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July 18, 2024|Editorial

Lyme Disease and Rife Therapy

Borrelia burgdorferi infection of tick-borne Lyme disease bacteria leads to an early phase of illness which typically manifests itself with tick bites and an erythema migrans rash. Antibiotics like Doxycycline have proven successful at managing such early infections for most patients and helping avoid complications like arthritis.

Rife therapy offers an alternative approach in cases of antibiotic resistance; 10%-20% of patients fail to be completely rid of bacteria through antibiotic treatment, leaving symptoms behind.


Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochaete bacteria which infects humans and animals alike, is responsible for Lyme disease. This infection is spread by ticks in the Ixodes genus; various strains of this pathogen, including Borrelia afzelii and Garinii which commonly infest European countries. Symptoms of Lyme disease begin with slowly expanding skin lesions known as Erythema Migrans at stage one before progressing to early disseminated infection with neurological abnormalities (stage 2) or later infections with arthritis in North America or Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (stage 3).

Serodiagnosis of early infections using ELISA or Western blot tests generally shows positive responses, generally of IgM isotype. However, up to 30% of patients without erythema migrans who tested negative. Antibiotic treatment typically clears away bacteria completely; hence asymptomatic infections usually resolve themselves; yet serological tests remain useful as monitoring mechanisms during therapy.

Early signs of late infections include joint pain and swelling that last from several weeks to many years in one or more joints. At first, symptoms usually affect only large joints like knees; if antibiotic treatment fails to alleviate symptoms effectively, long-term synovitis may ensue; MRI scans indicate this. Without antimicrobial therapy being effective enough, recurrent joints often display synovial cell hypertrophy and obliterative microvascular lesions caused by proinflammatory cytokines released by infected cells causing alterations; alterations due to an increase in proinflammatory cytokine production from cells containing proinflammatory cytokines releasing proinflammatory cytokines from inside infected cells causing synovial cell hypertrophy.

In the United States, one of the most frequently reported complications of Lyme disease is arthritis in one or more large joints; typically knees but it can affect any large joint. Symptoms typically appear within days to several years after initial exposure and often come with fatigue and fever. No direct evidence for person-to-person transmission exists; rather, immature ticks called nymphs are more likely to pass onto humans without detection than adult ticks; alternatively B. burgdorferi bacteria could ingest by animals like deer which carry it naturally before being passed onto humans via tick bite.



Up to 20% of patients treated with antibiotics fail to clear away all bacteria causing Lyme disease, leaving them with persistent symptoms including joint and muscle pain, fatigue and cognitive problems. Up until recently, researchers didn’t fully understand why such symptoms persisted after infection had been eliminated by antibiotics because bacteria can survive by hiding from immune systems in various locations in the body.

Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS) refers to these symptoms that arise after Lyme disease treatment has taken place and are associated with immune dysregulation, excessive inflammation, infection-induced autoimmunity or retained antigens from bacteria. Although its cause remains elusive, several studies have demonstrated that those experiencing PTLDS can be effectively treated by increasing levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in their blood – known as RIFE treatment.

In the US, early Lyme disease is diagnosed by recognising characteristic clinical symptoms and positive serologic testing for IgM antibodies to B. burgdorferi; however, this test is insensitive during its acute phase when most patients present with erythema migrans rash. Acute treatment with Doxycycline antibiotic therapy shortens duration and prevents later manifestations such as Lyme arthritis in America or chronica atrophicans in Europe.

Even when prescribed antibiotics to combat late manifestations, many patients still suffer persistent symptoms that go undetected and often go misdiagnosed. Misdiagnosis can result in unnecessary use of antibiotics and contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistant strains that endanger everyone’s health. An excess of antibiotic use can also result in adverse side effects, including the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction – caused by dying bacteria releasing neurotoxins into the environment – that can trigger reactions in skin, joints, heart, lungs and digestive tract that require prompt medical treatment to avoid fatality. Rife therapy uses resonant frequencies to destroy microorganisms and other potentially harmful substances in the body, and has proven successful against various diseases. Not only can it kill the bacteria that cause Lyme disease but it can also alleviate its associated pain.


While most patients who contract Lyme disease will respond well to antibiotics, up to 20% may still experience long-term symptoms, including joint pain and memory problems. Scientists at Stanford University have discovered a compound called azlocillin that effectively eliminates bacteria responsible for such symptoms in mice; further research may reveal if its efficacy as a treatment option against Lyme disease in humans.

