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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 13, 2024|Editorial

How Can You Reverse Aging Skin?

Aging skin is an inevitable consequence of growing older, but sun exposure and unhealthy habits can accelerate its degradation unnecessarily. With proper skincare practices and eating well, aging skin can be slowdown significantly.

People frequently wonder whether it is possible to reverse aging skin. While the answer is “yes”, starting early and being committed to both your health and beauty are keys factors for success.

1. Exercise

Exercise is crucial to maintaining healthy skin. Exercise can improve circulation and boost immunity – two major contributors to glowing complexions – while also relieving stress which often contributes to skin damage.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of aerobic and resistance exercise to keep skin looking young. Aerobic exercise can increase its elasticity by decreasing inflammation, while resistance training helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles.

Exercise increases mitochondrial activity – like batteries in our cells – which help them run efficiently, which may help reverse aging if people start exercising later in life.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

An assortment of factors contribute to skin aging, such as smoking, unhealthy eating habits and lack of sleep. Smoking damages cells in the body by decreasing collagen levels and leading to wrinkles; eating an unhealthy diet full of refined carbs such as sugar can also accelerate skin aging; excessive alcohol can dehydrate skin cells leading to wrinkles and fine lines on skin surface;


Follow a healthy diet and use anti-aging skincare products to reverse skin aging. Facial moisturizers containing shea butter, glycerin and hyaluronic acid can help lock in moisture to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, as can using serums containing retinol that stimulate cell turnover to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Incorporating plenty of sleep coupled with using soothing night creams that contain turmeric extract may also aid in fighting signs of aging.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential to healthy skin. While sleeping, your body produces human growth hormone to repair tissue damage and help combat wrinkles and signs of aging; without enough restful zzz’s however, your body could divert these resources elsewhere and thereby impairing skin health altogether. In addition, proper rest increases blood flow to skin areas for easier absorption of anti-ageing skincare products.

Sleep also protects against external factors that could compromise skin health, such as cigarette smoke, air pollution and sunlight. Studies have revealed that people who get enough rest have lower rates of sunburn compared with those who don’t sleep enough; getting sufficient rest is the ultimate beauty treatment you can give to your skin – speak to a Bryn Mawr dermatologist about Morpheus8 sleep device as an FDA-approved way of improving it!

4. Wear Sunscreen

Sun exposure is the main culprit behind prematurely aged skin, leaving telltale signs such as fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, uneven tone and an increased risk for cancerous lesions on its path to degradation.

Wearing sunscreen every day will help to prevent this damage, according to studies. Regular application can slow or even reverse the development of wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots and discolorations over time.

Make sure that you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF (at least factor 30). Incorporating a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid into your routine will also help hydrate skin for improved elasticity, reduced fine lines, and dryness which could otherwise lead to skin sagging.


5. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels remove the outermost damaged layers of skin to reveal healthier tissue beneath, helping reduce fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, and hyper-pigmentation.

Chemical peels may also help treat conditions like melasma, acne scarring and superficial sun damage; they can be performed on the face, neck or hands for this purpose. Unfortunately, chemical peels cannot treat deep wrinkles or tighten loose skin.

A doctor will first assess your skin to identify which type of peel will best meet your needs, detailing any additional treatments that might be required and their anticipated outcomes. The process is quick and painless; you may experience only slight stinging sensation. A neutralizing wash or cool compress is then applied to help reduce stinging sensation and calm skin after which the peel will be rinsed away or removed from the body.

7. Use Anti-Aging Skin Care Products

If you want to reverse aging skin, make sure you use products containing effective anti-ageing ingredients. These ingredients can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, dullness, uneven skin tone and lack of natural hydration, while providing antioxidant protection from UV rays – one of the primary sources of visible signs of aging.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Products Should Contain Retinol, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid and Niacinamide for Best Results. These ingredients may help stimulate cell renewal, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone and promote hydration. Results of anti-Aging products may take time; to see the best outcomes use consistently and moisturize daily with one suitable to your skin type – try finding one with SPF in it for maximum benefit!

8. Stop Smoking

Smoking damages the skin in several ways, leading to wrinkles, uneven tone, and other concerns. Quitting can reverse these negative impacts of smoking on skin aging; helping it recover and look younger than before.

