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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 15, 2024|Editorial

Vibration Therapy for Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the legs. These sensations may include tingling, prickly, or wormy sensations as well as creeping, drawing or pulling sensations.

These symptoms tend to worsen during times of rest, particularly in the evening and nighttime, leading to insomnia or severe daytime drowsiness.


Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a disorder characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the legs and an overwhelming urge to move them. RLS symptoms typically manifest at nighttime when sitting or lying down and can drastically impact sleep quality and quality of life.

RLS (Reflexive Limb Stiffness) is a neurological condition caused by changes to nerve signaling that control muscle movement and body temperature. While RLS may be caused by medications like opioids, sedatives, and antidepressants; its exact causes remain unknown in most cases; genetic link is suspected as at least 40% to 90% of individuals diagnosed with RLS have at least one first-degree relative who also suffers from the condition.

Although no cure exists for RLS, treatment can help alleviate symptoms and enhance sleep quality. The main goal is to minimize or eliminate discomfort or unpleasant sensations in legs when relaxing or sleeping; non-pharmacological solutions include lifestyle modifications, vitamin and mineral supplements, medical devices or in some cases medication.

Treatment for restless leg syndrome typically starts with consulting your healthcare professional, such as a primary care doctor or neurologist, to discuss its symptoms. Be sure to bring a list of when they appear and note whether movement helps relieve them or worsens them.


Healthcare professionals will ask about your past health history and family tree before conducting a physical exam. They may inquire into any problems or illnesses you are suffering from, such as heart disease or diabetes. In addition, they’ll inquire into what medications (prescription or over-the-counter) you take and any vitamins/supplements.

Some individuals with RLS suffer from iron deficiency, and once corrected their symptoms usually vanish. You may receive an iron supplement in pill form or intravenous. Other neuropathic pain medications may help improve RLS symptoms as well as external stimulation such as vibrators or heat/cold therapy treatments.


Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological condition characterized by unpleasant sensations in your legs and an irresistible urge to move them. These uncomfortable sensations include prickling, itching, pulling or crawling sensations which worsen when sitting still for too long; such as when relaxing or sleeping. They may also disrupt sleep patterns which leave you exhausted and fatigued; movement temporarily relieves symptoms before returning as soon as you stop moving them again.

Experts generally agree that regular, moderate exercise during the day can help alleviate RLS symptoms, making physical activity an integral component of RLS treatment. Doctors advise against engaging in strenuous activity within several hours before bedtime as this can exacerbate symptoms further. Walking or cycling a few times each week are great ways to stay active and incorporate stretching exercises as part of a comprehensive exercise routine.

Exercise can help increase blood flow, helping flush away excess fluids that contribute to RLS symptoms and stimulating feel-good hormone release that has been proven to enhance sleep quality overall.

Although many patients who suffer from RLS also have varicose veins, a study published in Phlebology found that treating varicose veins with laser ablation reduced RLS symptoms significantly. Therefore, if both conditions apply to you, visiting a vein specialist and creating an RLS treatment plan might be worthwhile.


Some individuals suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) find their symptoms are relieved with a warm bath or heating pad, while for others stretching exercises such as the seated calf stretch (in which your feet are hip width apart and bent forward at the knees to form a lunge position) can help relax muscles before bedtime.

Avoid caffeine, as this can trigger RLS symptoms instantly when drinking coffee, tea, or soda. Although limiting caffeine can be challenging for some people, cutting back will have a major impact on your RLS symptoms.

Bedtime Routine

If you suffer from restless leg syndrome (RLS), simple home remedies, exercises and relaxation techniques before bed could provide significant relief from discomfort. Compression devices or vibratory vibration devices could also be effective as well as medications and iron supplements to address RLS symptoms. In addition, making lifestyle changes to increase quality of sleep should also help.

RLS (Reflexive Leg Syndrome) is a neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant leg sensations like throbbing, pulling or creeping that occur most intensely when relaxing or sleeping, interfering with quality rest. RLS may affect either one leg or both at the same time and its cause remains elusive; it could stem from low levels of dopamine in your basal ganglia region of your brain, which regulates body movement – when this area fails to function as it should then these discomforting sensations arise.

