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Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 16, 2024|Editorial

New Research Shows It Is Possible to Slow and Reverse Aging

Researchers are conducting groundbreaking research in an attempt to slow or reverse aging and thus significantly lower incidence of age-related diseases. Unfortunately, however, this task presents great difficulty as aging involves multiple biological systems.

One promising new approach is the use of chemicals to reprogram cells into younger states and, thus, rejuvenating the whole body.

Identifying the causes of aging

Since Ponce de Leon first discovered his Fountain of Youth, humans have sought ways to stall or even reverse aging. Aging has long been considered one of the leading risk factors for numerous illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and cancer; therefore it is crucial that we identify its cause to help prevent and extend lives while potentially finding treatment solutions for diseases affecting elderly populations.

Scientists are exploring various approaches to studying aging and working hard to pinpoint its sources. Researchers are studying senescent cells – old and dysfunctional cells which become dysfunctional with age – as well as organ stem cell loss, which results in decreased organ regeneration. Furthermore, scientists are investigating hormone effects such as insulin and growth factor beta on aging; while researching people who carry genetic variants that protect against diabetes or other age-related diseases. While these results are encouraging, more work needs to be done before reverse the aging process can occur successfully in human beings.

Some individuals seem immune to age-related illness and perform cognitively and physically at levels expected of much younger individuals, possibly because of genetic or lifestyle influences. Researchers are currently exploring what makes certain people resistant to aging so that this could be replicated more widely.

Aging biology is an intricate field that demands collaboration to advance. Some of the most successful teams have combined expertise from various fields. Cross-fertilization will enable scientists to discover more effective anti-ageing approaches; however, quick fix solutions should never be promised or overpromised.


Un other key component to understanding aging is understanding how DNA changes are controlled by various external influences – epigenetics in particular – such as whether specific genes are activated or deactivated at any given moment. A recent study demonstrated how an impairment in these mechanisms leads to signs of aging in mice; restoration of its original state can reverse these signs of aging.

Reversing the aging process

Scientists have recently made groundbreaking findings concerning reverse aging that could help treat various age-related diseases. Researchers found they could reset cells’ “aging clock” by disrupting epigenetic mechanisms determining activity and identity of cells. This discovery could pave the way for the creation of new drugs to combat both the effects of aging and prevent diseases, like Alzheimer’s. Researchers tested various compounds and combinations of chemicals until they found one which proved most successful. They also developed a high-throughput cell-based assay to measure gene expression changes and identify young and old cells as well as determine their cellular reprogramming. From this test they identified six chemical cocktails which can reverse aging within seven days.

These cocktails may be injected directly into the bloodstream to restore cells to their youthful condition and treat other diseases as well. Scientists hope their research will lead to the creation of a pill which can be taken daily for improved health and extended longevity.

Researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have made groundbreaking findings at their Salk Institute for Biological Studies that could allow mice to reverse their aging by turning adult cells back into embryonic-like ones, according to research published Thursday in Cell. This discovery has immense ramifications for regenerative medicine and overall rejuvenation; researchers achieved their success by tweaking genes responsible for how cells differentiate into different tissues.

Yamanaka factors have already proven their value by slowing the aging of eyes, kidneys, brains and muscles in mice. Furthermore, they can lengthen lifespan in cases with genetic mutations causing premature aging; and by blocking A1 and A2A receptors to restore cognitive abilities in older mice.

Gorbunova says she often receives calls from people interested in participating in human clinical trials, yet she remains focused on basic science research. In the future, she hopes to join forces with an organization that can provide applications for her work.


Preventing the aging process

Aging can bring on many health problems for humans, including Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers are exploring ways to delay this aging process by targeting specific genes. Studies conducted on mice have demonstrated how suppressing their expression could extend lives – these findings are promising but need to be verified in other tests in order to be applied directly to humans.

Delaying the aging process includes extracting senescent cells. Senescent cells are damaged cells caused by cell division that have undergone stress. Senescent cells can be eliminated through apoptosis; however, as people age their number increases and can lead to inflammation and disease risk. Researchers are working on drug solutions that will eliminate these senescent cells to slow the aging process and slow its progress.