Smokers tend to experience dull, dry skin as nicotine constricts blood vessels and reduces oxygen supply to their skin resulting in flaky and ashy patches of skin.

Stopping smoking allows your blood flow to return to its usual levels, enabling your body to produce collagen and elastin for skin repair that reduces sagging and wrinkles.

Integrating more foods rich in vitamin C and A into your diet may also prove helpful, as these vitamins aid the body’s production of collagen and elastin that will give the skin more vitality. Engaging in an ongoing skincare routine of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing will make a noticeable difference as well.

9. Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol can harm your skin in multiple ways, leading to dryness, wrinkles and age spots. It may also exacerbate rosacea symptoms and result in facial flushing. While it can be difficult to give up drinking entirely, moderate consumption should be encouraged: the recommended weekly alcohol consumption limit for adults should not exceed 14 units which is roughly equivalent to six pints of beer, seven glasses of wine or fourteen single 25ml measures of spirits.

Try to limit your alcohol consumption and switch out alcoholic drinks with water, fruit juice or mocktails for better hydration and skin elasticity. Furthermore, using skincare products with antioxidants and hyaluronic acid that contain these can reverse some of the aging effects from alcohol use by increasing collagen production, improving hydration levels and reducing fine lines as well as protecting from oxidative stress and speeding healing times faster.

10. Use Makeup

Makeup can be an amazing tool to enhance features, but its usage should always be used properly. Wearing non-comedogenic makeup made with skin-loving ingredients and taking steps to remove it at the end of each day are vital elements in maintaining a healthy complexion.

Anti-Aging skincare products that include ingredients like vitamin C, retinol and hyaluronic acid can be effective tools in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Applying these products prior to makeup application helps ensure that your skin stays hydrated and balanced; additionally, body lotions with these nutrients will keep skin looking supple and youthful; remember to exfoliate regularly so as to maintain smooth and healthy-looking skin!

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Reiki Hand Positions for Remote Healing

Reiki practitioners use energy healing techniques on the energy field of clients to treat mental, emotional, and physical conditions. Reiki practitioners can also send healing energy directly to someone or an animal remotely.

Reiki hand positions are used as the main conduit to channel this energy. Here are some of the more frequently employed hand positions during distance healing sessions.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Reiki hand positions; rather, there is a set of guidelines to be observed. What matters most for practitioners of Reiki is feeling connected with energy and having clear intent so that Reiki flows effortlessly. Other aspects such as meditation, visualization, intention setting and breathing practice, along with quality of heart mind (Kokoro), play an equally essential part.

One of the most often-used symbols in Reiki distant healing is the power symbol. This name refers to any combination of Kanji characters that can be written using any Kanji script and usually translated as “choku rei”, or simply power. The power symbol increases reiki energy flow and can be used with any body/hand position for greater effectiveness of treatment.

Mental/Emotional symbols are another powerful resource, used to heal any type of emotional or mental imbalance. These can help restore harmony to relationships while eliminating negative feelings such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety from relationships and dispelling addictions such as cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

This symbol activates the sacral chakra by stimulating its lower abdominal region. This energy center is responsible for creativity, sexuality and social skills development as well as being the storehouse for Kundalini energy which awakens human spirits – essential components for leading a balanced physical and spiritual lifestyle.

If the source of any physical imbalance lies within, adding extra Power symbols as well as Mental/Emotional ones into treatment plans can help bring it back into balance and restore equilibrium.

At Reiki, it’s essential to keep in mind that all conditions – physical or emotional – should be addressed holistically. For example, if your father is having money problems, sending energy directly into his root chakra would help improve his financial situation and create a sense of security and stability in his finances.


Reiki treatments come in several different forms. While many practitioners prefer placing their hands directly onto an individual, there may be times when this is not practical or possible; when this is the case, alternative healing methods such as using surrogates such as teddy bears or photographs of intended recipients may be used instead; or pouring energy over something such as rainclouds or pillows may also be utilized – regardless of which way energy flows, its goal remains unchanged: healing energy gets sent wherever it’s needed.

There may also be times when full-length Reiki sessions aren’t possible due to time or location constraints for those receiving treatments, yet Reiki remains effective when performed in these situations – all that’s required for its effectiveness is your intention as a practitioner.

