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July 20, 2024|Editorial

Cancer and Quantum Healing

Quantum healing proponents believe that each living being has an interwoven biofield that connects directly to health. Any discord in this biofield has been linked with disease; consequently, certain frequencies are thought to resonate with cells within our bodies and promote wellness.

Quantum dots can be an effective tool in targeting and imaging malignancies, as evidenced by Mendes et al.’s development of ternary copper indium selenide/zinc sulfide-based quantum dots to specifically target head and neck squamous cancer cells that express integrin V6 for fluorescence imaging and drug delivery purposes.

1. Immune System Boost

The immune system is designed to recognize and destroy antigens such as viruses and bacteria, but cancer cells often pass unnoticed by this defense system. Researchers have discovered that using a gel that stimulates natural immunity responses can stop tumors from returning post surgery and from spreading further.

Scientists made this discovery after conducting research into how antibodies bind with proteins on cancer cells, setting off chemical chain reactions that damage or kill them. Their investigation revealed that molecules with quantum healing frequency molecules attached to cancer cell receptors more strongly than conventional antibodies do – activating their immune systems’ innate defence systems as a result.

This innovative approach to cancer therapy is gaining increasing traction. Other examples of such new approaches are mRNA vaccines designed to specifically target tumors. This practice, known as in situ vaccination, involves extracting tumor samples from patients, genetic analysis, machine learning algorithms identifying unique antigens which create strong immune responses from machine learning algorithms analyzing them, then including them into an mRNA vaccine and giving directly at tumour site.

Gene therapy offers another promising advancement that could correct cancerous cells’ DNA misprints, for instance mutations of p53 are often linked with lung cancer among longtime smokers; future advancements like CRISPR and quantum computers could enable doctors to edit out cancer’s defective genes molecularly with precision, potentially lowering lethal side effects.


2. Pain Relief

One of the primary concerns of cancer patients is pain management. Certain frequencies have been proven to alleviate chronic discomfort by stimulating beta-endorphin release – the body’s natural painkillers.

Quantum healing proponents believe that everything, including humans, vibrates at specific frequencies. If any disruptions in this vibratory rhythm occur, this could contribute to illness; quantum healing frequencies could help restore them for overall wellness.

Scientists are exploring various applications of quantum technology for medical purposes. One such application is a “quantum scalpel” which uses heavy ions to attack tumors without cutting through skin layers, potentially reducing radiation therapy side-effects and improving patient outcomes. Another possible application would be cellular sleuthing technology that detects unique biomarkers of each individual and alerts physicians when anything unusual occurs.

Quantum computers could play an invaluable role in fighting cancer. Designed to quickly analyze massive amounts of genomic data, quantum computers allow scientists to spot mutations that could be leading to disease more easily than with traditional computers. Furthermore, scientists are developing “smart toilets” which would test urine samples for signs of cancer using attachments that detect faint odors released by our bodies.

Quantum medicine, though still in its infancy, holds great promise. Integrating quantum phenomena into holistic medicine could improve our understanding of psychosomatic symptoms as well as the effectiveness of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation – potentially even helping us find new strategies to defeat cancer or other incurable diseases permanently.

3. Relaxation

Quantum Healing practitioners may advise their patients to practice deep relaxation techniques during sessions, which will help align their energy fields and channel healing energy throughout their bodies. Meditation and mindfulness techniques may also help cancer patients relax their minds and find inner peace while encouraging the body’s natural healing abilities.


Proponents of Quantum Healing believe that everything, including our bodies, vibrates at specific frequencies. Discordant vibrations can lead to disease; by exposing our bodies to quantum healing frequencies we may be able to correct these disharmonies and thus promote overall wellness.

Studies on quantum healing are ongoing and some have produced promising results, yet more robust evidence must be accumulated before considering it as a treatment for cancer. Meanwhile, any alternative healing methods should always be approached with caution and it’s wise to consult healthcare providers before trying them.

