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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 19, 2024|Editorial

Does Intermittent Fasting Reverse Aging?

Researchers are investigating whether intermittent fasting and/or calorie restriction extend the lives and healthspans of healthy adults. Their study population includes both those at normal weight as well as slightly overweight individuals, so their results could have far-reaching ramifications.

Intermittent fasting increases insulin sensitivity, reduces diabetes risks and supports cell regeneration through autophagy activation – as well as helping lower inflammation levels and help protect against heart disease.

Improved cognitive function

Researchers have discovered that intermittent fasting improves cognitive function and protects against degenerative brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions. Intermittent fasting helps regulate insulin, which has been implicated in these conditions’ development, increasing BDNF levels to boost learning and memory retention as well as strengthening synaptic plasticity within the hippocampus (which stores new memories).

Intermittent fasting is a form of diet restriction involving eating at irregular times. By encouraging fat utilization as energy instead of carbohydrates or proteins for energy use, intermittent fasting allows your body to feel energised while also preventing cognitive decline and oxidative stress – factors which contribute to neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Fasting may improve cellular health while slowing the aging process by clearing away waste products from cells.

Over recent years, numerous studies on the effects of intermittent fasting on brain health and mental wellbeing have been conducted, but few randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in this field remain. This may impede some findings; further investigation should therefore take place.

Mattson believes intermittent fasting acts as a mild stress that continuously revs up cellular defenses against molecular damage. For example, alternate-day fasting raises levels of “chaperone proteins,” which prevent the incorrect assembly of other molecules in cells, as well as increasing production of BDNF, a protein which protects stressed neurons from dying and ramps up autophagy, an adaptive process which removes damaged molecules – protecting against strokes while suppressing motor deficits in mouse models of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s-like dementia in mice respectively.


Another study concluded that a four-week intermittent fasting (IF) regimen significantly improved mental health and cognitive function for older adults; however, this research only included self-reported IF practices without objective measures of sleep quality. Therefore, future research on intermittent fasting for older adults should utilize rigorous RCTs in order to ascertain optimal timing of meals and durations of feeding windows.

Reduced inflammation

Studies suggest that intermittent fasting may reduce inflammation, an ongoing response of your immune system that contributes to many diseases including cardiovascular, Alzheimer’s, inflammatory bowel and diabetes. Fasting periods increase levels of 3,4-DHPA hormone which inhibits activation of inflammatory cells which protect against age related and chronic illness as well as decrease pro-inflammatory chemicals found in your bloodstream.

One study demonstrated that intermittent fasting increased sensitivity to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. This is important because higher insulin levels can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes – both conditions which increase mortality risk. Another research paper demonstrated how intermittent fasting reduced inflammatory markers and improved several health measures such as triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels.

Researchers have also shown that intermittent fasting helps to decrease oxidative stress while increasing autophagy – the process by which your body clears out cellular debris – thus slowing the aging process and protecting against various conditions like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Research has demonstrated that intermittent fasting can significantly enhance brain function and protect against neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s. Scientists have also discovered that intermittent fasting increases neuron growth within the brain – this may also help people living with Parkinson’s or other neurological conditions.

Scientists have recently revealed that intermittent fasting can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases by encouraging cell regeneration and improving mitochondrial efficiency. Mitochondria are energy powerhouses of your cells and essential to overall cell health; their functionality decreases with age, leading to conditions like neurodegenerative disorders or cardiovascular issues.


Researchers have discovered that intermittent fasting can significantly lower oxidative stress, the primary source of aging and chronic diseases. This can be achieved through eating healthily and practicing healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise, sleep and stress management – such as regular physical activity. Furthermore, intermittent fasting may help you lose weight while sustaining an active metabolism rate.

Lowers the risk of diabetes

Numerous animal studies and human clinical trials demonstrate that intermittent fasting reduces the risks of obesity, diabetes and heart disease; it protects against neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s; it may even help prevent cancers while delaying aging processes.

Research suggests that intermittent fasting can bring about a shift from using glucose for energy to using fat instead. During this period, your liver, muscles, and other organs produce glycogen from fat cells released into your bloodstream as energy sources for use by cells throughout the body – this also makes them more sensitive to insulin, helping regulate your blood sugar levels more effectively – especially beneficial if you suffer from type 2 diabetes as their insulin sensitivity has dramatically declined over time.

