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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 15, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance Focused Ultrasound Therapy

Bioresonance focused ultrasound is an integrative healing modality that works by harmonizing and restoring cell communication – helping your body effectively fight off pathogens and harmful toxins.

UVA Health researchers are creating focused ultrasound devices to enhance quality-of-life for those living with essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s disease tremors. Focused ultrasound provides therapeutic benefits without surgery or radiation exposure.

Treatment of Lung Tumors

Primary and metastatic lung tumor treatment options available today for primary and metastatic tumors include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy; however, for many patients who cannot undergo surgery due to advanced disease stages or significant medical problems preventing surgery – focused ultrasound offers an alternative that could significantly enhance quality of life and survival rates.

Researchers have recently demonstrated how focused ultrasound therapy can create therapeutic benefits to target cancerous lung tissue without harming adjacent normal tissue. This technology focuses beams of high-frequency ultrasonic energy on targeted sites within the body without incisions or radiation; as well as precise ablation (thermal destruction) while stimulating immunity systems to eliminate remaining cancer cells.

Mittelstein and Mikhail Shapiro, a professor of chemical engineering at Caltech, formed a joint research team to explore the bioeffects caused by focused ultrasound devices on hepatocellular carcinoma – a form of liver cancer known for its tendency to appear in localized patches on its victim’s livers and be difficult to treat effectively.

Preclinical trials using focused ultrasound technology demonstrated its ability to successfully eradicate hepatic carcinoma in mice livers using this device, comparable with surgical techniques and significantly outperforming chemotherapy drug treatments. As a result, further clinical trials are now planned.


Researchers are using focused ultrasound to treat lung metastases, which result from tumors spreading to other organs in the body and landing in the lungs. Focused ultrasound has proven its efficacy at either eliminating or significantly shrinking these tumors without harming lung tissue – it may even be used in combination with immunotherapy therapy for maximum effectiveness.

Multiple high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) systems for treating prostate cancer have been approved in the US and other countries. One device, TULSA-PRO, is currently undergoing evaluation in a randomized trial comparing active surveillance to radical prostatectomy.

The goal of the foundation’s research efforts is to bring this work from preclinical to clinical stages so it can be used by humans living with both primary and metastatic lung tumors, improving lives in both cases. Focused ultrasound has the power to destroy tumors without surgery or side effects seen with traditional therapies; its potential of eliminating cancerous growth offers hope to many patients and their families living with lung tumors.

Prevention of Cancer

With bioresonance focused ultrasound therapy (BRT), your body is able to restore the natural electromagnetic resonance of healthy organs, initiating a healing process by itself. Also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational medicine, bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies as diagnostic and curative agents – it’s noninvasive, natural and yields incredible results!

According to a new study published in Applied Physics Letters, researchers believe low-intensity pulses of ultrasound can destroy cancerous cells without harming surrounding tissue. They conducted their experiment using microbubbles with lipid membranes emitting ultrasound waves as therapeutic therapy on human cancer cells in culture in a lab environment; results demonstrated increased tumor sensitivity while sparing surrounding cells; this could become part of targeted therapy treatment of glioblastoma cancer, an aggressive form of brain cancer.

Traditional treatments for glioblastoma include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy; however, each of these invasive procedures carries risks and complications including the possibility of hemorrhage, infection and permanent brain damage due to drug leakage from incision sites. Furthermore, surgery and radiation may cause side effects like hair loss, incontinence and impotence that must also be considered when selecting treatments.


In contrast, HIFU is a noninvasive procedure that uses real-time imaging to direct soundwaves directly into the prostate gland. HIFU technology creates a focal point of ultrasound energy within seconds which heats and destroys diseased tissue while leaving unaffected areas.

HIFU therapy has already been approved for prostate cancer by the Food and Drug Administration, and several centers across the US provide it. Medicare and commercial insurers have begun covering it as a salvage therapy after failed radiation, but its widespread availability remains limited.

HIFU offers several advantages over surgery: It is less invasive, has lower rates of complications and faster recovery times; furthermore it is safe and effective treatment for older patients; unlike other cancer treatments HIFU doesn’t expose its patients to any ionizing radiation exposure making it ideal for men who have undergone radiation before; additionally HIFU may serve as an additional component in chemotherapy or immunotherapy regimens.

