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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 17, 2024|Editorial

Radionics Machine Software

Radionics was in trouble as 1976 turned into 1977; its core products, calculators and digital watches, were losing money quickly while Japanese electronic products continued to dominate the UK market.

Wakefield and Smith’s plans for a computer had lost steam; even the National Examinations Board, who had provided crucial assistance the previous summer, had become less enthusiastic about supporting it.

What is a radionics machine software?

Radionics machine software programs can make operating your home or office radionics machine easy and straightforward. Utilizing the computer makes changing settings fast, as well as recording sessions to play back later – an invaluable feature for practitioners seeking to hone their craft without incurring expensive equipment costs. Plus, the program makes storage and organization of treatment notes much simpler!

By 1977, Clive Sinclair realized that Radionics needed more cash from the National Examination Board in order to stay afloat. While his Microvision pocket TV launched for sale under his label, he must have been hoping that its successor, TV1A would take off and fill any holes in Radionics‘ business model.

Hardly anyone knows for certain why, but Radionics bosses appeared less enthusiastic about the computer project around this time. Perhaps Wakefield and Smith had moved onto developing the ZX80; perhaps it was because bringing such an ambitious machine to market required an up-front investment greater than those spent elsewhere within Radionics.

What became clear was that the NEB decided to move forward, and in Spring or early Summer 1979 transferred their project to Newbury Labs for completion. Under their ownership, it became known as “NewBrain,” an anagram for “NewBear,” while still sporting its 1970s cream and brown colors.


At Newbury, the work continued as Wakefield and Smith had originally imagined it, with an added feature – an integrated chip containing many of its secondary electronic circuits. This technique would become common practice within microcomputer design shortly thereafter.

At this stage, the software included a system for entering and storing Radionics rate information as well as several ways of dialing those rates, such as virtual stickpad and Rate Genie. Furthermore, it provided users with an innovative feature allowing them to create virtual radionic operations which could then be called up instantly – this was a major advance over using pendulums, making complex treatments much simpler for users.

What is a radionics machine software package?

Manifestation Basic is a radionics software package specifically tailored for genuine Karl Welz orgone generators, psychotronic devices and chi generators with an orgonite core. The program links directly with each device via an innovative structural linkage system involving transfer diagrams; this allows the user to perform radionic operations from any location by simply connecting their computer via USB cable with it and running the software on their machine.

This system is easy to use, featuring an user-friendly video tutorial which walks through unpacking, installing and downloading additional files as well as showing its various functions and a comprehensive breakdown of how a radionics operation should be built, set up and operated.

Windows 7 users also have an option available that is designed specifically to work with either a Manifestation Basic or Ultimate radionics machine, connecting via a special USB connection with its transfer diagram. RadionicsBox sells this version as they specialize exclusively in genuine HSCTI/BEC orgone generators and devices with orgone generations, along with their Manifestation software bundles.

As 1976 transitioned into 1977, it became apparent that calculator sales weren’t producing sufficient profits to cover Radionics costs and keep it afloat. If Sinclair wanted new gadgets to sell well and quickly enough for Radionics to remain viable.


At this point, the National Employment Board decided to appoint Nicholas Barber as its representative on Radionics board and implement formalized management structures. While Sinclair had proven adept in product development, entrepreneurial zeal alone may not always translate to effective administration of business affairs.

The Newbury Engineering Board did purchase a stake in Radionics and, shortly thereafter, likely moved the Panda project over to Newbury Labs as the NEB began dismantling and selling off Radionics pieces.

What is a radionics machine software bundle?

Super Manifestation Ultimate from Welz Radionics is the newest in software technology. Easily user friendly and with one of the most flexible yet advanced feature sets of any manifestation program on the market – Super Manifestation Ultimate is far superior to older instrumentation that requires cumbersome treatment configurations for treatment configurations. Framework Dowsing is delighted to provide this wonderful software application and hardware bundle in our store!

Includes Virtual Stickpad, Operational Sequencing (also known as barrage mode), 28 radionic positions and rates, an extensive collection of radionic filters, virtual drum with ancient drum rhythms, voice synthesis to produce animated rings around your voice formants in three octave compound tones; it is essential for any serious practitioner.

