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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

July 10, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance Therapy Near Me

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive therapy method that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions, such as migraine attacks. This noninvasive alternative provides relief without side effects of medication-based treatments.

Bio-resonance sessions use equipment that detects any disturbances to your energy fields, enabling the practitioner to rebalance them holistically by introducing healthy frequencies.

Biofeedback testing

Bioresonance therapy is a natural, noninvasive, and painless electromagnetic frequency technique used to balance body energy. This therapy can help heal a variety of conditions and is safe for all ages. A device emits a frequency that picks up on active points in the body and sends signals directly to the brain triggering healing responses; as a result there is decreased pain levels with increased physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing; stressors in one’s life could even be identified if contributing factors for their condition exist.

At each session, you’ll remain fully clothed while connected to the device in some way (for instance with wrist and ankle bands or holding probes). Sessions usually last 30-60 minutes; depending on your condition it can take 10 or more sessions before results become evident; although many people report feeling better after just a few sessions.

The Asyra(r) therapy system is an advanced piece of equipment capable of reading the electromagnetic vibrations emitted from healthy cells and using this information to identify any problems with communication between cells. Once identified, issues can then be treated through inverted frequency techniques which record any unhealthy cells’ resonating frequencies before cancelling them out with another frequency.

Bioresonance therapy allows bioresonance therapists to use Asyra as part of a bioresonance evaluation system to detect problems with hormones, chromosomes, diet and more. They may then suggest lifestyle adjustments and nutritional supplements that will assist with recovery from specific conditions; some studies have demonstrated its efficacy for treating chronic fatigue, digestive issues and insomnia as well as helping smokers quit while detoxifying the body.


Bioresonance testing also known as electrodermal testing, electro-dermal activity or vibrational medicine measures the energy level in your cells to detect conditions like fibromyalgia, asthma and autoimmune diseases as well as identify their source and create an effective treatment plan.

Asyra(r) therapy

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing or bio-energetic medicine, is a noninvasive form of treatment using electromagnetic energy to assess body functions. The concept behind it lies on the understanding that every living cell emits its own electromagnetic frequency – with healthy ones vibrating at a different rate from unhealthy cells – thus bioresonance therapy being used to detect and correct these frequencies allowing the body to heal itself naturally while helping treat conditions such as fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies asthma as well as helping stop smoking!

The BICOM device, commonly referred to as Asyra testing, can assess energy frequencies across more than 30 categories ranging from hormones, chromosomes, skin and immune system function to organs’ nutritional requirements and natural supplements that support your healing process. A therapist can then combine your results with your symptoms to formulate an individual treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

Treatment sessions usually last from two to four hours in an environment devoid of distractions and noise, during which your therapist will test and harmonise major organs in your body such as your thyroid, adrenals, kidneys and liver – along with other crucial cellular structures – while simultaneously checking for emotional issues or stressors that could be contributing to discomfort – with suggested homeopathic remedies tailored specifically for each case.

Studies published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine demonstrated that patients suffering from chronic illnesses had more successful outcomes after receiving bioresonance therapy. Based on these initial findings, larger-scale randomized, placebo-controlled studies are warranted comparing bioresonance therapy to pharmaceutical techniques.

Bioresonance therapy has long been recognized for its beneficial effects in helping the body overcome various ailments, while remaining safe and gentle enough for all ages. Furthermore, its highly-effective results in undoing the harmful effects of heavy metals and toxic chemicals have on health are undeniable.


Asyra is an advanced technology capable of evaluating the energetic status of 40 major organs, such as thyroid, intestines and pancreas. Furthermore, this treatment can identify any nutritional requirements as well as root causes of chronic pain and depression – in fact some have had life-changing experiences due to Asyra treatments; one such individual was Annalise Braakensiek from Holland who suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome but found relief after trying bioresonance therapy via the BICOM device after only a few sessions using it!