Reiki practitioners use a hand positions distant healing technique that is useful in this instance: placing their hands on an inanimate surrogate such as a teddy or stuffed animal as a surrogate, placing their hands also on symbolic objects that represent who or what needs treatment like crystals or flowers, so the Reiki energy can reach its intended recipient directly.

Experienced Reiki practitioners often perform a Reiki session on themselves to strengthen the link with their energy. Since energy can often know more than humans can about what someone needs or situation needs, practitioners believe they don’t need permission to send Reiki – the energy will flow regardless of what anyone thinks is appropriate or not.

Other Reiki hand positions that can be sent without being present include Heart, Solar Plexus and Root. In the Heart position, hands are held either alongside each other or end-to-end over the recipient’s breastbone; Solar Plexus places hands on lower ribs; while Root brings both hands down over pelvic bones.


Reiki practitioners who employ hand positions during treatments must realize that using them does not innately draw more energy or produce superior results. Instead, Reiki’s healing power comes from intention, meditation, visualization, breathwork and connecting to one’s heart-mind (Kokoro). Hand positioning represents only one facet of practice which facilitates self-connection.

Reiki practitioners must first connect with the energy of their client. One effective approach to doing so is using Reiji ho, an affirmation which invoking Universal Life Force Energy (Reiki). You can invoke Reiki by raising both hands together and saying out “HSZSN”.

Once a practitioner has connected to their energy, they must then choose where to place their hands. Common choices include the crown chakra – symbolic of connecting to Divinity and higher consciousness. Other popular centers of power that may help alleviate physical or emotional trauma include the brow chakra and solar plexus.

The brow chakra can heal mental and emotional trauma by providing access to deeper understandings of ourselves, the universe, intuition, wisdom and memory – often used for long-held memories and emotions that have been held onto.

Solar Plexus Treatment. A highly sensitive area, the solar plexus requires great caution when treating it; placing hands alongside each other or end-to-end over the lower ribs of your client may prove more successful than any other approach.

Finally, the Hara Chakra can be an extremely beneficial area to target with Reiki treatment. It can assist in finding balance and building a sense of purpose within yourself as well as increase creativity capacity and intuitive abilities – even connecting you with an inner teacher!


Reiki is an energy healing system involving the placement of hands on the body to channel universal life force energy and facilitate healing at all levels of being. Practitioners use their hands to channel universal life force energy into recipients’ bodies, which then facilitates healing at all levels – body, mind, emotions or soul healing are all possible with Reiki – not restricted to religion or belief systems, making it accessible for anyone looking for health improvements.

Hand positions used during Reiki sessions include those to soothe the head, reduce headaches and anxiety; soothe eyes; treat vision problems related to eyesight stress and strain fatigue; alleviate neck pain by relieving tension in this position and alleviate shoulder strain and fatigue; or soothe shoulders to alleviate neck pain and tension relief.

Chest – This energy-boosting position aids circulation while supporting lung function. Additionally, it can clear congestion and coughs from your lungs. Belly – This position energizes the digestive tract; treating ulcers, heartburn and diarrhea and even constipation! Back – This position supports reproductive organs by stimulating small and large intestines as well as the uterus (prostate for men) and bladder while potentially treating problems associated with appendix problems.

Once a session is over, the practitioner typically moves their hands from head to feet before closing with thanks and placing their hands down to ground themselves. They may rinse their hands or touch the floor briefly in order to break any energy connections with their subject of treatment; after which, they can stand up and leave. If they have distance clients they will arrange an appropriate meeting time together.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Biohacking With Joe Rogan

Many of the latest biohacking trends center around optimizing one’s body at the molecular level, from DIY gene editing to hormone injections. Others attempt to maximize health through diets, supplements or unconventional sleep tactics.

From high-tech cold plunges to personal saunas, wellness podcasters and influencers are spreading awareness about these innovative practices. Furthermore, accessibility is expanding thanks to at-home products like sauna blankets gaining ground.

Joe Rogan is a cultural icon

Rogan has become an unquestioned cultural icon. His podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, has dominated podcast charts for more than a decade and he’s become one of the most beloved talk show hosts worldwide. Rogan draws an enormous following because he connects with a subcultural that has long been ignored by mainstream media; viewers tune in for his unique perspective on various subjects and speak up against injustices or oppressions when needed.