Lyme borreliosis (LB) is an infectious tick-borne disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria in North America, while Borrelia afzelii or Borrelia garinii bacteria reside in Europe and Asia1. The name derives from Lyme, Connecticut where first documented patients showed symptoms including slowly expanding skin lesions (erythema migrans). Furthermore, Lyme can cause arthritis symptoms as well as neurologic manifestations which in some cases can even result in heart damage.


Immature ticks (nymphs) are more susceptible than adult ticks to infection due to being smaller and easier to overlook, which means bacteria spread by their bite can more quickly1. Infected nymph ticks transmit infections through bites of infected ticks1.

Lyme neuroborreliosis, an early disseminated disease, typically presents with fever, headaches, dizziness and cognitive issues such as fatigue or short-term memory loss. CNS involvement can vary widely, from abnormalities in testes and eyes to facial palsy or peripheral nerve weakness1.

Some months following antibiotic treatment of erythema migrans, some patients experience Relapsing Fever Lyme disease (RFL), also referred to as Posttreatment Lyme Disease Syndrome or PTLDS. Patients experiencing RFL often exhibit an increased incidence of arthritis – often an inflammatory and noninflammatory combination affecting one or multiple large joints – making their symptoms even more bothersome.

PTLDS may be linked to an immune system’s ineffectiveness at clearing bacteria away. Patients diagnosed with PTLDS often display low or undetectable antibody levels against B. burgdorferi bacteria, suggesting their bodies aren’t eliminating it efficiently.

Most patients with PTLDS tend to benefit from antibiotic treatment of RFL within weeks to months after starting anti-inflammatories or intra-articular corticosteroid injections; this improvement is primarily attributable to decreased inflammation in their joints which can be managed using NSAIDs or corticosteroid injections; although some develop persistent proliferative synovitis which needs treatment with DMARDs.


Lyme disease affects over 300,000 Americans each year in the US alone and most cases occur in its northeastern region. Infection is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria which are transmitted via ticks belonging to Ixodes species. Disease symptoms from Legionella bacteria infection include fever, chills, fatigue, and joint pain. Once infected by Legionella bacteria, many individuals will go on to have chronic infections which are difficult to diagnose and treat. Rife Therapy offers a noninvasive solution for chronic Lyme disease infections known as post treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS), or chronic Lyme. Rife Therapy works to destroy dormant bacteria within your body that have lain dormant for some time now. Resonant frequency treatments are designed to affect the resonant frequencies of different organisms and body cells without harming other cells or harming Lyme disease spirochetes causing Lyme disease; by targeting their frequencies with these treatments, bacteria is killed off similar to how antibiotics do – only it doesn’t require taking pills and can be done at home!

Post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome or chronic Lyme disease occurs in some early neurological Lyme borreliosis patients after receiving antibiotic treatment; this condition is sometimes referred to as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome or chronic Lyme disease and could have various causes, such as the bacteria remaining in muscle tissue or released from other cell sites during antibiotic treatment, excessive inflammation, immune dysregulation and presence of anti-B. burgdorferi antibodies in joints; for these individuals IL-10 has been associated with improved outcomes.

Arthritis is one of the hallmarks of Lyme borreliosis, particularly in knees and wrists, but can often be hard to distinguish from classic erythema migrans lesions with brighter red borders and bull’s-eye centres. One study demonstrated that treating Lyme patients with short courses of parenteral antibiotics followed by oral doxycycline significantly decreases duration of arthritis.

After experiencing neurological Lyme borreliosis, some patients can develop facial palsy and motor nerve weakness. A study conducted among antibiotic-treated patients in the US indicated that these symptoms typically resolve completely; however, in certain patients permanent nerve damage may remain permanent; similar research conducted among European patients showed only about 7% were able to fully regain function following functional limitations due to facial or motor weakness.

July 18, 2024|Editorial

The Power of Wave Genetics

DNA video tape, the original genetic program, can become corrupted over time as errors accumulate. With emerging linguistic-wave genetic technologies it may be possible to repair all aspects of an organism’s genome and regenerate their entire organism.

In this model, chromosomes form an informational continuum and work as biocomputers; this leads to the idea of gene-holograms, associative-holograms and quantum nonlocal memory systems.

What is Wave Genetics?