Amp coil device

The amp coil device is an effective wellness tool that uses bioresonance therapy to restore your body’s energy frequency, helping address issues like heavy metals, other toxins, high stress levels, poor sleep cycles and circulation issues which all affect healing – as well as chronic pain conditions and autoimmune diseases.

AmpCoil is a personal PEMF system designed for home use that combines biofeedback with pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to deliver bioresonance sound frequencies tailored to your cellular resonance, helping harmonize and balance energy systems while stimulating homeostasis. This device has assisted many on their journey toward wellness, making an excellent complement to other healing modalities.

Contrary to typical PEMF devices, AmpCoil’s BetterGuide software delivers sound frequencies that penetrate cells and tissues at an intracellular level as well as hollow organs like the lungs and colon. Voice analysis lets your body send out messages and it then uses mathematical algorithms to play back your chosen frequency tunes through a modified Tesla coil.

The BetterGuide App includes pre-written software Journeys designed specifically to your needs, covering topics such as nutrition, microbes, toxins and more. Each Journey has been programmed using frequencies derived from Rife & Clark work and optimized to be safe, effective and gentle on your body.

Aaron and Geneva Bigelow tried everything they could think of to find relief from Lyme disease, yet nothing worked. After suffering for nearly 10 years themselves, they took matters into their own hands by developing the AmpCoil to aid others suffering similar experiences – now an indispensable component of their holistic wellness practice.

AmpCoil offers noninvasive, drug-free treatment solutions for a range of maladies. It has proven helpful for conditions such as fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders and cancer as well as improving blood circulation, cell health and helping athletes recover more quickly after overtraining.

Bioresonance therapist

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive holistic therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to restore balance in the body and heal itself. It can be used to diagnose and treat chronic diseases while strengthening immunity systems. Furthermore, parasites or pathogens that could be contributing to disease may also be identified; unlike traditional medical treatments which often produce harmful side effects.

Bioresonance therapy uses a machine called BICOM(r) to send safe and gentle electromagnetic waves into your body that reflect back to them through electrodes attached to your skin, so the bioresonance therapist can identify what kind of frequencies are being reflected back and use specific frequencies to “cancel out” negative frequencies reflected back from your body. They’ll also track symptoms over time to see how effective treatment may be.

This technique can assist with various health conditions, including allergies, pain relief and stress reduction. It may even aid with digestive problems like acid reflux caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter. A therapist can use the BICOM(r) device to identify imbalances within organ systems before devising homeopathic remedies to correct them.

BICOM(r) can also read cell communication to determine what’s causing cells to disassemble. Once identified, this device can invert any unhealthy frequencies – encouraging your body to rid itself of toxins and heal itself more effectively. Ultimately, this data can also be used by therapists to develop homeopathic programs tailored specifically for each patient using information provided by BICOM(r).

Studies have demonstrated that every organ in the human body, healthy or unhealthy, possesses its own electromagnetic vibration spectrum. This information can be altered through electromagnetic resonance or even used to treat diseases with similar energetic frequencies – a phenomenon known as auto-isopathy.

Bioresonance therapy can also be utilized during pregnancy to address disorders like spina bifida. Furthermore, this form of therapy is safe for newborn babies and children – just make sure that a trained practitioner uses appropriate programs! In addition, bioresonance can also help detect milk intolerance as well as vaccination damage.

July 10, 2024|Editorial

What Are the Benefits of Microcurrent Therapy?

Each tissue in your body has an electrical frequency, which can become disrupted due to disease. Microcurrent therapy restores these frequencies and leads to significant decreases in pain and inflammation while improving function.

After just 90 minutes of treatment, inflammation markers decreased while feel-good chemicals like adenophins increased, which can be seen on a blood test.

