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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 12, 2024|Editorial

Scio Device – Stress Detection and Stress Reduction

The Scio Device is a state-of-the-art evoked potential biofeedback system designed to detect and reduce stress. The system scans the body for reactions to chemicals, foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals; results are then stored subspace mode for easy review.

This scanner can identify energetic imbalances that lead to stress and illness, including nutritional deficiencies, toxins, emotional strains, food sensitivities and digestive issues.


The SCIO biofeedback system utilizes a device that sends subtle electromagnetic signals directly into your body, which detects imbalances or blockages that might be contributing to stress and helps restore equilibrium in your system. It may be combined with other healing modalities like acupuncture, massage therapy or nutrition therapy for maximum effect.

Biofeedback systems can identify issues below the level of conscious awareness, including mental and emotional stresses, nutritional suggestions, food sensitivities and elimination needs. They can also help reduce stress – the source of most health issues – which can cause over 80% of them. It’s best to work with a trained practitioner who can assess these readings and find an optimal treatment option.

When someone sits down for a session with SCIO, this device communicates with their individual quantum energy fields to scan their body in much the same way a virus scan does on a computer. This information may reveal anything from viruses, weaknesses and allergies to nutritional deficiencies, imbalances and food sensitivities – it even detects toxins that need correcting using vibrational frequencies!

Meridian channels in the body contain high energy points known as meridians, leading to each major organ and can help identify where there are energetic blockages. Meridians may become blocked due to emotional, environmental or physical stress and this has serious ramifications on an individual’s overall health.


QXCI/SCIO can access frequencies to address these blockages. These frequencies come from energetic modalities like acupuncture, herbal remedies, homeopathy, flower essences, nutrition, chiropractic kinesiology and medical naturopathy and produce results more tailored specifically to an individual than conventional tests can. SCIO sessions help identify root causes of these issues and release them so that natural self-healing processes may take over and lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle; complementary holistic approaches should also include changes to diet and lifestyle habits for maximum impactful success!


The SCIO system collects bio-energetic data from your body using 55 parameters simultaneously and detects stressors more deeply than most energy testing devices. Its sensitive sensors can pick up subtle reactions of your body to biological, chemical and medical items transmitted electromagnetically; as well as identify common sources of imbalance and provide programs to restore energetic balance to your system.

This device uses a computer to scan an individual’s entire body for electromagnetic frequencies and compare them with a database of allergens, chemicals and pollutants that could potentially be harming their health. Furthermore, the SCIO prioritizes those areas that need balancing before transmitting therapies designed to correct those imbalances.

Therapies provided by SCIO include acupressure and electrical muscle stimulation. Additionally, this device can even locate acupressure points without using needles – making this an invaluable asset for athletes or others who fear needle acupuncture treatment.

While still relatively new, this technology has already been adopted by numerous health professionals and seen positive results with its application to patients recovering from injuries. Furthermore, it helps prevent illness in children and animals while improving overall health – making it a safe alternative to pharmaceutical medications.

This system is intended for stress reduction and includes muscle re-education, electromyography biofeedback, MENS (microcurrent transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), inflammation reduction and speedy healing processes. Additionally, it may be combined with other therapies, including acupuncture, cranial sacral manipulation, Rife machine and polarity therapy for maximum benefit.


The system can also measure and balance your body’s reaction to food, supplements and chemicals; identify imbalances due to physical, emotional or spiritual causes; redress negative vibrations which create destructive wave patterns within your body by adding or reversing frequencies to counteract negative vibrations; as well as provide services for emotional support for clients with emotional needs.

Muscular re-education

Muscular Re-Education (MR) is a technique designed to retrain muscles to perform energy efficient movements again, which may be particularly effective in treating sprains, whiplash injuries and other musculoskeletal issues. MR works by restoring nerve signals between muscles and the brain necessary for optimal function – helping reduce pain while increasing range of motion for clients of all ages. It is non-invasive therapy with many potential benefits for all age groups.

