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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 11, 2024|Editorial

Chiropractic Vibration Therapy

Chiropractic vibration therapy is an innovative new therapy to complement existing chiropractic treatment. Your chiropractor may ask you to stand or lie on a plate that creates vertical vibration.

Vibration therapy stimulates muscle contractions and blood circulation. Additionally, it increases bone density while improving balance; making vibration therapy an effective holistic solution for fitness, rehabilitation and overall health.

Increased Muscle Tone

Vibration therapy has proven an effective solution for improving balance, muscle strength and physical function when combined with chiropractic modalities. Vibration therapy employs mechanical vibrations to stimulate muscles and tissue – making it the ideal addition to chiropractic care for musculoskeletal health.

Vibration therapy increases muscle tone by stimulating muscular contractions. Furthermore, vibration therapy helps increase flexibility by strengthening muscle fibers and neuromuscular coordination; plus it stimulates circulation to speed up natural healing processes in your body – no wonder chiropractors are increasingly adopting this cutting-edge technology in their practices!

Although many consider vibration therapy to be just another type of massage, it can actually be used as an effective means of strengthening core muscles. Vibrations caused by vibratory therapy stimulate muscle contractions and work together, strengthening them while simultaneously helping with reduced back pain. Furthermore, vibration therapy has also been proven effective for helping with weight loss by speeding up fat burning processes.

Vibration therapy not only increases muscle tone but can also be used to increase bone density and mobility for those suffering from musculoskeletal issues, increasing mobility while increasing joint flexibility and decreasing pain symptoms. A study published in Current Osteoporosis ReportsTrusted Source and Current Opinion in Endocrinology Diabetes ObesityTrusted Source suggests vibration therapy could actually promote new bone formation by activating osteoblast cells which produce new bone tissue.


Vibration therapy may also help decrease muscle tremors among people living with Parkinson’s disease. A separate study published by NeuroRehabilitationTrusted Source revealed that vibration therapy proved highly successful at decreasing both muscle tremors and rigidity among these patients.

Vibration therapy offers another effective means of relieving stress by massaging various pressure points throughout the body. Not only can this aid sleep quality improvement, but it can also decrease irritability and anxiety levels.

Back to Health Chiropractic can provide holistic chiropractic care focused on musculoskeletal wellness in Worcester, MA, including vibration therapy. Get in touch with us now to discover more!

Improved Blood Circulation

Vibration therapy enhances the results of chiropractic manipulation and adjustments, therapeutic traction and massage techniques. By forcing muscles to contract and relax dozens of times per second, vibration therapy increases muscle tone, flexibility, strength and circulation – particularly useful for overstressed or tightened muscles that don’t respond well to regular exercises; in addition, vibration therapy also strengthens smaller muscle groups that cannot be strengthened through traditional weight training alone.

Vibration therapy has become an integral part of holistic healthcare plans and plans that emphasize holistic wellbeing, with chiropractors increasingly turning to vibration machines as part of treatment plans for their patients. Vibration machines use mechanical vibrations to stimulate muscles and tissues within the body – it comes as both whole-body platforms or handheld devices that can be adjusted according to patient goals.

The vibration plate is an innovative new tool in health and wellness that’s become increasingly popular over time. Chiropractic practitioners can utilize it to treat various conditions, from back pain reduction and balance improvement to increasing muscle strength. Therapy works by pinpointing areas of imbalance in the body and correcting them through precisely calibrated vibrations.


At Sunset Chiropractic & Wellness, our comprehensive approach to care starts with an in-depth consultation and assessment of each individual’s medical history and musculoskeletal system. This allows us to determine whether the pain stems from postural issues, misalignments or subluxations in their spines, lifestyle factors or some combination thereof.

Once our chiropractor has established your treatment plan, vibration therapy may be recommended as part of it. Not only can it strengthen and tone muscles, it increases bone density, stimulates the lymphatic system, boosts immunity and accelerates healing at a cellular level – all essential elements for improved wellbeing.

Reach out to us today to gain more insight into how vibration therapy can enhance the effects of chiropractic care and contribute to living a healthier, happier lifestyle. We look forward to welcoming you soon in our practice!

Reduced Pain Symptoms

Vibration therapy requires patients to stand on a plate which produces vertical vibrations at 25-50 times per second. These rapid vibration forces cause muscles to contract and relax at similar rates as exercise, strengthening them over time. Not only is vibration therapy effective at increasing muscle mass, strength and flexibility, it can also relieve back pain, joint pain and swelling.