Aging research is an active field with many insightful minds, and recent discoveries are both dynamic and promising. One such discovery may slow the aging process while decreasing neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s. Scientists are using a gene to turn adult cells back into embryonic-like cells with incredible results reversing the aging process in mice while partially extending lifespan of older mice.

Scientists are conducting studies on the causes of aging. A recent study suggests that changes to DNA aren’t solely responsible for it; changes to gene activity likely play a more significant role. Epigenetics – not genetic code modifications but rather controlling which genes turn on or off – play an integral part in this process.

This study’s results could pave the way for therapies that promote tissue repair and reverse aging and disease in humans. For instance, Salk Institute for Biological Studies used this technique successfully to reverse the aging process in middle-aged mice by partially resetting their cells back towards more youthful states – potentially opening the way for gene therapies that would lengthen telomeres (protective ends of chromosomes) and thus extend human lifespans.

Reversing the effects of aging

Many people are eager to slow or reverse the aging process in order to live longer, healthier lives. This desire has resulted in an explosion of anti-ageing products and services, including clinics. Unfortunately, attempts at defying aging involve multiple biological systems; therefore developing treatments which address all aspects of it can be challenging; however new research shows it may be possible to reverse or at least slow it.

Scientists from UCSF and University of Queensland in Australia conducted this joint research project utilizing a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease to test an enzyme known as PF4 that prevents beta-amyloid plaque accumulation – one key feature of Alzheimer’s. Their discovery opens the way for future studies that might reverse its effects and other diseases associated with aging.

Scientists recently made an important breakthrough in longevity science when they discovered that NANOG can reprogram senescent cells to restore their pluripotency – marking a major advance for longevity science – yet researchers don’t fully understand its mechanism yet. Their aim is to discover it so they can unlock this massive investment from wealthy executives into longevity medicine research that has already attracted billions.

Harvard Medical School researchers have recently demonstrated how chemicals can be used to reprogramm cells and reverse the aging process. Their work builds upon previous findings by Shinya Yamanaka and colleagues, who showed how adult cells could be converted to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by expressing certain genes; these iPSCs then differentiate into any cell type in the body such as skin or muscle cells.

Compounds that can delay epigenetic changes and prevent tissue degradation have also emerged as part of longevity research, providing another exciting advance. While these compounds cannot completely stop aging in its tracks, they may extend lifespan while lowering cancer and other age-related risks.

David Sinclair of Harvard Researcher has come under scrutiny for claiming to be able to reverse the aging process in mice by genetically reprogramming their cells. Sinclair has built multiple longevity-related biotechnology companies and developed a following of fans who swear by his lifestyle tips; but critics contend that his claims go too far and misrepresent science.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

How to Use Music Therapy Frequencies in a Meditation

Music therapy is a form of treatment which uses music to enhance mental and physical well-being, with multiple conditions and symptoms it may help treat benefiting from its application.

Active interventions involve clients making music with their therapists – either playing instruments or singing together – before discussing any emotions and memories the music evokes.

174 Hz

As part of a daily meditation practice, incorporating music therapy frequencies can help improve overall health. You can use their sounds to reduce pain, lift your mood, and balance energy. For instance, the 174 Hz solfeggio frequency resonates with your root chakra to promote feelings of protection and security – as well as balance your chakra system (energy centers that correspond with particular organs or emotions).

174 Hz frequency may act like an energetic anaesthetic, relieving tension and relieving pain from within your body. As its lowest frequency on the solfeggio scale, its soothing sound promotes relaxation. To fully experience its benefits it’s best to listen for at least 30 minutes per day – over time you may begin experiencing increased energy and feeling better after listening for extended periods.

As part of mindfulness meditation, 174 Hz helps soothe the mind and alleviate stress, improving memory and encouraging the release of endorphins – natural chemicals which alleviate pain – which have been shown to relieve symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease and other chronic pain conditions. This sound can even provide temporary relief of symptoms of fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease and similar chronic illnesses.

174 Hz can not only decrease inflammation and stimulate endorphin production, but is also believed to lower blood pressure and ease depression. Studies have also demonstrated its efficacy for insomniacs and anxiety sufferers. Furthermore, listening to this frequency can reduce cortisol production while increasing neurotransmitters that provide relaxation and inner peace.

