Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 10, 2024|Editor

What is Biophoton Therapy?

Biophoton therapy is a safe, painless process designed to assist the natural healing processes of your body by eliminating disturbances that interfere with it. It helps promote intrinsic self-regulation while quickly diminishing disruptive microorganisms such as viruses, fungi or bacteria from disrupting those processes.

UV radiation destroys viruses and bacteria while red light decontaminates blood via photosensitization – offering hope to those suffering from illnesses that were considered incurable.

What is Biophoton Therapy?

Biophoton Therapy is an innovative non-invasive technique that utilizes light therapy to heal the body. This unique light-based healing modality helps the immune system regain its natural balance while simultaneously managing pain and detoxifying the system. Biophoton therapy has also proven successful at treating chronic infections and autoimmune diseases.

Based on the discovery that all living cells release electromagnetic waves called biophotons – weak electromagnetic impulses which contain information about body energy levels – this technology uses special instruments to detect these biophotons, commonly known as “bioluminescence”.

Biophoton Therapy involves mixing heparinized blood with BiOcean, a supplement made up of trace minerals from the ocean’s floor. This mixture is then passed under ultraviolet light within a crystal cuvette that stimulates healthy cells while simultaneously attacking any viral or bacterial invaders that do not respond well to oxygen or light; those sensitive to it are made less harmful; this process creates what’s known as an autogenous vaccine which allows your immune system to use to fight off disease more efficiently than traditional pharmaceutical drugs can do!

Biophoton therapy‘s greatest advantage over more traditional approaches such as antibiotics is that it does not suppress your immune system, enabling it to continue fighting off germs and bacteria without suppression from antibiotics, which may leave germs resistant against treatment.

Biophoton therapy differs from many other treatments in that it allows beneficial bacteria to remain. This allows the body to maintain a natural equilibrium and avoid becoming overwhelmed with “bad” bacteria that could potentially cause health issues.

Results of this treatment include an increase in immunity and natural healing from within, leading to greater success when treating chronic illnesses or conditions that cannot be solved with traditional medicine.

Although immunotherapy can be useful in helping treat various medical conditions and illnesses, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals who have had organ transplants such as heart valve replacement with porcine valves, artificial arteries or veins, shunts or artificial urethras should avoid participating as this therapy could increase immune responses that result in rejecting foreign organs.

How Does Biophoton Therapy Work?

BioPhoton Therapy utilizes biophotons – electromagnetic waves responsible for making all life possible – to address physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances at their roots and activate your body’s natural healing processes.

Your body has its own vibrational frequency or oscillation that each cell and organ needs for proper functioning. When this natural harmony of frequencies is compromised by injury, diet, stress or disease it can lead to imbalance and illness – biophoton therapy offers a safe and non-invasive solution that restores your body to its optimum state.

This technology works by scanning your body’s cellular vibrations and comparing them to normal harmonic frequency states found in healthy individuals, adjusting your body to these optimal frequency states to restore balance and health. Tuning therapy works early on to address imbalance before symptoms manifest themselves physically; and can also prevent future imbalances from developing further.

At each session, clients use crystal rods or place their feet on foot plates while biophotons from their entire bodies are detected by Chiren instrument. This instrument distinguishes chaotic from healthy biophotons and delivers remedies in form of light frequencies via fiber-optic cables to their left hand or foot – neutralizing chaotic signals while strengthening healthy ones and reinforcing bio-feedback loop.

BioPhoton Therapy can also effectively eliminate viruses from blood and bodily fluids through photodynamic oxidation of photosensitizing drugs in perfusion liquid, and then irradiation with red light at 660 nanometers (nm). Photodynamic oxidation attacks viral proteins bind to oxygen molecules of viruses to destroy them through photodynamic oxidation; ultimately eliminating them altogether.

People with artificial valves in their hearts or artificial arteries, veins, shunts or urethras should avoid this therapy as it could potentially harm them. But for everyone else it can be used to restore cellular energy and promote overall health! Adult sessions usually last 2 hours while child sessions generally require 1 hour.

What Conditions Can Biophoton Therapy Treat?

Biophoton therapy can significantly alleviate inflammation-based skin conditions like acne, dermatitis and rosacea with dramatic improvements and symptoms reductions. It can also aid with chronic skin diseases, rheumatic disorders and migraines by stimulating immune and circulatory systems for speedier healing; photon energy stimulates immune and circulatory systems for faster healing while breaking up painful cycles by dilating blood vessels to remove irritating toxins that prevent new cells reaching damaged areas and encourage healing processes to speed healing faster. Biophoton therapy is also useful in alleviating gastrointestinal disorders like migraines as well as whiplash injuries and hormonal imbalances – offering great therapeutic potential benefits – among many more conditions!

