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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 11, 2024|Editorial

How to Receive Reiki From a Remote Reiki Sign For Healing

People often seek Reiki energy healing for various reasons. Perhaps they want to feel more at peace, access their intuition or discover meaning in life.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (also known as the distant Reiki healing symbol) allows us to send Reiki energy across time and space, making this symbol one of Reiki’s most versatile tools.


Reiki healing employs several symbols. One such is called the power symbol (cho ku rei), which looks like a drawing of a coil and symbolizes energy flow (chi). This can increase or decrease energy or channel it through someone’s body; additionally it can help heal people remotely as well. Another is known as mental/emotional symbol (hun sa ze shon nen). This one helps balance relationships among two people such as friends, lovers or family members by soothing emotions, clearing confusion and creating an overall sense of calm.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (HSZSN), or “No Past, Present or Future,” can be used to direct energy backwards into time to reexamine past events from a more insightful angle and forwards into events yet-to-come in the future. Furthermore, this symbol can assist people facing challenging circumstances in moving through them more smoothly.

Reiki practitioners believe this symbol brings the universe directly into a practitioner’s healing hands and draws people closer to God, making it one of three symbols given to students who reach level two of Reiki training or beyond.

Another symbol used in distant reiki healing is the planetary or grid symbol ko rai. This image represents humanity as well as all living beings on our planet; using it promotes peace, love and understanding between all peoples.


Other symbols include the Aether symbol (sek nen), which represents purity and innocence and creates a protective energy field around recipients that helps them connect to their higher selves. Furthermore, an Ethereal Symbol known to cleanse auras while shielding physical bodies from negative energies; masters typically learn this symbol last; it features an energy spiral similar to that found in labyrinths.


Reiki practitioners rely on various techniques to facilitate energy healing remotely, including visualization, symbolism, intention and clearing their chakras for maximum results. After taking these steps they begin the session setting their intentions with regards to sending healing energy over to their client and placing their hands into a reiki symbol and visualizing that entering their bodies.

Once a reiki symbol has been placed on an individual, it is crucial that practitioners let go of their ego and allow the symbol to do its work – by repeating in their minds “I surrender and allow this energy do its work”. Once their session has concluded, practitioners should thank the symbols for helping.

When practicing Reiki, the healer can either draw the symbol on their palms or paper or simply visualize it in their mind. They’ll then hold their dominant hand over the paper for five to ten minutes while invoking the symbols through mantra chanting three times each while performing each ceremony of Reiki invocation.

The Reiki symbol can be used for distant healing as it connects to universal life force energy, sending healing energy directly into our bodies with proper attunement and training. Reiki energy has proven particularly helpful for post-surgery recovery, reduced anxiety and stress levels and improving restful sleep in hospitals and clinics alike.

Reiki heals by sending new healthy instructions directly into cells and organs of an individual, providing therapeutic relief from conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, infertility, cancer and autoimmune disorders. Reiki may also help heal psychological trauma as well as break any karmic patterns which prevent you from fully enjoying life.


Reiki is a noninvasive energy healing modality, proven safe and effective for both the practitioner and recipient. People seek Reiki treatments for various reasons; to feel more peaceful or follow their intuition more intuitively and improve mental, physical, or emotional health.


At a distant Reiki healing session, both recipient and healer agree on a time and date for the session, during which time the recipient lies down to receive it (usually lasting around half an hour). While it is possible to receive Reiki without lying down, lying down is more effective; recipients may experience warmth or tingling sensations throughout their body or experience feelings of floating as their energy shifts into an incredibly relaxing state.

At a remote session, recipients can meditate, use visualization and affirmations techniques, or simply focus on breathing to reach a state of calm, relaxation. They may seek guidance and assistance with specific goals such as breaking bad habits, exploring career options or improving relationships from their healer. It is recommended that recipients prepare by clearing their space of clutter, switching off cell phones or setting them to silent mode and lighting a candle, playing low music or incense to enhance the experience.