For optimal results, listen to 174 Hz music in a quiet space without interruption for at least 30 minutes every day – creating an environment with soothing scents can amplify its effects and promote deeper relaxation. Take deep breaths as you focus on breathing deeply as you imagine the healing vibrations retuning your cells. You could also incorporate this frequency into other stress-relief activities, like yoga or self-hypnosis.

285 Hz

Music therapy has proven itself an effective treatment for various conditions. It can reduce anxiety, relieve pain, improve memory and enhance overall well-being – it even has the power to promote healing and reduce stress in cancer patients! Unlike pharmaceutical treatments, this form of therapy is noninvasive and more affordable; however, when selecting music for therapy it’s crucial that patients choose soothing music that will help them unwind at night and sleep soundly.

The 285 Hz frequency is said to activate the body’s healing response and strengthen immunity, helping with injuries, organ repair, cell regeneration, inflammation reduction and increasing energy levels – not forgetting its emotional benefits such as increasing feelings of equilibrium and harmony.

Solfeggio frequencies are used to heal chakras and promote wellness across mind, body, and spirit. When combined with mindfulness techniques such as body scans, meditation, or mindful movement this healing sound can have incredible results; but remember it should only ever be used under guidance from a qualified practitioner.

All music contains some frequency vibrations; what makes music powerful are its vibrations transmitted in specific musical forms. These powerful vibrations align with our body’s natural rhythm, helping soothe pain, lower blood pressure, boost immunity and release endorphins that naturally relieve pain.

During a session, musicians use various instruments and vocals to create an atmosphere that helps meet client goals, such as stimulating alpha and theta waves in the brain to treat various mental health conditions. Music therapists may use either traditional or contemporary instruments in order to achieve results.

432 Hz

Music therapy has increasingly become an established psychosocial intervention to enhance wellness and quality of life. It can reduce pain, lower stress levels, improve moods and memory while decreasing pain overall. Music therapy is often employed in hospitals and nursing homes to enhance patient quality of life. Playing music can soothe pain, lower blood pressure, ease anxiety and promote restful sleep – as well as enhance immunity levels and speed recovery time after surgery. Music can influence certain brainwaves and improve cognition. Some studies indicate that listening to 432 Hz music decreases heart rate – possibly because its vibration resonates better with our bodies than its 440 Hz counterpart.

Some musicians and listeners believe that 432 Hz is intrinsically tied to nature, possessing curative properties. To support their theories they use numerology or pseudoscientific arguments to justify them; many consider international standard tuning of 440Hz as unnatural compared with their preferences of 432Hz tunings. Others see this trend as suspicious and suspect a conspiracy theory being perpetrated by record industry lobbyists to control peoples minds and hearts through 432Hz records.

One study demonstrated that dental patients listening to music at 432 Hz experienced less anxiety during their procedure compared to those listening to 440 Hz music. Researchers hope to use vibroacoustic stimulation in other medical fields, including those treating fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s disease; they believe these frequencies may restore normal communication between thalamus and cortex that has become disoriented through these conditions.

No matter your opinion on 432 Hz music’s effectiveness, it’s essential to keep in mind that it isn’t a panacea; rather it should be utilized as part of an overall holistic wellness practice, not in place of conventional medicine or treatments. If interested in using music to heal yourself or someone close to you, consult a certified music therapist who can offer tailored playlists to meet individual needs.

808 Hz

Music therapy is a clinical therapeutic approach employed by trained and certified music therapists to meet the specific goals of their patients. Activities may include playing musical instruments, listening to sounds and pre-recorded ambient music, writing songs, dancing or guided imagery – no age limits or musical expertise are needed to participate – making music therapy suitable for anyone regardless of any mental or physical health challenges they might be facing.

Researchers are increasingly exploring how music can help treat a variety of mental and physical health conditions, from neonatal intensive care units to Parkinson’s disease treatments. Studies have demonstrated how lullabies can enhance sleep patterns and weight gains of premature infants while soothing parents. Vibroacoustic sound has also been proven to decrease tremors while increasing mobility.