The SCIO device is a biofeedback machine designed to detect stressors in the body. Using GSR (galvanic skin response) technology, this biofeedback machine measures an individual’s electrical reactions in response to certain stimuli; then gives feedback. Voltage, amperage and resistance measurements can be taken through electrodes that wrap around ankles, wrists or foreheads before being displayed on a computer screen for review by practitioners who can then help clients learn how to better control their physiological reactivity resulting in improved health and wellbeing.

This incredible advanced system can both diagnose and treat at the same time! Utilizing over 11000 test frequencies, it scans the body in just three minutes to compare to normal human norm. In doing so, 60 million bits of data can be processed to find reactive patterns.

Once the SCIO has identified reactive patterns, it can use several programs to address imbalances. These may include clearing emotional blocks, eliminating parasites, repairing damaged tissue and balancing meridian systems as well as reducing inflammation and healing wounds, increasing muscle strength, eliminating oxidation stress and strengthening immunity systems among others.

The SCIO device can also identify areas of stress within the body, and sends out correction signals to relieve these areas. It is an amazing tool that anyone can use to improve their health and well being, particularly those living with chronic diseases, autoimmune conditions or any condition requiring holistic approaches such as injury. In addition, athletes can use it to increase performance while avoiding injury. For more information about how the SCIO can benefit your body book an appointment today!


Scio devices use small electric impulses to stimulate weak or paralyzed muscles. It can also increase range of motion and alleviate pain. This form of therapy, known as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) or functional electrical stimulation (FES), keeps weakened muscles active and prevents atrophy; and may be helpful post-surgery or illness to retrain them back into full working condition.

Understanding an EMS device’s inner workings and how best to utilize it are paramount in getting optimal results from its use. Doing this will enable the clinician to customize it for each of their client’s individual needs while reducing discomfort. There are various settings that can be modified, including amplitude, pulse width and electrode placement – it would be wise for clinicians to experiment with each parameter on healthy muscle before using on patients as this will provide them with insight into how the machine functions as well as what their patient may feel with each adjustment made.

Pulse width refers to the amount of time between electrical stimulation pulses. It is generally pre-set on most devices but can sometimes be modified to meet individual treatment requirements. A shorter pulse width can facilitate more effective muscle contraction while longer pulses may cause discomfort for patients receiving treatment in specific areas. It is wise to select an appropriate pulse width according to your treatment area needs.

Amplitude refers to the strength of electrical stimulation delivered, which can be adjusted on most EMS devices. It should be balanced against pulse width; too high an amplitude will result in greater muscle contraction but be uncomfortable for patients. Therefore, practicing using one at home or with colleagues before you start treating clients will enable you to learn how different dial settings impact amplitude of muscle contraction and how treatments feel overall.

The SCIO device utilizes a biofeedback system that uses autofocus on your body’s electrical requirements and then adjusts therapy as necessary during each session. Based on research that suggests stress disrupts electromagnetic frequencies that your cells resonate to, by correcting these frequencies this device can help manage stress more effectively as well as any illnesses it might bring with it.

July 12, 2024|Editorial

The z4ex Extreme 3 Frequency Hulda Clark Zapper

The Zapper electrically eliminates parasites, bacteria, viruses and molds. Viruses disappear within three minutes, flukes/tapworm stages within five and mites within seven.

Make sure that when zapping, the red and green leads are alternated periodically to reduce any potential ionic migration effects that could arise. Conductive wrist straps equipped with coil cords and removable plugs may also help minimize resistance that might arise while zapping.


The Z4ex Extreme 3-Frequency Hulda Clark Zapper is an effective device that eliminates bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses without drugs or surgery. With no adverse side effects and being safe to use by pregnant women or those with pacemakers – you can use this zapper anywhere on the body including palm of hand use or on other areas of body parts like arms.

The Zapper works by emitting frequencies at 30KHz that have an adverse impact on bacteria, parasites and fungi. It is easy to use without needing additional equipment or accessories and comes equipped with a red LED that indicates when it’s operating; its keyed battery holder prevents accidental battery swaps from taking place while an adjustable voltage output allows users to customize power output levels.

