Chiropractic Vibration Therapy
Chiropractic vibration therapy is an innovative new therapy to complement existing chiropractic treatment. Your chiropractor may ask you to stand or lie on a plate that creates vertical vibration.
Vibration therapy stimulates muscle contractions and blood circulation. Additionally, it increases bone density while improving balance; making vibration therapy an effective holistic solution for fitness, rehabilitation and overall health.
Increased Muscle Tone
Vibration therapy has proven an effective solution for improving balance, muscle strength and physical function when combined with chiropractic modalities. Vibration therapy employs mechanical vibrations to stimulate muscles and tissue – making it the ideal addition to chiropractic care for musculoskeletal health.
Vibration therapy increases muscle tone by stimulating muscular contractions. Furthermore, vibration therapy helps increase flexibility by strengthening muscle fibers and neuromuscular coordination; plus it stimulates circulation to speed up natural healing processes in your body – no wonder chiropractors are increasingly adopting this cutting-edge technology in their practices!
Although many consider vibration therapy to be just another type of massage, it can actually be used as an effective means of strengthening core muscles. Vibrations caused by vibratory therapy stimulate muscle contractions and work together, strengthening them while simultaneously helping with reduced back pain. Furthermore, vibration therapy has also been proven effective for helping with weight loss by speeding up fat burning processes.
Vibration therapy not only increases muscle tone but can also be used to increase bone density and mobility for those suffering from musculoskeletal issues, increasing mobility while increasing joint flexibility and decreasing pain symptoms. A study published in Current Osteoporosis ReportsTrusted Source and Current Opinion in Endocrinology Diabetes ObesityTrusted Source suggests vibration therapy could actually promote new bone formation by activating osteoblast cells which produce new bone tissue.
Vibration therapy may also help decrease muscle tremors among people living with Parkinson’s disease. A separate study published by NeuroRehabilitationTrusted Source revealed that vibration therapy proved highly successful at decreasing both muscle tremors and rigidity among these patients.
Vibration therapy offers another effective means of relieving stress by massaging various pressure points throughout the body. Not only can this aid sleep quality improvement, but it can also decrease irritability and anxiety levels.
Back to Health Chiropractic can provide holistic chiropractic care focused on musculoskeletal wellness in Worcester, MA, including vibration therapy. Get in touch with us now to discover more!
Improved Blood Circulation
Vibration therapy enhances the results of chiropractic manipulation and adjustments, therapeutic traction and massage techniques. By forcing muscles to contract and relax dozens of times per second, vibration therapy increases muscle tone, flexibility, strength and circulation – particularly useful for overstressed or tightened muscles that don’t respond well to regular exercises; in addition, vibration therapy also strengthens smaller muscle groups that cannot be strengthened through traditional weight training alone.
Vibration therapy has become an integral part of holistic healthcare plans and plans that emphasize holistic wellbeing, with chiropractors increasingly turning to vibration machines as part of treatment plans for their patients. Vibration machines use mechanical vibrations to stimulate muscles and tissues within the body – it comes as both whole-body platforms or handheld devices that can be adjusted according to patient goals.
The vibration plate is an innovative new tool in health and wellness that’s become increasingly popular over time. Chiropractic practitioners can utilize it to treat various conditions, from back pain reduction and balance improvement to increasing muscle strength. Therapy works by pinpointing areas of imbalance in the body and correcting them through precisely calibrated vibrations.
At Sunset Chiropractic & Wellness, our comprehensive approach to care starts with an in-depth consultation and assessment of each individual’s medical history and musculoskeletal system. This allows us to determine whether the pain stems from postural issues, misalignments or subluxations in their spines, lifestyle factors or some combination thereof.
Once our chiropractor has established your treatment plan, vibration therapy may be recommended as part of it. Not only can it strengthen and tone muscles, it increases bone density, stimulates the lymphatic system, boosts immunity and accelerates healing at a cellular level – all essential elements for improved wellbeing.
Reach out to us today to gain more insight into how vibration therapy can enhance the effects of chiropractic care and contribute to living a healthier, happier lifestyle. We look forward to welcoming you soon in our practice!
Reduced Pain Symptoms
Vibration therapy requires patients to stand on a plate which produces vertical vibrations at 25-50 times per second. These rapid vibration forces cause muscles to contract and relax at similar rates as exercise, strengthening them over time. Not only is vibration therapy effective at increasing muscle mass, strength and flexibility, it can also relieve back pain, joint pain and swelling.
At Life Source Chiropractic, our chiropractors employ vibration therapy as part of your treatment plan to address various issues, including sciatic nerve pain. Vibrations reduce symptoms by decreasing inflammation that contributes to discomfort; additionally they improve proprioception (which allows us to sense how our bodies move) by sensing position changes more accurately.
Vibration therapy helps strengthen the deep stabilizing muscles in your spine and core, which in turn helps relieve your symptoms of back pain. Stronger stabilizing muscles mean better support for both spine and joints as well as helping prevent injuries in the first place.
Vibration therapy also reduces pain by increasing bone density. Vibrations stimulate osteoblast production which forms new bone formation; as a result, your bones will thicken up and be denser which in turn relieves any accompanying arthritis pains such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis symptoms.
To experience these benefits, whole-body vibration therapy must be administered at an accredited chiropractic facility. At Mile High Spine & Pain Center, our Power Vibe machine delivers painless vibration therapy directly into any part of the body or just specific areas where you’re concerned – or specific areas like muscles. The vibrations provide nutrient-rich blood directly to your area of concern while simultaneously tense/relaxing up to 12 times per second! This accelerated healing allows our chiropractors to identify the source of your discomfort quickly and work to relieve it effectively. Call us to learn more about our effective techniques for treating back pain/injuries combined with chiropractic adjustments/massage/other forms of treatments!
Improved Sleep
As is well-known, lack of sleep can cause many health issues. These include loss of energy, weight gain and an impaired immune system. Chiropractors specialize in treating these ailments and can even help improve your snoring. Chiropractors utilize various tools and treatments such as vibration therapy – this innovative technique involves standing, sitting or lying on a vibrating platform which produces oscillating vibrations to stimulate muscle contractions while at the same time promote relaxation and promote muscle relaxation.
Chiropractic treatment can also help correct posture, which is one of the primary sources of snoring. They can demonstrate ways for you to sleep more comfortably in addition to exercises designed to strengthen muscles around your spine and increase flexibility – thus decreasing snoring in shared bedrooms.
Chiropractors can also assist you with weight loss as an additional means of combatting snoring. Carrying excess weight puts undue stress on the spine, joints, and other tissues; leading to pain and diminishing quality of life. A chiropractor may recommend an effective diet and exercise plan designed to help you shed unwanted pounds quickly while improving overall wellbeing.
As well as helping with weight loss, chiropractic treatments can also reduce stress levels. This is important since high stress can contribute to snoring and can have an imbalanced effect on hormones. Chiropractors offer various therapies designed to ease tension such as massages or meditation to alleviate this symptom of strain.
Vibration therapy can help improve your sleep by strengthening muscle tone, improving blood circulation, and decreasing pain symptoms. Furthermore, vibration therapy may relax tense muscles and decrease spasms to create greater comfort and quality of restful slumber – particularly beneficial if you have chronic backache or are struggling with snoring issues.