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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Quantum Healing Explained

Deepak Chopra first brought quantum healing into public discourse with his book Quantum Healing published in 1989. A former endocrinologist, Chopra explored traditional Indian healing traditions along with Western medicine, physics, and neuroscience research.

Quantum healing extrapolates principles from quantum physics to treat human health conditions. Unfortunately, this approach has come under intense criticism by critics who contend that observed quantum effects at an atomic level do not translate to macroscopic human biology.

It is based on the principles of quantum physics

Quantum healing is an alternative therapy that uses energy to aid the body’s natural healing processes. Based on the principles of quantum physics, which explores matter and energy at a microscopic level. Quantum physics describes how particles of matter may exist simultaneously in multiple states and that all of them share an inherent non-local connection.

Quantum healing works by harnessing the energetic connections between cells, chakras and consciousness to promote overall wellbeing. Practitioners believe that thoughts, emotions and intentions impact one’s physical state of health directly; quantum healing teaches participants how to use visualization and intention-setting for positive shifts in their energy field – aiding body healing itself. Quantum practitioners consider quantum healing an effective solution to chronic pain relief, long-term phobia releases, improved sleep quality, energy increases as well as reductions of anxiety or depression.

Quantum healing draws upon many aspects of conventional medicine, including meditation and relaxation techniques, to create its unique approach to health care. Based on principles such as entrainment and resonance – when two objects vibrating at different speeds begin vibrating together at an identical frequency – quantum healing practitioners use quantum touch techniques to connect with life-force energy to facilitate healing and facilitate health in their patients.

Quantum healing practitioners employ the principles of quantum physics for distance healing, believing that thoughts and energy from one person can have an influence over another’s health from far away. This can happen due to quantum entanglement; when two particles come into physical contact they become linked, similarly how momentum of tennis ball can only be determined by measuring distance between its crests instead of by pinpointing exact locations.


Quantum healing practitioners also utilize the concept of timelessness, which challenges our traditional understanding of cause and effect. It symbolizes how at a quantum level everything exists only as probability or possibility and allows people to interact instantly even from different locations.

It is non-local

Quantum healing is a non-local energy therapy practice which uses quantum mechanics to promote physical and emotional balance and wellness within the body. It has been suggested as being capable of healing physical ailments as well as helping with addiction and depression recovery, often used alongside traditional forms such as counselling or hypnotherapy. Many who have undergone quantum healing sessions have reported feeling an improvement in both pain reduction and anxiety reduction as a result of having experienced it first-hand.

Quantum healing is founded upon the belief that everything is interconnected and we are one. Its roots lie in non-locality theory, which states that two particles can form correlations at distance even though they don’t touch. This has been demonstrated through experiments using entanglement, where one particle’s state can influence another no matter how distantly apart they may be.

Quantum healing practitioners use non-locality to identify and facilitate natural healing processes in clients. A practitioner sends energy directly into a client, hoping this will stimulate life force energy flow throughout their body, potentially clearing any blockages that might be contributing to illness.

While quantum healing is founded in sound scientific principles, its practice remains controversial. Many scientists are dubious of this form of therapy as it appears to apply quantum physics principles directly to human health – suggesting our thoughts could affect microscopic physical changes through thought alone. This represents a stark departure from traditional scientific usage which applies only to subatomic processes rather than macroscopic human biological ones.

Quantum healing therapy has proven its efficacy despite initial doubt. Some patients have even reported recovering from serious illnesses thanks to quantum healing treatments; additionally, quantum healing therapies can often be administered remotely over a video call call.


It values one’s belief in themselves

Belief in yourself can help heal both body and mind. Quantum healing relies heavily on self-belief as this enables people to access energy and support necessary to feel healthy, happy, and whole – also helping avoid mass psychosis that causes suffering among millions of others.

Quantum Healing differs from traditional medicine in that it treats all aspects of an individual – mind, body and spirit – rather than simply treating symptoms and their causes. This holistic approach often complements conventional treatments to maximize effectiveness while being less costly with reduced side effects than its counterpart.

Quantum healing works by channeling life-force energy (known as chi in Chinese or prana in Sanskrit). Practitioners utilize techniques that focus and amplify this flow through various breathing and body awareness exercises, while scientists believe this energy promotes natural healing processes within the body. Quantum healers believe this form of energy operates on principles such as resonance and entrainment which have scientific support.

Quantum Healing emphasizes the role of your subconscious mind. Your unconscious contains information outside of your conscious awareness that is responsible for bodily functions like breathing, circulation, digestion and even blinking. Your unconscious can also accelerate healing by sending healing vibrations directly to your body to alleviate physical or emotional discomfort.

