Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 8, 2024|Editor

Neurofeedback Home Device

Home neurofeedback can be an ideal solution for families and individuals who find it challenging to make it to the clinic twice every week, or those wishing to continue training after having been assessed in-clinic.

Neurofeedback can be an extremely powerful tool in creating lasting change when used alongside Dr. Roseann’s personalized protocols and lifestyle adjustments to create lasting transformation.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, a subcategory of biofeedback, uses sensors on the head to monitor brain activity. Through audiovisual feedback (think video games), patients learn to regulate their brainwaves to enhance focus and concentration as well as reduce emotional reactions like anxiety and depression. Neurofeedback is a safe technology without any known side effects or medication requirements.

Neurofeedback offers an effective alternative to medication when it comes to treating symptoms like anxiety, ADD/ADHD, insomnia and chronic pain. Neurofeedback works to correct dysregulated brainwave patterns by training specific areas to operate more effectively through focused training sessions that target specific brain regions.

Neurofeedback allows individuals to overcome conditions by identifying and treating dysfunctional brainwaves that lie at their core. Neurofeedback is often combined with talk therapy or medication for greater effectiveness; but can also be used alone as an effective form of treatment.

Neurofeedback is a noninvasive and drug-free technique suitable for people of all ages – from young children to the elderly. Neurofeedback has even been shown to help trauma victims overcome posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At The Drake Institute we use Neurofeedback to assist our patients with various issues, from anxiety disorders and stress disorders to chronic pain conditions and sleep issues.

The Drake Institute has long been at the forefront of brain function optimization, helping thousands of patients achieve relief. By increasing brain functionality, our aim is to give patients energy and resilience they need to face life head on.

Brainwaves that activate at just the right times and regions with appropriate amplitude and proportion result in optimal functioning; when these processes become disrupted, however, the consequences can be devastating. For example, someone experiencing depressive symptoms might have too little activation in the left frontal lobe – neurofeedback could increase activation there to alleviate depression symptoms; similarly insomnia sufferers can learn how to regulate their own brainwaves for healthier sleep using neurofeedback training with a certified provider who understands your individual needs and targets optimal targets accordingly.

How Does Neurofeedback Work?

Neurofeedback is an noninvasive way of optimizing brain functioning that has become popular with professionals and athletes to increase focus, balance mood, lower anxiety and facilitate restful sleep.

At its core, EEG works by measuring surface electrical activity (EEG). This data is then recorded and displayed on screen as either a movie or video game with an objective feedback loop that allows patients to observe results of brain activity while learning how to adjust it.

To restore a balanced state of mind, patients are taught to reduce high levels of Beta brainwaves associated with stress or anxiety. Alpha brainwaves produce feelings of calm and peace; when their production ceases, panic attacks or fatigue can ensue. Delta waves typically promote deep restful sleep but too high levels could result in insomnia or inadequate restful slumber.

Neurofeedback is a form of neuroplasticity-based self-improvement similar to muscle building; each session enhances and reinforces constructive neural pathways for healthy thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Neurofeedback has helped children learn to color for the first time after just 12 sessions and adults stop having anxiety attacks after 20 sessions of Neurofeedback therapy. Furthermore, Neurofeedback can serve as an excellent complement to other holistic treatments and therapies such as massage therapy, chiropractic treatment, nutrition counseling or meditation practices.

EEG neurofeedback can be used to treat numerous conditions, from chronic pain syndromes and migraine headaches to autism and epilepsy. Studies have proven its efficacy for improving symptoms; particularly helpful for those who do not respond to medications which often come with side effects that are unpleasant or even dangerous; in some instances they can even become addictive. At The Drake Institute we utilize non-invasive neurofeedback eegdyniq for this purpose and other related disorders.

Why is Neurofeedback Effective?

Neurofeedback helps patients learn to regulate brain wave patterns in order to alleviate negative symptoms associated with conditions like ADHD/ADD, anxiety disorders, PTSD, mood disorders and chronic pain. Many practitioners combine neurofeedback treatment with traditional psychotherapy in order to achieve the most successful results.

An electroencephalogram (EEG) session involves placing electrodes on the scalp and connecting them to computer software that monitors brain activity for instant feedback. Patients using neurofeedback therapy are asked to inhibit certain frequencies while increasing others through games and visual cues that give an idea of progress. By practicing during sessions, patients develop new mental muscle that they can use outside of this environment.