Biohacking has come into the public consciousness through his podcast’s success, drawing attention to a phenomenon known as biohacking. Biohackers are those who seek to improve their health through alternative treatments like juicing, rewilding and herbal supplements; their large social media followings and listenership make them powerful advocates for alternative medicine; they often post information that’s easily shared – although some biohackers may contain truth in their claims, the majority could be spreading misinformation that could have serious repercussions.

Joe Rogan recently faced severe backlash for giving anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists a platform during the Covid-19 pandemic, prompting many artists such as Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and India Arie to pull their music from Spotify and market reports indicating that this had devalued it by $2bn. While critics claim Rogan should be held accountable for giving such an audience voice through his show on anti-vaccine conspiracy topics; others contend it would be irresponsible of them to remove their content altogether from its platform – both claims would likely create tension with their respective communities and audiences.

As Joe Rogan’s rise has drawn scrutiny over free speech issues, his podcast has given rise to much discussion of its limits. His discussions include controversial figures such as renegade scholars talking about astrophysics, ancient civilizations, survivalism and survivalism; as well as right-wing luminaries like Jordan Peterson and Alex Jones with vast social media followings and loyal audiences who take part.

No matter their validity, conversations about issues such as COVID-19 can have an immense effect on public perception of them. Especially during times of crisis like now, journalists must ensure they do not stifle free speech, even if it offends.

He is a voice of authenticity

The Joe Rogan Experience podcast boasts 30 million downloads a month, and Joe’s casual style disarms his guests. He treats them like friends without confronting them with ideological rigidity or partisanship; interviews tend to be long and rambling but always enjoyable and surprising; his personal philosophy encompasses comedy, fitness, fighting and hunting; research studies are occasionally referenced without becoming academic in tone.

Rogan stands as an icon for authenticity in an age of fake news, pseudoscience and toxic social media. He hosts an immensely popular MMA show on SyFy that he describes as an actual sport; its format blends improvisational comedy with martial arts techniques – it has quickly become one of their signature shows. Rogan was also featured in Here Comes the Boom (2012) movie as well as multiple television programs.

Joe has achieved much with his podcast and MMA career; yet his life hasn’t always been easy. He has previously experienced depression and drug dependency. Now an advocate for mental and physical wellness, Joe has also created a successful speaking and author career.

Biohacking is an immensely controversial subject, yet some advocates for its promotion possess vast social media followings and podcast listenerships. These “biohackers,” commonly referred to as DIYbio, often promote unproven and potentially unsafe solutions but make their information easy-to-share through an infographic aesthetic that quickly goes viral.

Some individuals also struggle to grasp that biohacking pursuits don’t always lead to optimal health or longevity, especially as more ambitious biohackers pursue goals like Dave Asprey’s (180-year life expectancy goal, as discussed by bulletproof coffee fame) can easily turn dangerous. He claims he invented biohacking while spending millions trying to live until 180. Trying such an ambitious agenda takes both money and energy; other biohackers may focus more on spreading canola oil-laced oat milk than on combatting racism, sexism, homophobia or any other forms of oppression.

He is a voice for cannabis legalization

Rogan first established his support of cannabis through hosting the documentary “The Union: The Business Behind Getting High,” hosted in 2007. Since then he has made sure to discuss it on his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience on a regular basis; often engaging both pro-legalization advocates as well as opponents during his show’s discussions of legalization issues.

Rogan has helped raise awareness of cannabis through his advocacy work, yet not without controversy. Most recently he was accused of spreading misinformation regarding Covid-19 pandemic and vaccines on his podcast; as a result of which Spotify removed 113 episodes. Rogan remains defiant of such actions saying silencing him is not the solution.

Although often considered controversial, many consider him one of the most influential voices in the cannabis industry. Though he is unaffiliated with any company, his tireless highlighting of cannabis’ positive therapeutic value has had an enormous impact on shifting perceptions about cannabis use and medical application. Furthermore, he advocates open dialogue which all cannabis businesses could learn from.

Rogan rose to cultural renown as both a former professional wrestler and UFC commentator, first appearing at small comedy gigs before landing his groundbreaking Fear Factor role that catapulted him onto the map.