Prevention of Inflammation

Bioresonance focused ultrasound therapy (also referred to as electrodermal testing, vibrational medicine or electro-acoustic resonance therapy) is one of the simplest strategies available to reduce inflammation. This noninvasive method uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize and balance your natural energy fields within your body thereby encouraging self-healing and self-healing.

Each day, over 50 million cells in our bodies die as part of the normal, healthy process of apoptosis – but sometimes, disease or injury interrupt this natural cycle and it becomes disturbed. Your immune system has been programmed to recognize this difference between healthy cells and those that undergo apoptosis and target only those that trigger an immune response while leaving healthy ones alone.

Researchers published in Neurosurgery found that focused ultrasound could effectively kill brain tumors and activate immune systems to combat any remaining cancer cells, providing both primary and salvage treatments; in other words, after other cancer therapies have been applied.

Focused ultrasound may offer an effective alternative to surgery and radiation for treating prostate cancer, while also being an invaluable complement to drug therapy, by targeting tumors directly with chemotherapy drugs and creating an anti-tumor immune response.

Jeff Elias of UVA Health led a team of researchers in using focused ultrasound to effectively treat essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s disease (PD), by targeting the area of the brain that regulates movement. Their study will be presented next week at Radiological Society of North America annual meeting, showing its efficacy as an ET and PD treatment.

The study demonstrated how therapeutic high-frequency ultrasound and microcurrent, or their combination, altered how both innate and adaptive immune systems responded to injury. At low pressure (stable cavitation), therapeutic ultrasound effectively limited RBC, immune cell concentrations and tissue extravasation/cell damage while at higher pressures it caused extravasation of RBC, debris cells and immunity cells from lesions sites as well as increased TJ opening and plasma interleukins levels at lesion sites.

Treatment of Pain

Pain is a debilitating condition caused by injuries, infections or chronic diseases like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. Current treatments include pharmaceutical solutions as well as physical methods like physiotherapy and acupuncture for relieving discomfort.

Focused ultrasound technology uses focused sound waves to deposit energy directly into the body for therapeutic purposes, including tissue ablation and targeted delivery of therapeutic agents. It has been clinically proven as noninvasive, painless and safe for all age groups.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is an innovative method of thermal ablation used percutaneously and has been successfully utilized in numerous clinical trials for treating various tumors such as prostate, uterine, breast, bone and liver cancers. Furthermore, this non-invasive and MRI compatible procedure allows it to be done outside of an MRI suite environment.

Recent research shows HIFU to be an effective and safe way to treat essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) tremors. Results presented this week at the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting reveal MR-HIFU as an alternative treatment option to reduce these movement disorders’ tremors.

Researchers discovered that ET and PD can be effectively treated using focused ultrasound, which targets the area of the brain that controls muscle movements that cause these tremors. A patient lies down and wears a headset that delivers acoustic energy directly into this specific region of their brain responsible for creating these tremors; patients in this study received one 45-minute session of focused ultrasound treatment.

Bioresonance therapy is an extraordinary therapeutic tool, using acoustic waves to harmonize discordant frequencies, thus improving cell health and restoring homeostasis within the body. Furthermore, its use also promotes antibacterial, viral and fungal effects depending on intensity of frequency used and duration of exposure; such technologies are currently being reexamined as possible solutions for fighting antibiotic resistance.

July 15, 2024|Editorial

Radionics Therapy For Horses and Other Animals

Radionics is a form of energy healing that uses our natural intuition to identify and address imbalances within an aura, working on both prephysical and physical levels regardless of distance.

SRT involves administering one high dose of radiation directly targeted to an intracranial lesion using a stereotactic frame or halo. Imaging-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) technologies have improved SRT accuracy.

What is Radionics?

Radionics is an alternative healing approach that utilizes special devices to detect and balance subtle energies. Practitioners believe these devices detect imbalances in energy flow to restore health and promote wellness. Although technically classified as pseudoscience, many have reported benefits from Radionics treatments; therefore it should be included as part of a holistic wellness plan with professional advice before considering it for yourself.