At Life Source Chiropractic, our chiropractors employ vibration therapy as part of your treatment plan to address various issues, including sciatic nerve pain. Vibrations reduce symptoms by decreasing inflammation that contributes to discomfort; additionally they improve proprioception (which allows us to sense how our bodies move) by sensing position changes more accurately.

Vibration therapy helps strengthen the deep stabilizing muscles in your spine and core, which in turn helps relieve your symptoms of back pain. Stronger stabilizing muscles mean better support for both spine and joints as well as helping prevent injuries in the first place.

Vibration therapy also reduces pain by increasing bone density. Vibrations stimulate osteoblast production which forms new bone formation; as a result, your bones will thicken up and be denser which in turn relieves any accompanying arthritis pains such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis symptoms.

To experience these benefits, whole-body vibration therapy must be administered at an accredited chiropractic facility. At Mile High Spine & Pain Center, our Power Vibe machine delivers painless vibration therapy directly into any part of the body or just specific areas where you’re concerned – or specific areas like muscles. The vibrations provide nutrient-rich blood directly to your area of concern while simultaneously tense/relaxing up to 12 times per second! This accelerated healing allows our chiropractors to identify the source of your discomfort quickly and work to relieve it effectively. Call us to learn more about our effective techniques for treating back pain/injuries combined with chiropractic adjustments/massage/other forms of treatments!

Improved Sleep

As is well-known, lack of sleep can cause many health issues. These include loss of energy, weight gain and an impaired immune system. Chiropractors specialize in treating these ailments and can even help improve your snoring. Chiropractors utilize various tools and treatments such as vibration therapy – this innovative technique involves standing, sitting or lying on a vibrating platform which produces oscillating vibrations to stimulate muscle contractions while at the same time promote relaxation and promote muscle relaxation.

Chiropractic treatment can also help correct posture, which is one of the primary sources of snoring. They can demonstrate ways for you to sleep more comfortably in addition to exercises designed to strengthen muscles around your spine and increase flexibility – thus decreasing snoring in shared bedrooms.

Chiropractors can also assist you with weight loss as an additional means of combatting snoring. Carrying excess weight puts undue stress on the spine, joints, and other tissues; leading to pain and diminishing quality of life. A chiropractor may recommend an effective diet and exercise plan designed to help you shed unwanted pounds quickly while improving overall wellbeing.

As well as helping with weight loss, chiropractic treatments can also reduce stress levels. This is important since high stress can contribute to snoring and can have an imbalanced effect on hormones. Chiropractors offer various therapies designed to ease tension such as massages or meditation to alleviate this symptom of strain.

Vibration therapy can help improve your sleep by strengthening muscle tone, improving blood circulation, and decreasing pain symptoms. Furthermore, vibration therapy may relax tense muscles and decrease spasms to create greater comfort and quality of restful slumber – particularly beneficial if you have chronic backache or are struggling with snoring issues.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

What is True Quantum Healing?

True quantum healing is grounded in quantum physics principles. According to this paradigm, everything is interconnected, meaning our thoughts and emotions can impact physical reality directly. Additionally, positive emotions and mental states strengthen immunity systems in the body.

Consciousness-based techniques such as meditation, affirmations and visualization have an incredible potential to support health and healing in a profound manner. Such practices should be integrated into medical practice and research.

It is based on the principles of quantum physics

Quantum physics’ principles hold that everything, including our physical bodies, is composed of energy. Our thoughts and emotions also contain energy which has an effect on our health. Quantum healing works on the concept that tapping into one’s energetic system allows one to identify and treat root causes of illness – this therapy can treat mental/emotional as well as physical ailments.

Participants of a typical session typically recline and relax as their practitioner guides them into a state similar to daydreaming, where they experience altered awareness and an intense feeling of connection to themselves, others, and the universe. This phenomenon mirrors that experienced through meditation states, psychedelic drugs or similar experiences which foster feelings of unity with self, others and universe.

As per quantum theory, information can be sent and received at a distance, making it possible for individuals to send healing energies even when physically absent – this phenomenon is known as nonlocality and opens up new frontiers of mind-body healing.

Deepak Chopra has taken this approach, integrating quantum physics and religion theories into his mind-body medicine teachings, pioneering integrative healthcare services. He envisions a future in which medicine goes beyond its traditional boundaries to include healing practices that tap into consciousness power as well as humanity-universe connections.