Traditional healing differs from Western medicine in that it does not rely on costly equipment or surgery for its treatments, instead targeting the root cause of disease and restoring balance to the body. Furthermore, studies have proven it more effective at treating chronic illnesses than conventional approaches.

Quantum Healing has had a noticeable, positive impact on many individuals’ health. It has helped alleviate long-standing fears, improve sleep patterns and boost energy levels while simultaneously reducing stress and anxiety – even helping heal cancer in some cases!

Quantum healing is an incredible way to care for yourself and those around you, with roots dating back thousands of years in ancient traditions such as those practiced by shamans, monks, and healers. The science underlying quantum healing demonstrates how our thoughts and beliefs play an integral role in health; by believing in yourself you can begin healing your mind, body, and spirit all at the same time.

It is a form of alternative medicine

Quantum healing is an alternative form of medicine that utilizes energy to heal both mind and body. It combines quantum mechanics with traditional practices like yoga, Ayurveda, and naturopathy; and places an emphasis on self-belief through practices like Ayurveda. Quantum healing also relies on our bodies being fields of information with intelligence which dictate how we feel; its pseudoscientific framework draws from quantum theory, psychology philosophy neurophysiology. Furthermore, quantum healing postulates that by altering our consciousness we can alter outcomes of diseases in this regard.

Quantum Healing practitioners use breathing and body awareness exercises to focus and amplify life-force energy – known as “chi” or “prana”. It is thought that this energy can enhance natural healing processes within the body while relieving stress, as well as alleviating emotional distress and supporting mental clarity. Quantum Healing offers both physical benefits as well as psychological relief through these practices.

While quantum healing claims don’t have any scientific backing, many have reported its success in helping them address health issues or even treating cancer or other illnesses. While some may remain skeptical of quantum healing treatments, it’s important to remember that what works for one may not necessarily work for all; always consult your physician prior to trying any novel remedies.

Quantum healing‘s foundation lies in its belief that our universe consists of myriads of tiny particles which appear and disappear at will, creating energy as they go. Changes made at a quantum level may alter these tiny particles which then affect larger events in our world; through resonance and entrainment processes this energy can then be transferred directly into recipients for quicker healing processes.

At its core, quantum healing entails meditation and visualization, breathing techniques, and sound therapy as effective ways of clearing away negative energy that accumulates in our bodies causing symptoms like headaches. Furthermore, these methods promote healthy lifestyle habits and mental clarity as they purge any impurities from within us.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Hulda Clark and Her Parasite Zapper

Hulda Clark advocated the use of a zapper, an electrical frequency device geared toward killing parasites with parasite cleanse protocols and diets designed to get rid of these infections.

This device can kill flukes, mites, worms, bacteria and viruses within 8 minute sessions. A built-in timer ensures optimal performance.

Hand Holds

Clark’s device operates based on resonance; each microorganism has its own specific resonant frequency that resonates with that of its body, and exposure to this frequency may cause it to vibrate like a bell and ultimately burst. According to Clark, this process is effective against parasites as well as cancer, mould and yeast growth.

This device consists of a small box containing a 9V battery, pulse generator circuit and two copper electrodes which the user holds between their fingers. A simple 555 timer IC and NPN transistor create a low voltage square wave which vibrates these hand handles; to reduce current consumption a resistor and capacitor can be added for additional current control.

Once switched on, a green monitoring light indicates that the device is ready for use. Current travels through copper wires to the hand holds and into your body via your blood stream to kill any parasites present and ensure optimal performance of this treatment method.

During treatment, the zapper produces only minimal heat which is unnoticeable to its user. It is thought that its electric current kills parasites by switching their polarity; as such it can be used against giardia, candida, flukes, tapeworms and amoeba as well as eliminating worms, viruses and bacteria.

Parasites can lead to symptoms including fatigue, allergies, digestive issues, joint pain and skin conditions. Zapping should begin twice per day for one or two weeks then drop down to once daily until a muscle test indicates the parasites have been cleared off the body; after one month or so it should become twice weekly to avoid recurrence. It should not be used while pregnant or breastfeeding or while taking anticoagulant drugs such as Warfarin; additionally it should not be used on children unless directed by health care professional.

Alligator Clips

Alligator clips are small spring metal electrical clip-like devices with serrated jaws that resemble alligator or crocodile teeth or jaws, hence their name. Primarily used to establish temporary electrical connections when clipped onto terminals and components; labs often employ them when creating experimental circuits.