Albert Abrams created an early 20th-century device known as the Radiation Instrument that enabled him to detect disease and illness using oscillating electromagnetic fields. Although it proved effective over short distances, such devices couldn’t bridge vast reaches of space and time between planets; subspace and holocomm systems eventually replaced this earlier one and it fell out of use altogether.

Radionics is a highly effective form of alternative medicine that combines quantum mechanics, ancient knowledge of the universe, and vibrational frequencies into an energetic form of healing that can address many conditions including physical and emotional illness as well as animals, plants, soil and crops.

Before each session, patients/owners/trainers complete a case history and give their permission for treatment. A small sample of hair from the patient or owner/trainer serves as a link between them and practitioner based on the principle that even small parts (i.e. the hair sample) of a whole can reflect its energy pattern.

Practitioners then assess each case, and use radionics machine to create customized frequencies corresponding to imbalances within the body, before transmitting these back into it for absorption and rebalancing.

Many radionics practitioners offer virtual or distance sessions, enabling clients to receive treatment from the comfort of their own homes. Although this option can be helpful, some prefer in-person appointments in order to develop an intimate connection with their practitioner and get a full picture of what their needs may be.

Can Radionics work for my horse or other animal?

Radionics may help some horses and other animals. As an energy therapy technique, Radionics recognizes when there may be energetic disturbances underlying behavioral or physical symptoms and works to restore normal energy fields. Radionics is considered complementary and holistic therapy and may be used in tandem with traditional medical approaches; however it should not be seen as an alternative form of care; Radionic Practitioners require proof from a vet that their patient is under proper veterinary supervision before providing services to an animal under Radionics treatment.

For this study, researchers interviewed part-time therapists working part time and having less than 10 active clients at any one time. Six of them specialize in horse therapy while two have much larger human client bases while two also provide other bodywork modalities while also working on dogs.

From among ten therapists interviewed, all but three use word of mouth as their main marketing method, while three rely on websites, brochures and leaflets as marketing techniques. Only one uses social media; most interviewees had websites or email lists.

Numerous therapists interviewed highlighted that their services incorporate an extensive level of customer co-creation with clients to meet individual needs, which is particularly significant among equine therapists who may work with sensitive information relating to both horse and owner.

Clients typically give their therapist a strand of their own hair as an analytical and therapeutic link, using it for analysis and treatment purposes. This method works on the holographic principle whereby small parts (in this case strands of hair) taken from an object reflects its entire energy pattern – this could also work using coins, tissue pieces or nose specks as alternative links; but using hair is usually preferred.

Therapists also reported an increasing demand for Radionics as more people realize its efficacy for various issues ranging from aches and pains to behavioral problems. Radionics can even be used on horses who experience anxiety during dressage tests, travel or competition; its aim being to promote relaxation and reduce nerves.

Can Radionics work for me?

Radionics differs from orthodox medicine in that it relies on energy vibrations that cannot be physically measured, rather than rigorous scientific research as its basis for healing. Radionics is considered pseudoscience but is used both on humans, animals, plants, soil and more as an alternative approach.

Energy or Vibrational Medicine (EVM) is an noninvasive therapy which uses vibrational frequencies to relieve physical, emotional and psychological discomforts caused by blockages of energy within our systems. The aim is to restore natural healthy flows of energies.

Experience has shown that in numerous instances the symptoms associated with long-standing conditions like asthma and hay fever have been greatly reduced or eliminated altogether. Physical ailments including skeletal, muscular and digestive complaints as well as anxiety and hypersensitivity have all been treated. Furthermore, treatment helps unblock natural healing energies within the body to bring greater wellbeing for those experiencing depression, panic attacks or chronic fatigue.

Animals of all sorts – from domestic pets to racing and showhorses – respond well to this therapy, particularly behavioral issues such as stress and tension stemming from competition or fearful situations. Additionally, it has long been used as a treatment option for ailments like colic and laminitis in horses; making this an especially helpful treatment option for competition horses seeking peak performance under pressure.

Initial consultations between clients and practitioners allow both sides to agree upon the goal of treatment, often by giving bodily samples as part of a link between themselves and an instrument such as radionic machine known as ‘the black box’ that can recognize specific ailments or issues present in their bodies – usually hair samples, although other methods like finger tips, tissue or even nose dirt samples may also work just as effectively – and an automated healing session starting. Once this sample has been provided for submission into the machine along with completed health questionnaire, healing sessions begin automatically during sessions that ensue during healing sessions.