As they begin their session, practitioners often visualize a mental picture of the recipient in their non-dominant hand and invoke three symbols – starting with Reiki distant healing symbol – over this image. Following that step, their dominant hand moves over this mental picture and performs aura cleansing for that individual.

Reiki may then be applied directly to the source of any issue, whether that be from past lives or something present-day. Furthermore, healers can send Reiki into other realms if they feel that extra help is required for any situation.

As soon as a Reiki healer has sent energy, they typically recite three symbols and give a gassho – Japanese for “I send you love and light”. After doing this, they may then inform their recipient what their energy flow looks like now that their chakras have been balanced.


At a Reiki session, energy flows freely between practitioner and client before passing through their energetic field and healing them on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Reiki has been used to reduce pain, decrease stress and anxiety levels and enhance well-being among humans and animals alike; treat animal ailments; speed recovery after surgery or medical procedures and help people recover faster overall than with traditional forms of healing therapies alone. Reiki sessions are completely noninvasive so do not interfere with medication or healing therapies being used at the same time.

Reiki does not force healing on anyone, but can speed up their rate of improvement. Reiki energy gives cells and organs new healthy instructions which help them operate at optimal performance while clearing away blocks that prevent the body from healing itself.

Reiki practitioners frequently offer distance healing sessions as part of their in-person practice. Before or after a distance reiki healing session, a practitioner might talk with their client by phone or online before and/or after to determine their reasons for needing one, answer any queries they might have, and stay connected during all of its duration – or electronically disconnect during it, planning to reconnect later to discuss any queries and answer any that arise during or after.

Remote Reiki sessions often produce similar outcomes as in-person ones, including deep relaxation, stress relief, feelings of lightness or warmth, greater clarity or grounding and enhanced love and hopefulness.

At a distance reiki session, it is crucial that both client and practitioner establish clear intentions in order to maximize its efficacy. Length of time the energy is sent also plays a significant role; short sessions will have only minor results while longer ones could provide powerful transformations.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

Jellyfish Reverse Aging

Jellyfish have been swimming through Earth’s oceans since dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago, even managing to hit reset and go back into their larval stage following sexual reproduction.

One species known as the “immortal jellyfish” has managed to do this repeatedly, and now scientists have managed to unlock its genetic code to gain insight into why and how.

Life Cycle

As we age, our bodies begin to break down. Recently, scientists discovered an animal which can reverse this process and offer insights into immortality.

An incredible journey awaits a jellyfish as its life cycle unfolds. When fertilized by sperm, female jellyfish eggs grow into free-swimming larvae known as planulae that swim around until they find a solid surface to attach themselves to. Once there, planulae begin growing polyps which eventually transform into bell-shaped medusae as its polyps give jellyfish their signature shapes; an ephyra develops from within polyps as its polyps further develop and becomes increasingly complex with age.

At this stage, an ephyra can be seen emitting spores that will eventually develop into new medusae or polyps. This process leads to an outbreak of jellyfish blooms in a given area.

Ephyra will continue to expand until it can move on its own, when it starts resembling more mature jellyfish. At this stage, its colors may change to attract prey or warn predators away.

Typically, jellyfish only spend a few months in this medusa stage before beginning to die of old age and officially reaching the end of its lifecycle. But under certain conditions, this medusa can revert back into its polyp form and resume living another cycle.

Recent research has demonstrated that Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish has the remarkable ability to reproduce multiple times postsexual reproduction, effectively making it what scientists refer to as biologically immortal jellyfish. Scientists at Oviedo University have mapped the genes behind their extraordinary ability and hope that understanding these might lead to anti-aging medications for humans as well.

Jellyfish may seem like an appealing answer in our search for eternal youth, but we should remember they’re only one species among many. Most species seen both in aquariums and nature displays only survive as long as their adult medusae can reproduce successfully – which may not always be easy!