Symptoms may be relieved by moving your legs. Try sitting up in a chair and gently flexing or squeezing them flexed or squeezed them gently while also engaging in an activity such as crossword puzzle or watching TV for distraction. When necessary, use a standing desk or take frequent breaks throughout your day to reduce sitting time.

Consider purchasing aisle seats when flying or busing to allow easy access to your legs should your symptoms flare during travel. Meditation and mindfulness practices that focus on different parts of the body to relieve tension may also prove useful in managing RLS symptoms.

If your RLS symptoms are bothersome or persistent, it’s essential that you consult your physician. There may be other health conditions at play such as iron deficiency or kidney disease which could be responsible. After reviewing your history and medical background, your physician may suggest treatments such as exercise, medication or devices which provide compression or vibration; alternatively they might advise taking an alternative route by changing diet, limiting caffeine and stimulants intake, relieving stress levels and taking regular time out before bed for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy has become an increasingly popular treatment choice for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), an uncomfortable condition causing sensations to arise in legs and feet that range from mild to severe, interfering with sleep. Vibration therapy offers an innovative solution that may help patients find relief. RLS symptoms typically arise during rest and increase during the night, often manifesting themselves through leg twitching or kicks. RLS most commonly affects middle aged and older adults but can also impact those living with other health issues like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or Parkinson’s disease. These sensations may be temporarily relieved by moving, stretching or jiggling legs; however, relief usually returns. To alleviate RLS symptoms more effectively and sustainably, the Food and Drug Administration approved two medical devices using vibration technology to ease symptoms – one being a compression foot wrap which vibrates to stimulate skin while another emits vibrations onto foot, calf or thigh areas of patients’ feet, calves or thighs.

Vibration therapy causes your muscles to contract and relax like during a workout, increasing muscle strength while simultaneously decreasing fatigue. Studies suggest vibration therapy increases bone density while simultaneously decreasing back pain; additional benefits include reduced stress levels, more energy and improved flexibility and range of motion. Furthermore, studies indicate vibration therapy increases muscle cell generation which helps to reduce scar tissue formation as well as improve microcirculation in injured areas.

Vibration therapy can be applied to specific muscle groups or the entire body depending on your needs and symptoms. For instance, someone experiencing chronic lower back pain could use vibration therapy to break down scar tissue and stimulate new cell generation in their lower back. Trigger points, also known as knots in muscles, can often cause pain elsewhere in the body – for instance a knot in your upper back can give rise to headaches. Massage therapy can be an excellent way to ease these tensions. Studies conducted by the Journal of Applied Physiology demonstrated how vibration therapy could help alleviate certain types of pain, reduce inflammation and speed recovery after injury. Vibrations also increase serotonin levels while improving blood circulation to muscles and skin while increasing collagen production and increasing basal metabolic rate.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

Energy Healing – An Alternative to Traditional Therapy

Energy healing is a form of therapy that employs various physical interventions to balance your vital energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”) in Traditional Chinese Medicine or prana in Ayurveda – the life force that these therapies seek to balance.

Some critics of energy psychology note the financial gain gained by practitioners from its success, as well as claims that some research on these therapies lack integrity by failing to disclose financial affiliations as required by scientific ethics guidelines.

The Benefits of Energy Focused Therapy

Energy focused therapy provides an alternative approach to traditional psychotherapy by targeting the body’s energy field to treat psychological distress. Energy healing seeks to clear away blockages and restore balance; many who struggle with anxiety, depression and trauma benefit from its holistic approach.

Energy therapy should not be seen as a replacement to traditional mental health services; rather, it can supplement them. Energy therapy operates under the theory that each of us possesses vital energy force – known as “qi” in Chinese or “ki” or prana in Indian – which flows through us and can be balanced to enhance wellbeing.

Energy therapy encompasses various methods, but most often centers on harmonizing the energy that flows through our meridians or chakras. Practitioners may use thoughts, touches, visualization, music or other means to achieve this result.