Studies have revealed that music therapy can significantly lower stress levels among cancer patients by activating endorphins, the brain’s natural opiate-like chemicals. Furthermore, music can also help people suffering chronic pain, depression or anxiety relax more effectively while at the same time increasing self-esteem and decreasing social interaction anxiety.

Research has demonstrated the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy combined with music in treating mood disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The aim is to encourage individuals to adopt positive behavior and reduce negative ones – unlike traditional psychotherapy methods, which require considerable amounts of time per session for effectiveness. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Music can provide individuals suffering from mood disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder an effective form of therapy with little daily time commitment needed for implementation.

Music therapy sessions often consist of sessions where therapists play instruments or sing to patients while encouraging them to improvise and compose their own tunes, as it’s highly tailored and adapts itself to suit various needs; for instance if a patient is feeling angry and overwhelmed, music therapists might offer soft soothing tones instead.

Another type of music therapy is Nordoff-Robbins music therapy, which blends concepts of psychoanalysis with music-making processes to encourage improvisational musical dialogue reflecting unconscious thoughts and emotions, helping individuals find their unique musical sound identity.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

The Best Biohacking Blogs

Biohacking blogs featuring influential biohackers help spread knowledge about the latest hacks and experiments being conducted in this transhumanist pursuit, from diet and supplementation to tracking devices and psychedelic experiences. Influencers share both scientific research as well as real-life anecdotes about their biohacks.

These biohackers use various strategies and techniques to optimize health, fitness, sleep, metabolism and energy. Their tools include cold and heat therapy as well as nootropics and blood testing.


Biohacking blogs provide tips and tricks on how to enhance your life through science and self-experimentation, helping people change their diet, exercise routine, lifestyle habits and other aspects of their lifestyle for greater health and performance benefits. Biohacking blogs may even assist individuals in reaching personal goals such as weight loss or improving mental wellbeing.

Biohackers are an increasingly popular subculture of self-taught biotech enthusiasts who embrace a hacking ethos to explore human biology. Utilizing CRISPR gene-editing tools, biohackers use genetic modification techniques such as gene editing to alter cells or even themselves – an alarming and exciting trend which has gained momentum rapidly over the last several years. Biohacking enthusiasts span from innocuous Brooklyn hackers who perform modest experiments for science literacy promotion to grinders and cyberpunks who stretch genetic modification limits and enhance natural human capabilities by genetic modification techniques.

Existing regulations don’t address the specific challenges posed by biohacking; however, some biohackers have found creative solutions for bypassing them and furthering their interests. One such biohacker is Josiah Zayner of The ODIN who sells DIY DNA-editing kits; he’s well known for experimenting on himself including his controversial “fecal transplant” and insertion of CRISPR reagents into his body.

Biohacking may present many ethical controversies, yet many biohackers remain optimistic about its future. According to Munshi, any fear associated with potential risks can be reduced through increased transparency and education; this would make the process safer for everyone involved while helping identify those with harmful intentions before they cause damage.

Ageless Body

Beauty industry offers individuals numerous avenues for prolonging life and delaying the signs of aging, from plastic surgery and sleeping pills to abrasions, chemical peels and lasers – there’s no lack of ways to make people look and feel younger again.

But is there another, holistic way to attain eternal youth? One approach gaining in popularity is biohacking – an emerging personal technology combining beauty trends with biology that also known as DIY biology or self-experimentation to upgrade both body and mind.

Hacking the body has many forms, and most biohackers have specific goals in mind when they attempt to biohack. Some biohackers may utilize biohacking techniques to strengthen their immunity against illness or flu, while others focus on optimizing energy and metabolism using nutritious food, supplements, or intermittent fasting as methods of improving performance. Biohackers may even turn to advanced treatments like PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field), cryotherapy or neurointegrator (a noninvasive brain training technique which uses neurofeedback feedback to retrain brain regions).

Before trying any biohacking tricks, it is advisable to speak to a healthcare provider or doctor first. They can assist with determining whether any particular method is right for you as well as provide other tips and advice that can help ensure you achieve results you desire. Furthermore, these experts will help explain any new trends within the health industry which might apply directly to you in daily life.