Alligator clips come in many shapes, sizes, styles, and materials; some feature insulation to prevent accidental contact between metal components and electrical circuitry, and test leads used with digital multimeters. Insulated clips come in various colors so users can quickly identify them according to application or usage.

Some alligator clips feature sharp piercing spikes that enable them to attach securely to both bare and insulated wires, making them particularly beneficial in telecom applications, where stripping the insulation to access conductors can be time consuming and destructive. Such alligator clips are commonly known as popper clips.

Alligator clips designed specifically for use in soft environments may have smoother jaws that facilitate gentle handling, such as hair clips. Hair clips tend to be made with materials more gentle than those typically found in electrical connections alligator clips.

Hulda Clark described a simple circuit known as a parasite zapper in her book “The Cure for All Diseases.” Powered by a 9-volt battery, this circuit periodically switches on and off at regular intervals in order to kill bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses and other pathogens in our bodies – such as parasites. High frequency pulses penetrate deeply into cells where these pathogens reside so as to eliminate them at their source.

To maximize zapper performance, it is recommended that users follow Hulda Clark’s suggested usage guidelines for use of alligator clips in their zappers. She suggests setting an initial 7 minute zapping session followed by three 20-minute breaks and using subsequent pulses to mop up any bacteria, viruses or pathogens released after initial set of pulses have killed larger parasites like worms from within their bodies – while then use subsequent sessions to clean up any leftover bacteria viruses etc that have not yet been killed during initial pulsesation sessions zapping sessions to remove remaining pathogens infected by initial set of pulsesations zapping sessions pulsations set off by initial set of pulsesations set off initial set of pulsesations session and removes pathogens released during initial set of pulsesations sessions by killing initial set of pulsesations set off initial set off of pulsesations session set off by initial set pulsations set off pulsesation session 1 followed by 2 and 3 sessions of pulsations that had escaped the first set pulsations round of pulsed to kill off larger parasites like worms from within body organs while second and subsequent sets of pulsed were intended to capture any bacteria viruses or pathogens left by initial set pulsations session 1s.

Frequency Settings

Dr Hulda Clark’s Digital Frequency Zapper kills parasites and viruses at their resonant frequencies. According to Clark, parasites found in our intestinal tract can be responsible for cancer as well as other diseases; by eliminating these parasites our bodies will once more produce normal amounts of toxic chemicals and return back to health. Herbs such as cloves and wormwood as well as special treatment devices known as “zappers” are recommended in her regimen for optimal results.

The Zapper works by transmitting a weak alternating voltage through two electrodes on its front face. This causes body tissues and the device itself to vibrate, damaging or killing parasites, bacteria or viruses attracted by its resonant frequency and creating vibrational waves in their path. Clark claims that using this method may also prevent intestinal fluke spread.

It is advised to read frequencies found in her book “A Cure for All Diseases”, such as Rife frequencies. You can also utilize other means of muscle testing like Kinesiology or Syncrometry to ascertain which pathogens might be involved with your particular health issue.

In addition to killing parasites, the zapper is said to help eliminate Candida fungus and keep the immune system strong. Furthermore, heavy metals, solvents, radioactivity and other toxic materials that could compromise immune health can be destroyed using this device.

Follow all instructions when operating the zapper. Begin with 7 minute sessions followed by 20 minute rest periods and some people experience slight tingling while other do not detect anything at all during zapping.

At first, it is recommended to zap twice per day until your muscle test shows no evidence of parasites present. After this initial period, once-per-day treatments may be appropriate until no new parasites appear in your muscle test results.

Pregnant women may use the zapper safely; however, individuals wearing pacemakers or similar electrical implants, epilepsy patients or those suffering from similar conditions should not. It should not be used by children.


Dr Hulda Clark accidentally discovered the idea of using electrical currents to destroy parasites through experimentation. She used a battery-powered generator to produce square wave frequencies with positive offsets from 10Hz-41kHz and transmitted these through metal electrodes connected to hand holds onto her body, altering bioresonance within cells to reverse disease patterns; she termed this device the Zapper, making it a key part of her detox program.

The zapper works along similar principles as Rife devices, though with DC current pulses instead of AC signals. Although not as powerful, zappers have proven effective against parasites and other diseases.

Basic zappers consist of a box with two 4-inch copper tubes covered by cloth that transmit electric signals, with wires connecting each end to its respective positive lead in order for signals to pass through to users who hold both tubes with damp hands so as to allow the signals to travel across skin surfaces.

If the hands aren’t held tightly together, signals may disperse across your entire body. As such, we do not advise holding hand holds directly; instead it is best to wrap copper tubes in paper towel instead; this also protects hands from becoming overheated.