This new scientific theory asserts that DNA isn’t simply an accumulation of chemical sequences but actually a dynamic hologram representing our entire organism, which allows it to be programmed to heal and extend our lives by using certain frequencies of information – this concept known by spiritual teachers for centuries, yet now scientifically demonstrated.

According to this theory, in order to create living organisms two genetic programs are necessary. One program serves as a geometric scheme for body design while the second contains instructions for how to utilize the first. These videos are recorded onto “DNA video tapes”. Unfortunately over time this information becomes corrupted leading to cell malfunction, illness and eventually death; but renewal and correction can take place at any time.

P. Gariaev has spearheaded some remarkable experiments in this area, most notably reversing diabetes in rats using alloxan poison – known for destroying pancreas function – as one group was administered lethal doses while another group received healing wave information and were exposed to healing wave information, leading to complete healing for both groups and even partial recovery from pancreatic function loss in one case.

Wave genetics demonstrated its power through regenerating a dog’s tooth using a frequency-stabilized Helium-Neon laser with two orthogonal optical modes, recording modulations from biological structures that then spontaneously transformed into broadband electromagnetic radiation bearing the same genetic information.

How is Wave Genetics Different from Traditional Genetics?

Wave genetics is an emerging theory that suggests DNA communicates through electromagnetic waves. Additionally, electromagnetic waves may carry genetic information and influence gene expression; further tests on this concept were carried out with rats who were given lethal doses of Alloxan, a chemical which destroys pancreas organs; those exposed to healing wave information regenerated their lost pancreas completely demonstrating the power of wave genetics in action.

Wave genetics has also demonstrated how DNA leaves behind a “video tape” of our genetic information, explaining why women who have had sexual relations with men often produce offspring who resemble them; this phenomenon is known as the “DNA Phantom Effect” and considered by wave geneticists to be one of the main pieces of evidence supporting their theory.

The theory proposes that DNA, with its standard language structure for RNA and proteins coding for them, makes up only approximately two percent of an organism’s genome. The remaining 98% contains an “extreme” supercode called the wave level that programs its spatial-temporal organization. The supercode operates at higher levels than DNA’s standard code and produces informational structures known as gene holograms that may produce information.

Gene-holograms are formed by interference recordings of spatial light and sound radiations from intercellular water structures, creating an informational space similar to a DNA wave bio-computer. The bio-computer processes this real time information in real time to inform all cells of their condition as well as transmit this signal onto neighboring cells and organs within the body.

Why is Wave Genetics Important?

Wave genetics is of immense significance as it offers us a new understanding of how our genes operate, opening the way to healing and prolonging lives in unimaginable ways. Wave genetics is like discovering a way to turn back time by undoing damage caused by errors that accumulate on DNA video tapes with age.

One experiment conducted by scientists demonstrated the ability of modulating language patterns onto laser rays and then using these beams to alter DNA-alkaline pairs at specific frequencies, eventually decoding their altered sequence using human language. Most significantly, researchers discovered that living DNA substance will always respond positively to language-modulated laser rays or radio waves at specific frequencies; spiritual teachers have long understood this. Now it has been scientifically confirmed!

Researchers conducted another experiment using this same technique to treat diabetes in rats. Researchers administered an alloxan dose that destroys their pancreas – responsible for insulin production – before providing healing wave information therapy to them and within six days all recovered their normal state, with normalized blood sugar levels returning and the missing pancreatic tissue regenerated.

July 18, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Reddit Stories


As Halloween quickly approaches, we wanted to share some chilling first-hand accounts from Reddit users who’ve shared them on r/TrueHorrorStories – we guarantee it will make for an uneasy night’s rest this weekend! User u/Whispified posted one especially chilling story about her family moving into a house bordered by a forest that featured dogs barking at specific spots within it and hearing voices talking nearby; after conducting investigation they concluded their home was indeed haunted and they never stayed there again after investigating further! They later moved and never returned back!

Have you had any eerie encounters this Halloween season? Have you had an unforgettable memory or encounter this year?

July 18, 2024|Editorial

Research on Reverse Aging

Studies on anti-aging are underway in various laboratories, using drugs like rapamycin and metformin, calorie restriction and cell reprogramming as promising approaches.

Sinclair lab scientists genetically added Yamanaka factors, or proteins known as rejuvenating agents, to an harmless virus and administered this injection directly into aged mice’s eyes for rejuvenation purposes – potentially leading to whole-body regeneration over time.