Microcurrent is an electrical current

Microcurrent is a low-level electrical current designed to rebalance body’s cellular electricity and accelerate healing processes within cells. Microcurrent works to produce ATP levels up by 500% in four minutes while decreasing inflammation by 62%, helping increase collagen production, relieve pain, increase range of motion, relieve discomfort and increase range. Results have proven powerfully effective; animal studies revealed increases of 500% for ATP production while inflammation reduction by 62% within four minutes following treatment; additional benefits include the acceleration of healing of damaged tissue.

Frequency specific micro-current (FSM) is an innovative treatment option used for chronic pain and inflammation using a small hand-held device that produces extremely low levels of electrical current. These frequencies correspond closely with those found within human cells, leading to significant improvements in both pain and inflammation symptoms.

People often experience some discomfort after attending FSM sessions, which typically subsides after several visits over a short period of time (usually one or two). Some clients may require more sessions to address their symptoms effectively.

Frequency specific microcurrent therapy has provided impressive results in treating fibromyalgia patients, providing both pain relief and significant changes to inflammation-linked cytokines – offering hope to 2 million sufferers of this condition. Furthermore, studies have shown FSMT’s ability to remodel scar tissue quickly while simultaneously healing new injuries fast.

While considered safe, microcurrent should not be used by pregnant women or people with pacemakers as its currents could interfere with how these devices function. Furthermore, metal fillers or Botox should not use microcurrent, nor should people suffering from diabetes, epilepsy or other chronic illnesses use it either. Finally, anyone undergoing facial surgery should wait at least six weeks until having microcurrent sessions; even then most can benefit greatly. Nonetheless, it’s always wise to consult a licensed professional first to ascertain if microcurrent therapy will work for them; before starting treatment it’s essential that this therapy will fit right.

It works within the cells

Microcurrent therapy restores the normal frequency of cells to help relieve pain and inflammation caused by illness or injury, improving metabolism, enzyme activity, protein and lipid production and ATP synthesis in addition to relieving pain and discomfort.

At a treatment session, a practitioner wraps black straps containing electrodes around your forehead, wrists and ankles. These electrodes connect to an EPFX shoebox-sized device which transmits imperceptible microcurrents into your cells through their EMF receptors. In addition, this machine scans your body while simultaneously showing vivid graphics on a monitor displaying problem areas of concern – a great way to identify those needing work or pain relief! After 90-minute session you should expect both relief from pain as well as mood elevation!

Radiofrequency microneedling provides more than pain relief; it also tightens loose skin. Furthermore, it has been found to get rid of wrinkles and reduce pore size – as evidenced in a 2014 study which demonstrated this benefit among participants in that experiment. Furthermore, smooth uneven skin surfaces, acne scar reduction, hyperpigmentation removal are other possible side benefits from using microneedling techniques.

FSM (Frequency Specific Micro-Current) treatments utilize a dual-channel multi-frequency micro-current system that produces low-level electrical currents similar to what your cells produce, to penetrate deep within cells and restore normal frequencies and relieve pain and inflammation quickly while speeding healing. FSM treatments have proven particularly helpful with conditions like fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic muscle and nerve pain, arthritis and back/neck issues as well as strengthening immunity systems and decreasing anxiety.

It breaks down resistance

Frequency Specific Micro-Current (FSM) is an electrical therapy technique that works in harmony with your natural energy system to provide painless, noninvasive relief from discomfort. FSM mimics your own cells to generate microamps which work to normalize tissue and decrease inflammatory pain mediators while improving circulation, increasing collagen and elastin production – essential components in cell repair processes – and strengthening tendons and muscles. Furthermore, FSM can be used to treat chronic injuries quickly as it has been shown to speed up wound healing by 500% within four minutes while remodelling scar tissue quickly – hence why the US Postal team chose it when treating new injuries during Tour de France races.

FSM electrotherapy devices differ from other electrotherapy devices in that they deliver microamps, which penetrate deep into the body to help heal and balance its meridians and chakras. Furthermore, FSM can be used on skin to firm and tone it – something important in reducing cellulite appearance while improving blood circulation.