Critics of Quantum Healing warn that touting its ability to treat diseases such as cancer is irresponsible, potentially leading people to abandon proven medical treatments for unproven alternative practices such as Quantum Healing. Keep in mind that no amount of healing – including Quantum Healing – can compare to having positive attitudes and emotional support on one’s journey through cancer. However, it is also essential to recognize that meditation and mindfulness techniques can serve as beneficial adjuncts to traditional cancer treatments, helping reduce stress and improve sleep patterns while simultaneously building self-esteem and providing motivation to heal oneself. Such practices may also be combined with complementary therapies like acupuncture and massage for enhanced results.

4. Mood Enhancement

Quantum healing operates under the principle that our bodies, like everything else in nature, vibrate at different frequencies. Disruptions to these vibrations have been linked with disease; proponents of alternative medicine believe exposing patients to certain frequencies can correct disruptions and promote wellness.

Quantum healing can help minimize the side effects of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, while also aiding relaxation and stress reduction – which in turn boosts immunity, boosts healing capabilities, and supports natural processes within our bodies.

However, research on quantum healing remains limited and more evidence is required to establish its efficacy. Some physicians advise combining quantum healing with self-care practices such as meditation, yoga and spending time outdoors for an all-around approach to managing cancer.

Studies have demonstrated that quantum healing can improve one’s mood, though researchers remain unclear as to why. Some hypothesize it could help alleviate stress caused by illness; while others suggest the placebo effect or how vibrations caused by quantum healing frequencies change our biofield positively.

There is growing anecdotal evidence supporting quantum healing frequencies’ ability to improve mood and provide an overall sense of well-being. While the use of such technology raises ethical concerns about differentiating between therapy and enhancement, its potential benefits and risks should always be discussed with your healthcare provider before trying it.

5. Stress Management

Quantum healing frequencies combined with other self-care practices like yoga, meditation and spending time outdoors can help facilitate stress reduction and emotional well-being. This is important since chronic stress can compromise immunity – making cancer more challenging to fight off.

Proponents of quantum healing believe that everything, including human bodies, vibrates at specific frequencies. If any disruptions in these frequencies lead to disease or illness, quantum healing frequency therapy seeks to restore them for wellness and healing.

Quantum healing frequency therapy is an alternative medicine approach based on quantum mechanics principles that explain how subatomic particles can exist simultaneously in multiple states. Furthermore, resonance phenomena is used as a basis of this alternative practice, meaning vibrations from one object can impact vibrations in another object – in turn this creates positive gene expression changes while improving health outcomes.

Quantum Healing may offer psychological and emotional benefits; however, it should never be seen as a replacement for proven medical interventions backed by scientific studies. Individuals relying solely on alternative therapies may forgo life-changing medical treatments proven to improve cancer treatment results. Therefore, it’s essential that you find a qualified practitioner to integrate this approach with existing therapies. For instance, massage therapists trained in energy work may incorporate quantum healing frequencies into their sessions in order to promote pain management, relaxation and overall wellness in cancer patients.

July 20, 2024|Editorial

Reverse Aging Rats

Scientists have successfully created an anti-ageing therapy using young blood plasma that reversed aging processes in rats. By revitalizing organs and cells using this approach, rejuvenation could occur successfully.

Treatment also reduced cellular deterioration and cleared away senescent cells, effectively slowing the rats’ epigenetic age by 54% according to a preprint biology paper published recently.

1. Reactivate telomerase

Telomeres of cells provide an essential defense against cell death and programmed senescence. With each division, telomeres become gradually shorter until reaching a threshold that activates programmed cell death – otherwise known as apoptosis – which leads to cell senescence and eventually death – one of the molecular mechanisms driving ageing. Harvard researchers have recently discovered a way to reactivate telomerase, potentially leading to treatments for various diseases including cancer.

Shelterin, a protein complex composed of TERT and hTR enzymes, protects telomeres from degradation caused by enzymes as they shorten. To activate telomerase, scientists modified hTR so as to include an additional strand of complementary RNA that acts as an activating template and acts as a template for expanding telomeric ends of chromosomes. In order to make sure its effects weren’t recognized as damage and destroyed by recognition mechanisms like repair mechanisms like DNA damage recognition systems called repair mechanisms known as “Tel patches”.