Biophoton therapy is an non-invasive and gentle way of treating many common health issues, making it safe for infants, the elderly, pregnant women and expecting mothers. Biophoton therapy complements chiropractic, physical therapy and supplement treatments well; biophoton therapy may even reduce prescription drug needs by stimulating natural healing mechanisms within the body at a cellular level – potentially eliminating needless medical interventions such as surgery.

LILT provides an exciting development by measuring redox state in living cells, giving LILT practitioners an effective diagnostic tool for identifying responsive tissues and helping physicians determine who would make good candidates for biophoton therapy. They may even compare responses across treatments in order to select those most suited to biophoton therapy treatments.

BioPhotonic Therapy (BPT) is an evidence-based and time tested method of using ultraviolet light to eradicate pathogens found in the blood, be they viral, bacterial or fungal. BPT offers an ideal noninvasive, natural and affordable alternative to pharmaceutical drugs with no serious side effects – great for use at home or the office!

BPT therapy works by drawing small amounts of blood and mixing it with either saline solution or BiOcean (an amalgamation of water and trace minerals from the seabed), then pushing through an exposure device for UV rays to create a “biophotonic vaccine” against viruses and bacteria while increasing immunity, rejuvenating blood and detoxifying body systems. BPT can help treat various medical conditions; particularly beneficial in helping treat immune-related illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and allergies.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Biophoton Therapy works on the principle that light waves transmitting between cells create harmonious signals within our bodies, and when those light waves are disrupted or weakened they cause illness in our bodies. Biophoton Therapy‘s noninvasive solution focuses on rebalancing those light waves so as to allow your amazing body to heal itself and can be used to treat conditions including allergies, sinus issues depression arthritis chronic fatigue among many more – with results even for conditions which were never diagnosed initially such as cysts or tumors showing impressive improvement with treatment methods like biophoton therapy being shown even with such conditions not yet being diagnosed as cysts or tumors!

The EUREKA study tested the efficacy of using biophotonic gel in treating venous leg ulcers (VLUs) and diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). This real-life context clinical trial sought to measure quality-of-life metrics and healing rates associated with lumiheal’s lumiheal system to stimulate photobiomodulation and advance wound healing.

After just the first session, pain had significantly decreased! Furthermore, wound closure times improved – particularly for VLUs and DFUs.

On your initial session, a practitioner will assess your energy field to identify any imbalances and imbalances present in it. From there, herbal remedies and Rife machine frequencies are tested until we find one with which we are comfortable balancing you out – similar to psychic reading.

Once a remedy is identified, an instrument known as the Chiren is employed to transfer this knowledge directly into your body via a glass rod held in the practitioner’s right hand. As it receives biophoton emissions through this rod, the Chiren amplifies coherent light while inverting chaotic light back into your energetic system to restore coherence.

Practitioners remain in communication with clients throughout this entire process to ensure the correct remedy is being delivered and they remain comfortable. Treatment sessions usually occur no more frequently than once every week as it gives your body time to rest and recuperate in between treatments, too many sessions too soon could overwhelm it and delay healing.

February 9, 2024|Editor

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS software-hardware system enables doctors to read and interpret electromagnetic radiation emitted by their bodies as well as forecast future health dynamics.

Information collected is processed into digital format using a software database containing over 10,000 spectral etalons representing various preparations, ailments and specifications. Results are displayed on a computer screen in three-dimensional models of organs and tissues.

It is a Non-Invasive Diagnostic Device

Metatron hunter 4025 nls is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic device which utilizes electromagnetic waves to produce three dimensional images of organs and tissues in just one session, creating 3D maps. It’s capable of detecting cancer cells, hereditary diseases and chronic-degenerative illnesses; as well as anticipating how any disorder might manifest over time.

The device can tune to electromagnetic frequencies corresponding to each organ and tissue in order to transmit them directly into the brain and be processed by its unique medical software, before being compared with results from a vast database. Once processed by the software, information decoded and displayed on screen allows a doctor to diagnose potentially harmful processes more precisely.

Hunter 4025 nls can not only detect abnormalities on a cellular, chromosomal and DNA helix level but can also predict how a disease will progress and detect cancer cells and hereditary diseases as well as providing assistance with allergies, inflammations, tumors or any number of symptoms related to them.

It can also detect blood group and perform hormone tests without needles. Furthermore, it can recognize intestinal parasites and microplasmas as well as identify points for acupuncture treatments.