To maximize effectiveness when using the zapper, it is recommended to perform three sessions of seven minutes each. The first should go from left hand to right hand; second from top of foot to bottom of foot; third session should go from wrist to left hand and fourth from right hand back into wrist – then repeat as necessary.

Before every zapping session, it is vital that both hands and feet remain dry to minimize contact with ions produced by the machine. Rubber gloves should also be worn when handling the device for best results. In order to further minimise chances of water entering into the machine, using distilled water may help limit this happening.

The Zapper is constructed of high-grade materials and boasts an aluminum housing. You can connect copper handles or TENS pads easily using its flexible leads; plus there’s even a low battery indicator light to let you know when it’s time for battery replacement! Powered by a 9V battery and complete with its own carrying case – making this device truly convenient.


The Z4Ex Extreme 3-Frequency Hula Clark Zapper features an integrated low battery warning light, keyed zapper holder and reverse polarity diode to protect against battery reversal, flexible leads with alligator clips to easily attach it to copper handholds, as well as alligator clips for attaching flexible leads easily with alligator clips for copper handholds – all these features make this Zapper the most powerful and versatile on the market and produce output as specified by Dr. Clark himself.

Its highly efficient design utilizes cutting-edge electronics. It features a 1% resistor and 2% capacitors to produce higher precision voltage than competing units, and has an ergonomic case with clear plastic label and easy battery compartment access for ease of use.

This zapper generates a square wave voltage which has been shown to both support and maintain life while killing parasites. It does not alter blood pressure or mental alertness and has not been reported as producing pain; in fact, some users report instant relief of pain. People living with chronic illnesses are frequently told to zap for eight hours per day for maximum effects – the results have been astounding!


This zapper can quickly kill parasites, fungi and bacteria for fast kill rates. Featuring a unique square wave output design which produces variable voltage waves to combat parasites more quickly than flat voltage alone. Variable voltage causes them to die off much more rapidly!

These units are manufactured by real degreed engineers on an ISO-9002 SMD assembly line with military level testing and quality control for maximum precision output. Their components offer far better tolerances than their rivals to produce even greater output accuracy.

This zapper features an LED low battery warning light powered by a dedicated precision circuit to prevent battery reversal. Its keyed battery compartment prevents incorrect type placement while being easy to open for replacement batteries, with extra-flexible leads capable of attaching to copper handholds and banana plugs for increased versatility.


The Z4ex Extreme 3-Frequency Hulda Clark Zapper offers the same power and ease-of-use as previous models while being significantly easier to operate. Furthermore, its versatility makes it even simpler to control, and an optional remote makes control even simpler.

This zapper features high-grade components for greater precision than competing units, making it easy to achieve precise results. Furthermore, its integrated safety feature prevents potential damages to its device.

The Z4ex Extreme 3-Frequency Zapper is an outstanding option for anyone who is looking to maximize the use of their zapper. Not only is this unit extremely powerful yet user-friendly, it comes backed with a lifetime warranty – one of the most favored models on the market that won’t disappoint!

July 12, 2024|Editorial

Biohacking Studio – A Holistic Approach to Health and Fitness

Biohacking is a DIY movement that utilizes technology and self-experimentation to optimize bodily functions and cognitive performance, typically among people who take their health and fitness seriously. It has become a trend among those committed to healthy living and fitness.

Upgrade Labs was established by Dave Asprey (the creator of Bulletproof Coffee). Their offerings include adaptive resistance exercise (ARX Fit), 3D body scanning, BioCharger cell optimization technology and cryopreservation therapy services.

Personalized approach

Personalized biohacking strategies are essential to reaching optimal health. A balanced plan must encompass physical, mental and emotional well-being in its approach. A personalized plan also takes into account aspects of lifestyle such as stress levels and sleeping patterns – never replacing traditional wellness practices with biohacking alone.

An average biohacking session typically begins with a body scan. This gives a digital 3D view of your posture, fat mass distribution and other aspects. After which, a trained personal trainer provides customized fitness advice. Our studio also boasts state-of-the-art technologies like ARX adaptive resistance training and BioCharger for cell optimization – among others!