Lifestyle Changes

Diets rich in fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar, fat and cholesterol are key components of overall good health as you age. Staying physically active and getting enough restful sleep also play a key role. Don’t delay in visiting your physician regularly for health screenings either – studies have revealed how doing so may slow the aging process by helping detect and treat health problems early.

Lifestyle changes may be easier than you realize. Small steps such as eating better, sleeping more and drinking less alcohol are all effective in improving quality of life. If you want a more comprehensive transformation, work with a health coach or therapist who can guide the process; just remember to be patient as changing habits may take some time and patience is key!

Studies have also demonstrated the power of lifestyle modifications to reverse aging. An eight-week program with dietary modifications, supplement regimens, stress management guidance and relaxation exercises was shown to decrease their biological ages by up to 11 years!

This case series was an expansion of a pilot study conducted on men, and is believed to be the first time lifestyle interventions have been shown to positively influence biological age. Given that all participants at baseline were considered healthy, disease-accelerated aging does not become a confounding factor – suggesting these lifestyle interventions can be applied across individuals regardless of diagnosed diseases or their presence or absence.

Though these findings are impressive, it’s essential to remember that the best way to prevent and treat chronic disease is through living a healthier lifestyle. Not smoking, exercising regularly, getting adequate rest and following a nutritious diet are all effective in slowing the aging process within our bodies as well.

Anti-Aging Supplements

Dietary supplements can play an essential role in helping maintain overall health as we age, as well as countering signs of aging. Oral supplements claiming to slow the visible signs of aging have become increasingly available online and in stores; such products (often called anti-ageing pills or longevity pills) can help you look and feel your best as we get older.

Polyphenols have emerged as one of the most promising anti-aging supplements, proven to mitigate oxidative stress, inhibit inflammation and regulate mitochondrial function and apoptosis in cells. Some research indicates an association between polyphenols and increased lifespans; one such compound being Resveratrol from red grapes and wine; this molecule promotes youthful gene expression while supporting healthy insulin response as well as helping prevent adipocyte differentiation; it also boasts antioxidant properties which may reduce cell proliferation while simultaneously inducing apoptosis.

Coenzyme Q10 is another polyphenol with great anti-ageing potential, helping improve your skin health by diminishing fine lines and wrinkles while also lowering blood glucose levels – this may prevent conditions like heart disease and diabetes by keeping the levels lower over time. You can find coenzyme Q10 in foods like beef, poultry, peanuts, green vegetables as well as supplements with increased bioavailability such as curcumin. For optimal effectiveness when taking curcumin supplements look for ones with increased bioavailability as it will ensure maximum absorption!

Studies have demonstrated how certain supplements can extend the lifespan of mice by slowing cellular aging processes. One such patented dietary supplement increases their lifespan by improving mitochondrial function and decreasing oxidative stress; researchers believe this may also slow human aging as trials in human trials continue – although they’re still at an early stage.

As the anti-aging industry is still relatively young, it’s difficult to predict which supplements will provide desired effects. Yet many scientists remain hopeful; for instance, one recent study demonstrated how TAME (an acronym for Telomerase Activator Treatment and Metabolic Enzyme Activator) significantly slowed aging in mice by reversing cell senescence; this finding may spur other researchers into creating similar medications and ultimately increase human lifespan and healthspan.

Gene Therapy

Genes inside our cells control many aspects of our behavior, from hair color and eye colour to how well our bodies function. But there are times when genes develop incorrectly from birth or over time due to mutation, leading to disease or premature aging; researchers are currently exploring gene therapy as a possible solution.

Gene therapy utilizes a vector, or carrier, to transport genetic material into cells. This process can either add new genes, replace damaged ones or turn off those responsible for disease. Traditional gene therapies relied upon viruses as carriers of genetic material; but in more recent times scientists have developed more precise ways of altering genes: sending short sequences of nucleic acids called oligonucleotides directly into the body can influence how cells assemble working proteins from genetic code, while CRISPR-Cas9 allows precise genome editing using DNA editing tools.

Therapies that treat certain diseases but are expensive or only available through select academic centers may only treat symptoms, not address the root cause of health issues. A pilot program seeks to give Medicaid recipients access to life-changing treatments that address underlying causes for their ailments.