What is a radionics machine software package bundle?

After selling its TVs and calculators to Binatone and its microcomputer to Newbury Labs in 1979, Radionics was left with only its electronic instruments business – which appeared capable of producing steady profits for viability – making the decision to expand this division with another low-cost computer similar to Nascom 1 from 1977 a wise one based on sales statistics (around 2 percent return rate).

John Grant of Nine Tiles Information Handling Ltd was a software developer working on the Basic interpreter and operating system for Radionics microcomputer. Additionally, he had founded Heavepalm as holding company of Radionics; Sinclair had already spoken to Grant about possible computer projects before commissioning him to write one specifically tailored for low-cost micros. In April – shortly before Radionics would report its financial report for 1978/79 – Sinclair placed another order with him: writing both interpreter and operating system software specifically tailored for such low-cost micros.

Grant’s code was built around an MK14 microcomputer and closely followed its hardware specification. For instance, it implemented one-touch Basic keyword entry (rather than character by character typing like on a ZX80) as well as providing an easy way for users to enter machine operation sequences without moving dials or keys on the machine itself.

Super Manifestation Ultimate is the most advanced and versatile radionics program ever developed for use with Welz chi generators or any orgone, prana, or odic force devices. Featuring powerful sequencing operations and 28 radionic positions/rates – Super Manifestation Ultimate makes a powerful addition to your Welz chi generator system!

July 17, 2024|Editorial

Peter P Gariaev

Utilizing a specific frequency, he was able to destroy viruses such as herpes, polio, influenza and tuberculosis as well as cure cancer and other ailments.

He discovered that DNA has the ability to absorb light. When exposed to UV irradiation, light spirals around its helical structure.

He used a laser beam to pass over healthy seeds before redirecting it towards damaged ones – and succeeded in bringing dead ones back to life!

Peter P. Gariaev (born 19 April 1940) was a Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist. He was a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and was nominated for a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2021.

As a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and nominee for a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2021, his research focused on DNA molecule structure.

He developed an innovative theory of genetic coding known as Wave Genetics that has revolutionized how scientists view DNA. Now being used in medical treatments.

Gariaev‘s research demonstrated that DNA molecules possess an unusual memory; specifically, electromagnetic waves stored on DNA can store and transmit information between living things as well as non-living objects like photographs containing healing information for diseases or injuries to reverse itself. For instance, a photograph can contain healing data needed to treat cancer patients by sending this corrective data directly into their cells.

According to this theory, all forms of energy – including sound waves, light pulses, electromagnetic radiation and vibrational waves – have an immediate and direct impact on DNA. Energy can impact individual atoms within DNA molecules and alter its shape resulting in changes to gene expression patterns. Gariaev was able to document these effects through correlation laser spectroscopy.

His research showed that the genetic code is more than just letters: it contains biological functions required by our bodies and can even be altered by emotions and music. A large portion of DNA does not involve setting up genes; instead it is known as silent DNA and can be affected by external forces such as stress.

Gariaev conducted experiments that revealed DNA’s unique ability to interact with other molecules. For instance, healthy chrysanthemum plants’ DNA interacted with that of their predators’. He also discovered how DNA can teleport itself via electromagnetic signals that water molecules could pick up and transfer elsewhere.

Gariaev made another groundbreaking discovery when he showed how healthy DNA can store all the necessary information to repair itself and reverse any damage. To illustrate this point, he gave each patient the original blueprints of their DNA so they can repair damaged organs themselves. Furthermore, damaged DNA could even be reprogramed to produce healthy proteins and chromosomes again!

Gariaev‘s work has revealed one of its greatest marvels – his theories can be applied to find cures for virtually every illness regardless of their source. His theories laid the groundwork for what has since become known as “Linguistic-wave genetics,” with companies such as NovoCure already using this type of technology to produce healing frequencies and sound structures to program DNA and promote cell regeneration.

His research focused on the structure of the DNA molecule.