New research, however, indicates that switching can take place even when people eat normally. Researchers conducted a trial offering participants five-day cycles of fasting-mimicking diet and found it improved prediabetes markers and reduced fat accumulation in liver; furthermore it helped lessen biological aging and inflammation symptoms.

Scientists believe intermittent fasting increases production of an important protein called adiponectin, which helps regulate blood sugar. Low levels are linked to metabolic syndrome and diabetes while higher ones have been linked with healthy weight loss and lower body mass indexes. Adiponectin may also help prevent inflammation related to diabetes while improving insulin’s effectiveness at managing blood sugar.

Studies have also demonstrated how intermittent fasting can significantly enhance cognitive function and decrease risk for neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. One trial proved successful at preventing these conditions in genetically engineered mice; another trial restored functioning neurons lost due to Alzheimer’s.

Even with these promising results, intermittent fasting should not be seen as a miracle solution. A healthy and well-balanced diet remains essential. According to Derocha, eating whole foods such as plenty of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats is the best way to reap its benefits and she recommends consulting a healthcare provider as to whether intermittent fasting is suitable for your individual biology.

Boosts the process of autophagy

Autophagy is a natural housekeeping process that disposes of old, worn-out, or damaged cell components by recycling them into new cell parts – acting like the body’s recycling center and essential to maintaining healthy metabolism, prolonging longevity, and safeguarding immunity against diseases.

Fasting can be an effective way to promote autophagy. However, it should be noted that fasting isn’t suitable for everyone and you should only do it under medical guidance. There may be risks such as insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance that make fasting dangerous; furthermore long-term fasting periods can also be difficult to sustain.

Recent studies have demonstrated that intermittent fasting can significantly enhance brain autophagy activity. It has been proposed that this could prevent age-related cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s, which is caused by abnormal protein plaque build-up within brain cells.

As another way of stimulating autophagy, eating a high-protein diet may also help stimulate it; doing so can help build muscle while simultaneously burning fat. When selecting protein sources for consumption, be careful of which ones contain too much fat and sugar that could negatively impact your health.

Studies indicate that combining intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet may enhance cellular efficiency by encouraging more effective protein and fat breakdown, helping maintain more even blood sugar levels, and potentially helping prevent insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

As well as consuming a high-protein diet, it’s also crucial that your diet includes sufficient carbohydrates and sugar. Too little of either can lead to imbalanced hormone levels regulating glucose levels – and potentially increase your risk for type 2 diabetes or obesity.

To fully benefit from autophagy, try eating a high-protein, low-fat diet high in antioxidants. Furthermore, taking supplements such as Urolithin A available from Mitopure may assist with breaking down dead cells more effectively.

July 19, 2024|Editorial

Somnambulistic Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) Practitioner

Shannon is a Level 2 QHHT Practitioner and will guide you into the Somnambulistic state to explore your higher self. She studied directly under Delores Cannon and has conducted hundreds of sessions over time.

During your session, you will access your higher consciousness (sometimes known as the Oversoul or Christ Consciousness). Here, you can pose questions and receive healing.

What is QHHT?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an innovative life-transforming technique developed by Dolores Cannon to unlock deep inner wisdom that lies dormant within both your subconscious and higher consciousness. By tapping into their own Inner Healer/Higher Self for healing and insight beyond what a conscious mind can comprehend, QHHT helps people unlock profound knowledge that lies dormant deep inside of them.

QHHT sessions involve leading clients into an extremely relaxed state known as somnambulistic level hypnosis. This deep state allows easier contact with one’s Higher Self; practitioners ask questions on behalf of clients to facilitate dialogue between themselves and inner wisdom that may provide answers to those queries.

QHHT practitioners use QHHT to request information from the Higher Self that may be beneficial to clients, including past lives and spiritual dimensions. Furthermore, the Higher Self may identify any physical problems and explain their root causes – often providing instantaneous healing without medication or surgery! Often these issues have arisen in past lives but sometimes also arise in present-life situations.

QHHT’s information from your Higher Self should never be seen as any type of future prediction; that would violate the ethical guidelines established by the American Society of Hypnotists. While your Higher Self does provide guidance for both your current and future paths, any predictions made are subject to change due to free will.