Research on neurofeedback may be limited, yet studies have demonstrated its ability to produce positive changes for various mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), ADHD and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, neurofeedback therapy has proven particularly helpful in helping bipolar disorder sufferers overcome emotional instability.

Researchers have challenged neurofeedback advocates’ claims, contending that treatments are insufficiently effective. Russell Barkley, a professor of psychology and neurology at University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester believes it would be irresponsible to make assertions regarding its effectiveness without first conducting controlled group clinical testing with double blind participation, as other forms of treatment such as educational therapy or psychotherapy have demonstrated success using case studies rather than scientific tests.

EEG Spectrum International responds to these criticisms of neurofeedback by noting that further research needs to be conducted; nonetheless, neurofeedback remains effective in relieving symptoms associated with various conditions. They emphasize how drug treatments require clinical trials for safety and efficacy approval while neurofeedback can be taken as self-help treatment in an inexpensive manner compared to traditional medication treatments. Furthermore, costs associated with neurofeedback treatments tend to be much lower.

Can Neurofeedback Help Me?

Neurofeedback offers long-term relief to many mental health and neurological conditions that don’t respond to other treatments, including ADHD, PTSD, anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia pain management, Tourette Syndrome/Tic Disorders symptoms as well as migraine headaches caused by chemotherapy treatment. Neurofeedback has proven highly successful at improving these symptoms including ADHD, PTSD anxiety disorders fibromyalgia pain relief tinnitus Tourette’s Tic Disorder migraine headaches post chemotherapy symptoms

Neurofeedback offers individuals suffering from anxiety a way to learn how to control their brainwaves, increasing focus and concentration while decreasing negative physical and emotional effects such as fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, nausea, insomnia and headaches.

Neurofeedback therapy can be extremely helpful for individuals suffering from PTSD to better understand the triggers that set off their symptoms and create an effective coping strategy. Neurofeedback also addresses root causes of their anxiety and depression so they can learn how to avoid future relapses.

Neurofeedback is an evidence-based and drug-free treatment option, proven to produce long-term positive changes for children and adults alike. If you are wondering if it might be suitable for you, reaching out to a practitioner who specializes in neurofeedback will be the first step towards discovering whether it could work. They will perform an assessment as well as get a quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) completed to read your brainwaves; from there they can develop a customized training protocol and work together toward reaching your goals

Neurofeedback may be covered by insurance for certain conditions that have significant scientific research to back its efficacy, such as ADHD and PTSD. Clinics or hospitals typically offer it more economically since these larger medical institutions often accept multiple insurance plans; HSA accounts may also be used to pay for sessions. Neurofeedback sessions often combine with talk therapy from an authorized provider – cognitive behavioural therapy is often an effective complement therapy option that works well when combined with neurofeedback as part of an holistic approach to improving well-being.

February 8, 2024|Editor

EMYoga – Supercharge Your Yoga Practice With Ancient Energy Medicine Techniques

Anyone seeking to supercharge their yoga practice, boost immunity and gain more energy should try EMYoga. It combines classic yoga postures with ancient traditional healing modalities like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping and self-massage for maximum effectiveness.

Walker notes that even something as simple as thumping one’s chest like Tarzan can help shift energy forward and help to alleviate trauma or prevent illness. This could help both heal trauma and avoid illness.

What is EMYoga?

Your body is an energy portal, and yoga practice is your gateway into it. By supercharging your energy system with simple yoga routines and ancient healing modalities like EMYoga – an exclusive blend of energy practices designed to strengthen yogic practices – you can tap into its healing properties. Meridian points, self-massage techniques, breathing exercises with relaxation holds for stress regulation and strengthening immunity can all be combined into one comprehensive practice practiced throughout EMYoga practice sessions.

Lauren Walker and Donna Eden developed EMYoga together and it has helped many individuals relieve chronic pain, illness, anxiety and depression as well as heal deep-seeded trauma. Lauren offers classes across the U.S. and internationally. Additionally, she writes extensively and her works have been featured in The New York Times, Jerusalem Post and Yoga Journal.

Tami Simon: EMYoga is the combination of yoga and energy healing techniques, proven to have beneficial results against migraines. Lauren Walker, creator of EMYoga joins us today to share her expertise in this unique approach to healthcare.