Energy therapies provide clients with tools to identify and shift distorted thoughts that contribute to negative emotions. For instance, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) uses tapping on energy points around the body until the client no longer experiences distress when thinking of specific events or feelings.

Other energy therapy modalities focus on alleviating physical symptoms. Reiki involves placing hands lightly over or on top of a client to activate their parasympathetic nervous system; studies demonstrate its benefits in relieving stress and increasing relaxation.

Energy therapies often combine exposure therapy – an established Western method for relieving emotional distress – with non-Western techniques designed to heal disruptions in human electromagnetic fields and energy systems. This form of energy psychology is often combined with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Exposure therapy tends to be more active and goal oriented, whereas energy psychology uses clients’ internal energy to modify their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. For example, someone who fears spiders could perform body tapping while recalling and recalling a painful memory with their Spiderman costume on.

How Energy Focused Therapy Works

Energy focused therapy is a form of psychological treatment which works by balancing an individual’s internal energy flow and channeling it in specific ways to help heal both mind and body. Based on ancient practices that seek to promote wellbeing by channeling energy in particular ways.

Energy focused therapy seeks to assist individuals in overcoming negative thoughts and beliefs that block the natural flow of energy throughout their bodies. While not considered scientific treatment, energy focused therapy has provided numerous advantages for many who undergo it.

Energy healing techniques used by practitioners to assist their clients in finding inner peace and overcoming emotional distress are diverse, from touch to visualization techniques. One such energy healing practice, called Reiki, involves placing their hands on specific bodily points while Jin Shin Jyutsu uses pressure applied by their practitioner’s hands to balance a client’s bodily energy balance.

Energy healing techniques are generally considered safe and noninvasive procedures do not take place during their application. However, some researchers and clinicians have raised concerns regarding their profitability by their proponents – who they suspect of making financial gains by selling products and trainings related to energy psychology to people receiving treatments from these practitioners.

Energy work is increasingly used as part of therapy sessions, either as an add-on to other forms of counseling or as part of an overall approach to treating clients’ mental health concerns. Some therapists use exposure therapy – an established, research-backed Western approach – to help their clients overcome fears and anxieties by recalling traumatic memories while performing physical interventions designed to restore balance to the human energy system.

Perspectives’ therapists integrate energy healing into their treatment to provide clients with a more holistic experience and overcome potential barriers to healing, such as lack of time or accessibility to traditional therapy services.

Intensive Energy Focused Therapy

Intensive therapy can be an invaluable way to jump-start the healing process. By setting aside several days or multiple hours of focused time, intensive therapy allows you to address the underlying causes that contribute to your pain and suffering more efficiently than more traditional forms of weekly counseling sessions.

If you are exploring the benefits of EMDR therapy or trauma therapy, it’s essential that you find a therapist with adequate training and experience. Seek advice from friends or colleagues who have themselves undergone trauma therapy or EMDR themselves and may offer valuable recommendations.

People often opt for EMDR intensives as they offer a more intensive therapeutic experience. An intensive session allows participants to explore past traumas and unprocessed emotions with support from a trained therapist guiding the process. An additional advantage of an intensive is having dedicated time for processing emotional and psychological struggles without distraction or interruption from daily life.

EMDR intensives can also be an effective tool in treating complex trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many times these traumas stem from childhood experiences and can manifest themselves through repeated cycles of fear, frustration or disappointment in relationships, career pursuits or other aspects of life. With an EMDR intensive you will have space and time to investigate their source as well as develop healthy responses going forward.

Couples seeking therapy through an EMDR intensive can use it to heal emotional wounds from past emotional abuse and build strong, loving bonds again. This can be accomplished by focusing on each partner’s relationship system to allow access to love and connection; increase emotional safety; and foster long-term intimacy.

Individually, an EMDR intensive can help remove emotional barriers that prevent growth and happiness. This can be accomplished by identifying and clearing away blockages that prevent you from fully experiencing your emotional, physical, and spiritual essence – this could include releasing negative emotions, reprocessing childhood traumas, or managing energy imbalances.

