to administer and producing immediate results.

Frequency Healing with Sound (FHS) can provide an excellent alternative to surgery for various conditions, including plantar fasciitis, jumper’s knee, shoulder pain, scar tissue treatment and chronic back pain. FHS therapy is usually safe for most patients without requiring downtime or side effects and easily available in healthcare clinics worldwide. If you are interested in this form of therapy visit a licensed practitioner who specializes in sound healing; alternatively tune into these frequencies using any music player at home – just ensure to use high quality speakers/headphones!

2. 528 Hz

Frequency healing is a form of sound therapy that uses specific tones and frequencies to promote physical and emotional wellbeing. One particularly potent solfeggio tone known as 528Hz frequency has been found to positively influence DNA, increase life energy, mental clarity, conscious perception and even create profound inner peace and joy states in people.

528 Hz is widely regarded as the “love frequency.” It may help the body heal itself at a cellular level and is also thought to help relax and de-stress by helping regulate pituitary gland, hypothalamus, NEM stress response as well as hormones and neurotransmitters that may result in improved sleep quality.

Studies have demonstrated the 528 Hz frequency can assist in helping those recovering from addictions by slowing the waves of their brains. Furthermore, research indicates this frequency as an effective means of decreasing reactive oxygen species levels within cells while simultaneously increasing testosterone levels, leading to improved mood and decreased anxiety.

Studies have also revealed that this frequency can help heal your body at the molecular level by repairing damaged DNA strands, while also providing physical energy restoration, immune support, and overall well-being benefits. It has been successfully used to treat various medical issues ranging from depression and menstrual cramps to allergies and insomnia.

As there are multiple frequency healing solutions, it’s essential that you select the one most suited to your individual needs. Finding your optimal frequency can help create a more peaceful state of mind, reduce pain levels and speed up metabolism – using either a tuning fork or smartphone app can give you access to this form of healing; but for maximum effect it should be experienced in a quiet place for optimal effects. Frequency healing techniques can also be combined with binaural beats and isochronic tones sessions to optimize results and maximize their effects for maximum results!

3. 741 Hz

The 741 Hz Solfeggio frequency is widely known for its ability to enhance problem-solving and heighten intuition, as well as purify our bodies of environmental toxins as well as electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices. Furthermore, this frequency helps release negative emotions such as anger jealousy guilt etc while supporting spiritual development as well as creating greater connection with nature around us.

741 Hz frequency has long been believed to inspire individuals towards living more self-determined lives, creating healthy relationships, and communicating in a positive manner. Furthermore, 741Hz is believed to enhance mental clarity as well as release blockages from throat and chest areas. Furthermore, 741Hz helps us cultivate feelings of gratitude, creating a more optimistic approach to life.

People all around the globe have long associated certain tonal sounds with healing frequencies. Ancient philosophers viewed music as powerful medicine; Greek physicians even employed musical instruments such as flutes and lyres to heal their patients.

At present, many individuals incorporate sound frequencies into their wellness practices to support physical and emotional well-being. Frequency healing – where specific frequencies are introduced into the body via vibration – has been proven to relieve certain forms of pain while simultaneously increasing neurogenesis in the hippocampus, the area responsible for memory formation. Furthermore, research indicates frequency healing’s effectiveness at reducing stress, increasing sleep quality, and even bolstering cardiovascular health by stimulating vagus nerve.

Frequency healing can easily be integrated into your everyday routine with meditation music featuring 741 Hz frequencies, such as when practicing morning or evening meditation or drifting off to sleep at night. Furthermore, other frequencies can often be added for additional relaxation benefits.

SoftWave, an electromagnetic wave device powered by lightning and natural super-sonic waves, uses lightning strikes to stimulate mitochondria in cells and support the Krebs cycle by producing more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body’s most efficient source of energy production. By activating your mitochondria through SoftWave you’ll increase production of this essential source of cellular energy production – ultimately leading to improved health in every aspect of life.

4. 852 Hz

The 852 Hz frequency, known as the Intuition Frequency, helps facilitate clarity of thought, improved communication and spiritual awareness while helping reconnect to the spiritual order. Solfeggio frequency 852 has also been associated with physical healing and energy balancing and has even been linked with Gamma Brain Waves which may aid memory enhancement.