Gariaev was the pioneer of linguistic wave genome theory. He demonstrated that DNA works not only as genetic code, but also an optical hologram storing vast amounts of data in its electromagnetic spectrum. Furthermore, he demonstrated how DNA molecules could act like laser emitters modulating their electromagnetic spectrum according to specific frequencies used for sound or language, thus reprogramming living cells using these frequencies.

Gariaev‘s research also examined the vibrational behavior of DNA molecules and demonstrated that they vibrated like mechanical waves. He and his team performed numerous experiments using lasers to amplify these vibrations of the molecule; this allowed them to create an image lasting 10-15 seconds that could be captured on film without physical interaction from DNA itself, but rather generated through quantum fluctuations in electromagnetic fields around it.

Gariaev Group conducted further experiments which have demonstrated that human genome can be controlled at a quantum level using electromagnetic frequencies, with these frequencies encoded into electromagnetic vectors by means of polarizations. As a result, they believe DNA to be an actual holographic device capable of recording space-time atomic/molecular dynamical behaviour that transmits this data across organisms.

Gariaev‘s research led his group to create Wave Genetics technology, which allows humans to control their bodies at a quantum level and restore damaged tissue and organs using laser light modulating DNA molecules to restore function and regenerate damaged tissues and organs in animals. They successfully demonstrated this through successful regeneration of damaged pancreas regeneration using laser light modulating DNA molecules for repair purposes and successfully regenerating damaged pancreas tissue in animals.

Gariaev Group recently conducted three further sets of experiments based on Wave Genetics principles and technology, and their results are truly astonishing. Gariaev Group performed an experiment where a low-power laser shone through the DNA of adult Salamanders into that of frog embryos; those embryos then transformed into adult Salamanders. Gariaev Group scientists achieved remarkable success, proving their laser mirror recording technology capable of recording and transmitting the genetic code of living organisms directly. These discoveries demonstrate that DNA molecules are multiwavelength bio-holograms which transmit nonlocal biological information at light speed, having profound ramifications for understanding life itself. Furthermore, they imply that genomic computers could serve as universal solutions.

He was a co-founder of the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Dr Gariaev demonstrated that our cells’ genetic information is organized as a chromosome continuum. Additionally, he discovered that electromagnetic holograms exist within intracellular water networks within cells which can be read by laser. He coined this new paradigm of biology ‘Wave Genomics’ or ‘Lingvistiko-wave Genetics’ based on quantum optics principles as well as wave linguistics to understand biology better.

Gariaev began his study of DNA molecules in 1984 and discovered two unusual forms of memory within them: “memory of DNA”, which could be recorded using correlation laser spectroscopy; and reversible DNA memory which could reverse mutational effects.

As the result of his work, he developed the “wave genome” or “Lingvistiko-wave genetics”, which holds that each gene contains an inexhaustible supply of words which can be transformed by altering context. This theory draws inspiration from coherent physical radiations, holography and solitons principles; furthermore it incorporates fractal representation of natural (human) languages along with genetic ones as well. Furthermore, its practical applications include regeneration healing of damaged cells and tissues.

July 17, 2024|Editorial

What is Biohacking Definition?

Biohacking refers to any method that improves health and wellbeing, such as taking vitamin supplements, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and limiting blue light exposure prior to bedtime – these fall under its purview. Other biohacking strategies may involve nootropics and cognitive-enhancing supplements that aid brain functioning.

Biohackers attempt to navigate between therapeutic interventions/human enhancement and naturalization in an approachable and experimental fashion, using their bodies/self as both medium and object of experimentation (Pickering 2016:73).


Biohacking takes its inspiration from hacker culture, referring to various techniques used to optimize physical and cognitive performance. From lifestyle adjustments to cutting-edge practices that push technological and ethical boundaries – such as IV drip therapy with nutrients to gene editing or neural implants – biohacking encompasses a range of techniques designed to maximize physical and cognitive wellbeing.

Biohacking has been around for quite a while, yet has recently seen increased attention due to entrepreneur Dave Asprey and his popular Bulletproof diet and lifestyle brand. Partnering with leading doctors, scientists, and global mavericks he’s helped discover cutting-edge health and wellness technologies, techniques, and products available on the market today.