Healing Touch

Hands have long been associated with healing, from religious traditions such as laying of hands to massage and even surgery instruments. Modern physics suggests that all living things have an energy field which exchanges energy with their environment to reach harmony with the universe; this theory forms the basis of energy therapies such as Healing Touch which use gentle touch to re-pattern an individual’s energetic field and accelerate healing of body, mind and spirit.

Healing Touch operates under the assumption that there exists an invisible network of energetic pathways connecting all aspects of our physical bodies. A Healing Touch practitioner should recognize these paths, identify any aberrant energies and remove it to create an ideal condition for healing to take place. In an average session, you’ll recline or lie down while your practitioner gently moves her hands around your body – either directly on specific energy centers or just generally around the energy field – either warming up the area around or tapping specific points directly. You might experience nothing at all or some heat/cold sensations/imagery or feelings of peace/calmness – depending on individual responses.

Healing Touch’s mechanisms remain mysterious, yet studies have demonstrated positive results for its use by patients. One research paper showed that bone cells treated by Healing Touch practitioners grew faster and stronger than those receiving sham treatments.

Energy psychology techniques differ from traditional psychotherapy in that they focus more on goal-setting and the body’s energy systems than on behaviors or thoughts, often used to treat emotional problems such as anxiety, depression and phobias. Furthermore, energy psychology may also help relieve fatigue, stress and chronic pain from illness symptoms.

Energy Psychology techniques focus on harnessing our body’s natural energy system for greater wellbeing. Practitioners work with meridian and chakra points on the body to promote improved health; similar to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), practitioners use tapping motions targeting energy points on the body until no negative reactions to triggers arise anymore. Typically in a CBT session, clients rate their feelings of distress before the therapist guides them through tapping motions targeting energy points on their bodies; the process continues until no negative responses come up when thinking of specific triggers anymore when thinking of specific triggers arises when thinking about certain triggers – CBT sessions typically consist of sessions lasting one-to-one.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

Healing Hands Energy Medicine

Laying on of hands is a widely practiced healing ritual in numerous religious and spiritual traditions, including Chinese therapies like acupuncture. Furthermore, it’s an integral component of several energy healing techniques that have been scientifically tested as being successful.

Healing Touch, a noninvasive energy therapy often used as an adjunctive medical treatment for pain and stress management, recognizes an energetic field surrounding the body as well as energy centers within.


Reiki energy healing involves transmitting healing energy from practitioner to recipient through their hands, with their bodies then absorbing it and restoring balance. Practitioners believe there is an energy flow through all living things which disrupts when disease strikes, giving rise to illness as a result.

Reiki sessions typically last anywhere from 30 to 80 minutes and should be done while lying down. Hospital sessions tend to be shorter due to time restrictions and to avoid interfering with medical treatment plans. Reiki practitioners frequently combine it with other forms of energy medicine or therapies for maximum effect.

At each session, patients lie comfortably on a padded table topped with blankets and pillows, closing their eyes to relax as a practitioner moves his/her hands over various parts of their bodies to focus on areas of tension. Patients may feel warmth from his or her hand or energy moving through them as energy passes.

Reiki can do more than reduce stress and pain; it can also heal physical problems and enhance overall well-being. According to one 2015 study, researchers discovered that women receiving Reiki in addition to standard medical treatment experienced less post-cesarean section pain and anxiety as well as taking less analgesic painkillers and having lower heart rates and blood pressure than the control group.

Energy therapies like Reiki are increasingly being offered in hospital settings as gentle, noninvasive alternatives to medications with side effects that may include adverse reactions and potential risks. But patients must remember that Reiki does not treat diseases; rather it serves as an energy therapy practice and should never replace medical advice from medical providers.

The body is comprised of pathways and energy centers known as meridians and chakras that when out of balance can result in illness. Reiki practitioners use palms of their hands to move energy through meridians and chakras in order to rebalance them; studies conducted after receiving Reiki treatments reported decreased pain, anxiety and improved mood from receiving treatments.