Genetics is the study of genes, the units of heredity passed from parent to offspring that contain instructions that determine characteristics such as eye color or susceptibility to certain diseases. Genetics also investigates how variations in genes affect an organism’s health and well-being.

Scientists have recently identified several genes that appear to protect against the aging process. The longevity genes, specifically, appear able to keep cells active for longer than would otherwise be the case – this may help cells better withstand stressors such as high temperatures or lack of food and water in various environments around the globe.

Other genes have also been shown to accelerate aging, often linked to age-related diseases that can have serious if not fatal consequences. One such gene involved with insulin production often exhibits such characteristics.

Researchers have recently discovered that changing specific genes can reverse their harmful effects. One way this was achieved was using a harmless virus to deliver rejuvenating Yamanaka factors directly to damaged retinal ganglion cells in mice’s eyes, producing results such as younger-looking eyes capable of sending new messages along their axons to the brain.

Altering how genes are folded within cells is another approach to combatting aging, and researchers used proteins that regulate DNA folding as tools in this process. Unfortunately, however, results weren’t always satisfying; sometimes changes made to proteins altered how certain genes were read by other proteins, leading to changes in cell activity that altered activity levels further still.

Researchers are working hard to make these protein changes permanent in order to create a drug that could effectively slow or reverse human aging. While this task will likely prove daunting due to our complex ecosystem consisting of trillions of cells and over 10,000 genes, even if this could only slow aging for some cells or genes it would still represent a great step forward.


Transdifferentiation, as a relatively novel phenomenon, questions the idea that differentiated cells have reached an irreversible and permanent state. Transdifferentiation involves direct conversion from one cell type into another without restarting development; its main criteria being lineage relationship and molecular differences that distinguishes between these cell types on an intracellular level.

Chemical methods for inducing transdifferentiation allow scientists to precisely control the concentration, duration, and timing of small molecule treatments that induce reprogramming, which allows for the generation of specific cell types in an exact fashion. Furthermore, stepwise or sequential transdifferentiation mimicking natural development provides useful strategies in creating complex cell populations.

Chemical transdifferentiation’s reprogramming effects may be more robust and efficient than that of fibroblast-to-iPSC conversion, making it an attractive method of regenerating desired cell types for therapeutic applications. Furthermore, using chemicals for inducing transdifferentiation leads to greater differentiation which results in functional cells with desirable biophysical properties.

Researchers have devised numerous protocols for inducing neuronal transdifferentiation using different sources of somatic cells. These procedures provide a powerful means of creating alternative autologous cell therapies for neurodegenerative conditions as well as human mechanistic studies and new drug screening systems.

Furthermore, these methods offer an invaluable complement to reprogramming models that explore neurological disease modeling from iPSCs – particularly when producing cell types that retain age-related neurological disease phenotypes.

Recently, an example of direct conversion occurred with dermal fibroblasts to striatal neurons using miRNA-based direct reprogramming. The newly generated neurons displayed various neurodegenerative disease traits found in patients with Huntington’s disease such as nuclear huntingtin protein aggregates and spontaneous aggregation phenotypes that are characteristic of this degenerative condition.

Chemical transdifferentiation research offers promise; however, several obstacles and limitations prevent its clinical application. With further advancements and technological developments, its future looks bright.


Jellyfish are great examples of regeneration in nature, with new arms, tails and even bodies emerging through regeneration processes called epimorphic regeneration. Scientists are now trying to harness this power so as to produce replacement organs for those lost organs.

Regeneration can also help address environmental problems, like jellyfish swarming in an area to alter its chemical makeup. They remove nutrients by digesting dead fish and squid, competing against phytoplankton that deplete oxygen from waterbodies, and bind microplastics out of circulation through mucus production in their bodies.

As with other cnidarians, jellyfish are hermaphrodites that can self-fertilize. Reproducing asexually by releasing eggs and sperm into the water where they float until meeting other gametes; some species spawn all at once before female jellyfish fertilize their eggs by dipping their bell into sperm-containing pools; once fertilized, embryos may move onto new body forms such as medusas or tentacled forms of lion’s mane jellyfishes.