As a general guideline, one should hold their tubes until a muscle test demonstrates that all parasites have been eliminated; once this has occurred, frequency should then be decreased to once daily for maintenance.

Dr Clark recently proposed that the effects of the zapper can be amplified or localized through “plate zapping.” This technique involves placing slides of target organs and parasites onto metal plates attached to the negative lead of the zapper and attaching it directly to its negative lead; details for this technique can be found in her book, The Cure for All Diseases. However, pregnant women and people with metal implants or pacemakers should avoid using this treatment, nor children under 10.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Side Effects of Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy and energy medicine is a noninvasive process which uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances in the body. Once discordant vibrations have been identified, practitioners use electromagnetic impulses to balance out and harmonize them.

One study demonstrated that bioresonance therapy significantly improves gastrointestinal disorders and helps smokers quit, though there may be some potential adverse side effects from treatment.

1. Headaches

Bioresonance therapy is frequently employed in treating migraines. It may reduce frequency and intensity by targeting their root causes such as inflammation or energy imbalances. Furthermore, this therapy helps balance body’s chemical levels as well as promote detoxification.

Bioresonance therapy may also be useful for people suffering from chronic pain, as it helps rebalance body energy and decrease stress – two key causes of discomfort.

Bioresonance therapies may be combined with diet and exercise programs to maximize their efficacy. It’s important to maintain open communications with your healthcare provider regarding any changes in symptoms so they can adapt your treatment plan appropriately.

Bioresonance sessions involve playing electromagnetic frequencies into the body using a device known as BICOM and then analyzing their resonance to detect discordant areas, such as heavy metals or toxins in your system. Once identified, electromagnetic impulses from the BICOM can match and harmonize these frequencies for quicker healing within your system.

One randomized clinical trial demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy on improving digestive conditions, as well as other health issues like lymphedema and lipedema – conditions caused by fluid retention in limbs.

Treatment may also benefit those with cancer histories, as it can help to balance energy in the body and facilitate detoxification. Furthermore, it can reduce chemotherapy’s side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue by helping balance energies within it and support detoxification processes.

2. Muscle pain

Bioresonance therapy, also known as electrodermal testing or bio-energetic therapy, is an alternative way of treating many health issues without medication. Using electromagnetic vibrations, electromagnetic resonant points are stimulated to trigger natural processes within your body and help heal from conditions like fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, asthma and allergies. Bioresonance therapy relies on using an electronic device known as BICOM(r) which detects energy frequencies within cells and substances of your body before altering these frequencies to bring them back into therapeutic levels within.

This process helps unhealthy cells alter their frequencies and restores their natural resonance, similar to tuning a piano: hitting one string with a tuning fork will cause it to vibrate at an identical frequency to that of the tuning fork.

Bioresonance therapy can eliminate these unhealthy frequencies to help your body heal itself and alleviate your symptoms.

Some researchers believe bioresonance therapy may even help treat Phantom Limb Pain (PLP), an unpleasant sensation arising at the site of an amputation. One woman with PLP received 20 sessions of bioresonance therapy and reported significant relief after her pain had subsided considerably.

Bioresonance therapy may also benefit your immune system by helping balance energy flow throughout the body and supporting its ability to fight off infections and illnesses. Bioresonance can be used alone or combined with traditional medicine; many consider it complementary medicine.

3. Diarrhea

Bioresonance therapy is a revolutionary new therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat various illnesses. Also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational medicine, Bioresonance can assist patients suffering from everything from fibromyalgia and asthma to irritable bowel syndrome – with impressive noninvasive results! It promises amazing healing results.

Bioresonance works on the principle that all living things (including humans) emit electromagnetic vibrations that can be detected and inverted using electronic devices like the BICOM to restore biological balance within our bodies and heal ailments. Once collected by electronic devices like the BICOM and returned back into our bodies, these “resonances” can then be used to restore biological equilibrium and heal ailments in an organism.

Every substance, illness and pathogen responsible for diseases have their own specific frequency patterns. When the BICOM device reads their frequencies, it inverts them and transmits them back to a patient so that they may get rid of the organisms responsible and recover from symptoms more efficiently.

This method of healing draws inspiration from quantum physics and Chinese medicine, specifically resonance theory. According to this approach, all matter and living things contain certain resonance frequencies which contain all the information available within our universe. The BICOM device detects electromagnetic frequencies emitted by bodies or substances before analyzing them to interpret what these indicate about health issues or conditions.