Be Natural Fit

Biohacking may sound terrifying, but in the hands of experts it’s an effective way to enhance health and wellbeing. From diet changes and adding meditation into your day to tracking menstrual cycles for improved athletic performance and gene editing to fight aging – biohacks come in all shapes and sizes; some with dystopian Black Mirror-esque eeriness to mainstream approaches like cold/heat therapy or improving sleep which have proven memory, focus and energy improvements as well as scientific support such as intermittent fasting (which involves fasting for shortening periods of time).

The biohacking movement consists of people looking to optimize both their bodies and minds. It has become an international community with millions of followers worldwide; some notable leaders include Tim Ferriss, Ben Greenfield, and Dave Asprey who’ve all created podcasts detailing self-experimentation techniques ranging from diet and exercise through supplementation and sleep to discuss with followers.

These experts aren’t simply sharing their own hacks; they’re showing you how to implement them into your own life. These tips and tricks will help you feel younger, healthier, and more energized – the goal being a long and happy one!

To do so successfully, it’s necessary to understand your body’s individual requirements. A proper diet and meditation can be instrumental in helping prevent certain illnesses while connecting with nature can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and enhance memory retention. Spending time outside and in nature is another integral element of biohacking: this provides vital social connection while strengthening immunity; plus it reduces oxidative stress, anxiety and depression while potentially decreasing risks such as stroke or heart disease.


Biohacking is the practice of improving one’s body and mind to perform at its optimal capacity, which may involve drinking more water, using nootropics and supplements, meditation, float tanks or deep breathing exercises – or anything in between! Whatever biohack you choose it’s important to remember that meddling with one’s biology can be dangerous.

Jacob’s BioHack blog provides resources for people looking to optimize their bodies. Articles, podcasts, videos and courses cover nutrition, sleep, stress management, cognition development and longevity as well as hosting an active hacking community with discussions of the latest hacking trends.

KIYA Longevity is a non-profit organization offering science-based protocols, professional telemedicine consultations, nootropics, and biohacking techniques to its members in order to extend their longevity. Founded by Brandon J Weichert – an accomplished physician holding five board certifications as well as master’s and doctoral degrees in human physiology; as well as published several books about biohacking including “The Ultimate Guide to Living Longer”. KIYA stands as an industry leader when it comes to human physiology research.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

Integra Radionics Inc. Acquires Neurosurgical Products From Tyco Healthcare Group LP

Integra will acquire Tyco Healthcare Group LP’s neurosurgical and radiation device products for $80 million, significantly expanding our capabilities in neurosurgery market.

Neurosurgeons rely on our intracranial monitors to continuously measure and track brain parameters such as blood flow, pressure, temperature and dissolved oxygen content in brain tissue.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery

Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) is a non-invasive procedure that utilizes precisely targeted beams of radiation (gamma rays, X-rays or protons) to treat brain tumors, vascular lesions and other small diseases. SRS may be combined with other treatment modalities such as embolization therapy for maximum effectiveness.

Moffitt Cancer Center employs a team of radiosurgery experts who will evaluate a patient’s individual diagnosis to determine if SRS is the appropriate treatment option. This group includes radiation oncologists, neurosurgeons and medical physicists as part of its collaborative team. Image-guided radiation therapy may be used prior to and during SRS procedures as an aid in pinpointing tumor location; furthermore computerized treatment planning systems allow them to focus radiation beams directly onto target while taking into account depth doses, off-axis ratio and collimator output factor when planning procedures are carried out.

At SRS treatments, patients will wear an external mask tailored specifically for them and molded around the shape of their head and face in order to limit movement during radiation beam delivery. Treatment rooms feature linear accelerators which dispense radiation beams directly onto targeted areas. Sometimes multiple SRS treatments will need to be administered over time depending on tumor size and location.

Once an SRS treatment has concluded, the therapist will remove the mask and monitor the patient for several hours post-procedure. If any adverse side effects arise during this period of observation, such as generalized reaction to radiation exposure or symptoms associated with specific parts of their bodies that were treated, contact their physician or nurse immediately. Possible adverse reactions of radiation exposure could include general reaction as well as symptoms specific to any body part treated during SRS treatment.

Integra’s noninvasive SRS system XKnife is widely utilized to treat brain and spine tumors as well as lung tumors, among other locations. Integra acquired Tyco Healthcare to expand their global reach while selling the XKnife through their network of independent distributors and Tyco affiliates worldwide.