Quantum healing practitioners use various techniques to assess an individual’s energy field and design an individualized treatment plan, including meditative and intuitive assessment tools as well as energetic healing approaches. Quantum healing has proven its ability to treat conditions from physical pain and chronic illness to depression and anxiety.

Quantum healing is a versatile practice that can transform all areas of your life. This approach can help release resistance, connect to inner guidance and regain authentic power; in addition, quantum healing allows your soul energy to return after becoming lost during daily routines.

It is a form of alternative medicine

Quantum healing practitioners believe the body is capable of self-healing. This form of alternative medicine involves clearing away energy blocks and connecting with the universe’s multidimensional healing portal to stimulate physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Quantum healing offers lasting relief from chronic conditions while helping prevent future illness by targeting its root causes rather than band-aiding symptoms alone.

Quantum healing may lack scientific proof, yet many have reported positive experiences using it. One client reported that quantum healing helped her overcome long-standing phobia and improve sleep patterns while relieving her pain and increasing mental clarity. But remember – what works for one may not work for another so it is best to experiment with various therapies until finding what best fits.

If you want to learn more about quantum healing, scheduling an appointment with a qualified practitioner, reading books about or searching online are great resources. But please keep in mind that quantum healing should never replace professional medical care; if you experience severe depression for instance, seek professional treatment immediately.

Quantum healing uses the Five Element Wheel as its basis, depicting how energies flow throughout nature and our bodies. Each element – Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal – have specific energies associated with certain areas of your life that need balancing out; quantum healing works to bring these energies together for maximum effect.

Quantum healing goes beyond simply clearing away energy blockages to unite mind, body and spirit in total health. This holistic approach acknowledges their interconnectivity for an internal healing process to occur.

Scientific researchers have recently come to recognize consciousness as the basis of all existence and experience – a significant breakthrough for modern science which has revolutionized our understanding of reality and led to the birth of an entirely new field of medicine which blends conventional therapies with consciousness-based practices.

It is a pseudoscience

Quantum Healing may seem strange at first, but its foundations can be found in scientific principles. Quantum healing techniques have also been known to amplify the body’s natural ability to heal itself and many have experienced better sleep, energy levels, and emotional wellbeing after using quantum healing methods. Please keep in mind however, these therapies should only ever be used as complementary measures and not in place of traditional medical treatments.

Entrainment is one of the most popular quantum healing modalities, where two vibrating objects start resonating at the same frequency when placed close together. This principle can be applied to many things – including cellular health. When applied by a practitioner on someone, this high vibrational field entices their bio-field to resonate with his or hers, leading to more harmonious energy flows throughout their bodies for faster healing processes.

Quantum-Touch, another quantum healing modality, utilizes the body’s inherent healing capacities at a quantum level to foster health and healing on an intuitive level. A Quantum-Touch practitioner creates a high vibrational field for their clients that once their bio-field entrains with that of the practitioner’s, healing takes place through biological mechanisms within. Quantum-Touch practitioners claim they have helped cure various physical ailments and diseases using Quantum-Touch practitioners’ hands-on healing.

Though quantum touch therapies lack scientific proof, their popularity remains undiminished. There have been stories of individuals experiencing miraculous healing thanks to quantum touch. Furthermore, some studies show positive results from such practices.

But if you’re skeptical about quantum healing, it is important to remember that science doesn’t rely on proof – rather, pseudoscience refers to anything without scientific basis and any such claim is discredited as pseudoscientific.

New age writers like Deepak Chopra have recently come under scrutiny for their ideas about mind-body medicine. He has been accused of spreading pseudoscience; however, there may be merit to his viewpoints. Oliver Burkeman from The Guardian writes why new age writers such as Chopra should be acknowledged for their wisdom rather than dismissed due to their beliefs.

It is a form of energy healing

Energy healing is an alternative medicine treatment method that involves sending healing energies directly into your body, in order to address various ailments like pain and illness. Energy healers utilize specific techniques to clear away energy blockages that restrict the natural flow of chi, or life force, within your system and stimulate its natural capacity for self-healing.

As well as aiding physical health, this form of healing can also address emotional and spiritual concerns. For instance, it can assist in finding more fulfilling work and uniting you with yourself – something traditional medicine cannot. Furthermore, this practice can assist with healing past experiences as well as offering fresh perspectives on current ones – giving you control of your life for once.