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese healing art designed to harmonize and energize the body, using hands to release energy blockages and restore balance to health. Commonly referred to as “the gentle touch that heals”, its practitioner contacts 26 safety energy locks – energy pathways that concentrate and redirect vital energy – stimulating proper circulation; using specific finger and toe sequences called flows for each safety energy lock contact can awaken these pathways and revive them.

During a session, clients remain fully clothed and relaxed on a treatment table or mat. The practitioner starts by compassionately listening and asking some questions before taking their pulse before using light touches across 26 “Safety Energy Lock Points”, similar to Acupuncture Acupoints, to find areas of blocked energy and clear pathways and improve overall energy flow.

Example of Treatment Areas and Feet : Thumb, Stomach and Spleen) Forefinger Fear Middle Finger Anger Ring Finger Support Sadness Pinky Finger Nervousness The treatment also applies to Knuckles Wrist and Feet

Non-invasive work like massage therapy is extremely flexible, as it can be performed anywhere and at any time – even on intensive care patients and children. Massage can provide much-needed stress relief during chronic or terminal illness treatments and aid with general wellness goals.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an integrative practice, harnessing an individual’s inherent ability to heal themselves while aiding them in finding balance across all areas of their life. With an emphasis on self-care and empowerment for greater responsibility and engagement in their own health and well-being, it serves as an invaluable complement to traditional medicine or alternative healing approaches and can provide holistic practitioners with invaluable tools in their healing practice. Creating regular self-care routines are an integral component of holistic approaches; Susie enjoys sharing this practice through teaching simple hand movements that anyone can perform.

Medical Qigong

Medical Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is one of the most effective energy healing practices available and can support your own natural ability to heal. Through movements, breathing techniques, and visualization exercises it balances and improves the flow of Qi (life force energy), or vital energy circulating throughout all living things that regulates their function and regulates healing within them. When your Qi is in equilibrium it allows your body to heal itself and prevent disease.

Medical Qigong is founded on the idea of Yin and Yang, two opposing forces found everywhere in nature including yourself and your body. When these opposing forces are balanced, health benefits accrue, but when imbalanced can have detrimental consequences. When in balance, balance can lead to optimal physical and energetic wellbeing whereas any imbalance can have devastating results. Balance may be restored via various methods like acupuncture, herbs or Tuina bodywork; medical Qigong offers another effective means for directly impacting and channeling Qi for therapeutic benefit.

Medical Qigong sessions typically involve lying fully clothed on a comfortable couch while your practitioner uses various “off the body” techniques to balance and stimulate your energy systems and natural healing mechanisms. Your practitioner can also prescribe specific medical Qigong exercises designed specifically to address your health challenges.

Medical qigong practitioners can work with your energy anatomy to clear emotional/mental blocks and create new imprints that support healing. Many health problems stem from long-standing emotional suppression; symptoms often manifest physically as illness. Medical qigong practitioners utilize personal process therapy and exercises such as dry crying or beating the bag to address these emotional issues, as well as holistic approaches such as healing hands to provide effective energy medicine treatments.

Healing Touch

Healing touch is an alternative form of energy therapy that uses gentle hand techniques to create a more harmonious energy field in the body, supporting its inherent ability to self heal. It has proven successful as an adjunct therapy alongside conventional medical care.

Practitioners believe that people are born with natural, healthy energy fields; however, as time progresses physical or emotional ailments can disrupt this flow, and practitioners use their hands to direct healing energy away from any obstructions that block it and restore proper flow. Practitioners use healing touch as one method for doing this – their hands may move over the body or be held lightly above. One nurse theorist named Martha Rogers believed that all living things exchange energy between each other as well as with their environment to work toward an ideal world order.

While their client lies comfortably in their chair, a practitioner moves their hands over their energy field or body. The movement may feel nothing, or may cause heat or tingling sensations. Furthermore, the practitioner may press gently on specific energy centers known as chakras to clear and balance energies.

Healing touch sessions may help stimulate the immune system, reduce pain, and support natural body processes. According to the Healing Touch Foundation, sessions have proven successful at stimulating immunity, relieving nausea in cancer patients, soothing anxiety in children with behavioral issues, reducing symptoms of PTSD in military veterans and deepening spiritual connections for healthcare providers – as well as encouraging a more holistic approach.