Some of the most promising research in this area involves using gene therapy to slow the aging process by altering a protein function, perhaps creating a drug to increase activity of proteins that maintain youthful cells or help reduce inflammation as a cause of chronic diseases and deaths in older adults.

Other studies are dedicated to turning back time by eliminating mutations that cause disease or adding in protective genes that can prevent cancer, commonly referred to as somatic gene therapies. As these interventions only impact somatic cells such as those found in organ tissues like hearts or skin, mutations may continue passing down through future generations and cannot prevent an already present mutation from spreading further.

Some individuals oppose this form of genetic engineering due to concerns that it would create an enhancement. They cite how genetic disorders remove an avenue of discrimination against disabled individuals; however, they do not believe this implies genetic modifications of people to make them look normal.

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing involves looking at a person’s DNA in order to detect specific gene mutations that could potentially lead to diseases, and can either be harmful or innocuous (having no impact). Genetic tests also tell a doctor what your risk for certain disorders might be; this process is known as predictive or presymptomatic testing and can help prevent or treat conditions before they manifest themselves. Genetic tests also help identify carrier status for diseases which is crucial if someone wants to protect their children from inheriting an illness that has already affected them.

Scientists researching anti-aging treatments have discovered that certain genes can be switched off to make cells act younger, resetting the aging process, and rejuvenating damaged neurons in mice eyes using three of these genes – although none of their experiments are quite ready for human clinical trials yet.

Sinclair and her team formulated a drug known as ICE to accomplish this purpose, which temporarily cuts mice DNA at 20 different points before quickly repairing itself – mimicking normal damage that occurs from daily exposure to chemicals, sunlight and environmental factors that create DNA fragmentation and disrupt normal function of DNA molecules. Mice treated with ICE appeared older, including loss of hair color and reduced energy levels compared with mice that hadn’t received the treatment.

The team then searched for genes that could reverse the aging effects of senescent cells and also assessed genome-wide transcript profiles to measure how far back in time cells’ “transcriptome clock” has turned, to enable identification and activation of safe yet effective genes for rejuvenating cellular rejuvenation.

Scientists have also developed gene editing tools, allowing scientists to switch off genes or erase their expression. CRISPR, one of the most exciting gene editing tools available today, has already been used successfully to reverse aging processes in mice – Dr. George Church has led this field and anticipates CRISPR will soon become available for human clinical trials.

July 18, 2024|Editorial

Quantum Healing Quotes

Quantum healing is an holistic approach to health and wellness that stresses the interdependency of mind, body and spirit while encouraging individuals to tap their innate healing potential.

Deepak Chopra creates an exciting bridge between ancient wisdom and contemporary science by showing how quantum principles apply to our physical bodies and consciousness. His insightful book presents a revolutionary perspective on healing that extends far beyond traditional medical treatment methods.

Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is an idea which posits that both your mental and physical wellbeing are intertwined, such that how feelings, thoughts and beliefs impact how your body functions affect how your brain does as well. Although its exact strength remains under debate, many believe that using it to achieve healing and wellness could bring great success.

One way to strengthen this connection is with quantum healing, first proposed by Deepak Chopra in 1989. Quantum healing combines principles of mind-body medicine with concepts from quantum physics as well as traditional Indian practices like Transcendental Meditation (TM) and Ayurveda.

Quantum healing involves accessing and harmonizing the energy field that encompasses each person. This field contains all possible states of being, past, present and future; access can be gained via meditation or other techniques. The goal is to balance and heal body, mind and spirit by addressing its underlying causes of illness.

Although this approach may be controversial, its effects have been shown to have positive results for those who practice it. Examples include spontaneous remissions – where patients experience sudden and dramatic improvements despite receiving dire diagnoses from doctors – attributable to shifts in consciousness when experiencing deep emotional distress.

Beliefs and thoughts play an integral part in healing processes. For instance, believing your illness was due to some external factor may alter how your body responds to treatment; so it’s essential that patients remain open-minded when seeking new avenues of relief.

Meditation, yoga and mindfulness can all help strengthen your mind-body connection; however, for the best results it’s always advisable to consult a qualified practitioner when using these techniques. AcousticSheep (makers of SleepPhones) suggests consulting with Dr. Guita Balakhane to see how quantum healing could enhance overall well-being.