Lauren, thank you so much for being here today. Lauren Walker: Thanks, Tami. My introduction to Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga) began at Norwich University – America’s oldest private military college – where it taught yoga combined with energy medicine practices that could dramatically impact student lives and well being.

Shortly, students learn energy-boosting techniques such as the “crossing,” a gorilla-like chest pound, and the tapping of thumb and forefinger on the center of their forehead to activate kidney meridian points, increasing vital life force energy–prana in yoga or chi in acupuncture–for their EMYoga practice. By activating kidney meridians end points and activating vital life force energy (prana or chi), students can energize their energies to enhance practice and make the most out of life itself!

EMYoga Basics

At the core of EMYoga lies its belief that everything we experience, think and feel is energy; when our energies are healthy we gain access to an internal healing intelligence which supports us through life and helps us thrive. Traditional yoga postures are combined with energy medicine techniques in EMYoga that enable us to communicate with the body through its unique language of energy and activate its inherent healing potential.

Walker developed her technique utilizing ancient knowledge gleaned from Tantra Yoga’s nadis, chakras, and meridians as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, with energy practices developed by Donna Eden among others. Walker believes it’s vital to shift longstanding patterns in our underlying energy that affect bodies, minds and spirits as this can contribute to issues from chronic illnesses like heart disease or diabetes to depression.

EMYoga is a series of sequences that integrates yoga poses and breathwork with elements from nature such as fire, water, earth, air and space to bring balance and harmony to our bodies. Anyone from beginners to longtime yoga practitioners can engage in these exercises for optimal wellbeing. Each exercise can be undertaken easily – you don’t need prior yoga experience either! This practice doesn’t require strain but does require active concentration.

Doing this work creates a physical change that allows for increased energy flow and alignment with our true nature, helping to restore balance and unlock our fullest potential.

Are You Curious About Energy Medicine Yoga? YJ has just introduced an eight-week training with world-renowned energy healer Donna Eden of Eden Energy Medicine and Lauren Walker of EMYoga. This online course shifts longstanding patterns in your underlying energy, which in turn impacts all areas of your life and wellbeing. Each week includes short lectures as well as video-based EMYoga sessions to activate your own healing power for greater wellness, balance and vitality – sign up now to discover more!

EMYoga for Stress

Stress is an ever-present condition in our modern world. It manifests as feelings of weight in the body, tightness in the chest and rapid heart rate. One effective method for combatting and managing this form of distress is yoga practice – one method being the combination of yoga with energy healing known as EMYoga which offers us deep connections to our bodies that helps calm minds, improve sleep quality and balance emotions.

EMYoga is a holistic system that integrates breathwork, meditation, movement, stretching and visualization exercises into its routine. Additionally, EFT tapping and journaling may also be part of its practice; overall it offers a holistic solution for living an enjoyable and healthy lifestyle – from diet to beliefs that shape life – with one key takeaway being self-love; something which may otherwise be hard to cultivate in our busy lives.

This book’s EMYoga practices will enable you to release past traumas, clear difficult emotions, and build resilience. Each chapter’s eight transformational techniques aim to change long-standing patterns in your underlying energy that affect the entirety of your being – helping you identify which parts you wish to keep while discarding those no longer serving you so you can reimagine life for greater joy and ease.

Lauren Walker has combined ancient yoga traditions with modern understandings and techniques from energy medicine to create an holistic system that will teach you to harness your own energies for greater balance and health. Unlike medications, her natural remedy does not produce adverse side effects and will bring greater harmony into your life.

EMYoga for Trauma

Yoga can be an invaluable asset in the fight against trauma, helping individuals escape what is known as the “trauma field,” an energetic field which attracts chaos and heartache to certain individuals, sometimes manifesting into chronic illness or disease over time.

Yoga’s soothing practices can provide trauma survivors with much-needed calming and grounding effects to restore balance to their autonomic nervous systems after having been overwhelmed by fight-or-flight reactions to traumatic events. Achieving this equilibrium allows trauma survivors to engage in psychotherapy or other healing practices which help integrate memories of trauma more fully into their bodies where they can be processed more effectively.