Experts warn that healing touch should not replace traditional medical treatments, and may conflict with certain medications or energy therapies. Therefore, it is recommended that any prospective clients consult their physician prior to trying this therapy and it should also not be received while pregnant or breastfeeding.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

How Diamond Inlay Energy Medicine Can Help You Make Major Evolutionary Shifts

Donna developed energy medicine after noting luminescent diamond-shaped forms in her clients’ energies. She realized she could reinforce and support this energetic structure – which she considers the “energetic structure of higher consciousness” – so as to help people live more in accord with their potentials.

Stress, environmental toxins and old wounds can wreak havoc with your meridians, leaving them out of balance and unbalanced. With an attunement healing session you’ll develop deeper access to intuition as well as release energetic blocks to bring harmony back into balance for you meridians.

What is the Diamond Inlay?

Diamond Inlay represents your higher self – an energy field of light that both grounds and expands you. It upgrades human awareness with immaculate Diamond properties to help make major evolutionary leaps, realizing more of your true potential and living more harmoniously with it.

Donna developed this healing technique after noting luminescent diamond-shaped forms in her clients’ energies, not always visible but more apparent when it was time for them to make a meaningful leap in consciousness. Donna realized she could encourage and fortify this energy structure she refers to as the “energetic structure of higher consciousness” so her students would move more in harmony with their highest callings.

Donna teaches her Eden Energy Medicine classes using energy systems such as chakras and meridians that have been recognized and mapped by one ancient healing tradition or another, including chakras and meridians. However, Donna’s Diamond Inlay stands apart in that it seems connected to intelligent forces that push towards your greatest possibilities – much like how your third eye or crown chakra receives information during meditation sessions or dreams.

This class offers you an invaluable opportunity to deepen your relationship with Diamond Inlay energy and explore its innate wisdom. Additionally, you will learn a method for helping clients tap into it, equipping them for any energetic transitions they are required to take in life.

Stress, chemicals and an unhealthy environment can strain or even overwhelm the meridien energy system, leaving it out of sync or completely blocked up. The resulting energy imbalances may negatively impact all areas of life – mind, body and soul alike. An energy attunement resets meridians and chakras by building bridges to intuition and clearing away energy blocks to guide you in becoming the greatest version of yourself. This three-session healing program includes private healing sessions with video participation via private Facebook group; video participation via private Facebook video participation via video participation via private Facebook group; video participation through private Facebook video participation groups; daily homework tasks – you won’t find this combination anywhere else worldwide!

Why is the Diamond Inlay so powerful?

Eden Energy Medicine works with multiple energy systems – meridians and chakras in particular – which have long been recognized and mapped by ancient healing traditions. But one powerful energy system which had gone unrecognized until now was Donna’s Diamond Inlay technique, first noticed when luminescent diamond-shaped forms appeared during times of evolutionary shift toward one’s potential. Donna found she could encourage and fortify this energy to support an “energetic structure of higher consciousness”, helping people live closer in line with their highest calling.

When an evolutionary leap occurs in your awareness, your body responds accordingly and aligns itself to the energetic force field that underlies your new possibilities. This energy not only supports you during this shift but also serves to transform old stories into light embodiments that bring new potential into being.

Feel it in your fingertips and heart center as this energy opens neural pathways and spreads crystalline frequencies throughout your physical body. Meridians reset, addressing glitches that contribute to mind-body-soul imbalance and creating bridges into intuition. This piercing transmission transforms shadow imprints from past trauma or limiting beliefs into the immaculate diamond qualities of your Higher Self light embodiment.

Your Diamond Light body also connects you to the infinite Diamond light of the cosmos, deepening your connection to universal intelligence and reinforcing your innate creative powers. Through attunment with this source of light you are empowered to experience Christ-alignment with immaculate crystal consciousness – which in turn radically improves health, creative potential and your capacity for love.

Donna Eden is an internationally-recognized master healer and New York Times best-selling author who offers this incredible energy attunment class live online. You’ll gain lifetime access to it, giving you plenty of chances to rewatch and reinforce its teachings while expanding your abilities! Additionally, an exclusive private Facebook group allows for questions and interaction during class as well as Q&A with Donna herself!