Biohacking involves various lifestyle optimizations that can reduce stress, enhance focus, and boost overall performance. These may include dietary modifications, exercise routines, sleep optimization strategies and meditation/yoga/breathing exercises to decrease levels of anxiety or enhance mental clarity; additionally they may use supplements and vitamins to increase energy and mood levels.

Biohackers often utilize neurofeedback, an auditory or visual feedback technique used to train the brain towards preferring certain brainwave frequencies, in order to improve focus, reduce stress and boost mood by regulating hormone production in the body. They may also utilize blood tests and biomarker tracking as ways to gain insights into their own health – this information then being utilized to optimize diet, exercise and supplementation regimens.

Biohacking encompasses various subsets of medical technology experimentation, such as hormone replacement therapy or stem cell therapy. While these forms of self-experimentation can have serious repercussions if performed incorrectly; to avoid any potentially risky situations it is advisable to consult a certified healthcare professional first before undertaking such treatments or procedures.

Biohacking” might sound scary to some people, but its intentions are generally good. Biohacking involves optimizing one’s health and wellbeing – both essential elements to living an enjoyable life – through self-experimentation, which can be an extremely powerful motivator in trying out different ideas to find what works for each individual. Traditional medicine relies on extensive scientific studies conducted by doctors whereas biohacking relies more heavily on anecdotal evidence gathered through personal experience rather than hard data collection from scientific researchers.

Physical optimization

Biohacking has quickly gained momentum over recent years due to advancements in science and technology. It aims to enhance health and human performance through diet changes, exercise routines, sleep optimization strategies, supplementation regimens and mindfulness practices – along with advanced technologies like blood tests, genetic analysis tests and wearable devices that track daily activities and performance data.

Physical optimization is a fundamental element of biohacking, including exercises that enhance strength, endurance, and flexibility. To do so effectively requires exercises which focus on increasing strength, endurance, and flexibility through physical exercises that focus on increasing strength, endurance, and flexibility – these goals may be accomplished using tools such as electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) or vibration therapy, which strengthen specific muscle groups; another technique includes blood flow restriction training which limits how much blood flows to limbs to promote muscle growth.

One key component of physical biohacking is using cognitive enhancement supplements like ashwagandha, cordyceps and lion’s mane to improve concentration and reduce stress levels. Biohackers have also adopted various mindfulness practices designed to boost attention span and mental clarity.

Biohackers recognize the importance of sleep for biohacking, whether this means using sleeping aids or changing sleeping patterns. Coffee can also help biohackers stay alert; however, its use carries certain risks such as dependence and addiction. Furthermore, such stimulants could be mishandled by those unfamiliar with them and misused without their knowledge or consent.

Eating a high-protein diet and taking probiotics are also integral elements of biohacking practices, as these can assist with weight loss and boost immunity. Biohackers may also use cold therapy or even cold baths to stimulate immunity.

Biohacking may involve more extreme experiments, including DIY fecal transplants and gene editing. While such practices raise ethical concerns, they can also be dangerous if conducted incorrectly. Therefore, no matter which biohacking technique you utilize it is crucial that all self-experiments be carefully planned and overseen by professionals; using products approved by scientists is the best way to guarantee safety during any self-experimentations.

Mental well-being

Biohacking involves exploring techniques designed to optimize mental well-being. These may include taking supplements that enhance cognitive function or reduce stress levels or practicing meditation to relax and sooth the mind. Biohackers typically display high levels of personal responsibility and strive for self-development – this can be seen through their commitment to maintaining a healthy diet, adequate sleep patterns and regular physical exercise regimens.

Biohacking is an evolving movement focused on optimizing all aspects of human physiology, from brain function and nervous system functioning, through supplements, diet and lifestyle modifications, wearable devices to track physiological parameters and make informed decisions regarding one’s own health.

Although it might be easy to perceive anyone who adheres to a restrictive diet, uses an eye mask during sleep or monitors their protein consumption as biohackers, this practice goes much deeper. Biohackers sometimes experiment with human augmentation by implanting microchips into their bodies or administering DNA editing drugs like CRISPR without medical supervision – the practice known as biohacking encompasses much more than meets the eye.