One essential component of an effective biohacking routine is optimizing both workouts and nutrition. Many people utilize wearable technology such as fitness trackers to monitor their performance and progress; others employ strategies such as high-intensity interval training, cold showers, or high-intensity interval training in combination with cold showers for muscle recovery; some also take nootropics and cognitive enhancers to increase focus and performance.

Other biohacking techniques involve optimizing an individual’s cellular energy and blood flow through detoxification, IV drips, ozone therapies or hyperbaric chambers in order to maximize natural healing ability and decrease inflammation in their bodies; such methods also boost immunity, prevent disease and extend lifespan.

Some biohacking techniques have been practiced for centuries, yet their applications are more popular now than ever before. People are embracing them due to the immense difference they can make for both health and long-term well-being; however it’s important to keep in mind that not all biohacking methods are safe or effective; nootropics and cognitive enhancement supplements have not yet been proven as noninvasive solutions that won’t alter brain architecture or cause other forms of damage.

Upgrade Labs, for instance, provides an holistic and integrative approach to wellness and fitness that integrates biohacking with recovery and rehabilitation – their founder Blake Asprey launched this franchise to meet growing demands for personalized health and wellness services.

Holistic approach

Biohacking studios take an integrative approach to health and fitness by blending technology and self-experimentation. Their aim is to optimize human performance while increasing lifespan. Practices at biohacking studios often include experimenting with various tools and techniques designed to optimize body and mind performance as well as increasing sleep and decreasing stress levels. Their concept was popularized during the quantified self movement that emerged in early 2000s thanks to fitness trackers and smartphone apps that allow users to monitor health metrics more closely.

The Hack Studio in Houston is a wellness center offering various biohacking services. Founder Loren R Cook has an inspiring story of recovery and resilience; after being diagnosed with a brain tumor he decided to take control of his health by seeking alternative treatments such as PEMF copper wave therapy, ozone saunas, and cold plunges – treatments with multiple benefits such as increased blood circulation, detoxifying his body and increasing collagen production.

At our studio, state-of-the-art equipment such as ARX adaptive resistance exercise, 3D body scanning for personalized insights and a BioCharger are used for cellular optimization. In addition, nutritional coaching and customized wellness programs ensure each client can reach their goals and realize their full potential.

Biohacking studios often combine multiple techniques in one building in order to optimize results and reduce costs. For instance, Toronto gym Sweat and Tonic features a Cryo Lounge which offers three minutes of icy cold immersion for bracing detox, fat loss, pain relief, insomina and mood boosting purposes. Furthermore, its Hyperbaric Chamber allows the body to heal itself at a cellular level. Other studios may provide ozone treatments which have been known to reduce inflammation while delaying signs of aging.

Resorts and hotels offering biohacking services and longevity suites to their guests have recently introduced biohacking treatments as part of their health and wellness offerings, targeting specific niches of wellness seekers. These suites aim to offer transformative experiences beyond the usual spa and fitness offerings.

Community focus

Community is essential in biohacking. From optimizing health to increasing performance, having the appropriate environment makes all the difference in outcomes. A supportive community is crucial to developing and maintaining healthy habits, and finding inspiration. A wellness center dedicated to biohacking will offer its members space to share tips and techniques while offering therapies and tools that may improve sleep quality, cognitive function, or reduce toxins.

Biohackers utilize technology and self-experimentation to maximize physical and cognitive performance. Their tools range from wearable fitness trackers to smartphone applications that monitor health metrics – creating a tailored approach to wellness that can maximize performance while helping individuals meet their goals.

Biohackers use various techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, to improve their concentration and focus. Though mindfulness has been practiced by spiritual practitioners since 5,000 BCE, biohackers take it one step further by using it as an upgrade for both body and mind – an approach known as DIY biology that gives rise to some biohackers being known as garage biologists or DIY biologists.

Some biohackers are even turning to genetic modification as a means to prolong life and stay young and healthy. While this technique could potentially revolutionize how humans work, its long-term consequences remain largely undetermined.

Biohacking has quickly become an accepted means for improving health and wellbeing, drawing the support of celebrities, athletes, and those looking to optimize performance. Furthermore, wellness centers and spas offering devices such as pulsed electromagnetic fields therapy offer this practice as well.