As an avid supporter of both NFL and WWE, Joe Rogan is often featured on television shows and films as an expert commentator, as well as being a frequent guest on popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience.

His podcast includes conversations with celebrities and experts from different fields – politicians, scientists and athletes have been among his guests – making each interview both entertaining and educational. Over five million downloads have taken place since its introduction, making this podcast one of the second-most downloaded in America.

He began using cannabis only in his 30s but quickly emerged as an outspoken advocate for legalization. Most notably, this activism took the form of his podcast where he often debated prohibitionists such as Ted Nugent and Steven Crowder.

Rogan is not only a staunch supporter of cannabis legalization but also of health and wellness in general. He champions CBD hemp oil as an aid in relieving pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

He is a voice for health and wellness

Joe Rogan provides a refreshingly realistic approach to health and wellness. His podcast is entertaining, informative, and motivational; in addition he stays abreast of emerging trends within health and fitness – having maintained an astounding level of fitness throughout his life while often testing biohacking tools and products.

Podcasters with exceptional guests ranging from professional athletes and scientists to entrepreneurs are featured on his show, such as professional athletes, scientists and entrepreneurs. Interviews often last hours long; no topics are off limits as conversations feel natural between guests. He has written 13 books covering various subjects. Plus he offers health related products and services!

His success has earned him an esteemed place within the health and wellness industry, boasting an enormous social media following and podcast subscriber base. However, his opinions tend to be somewhat controversial and has led him to be accused of spreading misinformation regarding Covid-19 as well as opposing vaccination in general. Additionally, he recently criticised CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta after contracting Covid-19 himself, and received criticism over his suggestion to use deworming medication (ivermectin used on livestock) against this particular virus as a treatment option for Covid-19 virus infections.

He’s an advocate of the anti-ageing movement and encourages healthy living through diet, exercise, and supplements. Additionally, he’s an accomplished athlete – having participated in 120 triathlon races and 12 Ironman triathlons while winning multiple times; holds a Master’s degree in exercise physiology and biomechanics, owns an elite wellness center, as well as being founder and owner of Evolve Human Optimization Labs, providing innovative fitness equipment not typically found at gyms and spas.

Cannabis can be beneficial to health; however, before trying any supplements or medications consult a medical professional. Along with diet and exercise, getting enough restful sleep and managing stress are also key. Maintaining consistent wake and sleep times helps sync up with your internal biological clock and lower risk for age-related diseases.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Metatron Hunter 4025 Nls

Metatron hunter 4025 nls is a world-class portable diagnostic medical device capable of detecting frequency imbalances within the body that may contribute to illness and disease; additionally, this tool helps prevent future episodes.

Software allows a physician to quickly and automatically localize tumors and hereditary diseases at their source, then identify their origin at genome level through histological cuts, cytological cuts, chromosome sets or individual chromosomes.


Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS is a revolutionary, non-invasive diagnostic medical device capable of scanning an individual’s entire body to detect any anomalies. Utilizing light wave resonance technology, it analyzes electromagnetic waves emitted by organs and tissues to reveal character, origins and degrees of any abnormalities within them; in addition, this system can predict future health dynamics with some accuracy.

Hardware-software integration enables this device to detect weak signals that are hard to spot among statistical fluctuations, and then isolate and decode them before displaying them on a computer screen as virtual models of organs and tissues. Furthermore, its results of any therapy you may be engaging in can also be shown.

This non-invasive device can detect changes to the body, and is especially helpful to doctors. It enables them to determine the cause of a patient’s illness and suggest appropriate treatments; plus, prevent or treat illnesses before they worsen; this improves patient care overall and thus quality.

The system also allows physicians to analyze the effectiveness of various forms of treatment and compare them against each other, while providing information about an individual’s immune system health and helping physicians identify whether a patient suffers from mental illness or addiction.

Metatron hunter nls is an easy and effective way to diagnose your condition and support healthy living. Used by healthcare professionals, resorts, fitness centers and spas as well as individuals dedicated to proactive health, it is accessible at most pharmacies for use.