This new Hunter features improved software that is more user-friendly and intuitive, including an innovative smart filter function which enables doctors to more precisely nidus testing; its filters pass items unsuitable for testing while leaving those suitable – thus providing more accurate test results.

Another highlight of the program is a high performance continuous scanning system called metatrons that improves reliability in researches and delivers more than five times higher search speeds compared to earlier versions.

This program can also detect minerals and gems, helping physicians select an ideal mineral radio spectrum for each patient. Furthermore, it can detect heavy metals present within their bodies.

It is a Non-Linear Analysis System

The Metatron Hunter 4025 is an advanced noninvasive diagnostic device which employs light wave resonance technology to scan and detect abnormalities at the cellular, DNA and organ levels. It can identify hereditary diseases as well as their cause and reveal any genetic links for their appearance; furthermore it can predict a person’s susceptibility for certain forms of cancer.

An advanced device used by physicians, naturopaths, acupuncturists, homeopaths, massage therapists and anti-aging specialists alike to diagnose your health is the OMNI device. As one of the world’s most advanced diagnostic tools it reveals disease’s root cause as well as predict its future impact.

Hardware and software system allow this device to produce preset bioelectrical activity of brain neurons, amplifying signals that are barely detectable against statistical fluctuations and amplifying them selectively against background noise. Once decoded and interpreted, these findings are then displayed on a computer screen with specific colors for further interpretation.

These frequencies are then compared with databases of cell types to establish what constitutes health or unhealth, with this information then displayed on your screen to show which parts of your body may be causing issues.

This non-invasive device can also assist you with selecting medicine or supplements to take. It can assist in finding an ideal mix of vitamins, minerals and amino acids to support overall wellness; in addition, this non-invasive device can suggest certain exercises to boost health as well as offer tips on making the most out of diet plans.

Metatron hunter 4025 not only boasts cutting-edge hardware but also boasts highly accurate software that is more accurate than its previous iteration. It can analyze electromagnetic fields of cells, tissues and organic structures such as organs. Furthermore, its powerful software reveals abnormalities at cellular level as well as identify causes of hereditary diseases or autoimmune disorders as well as harmful medications in order to help physicians make sound decisions for their patients.

It is a Biofeedback System

Hunter 4025 NLS is an innovative computer system that combines numerous functions into one system. It contains an expansive register of medicine that can be applied according to client pathologies; identify which therapeutic remedies work best and enhance them; as well as detect tumor niduss and hereditary diseases – something not possible with other NLS systems before.

The device works by measuring frequencies of various organs within the body and then comparing these with an extensive database that contains all information regarding treatments, illnesses and specifications. Results are then displayed on a screen – making this device great for scanning both entire bodies or just specific areas.

It can measure oscillations of remedies such as food supplements and homeopathy remedies to identify the most effective remedy for each client. Furthermore, it can determine the cause of illness as well as predict its progression into future complications, making it an invaluable tool in anticipating health issues.

The NLS system operates under the assumption that living organisms emit their own frequencies, and when these frequencies become discordant they create disease or discomfort in our bodies. If deviations in frequency balance are corrected for, healing occurs naturally within us all. Metatron Hunter NLS system has eight levels for measuring frequencies including molecular level frequencies, ultrastructure levels, DNA helixes/chromosomes as well as fragments of DNA itself.

This system can quickly identify tumors and hereditary diseases within seconds, using multidimensional virtual scanning technology. It reveals their source, such as genomic mutation, as well as assist with prevention by helping identify their nidus at genome level using multidimensional virtual scanning. Furthermore, it has an accuracy rate of 85.5% when diagnosing oncological diseases with its accurate 85.5% diagnosis accuracy rate – plus being painless diagnostic device used via non-invasive software which scans body without harmful effects while providing valuable insight into patient health status in minutes – portable equipment which makes use possible anywhere at anytime and any time!

It is a Bioresonance System

Hunter 4025 nls is a non-invasive diagnostic device that uses electromagnetic waves to diagnose physical conditions in organs and tissues of the body. This system allows users to locate potential sources of disease using electromagnetic waves while providing remedies tailored specifically for each problem area – making doctor consultation less necessary and visits less frequent – all while being easy and affordable to maintain.

Bioresonance systems rely on the spectral analysis of living organisms’ vortex magnetic fields. Each part of our bodies emits its own frequency; when disturbed, disorder ensues and this device can identify and decode these frequencies to identify the source of disruption as well as recommend treatments to address it. It provides medical practitioners with a noninvasive tool they can use to provide more precise diagnoses.

This non-invasive medical device can detect the physical conditions of organs and tissues of the body, including their cellular activity. Additionally, it can identify bacteria, viruses, parasites, hereditary diseases, chronic-degenerative illnesses as well as predict future health dynamics by analyzing cell behavior in the body.

