Hulda Clark and Her Parasite Zapper
Hulda Clark advocated the use of a zapper, an electrical frequency device geared toward killing parasites with parasite cleanse protocols and diets designed to get rid of these infections.
This device can kill flukes, mites, worms, bacteria and viruses within 8 minute sessions. A built-in timer ensures optimal performance.
Hand Holds
Clark’s device operates based on resonance; each microorganism has its own specific resonant frequency that resonates with that of its body, and exposure to this frequency may cause it to vibrate like a bell and ultimately burst. According to Clark, this process is effective against parasites as well as cancer, mould and yeast growth.
This device consists of a small box containing a 9V battery, pulse generator circuit and two copper electrodes which the user holds between their fingers. A simple 555 timer IC and NPN transistor create a low voltage square wave which vibrates these hand handles; to reduce current consumption a resistor and capacitor can be added for additional current control.
Once switched on, a green monitoring light indicates that the device is ready for use. Current travels through copper wires to the hand holds and into your body via your blood stream to kill any parasites present and ensure optimal performance of this treatment method.
During treatment, the zapper produces only minimal heat which is unnoticeable to its user. It is thought that its electric current kills parasites by switching their polarity; as such it can be used against giardia, candida, flukes, tapeworms and amoeba as well as eliminating worms, viruses and bacteria.
Parasites can lead to symptoms including fatigue, allergies, digestive issues, joint pain and skin conditions. Zapping should begin twice per day for one or two weeks then drop down to once daily until a muscle test indicates the parasites have been cleared off the body; after one month or so it should become twice weekly to avoid recurrence. It should not be used while pregnant or breastfeeding or while taking anticoagulant drugs such as Warfarin; additionally it should not be used on children unless directed by health care professional.
Alligator Clips
Alligator clips are small spring metal electrical clip-like devices with serrated jaws that resemble alligator or crocodile teeth or jaws, hence their name. Primarily used to establish temporary electrical connections when clipped onto terminals and components; labs often employ them when creating experimental circuits.
Alligator clips come in many shapes, sizes, styles, and materials; some feature insulation to prevent accidental contact between metal components and electrical circuitry, and test leads used with digital multimeters. Insulated clips come in various colors so users can quickly identify them according to application or usage.
Some alligator clips feature sharp piercing spikes that enable them to attach securely to both bare and insulated wires, making them particularly beneficial in telecom applications, where stripping the insulation to access conductors can be time consuming and destructive. Such alligator clips are commonly known as popper clips.
Alligator clips designed specifically for use in soft environments may have smoother jaws that facilitate gentle handling, such as hair clips. Hair clips tend to be made with materials more gentle than those typically found in electrical connections alligator clips.
Hulda Clark described a simple circuit known as a parasite zapper in her book “The Cure for All Diseases.” Powered by a 9-volt battery, this circuit periodically switches on and off at regular intervals in order to kill bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and other pathogens in our bodies – such as parasites. High frequency pulses penetrate deeply into cells where these pathogens reside so as to eliminate them at their source.
To maximize zapper performance, it is recommended that users follow Hulda Clark’s suggested usage guidelines for use of alligator clips in their zappers. She suggests setting an initial 7 minute zapping session followed by three 20-minute breaks and using subsequent pulses to mop up any bacteria, viruses or pathogens released after initial set of pulses have killed larger parasites like worms from within their bodies – while then use subsequent sessions to clean up any leftover bacteria viruses etc that have not yet been killed during initial pulsesation sessions zapping sessions to remove remaining pathogens infected by initial set of pulsesations zapping sessions pulsations set off by initial set of pulsesations set off initial set of pulsesations session and removes pathogens released during initial set of pulsesations sessions by killing initial set of pulsesations set off initial set off of pulsesations session set off by initial set pulsations set off pulsesation session 1 followed by 2 and 3 sessions of pulsations that had escaped the first set pulsations round of pulsed to kill off larger parasites like worms from within body organs while second and subsequent sets of pulsed were intended to capture any bacteria viruses or pathogens left by initial set pulsations session 1s.
Frequency Settings
Dr Hulda Clark’s Digital Frequency Zapper kills parasites and viruses at their resonant frequencies. According to Clark, parasites found in our intestinal tract can be responsible for cancer as well as other diseases; by eliminating these parasites our bodies will once more produce normal amounts of toxic chemicals and return back to health. Herbs such as cloves and wormwood as well as special treatment devices known as “zappers” are recommended in her regimen for optimal results.
The Zapper works by transmitting a weak alternating voltage through two electrodes on its front face. This causes body tissues and the device itself to vibrate, damaging or killing parasites, bacteria or viruses attracted by its resonant frequency and creating vibrational waves in their path. Clark claims that using this method may also prevent intestinal fluke spread.
It is advised to read frequencies found in her book “A Cure for All Diseases”, such as Rife frequencies. You can also utilize other means of muscle testing like Kinesiology or Syncrometry to ascertain which pathogens might be involved with your particular health issue.
In addition to killing parasites, the zapper is said to help eliminate Candida fungus and keep the immune system strong. Furthermore, heavy metals, solvents, radioactivity and other toxic materials that could compromise immune health can be destroyed using this device.
Follow all instructions when operating the zapper. Begin with 7 minute sessions followed by 20 minute rest periods and some people experience slight tingling while other do not detect anything at all during zapping.
At first, it is recommended to zap twice per day until your muscle test shows no evidence of parasites present. After this initial period, once-per-day treatments may be appropriate until no new parasites appear in your muscle test results.
Pregnant women may use the zapper safely; however, individuals wearing pacemakers or similar electrical implants, epilepsy patients or those suffering from similar conditions should not. It should not be used by children.
Dr Hulda Clark accidentally discovered the idea of using electrical currents to destroy parasites through experimentation. She used a battery-powered generator to produce square wave frequencies with positive offsets from 10Hz-41kHz and transmitted these through metal electrodes connected to hand holds onto her body, altering bioresonance within cells to reverse disease patterns; she termed this device the Zapper, making it a key part of her detox program.
The zapper works along similar principles as Rife devices, though with DC current pulses instead of AC signals. Although not as powerful, zappers have proven effective against parasites and other diseases.
Basic zappers consist of a box with two 4-inch copper tubes covered by cloth that transmit electric signals, with wires connecting each end to its respective positive lead in order for signals to pass through to users who hold both tubes with damp hands so as to allow the signals to travel across skin surfaces.
If the hands aren’t held tightly together, signals may disperse across your entire body. As such, we do not advise holding hand holds directly; instead it is best to wrap copper tubes in paper towel instead; this also protects hands from becoming overheated.
As a general guideline, one should hold their tubes until a muscle test demonstrates that all parasites have been eliminated; once this has occurred, frequency should then be decreased to once daily for maintenance.
Dr Clark recently proposed that the effects of the zapper can be amplified or localized through “plate zapping.” This technique involves placing slides of target organs and parasites onto metal plates attached to the negative lead of the zapper and attaching it directly to its negative lead; details for this technique can be found in her book, The Cure for All Diseases. However, pregnant women and people with metal implants or pacemakers should avoid using this treatment, nor children under 10.