Reactivating telomerase requires raising levels of the protein known as hTR, which serves as an alternate template for lengthening telomeres. Unfortunately, however, this approach has yet to become clinically feasible.

Studies have demonstrated that activating telomerase significantly extends mouse lifespans and even partially restored longevity for old mice. One team’s hopes is to test this treatment on humans as well, though this will likely prove challenging given that humans do not produce their own telomerase and raising its levels may increase cancer risks.

DePinho and her team’s experiments suggest that activating telomerase may be an effective means of slowing or even reversing aging, though further investigation will need to be performed on whether E5 treatment rejuvenates epigenetic age in rats biologically meaningfully and if other well-established markers of aging change. Furthermore, E5 must identify its mechanism of action so it can effectively reverse aging processes.

2. Rejuvenate brain cells

Researchers at Kumamoto University in Japan conducted a groundbreaking study published this month in EMBO that revealed naked mole rats possess a natural ability to eliminate senescent cells that have died or been damaged, thereby leading to age-related decline and contributing to tissue clutter. Senolysis can remove these unwanted cells, providing one more means by which scientists may extend lifespan in humans – or at least bring human lifespan closer.

Prior to this study, a team led by Harvard medical school geneticist David Sinclair and supported by venture capital firm Rejuvenate Bio administered injections to aged mice with AAV viruses expressing Yamanaka factors (after their creator). On average, these mice lived an additional 18 weeks than controls while partially recovering patterns of DNA methylation–an epigenetic mark which indicates age in cells–typical of younger animals.

Though this experiment represents an exciting development, it is too soon to determine whether its findings will transfer into human life. A previous study using young blood plasma to rejuvenate organs of aging rats also produced promising results; however, whether this approach will work on human subjects is still unknown due to biological markers of aging differing significantly between rodent and human vital organs – so something detrimental in a rodent might not have any affect whatsoever in humans and vice versa; this discrepancy has likely contributed significantly to rejuvenation efforts that failed between rodents and humans in past experiments that aimed at human benefits despite promising initial successes using rodent vital organs as sources.

Though these setbacks may have dampened some scientists’ enthusiasm about defying the aging process, some scientists remain hopeful that they can successfully reverse it. MNT recently reported on a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience that successfully reversed it in rats by using ampakine to prevent tangles and plaques that form in older animals’ brains, leading to cognitive decline. As MNT reported last month, ampakine restored brain function, memory retention, and learning ability compared with rats from older ages; research team hopes eventually testing it on humans too!

3. Reverse the aging process

Scientists continue their efforts at reversing the effects of aging, and many remain hopeful of success in extending life through various means. While some researchers have already extended the lives of mice by activating telomerase and rejuvenating brain cells, others are exploring other approaches; one interesting possibility involves replacing older cells with younger replacements; this approach may prove most fruitful when applied to humans as it could reverse some effects of aging and extend human lives by decades.

Researchers recently made the astonishing discovery that an effective treatment could halt aging in rats. Their team discovered that simply transplanting blood plasma from young pigs significantly slowed the aging of old rats by altering their epigenetic clocks and improving organ function; marking the first cross-species epigenetic transfer successful transfer.

Scientists from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School conducted this groundbreaking research study. By giving old rats pig plasma treatments, they saw significant reductions in biological age across six tissues; organ functions improved; senescent cells cleared away; this result was much greater than simply placebo effects and actually over half reduced their epigenetic ages!

Pig plasma treatments not only reversed the aging process in animals, but they also decreased glucose levels, increased insulin production, and suppressed inflammation. While not a complete turnaround was seen with regards to effectiveness wear off, according to study’s authors it marks an important step forward towards reversing human life expectancies and lengthening lifespan.

Another study has successfully managed to slow the aging process in laboratory mice by switching on genes that regulate how fast cellular repair and maintenance occur. The team hopes that eventually this research may yield an anti-ageing drug capable of protecting against various diseases.

Other researchers are employing stem cell technology to halt the aging process in rats. Their experiments use a chemical cocktail to reactivate telomerase and promote formation of new stem cells in older rat brains; these stem cells then replace damaged or senescent cells, slowing down their rate of degeneration thereby slowing aging progression.