The device can also measure oscillations of different remedies, including food supplements and homeopathic medicines. Based on test results, it will select the one most suited to each patient based on which treatments prove most successful – greatly reducing treatment costs and saving on treatment expenses.

Hunter system’s Hunter tracking feature also offers many advantages: it can track the progression of any disorder and assess its severity; even predict if that disorder will develop into an illness; these insights are beneficial to doctors, patients, and researchers.

This system may be combined with other therapies, including massage, acupuncture and homeopathic remedies for optimal effectiveness in addressing various disorders ranging from headaches and backaches to serious infections and cancers.

February 9, 2024|Editor

Energy Conservation Activities For Adults in Occupational Therapy

Energy conservation techniques in occupational therapy (OT) are often referred to as Work Simplification Techniques and can help people reduce fatigue while improving quality of life.

Occupational Therapists specialize in treating patients suffering from chronic illnesses like COPD, MS and ALS who frequently rely on oxygen therapy; overexertion of physical movement may cause oxygen saturation (o2) levels to drop too low; to avoid this situation OTs teach their patients to use a pulse oximeter to monitor oxygen levels as part of following the 6 P’s: 1.

1. Positioning

When patients experience fatigue due to cancer, COPD, cardiac conditions, aging, MS or stroke they need to learn how to conserve energy efficiently so they can complete daily tasks in the most cost-effective manner possible. Occupational Therapists (OT’s) are invaluable resources in teaching this skill as well as providing any needed physical or environmental adaptations necessary for energy conservation.

At the core of these patients’ care is an aim to decrease fatigue and enhance quality of life. Fatigue is often one of the primary contributors to an inability to participate in activities they wish or must undertake, worsening symptoms in turn. Utilizing energy conservation strategies may help minimize fatigue, muscle pain and breathlessness when engaging in daily living tasks.

Positioning activities for adults occupational therapy aim to minimize effort and movement. This involves adapting the environment as much as possible in order to facilitate these movements, for example using a tub bench or shower chair to reduce bending and reaching. Occupational Therapists (OT’s) also advise against excessive bending and reaching; instead they encourage using long-handled dressing tools, sock aids, long-handled reachers and clothing that provides easy access (front closure tops, pants with snaps or elastic shoelaces are good examples).

Scheduling tasks to reduce multiple actions at one time is another key step to becoming efficient in life. For instance, meal preparation should involve the least physical movement possible: this could mean setting out food to cook, setting the table, and making drinks before sitting down for eating. Furthermore, having all utensils, cooking and cleaning supplies within easy reach helps avoid multiple trips back and forth to the kitchen or laundry room.

Finally, occupational therapists may encourage regular pulse oximeter use to maintain adequate oxygen saturation levels and identify when patients overspend energy – helping avoid symptoms like breathlessness, dizziness or nausea from worsening. By teaching simple energy conservation tips patients can reduce fatigue while improving quality of life and staying active.

2. Prioritizing

Energy conservation techniques enable patients to modify their everyday tasks so as to use less energy, relieving themselves of fatigue and strain while decreasing injury risks – giving them more freedom and independence in engaging in activities important to them.

Energy conservation can help your patients manage pain and fatigue more effectively by prioritizing important tasks and delegating or saving less important ones for later. It also ensures they have everything needed before beginning each task (e.g. laying out clothing prior to dressing; prepping food items prior to cooking).

Teaching these strategies and helping your patient change their daily routine, you can enable them to better manage their symptoms and enhance quality of life. These techniques have proven useful for numerous diseases including MS, COPD, cardiac conditions and aging.

A scoping review of the literature revealed a range of approaches used to deliver energy conservation therapy, which have been classified into six strategies with different underlying philosophies and emphasize client-centred approaches with specific goals and monitoring for symptoms such as pain or fatigue.

Oil, coal and natural gas are finite resources which will eventually run out. Furthermore, their use contributes to global warming as they produce greenhouse gases as well as harmful emissions like smog, acid rain and soot that harm the environment.

Renewable resources, on the other hand, are clean, green energy sources. Unlike fossil fuels such as wind turbines and fossil fuels that release greenhouse gasses into our environment, renewable sources like wind, solar power and hydroelectricity produce much less carbon dioxide while being more economical than their traditional counterparts. Therefore, teaching your patient about energy conservation and renewable sources should become part of daily routine to help decrease dependence on fossil fuels while contributing towards improving environmental health in our nation.