Ultrasonic Surgical Aspiration

An innovative new surgical device has been created for fragmenting and aspirating tissue particles and fluid at the operation site. The device uses ultrasonic dissection, emulsification, and aspiration within one hand-held instrument: Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA). CUSA can be used in minimally invasive surgery procedures to safely debulk soft tissue tumors like neurofibromas as well as lymph nodes without damaging surrounding blood vessels or nerve fibers – it was successfully used during clinical trials to safely debulk two orbito-temporal neurofibromas as well as one cutaneous neurofibroma from three patients!

The device works by producing ultrasonic vibrations through an elongate handpiece with a longitudinally vibrating titanium tip, equipped with an irrigation passage to supply isotonic solutions and aspiration ports to apply suction at its tip. Vibrations created by its tip create shear stresses which facilitate tissue breakage, emulsification and aspiration of any remaining tissue fragments as they come loose from breaking apart the tissue matrix.

The exact nature of the interactions between hepatocytes and titanium surface tip of an oscillating tip are still poorly understood. Although cavitation is thought to play a part, other mechanisms, including direct jackhammer effect, shock-induced stress, acoustic microstreaming and shear stress could also play a part in shattering hepatocytes; blood and bile do not seem affected however.

The CUSA Excel+ incorporates a closed recirculating water cooling system to mitigate heat generated from high-frequency oscillations of its tip, while an internal sensor continuously monitors transducer frequency to maintain optimal tip vibration levels. The CUSA Excel+ is an exceptional device, capable of simultaneous fragmentation, irrigation and aspiration – making it a versatile surgical tool. Furthermore, its pulsed irrigant pump enables controlled irrigation at treatment areas. Currently available in Europe, Japan and Australia; Integra plans to offer CUSA radionics products through independent distributors throughout the US as well as Tyco Healthcare affiliates overseas.

Image-Guided Surgical Systems

Image-guided surgical systems can be used to localize surgical instruments and enable minimally invasive operations. They utilize computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography angiography (CTA), X-ray, and other information as guides for surgeons during surgical procedures.

Technology has also revolutionized robotic surgery, enabling complex surgical procedures to be done less invasively and with greater precision. One such example is Intuitive Surgical’s Da Vinci system: this approach uses an internal camera to guide a robot, which in turn controls an invisible needle-like device for precise surgical maneuvers.

Neurosurgeons have access to various image-guided surgical navigation systems for precise surgical navigation. Many utilize electromagnetic localization techniques that create a magnetic field within a patient, then position and orientation sensors are located using tracking systems with high accuracy for measuring surgical instruments or probes within it.

Surgical navigation systems allow neurosurgeons to quickly match instruments’ positions in physical space with preoperative diagnostic images from CT, MRI or PET scanners. Neurosurgeons rely heavily on this data as they perform many complex and minimally invasive operations on either skull or brain structures.

Ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless technology enables video transmission at very high rates between 3.1-10.6 GHz. This opens up the potential for image-guided surgical navigation systems without cables that transmit composite images directly to surgeons’ screens near surgery locations – especially useful in retinal procedures or microscopic surgeries.

Integra LifeSciences Holdings Company of Plainsboro, New Jersey and TomoTherapy Inc. of Madison, Wisconsin have joined forces to offer the InterFix radiosurgery kit, consisting of stereotactic neurosurgical tools designed to provide precision cranial immobilization for use with Hi-Art radiation treatment system as well as provide a platform for future stereotactic and radiosurgery development applications. Shipping should start later this year with expected revenue projections reaching $60 Million within one year.

Radiation Oncology

Recent technological innovations in radiation therapy have combined high-precision dose delivery and tumor localization into one system, which may use rigid frames, special applicators such as cones or multileaf collimators (MLC) for frameless stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). Novalis platform (Brainlab, Feldkirchen, Germany), an image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) system recently developed, allows patients to lie prone in fixed position while two flat panel detectors mounted to the ceiling of their linear accelerator are continuously scanning them for cancer cells. As this system compares internal structures or implanted markers with digitally reconstructed radiographs from CT scans used for planning, it is capable of providing conformal doses that target irregularly shaped tumors while sparing normal tissue.