QHHT sessions provide clients with a chance to experience past lives, visit other spiritual dimensions, and gain answers to any queries. When they emerge from hypnosis they often feel as though their whole being had been healed and revitalized – making it an excellent way of moving forward with personal growth, releasing fears, finding clarity of purpose, and clearing away energetic blocks preventing you from living your full healthiest and soul-driven mission.

During a QHHT session

Dolores Cannon refined her QHHT technique of hypnosis over decades and thousands of sessions. It serves as an effective past life regression technique that bypasses conscious mind chatter to enable individuals to connect with their Higher Selves for healing, information, and guidance.

QHHT is a safe and gentle process, unlike conventional hypnosis. It induces the deepest state of trance possible – Somnambulistic state – twice each day before you awaken and right before bedtime. Most hypnotists shy away from working this deep because it often produces unexpected results such as remembering past lives; but Dolores was curious and fearless enough to experiment and discover that anyone can gain access to experiences from their Past Lives through QHHT.

At each session, you’ll connect with your Subconscious (or Higher Self). Your Higher Self knows everything there is to know about you and your soul’s journey through many lifetimes – yet is willing to share this knowledge freely with anyone who seeks it in an honest, open-minded, heartfelt manner. Your Higher Self also has the power to heal physical, mental and emotional wounds as well as any blockages in your current life; the information gleaned from it could be symbolic, metaphorical or mystical in nature while remaining both logical and practical in nature.

Hypnotherapists facilitate conversations between their client and their Higher Selves by asking questions and listening for answers, which could include anything from healing physical, emotional or mental illnesses to discovering their purpose and understanding how they have connected with those around them over their lifetimes. At this time, the Higher Self can reveal what needs to happen for healing to occur both now and any future lifetimes they might plan for themselves.

As soon as you walk through our doors for your session, it is vitally important that your goal is clear – connecting and receiving beneficial advice from your Higher Self. For maximum effect during this session, it is wise to create a list of questions beforehand so you may bring up these concerns during it. To make the experience as comfortable and beneficial as possible for all concerned, alcohol and caffeine consumption must be avoided the night prior as well as dressing comfortably during this encounter.

The QHHT Practitioner

Dolores Cannon was an innovative pioneer who perfected QHHT over decades of sessions. Her work focused on sacred knowledge and reincarnation research; QHHT allowed her to regress people back through time to their past lives allowing her to gain invaluable information that was then shared through books on spiritual topics as well as talks and seminars throughout the world.

QHHT works differently from traditional hypnotherapy or regression. Instead, its practitioner works in a deep level of hypnosis referred to as somnambulistic or theta state; Dolores Cannon refers to this state as connecting to one’s soul which always remains present. When this connection is made, its initial sign can be found in an increase in energy level for both those hypnotized as well as anyone else present; usually followed by feelings of euphoria and love.

Once connected with their client’s Subconscious, practitioners question their soul consciousness if there are any queries they need answered. Once identified by their Subconscious, answers may range from medical concerns to life goals or simply knowing why physical ailments exist – often knowing this information allows the body to heal itself without medication or surgery being necessary.

QHHT sessions can be life-altering experiences. Their primary purpose is to facilitate healing and clarity on an energetic level for their client, but the process also offers them the chance to explore their own potential, assess whether they’re fulfilling their purpose fully and increase feelings of love and kindness for themselves and all living beings.

If you are considering participating in a QHHT session, contact a certified practitioner with experience facilitating this process. An excellent practitioner should have an outstanding client satisfaction rate and can answer any of your queries about what should happen during an effective session.

The Client

Dolores Cannon pioneered and refined her signature Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) over several decades and thousands of sessions, discovering that her subconscious held keys to past lives and spiritual dimensions that provided guidance on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

At a QHHT session, clients relax into somnambulism – the deepest level of trance experienced during hypnosis – which allows access to their subconscious and higher consciousness which contain vast resources of wisdom that are unaccessible from consciousness alone. Therapists simply act as intermediaries between their client and this all-knowing inner guidance system and client’s conscious mind.

The therapist asks their client’s Higher Self for information that will aid healing and provide clarity in their lives. In session, their Higher Self often answers many of their queries as long as they are appropriate; often these inquiries involve health issues, relationships or spiritual matters while other times it focuses on personal growth or uncovering meaning behind certain events or periods in their lives.