4. Reverse the aging process in humans

Scientists have demonstrated that many factors can slow and even reverse the process of aging, including telomerase (an enzyme which keeps ends of DNA from clumping together) and free radical reduction. Reducing free radical levels helps keep cells healthier longer by damaging free radicals causing cell deterioration and eventual death. Finally, some researchers are trying to reverse aging through gene manipulation or even viruses to deliver rejuvenating Yamanaka factors directly to damaged neurons in mice brains – these rejuvenative factors make old cells behave like new cells while even growing new axons in retina.

Sinclair Lab researchers recently conducted an experiment that found four Yamanaka factors could be administered into the eyes of mice using a virus-based injection. Once delivered to retinal ganglion cells at the back of each eye, these Yamanaka factors activated when exposed to antibiotics, rejuvenating retinal ganglion cells that had become dysfunctional with age and producing new nerve support structures such as axons. Sinclair’s team is continuing their research to see if other cells in the body may also benefit from using these Yamanaka factors as rejuvenators.

In separate experiments, plasma fraction treatment of rats significantly decreased their epigenetic aging in liver and heart tissues (Fig. 2) while also improving their functionality as evidenced by biomarkers such as cardiac efficiency and reduced levels of oxidative stress (Fig. 2).

Plasma fraction has shown to reduce epigenetic aging in liver and heart tissue through increasing mitochondrial efficiency; further supported by an increase in concentrations of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals; this has been linked to an accelerated rate of cell regeneration; in turn this could halt neurodegeneration as well as cancer development, suggesting its rejuvenation effect could extend beyond liver and heart tissues to kidneys and lungs as well.

July 20, 2024|Editorial

Rife Therapy For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is the most widespread vector-borne illness in the US, transmitted through infected deer ticks. Antibiotics usually kill off the bacteria responsible, though up to 20% of people may remain resistant and experience symptoms like fatigue, muscle pain or cognitive dysfunction long after treatment is finished.

What is Rife Therapy?

Rife Therapy is named for Royal Raymond Rife, who developed the first high-magnification microscope. The method utilizes frequencies which supposedly disrupt vibrational patterns of harmful microorganisms while protecting beneficial cells and encouraging wellness. As such, Rife Therapy claims it can destroy these organisms while protecting healthy ones for lifelong wellbeing.

Rife Machines were first invented in the 1920s and are said to emit low electromagnetic energy waves that resonate with pathogens and diseased cells, in order to neutralize them. This theory stemmed from the belief that bacteria, viruses and other diseases each produce unique electromagnetic frequencies which Rife machines could target to neutralize.

Theory suggests that these frequencies can be identified through microscopic observation of organisms under a microscope. By identifying a disease-causing organism’s frequency and increasing vibrational patterns until they become intolerable for cells, destroying them permanently. This same strategy works against parasites, molds and fungus as well.

Rife Therapy‘s noninvasive nature makes it an attractive therapeutic alternative to pharmaceutical medications, making it particularly helpful in cases such as Lyme disease which is difficult to treat with antibiotics and may lead to serious side effects if left unaddressed quickly.

One of the key challenges associated with treating Lyme disease is eliminating the spirochete bacteria responsible. Spirochetes typically live in the brain and nervous system, although they may also appear elsewhere such as heart and lungs. Rife therapy uses electromagnetic waves to destroy these spirochetes as well as their larval stages so that your body can clear them naturally.

RIFE machines may not be covered by medical insurance, which could pose a financial challenge to those struggling to cover treatment. A similar device known as a PEMF therapy mat may be more cost-effective in treating Lyme disease and related conditions.

Researching all your options thoroughly to find out which will suit your personal health goals best is essential in making an informed decision that supports overall wellbeing. By understanding both RIFE machines and PEMF therapy’s advantages and disadvantages thoroughly, an informed choice will be possible that aligns with personal wellness objectives.

How Does Rife Therapy Work?

Royal Raymond Rife pioneered this groundbreaking therapeutic approach that uses frequencies unique to harmful microorganisms to disrupt them and eliminate disease-causing microbes from your system. According to this theory, each disease-causing bacteria, virus, fungus or parasite has its own specific frequency at which they vibrate; by identifying this frequency a Rife machine can detect and destroy these pathogens without harming surrounding cells or negatively affecting overall health.