Although quantum healing cannot be scientifically proven, many people report feeling better after participating in sessions. It should be noted, however, that this method should not replace medical treatments. Furthermore, it’s essential that you find a practitioner whom you trust and feel comfortable working with.

This is particularly important if you are dealing with serious issues, like chronic depression. Do not feel embarrassed if quantum healing does not seem like the appropriate form of therapy; explore alternative forms like hypnotherapy and counselling instead.

Quantum-Touch is an advanced natural healing technique that employs breathing exercises and body awareness exercises to generate a field of healing energy, then channeled directly to an affected area to encourage rapid healing response. Patients have reported remarkable success using Quantum-Touch!

Reiki energy healing is another widely practiced energy practice. Reiki involves channeling life-force energy through the hands of a healer known as a “reiki master,” with whom clients enter a deep meditative state before asking God or Source for guidance to heal physical, mental and emotional conditions. Reiki stems from its belief that all matter is composed of energy; thus all aspects of our bodies reflect this force in some form or another.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance Feedback As an Alternative to Medication

Bioresonance therapy is an all-natural approach to improving health, and often provides relief for chronic conditions. Many patients with symptoms found relief using bioresonance therapy.

Most often used for allergy testing and treatment. There are various bioresonance systems such as those provided by Regulative Medizintechnik GmbH; Vegamed eganzheitlicher medizin; Best-systems etc that use this technology.

What is Bioresonance Feedback?

Every living cell in our bodies emits electromagnetic frequencies which are easily detectable with electronic equipment. Each organ or group of cells within an organ has unique frequency patterns which can be measured electronically. Homeopathic remedies provide an example of using frequencies to facilitate healing – in homeopathic remedies a substance of interest is diluted so much that none of its molecules remain, yet its electromagnetic frequencies still emit through bioresonance devices and detected. Once detected these can then be transmitted directly into patient’s bodies for amplified therapeutic results.

Resonance therapy or bioresonance feedback is a process by which therapeutic effects are produced without using medications, chemicals or other toxic substances as treatment options. It has proven very successful at alleviating phantom pain while simultaneously being utilized as an alternative approach for various conditions like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Bioresonance works on the principle that all matter contains electromagnetic vibrations. In 1977, Franz Morell of Germany invented the first bioresonance device with his electronic device that allowed electrodes to receive and transmit electromagnetic frequencies into or out of the body using electrodes for receiving/sending electromagnetic frequency transmission.

Today’s technology allows practitioners to access subtle information stored within a patient’s body with bioresonance devices like Bicom. This enables practitioners to pinpoint the cause of symptoms and tailor treatment specifically to each person. Millions of people suffer from discomfort that physicians are unable to pinpoint; bioresonance can offer relief.

Bioresonance therapy is typically conducted and/or treated using one or more of these Bioresonance systems: BICOM, e-Lybra, Inergetix-Core System/Health Navigator; MSAS-Professional system, coMra MiHealth Scanner/proVision Rayocomp and coMra Rayocomp. Due to regulatory restrictions in Europe bioresonance therapy is currently restricted as an allergy treatment option; however clinical research studies have proven its utility for pinpointing root cause dysfunctions while prioritising them accordingly.

How is Bioresonance Feedback Used?

Stress of any kind – physical, emotional or chemical – can distort the biofield of your body, potentially leading to physical and mental health problems. Bioresonance feedback can restore balance to this field and stimulate natural functions within it.

Bioresonance therapy uses a complex electronic device to identify and treat disease by emitting electromagnetic waves which reflect off the patient’s tissues and are then received back as biofeedback signals by the device, creating a biofeedback loop which works to alleviate excess stress and toxic build ups within their bodies.

Biorefers to living things, while resonance in physics refers to vibrational frequencies created when two objects vibrate at the same frequency. Franz Morell, a German doctor specializing in electroacupuncture, developed the bioresonance concept. He created the first device using electronic sensors to measure electromagnetic vibrations of patient bodies.

Over time, bioresonance therapy has become an invaluable treatment option for various medical conditions. One study demonstrated how combining psychotherapy and bioresonance significantly decreased depression symptoms among those experiencing recurrent episodes; another demonstrated its use to alleviate Phantom Limb Pain among amputees by significantly reducing its intensity and duration – researchers determined it reduced PLP intensity by more than 60% using this technique.

At a typical session, electrodes are attached to the patient’s body in order to assess electromagnetic vibrations of organs and tissues. A bioresonance machine reads these vibrations, then counteracts any “bad” frequencies by tuning energy back towards a harmonious frequency.