EMYoga provides an all-around approach to healing, using breathwork, tapping energy points to create neural repatterning, gratitude practices, and gentle poses that align with the energies of the subtle body. Unlike regular hatha yoga which often requires physical flexibility and balance to practice successfully, EMYoga can be done by anyone of any ability without strain or injury – providing relief from sleep disorders, PTSD/C-PTSD anxiety depression substance abuse gastrointestinal issues chronic pain etc.

EMYoga strives to offer trauma survivors tools that are accessible and empowering, such as helping PTSD/C-PTSD victims regain some control of their lives, gain compassion for themselves and others, and find ways to feel more alive with life again.

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but untreated it can become trauma. Traumatic events cause our fluid energies to disorient themselves and may eventually lead to illness if left unresolved. Luckily, studies now demonstrate how trauma-informed yoga can relieve both everyday stress and major trauma symptoms.

Scientists found in one study that yoga helped significantly reduce PTSD symptoms among half the women they studied while medications and talk therapy only improved symptoms in 30%. It’s time for mainstream healthcare systems to recognize yoga’s effectiveness at treating trauma.

February 8, 2024|Editor

Genomic Medicine Centres Wave 2

Genomic medicine promises have led healthcare systems to develop innovative new strategies, often in partnership with private firms such as General Electric or NHS Genomic Medicine Service. But these initiatives often include for-profit collaborations.

This article investigates how these strategies impact existing relationships, regulations and solidarity within public healthcare systems. Using the social contract as an analytical lens to explore and (re-)define balances between individual rights and collective duties.

Linked Lives

The UK’s world-leading genomics research and innovation can transform health and care services, with tangible advantages for patients. The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), part of DHSC, leads the prevention initiatives within DHSC; working closely with UK National Screening Committee OLS Genomics England as well as our genomics delivery partners, to make sure the latest science is applied as swiftly as possible in improving preventive healthcare services.

This program will equip you with knowledge and skills about the foundations, techniques, and technologies of genomic medicine. Additionally, you will gain a range of tools for analysing genomic data in order to improve patient care outcomes and care delivery.

This MSc in Genomic Medicine will offer students an exciting immersion into genetic and genomic applications for medical care, with lectures, seminars, workshops on relevant genomic topics as well as practical wet lab sessions and computational learning opportunities delivered by academic and clinical experts from Oxford.

Based on lifecourse theory, the ‘Linked Lives’ lens demonstrates how genomic testing and results (or their prospect of) can alter, reshape or produce unexpected lifecourse turns. William and Maggie’s story highlights this effect; its reach may extend even to future grandchildren! Nicola’s early thoughts regarding family formation illustrate just how her genomic test may impact generations beyond her immediate family.

One of the primary focuses of NHS GMS is expanding access to WGS for people living with rare and complex conditions, particularly rare and complex ones. Their recent announcement that 20 additional clinical indications can now be tested through this service demonstrates progress being made toward meeting this commitment.

The national sequencing infrastructure – including Genomics England Biobank’s sequencing of 500,000 participants’ genomes, and NHS Genomics Laboratory Service’s genomic sequencing laboratory service – will continue to expand to ensure more people can benefit from this transformative technology. Together with digital pathology imaging AI developments, these expansions will further speed and accuracy diagnosis while simultaneously increasing researchers’ ability to use genomic and multi-modal imaging data in research to understand disease mechanisms, identify targets for new therapies and predict patient responses (Genome UK commitments 2, 3, 4 and 8).

Re-imagining ‘the patient’

Genomic discoveries are unfolding at an unprecedented pace, producing vast amounts of data which promises to revolutionize healthcare across all settings and sectors. With multifactorial diseases now becoming more commonplace, our greater understanding of interactions between genomic and nongenomic factors will pave the way for novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for common multifactoriality conditions.

Reimagining patienthood will be essential in realizing this shift. Traditionally, patients were seen as autonomous decision makers; this model can become inadequate when applied to fields like genomic medicine where genetic testing results have an impactful ripple effect across families as well. Professional guidance has increasingly stressed the significance of considering family members when engaging with genetic testing.

However, the challenge remains of communicating the findings to individuals. Our current system relies on written material, one-on-one face-to-face conversations and support groups for individuals to receive their results and understand what they mean for them – activities which may be time consuming, stressful and challenging to navigate.

As such, it is crucial that genomic information can be tailored specifically to individuals, with appropriate means for supporting them through their journey. General practitioners (GPs) play a pivotal role in this regard, as they serve as the main point of access for many.