Rife machines produce low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves but so low you cannot hear them, and transmit these frequencies into your body, where they match up with harmful organisms’ resonant frequencies – like tuning forks do! They precisely match these frequencies with unhealthy cells and pathogens to effectively destroy them while sparing healthy tissues from harm.

Researchers and engineers alike have made great strides in perfecting the Rife method, creating various devices. Engineer Doug MacLean eventually identified the resonant frequency of Lyme disease-causing bacteria spirochetes and developed an Rife machine capable of targeting them; his machine includes four component parts: amplifier, frequency generator, capacitor box and wire coils.

He conducted several experiments and discovered that increasing the resonant frequency of enzymes to intolerable levels caused them to collapse, revealing their dependence on lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) molecules; blocking LDH can kill them off completely.

He found that killing the spirochetes before they could infiltrate the brain would prevent neurological symptoms like confusion, memory loss and headache from manifesting themselves – prompting his team to experiment with various resonant frequencies in an effort to treat SARS more efficiently.

Rife Therapy stands out from PEMF Therapy as another resonance-based healing approach by having a more targeted focus, targeting infections and harmful microorganisms specifically. PEMF Therapy seeks to stimulate natural healing processes within the body while simultaneously improving cellular health; both methods have proven successful at treating chronic illnesses as well as muscular-skeletal pain.

What Can Rife Therapy Help With?

Rife Therapy utilizes a machine that emits frequencies to target microorganisms and cells within the body. By employing resonance, this treatment method has proven successful at eliminating pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites while leaving healthy cells alone.

Rife therapy stands out from other forms of healthcare in its non-invasive nature, making it an attractive option for patients who prefer less-than-invasive approaches. This noninvasive therapy approach also makes rife therapy suitable for people who feel uneasy with surgical interventions or pharmaceutical drugs.

The RIFE machine can help treat an array of conditions and symptoms, such as viral infections, parasite infestation and physiological processes such as sleep and circulation. Additionally, it may also be used to treat Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria spread by ticks from Ixodes genus.

Researchers have recently discovered that Lyme disease-causing spirochete bacteria produce electromagnetic frequencies which can be detected by RIFE machine and utilized to target them without harming other healthy cells in the body. By doing this, researchers hope RIFE machine may successfully eradicate them without adversely impacting other healthy cells in our bodies.

Rife Therapy may provide an effective remedy for Lyme disease; however, before embarking on any new form of treatment it is wise to consult a healthcare professional first and explore all available healing modalities until finding something which fits perfectly with your personal circumstances.

Comparing RIFE Therapy to other popular wellness treatments such as PEMF Therapy can also be useful. Both therapies use electromagnetic pulses to heal the body, with RIFE Therapy offering more precise frequencies that target specific pathogens while PEMF operates over a wider frequency spectrum that has different impacts on various parts of the body’s cells and tissues.

For the optimal wellness treatment experience, take into account your individual goals and comfort level with each modality. It may also be wise to get advice from those familiar with both approaches so you have an informed perspective when making this important decision. With proper guidance you could soon be on your journey toward greater health and well-being through natural means.

How Can Rife Therapy Help You?

Rife therapy uses low-energy electromagnetic frequencies that resemble radio waves to deliver therapeutic healing waves into the body through Spooky2 Rife machine and transmit them into cells, organisms and pathogens that could otherwise harm us. Furthermore, this therapy balances natural body vibrations for improved health.

Rife therapy differs from antibiotics in that it aims to specifically eliminate harmful pathogens while sparing healthy ones, for a more targeted and less-invasive solution than traditional medication.

Studies show that rife machines can effectively target and kill Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria responsible for Lyme disease as well as other types of infections and parasites. Furthermore, its use helps improve blood health while simultaneously strengthening one’s immune system.

Given these advantages, many are turning to rife machine therapy as an alternative form of medical treatment. If you are interested in exploring this therapy option for any particular ailment, be sure to consult a trained practitioner who can offer guidance and education regarding its proper usage.