Bioresonance technology can also be used to pinpoint which allergens are triggering allergic reactions in individuals, helping them pinpoint and avoid the source of their discomfort. A number of studies conducted using the BICOM bioresonance machine to treat allergies such as atopic dermatitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis have demonstrated its ability to help reduce toxin load while restoring healthy self-regulation; users claim it accelerates healing process as well as overall well-being.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Feedback?

Bioresonance feedback is a noninvasive, nontoxic energy healing system designed to assist the body in decreasing its toxic load and restoring balance on a cellular level. Used for over 35 years by numerous cancer patients to help eradicate parasites and reduce toxic loads on cells, Bioresonance feedback therapy has recently gained increasing acceptance among therapists, doctors, veterinarians and dentists as an effective alternative medicine solution.

The BICOM machine analyzes the frequency spectra of substances being administered (homeopathic medicines, nosodes, Bach flower remedies or patient’s blood) and imprints them onto carrier as bio-information – vibrations which will be transmitted directly into biological system via special antenna and transformed into resonances compatible with patient body. This process helps ensure effective absorption.

One study with 311 patients who underwent bioresonance treatment revealed significant improvements in terms of aggravating and harmful factors when treated using bioresonance therapy versus those who didn’t receive this form of therapy; moreover, those receiving bioresonance were able to discontinue medication altogether.

Top athletes such as the Swedish cross country skiing team use the BICOM system to speed recovery from injuries and keep peak performance. When training for major races, the body scan is done before and after every practice session to see where improvement needs to occur. The results can then be compared with results of previous scans to see where improvements need to be made.

BICOM can also help identify the source of symptoms like allergies. A woman suffering from digestive issues, brain fog and skin conditions was able to find relief after just one week of bioresonance feedback sessions on the BICOM system. After spending thousands on diagnostics and medications that hadn’t worked she started feeling better almost instantly and eventually was able to stop all prescriptions altogether allowing her life back on track and become the mother she wanted to be.

What are the Limitations of Bioresonance Feedback?

Bioresonance therapy has helped many people manage their symptoms more effectively, such as allergies, digestive issues and other physical or emotional illnesses that cannot be resolved with conventional medicine alone. Unfortunately, traditional pharmaceuticals only address symptoms on the surface while bioresonance can detect and address any underlying causes for these illnesses.

Bioresonance can detect and remove energetic imbalances within your body that contribute to disease, including poor diet, stress, environmental toxins or lifestyle choices that lead to disease. By doing so, they restore balance to life.

Bioresonance therapy can be found both at a clinic and home using devices based on quantum physics that work on electromagnetic signals sent into the human body by these devices. A computer software then analyses this information to detect any imbalance or malfunction within it before sending back frequencies that cancel out unhealthy frequencies while amplifying healthy ones.

The frequency transmitted from these treatments reaches the cell, where it reverses any imbalance and returns cells back to their original states of functioning, helping bring about balance and health to an individual, eliminating illness while restoring wellbeing.

As there are various bioresonance devices on the market, some of the more widely known are: REGUMED Regulative Medizintechnik GmbH Hans-Cornelius-Strabe 4 D-82166 Grafelfing Germany’s BICOM; Vega from VEGAMED Eganzheitlicher Medicine’s and BEST from BEST-systems systems are some of the more well-known options; each system can provide an in-depth view of a person’s overall health by scanning the entire body.

Results from clinical studies demonstrate that the most successful treatments for allergy-related ailments are those which target these ailments directly, such as those brought about by environmental stresses, foods, chemicals or other sources that are difficult for traditional medicine to identify or address.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

Wave Genetics Pseudoscience

At present, bio-symbolic polarized-holographic laser processing focuses on scanning, reading from, remote addressed transmission and “injecting” wave genetic/metabolic information into higher bio-systems via DNA apparatus containing these. Such information includes strategic regulatory data/information for their functioning as biocomputers.

Skeptics of science have fiercely attacked this research, seeking to ensure no new paradigm emerges.

Why Is Wave Genetics Pseudoscience?

Wave Genetics is a scientifically validated technology that utilizes electromagnetic waves to modify DNA in human bodies, thereby stimulating them to regrow new organs and tissues. The technology may have numerous applications in healthcare – curing diseases, eliminating viruses/bacteria from systems, increasing lifespan – but many powerful people wish to keep its benefits hidden away from public view. Unfortunately, Wave Genetics continues to face opposition from powerful individuals seeking to keep it suppressed.