3. Pacing

Pacing refers to an individual’s ability to adapt the pace at which they complete tasks in order to reduce muscle fatigue, joint stress and pain. This involves balancing activity and rest periods, prioritizing tasks for delegation, using assistive devices as needed and adapting daily routines in order to save energy.

Pacing can be an invaluable self-management strategy for those living with chronic fatigue conditions such as ME/CFS. Numerous studies have confirmed this fact, showing how it helps reduce flare-ups and enhance levels of functioning.

Occupational therapy practitioners can utilize various techniques to teach the principles of pacing. They can encourage patients to plan their day, prioritize important tasks first and take frequent rest breaks when feeling fatigued; or suggest modifications or simplification of difficult tasks that need delegating by family members, friends or hired caregivers.

Occupational Therapists can help patients track their daily activities by encouraging them to keep an activity diary, which will allow them to identify patterns and understand how activity levels and symptoms relate. Furthermore, they may suggest the use of a pulse oximeter so as to maintain safe oxygen saturation levels in their system.

ME/CFS patients frequently benefit from learning how to utilize ergonomic equipment and strategies within the home, such as tub benches or shower chairs with back support to reduce leaning and reaching, comfortable clothing (such as front-closure tops with snap closures, long-handled reachers for socks aides or elastic shoelaces), groom themselves by sitting down rather than standing (see figure 1) as part of occupational therapy interventions (figure 1).

Occupational Therapists can assist patients in creating more structured daily routines that are easier to adhere to, such as having them wake up at a set time each morning and set an alarm for eating meals. They may also recommend the use of calendars and planning ahead, with smartphones used as reminders for appointments and medications.

4. Pursed Lip Breathing

Pursed lip breathing is a breathing technique used to relieve shortness of breath during daily tasks and can also stimulate autonomic nervous system relaxation, improving oxygenation in those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It involves slow and deep inhalations through the nose while expanding diaphragm before exhaling through pursed lips in a controlled fashion. Pursed lip breathing stimulates autonomic nervous system relaxation by stimulating its autonomic nervous system stimulation which also relaxes patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

An occupational therapist can teach this breathing technique to reduce fatigue and allow the individual to complete daily tasks more effortlessly and efficiently. Additionally, this method may benefit people living with obstructive lung conditions like asthma and restrictive lung disorders like fibrotic pulmonary fibrosis which are types of interstitial lung disease.

Occupational therapy aims to tailor activities and routines in order to reduce pain, discomfort and fatigue while increasing independence. This may involve altering how an activity is completed; positioning the body; using assistive equipment or training patients on energy conservation techniques like belly breathing, pacing or pursed lip breathing.

Occupational Therapists (OT) can teach their patients to plan their activities ahead of time by organizing them into their day, rotating heavy and light tasks, minimizing steps, and encouraging the use of sit-to-stand aids such as those used during getting dressed, bathing and toileting to avoid prolonged standing time which may cause overexertion and worsening of symptoms.

An occupational therapist (OT) can educate a patient on the safe and efficient use of oxygen equipment. Furthermore, they may teach how to utilize energy conservation strategies within the home environment, such as cutting back on household chores or asking friends or family members for assistance cleaning up. Additional strategies could include setting realistic goals regarding how much activity can be completed by setting realistic goals for how much activity can be completed, scheduling rest periods as needed, or encouraging them to increase bronchodilator therapy to increase their tolerable level of activity.

February 9, 2024|Editor

Vibration Therapy Near Me

Dr Rubin specializes in whole body vibration (WBV) devices proven effective for bone health. He has conducted extensive research and developed devices using low magnitude mechanical signals less than 1g acceleration (7/10ths of gravitational field).

Vibration transmits this signal from muscles to bones and marrow, where it drives osteogenic differentiation while inhibiting mesenchymal stem cell adipogenic commitment.

Why Vibration Therapy?

Vibration therapy utilizes vibration to stimulate muscles and bones. Muscle contractions induce mechanical stress on bone tissue that can promote and maintain its density, similar to strength training. Vibration can provide repeated short pulses of high-magnitude mechanical stimulation which effectively trigger processes associated with bone growth.

Vibration therapy has been shown to significantly enhance many health and fitness markers, such as heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, lipids and more. Furthermore, vibration can also help alleviate chronic pain while increasing flexibility.

Many individuals experience chronic joint and lower back pain as a result of muscle weakness, arthritis or injuries; studies show that vibration therapy may provide relief by increasing bone density and muscle strength.

Vibration therapy‘s vibrations can also stimulate osteoblast production – cells responsible for bone formation. Furthermore, vibration therapy vibrations help reduce inflammation and swelling in joints and lower back areas.

Studies indicate that vibration may help improve pulmonary functions and oxygen saturation for those living with sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, by increasing efficiency of skeletal muscle contractions and increasing circulation.