At Just Hope Healing Center, we frequently encounter individuals seeking alternative healing methods – including Rife Machine Therapy. While it does provide unique advantages, it is essential to carefully consider its relative merits against other alternatives like PEMF therapy when making decisions regarding healing devices such as this device.

As a non-invasive, painless treatment option, Rife therapy offers patients seeking relief from chronic conditions or musculoskeletal discomfort an ideal non-invasive solution. At Just Hope Healing Center we can guide your journey toward optimal health and wellness with Rife therapy; contact us now to discover its potential!

July 20, 2024|Editorial

Biohacking Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition characterized by red, itchy and scaly patches on the skin that become itchy over time, often becoming chronic over time. Psoriasis may also impact nails and joints.

Biohacking is an evolving DIY movement designed to optimize body performance through science, technology, and wellness practices. While the term may sound intimidating, a typical process begins with taking a blood test in order to identify deficiencies within one’s system.

1. Boost Your Immune System

Psoriasis requires your immune system to work at its full potential in order to combat. This chronic autoimmune disease causes skin cells to multiply much more rapidly than usual, leading to red and scaly patches which can be itchy and painful. While genetics play a part, scientists still do not fully understand what triggers its malfunction that leads to psoriasis – although it’s believed this miscommunication between immune cells and healthy skin cells may play a part. Other possible triggers could include bug bites, sunburns or scratches, certain medications, infection such as Strep throat or allergies to foods or medicines.

Strengthening immunity can be done safely with little risk. Eating nutrient-rich diets, practicing regular physical activity and getting sufficient rest all have proven successful in strengthening immunity systems.

Natural biohacks that may help include taking cold-water plunges or dry sauna sessions to aid with respiratory conditions and reduce body toxins. If using these hacks to combat psoriasis flare-ups, make sure that first speaking to a physician to see if these approaches are right for you.

IV drip therapy can also help hydrate and flush away toxins from your body, but this should only be used under medical guidance. Another fad popularly touted as a remedy for psoriasis is detox tea; drinking green or herbal drinks with added minerals has long been advised as an effective way of cleansing livers and strengthening immunity systems.

Wellness industry is an enormous market, boasting tall claims and questionable practices that could potentially harm those with conditions like psoriasis. Therefore, it is imperative to find wellness practices backed by science rather than simply becoming another passing fad or trend.

2. Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the primary causes of psoriasis, and there are various strategies available to you for managing it. Eating more healthy fats such as fish, nuts, and seeds; cutting out processed foods; taking an anti-inflammatory supplement like turmeric; as well as getting enough sleep and managing stress are all helpful measures in controlling inflammation. Getting sufficient restful sleep is also crucial; prolonged stress increases immune activity leading to overactive immunity which in turn contributes to pro-inflammatory states in your skin.

As well as following an anti-inflammatory diet, supplements and biohacking methods may also help to decrease inflammation in the body. Consuming fermented foods can help balance gut bacteria for improved digestion and overall health; or you could try supplementing with fish oil to get omega-3 fatty acids into your system and decrease inflammation in the body.

Your doctor will select an effective plan based on the type and severity of your psoriasis. They may begin with mild treatments like topical creams and light therapy; if these don’t help, more powerful medicines like biologics could be considered; these drugs target specific proteins associated with T cells and interleukins which contribute to or worsen psoriasis – these come either in pill form, injection form, or there are at-home kits you can use as well.

Change your diet and remove food sensitivities to decrease inflammation in your body. A 10-day elimination diet that eliminates gluten and dairy as well as other inflammatory foods could be enough to alleviate your psoriasis symptoms; additionally you could consult with a Functional Medicine practitioner about any issues, like heavy metal toxicity that might trigger or exacerbate it.

Though biohacking tools can be tempting to experiment with, your doctor should remain in close contact as you pursue these strategies. They can assist with avoiding potentially dangerous side effects and ensure any new techniques are safe for your particular circumstances. They may also keep an eye out for any changes in your psoriasis symptoms so as not to miss any critical warning signals.