Once a therapist has received information from their Higher Self that is beneficial to their client, they will share it with their conscious mind using imagery, visualizations or words. Unlike traditional hypnosis, this form of trance work doesn’t involve controlling a client’s body or leaving their physical presence; rather it provides access to higher states of consciousness that enable greater communication and healing beyond traditional hypnosis alone.

QHHT is a powerful healing process designed to uncover past lives, release blockages and understand more of your purpose here on Earth. Dolores Cannon, founder of QHHT has written several books detailing her experience using it such as: Between Death and Life – Conversations with Your Higher Self” and “Three Waves of Volunteers – The New Earth.”

July 19, 2024|Editorial

Bio Resonance Testing Machine

Bio Resonance Scanning is an advanced diagnostic tool that can detect imbalances in the body before they become serious issues and thus allowing you to avoid costly treatments or medications.

Life Expert’s bioresonance scanning machine measures 47 functional indicators for organs and systems within your body, offering a comprehensive assessment of your health as well as personalized wellness improvement plans designed specifically for you.

It is non-invasive

Bio resonance scanning differs from traditional diagnostic tools that rely on bloodwork or radiation by being non-invasive and scanning the body’s energy field to identify imbalances that contribute to health issues, as well as provide solutions for improving overall wellness. It helps identify imbalances within oneself that might require further attention for optimal wellbeing.

This technique is based on the theory that all living things emit electromagnetic waves, with any imbalance resulting in illness. With electrodes placed on the body, this technique can detect imbalances in these wavelengths and use counteract them through healthy cell resonance. This approach provides an effective alternative to medication or other treatments.

Bio resonance scanning not only identifies imbalances that contribute to health issues in an individual but can also prevent serious illnesses by detecting early warning signals of imbalance, giving patients time to take corrective measures before becoming severe. This technology is becoming more widely adopted among practitioners who specialize in natural health care.

The BioScan is an FDA-approved, state-of-the-art machine that utilizes bioresonance technology to assess energy levels within your body and detect imbalances that could lead to health issues in the future. Additionally, this type of scanning can determine nutritional needs specific to each person as well as provide insight into areas of high stress or weakness that need improvement such as food and environmental sensitivities, hormone imbalances or toxic resonant toxin build-up preventing true balance for each individual body. The report offers invaluable insight into your body’s weak spots including areas like areas of high stress or weakness, food sensitivities or hormone imbalances which prevent reaching true equilibrium – helping achieve true balance for all individuals!

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive solution to reduce inflammation and support the body’s immune system. The technique works by measuring electromagnetic resonance between healthy and unhealthy cells; then inverting their frequency so they restore healthy resonance resonating frequencies – this process is painless with no side effects whatsoever.

Bioresonance scanning and treatment sessions can be conducted during appointments with experienced practitioners, so it’s wise to set an appointment. Sessions usually last around 60 minutes and give the therapist ample time to explain results and answer any queries about bioresonance therapy. Most find the experience relaxing although some may experience slight tingles during this process.

It is safe

Bio resonance scanning is a noninvasive way of assessing health and wellness. An FDA-approved testing machine detects any imbalances in your energy wavelengths or vibrations that could be leading to disease; the test takes an integrative approach by treating the root causes of illness holistically. Please keep in mind this test should not replace traditional medical solutions but should instead complement therapies like chiropractic. Furthermore, pregnant women or those with pacemakers are not eligible to use it as it cannot guarantee safe results.

Bioresonance works on the principle that living organisms emit an electromagnetic frequency, similar to their fingerprint. A sample of this energy can be extracted from strands of hair and tested using special machines; once tested it will be compared against frequencies stored for items like food & drink, vitamins, minerals, metals, enzymes, bacteria etc in their database and any imbalance detected is balanced out using counter frequencies sent back out as part of treatment for an imbalance.

Bioresonance machines allow therapists to scan patients’ active points and detect imbalances or weaknesses in their systems, then create an individual treatment plan to eliminate these imbalances and restore natural state of health. During therapy sessions, this machine emits an electromagnetic field which is harmless to patients while sending healthy frequencies back into the body to reinforce natural functions while unhealthy frequencies are “inverted” so as to lessen any negative impact they might be having on overall wellbeing.

Patients should consume plenty of water and avoid allergens prior to any tests in order to help stabilize the energy field for more accurate frequency patterns measurements. Furthermore, smoking and caffeine should also be avoided prior to undertaking such exams, as both can have an adverse impact on results.