The BICOM device has been put through numerous studies and clinical trials. Some trials demonstrate its effectiveness for treating allergies while the most significant study to date was a placebo-controlled trial that demonstrated bioresonance therapy can aid smoking cessation.

4. Swelling

Bioresonance therapy uses frequencies to balance the energy field of the body. The effects of these frequencies allow your body to start healing without resorting to drugs or other invasive treatments; however, bioresonance may have adverse reactions on skin health as well. At times, people may experience side effects such as swelling. Bioresonance therapy – commonly referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational medicine – is a noninvasive method involving placing electrodes directly onto the surface of their skin for bioresonance therapy treatment. Recorded electromagnetic frequency readings of healthy cells is inverted while unhealthy ones are cancelled out, with this inverted signal transmitted back into their resonance levels – helping restore them back to healthier resonance levels and providing relief for symptoms like sore throat or fever. This process may also help treat other conditions.

Bioresonance therapy is also useful for diagnosing and managing allergies, by exposing the body to electromagnetic frequencies of allergens that can desensitize its immune system and reduce allergic reactions. Furthermore, this form of biofeedback may also help your body eliminate pathogens like bacteria and viruses more effectively.

Studies have demonstrated the ability of bioresonance to alleviate depression; however, larger-scale randomized controlled trials must be performed to verify these findings.

Bioresonance therapy is a form of energy medicine that uses an electronic Mora Nova device equipped with electrodes to measure the electromagnetic field surrounding tissues in your body, then compare this data against that from a control group. Once measured, bioresonance machines emit electromagnetic waves which penetrate tissue structures before being processed by your body as healing energy; helping relieve symptoms associated with many ailments including fibromyalgia and chronic low back pain as well as promote recovery from them.

5. Depression

Bioresonance sessions use a machine known as the BICOM to gather information about an individual and substances present, alter it accordingly and transmit back into their bodies – either as healing frequencies or pathogen-fighting signals depending on your program and person – thus treating issues ranging from allergies to chronic pain as well as helping some quit smoking altogether. Studies indicate this therapy’s ability to do just this.

Researchers conducted one study comparing 40 depressed patients and 40 control group participants who received Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores as well as completed interviews regarding their health conditions. Results revealed that the bioresonance group showed more positive self-rated improvements compared to placebo patients; additionally, they had higher expectations regarding its effectiveness.

Another study investigated bioresonance‘s use as an effective therapy in people suffering from digestive disorders. Researchers discovered that bioresonance therapy had a noticeable impact on symptoms like bloating and diarrhea, potentially even decreasing medication needs altogether in certain instances. Furthermore, bioresonance proved safe treatment option.

Bioresonance devices can help identify imbalances in an energy field and restore it back to a healthy state, as well as helping restore immune function and prevent diseases. Detoxification sessions using this therapy may also be helpful in eliminating heavy metal accumulation or other toxin accumulations. Before making the commitment to try a session yourself, consult a licensed practitioner who should be able to answer all your questions regarding the process in detail and explain exactly how the session will proceed.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Generator – The Most Powerful Rife Generator

GeneratorX Pro (GX Pro) is the newest member of the Rife community, boasting powerful Rife generator with lots of extra features and running at 40MHz with any waveform imaginable, capable of loading up to 30 programs from Spooky2 software and boasting up to four programs being recorded simultaneously!

Spooky2 Pulse also features an efficient biofeedback scan mode for increased efficiency.

Spooky2 Scalar

Scalar waves are an innovative new form of energy that can greatly improve health and eliminate disease. Not only can scalar waves restore cellular communication networks, improve metabolism and balance aura, they can also stimulate natural healing processes of the body to remove toxins. Individuals can use them to treat various conditions including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Spooky2 scalear is one of the most sophisticated Rife frequency generators on the market today, capable of transmitting pure scalar energy, molecular scalar energy and Rife frequencies as well as healing audio frequencies that combine healing frequencies and scalar energy transmission.

The Spooky2 system is very straightforward to use: simply turn it on, sit or lie between transmitter and receiver, and allow scalar waves to pass between their lids until it hits your receiver and activates coil accordingly. Once in your body, this reflecting wave reflects back off DNA inside you for absorption by your cells; no power loss over distance as scalar waves don’t follow traditional electromagnetic pathways; rather they add strength to their field!

Spooky2 Scalar users can also place samples onto its receiver plate and modulate them, changing its returning scalar wave and altering its curative information. When placing essential oils, supplements or medications on the receiver plate of Spooky2, their molecules altering its signal will bring about biological changes that induce changes within your body.