Other studies suggest that vibration may help improve balance and prevent falls among older adults, making vibration a potential treatment option for those suffering from poor bone density. Although more research needs to be conducted, evidence so far points toward it as being beneficial in improving balance and preventing falls in older adults.

Vibration has been demonstrated to aid tendons and ligaments by increasing their elasticity, thus preventing stiffening and pain reduction by blocking pain signals in the brain.

Vibration also enhances metabolism by improving blood and lymph circulation, providing cells with oxygen and nutrients while discharging metabolic waste more easily. Furthermore, this increased circulation enables the endocrine system to produce enzymes necessary for breaking down fats and carbohydrates more effectively.

Utilizing vibration therapy devices designed specifically to target muscle stimulation locally can only increase its efficacy further. These smaller machines allow for targeted stimulation of specific body areas like feet or shoulders.

What is Vibration Plate Therapy?

Vibration plate therapy utilizes vibration to stimulate muscles within the body. Vibrations transmitted through a plate or mat stimulate muscle contraction and relaxation rapidly, stimulating tissue stimulation, increasing blood flow, improving muscle tone and flexibility and even helping reduce inflammation within muscles and joints.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of vibration plate training to increase bone strength and balance. Vibrations emitted by this machine cause unconscious, reflexive muscle contraction that strengthens bones by building stronger connections between them. Furthermore, studies indicate it raises levels of growth hormone and parathyroid hormone, helping prevent muscle atrophy as well as osteoporosis in later life.

Before embarking on vibration therapy, it is advisable to speak to your physician first. Vibrations could pose a threat if you suffer from epilepsy or have had blood clots in the past; additionally, pregnant women should avoid using a vibration plate.

A vibrating plate is a machine that generates vibrations via motors located underneath its platform, and transmits these through mats or boards placed upon it to reach your body. As these vibrations transmit from below the platform up through mats or boards placed upon it, your body has to adjust in response to them and force muscles to contract and relax multiple times per second, thought to increase bone-building cells known as osteoblasts and promote weight loss.

Vibration plates offer many health benefits beyond skeletal wellness. Not only can they relieve back pain and improve posture and balance, but the vibrations may also help relieve tense muscles while increasing blood flow to areas of compression, helping ease nerve compression pain while speeding healing processes.

Vibration plates provide an effective means for performing numerous exercises. One such exercise, planking, can help strengthen core and shoulder muscles. To do this, lay on a mat with your back straight and your feet or toes resting on the platform; raise one arm and touch an alternate shoulder before returning the hand back down onto the mat – repeat this three times for 10 reps each set.

How Does Vibration Plate Therapy Work?

Vibration plate machines (also referred to as vibration platforms or power plates) produce rapid vertical oscillations to induce whole body vibration (WBV). By standing or doing exercises while standing on such devices, muscle contractions cause reflexive bone and tissue growth through muscular contraction.

These vibrations promote blood flow and circulation, aiding muscle development while stimulating tissue stimulation and cell growth. Furthermore, they may help increase bone density in people at risk for osteoporosis or with fragile bones by disrupting pain signals and supporting natural healing abilities.

One way vibration therapy works is by encouraging the release of dopamine and serotonin – hormones produced during physical exercise which regulate mood and muscle movement – into your system. Research suggests vibration plate training may be more effective at encouraging their release than traditional forms of physical exercise.

Vibration therapy may work to increase metabolic rate. Muscles that contract more frequently expend more energy. When combined with weight training, vibration plates may actually aid calorie burn during and post workout.

Women using vibration plates while exercising burned significantly more calories during and after their workouts than those who performed only strength training, which could be attributed to reflexive muscle contractions induced by WBV as well as improved circulation and lymph flow. Researchers who conducted this study speculate that their results might have come from reflexive muscle contractions caused by WBV as well as increased circulation and lymph flow.

Studies indicate that vibration plate training may increase growth hormone, parathyroid hormone and testosterone levels – hormones which promote bone and muscle development, thus helping prevent sarcopenia and osteoporosis.

Vibration plates offer a low-impact alternative to weight training, making it suitable for seniors, those with arthritis or joint problems, as well as those who cannot participate in vigorous physical exercise due to medical issues like diabetes. Before engaging in vibration training on your own, please speak with your physician first and make sure it’s safe. Keep in mind that adding vibration training alongside healthy habits such as quality diet, proper exercise, and sufficient vitamin D intake is the most effective way of maintaining or improving overall health.

What are the Benefits of Vibration Plate Therapy?