Test and therapy sessions take place in a private setting and typically last about 60 minutes. Your therapist will discuss the results and answer any queries that arise, as well as providing recommendations regarding dietary changes or supplements to address imbalances found during testing.

It is effective

The Bio Resonance Scanner detects imbalances in your electromagnetic fields that contribute to feelings of illness. Its noninvasive approach makes it ideal for pinpointing food intolerances or health concerns, providing information on immune function and organ health that could be useful in managing or preventing diseases.

Bioresonance has long been used as an energy medicine technique. It works on the assumption that all living things, including humans and animals, emit electromagnetic frequencies which can be recorded and compared against known diseases, nutrition and toxic indicators in an effort to assess your state of health. A special machine then analyzes this data against these known conditions before producing a counterfrequency to restore balance to your magnetic field.

Bio Resonance scanners not only identify food intolerances but can also detect pathogenic infections caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites in the body. Furthermore, this scanner allows you to identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies so they can be corrected before they become serious issues.

The BICOM bioresonance device works by sending an electrical current through your abdomen. This signal is then fed back to a computer that compares it with items from its database of items and creates a report with all potential allergens that you might be sensitive to, from food items and non-food items, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Once your results have been established, a technician can develop a tailored treatment plan specifically tailored for you. The treatment includes taking specific supplements in order to assist your body’s fight against harmful substances – this will allow you to feel better while replenishing natural energy levels.

The BICOM bioresonance device can be easily utilized by those without medical training and produces accurate results, yet is easy to operate and provide quick results. However, it’s important to understand its limitations – for example it should not replace professional diagnosis or traditional medicine and should not be used during pregnancy or with pacemakers installed or people suffering from bleeding disorders or epilepsy.

It is affordable

Bioresonance therapy has quickly gained global acclaim within the medical industry. It provides an efficient means of diagnosing health issues while being more cost-effective than tests such as CT Scans and MRI Scans; body scans with BICOM devices typically cost between PS90 to PS190 depending on which services a patient requests during his/her appointment; during that session a scan is conducted and any imbalances identified.

BICOM machine works by measuring frequency oscillations of weak magnetic fields found within human cells, then comparing this data against standard diseases, nutritional and toxic indicators stored in its database. Once bad frequencies have been identified and countered they help restore harmonious vibration in cell magnetic fields – providing noninvasive and completely safe diagnosis that can detect issues that might not otherwise be evident to naked eyes.

A BICOM session typically lasts 30 minutes. Testing involves holding two brass cylinders through which electromagnetic signals are transmitted through your skin and measuring how your body-mind responds. A computer program then generates a report detailing any areas of stress as well as deficiencies or imbalances that might exist within your body.

Not only can this equipment detect disease processes in the human body, but it can also identify allergens – including microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria as well as substances such as heavy metals, toxins, hormones and hormones – that cause illness in individuals as well as weaken their immune systems.

Many patients report finding BICOM tests extremely relaxing, and that they feel nothing during the session. However, for people highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields or with food allergies or sensitivities that exceed threshold levels. If unsure whether BICOM sessions are right for you, book an appointment at a clinic offering this service and request your practitioner include assessment as part of their visit.

July 19, 2024|Editorial

What is Spooky2 Pulse?

Spooky2 pulse is an electromagnetic field cleanser constructed of borosilicate glass. When connected to its generator, this plasma tube emits electromagnetic waves which penetrate deep into the body to destroy parasitic pathogens and parasites.

Put on some headphones, place the electrodes on either your earlobe or finger and relax completely. Spooky2 will “ping” your body with frequency sweeps through the range that you selected, noting any hits >> or echos it finds, before searching further to identify those frequencies that generate strong responses from your body.

Rife Machine

Named for Royal Raymond Rife, an inventive scientist who pioneered high-magnification microscopy, RIFE machine therapy leverages the unique frequencies of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses to target them directly without harming healthy ones – providing a noninvasive, targeted and effective approach for treating many health issues.

The Spooky2 Pulse is an easy-to-use Rife frequency device that can help address various health concerns. This device can help relieve stress and anxiety, reduce pain levels, improve sleep quality, enhance meditation practices, or help enhance mindfulness practices by tuning your mind to sound frequencies found naturally within your environment.