Spooky2 provides several methods for adding frequencies. Simply accessing the File menu can allow the software to search your computer for available frequencies; or manually add one using its Waveform display.

The Spooky2 GX Pro features two built-in function generators, each of which have two outputs. It runs at 40 MHz with any waveform and offers full biofeedback in minutes; you can even store up to 30 programs to operate it without the need for computer control. Plus, its fluorescent tube on its receiver coil illuminates when energy flows between transmitter and receiver!

Spooky2 Central

Spooky2 Central is one of the most powerful and adaptable Rife machines on the market, featuring frequency programs to target specific pathogens, detoxing protocols, support for various organs and systems and much more. Furthermore, Asyra Bioresonance allows users to accurately diagnose imbalances or other health concerns; many users started out using generators but eventually added Spooky2 Central for greater versatility and options.

Spooky2 Central features two function generators, two USB ports and various attachments such as a PEMF coil, two bags of TENS pads, a pair of Spooky2 Stainless Hand Cylinders and cold laser twin and wrist attachments. Furthermore, its software includes detox protocol presets as well as a Terrain Detox protocol designed for beginners as well as an extensive database of symptom-based frequencies.

SpookyNet stands out from other machine learning algorithms by its ability to faithfully reproduce the reference potential energy surface. This is made possible due to its inclusion of point charge embeddings for spin and angular momentum atoms and molecules, essential in predicting energy for them. Furthermore, analytical functions that approximate long-range dispersion energies of bonds follow known physical laws; this allows it to extrapolate beyond data it was trained on with greater confidence that its results will be physically accurate.

Spooky2 uses empirical augmentations as a key feature, enabling it to extract knowledge from inaccessible data sets and use this knowledge for chemically accurate energy predictions for complex molecules not present in its training set. With these features in place, SpookyNet can produce chemically accurate energy predictions on new molecules not in its training set.

This feature of the model allows it to perform calculations that would otherwise be intractable, such as the probability of bond breaking under given conditions and energy prediction of complex molecules based on their atomic structures.

The Spooky2 Portable GX Pro Essential Kit contains a portable case, Spooky2 GeneratorX and laptop computer preloaded with Spooky2 software – ideal for new users of Spooky2. Furthermore, this kit features a PEMF coil, two remote controls from Spooky2, two bags of TENS pads and five pairs of sample digitizer replacement slides as well as cold laser twin wrist.

Spooky2 Generator

Spooky2 Generator is one of the most comprehensive Rife systems on the market, featuring numerous treatment modes like plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser, audio and audiovisual therapy. Specifically tailored to alleviating pain, inflammation and building immunity; as well as detect and kill fungus, mold, parasites using frequencies based on quantum physics principles of entanglement and nonlocality, it uses frequencies tailored specifically for pain management and building immunity.

Fast and powerful, it allows full biofeedback scans to be completed in about 6 minutes – significantly faster than what could be accomplished using Spooky2 Pulse machine. Other notable features of the machine include 40 MHz maximum output with any waveform and standalone capability supporting up to 30 loaded programs, 5kHz gating at any duty cycle as well as its 40MHz output maximum frequency with any waveform and 5kHz gating frequency (at any duty cycle).

Spooky Boost 2.0, its intelligent signal processor, can quadruple power in Contact Mode and double Remote mode respectively. Furthermore, there are dedicated outputs for each Remote model, pass through connections for Out 1 and Out 2 on the generator, as well as optimized output to produce high quality colloidal silver production.

If you’re new to Rife therapy, consider getting the GeneratorX Pro Starter Kit which includes a Spooky2 Generator and all essential accessories. This package provides everything needed for getting started without needing additional equipment purchases.

Spooky2 is very user-friendly, requiring no special training or knowledge to operate it effectively. Anyone with an internet connection and the appropriate software – which is regularly free and updated – can use the system easily and affordably. Hardware setup is quick and painless too – plus there is even an outstanding money-back guarantee and technical support service! Plus it works on most PCs running Windows XP, Vista, 7/8/8.1/10!

Spooky2 Accessories

Spooky2‘s powerhouse generatorX (GX) Pro, the world’s most advanced Rife machine, stands out as an industry leader with fast scan times and stand-alone use. Featuring outputs for detoxing/pathogen killing/PEMF/cold laser/audio purposes – among many others! – this device makes a statement.

Spooky2 Waveform Generator is capable of reproducing all 23 Spooky2 waveforms including Rife sine damped as well as three additional waves based on his principles. Furthermore, remote treatments using narrowcast frequencies to DNA input plates as well as crystals or other healing substances as carriers are possible using this device.