Biohacking offers many advantages, yet some practices can be harmful if performed incorrectly. Women in particular must be wary when adopting certain practices as these could disrupt hormonal cycles and lead to no results whatsoever. Furthermore, some techniques have only been tested on men, so may not work well for females.


Biohacking‘s aim is to optimize health, performance and quality of life by applying scientific principles to diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications with technology and self-experimentation. Biohacking may help optimize physical and mental performance as well as quality of life – potentially even helping prevent diseases such as diabetes and heart disease!

Biohacking enthusiasts can utilize wearable devices to monitor fitness and health metrics, including heart rate variability (HRV). This enables them to adjust workouts and recovery strategies accordingly for maximum results. DNA testing kits like those offered by 23andMe or AncestryDNA also can help identify genes as well as risks.

Some biohackers aim to increase lifespan and defy aging through genetic editing technology and gene therapy, while others use brain stimulation technology to increase focus and concentration. Some may even seek cures by harnessing cellular optimization technology to revive their body’s natural healing abilities.

Biohacking can be expensive, but with the increasing availability of at-home wellness tech gadgets, costs have decreased and markets expanded significantly. These gadgets are becoming popular in home gyms and spas as well as being utilized by celebrities, athletes, and beauty industry experts.

As wellness trends advance, more spa treatments are incorporating high-tech equipment. One trend worth noting in wellness is integrating hi-tech devices like Oakworks Curva Loungers and Hyperice compression boots into wellness programs. Los Angeles hotel Fairmont Century Plaza also launched a wellness program which incorporates technologies like these along with one of the first in-spa biohacking facilities known as Upgrade Labs.

Cold therapy may be the go-to biohacking trend right now, but other technologies are seeing increased interest as well. PEMF mats and red light facial masks from companies like Higher Dose are becoming more widely sold – they’re featured at spas like 11 Howard in NYC for example!

Biohacking enthusiasts can find information online, in books and through social media. Furthermore, workshops and events exist that teach people how to utilize various tools and techniques for life improvement.

July 12, 2024|Editorial

Wave Genome Theory – A New Perspective on Genetics

Information technology professionals specialize in designing, installing and supporting computer systems and networking components within businesses, while designing, maintaining and troubleshooting IT infrastructures for their companies.

After 10 years of effort, the Human Genome Project has finally filled in most gaps in our genetic map. With cost-cutting sequencing technologies fast approaching newborn screening programs, prognosis and preventive strategies will soon become feasible and accurate.

The Theory

The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an ambitious scientific venture, but ultimately fell short of expectations set forth by its proponents. HGP serves as an illustration of “social bubble” theory; that is, when people invest in new opportunities with high hopes and high expectations that lead to unrealistically optimistic forecasts of commercially lucrative applications for its technology.

The HGP also failed in terms of ethical, political and philosophical ramifications. Notably, it failed to address pressing public health problems like obesity and the opiate epidemic, even after devoting most of its funding towards those projects. Instead, its primary impact was shifting genetic research away from its traditional concerns with human heredity towards its promise of altering human nature itself.

It has been noted that the HGP’s success points up a fundamental flaw in biological thinking that extends far beyond genomic research itself. This flaw lies in believing that biological species are defined primarily by genetic properties and can be understood through comparison between human, chimpanzee, bonobo, Neanderthal and other reference sequences; such comparisons rely on flawed theories of natural selection that claim genetically identical members of one species should act and think similarly.

One promising approach to genetic code would be viewing it more as a language than as a map of cell structure. According to this alternative viewpoint, DNA contains information which can be translated through wave forms associated with geometry and topology of cells containing DNA molecules; this concept is known as wave genomics.

Gariaev and his colleagues demonstrated this phenomenon by exposing seeds from Arabidopsis thaliana (mouse-ear cress) gathered at Chernobyl to a laser beam for several days; within several days, these seeds sprouted normally and looked normal again.

It was due to how the laser beam created a torsion field around seeds, altering their genetic code. A similar effect was also witnessed at Heartmath Institute by Vladimir Poponin and his team.