Genome delivery into primary care continues to expand quickly. Genome plc, a genomics provider for UK Biobank and Our Future Health programs, recently conducted a trial called HEART that introduced genetic risk tools into routine cardiovascular disease (CVD) health checks performed in primary care involving over 800 participants. GPs reported finding this new approach easy to incorporate into practice and reported their patients greatly appreciated having this additional information at their fingertips.

NHS England is making progress toward making genomics more accessible to patients. Their genomic tests directory is being revised to expand eligibility, while NHS Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) is piloting cutting-edge sequencing technology such as long-read WGS to speed diagnosis of cancer patients and liquid biopsy (ctDNA) technology to integrate clinical pathology imaging with ctDNA in clinic settings.

The role of ethics in genomic medicine

Genomics poses ethical difficulties in clinical practice due to the vast amounts of data involved that must be shared among multiple patients and linked together. This requires us to review how ethical principles such as informed consent, non-maleficence and beneficence apply in this new context.

Genomic medicine also highlights the importance of reconsidering how individuals are conceptualised as patients. Traditionally, this role has been defined as someone with autonomy and independence – however fields like genomic medicine reveal its inadequacy due to many participants being affected by genetic information passed down through family lines; hence expanding this notion of “the patient” further (Dove et al. 2019; Gilbar and Barnoy 2018).

Genomic medicine requires a vast database of patient records. This raises concerns over who owns this information and whether it will be shared with commercial companies for profit-making purposes; many citizens have voiced their displeasure over such actions by companies with whom their data may be shared. According to surveys conducted, people are concerned about this use.

Engaging the public about genomic medicine’s implications will be essential, while making sure this engagement meets their concerns effectively. Both GE and PFMG have shown great enthusiasm in doing just this, with PFMG even creating an ethics advisory board as part of this initiative.

Both national strategies highlight the significance of compensating those who experience harm as a result of participating in genomic research, since harm may not always be immediately noticeable and could even have lasting adverse health impacts.

To better comprehend these complex issues, we conducted a qualitative longitudinal study that explored people involved in genomic medicine. We traveled along with participants as they navigated various stages of their genomic journey – from querying whether heritable diseases exist through to making decisions for and/or with relatives and receiving (certain or uncertain) results before living with them.


As we look ahead, genomic medicine promises to revolutionise healthcare. It has already fundamentally altered our understanding of many conditions’ biological underpinnings and caused an exponential surge in new diagnostic tests, therapeutics and interventions being developed.

As a system, it is imperative that we don’t fall behind in harnessing genomics’ benefits. The NHS is well placed to lead in genomics development and will gain from being at the forefront. However, it will require substantial investment of time and resources in order to fully integrate genomics within NHS healthcare services.

One of HEE’s first tasks is to develop a workforce equipped with the knowledge and skills to drive genetic medicine forward. In response, HEE has initiated the launch of an MSc in Genomic Medicine at Oxford, designed to educate students from diverse academic and workplace backgrounds on genomic science foundations, principles, technologies, applications and applications (Genome UK commitment 38). Students taking this course will acquire essential tools needed to use genomics for human health benefits (Genome UK commitment 38).

HEE is actively working to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice through monthly blogs exploring implications of genomic findings for healthcare, as well as by scanning horizons for any developments which might impact clinical practice. As a result of these efforts, these efforts are helping shape genomic education programs such as the expansion of Master’s in Genomic Medicine as well as new training frameworks (Genome UK Commitments 35 and 34).

Another area is patient engagement. UK Biobank, for instance, is expanding its public participation activities in order to effectively communicate with the 500,000 participants enrolled in its non-invasive prenatal testing programme for Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome and Patau syndrome. They are exploring how best to integrate genomic data from these patients within the National Screening Programme (Genome UK commitment 17/18) while UKRI-MRC is working closely with delivery partners on creating an innovative functional genomics offer.

February 8, 2024|Editor

The Immortal Jellyfish Can Reverse Aging

One creature may have discovered the secret to delaying aging; Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish is known as an immortal jellyfish as its form regularly changes back into that of its juvenile form.

Scientists enumerated T. dohrnii’s genome to understand its genetic makeup. When compared with Turritopsis rubra’s crimson jellyfish genetic cousin, T. dohrnii had some unique variations in its genes which allowed for better DNA copying and protection from decay, according to research results.