Spooky2 Boost v3.1 also comes equipped with a high power contact coil designed for hands-free use, making healing/frequency entrainment much simpler by simply placing the coil on a flat surface and placing a glass of water atop. You may also imprint any frequency directly onto its copper core by placing paper with such frequency directly over it. Finally, its BNC connector cable makes connection easy.

Spooky2 Portable GX Essential Kit offers everything needed to begin using their system with confidence: generator, Portable GX, PEMF coil, two TENS pads bags and one pair of Spooky2 Stainless Hand Cylinders. A great way to experience its power!

Rife enthusiasts must have our high quality BNC filter cables as an indispensable addition to their generator setup. These filters feature double shielding and thick gauge copper wires wrapped around a special ferrite core – designed to prevent electrical noise from harming your generator and maintain a clear signal – they come in various lengths for ultimate convenience.

This terrifying accessory will certainly add some frightful fun this Halloween! The skeleton hand will hold your Jar Candle elegantly while looking fantastic on any mantelpiece or desk in your lair.

July 13, 2024|Editorial

LMS Targeted Whole Genome Sequencing

Dr Joanna Przybyl provides an approach for profiling molecular changes in leiomyosarcoma (LMS) tumor-derived DNA using targeted sequencing and copy number analysis, in order to detect molecular alterations that could provide clues as to potential therapeutic targets for LMS tumors.

DRAGEN v4.2 integrates depth signals from CNV callers with junction signals from SV callers to increase its sensitivity in detecting small to medium genomic gain or loss events.

Detection of Copy Number Variants

Copy number variants (CNVs) are structural variants that disrupt DNA copying and genome regulation, often having significant biological ramifications such as altered gene expression. CNVs differ from SNPs and Indels in that they occupy larger genomic space ranging from several thousand bases up to 5 megabases [1].

Structural variation analysis has traditionally been accomplished via array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). Next-generation sequencing (NGS), however, allows CNV detection with higher resolution than aCGH and may enable identification of CNVs that had previously gone undetected due to other methods of detection. NGS’ high resolution capability makes this technology particularly valuable when searching for CNVs that alter DNA replication or transcription – potentially implicated in cancer or other disorders.

NGS may provide numerous advantages over A-CGH; however, detecting CNVs can still be challenging due to an increased number of data points and more complex nature of NGS data sets. Furthermore, NGS methods may be vulnerable to short read lengths or bias in GC content biasing, thus making aCGH as a quality control measure crucial in order to reliably detect CNVs in NGS data sets.

We conducted a comprehensive analysis on 67 samples from six global buffalo breeds using aCGH and WGS data to detect CNVs per sample and per CNV, after quality control on an individual and per CNV basis. Following quality checks we identified 471 GEN_CNV variants and 1,855 WGS_CNV variants as potential CNVs.

On average, WGS_CNV were detected with higher experiment-wide genome coverage than GEN_CNV due to strict CNVR discovery parameters and small sample size limitations. Conversely, GEN_CNV were present across many genomic regions with similar length distributions as aCGH experiments.

Genotyping signal intensity information to detect CNVs is a widely adopted practice, and several in silico methods have been developed for this purpose. However, experimental validation with qPCR or FISH remains necessary in order to provide true validation; to expedite this process more efficiently an accurate computational method must also be available; herein we have implemented an algorithm based on a Bayesian information criterion (BIC) algorithm which detects CNVs with high confidence from genomic data sets.

Detection of Deletions

Copy number variants (CNVs), especially deletions, is an essential step toward understanding how genomic variations impact phenotype. A variety of techniques have been employed to detect CNVs including comparative genomic hybridisation arrays, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays and depth-of-coverage metrics applied to whole genome sequence data.

CNV detection approaches depend heavily on the quality of original source data. Combinations of methods may help increase sensitivity while simultaneously decreasing false positives generated by each technique individually.

To assess the performance of different CNV detection methods, we have conducted an artificially constructed dataset and evaluated their performance on it. This dataset includes randomly sampled genomic positions of autosomal CNVs and chromosome X duplications with pairwise distance measurements between them; then a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was run to establish whether their distribution differed significantly from that expected if all CNVs had been evenly spread throughout the genome.

We compared the performance of various genomic CNVR detection methods by analyzing sequencing data from one animal. Our results indicate that combining CNV detection methods may allow for increased deletion detection compared to individual methods alone; however, please be aware that individual detection methods differ considerably in how much deletions they detect.