Microcurrent breaks down resistance in the body by stimulating ATP, an energy-carrying molecule responsible for all cell activity, including healing and repair. Studies show that microcurrent increases ATP levels by at least 10 times while simultaneously decreasing inflammation by an equal amount; it has even been proven to strengthen tendons and increase muscle protein synthesis.

One of the keys to successful treatment with this device is consistency. When choosing one that will best serve your lifestyle and schedule, consider your lifestyle and daily habits when making your selection – ensure it will fit within them so you use it regularly for maximum effectiveness and find one that is easy to use with maximum effectiveness! For optimal results look for one with comfortable features for user ease of use and no complicated controls or settings needed to use.

Microcurrent devices work by producing current with targeted effects on the body based on electrode polarity, frequency rate and waveform. For instance, Arc4Health devices utilize bipolar alternating current to cycle between positive and negative going pulses which has been proven to promote body fat reduction, muscle growth and remodeling as well as lessen delayed-onset muscle soreness.

It energizes the cells

Microcurrent therapy provides numerous health benefits, one of which is stimulating cells. The energy released by its tiny electrical pulses stimulates production of new ATP molecules – vital for all aspects of cell health such as photosynthesis, muscle reeducation, protein synthesis and more. Furthermore, its electrical pulses also increase circulation while stimulating collagen and elastin production for a more youthful and toned appearance in skin cells.

Microcurrent can help break down lactic acid build-up in muscles, leading to faster recovery times for athletes or people suffering chronic pain or injury. Furthermore, it stimulates production of nitric oxide that increases oxygen flow while simultaneously decreasing oxidative stress levels.

MCT produces subsensory currents that mimic the bioelectric injury currents found in all living tissues, thus optimizing growth and healing (Poltawski and Watson 2009). Studies have also demonstrated that MCT stimulates ATP synthesis by increasing proton concentration across mitochondrial inner membrane. Mitchell’s Chemoiosmotic Theory states that moving protons phosphorylate ADP into ATP production (Mitchell 1976).

MCT has been shown to stimulate both ATP synthesis and multiple cellular pathways, such as mitosis and autophagy, activating mitosis and autophagy to treat conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic inflammatory diseases, and neurodegeneration.

MCT has been proven to improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients. Professional athletes also rely on it for healing injuries and improving performance; Terrell Owens used Frequency Specific Micro-Current Therapy to heal his shoulder injury much faster.

MCT employs frequencies tailored to different tissues, such as muscle, bone and adipose tissue. These frequencies are selected through Qest4 Bio-Energetic Testing – which analyzes body energy imbalances – which provides accurate frequency testing results to select appropriate frequencies for treating client conditions using microcurrent with colored light treatments applied via device that delivers microcurrent.

July 10, 2024|Editorial

How a Shaman Can Perform Remote Healing

shaman remote healing

Shamanic healing takes place outside the ordinary realities, making shamanism effective from any distance.

A shaman will connect with spirits in the Northern Realm (NOR) to perform treatments, typically by seeking advice from Ancestors, Ascended Masters or Archangels.

As with any work, it is imperative that you provide permission for this practice – this forms the cornerstone of shamanic practice.


No matter if it takes place in-person or remotely, shamanic healing sessions follow an almost identical process. After discussing what needs healing, an appointment is then set up between client and shaman via phone or video chat to set an intention and focus on their spiritual connection. Once in place, their shaman will travel into alternate realities on behalf of their client to gather information that may aid with physical world issues as well as gifts for use here on Earth.

At this stage, energy is cleared away and transformed from old patterns that no longer serve to more positive, loving energies. This may involve clearing longstanding personal issues & dense energy, emotional traumas, fear & phobias as well as soul retrievals that involve returning missing parts of oneself; often caused by surgical procedures, chemotherapy treatments or severe losses and can help people feel whole again.