Can Radionics work for you?

Radionics is an intuitive healing technique that employs our natural intuitive abilities both for analysis of energetic disturbances or illnesses as well as treatment to restore optimal energetic balance and flow, leading to full health recovery. Radionics is non-invasive therapy which can be implemented either onsite or remotely depending on individual requirements and availability.

This unique energy medicine is founded on the theory that matter and energy are inextricably linked, and that different forms of matter emit specific electromagnetic frequencies that can be detected and managed using an instrument known as a radionics machine.

Analysis allows practitioners to detect particular energy sources that cause disease patterns or symptoms by connecting their instrument to a sample from the patient (often hair or blood), acting as a link into their energy field. Treatment allows practitioners to use specific frequencies that will correct imbalances for healing and wellbeing.

Equine practitioners can utilize energy healing for treating various issues in horses, such as nervous or fearful horses becoming more settled after treatment, while aggression or biting issues may also be addressed effectively.

Radionics can also be utilized to treat behavioral issues in competition animals involved with dressage, show jumping or eventing where stress levels may be an issue. Radionics is particularly useful in improving confidence and performance for nervous or unruly horses so that they may enter new environments more calmly while remaining more focused on the task at hand.

At an animal treatment session, practitioners hold the animal gently in order to help promote healing; sometimes photographs or sound recordings of them are used instead of their presence. A client must complete and give consent for treatment to take place, which may also include veterinary care as well as alternative therapies.

July 15, 2024|Editorial

Gastric Torsion Medicine

GDV (twisted stomach) refers to a condition in which the stomach becomes overstretched and rotated clockwise (present in 95% of cases).

SARS is an acute and life-threatening infection. Urgent surgical attention may be needed in order to save a victim, including using isotonic fluids and hetastarch as lifesaving measures.

Surgical Stabilization

Initial steps in managing GDV include surgical stabilization. This may involve resuscitating and stabilizing the stomach (orifice) through gastropexy. This may help decrease recurrence rates as well as enable early discharge from hospital.

Anesthesia will require performing a ventral midline celiotomy with adequate exposure of the stomach and gentle retractiion of its greater omentum, followed by passing an orogastric tube to decompress any gas distention and help identify whether volvulus is organoaxial or mesenteroaxial in direction. Once identified, stomach can be repositioned using either infero-lateral traction on its greater curvature and omentum or opening diaphragm anteriorly as appropriate or using Judet strut support to assist its rotation.

Once a stomach has been repositioned, a patient should be closely observed for at least 48 hours in order to make sure that it has not twisted back or become larger than expected. If too large a stomach becomes, it may occlude the esophagus and prevent belching or vomiting to release excess gasses; resulting in serious complications including bowel perforation, liver/pancreas damage, sepsis/bacterial sepsis infections/hepatitis/renal disease/even death.

Rib fixation is an integral component of managing severe flail chest. A recent randomized trial demonstrated that patients treated with Judet rib plates experienced shorter hospital lengths of stay than those managed conservatively with a tracheostomy and chest tube, less nosocomial pneumonia cases, and faster returns to normal pulmonary function.

GDV may not be the sole cause of severe flail chest in all patients; however, it remains the most prevalent. Therefore, all veterinarians must possess an in-depth understanding of GDV in order to detect it quickly in an emergency situation and know what action are taken if suspected.


GDV is a life-threatening condition characterized by abnormal distention of the stomach (Dilation), followed by violent rotation (Volvulus). This rotation causes closure of both pylorus and cardiac sphincters which prevent expulsion of gasses or secretions that build up within. As blood flow to the stomach wall becomes impaired, this leads to obstruction and eventually necrosis of stomach walls resulting in necrosis of these walls.