Vibration plate therapy is a fast and efficient way to strengthen muscles, boost metabolism, relieve back and joint pain, relieve stress and prevent osteoporosis. Suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels alike; it should however be avoided by anyone on blood-thinning medication or suffering from cardiovascular conditions.

Recent studies have demonstrated the beneficial impact of whole-body vibration (WBV) training on postmenopausal women’s bone density and strength, through reflexive muscle contractions caused by its vibrations that promote growth of both muscles and bones. Additionally, WBV may help ease osteoarthritis symptoms for older adults by decreasing inflammation and improving circulation.

Studies demonstrate that WBV vibrations can help decrease muscle fatigue and improve balance, particularly among older adults. Additionally, this therapy may prevent falls for individuals living with osteoporosis as its vibrations cause their bodies to respond as though standing on uneven ground.

Vibration plate therapy also encourages the endocrine system to release dopamine and serotonin, helping with mood and muscle movement. While traditional exercise only promotes a limited release, vibration plate therapy provides significant amounts.

Vibration plate therapy offers many other advantages, including weight loss and improved circulation. Furthermore, vibrations may stimulate collagen and elastin production to increase flexibility and mobility while breaking pain cycles by stopping their transmission to the body from the brain.

Vibration plate therapy can be combined with treatments such as acupuncture, Graston Technique, physical therapy and chiropractic care for optimal health benefits. You’ll find it at some physical therapy clinics, chiropractor offices and holistic wellness clinics; home use may also be available from some companies; however for optimal results you should visit a professional like Dr. Nadler of Newtown Square Integrated Medicine where services like vibration therapy along with radial shockwave services, deep tissue massage and chiropractic care are offered – call them now to make an appointment and reap all its potential health benefits!

February 9, 2024|Editor

Natural Healer Reiki

Natural healer Reiki utilizes energy to assist the body in healing itself. It’s a non-invasive, gentle treatment which balances out energy flow known as “chi” or “ki”. Many people use Reiki for overall improved health and well-being.

Reiki may also help enhance your mood by alleviating anxiety and depression, according to research studies. Reiki has also been found to reduce pain; one study concluded that knee replacement patients receiving Reiki experienced less discomfort compared with those who did not receive reiki treatments.

Reiki is a form of energy healing

Reiki practitioners use their hands to transmit healing energy into the bodies of those they treat, often felt as warmth from their hands or as tingling sensations in specific spots. A healer may use a crystal pendulum to monitor movement of this energy within chakras.

Studies suggest that the benefits of Reiki lie in its ability to induce relaxation. This helps downregulate the autonomic nervous system, relieving stress and anxiety while simultaneously lowering blood pressure and producing an overall sense of calmness. Reiki may even increase your body’s capacity to cope with pain more effectively while diminishing perceptions thereof.

Reiki can trace its roots back to 1922 when it was created by Mikau Usui, a Buddhist monk from Japan who fasted and meditated at a sacred site to gain spiritual enlightenment and then used his knowledge to heal himself from illness before sharing his expertise to promote spiritual health and well-being in others.

One theory holds that Reiki works by interacting with the biofield, an electromagnetic field which pervades all living things and produces positive and negative electrical charges that produce physical effects on people’s bodies. Reiki can offer numerous health benefits including pain relief, reduced fatigue and improved sleep as well as bone recovery from surgery, cancer treatments and injuries.

At a Reiki session, clients remain fully clothed while lying on a massage table or sitting comfortably in a chair. Their practitioner then gently places their hands in non-intrusive positions over their entire body for one to two hours of non-invasive body work that typically results in relaxation and better feeling afterward – though healing results cannot always be guaranteed; those seeking healing for serious illnesses should still see their medical doctor for further advice and care.

Finding a certified Reiki practitioner for safe and effective sessions is of utmost importance. Many are certified through official associations and hold credentials or licenses, while the most experienced healers adhere to a set of precepts in order to maintain high levels of professionalism – being aware of any effects caused by their energy flow, avoiding self-gratification, and not exploiting patients as clients.

It’s non-invasive

Reiki energy healing is one of the safest and most effective complementary therapies available, used widely by medical professionals worldwide in hospitals and private practices. Furthermore, it can be integrated with psychotherapy treatment plans to support physical well-being of people suffering from emotional or mental health problems.

Reiki is an energy healing practice based on universal life force energy that flows from an attuned practitioner and harmonizes body, mind, and spirit. Reiki helps restore natural rhythms within the body such as vitality and strength while strengthening its own ability to heal itself by clearing away energetic blocks that restrict its flow across every part of our systems; including cells. Reiki promotes emotional and spiritual growth as well as healing old wounds such as fear, anger and sadness.