Once back from their journey, shamans provide space for an after-journey discussion, sharing what they discovered while also relaying any wisdom or advice received from spirit realm. Furthermore, they’ll outline ways that clients can implement new understanding into daily life to facilitate healing processes and help facilitate recovery processes.

Shamanistic healing sessions can be profoundly transformative experiences, and clients often report feeling an array of emotions post-session. Shifts in energy may feel liberating or could evoke unresolved sadness, grief or loss which is all part of the healing process.

An important key to effective shamanic healing lies in opening one’s heart and mind to change. The more willingly a client is able to be vulnerable and let go of habitual narratives, the faster healing will occur. A skilled shaman will work to bring their core essence back into the present moment, freeing them from past emotions while encouraging forward progression into lives filled with love and purpose.

Spiritual healing may seem unfamiliar to most, yet its presence is evident everywhere we turn today. Shamanic healing aims to address the causes of illness, harm and suffering on all levels: body, mind and spirit – complementing modern medicine’s efforts and perhaps offering relief when nothing else does. If you’re having difficulty with an issue and nothing seems to help resolve it shamanic healing may just be your solution – get in touch with a practitioner now so you can begin your journey!


Shamanic healing practitioners can work outside of time and space. Because proximity is not required to facilitate the healing process, remote sessions can be just as powerful. Before each session starts, client and practitioner will connect via phone or video call in order to discuss what needs to be addressed and establish an intention together.

Once they understand what their client wants to heal, shamans enter non-ordinary reality through rhythmic percussion (typically drum or rattle). This causes theta brainwave activity, and allows shamans to communicate with spirits who can assist with solving the root cause of issues.

Shamans utilize spirit’s healing powers to cleanse physical bodies, balance energies and clear away dense energies from their energetic fields. By eliminating energy blocks they can assist with long-standing personal issues, traumas or phobias; retrieve lost soul parts or heal ancestral wounds.

Symptoms of illness often point toward imbalance on both physical and spiritual levels. When that imbalance involves deep wounds that don’t respond to traditional forms of treatment, shamanical energy healing may offer the relief necessary to restore equilibrium and bring relief.

One way in which shamans can help heal imbalance is through soul retrieval rituals or power animal retrievals. A soul retrieval involves traveling into the spiritual realm in search of lost power animals that have become disassociated due to trauma and retrieving them so they may reunite this part of your soul with yourself, freeing yourself of past experiences that caused its separation.

As part of a shamanic healing session, it is vitally important to pay close attention to what the spirit world is telling you. Once back from their journey, your shaman will provide space for you to share your experience and articulate any wisdom from beyond this world that was shared with them. They will explain if any healing ceremonies need to be performed to address your issue and will wrap up by discussing what energy and healing you’ve received as well as steps you can take to incorporate that experience into everyday life. A shaman will suggest practices you can add into your routine to assist and sustain any energetic shifts and changes you have experienced, including grounding and centering, practicing gratitude, accepting higher emotions such as love, compassion and forgiveness and connecting to your inner spirit.


As a healer, I can connect to spirits in non-ordinary reality to help restore balance and wholeness for my clients. These spirits will remove any unhealthy energies from their environment, reconnect you to spiritual allies or power animals, perform extraction work (Chupada), soul retrieval and extraction work (Chubpada), space clearings/blessings for space, land or home clearance/blessing as well as unravel curses from ancestral/past life/psychic healing as well as psychic mediumship – ancient indigenous techniques that will restore balance and wholeness in an individual’s life.

An average session begins with your shaman communicating via phone or video call with you to set the intention for healing, then both of you embarking on your journey together – where all the magic takes place!

As you lay back and relax, your physical body becomes an instrument for spirit to work with. You may experience sensations such as light tingling around the body or feeling heavy/release in certain areas of the body, vivid images in your mind’s eye or colors/symbols emerging – all these sensations are part of this healing process and should be seen as signs from spirit that it is working on you to restore health to whatever issue that needs healing. Healing may take various forms depending on what needs healing at any given time.