Decompression should occur as quickly as possible. A smooth-surfaced orogastric tube is the easiest and safest way to do this, provided minimal force and care are used during its passage to avoid perforating the esophagus. Aspiration of gastric contents should not occur while performing this procedure; percutaneous gastrocentesis can be used if necessary. Percutaneous gastrocentesis is an alternative approach for the release of excess stomach gas that has proven highly successful compared with orogastric tube decompression. Prior to performing percutaneous gastrocentesis, any area accessed should be clipped and aseptically prepared so as to prevent accidental puncture of the spleen covering the stomach; then a large-bore needle inserted through skin and abdominal wall into stomach can release any excess gasses that have collected.

Radiographs may not always be required for diagnosing GDV; however, common radiographic findings in those suffering from the condition include overdistention of the stomach with gas, displacement of the pylorus dorsally and to the left and compartmentalization on radial views of the stomach on lateral radiographs; this condition often manifests itself with splenomegaly; radiographs can also show ventral herniation of either diaphragm or pneumoperitoneum in cases involving herniation of bowel herniation.

Gastropexy surgery may be used both as an initial surgical treatment for GDV episodes as well as prophylactically in dogs at high risk. It involves attaching the stomach directly to the abdominal wall in order to lower risk of dilatation and volvulus.

Surgical Correction

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus syndrome, more commonly referred to as “Bloat”, occurs when an animal’s stomach becomes overfilled with gas, fluid or food to such an extent that its short axis must twist (Volvulus). When this happens, belching or vomiting are common signs of GDV; otherwise oxygen deprivation causes hypovolemic shock which must be addressed quickly with surgery from their veterinarian for life-saving intervention.

As part of surgery, it is vital to provide sufficient perfusion by administering intravenous fluid therapy and oxygen therapy via oxygen administration. Blood tests should be run to assess severity of metabolic disturbance as well as evaluate for sepsis; once stabilized, abdominal exploration must take place to correct malposition of stomach contents.

Aseptic preparation of the abdomen should be performed using a cranioventral midline approach for surgery. A complete inspection should be made of both stomach and spleen for signs of viability, including any areas of ischemia along their greater curvature and into the cardia of each organ. Furthermore, torsion or evidence of ischemia should also be assessed; should either exist, surgical removal may be recommended to decrease risk of GDV recurrence.

Most surgeons perform gastropexy, in which the stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall. This procedure may be part of surgical therapy for GDV or performed prophylactically for dogs at increased risk for GDV; gastropexy can help both initial and recurrent episodes by providing essential prevention measures9.

Postoperative Care

Owing to GDV’s rapid progression, early treatment can have dramatic benefits on survival; however, complications still often result from inadequate tissue perfusion. Cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular origin are a frequent postoperative side effect and should be treated using antiarrhythmic drugs like Lidocaine and Procainamide; fluid therapy should continue for 12 to 36 hours post-op as is ECG monitoring as well as checking vital signs such as PCV blood gases electrolytes and protein concentrations rechecked regularly throughout post op.

Postoperatively, a full exploration of the abdomen must be performed to verify proper gastric positioning, viability of stomach wall and spleen viability and removal of necrotic tissue as required; necrosectomy (partial gastrectomy and/or splenectomy). Gastropexy is then performed (permanent attachment of stomach to abdominal wall). This may be performed either prophylactically in high risk patients1 or as part of surgical treatment following GDV1.

A splenectomy may or may not be necessary, depending on the individual patient’s anatomy. Its aim is to ligate short gastric arteries and veins which have become damaged when trying to reverse clockwise volvulus.

At this point, the stomach will be attached to the right abdominal wall with right-sided gastropexy. The goal of this procedure is to form a permanent adhesion between its fundus and adjacent right abdominal wall to avoid future rotation and volvulus.

Once surgically stable, fluid therapy will continue as planned as well as any necessary medication to manage nausea and vomiting. Food should generally be withheld for 48 hours post surgery; antiemetics such as metoclopramide or maropitant may need to be administered if vomiting or regurgitation symptoms continue.

July 15, 2024|Editorial

Beyond Quantum Healing Course

Beyond Quantum Healing is an expansion of Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) that allows clients to explore the subconscious, meet guides, higher selves, re-live past lives, discover karma and soul purpose as well as meet loved ones who have passed on and gain access to Akashic Records.