As fish populations decline, jellyfish blooms have become more widespread worldwide. Overfishing creates “dead zones” in which oxygen levels drop precipitously; competing jellyfish species vie with phytoplankton for the limited supply. With less competition for zooplankton consumed by other marine life, jellies are freer to expand their habitats and reproduce more quickly – this bodes well for mankind as jellies help clean up our oceans; but an expanding population may prove dangerous and it is essential that ways are found for keeping growth balanced against needs other marine life species.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

The Matrix, The Matrix and Peter Gariaev

Dr Gariaev‘s team of Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic experts discovered that DNA codon sequences conform to rules of grammatical syntax. With this knowledge they were able to modulate coherent laser light and radio waves with semantic meaning to reprogramme DNA.

In one experiment, he shone a low-power laser beam through salamander embryos in one container and into frog embryos in another container; eventually the salamanders developed into healthy adult salamanders.

Sound & Light

Sound and light are forms of energy that move in waves. Both sound and light waves can reflect off their environments and refract in different directions, even bending around objects in their path. Light travels much more quickly than sound due to air or similar medium slowing the speed of its waves in reaching our ears – unlike light which doesn’t need one! Light’s direct path straight to our eyes means it can reach us so much quicker.

Luc Montagnier noted that each turn of DNA is filled with water. He published his findings demonstrating how homeopathic dilutions of bacteria could transfer their signature frequency to “blank” pure water and then use PCR to reconstruct its original DNA sequence, further validating how DNA operates on both an informational and wave level. Gariaev then demonstrated how DNA could be reprogrammed using sounds and words. His team discovered how modulation onto coherent laser light or radio waves causes it to reprogram itself into new codon sequences; Gariaev went further to show how DNA could reprogramming using sound and words could actually change its original codon sequence by modulation onto coherent laser light or radio waves, thus changing how DNA code modulation causes DNA itself into its original codon sequence.

Dr Gariaev demonstrated that human voice frequencies could also produce the same reprogramming effect, making his groundbreaking discovery truly groundbreaking in that we now possess the ability to access our own DNA information to heal ourselves – something which has been confirmed by thousands of testimonials since Gariaev died in 2020.

The Bible establishes an obvious correlation between sound and light from its very inception: “God said, Let there be light, and there was light.” This light comes directly from our Creator of our universe and serves as our life force; eventually it may even be possible to capture genetic data and use that to generate sound matrixes that can keep our bodies healthy forever!

The Matrix

Science-fiction film pioneered by the Wachowskis’ 1999 masterpiece has left a profound mark on cinema. Protagonist Thomas Anderson (known by his virtual name Neo) undertook an epic journey and discovered answers to life’s biggest mysteries along his virtual travels.

In the first movie, our hero learns that he is living inside an artificial reality created by Machines. People live in pod-like vats of liquid that are connected to a network that serves as an energy source for the Machines; their brains provide energy by virtue of an ever-present cloud layer preventing sunlight from reaching Earth. Morpheus explains that the creators of The Matrix deliberately created it so it looks like late-20th-century world with nature and civilization; so inhabitants wouldn’t realize they were living inside an unreal existence.

Once they recognize this reality, Neo and his crew attempt to escape from the matrix in order to confront the Machine army in Zion – the last human city located deep underground – where there remains some resistance from its inhabitants. One major challenge they encounter are Agents – programs designed specifically to hunt anomalies like Neo’s crew such as Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving). One particular agent manages to infect another Red Pill program before Neo can purge him of infection and purge him himself of him before an enemy program comes back for an attack from his allies before infiltrating his group can purge him of its influences before infecting other Red-Pilled programs before Neo can purge them of infection from the matrix and unplug themselves from it all at once.

Neo is stronger than ever in The Matrix Reloaded, yet humanity still faces dire prospects. Zion has fallen to the Machines, forcing Neo to fight his way through an army of agents while confronting another danger: his own mortality.