How can the Diamond Inlay help me?

Donna has spent over 13 years using energy systems to strengthen, fortify, and support what she calls the “energetic structure of higher consciousness” – helping people live in more harmony with their highest callings. Donna has found this energy especially effective during today’s turbulent and changing environment, strengthening empathic traits while aiding individuals toward fulfilling their souls’ purposes and reaching their greatest potentials more gracefully.

As she works with clients, she’s observed that Diamond Inlays appear when people are ready to make an evolutionary step that aligns them more closely with their soul’s highest purpose. It appears as if their bodies recognize when this shift is necessary and then create an energy system which supports that leap forward.

Your energy field can be undermined by external influences like stress, chemical toxins and your living environment, leading to disruptions that lead to mind, body and soul imbalances that often manifest as illness ranging from sciatica and neck pain to psoriasis and anxiety.

In this class, you will learn an effective technique to reconnect with the power of your Diamond Inlay and heal imbalances within it – an invaluable skill in today’s fast-changing environment. Furthermore, you will discover new ways to utilize its meridians and chakras that make up its energy system.

How can the Diamond Inlay help you?

The Diamond Inlay energy structure can help restore balance to your system by clearing away glitches that lead to mind, body, and soul imbalance. It helps build bridges into intuition while clearing away energetic blocks to open doors into higher states of awareness and allow you to expand on your full potential.

Eden Energy Medicine works with many energy systems – meridians, chakras and aura – which have been recognized and mapped by ancient healing traditions. But one energy system stands out: The Diamond Inlay appears to be connected to intelligent forces that push people toward evolving shifts that bring out their highest potentials more fully. Donna has seen that this energy often shows up when clients are ready for major life change.

Due to her vast experience and study of Diamond Inlay energy healing practices, she has developed techniques that encourage its presence. In this class she will share these tools in order to strengthen and support this vital energy source that fosters higher consciousness.

She can provide you with a simple method for rejuvenating your meridians regularly and making them more resilient against toxins and imbalances found in today’s modern environment. Maintaining the health of your meridian is both straightforward and essential to your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Donna last taught this class over 13 years ago and is eager to bring it back. This event provides newcomers the chance to discover its power as well as experienced practitioners an opportunity to expand their abilities in helping clients make shifts that are essential in modern society.

May 15, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Rife

How to Unsubscribe from Spooky2 Rife

Spooky2 Rife is an educational YouTube channel dedicated to the Rife GeneratorX (GX) machine. This powerful device produces electromagnetic frequencies similar to radio waves that can be used to heal and destroy harmful cells and microorganisms. According to Rife theory, all diseases and harmful organisms operate at specific frequencies that Rife frequency cleansing can effectively kill by raising their resonant frequencies to levels they cannot abide.

How to Contact Spooky2 Rife

Everything vibrates at a specific frequency. These frequencies can be recorded and located using a Rife machine, then used to heal or destroy harmful cells and microorganisms. On this week’s SAMA episode we chat with Sebastien Mercier of Rife and Spooky2 use to diagnose and treat Lyme disease, along with some other healing modalities offered through Spooky2, such as frequency cleansing and Schumann resonance frequency – it’s a must listen episode for anyone new to Spooky2 software! Click here and use for free today!

How to Support Spooky2 Rife

Spooky2 was developed in 2013 using the theories of Royal Raymond Rife that appropriate frequencies can help eliminate cancer viruses and pathogens from our bodies. The machine features a comprehensive frequency database to facilitate healing for many health conditions.

This week we feature an interview with Sebastien Mercier who has been using Spooky2 to diagnose and treat Lyme disease. He details how Rife therapy helped him decrease symptoms significantly as he successfully became symptom free.

Spooky2 software is at the core of our powerful and versatile Rife system, capable of controlling up to 126 generators simultaneously and independently. John discusses various transmission modes and hardware as well as giving an introduction to Spooky2. In this episode he also introduces its basic functions.