The Immortal Jellyfish

Most jellyfish spend their lives drifting around the oceans and recycling their matter back into our global oceans’ vast nutrient bank. But when faced with predators, starvation or physical assault from predatory organisms, or physical assault by other jellyfish – even larger creatures – a solitary adult jellyfish (medusa) has an incredible trick up its sleeve: It can revert back into an immature polyp stage and restart life from scratch; hence its name “immortal jellyfish”. Scientists have unlocked this remarkable creature’s remarkable ability to reverse aging – unwitness aging by hacking its own cell cycle!

Scientists from Spain’s University of Oviedo studied how an immortal jellyfish regenerates itself by sequencing its genome – its complete set of genetic instructions — and comparing it with that of its mortal relative (“Turritopsis rubra”). They discovered that T. dohrnii has twice as many copies of genes associated with DNA repair and protection, which allowed it to produce more restorative proteins; additionally, its unique mutations stunted cell division while protecting telomeres (the protective caps on ends of chromosomes) from further degradation.

While other cnidarians may regenerative themselves, only immortal jellyfish have been shown to do it repeatedly postsexual reproduction. To accomplish this feat, their medusa reduces itself into an extremely tiny clump of tissue before turning back into polyps and beginning their lives as adults again – something similar to how butterflies turn back into caterpillars or amphibians back into tadpoles!

The immortal jellyfish accomplishes this by altering its cells’ normal function, changing from medusa cells that require medusa extracting specialized medusa extractors into polyp cells that reproduce asexually, much like stem cells can transform into various cell types to heal damaged tissues. Transdifferentiation allows an immortal jellyfish to return to a medusa form through repeated cell differentiation, changing back from polyp cells into medusa cells – eventually becoming bigger each time as its transdifferentiation cycle repeats itself. Scientists behind this study believe that understanding how an immortal jellyfish regenerates could eventually provide insights into ways of curing human aging and other illnesses – but warn their research does not have immediate commercial value.

Scientists Unlock the Secrets

Scientists have successfully cracked the genetic code of an irreversibly juvenile jellyfish species known as an immortal jellyfish – one with the ability to turn back time even after sexual reproduction! Their remarkable abilities earned this rare ability its moniker “immortal jellyfish”, while scientists hope decoding its secrets may provide valuable insight into human aging processes.

At the University of Oviedo in Spain, researchers led by Maria Pascual-Torner and Victor Quesada examined the genome of an immortal jellyfish called Turritopsis dohrnii with that of its close relatives that do not possess this extraordinary capability. What they discovered is that T. dohrnii has variations in its genes which may make it better at copying DNA, repairing damaged chromosomes, maintaining telomere length – something many animals experience as they age – contributing significantly to human aging as telomere length decreases with age in most animals, humans included; therefore contributing significantly to human aging as a contributory factor of our ageing.

Jellyfish have long been prized as food and medical products. Their venom, which contains numerous natural compounds with medical uses, has long been utilized in drug production to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, its peptides may even have potential to prevent Alzheimer’s by blocking an enzyme responsible for breaking down brain cells.

As for food, millions of people worldwide enjoy jellyfish as part of a balanced diet in restaurants and markets around the world. While jellyfish stingers may cause injury, these sea squirters contain virtually no calories and high levels of protein; in fact, one 75 gram serving has only 36 Calories and four Grams of Protein making it a fantastic alternative to meat or fish dishes.

Manufacturers seeking to expand the market for jellyfish must work toward normalizing its consumption among Western consumers, which may prove challenging given widespread distaste for eating insects and which has prevented significant headway in creating a viable commercial market for this marine food product. Meanwhile, researchers are cultivating jellyfish specifically for human consumption but this will take years before being ready for commercialization due to extensive safety testing requirements and strict regulations.

The Jellyfish’s Secrets to Longevity

As people strive to become immortal, a jellyfish has made headlines for its remarkable ability to defy death and even reverse aging, according to Science Alert. Its remarkable feat earned this marine creature the moniker “Benjamin Button jellyfish.” Turritopsis dohrnii is one of few organisms capable of fully regenerating itself after sexual reproduction allowing it to return back into polyp form before reproducing again, significantly contributing to its longevity as well as providing valuable clues for human anti-ageing research.