3. Detoxify

Psoriasis is a chronic condition characterized by red, thick patches of itchy and flaky skin. While initially beginning on the scalp, it often spreads throughout the body including joints. While there’s no cure for psoriasis, treatment options exist that can ease symptoms and lessen severity such as topical corticosteroids or vitamin D analogs applied topically or through phototherapy; others may seek alternative or complementary therapies like detox diets to improve quality of life such as detoxes.

Detox diets have become an increasingly popular health trend that claims to offer multiple advantages, from improved digestion and weight loss, to anti-inflammatory food consumption that could potentially reduce chronic inflammation associated with the condition. Most detox diets involve restricting certain food items or drinking certain liquids in order to rid oneself of toxins from one’s body – some specifically targeting anti-inflammatories can even provide therapeutic support against this psoriasis condition.

Some detox diets also aim to boost gut health by including probiotics and fiber, which have been shown to decrease immune reactions associated with autoimmune conditions like psoriasis. There’s no definitive scientific evidence establishing which food triggers it; therefore experts advise against following detox diets without first consulting their healthcare professional.

Avoiding gluten, alcohol, added sugars, nightshades and refined carbs may help ease psoriasis symptoms; however, restrictive detox diets or quick fixes could actually exacerbate them further. It’s essential that individuals follow a balanced, healthful diet while gradually eliminating potential trigger foods one at a time until finding what works for them.

Some people also use juices and smoothies to detox, which can boost energy levels and digestive function. Before making these drinks part of your routine, however, it’s advisable to consult a registered dietitian or your physician in order to ensure they won’t interact negatively with any medications for psoriasis or other elements of your health plan. It would also be a wise move to consult with either of these professionals in regards to any dietary modifications – they will offer support, guidance, as well as suggest the appropriate supplements and modifications tailored specifically to you and your situation.

4. Sleep Better

Those struggling to sleep due to psoriasis may find relief by strengthening their immune systems. Given that patients of this disease are at increased risk for colds and flu, maintaining as high an immunity as possible is crucial. There are various strategies you can employ in this regard; including taking natural supplements like Vitamin D3 or discussing probiotic options with their doctor.

At the same time, it is vitally important to practice good sleep hygiene. This means limiting caffeine intake, sticking to a consistent sleep schedule and using blue-light blocking glasses in your bedroom. In addition, make sure your sleeping environment is cozy and free from electronics.

Some biohackers go the extra mile, using magnetic sleep mats or devices which use currents through the brain to improve deep sleep. Others adopt polyphasic sleeping patterns whereby they wake periodically throughout the day. Although it might be tempting to experiment with such gadgets yourself, always seek medical advice first before testing out anything new.

Biohacking has quickly become an acclaimed term within the hi-tech, wellness, and anti-aging communities in recent years, but its roots can be found centuries back when ancient civilizations used solar light to heal and increase their energy reserves.

Recent research indicates that near-infrared light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation, may benefit skin health, aid muscle recovery, support nervous system function and reduce inflammation – making it one of the top biohacks experts recommend for better living.

Life with chronic disease can leave us exhausted and depressed, and finding energy to fight back may seem impossible. If this is your experience, seek advice from your physician or join MyPsoriasisTeam’s forum of people living with psoriasis to gain tips for minimizing stress levels and increasing energy.

July 20, 2024|Editorial

ATP BioResonance Therapy

ATP Bioresonance Therapy is an innovative holistic medical approach that leverages advanced signal analysis technology to decode information about hidden causes of illness across physical, biochemical, psychoemotional and spiritual dimensions in the body. Practitioners using this therapy are then able to craft personalized plans of treatment which address each determinant directly.

ATP bioresonance therapy can be an effective tool in managing digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), nerve pain relief and relieving symptoms associated with Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP). Furthermore, women’s health concerns may also be addressed through this modality.