The X-Knife system comprises three-dimensional treatment planning software, stereotactic localizers and immobilizers, a miniature multileaf collimator, quality assurance instrumentation and quality management tools. When in session, a surgeon guides the robot using computer-generated images of the head and neck; additionally a Gill-Thomas-Cosman relocatable headframe may be placed by neurosurgeon under local anesthesia to immobilize skull base immobilization prior to implanting of MRI data in order to plan treatment using RT 4.0 threedimensional treatment planning software.

Surgical aspiration and radiation therapy can be effective combinations in treating brain tumors. By combining them, less treatments may be required for positive clinical results and more patients can gain from this minimally invasive therapy option.

Integra LifeSciences Holdings announced today it has acquired Tyco Healthcare Group’s Radionics division for an estimated cash payment of $80 million, further expanding Integra’s neurosurgical and radiation device portfolio, such as its CRW stereotactic brain surgery system and the X-Knife radiosurgery device.

Integra plans to integrate Radionics in Burlington, Massachusetts into its current medical device operations, with employment at their Burlington facility remaining intact and transitional supply and distribution agreements being established with Tyco Healthcare Group for products currently manufactured at facilities not included in this transaction.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

Paul Schmidt Bioresonance

Paul Schmidt was an inventor who self-funded his engineering studies by developing devices using harmonic frequencies to positively affect our regulatory mechanisms.

Bioresonance therapy works to strengthen your body’s natural detoxification and regulation processes, harmonize imbalances and reinforce weaknesses – it is an effective and natural way of regaining optimal health.

Paul Schmidt’s Life Story

As a child growing up on a dairy farm, Paul Schmidt developed a strong work ethic. He valued teamwork above all and earned himself a good education; eventually turning his passion for chess into great success and working as an interpreter at Reich Foreign Language Office taking him to numerous international conferences.

His in-depth understanding of frequency and vibration led him to create a device which generates harmonic sine waves. This device creates frequency spectra compatible with living organisms, stimulating healing capabilities. Today it’s used in bioresonance therapy treatments for various illnesses and conditions.

The first part of the book presents an introduction to this groundbreaking treatment method; while its practical applications are discussed in part two. Available both in English and German versions, it contains many historical photos and documents for added enjoyment – making this book perfect for anyone interested in chess, history, or alternative medicine!

Schmidt began a new chapter of his life when he met Beverly Shier on a blind date set up by Paul’s mother-in-law, Beverly Shier. They quickly fell in love and married soon thereafter; having three sons Michael, Mark and Matthew together. Paul was very involved with their lives as school, scouts and sports were important activities; encouraging his sons to always have fun no matter the outcome of a game or tournament.

Paul Schmidt coined this technique, called bioresonance, which involves scanning for resonance patterns within a patient’s body before applying frequencies directly to areas of interest – similar to acupuncture except with frequencies rather than needles being used. Bioresonance can be used for various health problems including geopathic stress and electropollution detection/elimination as well as measuring diet’s effect on health/wellbeing evaluation.

Rayonex Biomedical GmbH

Paul Schmidt invented bio-resonance, an effective health assessment and restoration technology, in 1976. Schmidt was an independently successful man with strong technical knowledge who could sense vibrational energy; his hard work resulted in over 300 patents.

Schmidt observed that all matter vibrated at specific frequencies or oscillations. If an illness manifests itself as disruption of this natural oscillation of matter, specific frequencies could stimulate, balance and restore it through specific tuning forks he developed as part of bioresonance therapy treatment process. His discoveries led him to create tuning forks which he later employed in bioresonance therapy processes.

Bioresonance therapy works by matching up the frequencies emitted through tuning forks with those produced by organs and systems within the body, to produce resonance frequencies which match up perfectly with them. Bioresonance treatments use tuning forks to find and pass these resonance frequencies directly to organs and systems to enhance their functionality and increase overall health. It is an approach which is gentle and noninvasive; making it safe for children, pregnant women, pacemakers or metal implants as well.

Bioresonance has become widely utilized among naturopaths, doctors and therapists worldwide. Based on Schmidt’s theory that we should treat the source rather than symptoms of disease, Bioresonance involves optimizing nutrition and balancing auto-regulating systems; eliminating harmful pathogens; decreasing geopathic stress levels and electromagnetic pollution levels; as well as mitigating negative side effects of stressful lifestyles.