The Experimental Results

Contrary to what has become commonly accepted genetic theory, this theory asserts that genes are encoded with “texts”, similar to what human languages produce naturally in context-dependent ways. This allows genome information to shape biological systems including both cells and organisms as a whole.

Text-like wave information transmissions are recorded within DNA preparations’ polarization plane, where they correlate polarization-wise with photons and radio waves; making these transmissions quantum nonlocal and creating an associative memory linked to endogenous physical fields within genome biocomputers such as laser radiations on chromosomes.

Experiments conducted demonstrate how chromosome apparatus is capable of using its laser radiations to generate broad band genetic-sign radio waves that provide unlimited information about an organism’s metabolism and environment. Furthermore, both theory and experiment show how laser radiations can also be used to correct DNA mutations and thus restore an organism’s health.

Another essential experimental result was that DNA can be affected by various forms of information, from sound waves to electromagnetic fields and light and chemicals. Greg Braddon and his team showed that human DNA could be impressed by spoken words as well as musical sounds, while researchers at University of Maryland discovered a specific chemical that makes DNA more reactive to radiofrequency energy.

Recently, Russian scientists conducted experiments to assess how sensitive DNA molecules are to music and words. They demonstrated how DNA strands could be affected by vibrations from chrysanthemum cells; suggesting that their resonance frequencies can be altered through external signals.

These results have an unprecedented impact on our understanding of DNA. This study is the first time it has been demonstrated that chromosome apparatus can record and transmit wave information. When an organism is born, an initial video tape containing wave information is created in their genome which eventually gets corrupted with time leading to disease, old age and eventually death; this phenomenon is known as DNA Phantom Effect and provides confirmation for Wave genetics principles.

The Conclusions

Wave genome theory offers a novel perspective on genetics. It suggests that DNA is more than simply an information store passed along from generation to generation; rather it has a dynamic presence in physical reality. Different organisms’ DNAs interact through electromagnetic waves emitted by them and when these waves interact with objects they cause vibrations which shift along with its content within their DNAs – altering both vibrations as well as information stored therein.

That is why a single DNA may look differently among various organisms within a species and also between completely unrelated organisms; and why even from small samples of an individual’s DNA fragments we can gather valuable insight into its structure and history.

Scientists use the remnants of Neanderthal DNA present in some genomes as an indicator of human evolution, while comparison of human DNA with that from other organisms enables researchers to explore our nature as humans and guide medical research efforts.

Genome scientists have long understood the ramifications of their work and advocated for careful use of racial and ethnic categories, yet still experience concerns regarding genome-based profiling in criminal justice systems, which detracts attention away from pressing social and health problems such as opioid epidemic and mental illness (Gannett 1998).

Montagnier and his colleagues’ wave-based genomics approach increases these concerns further. They found that certain bacterial DNA sequences emit very low-frequency electromagnetic signals when exposed to large volumes of water. When these signals pass through a graphene or metal tube, they generate magnetic fields which interact with electrons in DNAs to generate currents; these currents allow researchers to map out chick embryonic genomes inside eggs as well as determine their gender by measuring what kind of electromagnetic signal each egg generates.

The Future

The genome project’s successes have been so remarkable that it’s easy to lose sight of its controversy. From early on, many scientists expressed worry that its popularity would spark an unnecessary race to sequence the human genome and drain resources away from other research; furthermore, knowledge of gene sequence was insufficient to yield insights into gene function (Davies and Colleagues 1990).

But genomics revolution is unstoppable. Not only have researchers used genomics to map human genome, they’ve used it to identify genes associated with different diseases and compare human and chimpanzee, bonobo and Neandertal genomes to explore questions about what it means to be species.

More broadly, cheaper sequencing will enable scientists to better study more complex diseases such as schizophrenia and depression, which often exhibit subtle variations between gene-environment interactions. Such findings could enable scientists to design more effective drugs for these disorders or devise methods of early diagnosis.

Geneomics has also played an essential role in the creation of tools for high-throughput parallel experimentation and data analysis, laboratory automation and nanotechnology development – advances which have greatly expedited discovery while making interpretation of genomic data much simpler (Bamshad 2018).