Belief in Yourself

Belief in yourself is essential when seeking quantum healing, because your mindset can either hold you back or propel you toward greatness. Believe in yourself so you can build the life you envision for yourself; whether that is improving health, increasing relationships or finding a cure for illness.

Setting goals and accomplishing them can help build self-belief. Not only will this show that you’re capable of completing them, but it will also create a record of your successes that can serve as motivation when dealing with negative situations – it will make staying positive much simpler!

Mindfulness and meditation can also help build your confidence, as taking the time to quiet your mind allows you to focus on what’s truly essential in life, helping you be more present while experiencing its beauty.

This process will also assist in breaking free from any negative beliefs that are holding you back. People often hold onto negative thoughts and emotions when feeling low or hurt, making it hard to release these harmful notions. One way of starting this journey towards liberation is releasing your need for external validation.

The Quantum Healing book highlights how your thoughts and emotions impact physical wellbeing, emphasizing the significance of identifying and treating root causes of illnesses to promote self-healing from within. Chopra also discusses positive thinking techniques as a means of improving overall wellness.

Quantum healing may seem like pseudoscience to some, yet its popularity has steadily grown over time. One prominent advocate of quantum healing is Dolores Cannon who developed a type of hypnosis designed to heal both body and soul – her work received renewed recognition after her passing in 2014; you can watch her talk about quantum healing on TikTok.

Holistic Health

Holistic health practitioners believe that every aspect of life – physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual – are interrelated and have an effect on one another, ultimately impacting wellness. This approach to healthcare can often be empowering as it encourages individuals to take charge of their health; however it should not be seen as an alternative solution; medical advice must still be sought when treating any conditions you have.

Holistic healing combines ancient Ayurvedic health practices with quantum energy science and theory for an innovative healing experience that can help you meet your health goals while improving overall well-being. Holistic practices also offer great ways for self-healers to harness consciousness for self-healing processes.

As an example, massage therapy can help your body release toxins and strengthen its immune system for healing purposes, reduce stress levels and improve your mood – key elements of overall mental wellness. Furthermore, holistic therapy offers holistic approaches that address emotional issues causing discomfort: such as dealing with anxiety and depression as well as helping cope with PTSD symptoms or any other forms of emotional traumas.

Ancient healing traditions have long emphasized living a lifestyle that harmonizes with nature. One such tradition is Ayurvedic medicine, which promotes an ethical and virtue-oriented lifestyle called Sattvic which includes meditation, ethical behaviors and eating organic foods – practices which reflect ancient beliefs about reality and creation.

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) can teach you how to incorporate holistic healing practices into daily life and can create a personalized wellness roadmap tailored specifically to your specific needs and aspirations. Furthermore, NDs are trained in listening closely to their patients – an essential aspect of holistic healthcare.

Naturopathic doctors provide more than just diet and herbal counseling; they can also offer exercise advice, stress management strategies, budgeting assistance and accountability partner services – as well as help you explore emotional reasons behind spending and saving habits as part of holistic health.

Non-Local Healing

Quantum Healing is a form of energy medicine based on quantum physics principles, used across many different cultures worldwide and known by several names including Reiki, Medical Qigong and Pranic Healing. This type of healing passes information instantly that helps heal quickly without time restrictions; healing the energetic fields surrounding your body while reconnecting you to higher dimensions of consciousness.

Dossey uses scientific studies and case histories to establish nonlocality. He asserts that mind plays a pivotal role in physical wellbeing and nonlocal healing is the future of medicine. Dossey utilizes various sources to explain this concept – from scientific experiments with organic substances and mice, healing effects of long-distance prayer services, to stories from ordinary people who claim they receive telepathic messages from loved ones.

One theory behind this idea suggests that the universe is an intricate web of interrelated energies, and consciousness can tap into these to influence them. According to another model, quantum entanglement allows people to send healing energy across long distances; this makes remote healing possible. Still other models exist as well: for instance, when measuring particles in quantum mechanics collapse a probabilistic wave function into one outcome which may explain how conscious healing intentions affect physical bodies.

Quantum Healing practitioners can assist in tapping into this non-local source by connecting to your energetic field, known as the Light Body. Through this process, energy systems are measured and assessed for any blocks or lower vibratory energies in order to remove them and replace them with higher vibratory life force energy.

If you are interested in non-local healing sessions, it is essential that you locate a qualified practitioner. Consult with your physician or Guita Balakhane about quantum healing; both offer unique approaches that could transform your life!