Science should be objective, but the current spate of repressive behavior runs counter to that goal. We saw this first hand with the GWAS studies which were falsified to support racist ideology; without proper precaution, scientists may become tools of pseudoscience.

What’s happening right now to researchers of wave genetics is deeply alarming. Those pointing out potential risks and calling for further investigations before commercial use are being attacked, dismissed and defamed; even judges of the European Court of Justice who adhere to precautionary action principles have been subjected to abuse of power for doing their jobs correctly.

Actually, numerous dubious individuals are behind this elaborate hoax against research and potential application of wave genetics. Their opponents claim to be protecting science when in reality their goal is to prevent any emerging technologies that threaten genetics or medical science from emerging and disrupting existing paradigms.

At least six levels of quantum non-locality exist within multi-cell biosystems, and chromosomes are one such non-local entity. With DNA-wave bio-computers, information about biological systems (such as organisms) can be transmitted instantaneously across all of space to any part of that system ( including other organisms) instantly. Gene wave programming allows instantaneous transmission of gene-wave programs directly to cells, activating or suppressing their activity instantly. This process is best represented using laser-based polarized-holographic recording, scanning, remote transmission and gene-wave command injection technology – recently demonstrated by scientists from Russia’s Institute of Theoretical Matters as well as Peter Gariaev who discovered the DNA phantom effect.

What is Wave Genetics?

Wave genetics is an innovative new field of research offering hope in curing various diseases and increasing life expectancy. It works by reprogramming patient genes in order to make them healthier; effectively it’s bio-hacking with holographic technology used to reactivate genes inside cells; it also creates an holographic environment encompassing patients to protect them from external influences that might threaten them.

Wave genetics proposes that the human genome is a holographic bio-computer. Similar to lasers, its operations utilize polarized-holographic recording and transmission using special electromagnetic lasers capable of reading biostructures’ internal wave information and transmitting it elsewhere – effectively commanding their functioning and metabolism.

Scientists working on this new genetic approach have already produced impressive physical results, such as regenerating the pancreas of a diabetic rat without surgical interventions or painful and expensive therapies. This represents an amazing achievement and offers great promise for human patients enduring diabetes.

Scientists behind wave genetics are exploring new applications of their technology that could prevent ageing and extend life expectancy, offering great promise as a potential solution for hunger, poverty, disease and war.

Unfortunately, this pioneering work is being muzzled by a group of Russian scientists calling themselves “skeptics.” These individuals aim to ensure no new paradigms emerge and attack any who threaten the status quo; an appalling turn of events for a country renowned for its world-leading scientific achievements; this embarrassment must also extend to Russia’s Academy of Sciences who should stand above political movements or personal preferences and strive towards providing optimal results that benefit humanity as a whole; their suppression of this potentially life changing technology was an injustice; in no way was this done in line with science or humanity;

How is Wave Genetics Pseudoscience?

The theory of wave genetics asserts that DNA serves as a bio-computer and that DNA codes are more than simply physical molecules. According to this theory, genes consist of fractal wave matrix structures which serve as the building blocks of DNA molecules and carry information between cells. Additionally, DNA molecules are dynamic systems capable of changing structure and function at will due to being quantum wave objects with properties of nonlocality and instantaneous distribution.

Due to its unique properties, DNA-wave computers can be studied in many different ways. Their physics may be described using principles such as holography and solitons. Furthermore, DNA-wave computers possess special features which enable them to record and transmit polarized information directly into bio-system-acceptors; this information may then be used by those organisms to manage metabolism.

Proponents of wave genetics pseudoscience have demonstrated its power in various experiments. Unfortunately, however, Russian Academy of Science recently shut down this research – likely as a result of efforts made by an anti-pseudoscience group in Russia which seeks to combat such beliefs – however this move would certainly not benefit science or humanity in general.

As such, gene technology’s future could be at stake if this group continues to suppress research into wave genetics and other innovative new genetic technologies that could advance current genetic engineering techniques. Scientists and the Russian Academy of Science must act immediately to end this biased approach so that all can enjoy its advantages.

What is Wave Genetics Technology?

Wave genetics technology is founded on the theory that human bodies can be programmed using vibration, thought and language to communicate with our DNA. Similar to what esoteric and spiritual teachers have long held to be true: that our DNA can be programmed and interacts with it at its level – this scientific fact has now been proven by using laser technology.