Some individuals can become so obsessed with biohacking that they become “grinders”, an offshoot of the biohacking community known for pushing the limits of human enhancement. Experimentation includes everything from nutrient timing and hormone replacement therapy, to performing invasive procedures on themselves such as blood transfusion or body hacks using CRISPR; which could have serious repercussions.

Emotional biohacking is a subset of the biohacking movement, focused on increasing emotional wellbeing and resilience. This can be accomplished using strategies such as gratitude practices, blue light exposure management and positive psychology skills development – techniques which can reduce stress while helping individuals manage life’s ups and downs more easily.

An increasing number of people are turning to biohacking as a way to enhance both physical and mental wellbeing. By altering diet, sleep schedules, and exercise regimens they can optimize their physiology to peak performance and surpass traditional medicine in terms of health improvement. While this approach offers promising alternatives, certain techniques have proven controversial; many experts advise against excessive experimentation as some techniques might lead to addiction or dependency – illicit nootropics being one such example which has proven this point.

Ethical considerations

Biohacking can be an invaluable way to improve physical and mental wellbeing; however, improper practice could raise ethical concerns. Therefore, it is vital that users fully comprehend any implications resulting from this new paradigm and ensure any resulting changes do not harm society as a whole.

Biohacking practices are unregulated and may be illegal in some jurisdictions, which can have serious repercussions for those engaging in it – particularly if using DIY kits to experiment with genetically modified organisms or substances not intended for human consumption.

As such, biohackers must thoroughly research their procedures and carefully consider both risks and benefits before engaging in biohacking practices. They should consult professionals about potential long-term effects from such experiments; for instance before using CRISPR to alter DNA. It’s also essential to consider any impact these experiments might have on scientific communities in general.

Biohackers should be encouraged to collaborate with scientists and work together for the advancement of science. Biohackers can help shape ethical guidelines governing biohacking fields while simultaneously contributing to its democratization, and help bridge traditional scientific communities with non-scientific ones, essential elements in biohacking‘s success.

Some of the major concerns related to biohacking concern the nature of humanity and its place in society. Biohackers frequently extend their physical or cognitive capacities beyond natural boundaries, often adopting posthumanist perspectives where humans merge with technology – this creates new forms of life which cannot easily be defined as human, which leads to questions as to their treatment as fellow humans. Furthermore, increased reliance on biohacking advancements may increase inequality if only available to wealthy or privileged users; biohackers should strive for equity and accessibility when developing technologies which make possible advances that benefit all.

July 17, 2024|Editorial

The Life Expert Bio Resonance Scan Machine

Each cell emits unique energy wavelengths. If our bodies are healthy, these wavelengths align with one another for an efficient system.

But bacteria, viruses, waste toxins, stress hormones and other factors can alter our natural frequencies of our cells, and a BICOM is designed to detect disharmonious waves and cancel them out.

What is a Bio Scan?

Bio scans are safe, noninvasive assessments that allow your body to communicate directly with itself in order to answer some of the tough questions your physician can’t (or won’t). They provide key insight into areas of high stress or weakness such as food sensitivities or nutritional and hormone imbalances and potential toxic exposure, among other things.

Your practitioner will attach electrodes to the middle finger of your left hand and place it on a bio resonance scan machine that emits low electrical current through this point, stimulating skin responses in response to signals sent from computer system, creating Galvanic Skin Response readings which will then be recorded and evaluated using FDA cleared software that recognizes digital signatures (known as energetic fingerprints) of substances which cause bodily stress as well as their level of severity such as foods, additives, environmental conditions chemicals supplements medication emotional patterns etc.

Once the computer analyzes your GSR responses, it identifies all imbalances and their corresponding root causes arranged by priority. Your therapist then uses a BioScan SRT machine to subtly influence body cells so they resonate at their optimal frequency for each issue – helping restore health to balance out and balance out.

BioScan SRT treatments are included as part of initial and follow up appointments for new patients, or can be added onto existing 60-minute appointments for existing ones. Simply book your session here, and indicate in the notes section that you would like to add it as an add-on feature.