Once your session is complete, a shaman will relay what they heard from spirit regarding what you need in order to heal and return back into balance. They may offer any advice or recommendations for future. They typically reach out within several days afterward for follow up support if needed.

Shamanic healing should not be seen as a cure for any disease, illness or disorder – rather it should help bring you back into balance physically, emotionally and mentally. You must accept responsibility for your own healing by making necessary changes in daily life to ensure long-term success with this method of therapy.

Shamanic healing has changed many people’s lives for the better, especially those facing life-altering trauma, experiencing blocks or obstacles, or wanting to enhance their wellness. Meditation can also be useful to those seeking greater connection to nature and the Universe, helping you find purpose in their lives and create greater clarity. Rupert Sheldrake’s research into morphogenic fields and quantum entanglement has demonstrated our interdependence. Not just a theory; this idea has been repeatedly confirmed through everyday experience and experiments with mothers and their babies as well as identical twins who share DNA. Furthermore, the HeartMath scientific research has also confirmed this phenomenon by showing how when you focus on love for another person you actually send energy from your heart chakra directly towards them regardless of distance or time difference between yourself and them in physical space.

July 10, 2024|Editorial

Dr Irene Caesar Talks About Remote Management of Biosystems by Bioholography

dr peter gariaev irene ceasae

Dr. Irene Caesar, President of WAVE GENOME LLC, addressed “REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF BIOSYSTEMS BY BIOHOLOGRAPHY” at BIT’s 9th World Gene Convention-2018. Her theory, which incorporates DNA fractal representations, human verbal expression/speech patterns and wave genome theory explains how genetic collapse may be prevented!


WAVE GENOME LLC’s first pharmaceutical products produced for individual clients by WAVE GENOME LLC are customized digital drugs. These medications are based on Dr. Irene Caesar’s theory regarding Wave Optics in chromosomes, which states that every person differs in his/her Refraction Code towards Zero Center of their quantum wave-state of their chromosomes.

Refraction code is encoded into pharmaceutical drugs’ bioholograms by means of modulation to their scalar wave diffraction gratings, caused by reflection off of Zero Center of Wave Optics within their clients’ chromosomes, providing nonlocal, vibrational energy-free information delivery into the body through nonlocal information delivery channels such as bioholography holograms that link on-pack product authentication with supply chain management, market enforcement, and forensic support services.


Dr. Irene Caesar of WAVE GENOME LLC discusses their digital pharmacy products for personal bioholography drugs that will become available as of January 2021. (c) IRENE CAESAR and WAVE GENOME LLC

Gurwitsch investigated rays that appear to emanate from our bodies and are transmitted across space, but were discredited by Irving Langmuir as pathological science. Anna carried on this research after his death and demonstrated its existence at a laboratory in Novosibirsk in 1962.

These rays, often referred to as the “ether of life”, travel throughout our environment just like electromagnetic spectrum waves but at higher frequencies than light or radio waves. Their use ranges from communicating between cells within our bodies to transmitting information between ourselves and the outside world.

The RA SARCOPHAGUS is an innovative scientific device which records holographic signals of pharmaceutical drugs as recreated bioholograms on electret chips, providing bioholograms which can be encoded on nanolevel modulators allowing delivery of personalized bioholographic digital drugs that contain information on your client’s genetic matrix.

Quantum BIOCOMPUTING technology forms the basis for a new era of rejuvenation and health; being utilized to produce pharmaceutical products to address rejuvenation, health, agriculture, as well as providing insight into WAVE OPTICS IN CHROMOSOMES by Irene Caesar; creating “lenses” that aid chromosomes to correct their refraction to focus genetic bioholographic information both locally and remotely through our cells’ DNA/RNA molecules diffraction grating patterns; this allows for creation of the new AGE OF REJUVENATION/HEALTH AND GREEN TECHNOLOGY; while serving as the underpinning technology behind our new global network known as the QUANTUM BIOINTERNET.