Learn Hypnosis and Quantum Healing Techniques

Beyond Quantum Healing is a holistic healing modality that offers clients holistic solutions on multiple levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Based on Dolores Cannon’s creation of QHHT and using her heart-based energetic approach to connecting with one’s higher self. Beyond Quantum Healing offers advanced form of energy healing which may recover lost or forgotten time or explore past lives, parallel realities or other dimensions.

BQH sessions provide clients with an engaging journey tailored to their unique circumstances. Commonly known as guided visualization, hypnosis, dreamwork or soul travel sessions involve participants reclining and relaxing into an altered state similar to vivid daydreaming, where they are then supported in sharing their experience through BQH practitioner facilitation. Facilitators encourage them to tap into their Higher Selves – that part of themselves that holds greater wisdom about their life purpose than their everyday or temporal selves.

Sessions are designed to delve into the subconscious, interact with guides and the highest self (and potentially other entities such as ETs), and facilitate healing on all levels – spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. As sessions progress, clients can expect to recover memories from previous lifetimes or other timelines as well as answer their questions, discover beliefs or patterns that limit them, or gain insights about the present situation they find themselves in.

Sessions offer more than just these benefits; they also serve to heal physical body traumas and address energetic imbalances, providing clients with insight into life purpose and direction while offering opportunities to address and resolve ongoing issues.

This course will equip you with the foundational concepts of hypnosis and quantum healing, so upon completion you will be ready to work with clients both online and offline! From private sessions to surrogate and group sessions, this course provides all of the tools necessary for creating amazing transformational experiences for clients.

This course is completely online, enabling students to complete it on their own schedule and from any location! No prior hypnosis or energy healing experience is necessary – instead the course features video lessons, PDF information documents and even its own forum for BQH practitioners worldwide!

Learn to Facilitate Surrogate and Group Sessions

This course will teach you how to facilitate surrogate and group sessions effectively using energy healing, guided meditation, hypnosis and channelling techniques. Once learned, this information can be applied back into your own practice in numerous ways – especially future timelines or channelled scripts (which focus on manifesting positive outcomes for clients), but I have also included past life scripts so you’re fully prepared for both types of sessions.

Your spiritual guides (Angels and Galactic Star Family) may also offer guidance during this session, providing invaluable support if you are feeling lost or struggling in any way. This can be especially beneficial to those experiencing hardship who require additional guidance from spiritual advisors for guidance or direction.

Candace Craw-Goldman developed the BQH modality, heavily inspired by Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). It aims to access the multidimensional aspects of human beings, helping them heal on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes simultaneously.

Dolores was using traditional hypnotherapy techniques on clients in the early 1960s to help them stop smoking and lose weight when one began spontaneously recalling past lives. She went on to have four more past life regression experiences before writing her account of them all into a book called 5 Lives Remembered.

Since that initial experimentation, this work has blossomed into a full-fledged healing modality known as BodyQuantum Healing (BQH). BQH incorporates many of the core principles set forth by QHHT while simultaneously encouraging individual creativity and individualism.

BQH practitioners use relaxation and hypnotherapy techniques to guide clients into entering deep trance states and connecting with their inner being (also referred to as their Higher Self, Spirit Soul or God Self). In the sessions, analytic and critical minds are let go allowing clarity and insight to come forth.

These sessions offer many benefits, such as:

Spiritual Development: Exploring your Higher Self and discovering your soul’s purpose.

Messages from Your Guides: Communicate with Angels and Galactic Star Family to receive messages of love and support.

Issue Resolution: Examining the root causes of your challenges and eliminating barriers from your life are keys to finding lasting resolutions.

Experience multidimensional healing, expansion and connection to all of creation.

Learn to Facilitate Online Sessions

BQH is a holistic approach to healing that incorporates elements of hypnosis, meditation and energy healing. Practitioners of BQH can assist clients both in-person and remotely via online sessions depending on their intuition and guidance. While some fear technology and believe distance can affect quality sessions negatively, these beliefs can be overcome over time by working through and releasing them when appropriate for each person.

Quantum healing, also known as guided visualization, hypnosis, dreamwork or soul exploration, offers an immersive journey tailored to your personal circumstances. As you relax into an intoxicating state similar to daydreaming, quantum healing offers profound insights and wisdom far beyond your conscious awareness.