Reiki energy flows through the healer to find its target: it intuitively finds where it needs to go in each recipient’s body, providing relief where needed and strengthening the client’s own natural healing capabilities. Reiki often complements massage therapy, acupuncture and other forms of alternative healing practices for maximum effect.

As Reiki is non-invasive, it’s important to find a certified therapist who adheres to strict ethical standards and adheres to strict guidelines when practicing it. Furthermore, before adding Reiki sessions into your treatment plan it would be prudent to consult with a physician first as this could impact medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. It should also be remembered that Reiki should not replace necessary medical care but can serve as an important asset to an overall wellness program.

Reiki can be an effective form of relaxation, stress reduction and healing; however, it may also help relieve pain in other ways. Reiki may be used to ease gastrointestinal distress, alleviate tension headaches or lessen chemotherapy side-effects; additionally it can boost immunity and improve blood circulation.

People typically seek reiki treatments for psychological reasons, including to address chronic stress or depression. Others use it to get through major life transitions more smoothly or find momentum when feeling stuck; still others wish to experience its spiritual healing properties and gain a deeper sense of meaning through it.

It’s safe

Reiki healers use universal energy to promote wellness and enhance spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being in an all-natural, non-invasive, safe and effective treatment that has no known harmful side effects. Reiki can complement other medical treatments and therapies; however, it should not replace mental health care or psychotherapeutic support services.

Reiki’s origins lie in ancient Japan, where Tendai Buddhist Mikao Usui established it in the late 19th century. Usui believed that life energy flows throughout everything and when blocked it leads to illness or stress; his healing system encouraged him to heal himself first before seeking to help others. Furthermore, Usui stressed the importance of self-care for himself and taught his disciples how to practice Reiki without depleting their energy reserves.

Research indicates that Reiki therapy can alleviate pain, anxiety and stress levels – although more high-quality studies must be completed to support such claims. Furthermore, reiki may help relax patients as well as alleviate depression symptoms or other mood disorders. It has even been demonstrated to assist cancer patients and reduce mortality risk among heart attack survivors.

Finding a certified reiki practitioner who adheres to safe practices and the principles of ethical practice – such as maintaining confidentiality, avoiding false advertising and practicing within their scope of practice – is of utmost importance. A practitioner must also welcome feedback from clients; and should never claim that reiki can cure any illness or injury.

Reiki sessions typically start with an initial chakra reading and end with a full balancing treatment, wherein a patient lies fully clothed on a massage table or chair while their healer channels energy through their hands to balance chakras – centers of energy connected to our physical, mental and spiritual bodies – through healing hands or intent. Sessions may take place either physically in front of someone or remotely using intent alone as energy can travel this way.

A reliable natural healer should abide by stringent safety guidelines and maintain a clean workspace, clearly understand their scope of practice and limitations of knowledge, have professional liability insurance to cover them in case of malpractice lawsuits and have knowledge on current scientific research to answer questions from clients.

It’s effective

Reiki is an ancient healing art which works by manipulating energy flows within the body. Practitioners believe there are seven main energy centers, known as chakras, located throughout their bodies and when these become blocked it can cause emotional or physical issues. Reiki practitioners employ hands-on techniques to restore balance within these energy fields while adhering to precepts such as “Just for today, don’t worry”, in order to facilitate healing and peace of mind.

Though scientific evidence for Reiki remains limited, its potential effectiveness in treating various health issues may be promising. One study indicated that women receiving Reiki had fewer complications after cesarean delivery; and in 2015 another study demonstrated its efficacy by helping reduce pain, anxiety and the need for analgesic medication among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments – although more in-depth research needs to be completed in order to confirm such claims.

Scientists are conducting more studies on the effects of complementary therapies like Reiki on health. Though difficult, design studies to examine spiritual practices that differ significantly from standard medical procedures. Yet despite these obstacles, scientists have begun uncovering biological changes which support Reiki’s healing properties.

Healthcare professionals are increasingly adopting Reiki into their practices, finding it an ideal addition to holistic therapies such as yoga and acupuncture, both part of integrative medicine. Eastern practices like Reiki serve to supplement rather than replace conventional Western medical techniques.

At a Reiki session, the practitioner uses his or her hands on their patient’s body to induce deep relaxation and calm. At the same time, attention is also directed at their aura – an energetic field surrounding them that contains layers of color – with healthy auras appearing vibrant and radiant while unhealthy auras become faded and dulled over time.

At a Reiki treatment, patients lie on a massage table wearing loose clothing while the practitioner gently places palms of his or her hands over various parts of their bodies. Sessions usually last an hour and provide an extremely relaxing and rejuvenating experience.