How Does a Bio Scan Work?

Bio resonance scans are noninvasive and painless tests using an easy-to-use Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) testing device. A practitioner connects electrodes to each middle finger of each hand and passes low electric current from the machine through to your body – this records your reaction to various stressors while providing information about how well organs and systems are performing.

BioScan SRT uses GSR data collected during GSR scans to analyze any levels of stress or imbalance present in your body and to pinpoint its sources. Combining Acupuncture, Biofeedback and Homeopathy together with laser light technology enables this system to identify substances which create stress for your body while helping balance these stressors so your body can heal itself more quickly.

BioScan SRT software uses this energy signal or “energetic fingerprint” of all substances to identify potentially disruptive stressors such as foods, additives, environmental contaminants, chemicals, nutraceuticals, toxins and emotional patterns that could cause disruptions. By comparing GSR data against scientifically established baseline parameters for stress indicators, any readings outside these boundaries indicate substances which could potentially wreak havoc with your health.

Bio Resonance Scan – Are You Doing Enough Exercise to Keep Stress at Bay? A bio resonance scan is a safe and effective way of providing insight into any energetic imbalances or stressors within your body that might lead to future health issues, saving time, money, and energy by addressing issues before they worsen. Furthermore, this tool helps manage health and wellness routines more effectively by providing insight into where improvement should take place and providing guidance on the most efficient means for accomplishing such changes.

How Long Does a Bio Scan Take?

Life Expert’s bio resonance scan machine quickly conducts a comprehensive assessment of 47 functional indicators across organs and systems in just minutes, flagging hidden conditions that could become life-threatening well before their symptoms manifest, giving you time to take preventive steps and possibly head them off altogether.

Life Expert bioresonance scanning device’s massive library of substances includes over 10,000 main procedure libraries and up to an additional 50,000 in advanced procedure libraries, making it possible to identify almost every substance which could potentially trigger stress reactions.

As soon as your scanner detects digital signatures of stressors, it sends signals to your organs and systems to alter their stress response by shifting energy frequency of stressors toward more neutral or beneficial frequencies – helping restore health in this way.

Life Expert bioresonance scanning device then analyses your body’s reactions to these signals and identifies those which are most effective, providing us with insights for making tailored recommendations of supplements, herbs, tinctures and physical therapies to bring balance back into your system.

Wellness Inspections provide an accurate picture of the current state of your organs and meridians and are an effective tool to assist in reaching wellness goals. They take out any guesswork when it comes to what needs to be addressed while keeping focus on what’s most essential for health and wellbeing. Most people who undergo wellness inspections experience visible results after just one session!

Is a Bio Scan Safe?

Bioresonance technology is safe for all ages and the scanning process is noninvasive and painless. Furthermore, the process does not expose users to radiation, sound waves or chemicals and works well alongside other forms of healthcare. Furthermore, the bioresonance machine identifies your body’s own natural healing responses while counteracting harmful frequencies that might be causing problems.

The BioScan SRT is an FDA-cleared device that utilizes electro dermal screening to identify imbalances within the body. Suitable for patients of all ages, this system can rapidly gather reliable data regarding any out-of-balance conditions within seven minutes and give an accurate, objective evaluation of stressors impacting wellness – helping clients optimise their wellness in this way.

Bioresonance scans utilize a computer program to assess electromagnetic fields surrounding your head and nervous system – commonly referred to as bio-field. They use this information to detect imbalances in energy patterns caused by emotional, chemical or physical stressors that lead to imbalanced energy patterns within your energy field, so they can create an individual program designed to restore balance within your body and correct these imbalances.

Bioresonance scans come in many varieties; among the most popular are the dietary scan, Meridian Balance Scanner and Homeopathic Remedy Scanner. All of these techniques identify food sensitivities as well as nutritional deficiencies which may need addressing with diet changes, supplements or herbs.

The Meridian Balance Test measures energy flow according to European medical research through groups of acupuncture points known as meridians. This can identify blockages in these meridians that lead to weakness or illness and recommend an herbal, nutritional supplement and homeopathic remedy balancing program as necessary. Using its homeopathic remedy scanner feature, this test also can measure which remedies best match up with their client’s body and are most efficient at relieving burdens.