The Human Genome Project has brought immense benefits, yet it remains fraught with controversy. Ethicists, philosophers of science and political theorists continue to examine its issues and debate their resolution.

Researchers are concerned that genomics’ use of social categories like race and ethnicity may lead to legal profiling; moreover, DNA information about an individual could be used against them in discriminatory ways (Gisler et al. 2010).

These issues underscore the need to carefully weigh potential risks against genetic research’s promise. Genomics remains an invaluable resource for discovering and creating novel therapies and treatments that save lives; therefore, we should ensure it continues to make an impactful contribution toward addressing pressing public health problems like increasing obesity rates, the opiate epidemic and mental illness.

July 12, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance Therapy

BRT utilizes electromagnetic frequencies that fall within the earth’s magnetic field for safe and effective treatment for all ages. The device records and then transmits harmonious frequencies back into your body; any disharmonious frequencies (such as those released by toxins) are inverted and removed from circulation.

Although bioresonance therapy cannot cure autism, it may help alleviate its symptoms and enhance overall quality of life for those living with autism. Plus it’s noninvasive and pain free!

It is non-invasive

Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative to medications, which may have adverse side effects. Instead, its focus is to restore energy balance within the body by eliminating toxins and improving natural processes; its holistic approach takes into account a patient’s mental and emotional well-being as well as physical symptoms.

The treatment is non-invasive and free from side effects, using electromagnetic waves to identify an individual’s bioenergetic profile and detect imbalances in their energy field due to infections, stress or environmental toxins. Once identified, once any imbalances have been identified the treatment can correct them by increasing healthy frequencies while downshifting any unhealthy ones.

Bioresonance therapy is an excellent way to address pain and inflammation, targeting electromagnetic imbalances that contribute to it, such as those seen with fibromyalgia or arthritis. Furthermore, it supports your body’s natural pain-relief mechanisms so you can manage symptoms without drugs or surgery.

Bioresonance therapy offers another advantage to combat insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleeping disorders by balancing electromagnetic fields in the body to promote better restful slumber – leading to better wakeup feelings as well as daytime alertness and mood enhancements.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive and drug-free therapy used to treat digestive conditions like IBS, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. By balancing electromagnetic fields within the body’s electromagnetic fields, Bioresonance can reduce pain and inflammation while improving digestion – offering relief to chronic digestive sufferers and providing them with more comfortable lives overall.

Bioresonance therapy uses a computerized device to measure and analyze the body’s electromagnetic fluctuation spectrum. It detects and analyses frequencies associated with various substances such as fungus, bacteria, parasites, and viruses, along with their interactions with natural bioresonance of the body. Based on this analysis, it can boost healthy frequencies while inverting any harmful ones, with electrodes then transmitting this information back into the body via electrodes; additionally the frequencies can even be imprinted onto materials like water so as to provide all benefits without side effects!

It is safe

Bioresonance therapy is non-invasive, non-aggressive therapy without negative side effects for all ages including children and pregnant women, making it safe and suitable for all. Animals can even benefit from bioresonance therapy. Bioresonance can detect imbalances within the body and restore it back into balance to relieve pain and inflammation while helping eliminate allergies – similar to homeopathy and acupuncture both of which utilize electromagnetic energy sources.

At each session, a patient holds onto copper hand rods while placing their feet on a foot plate connected to a bioresonance device. This device amplifies harmonious frequencies while inverting any disharmonious ones emitted by toxins or any other source. As a result, natural oscillation of cells is restored, enabling their communication among themselves again. Sessions usually last from 20 minutes to an hour without discomfort for patients.

BRT not only detects imbalances in the body, but it can also assist with dissolving information that has become stored within organs and cells – which is especially helpful when treating allergy symptoms, like hay fever. Furthermore, it can detect and mitigate toxic stressors in the body by inverting their frequencies – similar to noise-cancelling headphones – to allow cells to communicate naturally between each other, helping restore self-healing abilities in your body.