A spooky2 pulse works by connecting to the body through electrodes attached to an earlobe or fingertip, then “pinging” it with various frequencies in order to locate any hits and trace around them until finding out their exact frequencies emitted by them. Once found, these frequencies can then be played back through its receiver to stimulate healing processes within your body.

The Rife machine was initially developed to combat diseases. It was thought that most illnesses originated from bacterial infections that could be eliminated using electromagnetic waves to identify and destroy offending organisms. Unfortunately, American Cancer Society disproved this claim, as the frequency transmitted by RIFE machines did not remove cancerous tissue effectively.

Even without scientific proof, numerous people swear by the power of the RIFE machine to treat their conditions and ward off future health problems; some even report miraculous healings!

No matter the benefits or potential side effects of RIFE machine therapy, it is always advisable to discuss any new wellness practice with your doctor prior to beginning it. In particular if taking medications (particularly pregnancy- or nursing related ones) then always consult your physician prior to using the spooky2 pulse; especially important if having any health concerns or pregnant or nursing. Also it may be useful in conjunction with other wellness techniques, like physical fitness activities, diet changes and mental wellbeing techniques.

Plasma Tube

Plasmas are composed of moving charged particles which emit large amounts of heat, acting like magnets. By confining these plasmas with magnetic fields, scientists create plasmas that reach millions of degrees of heat – this plasma can then be used in experiments to ionize matter and create new molecules, transmit frequencies or heal the body.

Spooky2 offers an assortment of plasma tubes to connect with generators in order to run various frequencies or for healing/frequency entrainment purposes. You can purchase these tubes through Spooky2-Mall; these advanced Rife machines can help create powerful results!

Plasma tubes are large glass tubes filled with an argon/neon gas mixture, used to run both scalar and electromagnetic frequencies for treatment of various health issues. Prior to use, it should be commissioned by an experienced individual.

Spooky2 Pulse software can be configured to use plasma tubes for both electromagnetic and scalar frequency transmission, with users setting desired frequencies in the frequency column of their program window before selecting whether they wish it be sent through plasma tube or field transmission. Once set, this software will adjust automatically its composite waveform waveform to match it perfectly!

As a serious practitioner, adding a plasma tube to your Spooky2 rig for more power and versatility will be advantageous. While there are various models of tubes available, most practitioners choose Phanotron tubes (used by Dr. Rife in his 100% successful cancer clinical trials). They’re great for targeting specific issues such as localized tumors or detoxing diseases from your system.

Spooky2 pulse makes operating a plasma tube straightforward. The program consists of three columns: Frequency, Program and Pause/Resume. In each of these sections is displayed all frequencies currently loaded into the program along with their dwell times; program column contains sequenced programs in sequence; while Pause/Resume allows you to pause an ongoing program or jump directly to another without losing your place.

Electromagnetic Fields

electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can be found virtually everywhere in nature. EMFs appear wherever electric current is flowing – in power lines and cables, residential wiring systems, appliances etc. They are measured as voltage per metre (V/m), or expressed in terms of teslas (T), milliteslas (mT) or microteslas (uT), with their strength typically decreasing with distance from its source. Common materials like wood and metal serve to shield EMFs.

EMFs interact with biological systems in numerous ways, from heating tissues and altering cell and atomic molecular vibrations, to altering molecular vibrations through ionization processes – leading to chemical/electronic bond breakages which in turn leads to biological harm such as cancer. Yet their exact mechanisms remain unknown.

Scientists have recently discovered that certain frequencies, like Schumann resonance frequencies, can significantly benefit human health. Furthermore, electromagnetic frequencies have also been discovered as being capable of killing cancer cells and parasites.

Los Alamos scientists used this knowledge to develop a device capable of producing electromagnetic pulses that surpass light speed. It utilizes nanotube wire that can transport over 100 million charged particles per second; when coordinated properly these particles can make the electromagnetic pulse travel through its path faster than light speed.

Scientists also discovered that magnetic fields could be used to separate charged particles, making them move at different speeds, creating an electric current-esque pulse which was much stronger than traditional electric fields and can damage cells similarly to an electrical shock.

Pulsed EMFs have been shown to have significantly more bioactivity than continuous EMFs of equal intensity and frequency, due to creating virtual electrodes at conductivity discontinuities that initiate chain reactions of events that activate larger regions of tissue with successive pulses. Furthermore, pulsed EMFs can induce ionization without heating tissue directly.