Multidimensional scanning is the stand-out feature of this software, enabling it to automatically identify tumor nidus or hereditary diseases and reveal their source at genome level by sequentially moving through histological cuts, cytological cuttings, chromosome sets, individual chromosomes and finally DNA fragments. Furthermore, it shows how disorder will develop further into future and severity, along with showing whether testing would be suitable; additionally it has an intelligent filter function which removes non-testable items but keeps those suitable.


The metatron hunter 4025 nls Full Body Health Analyzer is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic and analysis system that utilizes light wave resonance technology to scan and trace functional status of human bodies. This device can detect abnormal conditions as well as offer solutions through bioresonance therapy – making this device invaluable to physicians, naturopaths, chiropractors, herbalists, homeopaths, massage therapists and massage therapists who monitor health.

The Institute of Practical Psychophysics developed this groundbreaking medical device that is capable of accurately diagnosing organs and cells using changes to vortex magnetic fields of these structures. Not only is this noninvasive but it provides accurate results within minutes allowing users to track down underlying causes as well as predict future dynamics of any condition they find themselves suffering with.

Metatron hunters use special trigger sensors to access subcortical brain, which contains information about ongoing body processes. They then decode this data during diagnostic sessions to roughly forecast future health dynamics as well as detect initial causes and estimates of functional breaches.

This revolutionary technology operates under the principle of amplifying initiating signals of disintegrating meta-stable structures. It targets magnetic moments of molecular currents in admixture centers of cortex nerve cells that change when exposed to electromagnetic fields from external sources; such changes result in rotational axe distortion leading to unstable or meta-stable states that the metatron hunter detects and amplifies.

Hunter software has been enhanced to make the device more user-friendly and simpler to operate, including adding several new features that make using it simpler, such as finding tumor nidus locations or heritable diseases more easily. Furthermore, this program can track them on multiple levels such as molecules, chromosomes and DNA helix to facilitate treatment more easily while helping people feel healthier overall.

Easy to use

The 18D metatron hunter machine is an advanced non-invasive analysis system that revolutionizes health analysis. Utilizing spectral analysis to scan your body and detect imbalances across its systems, as well as bioresonance therapy options for restoration of balance and improved health optimization, this device is user friendly enough for all kinds of users, including doctors and medical practitioners.

Brainwave entrainment technology, also referred to as brainwave entrainment, involves aligning mind and body using light. This process enables communication between the immune system of your body and your mind; keeping cells and organs healthy without adverse side effects like chemically synthesized pharmaceutical drugs do. Additionally, this device can detect various conditions, such as diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

Real changes in tissues shown on macro cuts are revealed through this technology, while research can also be conducted at histological, cytological and chromosome sets in addition to DNA levels using its innovative multidimensional virtual scanning software which also can determine what caused tumor or hereditary diseases to appear in patients.

One feature of its technology that makes it beneficial is the ability to detect bacteria, parasites, viruses and other microorganisms that could compromise your health. In addition, metals and toxins in your body may also be detected which will help you pinpoint a specific issue before selecting an effective treatment plan.

The new 18D software is user-friendly and provides several improvements over its predecessor. Now supporting a range of languages including Spanish, it also incorporates an innovative continuous scanning system known as Metatrons to increase diagnostic reliability while selecting mineral radio spectra which correspond to patient conditions to promote healing.

The 18D Hunter is an invaluable tool that can assist in understanding the interaction between physical and mental processes. This assessment tool has been widely adopted by physicians, medical practitioners, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors, massage therapists, massage therapists for integrative Medicine/CAM programs directors as well as licensed nutritionists, traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners aromatherapists massage therapists spas wellness centers Acupuncturists as well as more.


The metatron hunter 4025 nls is an innovative diagnostic device that utilizes cutting-edge technology to identify and assess health issues within the body. Non-invasive and providing multiple advantages over more traditional testing methods like MRI or CT scans, the system works by monitoring electromagnetic frequencies released by your brain to identify any changes within your body and pinpoint its cause or provide treatment recommendations. Furthermore, its versatility enables it to assess organs and tissues as well as help develop preventive healthcare strategies.

This device provides a safe and effective alternative to traditional medical treatments, making it suitable for anyone regardless of age or health condition. When scanning begins, earphones are worn by the user while their brain signals are detected and interpreted by the device; results of analysis will then be displayed visually on screen to show organ and tissue condition as compared with healthy organs – in order to detect any changes caused by disease or biochemical organism.

