Scio Device – Stress Detection and Stress Reduction
The Scio Device is a state-of-the-art evoked potential biofeedback system designed to detect and reduce stress. The system scans the body for reactions to chemicals, foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals; results are then stored subspace mode for easy review.
This scanner can identify energetic imbalances that lead to stress and illness, including nutritional deficiencies, toxins, emotional strains, food sensitivities and digestive issues.
The SCIO biofeedback system utilizes a device that sends subtle electromagnetic signals directly into your body, which detects imbalances or blockages that might be contributing to stress and helps restore equilibrium in your system. It may be combined with other healing modalities like acupuncture, massage therapy or nutrition therapy for maximum effect.
Biofeedback systems can identify issues below the level of conscious awareness, including mental and emotional stresses, nutritional suggestions, food sensitivities and elimination needs. They can also help reduce stress – the source of most health issues – which can cause over 80% of them. It’s best to work with a trained practitioner who can assess these readings and find an optimal treatment option.
When someone sits down for a session with SCIO, this device communicates with their individual quantum energy fields to scan their body in much the same way a virus scan does on a computer. This information may reveal anything from viruses, weaknesses and allergies to nutritional deficiencies, imbalances and food sensitivities – it even detects toxins that need correcting using vibrational frequencies!
Meridian channels in the body contain high energy points known as meridians, leading to each major organ and can help identify where there are energetic blockages. Meridians may become blocked due to emotional, environmental or physical stress and this has serious ramifications on an individual’s overall health.
QXCI/SCIO can access frequencies to address these blockages. These frequencies come from energetic modalities like acupuncture, herbal remedies, homeopathy, flower essences, nutrition, chiropractic kinesiology and medical naturopathy and produce results more tailored specifically to an individual than conventional tests can. SCIO sessions help identify root causes of these issues and release them so that natural self-healing processes may take over and lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle; complementary holistic approaches should also include changes to diet and lifestyle habits for maximum impactful success!
The SCIO system collects bio-energetic data from your body using 55 parameters simultaneously and detects stressors more deeply than most energy testing devices. Its sensitive sensors can pick up subtle reactions of your body to biological, chemical and medical items transmitted electromagnetically; as well as identify common sources of imbalance and provide programs to restore energetic balance to your system.
This device uses a computer to scan an individual’s entire body for electromagnetic frequencies and compare them with a database of allergens, chemicals and pollutants that could potentially be harming their health. Furthermore, the SCIO prioritizes those areas that need balancing before transmitting therapies designed to correct those imbalances.
Therapies provided by SCIO include acupressure and electrical muscle stimulation. Additionally, this device can even locate acupressure points without using needles – making this an invaluable asset for athletes or others who fear needle acupuncture treatment.
While still relatively new, this technology has already been adopted by numerous health professionals and seen positive results with its application to patients recovering from injuries. Furthermore, it helps prevent illness in children and animals while improving overall health – making it a safe alternative to pharmaceutical medications.
This system is intended for stress reduction and includes muscle re-education, electromyography biofeedback, MENS (microcurrent transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), inflammation reduction and speedy healing processes. Additionally, it may be combined with other therapies, including acupuncture, cranial sacral manipulation, Rife machine and polarity therapy for maximum benefit.
The system can also measure and balance your body’s reaction to food, supplements and chemicals; identify imbalances due to physical, emotional or spiritual causes; redress negative vibrations which create destructive wave patterns within your body by adding or reversing frequencies to counteract negative vibrations; as well as provide services for emotional support for clients with emotional needs.
Muscular re-education
Muscular Re-Education (MR) is a technique designed to retrain muscles to perform energy efficient movements again, which may be particularly effective in treating sprains, whiplash injuries and other musculoskeletal issues. MR works by restoring nerve signals between muscles and the brain necessary for optimal function – helping reduce pain while increasing range of motion for clients of all ages. It is non-invasive therapy with many potential benefits for all age groups.
The SCIO device is a biofeedback machine designed to detect stressors in the body. Using GSR (galvanic skin response) technology, this biofeedback machine measures an individual’s electrical reactions in response to certain stimuli; then gives feedback. Voltage, amperage and resistance measurements can be taken through electrodes that wrap around ankles, wrists or foreheads before being displayed on a computer screen for review by practitioners who can then help clients learn how to better control their physiological reactivity resulting in improved health and wellbeing.
This incredible advanced system can both diagnose and treat at the same time! Utilizing over 11000 test frequencies, it scans the body in just three minutes to compare to normal human norm. In doing so, 60 million bits of data can be processed to find reactive patterns.
Once the SCIO has identified reactive patterns, it can use several programs to address imbalances. These may include clearing emotional blocks, eliminating parasites, repairing damaged tissue and balancing meridian systems as well as reducing inflammation and healing wounds, increasing muscle strength, eliminating oxidation stress and strengthening immunity systems among others.
The SCIO device can also identify areas of stress within the body, and sends out correction signals to relieve these areas. It is an amazing tool that anyone can use to improve their health and well being, particularly those living with chronic diseases, autoimmune conditions or any condition requiring holistic approaches such as injury. In addition, athletes can use it to increase performance while avoiding injury. For more information about how the SCIO can benefit your body book an appointment today!
Scio devices use small electric impulses to stimulate weak or paralyzed muscles. It can also increase range of motion and alleviate pain. This form of therapy, known as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or functional electrical stimulation (FES), keeps weakened muscles active and prevents atrophy; and may be helpful post-surgery or illness to retrain them back into full working condition.
Understanding an EMS device’s inner workings and how best to utilize it are paramount in getting optimal results from its use. Doing this will enable the clinician to customize it for each of their client’s individual needs while reducing discomfort. There are various settings that can be modified, including amplitude, pulse width and electrode placement – it would be wise for clinicians to experiment with each parameter on healthy muscle before using on patients as this will provide them with insight into how the machine functions as well as what their patient may feel with each adjustment made.
Pulse width refers to the amount of time between electrical stimulation pulses. It is generally pre-set on most devices but can sometimes be modified to meet individual treatment requirements. A shorter pulse width can facilitate more effective muscle contraction while longer pulses may cause discomfort for patients receiving treatment in specific areas. It is wise to select an appropriate pulse width according to your treatment area needs.
Amplitude refers to the strength of electrical stimulation delivered, which can be adjusted on most EMS devices. It should be balanced against pulse width; too high an amplitude will result in greater muscle contraction but be uncomfortable for patients. Therefore, practicing using one at home or with colleagues before you start treating clients will enable you to learn how different dial settings impact amplitude of muscle contraction and how treatments feel overall.
The SCIO device utilizes a biofeedback system that uses autofocus on your body’s electrical requirements and then adjusts therapy as necessary during each session. Based on research that suggests stress disrupts electromagnetic frequencies that your cells resonate to, by correcting these frequencies this device can help manage stress more effectively as well as any illnesses it might bring with it.