Scalar Field

Scalar fields are one of the basic forms of fields we encounter. They describe an absolute value at any particular moment in space or time – not an average or overall average, but its actual amount; for instance, height above sea level in any given location on Earth. Scalar fields differ from vector fields which describe how something moves along a particular route or direction.

Example of Vector Field and Scalar Field in Relation to Each Other [PDF] A vector field could be likened to a line on a graph; each point on this line could take on different shapes; on the other hand, scalar fields represent work performed when lifting weighted objects between locations – providing an absolute value at any point in time and space.

Theory suggests that scalar fields are caused by gravitational forces associated with centrally-located masses, giving rise to a Lagrangian density which is quadratic on general spacetimes (the Feynman propagator). Nonetheless, spontaneous symmetry breaking can occur, as depicted by Goldstone’s Mexican Hat potential and energy equation (see here for more details).

Finding frequencies within your body that correspond with viruses, bacteria, parasites or other organisms couldn’t be simpler with this little guy! Just plug him in, secure the clip to either your earlobe or fingertip version, stick on electrodes to your skin, select which scan you would like run – such as muscle test, biofeedback scan or GeneratorX TENs scan and click red Channel button; wait for it to ping through all entered frequencies and note any hits!

History tab records all your activity, with error lists remaining visible until cleared out. There are other useful tabs such as Generate List and Reverse Lookup which provide quick access to frequency sets you frequently use and custom scalar commands – however be careful as these powerful tools could do considerable damage if misused!

July 19, 2024|Editorial

Is Vibration Therapy Good For You?

Vibration therapy induces muscle contractions that stimulate tendons and increase blood flow to muscles, relieving tension in tense areas while aiding natural healing processes in the body.

Whole-body vibration therapy (WBVT) is an exercise technique involving standing, sitting or lying down on a vibrating platform and experiencing its vibrations to strengthen muscles and bones while alleviating pain and increasing mobility.

It’s Non-Invasive

Vibration therapy is a noninvasive therapy method, meaning that no surgical incisions or anesthetic are required. Instead, vibration is used to stimulate muscles and joints of the body using vibration therapy to increase blood flow, improve muscle recovery and strength, decrease pain/inflammation/joint pain/anxiety/stress relief as well as promote sleep. Furthermore, vibration therapy is safe for pregnant women, those with cardiovascular disease as well as those who use pacemakers.

Mechano-stimulation allows muscles to contract and relax in rhythm that mimics real-world exercise, increasing intensity without overexertion or soreness; making vibration plates ideal for full-body workouts without straining muscles.

Vibration therapy stimulates muscle contractions that lead to the expansion of connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments, making vibration therapy especially helpful in cases of tendon injury as it speeds healing time while helping prevent future injuries.

Vibration therapy is also effective at alleviating pain. According to studies, vibration therapy increases endorphin release which acts as natural painkillers in your body. Vibration therapy may also promote lymphatic drainage by stimulating muscles and nerves to move fluid away from painful areas.

Vibration therapy may also be effective at helping with balance issues associated with Parkinson’s Disease. A study published in NeuroRehabilitation showed that whole body vibration therapy could decrease muscle tremors and rigidity, although more research needs to be conducted on this finding. Vibration therapy has proven its worth in terms of improving mobility while alleviating symptoms associated with Parkinson’s.

Localized vibration therapy may be safer for many patients. It can be applied directly to sensitive areas like the neck or back without reaching intensities that might cause back pain or injury, while Intellinetix vibration products have been created with individual thresholds in mind to meet each customer’s individual needs – this makes them perfect for relieving symptoms associated with conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis.

It’s Safe

Vibration therapy is an efficient, safe, and noninvasive method for strengthening muscles, increasing bone density, increasing flexibility, and decreasing pain. Vibrations cause the muscles to contract and relax rapidly, improving circulation and metabolism while stimulating endorphin release as a natural painkiller. Vibration waves also assist your body with eliminating toxins thereby increasing energy and contributing to weight loss.

People turn to vibration therapy to ease muscle pain caused by conditions like fibromyalgia, as well as to minimize soreness following hard workout sessions. A 2014 study showed that vibration training helped decrease DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness after hard physical activity – the stiffness and soreness experienced after exercising heavily.