Frequency therapy, often referred to as sound healing or vibrational medicine, is an integrative combination of science and alternative therapies with the potential to stimulate and heal human bodies through sound frequencies and vibratory energy. Frequency healing may be used for mental health conditions like depression and anxiety as well as physical ailments like menstrual cramps and insomnia.

Frequency healing may still be under investigation, yet numerous individuals have reported positive experiences when employing it to address various health conditions – for instance improved mood, lower stress levels, enhanced meditation and sleeping patterns as well as faster healing time for medical procedures like strokes.

Frequency healing practitioners usually employ their voice or tuning forks or advanced technological devices to emit sounds or vibrations that match desired frequencies, although exposing yourself to these sounds and vibrations should be safe; for optimal results it’s wise to consult a holistic practitioner first.

Frequency healing works on the principle that cells in our body, including cancerous ones, vibrate at specific electromagnetic frequencies. By altering these cell vibrations with specific frequencies applied, they can either be promoted or destroyed based on your frequency selections. This theory was pioneered by Royal Raymond Rife who used electromagnetic fields amplitude modulated at various frequencies to destroy cancer cells in his laboratory.

Sound frequencies may have an effect on the middle ear, which in turn transmits them to areas in the brain such as the pituitary gland and hypothalamus responsible for controlling neurotransmitters and stress response – this affecting overall body functionality and functioning.

July 22, 2024|Editorial

Healing From Narcissism With Quantum Healing

Josephine’s journey toward recovery from narcissism was long, yet fruitful – she learned valuable lessons that have enabled her to thrive as she healed herself from this form of mental illness.

Josephine first learned to recognize when her thoughts were negative or distorted, helping to end the cycle of abuse and break its cycle.

She practiced mindfulness to stay grounded in the present, which helped reduce both anxiety and depression.

1. Identifying the narcissist

An individual with narcissist tendencies will typically deny their behavior and blame others for any hurt and pain caused by them, so it is critical that you identify potential narcissists before entering into any detrimental relationships with them.

Grandiosity, or an exaggerated sense of superiority and arrogance, can be seen as a telltale sign of narcissism. This often manifests itself in believing you are special or unique and others do not deserve your consideration.

Covert narcissists can also be identified by a lack of empathy and passive-aggressiveness, low self-esteem or insecurities, being highly reactive to criticism from others and being highly defensive and contemptuous toward other people. External life events which could trigger their behavior include demotions, financial setbacks, personal rejections or betrayals, legal problems or medical concerns.

2. Identifying the victim

Identification is crucial in order to allow victims to begin healing from their experiences with a narcissist and break away from any psychic ties formed with him/her, thus making it impossible for this individual to again attempt to steal their Life Force in future encounters.

To do this, it’s necessary to identify who your true self is – which may not always be easy! But it is worth the effort as defining who your authentic voice is among all the influences from family members and narcissist introjects.

As you do this, you can silence the narcissist’s voice and reclaim your life. While this may be difficult at times, it is necessary in order to avoid falling back into their trap; otherwise you will never be able to heal from past emotional wounds which can lead to long-term trauma and depression.

3. Identifying the abuser

Identification of emotional abuse can be difficult when coming from someone close. Although toxic relationships may feel impossible to break free from, staying strong and taking back control are key parts of managing them effectively. You can do this by understanding warning signs associated with abusive relationships and creating clear boundaries.

Abusive people usually feel entitled and find it hard to accept criticism. They may have an exaggerated sense of their own importance and be prone to rage attacks. Abusive individuals frequently manipulate their victims by checking the odometer on their vehicles, interrogating them about who they talk with on social media, or spying on email and phone billing records.

Josephine began her path towards healing by realizing her relationship was toxic and seeking support, practicing self-compassion, and adopting mindfulness practices.

4. Identifying the victim’s feelings

Dealing with a narcissist can bring on many different emotions for victims. From feeling like part of themselves is dying to feeling powerless to dealing with these draining feelings can be very distressing and hard to handle.

One way of combatting these emotions is with quantum healing, a form of holistic medicine utilizing quantum physics principles to promote balance and wellness within the body as well as helping heal emotional or physical ailments.