The hero also meets up with a female program known as The Oracle, played by Priyanka Chopra Jonas. Though older than their counterparts in the original trilogy, both share many similar characteristics; thus this new movie will explore both characters’ relationships as well as explore how virtual and real realities intertwine.

The DNA Phantom

Gariaev made an astounding discovery in 1985: physical DNA can retain some sort of memory resembling wave/field phenomenon. Through his experiments he and his colleagues were able to alter codon sequences within DNA strings, reprogram the molecules, thereby altering human genome. Furthermore, these findings led to them discovering that modulating coherent laser light or radio waves onto carrier DNA carrier could alter its grammar syntax syntax, thus altering genetic languages grammatically syntax as well.

Reprogramming DNA could be used to make genetically engineered crops more resistant to disease. Furthermore, it opens the possibility of altering our own genetic code so as to program certain individuals to have different physical features or even alter their mental states.

Dr. Gariaev made an astounding discovery: that DNA “book of life” can be altered through changing codon sequences encoded within its double helix structure. Reprogramming was accomplished in this experiment by modulating coherent laser light and adding semantics to carrier waves, thus altering triplet sequences within DNA triplets as well as changing their codons sequences within human genome.

These findings lead us to the conclusion that DNA contains an inexhaustible reservoir of words, with words and sentences adapting themselves over time to become words or letters on other levels – creating natural (human) and genetic (DNA) languages as holographic structures with soliton structures resembling fractals; an idea known as the Fractal Language Theory of Biology.

However, one should remember to stay within his or her means when taking part in any form of sport or recreation activity. For this reason it is advisable not to overextend yourself physically when trying out different sporting or leisure pursuits. Searches were performed to identify Phantom-like elements in various species including Schmidtea mediterranea and its protists, Chlorophyta caulis plant, Helobdella robusta nematode, sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus ascidians Ciona intestinalis and C. savigny ascidians ascidians Ciona intestinalis and C. savigny ascidians present throughout mammals such as these organisms before their recognition was confirmed in their DNA sequenced genome. By employing BlastN, full-length Phantom sequences were identified through pairwise comparison with related counterparts and TIRs and TSDs were found by searching for matching pairs upstream and downstream of each Phantom element. Next, a clade of Phantom-like transposases (TEs), most belonging to the same family as E. invadens Phantom translated ORFs were identified indicating they are bona fide class 2 transposases.


Dr Gariaev was the first to propose that DNA acts like a bio-hologram storing and transmitting geometric information via its double helix structure, such as an acoustic wave encoded within our double-helix DNA double helix structure. Furthermore, he suggested this wave pattern interacts with physical vacuum forces, potentially altering our genetic blueprint and leading to changes.

Torsion fields mediate this interaction between cells. Their powerful effect has enabled scientists to use torsion fields to reprogram cells into embryonic stem cells (ESCs), the precursor cells to all cell types in our bodies. By selecting appropriate reprogramming factors, researchers can alter a cell’s identity and encourage its transformation into any desired tissue type.

Scientists have developed various techniques for reprogramming cells. Early techniques involved introducing transcription factors via viruses; however, this was ineffective and led to unintended genetic material being introduced into cells. More recently, non-integrating methods have been devised; these employ plasmids containing genes essential to transformation that when introduced by electricity create a temporary hole in the cell membrane which enables entry of reprogramming factors into it.

Reprogramming cells is an intricate process requiring coordination among many biological pathways. A key element to successfully reprogram cells lies in manipulating their microenvironment with specific factors which activate specific pathways or regulate key regulators.

iPS cells represent an exciting new tool for studying human diseases in the laboratory and treating them clinically, but many challenges still lie ahead. One major difficulty lies in producing enough iPS cells in large enough quantities for clinical use and without incurring mutations or other harmful side-effects.