Acupuncture is one of the oldest Eastern medicine techniques and involves inserting fine, sterile needles at specific acupuncture points on the body in order to stimulate its natural healing response and alleviate pain while improving health. Traditional Chinese Medicine includes Acupuncture as part of its holistic therapy practices, making it safe, noninvasive and drug free. The National Institutes of Health lists acupuncture’s effectiveness against numerous conditions as a treatment option, including addiction, anxiety, fibromyalgia headaches neck and back pain carpal tunnel syndrome sinus issues nausea vomiting surgery chemotherapy menstrual cramps abdominal disorders such as constipation diarrhea gastroesophageal reflux disease heartburn rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis allergies tinnitus asthma depression bipolar disorder chronic fatigue insomnia

Acupunecture has long been used as a treatment option for neuropathy, a condition involving nerve damage that causes numbness, burning sensations and pain. Acupuncture has been proven to release pain-relieving chemicals produced by your own body as well as improve blood flow which reduces inflammation and helps enhance nerve function.

ATP Bioresonance Therapy, commonly known by its acronym BRT, is an electromagnetic frequency-based healing modality designed to detect and rectify energy field imbalances within the body that are suspected as the root of many illnesses. BRT works similarly to electronic homeopathy as electromagnetic waves transfer energy directly to cells within your body and stimulate healing.

As with acupuncture, BRT is a noninvasive and holistic approach that can be combined with other treatments for optimal fertility enhancement. Combining BRT and red light therapy together may increase fertility by stimulating reproductive organs to heal themselves – creating an approach to reproductive wellness in its entirety.

The BRT device transmits an electrical current through electrodes into your body and measures any changes to cell bioelectrical activity based on your individual biological state. Once measured, this signal is transformed using digital signal processing technology before being transmitted back through these same electrodes back out to you based on tissue type to reduce swelling (swelling), repair tissues and alleviate pain.

There is something quite wonderful and humbling about witnessing another human being go through something you wouldn’t do yourself, be it giving birth, having children or anything else. The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture recommends acupuncture treatment for many conditions, such as back pain, arthritis, sports injuries such as sprains and strains, whiplash, sciatica overuse syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome as well as digestive issues like constipation diarrhea and gastric reflux. Dexamethasone therapy may also ease symptoms associated with shingles and migraines, provide relief for fibromyalgia, tinnitus and asthma; and prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy treatments. Many insurance plans and health savings accounts now cover acupuncture due to its efficacy and low cost, so be sure to reach out to your insurer to understand coverage options in your area. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends seeking out a licensed, experienced practitioner with advanced certification in acupuncture and other health disciplines to properly assess your individual situation and create an effective treatment plan.

O3 ReBoot Therapy

ATP Resonance BioTherapy uses low-level electrical currents to alleviate pain and inflammation while at the same time increasing circulation. Clinical studies have proven its ability to alter body chemistry quickly and treat ailments effectively; its hundreds of frequencies tailor specifically for every individual patient are designed specifically for them.

Oxygen and ozone, naturally found in our atmosphere, stimulate cellular repair processes while increasing blood supply to damaged tissues. Furthermore, this therapy also acts as an anti-inflammatory and promotes deposition of collagen/elastin within damaged tissue areas. Aetna Therapeutic Projection can provide assistance with various autoimmune conditions including arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis and more.

Massage therapy is an extremely effective pain management strategy that can also speed the healing of various injuries and post surgical wounds. It provides relief for chronic back, neck, sciatica and migraine pain conditions as well as healing ligament and tendon injuries like sprains and strains more rapidly than traditional forms of treatment.

This therapy may also help address women’s health concerns, such as PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps. Furthermore, it has been used to promote healing of various wounds (surgical incisions and diabetic ulcers) and help with varicose veins/chronic leg ulcers.

ATP Resonance BioTherapy can also provide relief for various digestive conditions, including IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and Crohn’s disease, while helping with respiratory ailments like sinusitis, bronchitis and asthma.

Allergies result from an exaggerated immune system response to normally harmless substances in your environment, leading to overreacting. With ATP Resonance BioTherapy’s Allergy Shield Program, symptoms, allergic reactions and future sensitivity can all be minimized or avoided altogether.

ATP ReBoot Therapy is an economical option that’s not covered by insurance, making it a viable alternative to costly surgical procedures that may not deliver long-term relief. Plus, treatment takes only 30 minutes from start to finish! Typically significant reductions or complete resolution of symptoms occur after just several sessions – especially those suffering from chronic issues that have persisted for an extended period. For more information and scheduling a consultation at our clinic.