Through intuitive processes, you gain answers to your life and its challenges in this lifetime. While exploring past lives may provide insights as well, the primary goal of a BQH session should be healing past experiences while opening your heart up to new possibilities for the future.

During your session, we encourage you to speak directly with your Higher Self; that part of you that represents the Divine spark and has more understanding of your personal life plan than your more “everyday” or temporal self. We will ask about the most pressing issues facing you today and offer guidance regarding next steps.

Your counselor will also teach techniques that can help you overcome any blocks that are keeping you from moving forward with life, whether these be physical, emotional or energetic barriers or simply self-limiting beliefs about yourself and your abilities. By integrating hypnosis, energetic healing and interdimensional communication into their approach to therapy you can release these obstacles and achieve greater alignment with inner guidance.

A counseling session can address issues related to your current health, relationships, work and family lives as well as past life experiences. Furthermore, it may open your heart up to endless possibilities and help connect to a more expansive consciousness.

This course will teach you how to guide a client through a session that connects them with their Higher Self and explore various timelines. Although most clients look for information regarding future timelines, this course also features a past-life script should you prefer working with this aspect of their session.

The online course provides a comprehensive, intuitive training program designed to equip you with all of the skills you need to begin leading sessions with confidence and ease. No previous hypnosis, quantum or energy healing experience is required – you can get going right after you complete training! Working at your own pace online allows for flexible study at any pace you choose; course materials include video lesson lessons, sample session videos and numerous PDF documents providing support.

July 15, 2024|Editorial

Antibiotics and Lyme Disease

Michael Radonich was just a freshman at Wharton when he contracted tick-borne Lyme disease and spent an agonizing year experiencing symptoms similar to stroke – headaches, heart palpitations, numbness and double vision.

He had been bitten by a tick, but according to IDSA guidelines it wasn’t enough for a diagnosis without an associated rash and positive lab tests for antibodies.


Antibiotics are at the core of modern medicine and essential for many lifesaving procedures ranging from cancer chemotherapy and caesarean sections, hip replacements and organ transplantation. But antibiotic-resistant pathogens pose a grave public health threat with consequences far reaching our individual wellbeing – from treatments becoming ineffective against common infections to reduced surgery efficiency, livestock rearing capabilities and food production capabilities.

Researchers are making strides toward understanding why some Lyme symptoms persist months or even years after treatment has taken place, according to a new study published this Thursday in PLOS Pathogens. Researchers mapped genetic code from specific strains of Borrelia burgdorferi that appear more virulent and lead to longer-lasting symptoms – the research can be found here.

B burgdorferi can be spread to humans via blacklegged ticks (deer ticks). The ticks pick up B burgdorferi from white-footed mice and other small mammals that serve as its reservoir, before infecting humans through bites from these ticks.

Once a person becomes infected with Lyme disease, B burgdorferi moves from the mouthpiece of a tick into their bloodstream and begins replicating. This produces the characteristic bull’s-eye rash used by doctors for diagnosis; later it releases chemicals disguised as proteins to shield itself from detection by immune systems – leading many people to test positive for Lyme antibodies even while still experiencing unresolved symptoms.

While the CDC recommends antibiotics in most cases of Lyme disease, many patients can become better without them. If that does not happen however, many sufferers develop post-treatment Lyme syndrome – an often severe and disabling illness with symptoms including joint and muscle pain, headaches, fatigue, depression and anxiety.

At present, most cases of Lyme can be treated effectively with antibiotics. It’s important to keep in mind that not all patients will develop a rash and that ticks must be removed as quickly as possible before they regurgitate their contents into bite marks on skin and cause more severe infection.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies may provide effective support for Lyme disease. These remedies work by stimulating the immune system and can reduce inflammation and pain caused by this illness. However, it’s essential that you find a practitioner who understands both Lyme disease itself and its symptoms before beginning any homeopathy treatments.

Homeopathic practitioners will conduct an in-depth assessment and prescribe an individual constitutional remedy, depending on the patient’s presentation. He or she may also suggest an individual treatment plan consisting of homeopathy, herbs and other natural therapies; it’s also important to avoid foods which interfere with natural hormone levels – for instance processed soy products which disrupt estrogen can worsen symptoms – when considering homeopathic therapies for Spooky2 Lyme; successful care will require multiple approaches and for the patient to put in the required effort for successful results.

Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, is the most widespread tick-borne bacterial illness worldwide and most often found in the Northeast of the U.S. However, Lyme can appear anywhere and may present itself through tick bites from deer or blacklegged ticks; deer ticks being the more widespread carrier but both types often present symptoms like fever headache fatigue arthritis or heart palpitations if left untreated. Both types are carried by deer ticks which carry this bacteria, with blacklegged ticks more prevalently found carrying this bacteria; deer ticks are usually carrying this illness but can appear anywhere while blacklegged ticks tend to inhabit areas in the Midwest/West regions; both types can carry Lyme disease’s bacteria responsible.

Lyme disease symptoms may range from mild to severe and frequently change. Unfortunately, diagnosis is difficult, making treatment even harder; therefore if you suspect Lyme, it is imperative that you see a physician immediately.

In 2007, Tapp began hearing of a Rife machine being used to cure chronic Lyme disease patients; at that time, doctors considered Rife’s work controversial and unproven.

Natural remedies

There are numerous homeopathic and natural treatments that can be used to address Lyme disease, with some even proven effective at eliminating the spirochete bacteria. Such remedies include herbal supplements, ozone treatment, UV light therapy and the use of lasers; many can be found through holistic health practitioners as well as online stores like Amazon. Although these methods may not provide as effective results as antibiotics alone, they should at least be considered when managing chronic Lyme.

Lyme disease is a serious infection that can have debilitating effects on the body, including neurological symptoms and arthritis. Diagnosing and treating it can be extremely challenging; for this reason, seeking medical help if you suspect tick bite is important if suspected. Signs that could indicate Lyme infection include fever, headache, muscle aches and bullseye rashes.

One of the primary ways Lyme disease is transmitted is via deer tick bite. These ticks carry numerous pathogens that cause Lyme disease – including Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria as well as Babesia, Anaplasma and even Powassan virus!

In most cases, ticks need to be attached for at least 36 hours in order to transmit Lyme disease-causing bacteria. If you discover one on yourself, it is vital that it is promptly removed using fine tweezers; long sleeves and pants may also help.

When treating chronic Lyme disease, the best approach is a multisystemic one utilizing conventional, complementary and alternative medicine approaches. Successful Lyme disease treatment relies on supporting your immune system over the long term as the spirochetes responsible can recur.

Melissa Prusinski, a researcher and laboratory supervisor from New York State Department of Health, urges people not to wait until they notice a bull’s-eye rash or ticks to seek medical advice for Lyme disease, which if left untreated may progress into more serious symptoms like facial paralysis or arthritis.

Veterinary care

As an animal owner, you may have witnessed your horse suffering from Lyme disease, a bacterial infection which affects humans and animals alike, with symptoms including lameness, bull’s eye skin lesions, neurological issues and lameness. Unfortunately, many horses with chronic Lyme remain symptomatic even after antibiotic treatment is provided due to ticks carrying bacteria not always being removed completely; additionally, certain antibiotics used against Lyme can re-ignite it!

Lyme disease is a complex multi-systemic illness, so the most effective approach for its treatment involves using conventional, complementary, and alternative therapies together. Most effective approaches involve strengthening one’s immune system not just during treatment but long term as Lyme spirochetes can recur after medication has been given.

Lyme disease often presents itself with a circular skin rash; however, in other instances the rash does not appear at all. Other symptoms of Lyme include fever, headaches, stiff neck and joints, fatigue and numbness in parts of the body.

If you suspect Lyme disease, it’s crucial that you seek assistance quickly. Delaying treatment only makes things harder in terms of treating symptoms. If unsure whether this applies to you, consult your physician for a test that will measure antibodies for Lyme bacteria in your system.

Lyme disease is a complex illness with evolving treatment options, with antibiotics often seen as the only viable solution. Recently however, researchers discovered that some Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria survive antibiotic treatment and continue to linger in your body – but spooky2‘s scalar energy treatment can kill these remaining bacteria while clearing away co-infections associated with Lyme disease and charging up your immune system so you can defend yourself against potential infection. To use it effectively simply connect its generator and tune its frequencies according to whatever disease or illness you intend on treating.