Researchers employed a laser with wavelength of 632nm photons to irradiate cells with photons that transform into genetic information patterns that are transmitted between cells through cellular reprogramming – this allows scientists to revert cells back into other genomes such as those from salamander embryos without incurring genetic damage due to traditional procedures of cutting out and replacing individual genes.

An exciting discovery was the ability to restore damaged chromosomes. This is a common issue caused by exposure to radiation or chemicals; researchers were able to repair these damaged chromosomes of fibroblast cells using genetic information transfer from another cell – an exciting development towards regenerative medicine development.

Future goals of this research team include applying this technology to human stem cells and other types of cells, creating regenerative medicine therapies to repair damaged tissues, as well as exploring all its possibilities!

The team’s findings serve as a powerful example for applying quantum and linguistic-wave genetics (based on spintronic principles) in regenerative medicine, providing a roadmap towards an infinite number of potential recombinational genetic applications that could revolutionise medicine as we know it! They open an untapped potential for regeneration of organs and tissues through relatively straightforward laser technology.

July 11, 2024|Editorial

High Frequency Therapy For Skin Rejuvenation

High frequency therapy was pioneered by Nikola Tesla back in the 1800s. Now used as part of an anti-ageing treatment in spas and professional salons across the world, high frequency therapy can treat acne management, enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles as well as puffy eyes or dark under eye circles – among many other conditions.

Acne Treatment

High frequency therapy employs electrical current to rejuvenate your skin in an effective, safe, and painless way. It offers an ideal alternative to chemical laser peels or injectable treatments.

High-frequency facials are non-invasive and quick treatments you can do from the convenience of your own home or a spa. A glass electrode shaped like a bubble will be placed over your body, releasing small amounts of electricity that stimulate oxygen to increase skin hydration, killing bacteria, soothing inflammation and speeding healing processes. Although virtually painless, you may feel an occasional slight tingling sensation while receiving this treatment.

High frequency facials can help treat blemishes, shrink enlarged pores, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes and fade dark eye circles, stimulate hair follicles for improved hair growth, stimulate collagen production resulting in smoother and firmer skin, improve hair growth by stimulating scalp follicles. They may even help stimulate hair regrowth.

Direct and Indirect High Frequency treatments exist. Of the two, Indirect High-Frequency is best suited to people with oily or problematic skin; its violet light targets and eliminates P. acnes bacteria which contributes to acne breakouts while helping minimize red inflamed skin and helping stop emerging blemishes from emerging altogether. This form of high frequency treatment also acts as a great preventive measure.

Violet light produces a small amount of ultraviolet radiation when it hits your skin, quickly killing bacteria and dissolving inflamed cells to reveal clearer skin with reduced pores. Furthermore, the use of argon gas helps improve condition of skin as well as decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as puffy eyes.

Anti-Aging Treatment

High-frequency treatments to enhance skin tone, texture, and elasticity have long been utilized as effective ways of improving its tone, texture, and elasticity. With the increased emphasis on self-care and selfies being taken nowadays, radio-frequency (RF) facials have experienced a resurgence as an efficient means to address multiple concerns at once – helping reduce pores size by shrinking them down, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes by decongesting puffy eye bags, fade dark circles completely as well as stimulate hair growth for healthier scalps!

High frequency treatments deliver oxygen molecules into the skin at high concentrations to produce a natural cleansing action, flushing away toxins from within, hydrating and enriching it with essential nutrients. Heating of thermal tissue also facilitates circulation and cell renewal for firmer and younger-looking skin.

As well as anti-ageing benefits, high frequency facials also offer detoxifying and acne clearing benefits. Their combination of tingling and buzzing sensations with producing more oxygen helps destroy bacteria that lead to breakouts, including P. acnes or any other common infections that could potentially be present.

As we get older, our bodies produce less collagen and elastin which leads to loose and sagging skin. By regularly receiving high frequency facials, production of these proteins will increase and thereby leading to firmer, more elastic skin with reduced fine lines and wrinkles.

High-frequency facials aren’t only great at treating signs of aging; they’re also an effective anti-cellulite treatment when combined with quality cellulite products. Combining skin heating from high-frequency treatment and lymphatic drainage will yield smoother, tighter, firmer skin that’s tighter, firmer and more defined overall.

Cellular Renewal Treatment

Skin cells possess an incredible capacity to regenerate, making high-frequency facials an excellent way of stimulating its natural healing processes and providing results in terms of acne prevention and elimination.