As part of the scanning process, electromagnetic signals sent out from your brain will be detected by the metatron hunter 4025 nls and then analyzed to detect changes to your body such as inflammation, infection or other health problems. Furthermore, this device can identify which organism caused these problems (bacteria, virus or parasite), its stage of development as well as where exactly within your body it exists.

The metatron hunter 4025 nls uses sophisticated software to detect each cell in our bodies and use their frequency to energize and restore normal functions, creating an effective holistic treatment that is safe and immediately noticeable – great for treating chronic illnesses! It often produces dramatic results.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Vibration Therapy For Bone Loss

Vibration therapy has long been employed by space agencies as a way of aiding astronauts returning from long-term missions to overcome bone loss and muscle atrophy. Studies show that high frequency low magnitude mechanical stimulation promotes bone growth as well as muscle strength.

One randomized clinical trial showed that women using vibrating platforms for six months experienced increased lumbar spine bone density – an important risk factor of fracture.

Improves Blood Circulation

Vibration therapy works to increase blood circulation by stimulating cell turnover. This therapy can benefit bones by clearing away waste from bone cells while simultaneously stimulating production of new ones. Furthermore, vibration can reduce inflammation in the skeletal system and thus lower risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis is a degenerative condition in which bones weaken and fracture easily, impacting both men and women alike. This illness affects all parts of society, with men being more affected than women; its impact being felt equally across generations. Medication such as bisphosphonates, monoclonal antibodies, parathyroid hormone fragments or calcium and vitamin D supplements are usually prescribed; in rarer instances surgery or procedures such as spinal bone stimulators may be performed for more permanent treatments; vibration therapy could potentially complement these treatments but more research must be conducted into safe amplitude, frequency and duration parameters for use alongside these treatments for maximum efficacy.

A study published in Clinical Interventions in Aging in December 2013 examined 28 postmenopausal women for six months to see if vibration therapy improved their lumbar spine bone density. Participants were divided into two groups; one received vibration therapy while the other received standard pharmacological regimens; studies found that vibration therapy showed significant increases in bone density for these participants versus standard treatments.

This result is in line with previous studies which have highlighted the positive effects of vibration therapy on the musculoskeletal system. While drug interventions have focused on preventing bone resorption, low-magnitude vibration signals initiate anabolic responses that combat catabolic signals caused by disuse. As such, vibration therapy represents an effective alternative form of physical exercise and could even serve patients who cannot engage in regular physical activity.

Vibration therapy has the ability to strengthen muscles and tendons through stimulating muscle contraction, helping rebuild weaker areas after injury or disease. Furthermore, vibration can aid coordination and balance improvement; especially useful for older adults as it prevents falls while increasing mobility. Furthermore, vibration therapy offers safer exercise solutions than regular physical exercises for conditions like osteoporosis.

Increases Bone Density

As part of their function, bones must continually be reinforced and regenerated to remain strong and maintain strength. Unfortunately, however, aging, lack of exercise, and certain medical conditions cause more bone cells to be broken down than produced for replacement – leading to low bone density that can be hard to reverse and increased risk of fractures. Vibration therapy provides an natural approach to improving bone health by increasing bone growth via mechanical stimulation of bones produced from skeletal muscle contraction – and the frequency and amplitude of vibration signals determine how much stimulation they cause bone growth stimulation.

Vibration therapy was initially developed as part of a space program to assist astronauts during long-duration space missions to prevent bone loss. Scientists discovered that when astronauts stood on vibrating platforms for 10-20 minutes each day for 10-2% increase in bone density – prompting researches to explore whole-body vibration therapy (WBVT).

WBVT involves having someone stand on a platform that vibrates at an average frequency of several dozens per second; its amplitude, or distance away from its original horizontal position in millimeters, determines its effect. Studies indicate that vibration intensity between 30Hz and 2mm amplitude are best suited to improve bone density.

WBVT also increases muscle strength within legs, decreasing risk of falls among older adults. Vibrations stimulate mesenchymal stem cells derived from muscles and bones to differentiate into bone-forming cells as well as promote proliferation of vascular channels to deliver oxygen and nutrients directly into bone tissue.