Dr Gariaev has discovered that genetic code does not merely consist of nucleotide triplets but forms an entire biological language similar to spoken speech. As a result, his theory holds that DNA exists as part of a holographic continuum which can be reprogrammed via frequencies; potentially leading to biosystem creation as well as life-changing technologies like remote healing.

As part of his research, Peter Gariaev employed homeopathic dilutions of bacterial DNA that transferred their signature frequency to pure water and then reconstructed them to discover that they still maintained the ability to form original DNA sequences. This approach is similar to that used by Luc Montagnier when conducting his E/M coil experiment; although his approach was much less sophisticated compared to Gariaev who utilized more advanced technologies like torsion lasers.

Data generated from this experiment revealed that, when DNA is exposed to radiation, it produces what are tentatively interpreted as replica images of both its actual DNA sample and the five red lamps used to irradiate it. When this irradiated DNA is then scanned by another machine, its same polarized modulations is recorded onto photographic plates – this being evidence that DNA holds information about its environment from which it originated.

Furthermore, irradiated DNA can transmit its electromagnetic radiation to other materials, including gold. When exposed to gold it caused an electrical current to flow through in a similar fashion to when transmitting electromagnetic radiation through itself; similar results were achieved with silver as it acts as a conductor for DNA’s electromagnetic radiation.

Dr Gariaev‘s research has led him to believe that the holographic principle applies not only to physical matter, but also energy and information. Therefore, he proposes the establishment of “Linguistic Wave Genetics”, where genomic DNA can be considered a hologram whose frequency can be encoded or decoded to translate between human languages.


Irene Caesar has revolutionized the field of digital pharmacy by recording not frequencies (waves), but holographic signals of wave matrices in digitized bioholograms that she created herself of pharmaceutical drugs. Holographic signals encode electrets on nanolevel and can be recorded using lasers in much the same way photons are detected by cameras; she has also recorded digital bioholograms of healthy human embryonic stem cell waves as well as single cells from healthy organs – creating technology which will enable remote management of these systems.

Humankind needs bioholography as the only solution to stop its imminent genetic collapse and to extend human life beyond our current limitations. All transhumanist models of gene editing that rely on global AI or brain-computer interfaces are obsolete technologies from before the Quantum Era; bioholography provides the solution by mastering its geometric optics of chromosomes with their holographic signals.

At BIT’s 9th World DNA Day-2018 in Dalian, China (April 25-27th 2018), Irene Caesar presented the Information-Wave Technology of Laser Bioholography for Remote Management of Biosystems By Harnessing Wave Optics of Chromosomes.

Human chromosomes are not simply sequences of genes but instead act as nonlocal wave matrices that focus individual genetic information via its scalar wave diffraction gratings. A gene expresses itself differently between dysfunctional individuals who carry an acrocentric chromosome and functional ones who carry metacentric ones – leaving many wondering why this occurs.

This unique property of the chromosome allows digitized bioholograms of embryonic stem cells to be remotely analyzed and managed via an advanced computer program, creating the basis of a revolutionary new paradigm in medicine and biology: Quantum Biocomputing has many applications in biomedical engineering and rejuvenation applications, according to Dr. Irene Caesar (President of Wave Genome LLC and founder of Quantum Biointernet, which pioneered remote management bioholography technology and preservation of nature).

July 10, 2024|Editorial

Is Quantum Healing Real?

is quantum healing real

Quantum healing is a form of mind-body medicine first popularized by spiritual guru Deepak Chopra’s book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind in 1989. The focus is on life-force energy known as chi in Chinese or prana in Sanskrit – with breathing exercises used to focus and amp up this energy for healing purposes.