As part of a cellular renewal treatment, professionals use a sanitized glass electrode wand that emits electrical current and oxygen molecules to penetrate skin layers for lymphatic drainage, exfoliation, circulation improvement, product absorption enhancement and supporting healthy cell metabolism – ultimately producing smoother, firmer and healthier-looking skin.

Nikola Tesla first pioneered high-frequency electricity back in the 19th century, and ever since, its use has been put to great effect to help reduce inflammation, eliminate bacteria and regenerate collagen. One study demonstrated HF treatment had an antimicrobial effect against acne-causing bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes and Micrococcus yunnanensis that is present on skin surfaces.

Stem cells (SCs) possess the inherent capacity for self-renewal, producing clones of specialized cells which contribute to different tissues and organs throughout our bodies. This extensive regeneration of mature functional tissue is controlled both by intrinsic mechanisms as well as external influences like other cells or extracellular matrix surrounding it.

Controlled trauma such as micro-needling or chemical peels can have a powerful impact on skin regeneration, since they not only remove dead cells but also stimulate production by encouraging migration and proliferation of epidermal stem cells. Dermaplaning alone does not have this impact.

Firming Treatment

High-frequency facials work by stimulating collagen and elastin production to firm and tighten skin. Additionally, this treatment can also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles through stimulating cellular regeneration. Oxygenation of the skin’s surface during high-frequency treatment stimulates circulation while draining lymphatic fluid to even out excess fluid distribution and reveal plumper skin.

High-frequency wand treatments offer an easy, non-invasive solution to rejuvenating the skin without surgery or chemical peels. Ideal for treating acne, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation as well as flaky, dry and dull skin conditions, high-frequency wand treatments can restore healthy glow back into the complexion without surgery or chemical peels.

At a high-frequency facial, an aesthetician will first sanitize and place a glass electrode wand against your skin before gently sliding it across it with mild electrical current to produce a slight tingling sensation that shouldn’t be uncomfortable at all.

High-frequency wands are most often used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, although they can also help firm and retexturize skin. Two board-certified experts – Robert Schwarcz of Newport Beach Plastic Surgery in California and double board-certified dermatologist Corey Hartman in Newport Beach from California both recommend using these treatments on mature skin as they help plump fine lines, wrinkles and crepe-y areas while improving complexion tone and texture overall.

Nikola Tesla and French biophysicist Jacques-Arsene d’Arsonval first developed electrotherapy, commonly referred to as the Tesla current or Tesla Violet Ray, during the 1800s. Modern high frequency devices often combine microneedling technology with Tesla current therapy for effective results in treating white stretch marks (known as striae albae) on the body or acne scarring on the face.

Hydrating Treatment

High frequency skin rejuvenation treatment is widely recognized in the beauty industry as an effective and time-tested means of rejuvenating and healing skin, stimulating cell renewal and increasing penetration of serums and products by warming tissues gently. Furthermore, its microbicidal action kills pathogens responsible for acne or blackheads which helps restore and heal damaged tissues – providing lasting results!

High-frequency technology is an excellent non-invasive solution for treating skin conditions because it is non-invasive, fast, effective, and safe for almost all types of skin, even more delicate areas on the face. Sessions can be tailored specifically to address concerns like enlarged pores, fine lines and wrinkles, puffy eyes, thinning hair or cellulite.

Equipro Infraderm 11300 high-frequency machine is an outstanding thermal therapy device that delivers outstanding results for various skincare needs. This professional grade device features two mushroom electrodes (violet and pink), an indirect massage electrode and an extensive variety of interchangeable pads to maximize versatility and efficiency.

At the core of each hydrating high-frequency facial is low-level electricity being transferred through bulb-shaped tips on an easy-to-hold wand, releasing oxygen molecules which hydrate skin while increasing blood circulation and increasing absorption of skincare products, ultimately clearing away clogged pores.

Our high-frequency facial is perfect for providing extra hydration before an important event or simply whenever your skin needs extra hydration. Perfect for all skin types but particularly dry and dehydrated skin types.

After receiving high-frequency treatments, skin will appear radiant, smoother and younger-looking. Many clients report seeing less prominent acne scars and age spots, fine lines and wrinkles become diminished and their re-texturing and lifting effects lasting up to 48 hours, although effects will continue building over time. You can continue receiving high frequency facials at a spa or purchase home devices to maintain results from these amazing skin treatments for skin in between appointments.