Manifest Your Desires With Welz Radionics
Power Radionics is an advanced new technology designed to make magick and the Law of Attraction easier than ever, using Karl Welz’s Chi Generator and Orgonite creation as its foundation.
By using a Welz device, radionic operations can be carried out similar to those conducted by any traditional practitioner, shaman or magician; however, these operations will be enhanced with life force to accelerate results more rapidly.
Manifest Your Desires
Experienced traditional practitioners have always understood that in order to fulfill one’s desires, one needs life force. Therefore, they employed various techniques designed to attract, transfer and channel this energy – from music (voice/vocals, mantras), symbols and rituals through to animal sacrifice as a source.
Modern technology offers us an innovative means of harnessing this magical energy. HSCTI’s welz radionics equipment provides an easy way to access this power at the flick of a switch! With this life force-boosted radionics device, you can gain an edge in every area of life; such as personal matters, business matters, sports matters or relationships as well as self-development and sexual enhancement.
For any action at a distance to be successful, two factors are necessary: an effective link with your desired target and enough life force to drive its thought form. Traditional radionics devices usually stay on until their operation proves fruitful or they’re abandoned due to insufficient results; but Power RadionicsTM Devices give you an added advantage by continuously keeping projected trend energies active with massive supplies of life force that keep the projected trend energies active and active – leading to fast actions with success where others fail!
HSCTI welz chi generators come either standalone (JU 99 CE, Performer 2400 and LPOG series) or combined with radionics devices (RAD series), known as Power RadionicsTM Devices because of the additional strength they bring to distant action. Each Power RadionicsTM program comes equipped with separate Trend- and Target settings and can digitally connect directly with any generator for powerful action.
The easiest and most straightforward welz radionics practice is creating a triangle (as in Practice #39A). From here, project your life energy onto it before connecting it with your target. If using a welz chi generator with the RAD program on your phone, this simple yet extremely powerful practice could even allow you to control your desires from your phone! It truly provides control of destiny!
Take Charge of Your Destiny
Welz radionics is an incredible tool for creating long-term change and gaining an advantage in business matters, prosperity, sports achievements, relationships and personal magick. While traditional magick and shamanism often require elaborate rituals with costly materials and training fees to manifest desires and dominate destiny; orgonite boosted radionics offers an easy solution!
To achieve success in life and your goals and dreams, you need a massive supply of energy. That is why all welz orgonite-based success equipment features a heavy duty Welz Chi Generator(r). This massive source of life force enables radionics to work faster and more effectively – leading to results you might otherwise never achieve without this boost.
Radionics works by creating a structural link between an operator, device, and target of an operation. All HSCTI devices include an onboard Welz Chi Generator(r), which facilitates such activities. HSCTI Power RadionicsTM Programs then link this structure link with trend and target settings within each device and Welz CG allowing maximum power radionics performance.
Shamans and magicians use various symbolic gadgets to enhance the effectiveness of structure transfer or channel energy into specific directions, but with the Welz CG, this step becomes unnecessary as its power automatically adds power to every radionics operation!
HSCTI’s revolutionary “life force boosted radionics” technology represents one of the greatest advancements in mind machines and life force based success equipment in decades. For optimal use, combine it with Super Manifestation Ultimate software; using this powerful tool will allow you to cast spells quickly and effortlessly using an easy process that thousands of successful people around the world use! Do it all from home without complex rituals or lengthy training programs required – just experience working with radionics and willingness to use this remarkable new HSCTI offering!
Manifest Your Dreams
Making dreams, goals, and desires reality has never been simpler or less stressful with our easy-to-use high-tech equipment! The Super Manifestation Ultimate software program and Welz Chi Generator combine orgonite energy for effortless manifestation of dreams, goals, desires. Take control of your life with this powerful life force technology – use it in business, relationships, career success or anything else you wish. Simply flip a switch! Our revolutionary life force technology offers greater energy output than the best magicians or shamans can ever provide and requires no training, creative visualization or pep talks from yourself – simply flipping a switch is all it takes.
Welz radionics system utilizes an innovative structural link design that utilizes settings (rates) rather than symbols to detect trend energies and determine their trend energies, with results similar to more traditional tools of magick for abstraction and focussing processes. This unique approach makes the Welz Chi Generator and radionics system one of the most significant breakthroughs in life force technology and mind control since shamanism and magick itself!
One of the cornerstones of Welz radionics is dispelling, an integral component that helps remove any blockages and doubts which might prevent you from reaching the results you desired. Dispelling also ensures that your results remain permanent rather than returning back down again after they begin manifesting themselves.
If you need help using your Welz radionics device, our helpful video tutorials may be just the thing to help. These videos will walk you through unpacking and installing, additional file imports as well as how to build and set up your radionics device.
Manifestation Pro Radionics Software Program was specifically created for use with genuine Karl Welz chi generators made with real orgonite, linked via an innovative structural linkage system with transfer diagram. You can purchase these powerful psychotronic devices through HSCTI’s official dealer, RadionicsBox. For more information about this revolutionary technology for self-improvement and mind control please reach out!
Control Your Subconscious Mind
With radionics and orgonite, you can harness your subconscious mind to bring your desires into physical form. This technique is particularly helpful in manifesting goals such as wealth, good health, business or sports success, relationships, sex or personal development that seem difficult.
Welz Radionics is an advanced new technology built on cutting-edge scientific discoveries. You can use Welz Radionics to make permanent positive changes in all areas of life: business deals, financial wellbeing, health and physical well-being as well as sporting success and romance.
Welz radionics‘ main advantage over conventional light-sound machines and energy goggles lies in its ability to transfer life force at a distance. This is accomplished by creating a psychic link (commonly referred to as an “energy link”) between your Welz Chi Generator(r) or orgonite device and your target for operation – such as hair, photos, clothing or even your hands as target links – and your target you wish to affect – linking both energies together and also creating a direct flow of life force from your device into them and vice versa!
HSCTI Welz Radionics devices such as the RAD 2000 HD can send pulses of life force far away using sound frequencies similar to what traditional radionics devices produce; they’re far more precise and can reach anyone or any object nearby or halfway around the globe.
Welz Radionics is an advanced new technology that combines elements from both shamanism and magick into one highly effective package. It works by combining Alpha’s brain wave frequency trance-inducing brain waves with radionics‘ goal setting capabilities – this combination allows you to make positive change naturally and safely!
Welz Radionics represents one of the greatest breakthroughs in mental life force technology over four decades, and can assist you in realizing your maximum potential in areas such as wealth creation, success, healthy lifestyle choices, self-healing and spiritual advancement.