Can a Bio Scan Help Me?

Bio scans offer an alternative to conventional diagnostic tests like MRI, CT and Ultrasound by providing us with an advanced technology solution that focuses on your overall picture rather than simply searching for symptoms physically manifested. Bio scanning also helps identify stressors or imbalances that other tests might miss.

BioScan MSA (meridian stress assessment) technology combines muscle testing and biofeedback using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), to analyze various meridians on your hands and feet related to organs and systems in your body. It can identify which foods, environmental toxins, chemicals or emotional patterns may be creating stressors in your system.

This innovative technology blends Western medical research with Traditional Chinese Medicine to give an insightful view into your energetic health. It measures energy flow via European medical research by monitoring acupoints connected to major organs and bodily systems; when these pathways become blocked they can cause stress or illness.

The MSA scan records your energetic body-field’s reaction to various substances and then sends corrective information through meridians to balance your energy, de-stressing your system and reducing toxicity so you can heal more quickly. This technology can benefit everyone whether they are experiencing illness or as preventative measures; most diseases and conditions have energetic components; stress is always present, so bio resonance scans offer one way of helping keep balance within our bodies and keeping ourselves healthy and balanced.

July 17, 2024|Editorial

Hair Bioresonance Test – Discover Hidden Food Allergies

Food intolerances can be debilitating and frustrating. Luckily, there are various methods available for testing food intolerances – with hair bioresonance testing being one of the more reliable tools.

Hair tests measure resonance energy from one or more strands of hair and compare it with frequencies found in food, non-food items, nutritional supplements, metals, gut biome and hormones – providing information that is then collated into an exhaustive report.

It is a non-invasive method

Bioresonance hair testing is an alternative medicine (CAM) therapy which uses electromagnetic analysis devices to detect food intolerances in the body. Each food item, additive or toxin has its own frequency that can elicit reactions in your cells and tissues; bioresonance testing uses noninvasive electromagnetic devices that identify toxicants without harming healthy cells or tissues – cost-effectively supplementing traditional treatment approaches like acupuncture or homeopathy for more holistic solutions.

Hair analysis offers an alternative method of testing that doesn’t depend on recent food intake or stressors to provide a more thorough assessment of one’s state of health over time. Furthermore, it can detect hidden intolerances or allergies while helping guide towards natural treatments to promote healing.

This technique is particularly effective at detecting drug use, since it can detect it even over weeks or years in someone’s system. As such, this tool makes an invaluable addition to companies and organizations looking to monitor employee drug use – with results being easily interpreted by an experienced professional and helping prevent potential abuse of substances.

While electromagnetic field therapy has been met with controversy within scientific communities, its popularity in health circles has grown. Studies have shown it to assist smokers in quitting smoking while another revealed imbalances within the autonomic nervous system associated with stress and depression. Furthermore, claims by practitioners include electromagnetic fields helping identify cancer cells while unleashing suppressed tumor-suppressor genes to cause them to self-destruct – though no clinical trials support such claims.

Though hair bioresonance tests should not replace medical diagnostics, they have become an invaluable asset to alternative healing practices and are increasingly being used as a method for finding solutions to chronic conditions. Many use them to identify underlying causes for symptoms as they seek holistic therapies such as acupuncture and homeopathy; when combined with proper diet management these therapies help strengthen and balance the body to overcome imbalances more quickly.

It is a complementary and alternative medicine

Hair bioresonance testing is an alternative medicine (CAM) practice that utilizes hair samples taken from individuals to identify food intolerance. While mainstream physicians are dubious of this form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), its popularity among practitioners and consumers alike in Europe has grown substantially over time. The test identifies specific foods or substances which trigger intolerance symptoms in your body – this data can help find you the ideal diet plan that suits you!

This test works by measuring electromagnetic frequencies of a hair sample, which are then compared with frequencies found in various items – foods and beverages, vitamins, metals, minerals, enzymes and bacteria among them – such as frequency. A computer system calculates these frequency readings, along with any imbalance frequencies present; then interprets their findings to help find appropriate treatments.