Jellyfish lack brains, hearts, or bones – yet they still manage to defy time’s effects through an unusual biological process called transdifferentiation. Simply put, transdifferentiation means their cells can change their internal structures to any type of cell found throughout their bodies – meaning a jellyfish may return to its younger polyp state after experiencing stressors such as shark attacks or sudden drops in water temperature.

Scientists sought to gain more insight into this phenomenon by analyzing T. dohrnii’s genetic code to gain a better understanding of its ability to stay youthful. Maria Pascual Torner from Oviedo University in Spain led an examination that compared its genome with that of its close cousin (Turritopsis rubra). Their team discovered that T. dohrnii’s variations seemed better at copying DNA and maintaining the ends of chromosomes called telomeres which shorten as it gets older.

They discovered that unlike other jellyfish species, T. dohrnii contained two sets of gene instructions dedicated to regeneration, making the medusae much healthier than before. When researchers silenced those genes responsible, T. dohrnii’s gene set contained twice as many instructions devoted to protecting DNA and telomeres than its mortal cousin’s did – leading them to their conclusion: that T. dohrnii had twice as many instructions to preserve telomeres than its mortal cousin counterpart did!

Research published in Plos ONE could lead to new anti-aging drugs or methods of prolonging life, but its impact remains to be fully understood. Monty Graham, professor of marine biology at University of Florida who was not involved in this study but is familiar with it, told Reuters that while these findings may be intriguing they do not hold commercial value.

The Jellyfish’s Secrets to Reversing Aging

Scientists have recently discovered an amazing jellyfish species capable of reversing the effects of aging, returning back into its younger state before maturing again. This “immortal” creature may hold key insights for unlocking human anti-ageing strategies.

Turritopsis dohrnii’s immortal jellyfish may not exactly live up to their reputation of defying mortality; but they come close. Through a process known as transdifferentiation, when injured they undergo transformation that allows them to transform back into plant-like polyps that form onto the sea floor and eventually grow into adult medusae and reproduce sexually; giving these animal another lifecycle in effect cloning them!

Understanding how T. dohrnii uses evolutionary tricks has long been a source of fascination, yet finding out exactly why has proven difficult. To do so, scientists sequenced its genome and compared it with one from an closely related species without this ability; their findings, published in 2022 by PNAS, revealed that the latter contained twice as many genes associated with DNA repair and protection, along with mutations preventing its telomeres–the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes–from shortening over time.

T. dohrnii scientists made perhaps their greatest discovery yet when they identified that T. dohrnii represses PRC2 gene which triggers cellular senescence; the process in which cells stop dividing after reaching full size and stop replicating. Repressing PRC2 could be key to immortality; furthermore, its discovery could shed light on how other species–including humans–rejuvenate themselves over time.

Next steps in T. dohrnii rejuvenation research involve testing whether T. dohrnii’s PRC2 gene can be used to reprogram adult cells into stem cell-like states for rejuvenation processes like transdifferentiation. If successful, that could pave the way towards reversing human aging and treating diseases associated with it such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. But before we get too optimistic, let us be realistic: this is only an initial step; researchers must first find other means of repressing PRC2 before beginning testing on people.

February 8, 2024|Editor

Useful Tips About Finishing Your Sleeplessness For Good

default img contentomatic - 1 Useful Tips About Finishing Your Sleeplessness For Good

An effective sleep at night can be something we take for granted most evenings. This is the one particular evening when you can’t rest that you realize that sleeping disorders is definitely a demon in your life. When 1 evening turns into two, after which into about three, worry can set in. Chill out, go through the following and start to get your daily life again.

If insomnia is retaining you up, try out taking pleasure in a cup of fennel or chamomile green tea. There are actually yourself calming over this cozy, soothing beverage. Holistic tea can assist you de-stress and sleeping.

You will need more exercise if you find that sleeping disorders is a problem. This stabilizes you metabolic process allows you to sleep less difficult. Hormones have a lot to do with triggering sleeplessness, so make sure to use exercising to help you rest far more.

A great glass of hot dairy will help put you to get to sleep. The very next time you are having trouble going to sleep, proceed to the home as well as heat up a glass of milk products. This assists lots of people drift off to sleep each night. So instead of tossing and turning for a long time, you need to take 10-20 minutes to obtain up and consume some warm milk products and you will go to sleep earlier.