To address these challenges, scientists are developing molecular strategies to modify cell identity and promote self-renewing iPS cells. Furthermore, they have identified molecules whose manipulation enhances the process of reprogramming and improves cell proliferation.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Accessories

Explore the frightening accessories that will enhance the power of your Spooky2 and make it even more potent – from finger clips to plasma tubes!

This efficient signal processor connects to both outputs of your generator. Featuring global transport controls and individual channel gating for high quality silver production.

Pulse Biofeedback Scanner

Biofeedback can assist in helping reduce stress levels and enhance quality of life through meditation, breathwork, guided imagery, body scanning and other techniques. Biofeedback provides real-time feedback of what’s happening to your physiology to enable changes and restore equilibrium. Most portable biofeedback devices utilize finger sensors that measure skin temperature and pulse with photoplethysmography for biofeedback measurements. These sensors are connected to a custom board that utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and a microprocessor to gather data from each sensor, then display it on a mobile device as visual biofeedback signal. Furthermore, a mobile app includes an interval timer to measure heart rate variability and coherence.

This project utilizes a Wemos ESP32 board equipped with a finger probe and an MLX90614 temperature sensor.

Cold Laser Wrist

Light therapy gadgets may look similar to your average at-home device, but what makes each different is its wavelengths. Some offer red hues while others feature near-infrared ones, according to dermatologist Naana Boakye. When buying, be mindful of whether the at-home device uses laser or LED technology; laser devices require protective eyewear while LED devices don’t.

If you need relief quickly on-the-go, consider the Shine Tendlite Pro. It fits comfortably into any purse or travel bag and features multiple wavelengths to assist healing and pain reduction – ideal for carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and soft tissue injuries.

Class IV laser devices stimulate cellular regeneration processes and facilitate nerve cell reconnection, thus decreasing pain, improving hand grip, reducing swelling/inflammation associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as helping improve blood circulation while alleviating symptoms such as congestion/sinusitis.

Cold laser therapy devices deliver non-thermal photons of light to heal damaged cells in the body. It can promote cellular metabolism, increase blood circulation, alleviate inflammation and pain relief as well as speed up healing time. They have also been successfully used to treat conditions like sarcoidosis, amyloidosis and multiple myeloma with positive results. Incorporating Chinese traditional medicine theory of acupuncture, these cold laser therapy devices provide safe stimulation of meridians and acupoints for maximum results.

Straight Plasma Tube

Plasma cutters are an efficient and cost-effective method of cutting metal. By using compressed air to arc across an electrode and create a highly ionised pilot plasma that conducts well, bridging gaps within the torch before being released through its nozzle, they can also be used to cut other materials such as wood or plastic, with new plasma torch and consumable designs offering greater versatility when cutting different length workpieces.

The Plasma Ball is an engaging way for students to explore high voltage and electric fields. When applied, large voltage is applied to its central electrode, drawing electrons from gases in glass containers into an impact/cascade/avalanche ionization process that frees electrons which then release more gas molecules causing chain reactions that eventually cause glowing of its surface.

An ICCD camera allows us to visualize plasma streams. High-speed images show the dynamic nature of collimated states being formed, such as slowing flow down and mass accumulation at its flow front, before suddenly speeding up during pulse voltage transition edges and fall edges. A velocity vs distance graph displays behavior of plasma bullet for different values of d. Smaller values result in plasma stream propagating along upper inner surfaces of U-shaped tubes rather than filling all the space uniformly, as evidenced by propagating along inner U-shaped tube inner surfaces rather than filling the entire tube uniformly when smaller values exist.

Phanotron Tube

A phanotron tube is an electronic tube comprised of a control grid, an anode and cathode with its characteristic curve easily measured and recorded. A mechanically linked meter can measure this variation, as can an electric motor to increase anode-cathode potential at a consistent rate.

This coil can be connected directly to your generator for frequency imprinting or entrainment, as well as used with a Spooky2 Boost v3.1 generator for high power contact. With its built-in PEMF load, this coil allows frequencies to be transmitted into glasses of water or other materials.