Vibration therapy requires standing, sitting or lying on a machine with a vibrating platform that sends vibrations throughout your entire body or localized areas, such as arms, knees, elbows or shins. Vibratory machines send vibrations throughout the entire body or they can target specific spots by using localized vibration therapy devices that place hand-held vibrating units onto arms, knees, elbows or shins – just a few minutes of this therapy every day can relieve soreness while increasing range of motion while strengthening bones!

Vibrations can help people with poor balance feel more stable on their feet, making them ideal for treating osteoporosis which weakens bones over time and increases fracture risk. Regular weight bearing exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate vitamin D supplementation may all be effective ways of treating or preventing osteoporosis.

Although vibration therapy doesn’t require a valid medical prescription, it’s still wise to discuss it with your physician first before starting treatments. This is particularly important if you suffer from medical conditions like fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Vibration therapy offers numerous health advantages, including its ability to increase muscle strength and bone density, decrease pain levels and boost mood. Unfortunately, full-body vibration machines may be out of reach financially for some individuals; portable vibration devices like Intellinetix products may provide safer and more cost-effective options that can be used safely in the comfort of one’s own home and recharged as needed for continuous use.

It’s Effective

Vibration therapy has been around since 1867 when Russian physician Gustav Zander discovered how vibration from a machine designed by him could help heal circulation issues within the body. It quickly gained popularity during Russia’s space program where astronauts experienced higher rates of bone loss and fracture than usual; currently vibration therapy can be found in functional neurology offices, physical therapy clinics and fitness centers alike.

Vibration therapy works by stimulating muscles that promote blood circulation and strength and flexibility while stimulating osteoblast production, cells that make new bone. The effect is similar to weight training but without the physical strain on joints or repetitive movements required; regular vibration therapy has actually been proven to increase bone density among postmenopausal women.

Vibration therapy‘s secret to fat-burning and muscle toning lies in its rapid contraction of muscles – up to thirty times per second – that mimic the movements of exercise, leading to similar calorie burn as other forms of exercise, while also decreasing levels of cortisol stress hormone.

Vibration therapy offers additional benefits by helping to stimulate lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage removes waste and toxins from the body while improving overall health while decreasing pain and inflammation.

Whole body vibration therapy has been proven to increase balance and range of motion while helping improve blood circulation by producing rapid muscle contractions during sessions of vibration therapy, aiding healing for injured or sore muscles and joints.

Though more research needs to be conducted, vibration therapy has already proved its worth as an effective remedy for several challenging conditions. Both whole body and targeted vibration therapy may prove useful in managing chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia by stimulating serotonin and dopamine release and decreasing stress levels (cortisol levels).

It’s Affordable

Vibration therapy is an economical solution to many joint and bone issues that plague us today, such as chronic pain and inflammation. Vibration therapy has numerous health benefits to offer such as relieving discomfort, decreasing swelling and strengthening muscles in affected areas. Furthermore, its effects extend further by improving circulation and lowering high blood pressure. Vibration therapy may be combined with physical therapy or massage therapies for an all-inclusive approach but is equally successful alone.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of vibration therapy on muscle recovery and bone health, treating conditions like fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. Furthermore, vibration therapy may reduce impact of low blood circulation in feet and hands as well as improve balance and flexibility; further reducing injury risks while helping you recover more quickly post workout.

Vibration Plates mes Vibration machines produce vibrations that can be felt throughout the entire body. Your physical therapist may have you sit, stand or lie on this device while performing various exercises designed to stimulate muscle contractions – strength training exercises as well as flexibility exercises targeting knees, ankles, hips and shoulders may all benefit. Sessions often last very little time making this a fantastic addition to any workout regimen!

Vibration therapy offers another advantage by helping prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Furthermore, vibration therapy may boost metabolism and blood circulation to provide additional benefits.

Whole body vibration therapy can assist with weight loss by increasing metabolism and increasing the amount of fat that’s burned during exercise, improving muscle tone and decreasing cellulite formation, as well as lowering resting blood pressure – potentially decreasing heart disease risks.

Vibration therapy offers many other advantages that may help alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis by lowering cortisol, the stress hormone. Furthermore, vibration therapy may improve muscle and bone condition by increasing osteoblast production for new bone formation and decreasing muscle knots that cause referred pain in other parts of your body.