Bioresonance therapy’s exact mechanism of action remains poorly understood; however, there are theories as to its workings. Some researchers speculate that bioresonance devices transmit vibrational signals which cause membrane changes within a cell or organism’s membrane structure to alter, thus altering energy production, functioning endocrine system activity, or protein kinase ERK activity which regulates various metabolic processes.

Another theory suggests that this device generates an electric field which interacts with molecules of substance to change their vibrational frequencies and affect body metabolism and immune system, as well as creating an electromagnetic field which has effects on these areas as well as creating an electromagnetic field that affects metabolism and immune system of body – this may prevent formation of cancerous cells as well as increase effectiveness of chemotherapy; furthermore it could prevent recurrence post treatment, and enhance effectiveness of antiviral medication.

It is effective

Bioresonance therapy, or BRT, works on the principle that everything – including humans – has its own individual frequency. With special devices, Bioresonance therapy can identify deviations in these frequencies and generate corrective signals which are then fed back into the body to start its own natural healing processes and begin healing itself. BRT is an effective solution for many medical conditions including chronic illnesses and degenerative conditions while it’s also great as an option for psychological issues due to no side effects being produced from its treatment.

BRT is a natural healing process that draws upon multiple scientific and holistic disciplines, including quantum physics, traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathy. BRT operates on the principle that all substances possess their own vibrational frequencies which interconnect; when there is any disruption of these vibrational frequencies it upsets an organism’s natural balance and communication centers are disrupted. BRT seeks to restore normal functioning through EM signal transfer as well as natural selectivity of metabolic systems within our bodies.

At each session, the patient lays on a mat while a device is placed over his or her spine and plays back frequencies that stimulate active points in their bodies to vibrate naturally and begin the natural healing process without chemicals and medications – creating an easy and stress-free solution to any issue that needs addressing.

Endogenous Therapy uses your body’s own frequencies to restore equilibrium; Exogenous Therapy utilizes environmental pacers. No matter which therapy is chosen, its goal remains the same – eliminating negative influences such as environmental toxins, food additives, toxic chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs or electromagnetic fields from outside sources.

BICOM (r), a German bioresonance machine, is often used as an allergy treatment solution. This device can identify allergen frequencies and alter them to neutral, healthy frequencies to allow your body to produce antibodies against pathogens more quickly.

This method can effectively treat various ailments, such as allergies, skin issues, anxiety and fibromyalgia – though its use against cancer remains controversial and currently under investigation.

It is affordable

Bioresonance therapy (BRT) is a computer-modulated therapeutic technique. It works by sending frequencies into the body in order to detect and address imbalances, strengthening immunity while stimulating natural self-healing abilities. BRT draws inspiration from quantum physics, traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathy among other fields of science and holistic practice.

BRT is a safe, non-invasive treatment option that does not use drugs or radiation to provide results. It can be used to address various conditions including allergies, migraines, insomnia and chronic pain as well as improve overall health by increasing relaxation levels and decreasing stress levels.

Biophysical medicine holds that every cell and organ in an otherwise healthy human being emits electromagnetic vibrational frequencies influenced by their environment and transmitted throughout their tissues to other cells. When these electromagnetic frequencies become altered or become disharmonious, disease results. Bioresonance therapy measures frequency spectrums to detect imbalances and restore equilibrium to help restore health in an individual.

The BICOM device reads electromagnetic oscillations of your organism through electrodes on your skin. It then emits frequencies which correspond with healthy electromagnetic oscillations; strengthening any good ones while neutralizing or eliminating pathogenic ones.

Based on the results of their test, practitioners can prescribe specific frequencies that will help restore balance and wellness to their clients. These frequencies may be administered as supplements, or integrated into other therapies like acupuncture or homeopathy. Furthermore, using the BICOM device, one therapeutic composition’s frequencies can be imprinted onto another material, such as water; creating similar results as traditional pharmaceutical drugs without their side effects.

BICOM can also identify the appropriate supplements to use for treating specific conditions, and then administer these to their patient(s), which may include herbs, homeopathic medicines or vitamins. In addition, therapy sessions may suggest diet and lifestyle modifications to address food allergens, physical fitness exercises or stress reduction techniques.