Quantum healing has often been seen as pseudoscience; however, some evidence points towards its efficacy in certain instances. Individuals report being helped with depression relief, reduced anxiety and improved sleep through quantum healing treatments; this approach has even been utilized for chronic pain management and treating phobias.

5. Identifying the abuser’s actions

There’s an onslaught of false and misleading information online regarding narcissism, often from self-proclaimed experts without academic degrees or degrees themselves. Much of it may even be false.

At times, narcissists can be destructive forces in your life, uprooting you from everything and anyone that matters and stealing away money, hearts, and Life Force before repeatedly seducing and hooking back in again and again. At other times they act like substitute mothers; loving you unconditionally while raising you high above everyone else in society.

Josephine’s story serves as an inspiring reminder that to break free from toxic relationships you must first learn the quantum principles of emotional recovery and embrace mindfulness – by doing this you can begin the transformational journey within.

6. Identifying the victim’s thoughts

Narcissists often leave victims stuck in toxic patterns of behavior even after they have left, such as constantly worrying about them or holding out hope that they will change their ways; or dwelling on negative emotions like anger and sadness.

Breaking these cycles involves recognizing and respecting a victim’s authentic voice; loving yourself unconditionally regardless of any flaws you may possess is vital in finding freedom from narcissist abusers. Realize their actions are their problem rather than yours – taking time and patience may seem futile, but in the long run you may experience healing from their abusive behaviour and find freedom again in life.

7. Identifying the victim’s emotions

Narcissists often perceive their victims as deeply flawed and at fault; therefore they will use deception to cause them to believe it was they themselves who caused any difficulties and not them. This morality play can be extremely difficult to treat.

Narcissists will strip away an enormous portion of a victim’s identity, undermine their beliefs and values, take their self-esteem away and drain energy from them until they feel like a shell of who they were before being involved with the narcissist.

First step to healing lies in acknowledging the toxic nature of a relationship through various channels, including psychotherapists or support groups. Once this toxicity has been recognized, victims can start shifting their emotional outlook in an attempt to move past it.

8. Identifying the victim’s beliefs

Victims of narcissistic abuse may struggle to understand their abuser’s true nature, holding onto hope that they can somehow change them; yet this notion itself is actually self-serving and self-aggrandizing!

Narcissists employing gas-lighting are experts at striking at victims’ most painful family of origin wounds with the intention of creating an opening in their energy field and inserting their psychic tentacles there, so as to feed off of emotional pain while disorienting and un-grounding their target.

Healing deep-seated family of origin wounds is the key to liberating oneself from toxic narcissism. Quantum processes and energy work play an instrumental role here, leading to life changing outcomes when applied correctly.

9. Identifying the victim’s actions

Narcissism can be treated by learning to recognize its toxic nature in relationships and taking steps to repair them – this may involve seeking therapy or support from loved ones or therapists.

Narcissists are False Selves that have turned away from Source/God/Creation and thrive off dark energy. They see people as commodities to exploit for their ego’s gain; without conscience wiring they lack empathy and cannot comprehend others’ suffering.

Narcissists target empaths, givers and overgivers, kind-hearted individuals for energetic nourishment in exchange for emotional favors from them. Unfortunately, this stripping away of spiritual sovereignty robs victims of their life force over time – ultimately leading to total destruction for everyone involved.

10. Identifying the victim’s thoughts

Breaking free of victim mentality is an integral part of recovering from narcissism. Although this process may seem complex at times, professional help should always be sought when necessary; keeping yourself trapped in this mindset only causes further damage both to yourself and those around you.

Victims often believe they were to blame for narcissist’s behaviors; this can stem from trauma and neglect, for instance. Therapy and forgiveness can help alleviate this mindset and change one’s perceptions.

Unhealthy symbiosis refers to two boundary-wounded people who form an unhealthy bond where one psyche dominates another – such as in romantic relationships, cults or authoritarian politician/family figures – resulting in one controlling the other’s thoughts and behaviour. It can occur within intimate relationships as well as groups such as cults. Dismantling this type of partnership can be hard; healing techniques such as Ho’oponopono may provide solutions.