Bioresonance Focused Ultrasound Therapy
Bioresonance focused ultrasound is an integrative healing modality that works by harmonizing and restoring cell communication – helping your body effectively fight off pathogens and harmful toxins.
UVA Health researchers are creating focused ultrasound devices to enhance quality-of-life for those living with essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s disease tremors. Focused ultrasound provides therapeutic benefits without surgery or radiation exposure.
Treatment of Lung Tumors
Primary and metastatic lung tumor treatment options available today for primary and metastatic tumors include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy; however, for many patients who cannot undergo surgery due to advanced disease stages or significant medical problems preventing surgery – focused ultrasound offers an alternative that could significantly enhance quality of life and survival rates.
Researchers have recently demonstrated how focused ultrasound therapy can create therapeutic benefits to target cancerous lung tissue without harming adjacent normal tissue. This technology focuses beams of high-frequency ultrasonic energy on targeted sites within the body without incisions or radiation; as well as precise ablation (thermal destruction) while stimulating immunity systems to eliminate remaining cancer cells.
Mittelstein and Mikhail Shapiro, a professor of chemical engineering at Caltech, formed a joint research team to explore the bioeffects caused by focused ultrasound devices on hepatocellular carcinoma – a form of liver cancer known for its tendency to appear in localized patches on its victim’s livers and be difficult to treat effectively.
Preclinical trials using focused ultrasound technology demonstrated its ability to successfully eradicate hepatic carcinoma in mice livers using this device, comparable with surgical techniques and significantly outperforming chemotherapy drug treatments. As a result, further clinical trials are now planned.
Researchers are using focused ultrasound to treat lung metastases, which result from tumors spreading to other organs in the body and landing in the lungs. Focused ultrasound has proven its efficacy at either eliminating or significantly shrinking these tumors without harming lung tissue – it may even be used in combination with immunotherapy therapy for maximum effectiveness.
Multiple high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) systems for treating prostate cancer have been approved in the US and other countries. One device, TULSA-PRO, is currently undergoing evaluation in a randomized trial comparing active surveillance to radical prostatectomy.
The goal of the foundation’s research efforts is to bring this work from preclinical to clinical stages so it can be used by humans living with both primary and metastatic lung tumors, improving lives in both cases. Focused ultrasound has the power to destroy tumors without surgery or side effects seen with traditional therapies; its potential of eliminating cancerous growth offers hope to many patients and their families living with lung tumors.
Prevention of Cancer
With bioresonance focused ultrasound therapy (BRT), your body is able to restore the natural electromagnetic resonance of healthy organs, initiating a healing process by itself. Also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational medicine, bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies as diagnostic and curative agents – it’s noninvasive, natural and yields incredible results!
According to a new study published in Applied Physics Letters, researchers believe low-intensity pulses of ultrasound can destroy cancerous cells without harming surrounding tissue. They conducted their experiment using microbubbles with lipid membranes emitting ultrasound waves as therapeutic therapy on human cancer cells in culture in a lab environment; results demonstrated increased tumor sensitivity while sparing surrounding cells; this could become part of targeted therapy treatment of glioblastoma cancer, an aggressive form of brain cancer.
Traditional treatments for glioblastoma include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy; however, each of these invasive procedures carries risks and complications including the possibility of hemorrhage, infection and permanent brain damage due to drug leakage from incision sites. Furthermore, surgery and radiation may cause side effects like hair loss, incontinence and impotence that must also be considered when selecting treatments.
In contrast, HIFU is a noninvasive procedure that uses real-time imaging to direct soundwaves directly into the prostate gland. HIFU technology creates a focal point of ultrasound energy within seconds which heats and destroys diseased tissue while leaving unaffected areas.
HIFU therapy has already been approved for prostate cancer by the Food and Drug Administration, and several centers across the US provide it. Medicare and commercial insurers have begun covering it as a salvage therapy after failed radiation, but its widespread availability remains limited.
HIFU offers several advantages over surgery: It is less invasive, has lower rates of complications and faster recovery times; furthermore it is safe and effective treatment for older patients; unlike other cancer treatments HIFU doesn’t expose its patients to any ionizing radiation exposure making it ideal for men who have undergone radiation before; additionally HIFU may serve as an additional component in chemotherapy or immunotherapy regimens.
Prevention of Inflammation
Bioresonance focused ultrasound therapy (also referred to as electrodermal testing, vibrational medicine or electro-acoustic resonance therapy) is one of the simplest strategies available to reduce inflammation. This noninvasive method uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize and balance your natural energy fields within your body thereby encouraging self-healing and self-healing.
Each day, over 50 million cells in our bodies die as part of the normal, healthy process of apoptosis – but sometimes, disease or injury interrupt this natural cycle and it becomes disturbed. Your immune system has been programmed to recognize this difference between healthy cells and those that undergo apoptosis and target only those that trigger an immune response while leaving healthy ones alone.
Researchers published in Neurosurgery found that focused ultrasound could effectively kill brain tumors and activate immune systems to combat any remaining cancer cells, providing both primary and salvage treatments; in other words, after other cancer therapies have been applied.
Focused ultrasound may offer an effective alternative to surgery and radiation for treating prostate cancer, while also being an invaluable complement to drug therapy, by targeting tumors directly with chemotherapy drugs and creating an anti-tumor immune response.
Jeff Elias of UVA Health led a team of researchers in using focused ultrasound to effectively treat essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s disease (PD), by targeting the area of the brain that regulates movement. Their study will be presented next week at Radiological Society of North America annual meeting, showing its efficacy as an ET and PD treatment.
The study demonstrated how therapeutic high-frequency ultrasound and microcurrent, or their combination, altered how both innate and adaptive immune systems responded to injury. At low pressure (stable cavitation), therapeutic ultrasound effectively limited RBC, immune cell concentrations and tissue extravasation/cell damage while at higher pressures it caused extravasation of RBC, debris cells and immunity cells from lesions sites as well as increased TJ opening and plasma interleukins levels at lesion sites.
Treatment of Pain
Pain is a debilitating condition caused by injuries, infections or chronic diseases like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. Current treatments include pharmaceutical solutions as well as physical methods like physiotherapy and acupuncture for relieving discomfort.
Focused ultrasound technology uses focused sound waves to deposit energy directly into the body for therapeutic purposes, including tissue ablation and targeted delivery of therapeutic agents. It has been clinically proven as noninvasive, painless and safe for all age groups.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is an innovative method of thermal ablation used percutaneously and has been successfully utilized in numerous clinical trials for treating various tumors such as prostate, uterine, breast, bone and liver cancers. Furthermore, this non-invasive and MRI compatible procedure allows it to be done outside of an MRI suite environment.
Recent research shows HIFU to be an effective and safe way to treat essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) tremors. Results presented this week at the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting reveal MR-HIFU as an alternative treatment option to reduce these movement disorders’ tremors.
Researchers discovered that ET and PD can be effectively treated using focused ultrasound, which targets the area of the brain that controls muscle movements that cause these tremors. A patient lies down and wears a headset that delivers acoustic energy directly into this specific region of their brain responsible for creating these tremors; patients in this study received one 45-minute session of focused ultrasound treatment.
Bioresonance therapy is an extraordinary therapeutic tool, using acoustic waves to harmonize discordant frequencies, thus improving cell health and restoring homeostasis within the body. Furthermore, its use also promotes antibacterial, viral and fungal effects depending on intensity of frequency used and duration of exposure; such technologies are currently being reexamined as possible solutions for fighting antibiotic resistance.