Research suggests that vibration therapy may significantly increase bone density, improve sarcopenia, and balance in elderly. Furthermore, vibration therapy can be used to treat the underlying factors leading to osteoporosis, including low estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause. Osteoporosis is the leading cause of hip and vertebral neck fractures among older adults and is one of the main reasons behind the high rates of fractures seen among postmenopausal women; treatment options for osteoporosis include medications such as bisphosphonates or parathyroid hormone fragments as well as lifestyle modifications and physical exercise.

Strengthens Muscles

Vibration therapy uses mechanical vibrations delivered from a vibrating platform or machine to cause muscles to contract and relax dozens of times per second, sending signals through the body that encourage bone cells to form more efficiently and increase bone density. Furthermore, this therapy stimulates osteoblast production as well as producing more osteoblasts. Despite all these potential advantages of vibration therapy research remains inconclusive on whether it can increase overall bone density over time.

Bone loss among older adults is an ever-present threat and often results in fractures of the hip and spine, necessitating medication or lifestyle changes to reduce fracture risk; medications include bisphosphonates, parathyroid hormone fragments and estrogen/raloxifene; weight bearing exercise, adequate vitamin D consumption and a balanced diet are also key elements in improving bone health; although most bone loss occurs among women alone, men too can suffer bone loss.

Vibration stimulation to perform anabolic exercises on the musculoskeletal system is an attractive alternative to pharmaceutical treatments for bone loss. Studies have revealed that low-intensity mechanical signals mimicking anabolic exercises can initiate and counteract catabolic responses in skeletal muscles, including improved strength and postural control, while also stimulating bone-forming mesenchymal stem cells to create more progenitor cells for new bone formation.

Whole-body vibration (WBV) was previously only available to athletes and fitness studios, but is now also widely available as a home device. WBV produces vibration intensity that ranges from very mild to extremely intense – according to studies it may lead to adverse outcomes, including falls. Studies indicate that high intensity vibration should not be used by people living with osteoporosis as this could have serious adverse consequences such as fractured vertebrae.

Lower intensity vibrations (LIV), which are safe for people living with osteoporosis or other musculoskeletal conditions, may prove helpful in providing bone mass, balance and mobility improvements in older adults as well as decreasing rates of falls among this population.

Though vibration therapy research remains inconclusive, studies have revealed its promise in increasing balance and preventing falls for people living with osteoporosis; it also increases mobility and quality of life. For best results when used for osteoporosis treatment purposes it should be administered under medical guidance as its frequency, amplitude, duration must be carefully considered by professionals.

Reduces Pain

An increasing number of people are suffering from low bone density and osteoporosis, which is a progressive bone condition which can result in painful fractures. Vibration therapy may provide relief by stimulating bone growth to strengthen it further while also improving overall joint mobility thus decreasing risks of falling and breaking bones.

Research has demonstrated that vibration therapy can stimulate mesenchymal stem cells within bone marrow to reproduce, increasing bone density. As such, vibration therapy has become a popular treatment option for osteoporosis and other related conditions.

Whole-body vibration therapy (WBVT) has proven one of the most successful forms of vibration therapy, originally developed as part of NASA’s efforts to help astronauts cope with bone loss associated with long periods of space travel. Just 10 minutes a day on a vibrating plate proved enough for astronauts to recover the 1-2% bone loss they experienced while living aboard spaceships.

WBVT utilizes mechanical vibrations to stimulate bone marrow and induce new bone and muscle formation. Vibrations transmitted from a vibrating platform directly to hips and lower back are adjustable in frequency and intensity levels for maximum bone stimulation. Muscle contractions cause tension that places stress on bone tissues that encourage them to respond by growing in response.

WBVT also increases growth hormone and testosterone levels in the blood, which helps prevent sarcopenia and osteoporosis while strengthening muscular strength and neuromuscular coordination, thus decreasing falls and broken bones in people living with osteoporosis.

Research remains mixed on the effectiveness of vibration therapy for treating osteoporosis. While some studies indicate it could improve bone density, other have found no noticeable benefits. It’s essential that before making any decisions about vibration therapy as part of a strategy to strengthen bones – other ways are available such as eating diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, exercising regularly, and taking medication as needed.