BIC-seq, a nonparametric algorithm developed for genomic data, was created to detect CNVs using probabilities that each read belonged to one of four mixture models: normal diploid copy number (CN=0), homozygous deletion (CN=-1), heterozygous duplication (2-3), and heterozygous duplication (2-3). Model parameters were estimated using logistic regression. BIC-seq’s robustness against outliers makes it ideal for large datasets generated from next-generation sequencers capable of up to 30x coverage coverage.

We applied BIC-seq to a tumor genome sequence from a patient with glioblastoma and its matching normal sample from another individual, successfully detecting somatic CNVs in 22 genes including cancer-related genes EGFR and CDKN2A that show both amplified copies and deletions that frequently appear in these tumors.

Detection of Duplications

CNVs differ from SNPs in that they alter an entire genomic region’s amount of DNA present; such changes can have various impacts, including altering protein expression levels, exposing recessive alleles and gene duplication/deletion. Because CNVs play such an integral part of livestock genetic improvement programs, their identification has become essential. Multiple methods have been devised for CNV identification including comparative genomic hybridization arrays (CGH) arrays and SNP genotyping arrays.

Contrast SNP arrays with CGH arrays which report relative signal intensities. SNP arrays collect normalized total signals and allelic intensity ratios representing overall copy number and allele frequency; however, data collected using SNP arrays is usually limited in size due to how they’re collected, which could introduce bias into their CNV detection methods. Furthermore, most SNP arrays were created for genome-wide association studies without including probes specifically optimized for CNV detection.

Genomic CNV wave whole genome sequencing offers an alternative approach for detecting CNVs with higher sensitivity and specificity than SNP arrays. To facilitate detection, software used in this study partitioned the genome into non-overlapping bins that were assessed based on read depth comparison with an applicable threshold; additionally, statistical tests were run against CNV calls to validate accuracy of calls.

Genomic cnv wave software was put through rigorous accuracy tests using data generated by the Comparative Genomics Laboratory at University of Wisconsin-Madison and comprised 79 genes from six domestic animal breeds, running 0.85 seconds each time and with no false positives observed. Furthermore, it demonstrated excellent sensitivity and specificity when applied to this same dataset for another set of tests, with no true positives misidentified as false negatives.

Genomic CNV Wave was further evaluated against PennCNV, a standard CNV detection algorithm on the same dataset, using this comparison approach. Genatic cnv Wave proved more accurate at detecting deletions and duplications. Genomic CNV Wave was significantly superior in detecting duplications than other algorithms; for deletions it identified almost three times more events due to its ability to identify low-resolution duplications that may otherwise go undetected by other algorithms. Functional enrichment analysis was also conducted in order to assess biological significance; genes involved with CNVs included those related to olfactory receptors, G-protein coupled receptors and metabolic processes as enriched genes.

Detection of Heterozygous Deletions

Finding heterozygous deletions presents a daunting challenge for genome-wide sequencing as their breakpoints often lie within large genomic regions. Therefore, in order to detect CNVs with heterozygous alleles it requires an innovative method incorporating depth-of-coverage techniques that ensure accurate detection. This study created a novel CNV detection method using visualization of B-allele frequency (BAF) to detect small heterozygous deletions. This method takes advantage of the fact that satellite clusters containing duplication or deletion alleles appear as clearly differentiated clusters with increasing or decreasing signal intensities on scatterplots, thus making their characteristics useful in genotyping samples and thus identifying CNVs.

This method represents a major advancement over previous techniques that required manual expert review and experimental validation of original CNV calls, as its performance is comparable with an advanced neural network-based method for CNV detection from WGS data. Furthermore, this new technique is significantly more sensitive than standard genome-wide depth-of-coverage based CNV detection approaches.

To detect CNVs, this innovative method uses an iterative procedure utilizing genomic wave analysis, probe specific BAF, and population based haplotype information in an iterative fashion to filter out false positives and detect CNVs. Each genomic wave is generated by sequentially subdividing the target CNV region into smaller, equally sized 5′- and 3′-flanking regions. The genomic waves created are then visualized on scatterplots, where their median signal intensity is plotted against that of surrounding regions. This BAF distribution allows us to identify CNVs by their distinctive shape and size; their identification can then be confirmed through satellite clusters with high or low BAF intensities.

With PennCNV, we identified 1040 true CNVs comprising 267 duplication and 773 deletion B-alleles on six regions on chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9 (Table 1). Figure 1 displays scatterplot-based calling of CNV on Chromosome 2. A suggested deletion not detected by PennCNV was confirmed through noise reduction of LRR values for relevant probes and visual inspection after scatterplot processing.