The worries of everyday routines can be quite a main reason behind insomnia. Take some time prior to getting into bed furniture to discharge the concerns and nerve-racking feelings through the day. Training deep breathing exercises, very clear your thoughts, and make up a set of things you can do the next day to release all concerns from the imagination.

Wake concurrently regularly every single day. Which may appear to be peculiar in order to sleep at night in every time you’re capable of catch a little bit of sleep, but if you can grab yourself utilize a standard waking timetable, you’ll preserve up all that sleepiness and it will be easier to go to rest during the night time.

To assist the body loosen up, try having a hot bath at least a couple of hours before going to sleep. Some individuals locate a bath tub too revitalizing if considered in close proximity to bath time, which is why 2 hours ahead of time may be beneficial. Consider incorporating some Epsom salts for the h2o that will help you de-stress.

Most individuals who have possibly experienced insomnia will show you which it moves in hand with pressure. However not all the anxiety relievers are very same in relation to an excellent night’s rest. Make sure to stay away from tobacco cigarettes, regardless of whether they assist you unwind. Tobacco can keep you up, only returning into frustration once again hence a vicious cycle commences.

Your bedroom ought to be an environment that is designed for soothing sleep at night. It must be darkish, peaceful and comfortable. Keep it at a heat that is certainly not very frosty or as well very hot. Whenever you combine each one of these stuff jointly, your bed room could be the ideal atmosphere to fall asleep in and you will definitely not have issues sleeping.

If you want to get to sleep simpler, it is best to go to mattress when you find yourself experiencing specifically sleepy. Seeking to force yourself to sleep at a predetermined time is just not going to support. Because you are not tired at this time, you will simply find yourself laying there restlessly.

Don’t get also worked well up about getting insomnia. If you find yourself lying in your bed again unable to sleep at night, it’s an easy task to start getting disappointed and impatient. However, that conduct is just not going to assist usher in rest. Try to recognize that for many, sleep problems might be fixed to many diploma.

Utilizing a air purifier may often help those that have respiration troubles. It would remove the air of the majority of contaminants and dust mites that will make an effort you. As an additional benefit, additionally, it allows the areas a thoroughly clean, refreshing smell. Many of them are extremely tranquil or produce a reduced calming disturbance that is certainly like white noise.

In research, it has been concluded that those that alter their sheets on a each week time frame get yourself a greater night’s rest than others who don’t. Your sheets should be made out of an appropriate fabric like cotton and employ detergent with a preferred fragrance. Ensure the aroma you like is really equipped to help you sleep.

In the event you can’t sleep, you shouldn’t lay down around. Give yourself a establish schedule when you are made it possible for to be in mattress. For example, check out your bed at 10pm and attempt to fall asleep. If you are continue to up at 10: 30pm, rise up and browse a guide. Go back to mattress at 11pm and check out once again. Perform repeatedly till your establish get out of bed time, 6am, after which repeat the process the following night.

Tryptophan may be the substance which makes you are feeling drowsy after eating poultry at Thanksgiving holiday, but it can also work at bedtime. Appreciate some turkey, tuna or cottage type cheese to obtain the same outcomes before mattress. Consume your snack food at least 2 hours before sleeping for the very best outcomes.

To rest nicely, you need to sleep easily. Purchase a great list of linens, an exceptional mattress and a trustworthy pillow. When your physique can become completely comfy although simply being backed entirely, you will recognize that there is nothing nagging at you, similar to a as well-limited waistband on your own pajama bottoms.

Many people discover that soothing, quiet audio will help them to fall asleep. Very first, it provides the mind some thing to concentrate on which isn’t nagging and it is rather relaxing. Next, it covers up history sounds which could disturb you, leading you to grow to be stimulated and be unable to drift off to sleep.

Should you be not exhausted when bed time methods, steer clear of consuming sleep aids. All they will do is build a momentary fix for the sleeping disorders, and so they can cause intellectual impairments. It is actually a far better idea to see a doctor and street address the situation in order to go to a lasting repair.

Now you know every one of these efficient ways to help you sleeping through the night, so don’t sense frightened about planning to your bed any more! The time is directly to take on this demon, so start using these ideas these days. When you can change your rest for your far better, only positive things can come the right path.