Rayonex has developed several devices, such as the Polar and PS10 bioresonance scanners. These scanners use passive dipole antennas to manually generate resonance fields in order to enhance healing frequencies our bodies require, as well as providing biofield analysis and harmonisation functions and mitigating geopathic stress effects.

This book provides a comprehensive guide to using Rayonex bioresonance analysers and harmonisers for human and veterinary use, with detailed instructions for analysing and harmonizing both healthy and sick animal samples, making this an invaluable practical resource for veterinarians, naturopaths, healthcare practitioners and others involved with animal healthcare. In addition, there is an appendix with lists, tables and templates to facilitate analysis and harmonization procedures.

Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an easy, painless natural remedy to enhance overall health. Resonance frequencies used during bioresonance therapy use resonance frequencies to detect energy imbalances in your body and work towards harmonizing them using resonance frequency testing and harmonization techniques. Based on the concept that each cell in your body has its own electromagnetic vibration frequency which is affected by external factors like geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution (eSmog), diet imbalances or acid/alkaline imbalances.

Your therapist will apply electrodes to your skin that connect to a machine. The machine reads electromagnetic waves sent from your body to determine whether its resonant frequency is healthy or unhealthy; then uses this information to generate counter frequencies that cancel out harmful resonance frequencies – helping your body heal itself naturally and regain optimal health.

Your initial appointment will last about an hour and will include an assessment of your issues and development of customized protocols. As this treatment is noninvasive and contraindication free, it can be safely utilized by people of all ages including pregnant women and newborn babies.

Paul Schmidt asserts that environmental and lifestyle influences affect your body’s resonant frequencies in ways that create hormonal imbalances, leading to organ dysfunctions and symptoms like premenstrual pains, irregular periods and hot flushes. Bioresonance therapy may help balance hormones to alleviate such problems while relieving fatigue and insomnia as a result.

Bioresonance therapy may provide safe and cost-effective relief from depression symptoms; however, further rigorous studies must be conducted in order to validate its efficacy. Furthermore, an easier and standardized way of measuring severity must be found for depression assessment.

Bioresonance therapy can be safe and effective for people of all ages, but it’s essential that you understand its workings. When receiving bioresonance therapy sessions, an electrotherapy therapist places electrodes on your body which feed into a special device known as BICOM which detects electromagnetic wave signals emitted by your body that feed into it; then the device analyses this data for specific frequencies present within them – once identified the problem can use this to send the appropriate frequencies directly into the BICOM device and address it accordingly.

Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar 4.0

Based on the discoveries of Paul Schmidt, founder of Rayonex Biomedical GmbH, bioresonance therapy is safe and noninvasive; yet powerful enough to assist the body’s natural healing processes. Bioresonance promotes balance by supporting detoxification and regulation processes, strengthening weak points, and encouraging self-healing; its unique approach combines traditional wisdom with the latest quantum physics advances.

All matter is composed of energy that vibrates at specific frequencies. Schmidt observed this vibratory quality of matter during his discovery of its vibrational nature. As part of this discovery process, he noted that each living cell in our bodies had its own frequency spectrum that contributed to overall health – bioresonance employs these frequencies to identify imbalances within bodies and bring balance back in, helping restore overall wellness and restore health and wellbeing.

The Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar 4.0 is an FDA-approved medical device used for testing and treating clients in clinical settings. With 21 physiological areas to test, its RAH Global Test Human ECG-based range value test detects imbalances quickly.

Rayocomp can test and treat a wide range of conditions with its 1,800 frequency spectra, even detecting energetic deficiencies in essential trace elements, minerals, vitamins, probiotic bacteria and probiotic bacteria that contribute to our wellbeing and health.

The Complete Premium Set of Rayocomp comes equipped with a Samsonite(r) Aluminium Trolley that not only protects but also allows for ultimate mobility for practitioners and clients. A mobile table for the device and treatment chair are included to effectively transfer frequencies generated by it to client bodies; additionally, detection areas on these chairs integrate directly with their respective bioresonance machines – eliminating additional external detectors altogether.