The Rife Phanotron Straight Plasma Tube is an invaluable accessory for your Multiwave Oscillator. Ideal for pinpointing frequencies associated with disseminated pathogens like viruses and bacteria, this tube makes finding and clearing infections much simpler – whether using either the Straight Plasma Tube (see image above) or longer ones (such as Long Plasma Tube ).

Spooky Radionics

Spooky Radionics has become an invaluable asset in homes and clinics worldwide, enabling people to integrate frequency therapy directly into their healing practices. Berkana Labs developed this elegant yet simple device as the inaugural offering from their line of expertly engineered radionics instruments for use with Spooky2 Rife systems.

Built to be cost-effective and powered by our Spooky2 XM generator, this instrument is an affordable way to get into radionics. You can use it either passively for simple rate broadcasts or fully integrate it with our other spooky2 devices and accessories for maximum benefit.

As with all our equipment, spooky2 products are handcrafted with care and meticulousness in order to guarantee each one is one-of-a-kind and to guarantee every order ships with top-quality instruments.

Spooky Radionics comes complete with an extensive manual that covers all the connections, as well as some key protocols, such as making copies or using it for agricultural or horticultural applications, as well as manifesting wishes with it. You can download this manual below along with some spooky2 presets which can be applied directly to radionics instruments using Boost.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

Rife Therapy Side Effects Compare With PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy

When exploring alternative healing methods, it’s essential to conduct extensive research and make well-informed choices. This article delves into Rife Therapy versus PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy as two viable solutions.

Both therapies utilize resonance to combat pathogens and enhance cell health, but differ significantly in terms of frequency ranges and scope.

RIFE Machines

RIFE machines are devices that generate low electromagnetic energy waves that resemble radio waves, and send these frequencies into the body where they can affect microorganisms, cells and metabolic processes. Some people have used RIFE machines as part of a cancer treatment strategy; however, scientific evidence does not support their claims of curing cancer with these devices.

Royal Raymond Rife was an American scientist and inventor who created a microscope designed to observe microorganisms as well as an electromagnetic frequency emitter which could destroy them. Rife believed that all types of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites vibrated at specific frequencies; by identifying them and emitting their frequencies through his machine he could effectively eliminate harmful ones without harming healthy ones.

Although Rife’s theory on how RIFE machines operate remains contentious, many still support its efficacy. RIFE machines have been used to treat various health conditions including pain and fatigue and are thought to help the body’s natural healing process.

RIFE therapy works on the principle of resonance, which holds that all microorganisms – viruses and bacteria alike – vibrate at specific frequencies. By identifying this frequency and transmitting it into the body’s systems, RIFE treatments can target and destroy these organisms while still safeguarding natural processes within it.

Some have reported success using RIFE treatments to manage various health conditions, particularly Lyme Disease. Lyme disease is a tick-borne illness caused by Borrelia bacteria. People living with Lyme can often experience joint pain, memory problems and fatigue – though diagnosis can be challenging due to dormancy in muscle tissue for months or even years. RIFE therapy has been successfully used to target its resonant frequency and kill off Borrelia bacteria.

RIFE therapy differs from traditional approaches in that it’s noninvasive and has minimal side effects, while still being holistic in that it takes into account body, mind, and spirit connections. This holistic healing approach may prove valuable additions to your overall wellness plan.

PEMF Therapy

PEMF therapy (pulsed electromagnetic fields) is a noninvasive therapy that enhances your body’s natural functions. Energy waves sent through your body absorb energy waves that increase electron spin rate and charge your cells more efficiently allowing better blood circulation, increased oxygen intake and toxin elimination as well as pain reduction and speedier healing times. PEMF can even help reduce pain and swelling as well as facilitate quicker healing times!

Cells in your body only contain limited energy reserves, and over time they lose charge due to physical injury, inflammation, scar tissue formation or poor diet. Over time this can lead to disease and symptoms; PEMF therapy can help recharge and rejuvenate them for improved health and immunity.