Hair testing differs significantly from blood tests in that the process is completely painless and only requires small quantities of hair; making it an excellent solution for those with sensitive stomachs and wallets. Plus, ordering online makes the test even more accessible – having it sent directly to your doorstep!

Although hair testing remains an unproven method, it has found popularity across Europe thanks to its non-invasive approach. Studies show it can detect various toxins like heavy metals that build up in our bodies over time and lead to serious health complications; additionally, it can detect intolerances which often stem from lack of digestive enzymes.

Although there are various bioresonance tests, one of the most frequently performed is a sensitivity test to identify food intolerances in your body. This type of examination uses a small sample of hair from you which is then put through over 975 items; this can help find foods suitable to you without triggering intolerances or allergies; it’s also a great way to detect other health conditions, like an overactive thyroid or an autoimmune disorder.

It is affordable

Hair bioresonance testing is a holistic form of therapy that has gained some notoriety as an allergy and food intolerance testing method. Classified as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), bioresonance has proven its efficacy through numerous studies – even helping individuals quit smoking and reduce stomach pain!

Based on its premise, this technology works on the premise that cells and organs in poor health emit abnormal electromagnetic waves which can be read by machines to bring back into normal range. Scientists using this approach can detect diseases like cancer using DNA tests while simultaneously tracking drug usage and its consequences.

Hair bioresonance tests offer an alternative to blood tests that requires advanced laboratory equipment and stringent regulatory standards, by being relatively inexpensive to conduct. A small sample of hair from you can be sent in for testing from the comfort of your own home; and once processed, will give an accurate account of what types of items your body reacts negatively against.

Food intolerances and allergies should not be confused; one is a gastrointestinal reaction while the other an immune response that happens over time. Both are caused by exposure to specific items; however, food intolerances do not produce IgE antibodies in their bodies while bioresonance testing has proven helpful in detecting food intolerances; however it cannot confirm allergies.

Hair testing may offer an effective and more accurate alternative to conventional blood tests; however, its results do not compare favorably with ELISA blood tests which have been scientifically validated and widely utilized clinical settings; although more expensive, they offer greater safety and reliability. Although its limitations, a hair test remains an affordable way to determine food sensitivities. It can identify up to 975 items which could trigger negative symptoms in you. As well as offering an in-depth analysis of your gut biome, nutritional deficiencies and common metal toxicity issues, this device offers many other features that make it worth purchasing if you suffer from digestive issues or food intolerances.

It is accurate

Hair bioresonance testing can help detect food intolerances that can be difficult to pinpoint. It provides an alternative and holistic method for testing food sensitivity that works alongside blood tests and other diagnostic methods. Results can then be compared with an extensive database of frequencies to pinpoint which food(s) might be causing an imbalance within your body; additionally, this type of testing may uncover hidden intolerances which might otherwise remain undetected by conventional allergy tests.

Contrary to ELISA blood tests that require sophisticated laboratory equipment and technology, bioresonance testing only requires one strand of hair to assess your body’s energy frequencies. The machine can detect up to 978 different items–foods, supplements and even toxins. Unfortunately this method of testing cannot detect allergies or measure antibodies toward specific food proteins.

Bioresonance system works on the principle of quantum physics, which recognizes that everything emits electromagnetic frequencies. A healthy object or person emits its normal electromagnetic frequency; when someone becomes sick their frequency changes and symptoms appear. That’s why eating well and prioritising your health are so essential.

Testing to pinpoint imbalanced frequencies within your body can help identify sources such as diet, stress and environmental pollutants that lead to imbalanced frequencies – such as diet and stress management; by pinpointing these issues you can make lifestyle adjustments to restore equilibrium in your body. It may also identify the right combination of nutrients.

Hair tests differ from other forms of testing in that they are unaffected by recent food consumption; as a result, they are an ideal method for diagnosing long-term intolerances. Furthermore, they are easy to administer and cost-effective; top athletes often use hair bioresonance tests for injury recovery and performance enhancement purposes. You can order one online through 5Strands and receive your results within seven days!