Recent research demonstrated the efficacy of PEMF therapy as a supplement to traditional radiation treatments. Published in Oncology Letters, its results emphasized the potential use of PEMF as an anticancer measure.

The study authors conducted a colorimetric MTT assay on MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and FF95 breast cancer cell lines to measure viability; PEMF treatments significantly reduced cell viability by 10%-16% relative to untreated controls while having no such impact on normal fibroblasts.

Researchers utilized GL13 and p21WAF1/Cip1 staining of cells to assess cellular senescence. Their results demonstrated that PEMFs caused an increase in cancer cells while leaving normal fibroblasts unaffected. Therefore, PEMF therapy used with senolytic drugs may be used together effectively in eliminating cancer while leaving healthy fibroblasts unharmed.

PEMF therapy typically results in minimal, mild side effects. Your muscles and bones experience slight stretching and relaxation during a session; this may cause mild discomfort such as nausea, achy joints, muscle twitching or tooth sensitivity in some people – though any temporary side effects should subside within several sessions.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine refers to an umbrella term covering holistic healing techniques. This approach employs natural ingredients like herbs and oils for treatment while eschewing harsh chemicals, making it healthier than traditional medication and often less costly as well. Before making any decisions or using supplements of any sort it is advisable to check with a healthcare practitioner first as some may interact with any current medication regimens you may be taking.

Rife Therapy is an innovative form of treatment based on resonance theory. According to Rife’s interpretation, each microorganism, including harmful viruses, bacteria and parasites has an individual frequency which allows pathogens to be destroyed without damaging healthy cells; by pinpointing this exact frequency for pathogens it becomes possible to destroy them while protecting beneficial ones thereby creating balance and overall wellness.

Rife therapy is non-invasive and safe, making it an excellent option for anyone hoping to improve their health. There are minimal side effects and it can even be combined with other therapies like ionic foot baths to create optimal detox programs, pain relief relief and overall wellbeing.

Many individuals turn to alternative medicine because they feel alienated by the depersonalization and technology orientation of conventional medical care, and by its failure to cure illness with pharmaceutical drugs. These factors have spurred its rise.

Before selecting a therapy, it’s important to first identify your health goals and objectives. Once complete, assess each option’s benefits and drawbacks before seeking advice from those familiar with alternative medicine if still uncertain. Doing this will allow for informed decisions when selecting an effective therapeutic modality to suit your individual needs.


While RIFE machines and PEMF have many similarities, there are also distinct distinctions. Both provide alternative therapies aimed at increasing wellness non-invasively; however, certain conditions, like arthritis, require multifaceted approaches in order to achieve the best possible results.

PEMF therapy uses electromagnetic fields to influence cells and tissues to address various health concerns. By stimulating tissue regeneration and cell repair processes naturally occurring within our bodies, this therapy can treat ailments that range from chronic pain to sleep disorders and fibromyalgia.

Rife therapy is another alternative medicine practice that employs frequency-specific resonance to treat various conditions, such as viruses and certain cancers. While its frequency range differs from PEMF’s, patients may take longer before experiencing relief of symptoms.

The survey questions were designed to be open-ended, so respondents could select multiple answers for each question. Responses are summarized both graphically below and tabulated within the Appendix. Overall, 421 participants completed this questionnaire.

While PEMF and RIFE therapies have proven their beneficial effects, it’s important to remain aware of potential side effects from prolonged usage. Potential effects could include feeling like energy is coming off of the device or feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated after each session. It should also be noted that such devices should never replace medical advice from licensed healthcare professionals.

Survey results demonstrate the most prevalent applications for PEMF are pain management and joint injury treatment, with six or more conditions listed by respondents as regularly using it for PEMF therapy. It was then followed by energy healing/detoxification/general health/wellness/stress management – benefits which may or may not have any connection with placebo effects; but are more likely due to real biological benefits offered by PEMF.