It is based on belief

Quantum healing integrates principles from quantum physics into the practice of healing, with practitioners believing that their bodies contain networks of energy centers which can be harnessed to promote physical and mental wellness. The practice combines ancient spiritual traditions with modern medicine and physics for incredible results like spontaneous remissions of cancer; chronic pain reduction; elimination of long-term phobias; improved sleep; energy increases; as well as emotional well being enhancement – yet it still remains outside scientific acceptance.

Quantum Healing‘s central belief is that the mind is an influential force, and that certain health conditions may have mental causes. Practitioners use techniques designed to foster a positive outlook such as visualization exercises and affirmations to foster an optimistic state of mind; in addition they teach meditative practices designed to connect body and spirit – although it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional treatment methods.

Although energy healing remains controversial, many have had success using it. For example, Darren Starwynn claims he helped clients manage chronic pain, reduce long-term phobias, improve sleep patterns and overcome depression/anxiety through quantum healing practices – although these results vary according to personal experience; not everyone will see similar results.

Reminding ourselves that healing is a journey rather than an endpoint is also key, and those not seeing instant results could be hindering themselves or experiencing something different than expected. If this occurs it is essential to seek professional advice immediately.

Healing is ultimately a spiritual and alchemical journey, one which must involve consistently transmuting density to light, stagnation to flow, as well as purifying one’s energy system and deepening self-knowledge through shadow illumination. All these steps comprise part of an journey leading towards enlightenment – or more precisely the re-emergence of eternal selfhood.

Energy healing is an alternative approach to traditional medical treatments and has been utilized by shamans, monks, and healers for millennia. Although energy healing may help heal both body and mind simultaneously, it is important to know your limits when selecting an energy healer and only select qualified energy healers as providers.

It is based on physics

Quantum healing is a mind-body practice that utilizes energy to promote wellness and heal physical and mental ailments, spiritual growth and personal development. Practitioners believe the mind-body connection is integral to overall health and well-being. Meditation, visualization and energy work are among the numerous techniques utilized by this practice, known to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and enhance immune function. Quantum healing practitioners claim their techniques have helped people suffering from cancer, chronic pain and other illnesses. Critics of quantum healing note that there is no scientific proof to back these claims and warn of its possible misuse as an alternative medicine therapy as people might forgo traditional medical care in favor of alternative remedies like quantum healing.

Quantum energy healing works on the theory that our bodies and minds are intertwined with an invisible field known as the quantum field, which contains an endless source of energy and information. While this field remains unseen to us all, meditation or intention setting techniques allow for access. Quantum physics principles like entanglement and nonlocality illustrate its power; its effects can reach every part of our being regardless of distance between one person and another.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of quantum healing as a treatment option for depression, anxiety and other emotional disorders. Furthermore, it has the ability to treat autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and colitis; furthermore it reduces heart disease risk while improving cognitive performance – all these benefits being available regardless of any illness from mild to severe.

Deepak Chopra made headlines with his groundbreaking book Quantum Healing when it first hit bookstores in 1989. Chopra is an esteemed physician from India who studied ancient healing traditions while combining them with modern research from Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics to produce an intriguing exploration of mind-body connections which challenges traditional assumptions regarding healing and wellbeing.

There is much skepticism within the scientific community regarding quantum healing, as its practitioners appear to misapplying quantum physics principles to human health. Scientists warn that quantum effects tend to occur at subatomic and atomic levels and not on biological scales of disease; yet advocates of the theory argue that controlling quantum processes could significantly contribute to healing processes.

It is based on sound

Quantum healing is founded on the idea that everything in our Universe consists of energy. This force can be controlled with light, sound and vibration and used by practitioners of quantum healing to treat various mental and physical aliments as well as promote spiritual growth through breath work, visualization, meditation or any number of meditative techniques such as breath work.

Quantum healing works by discharging negative energies accumulated as a result of stress from your body, disrupting cellular activity and leading to serious health problems if they remain. Your practitioner will scan your body and identify areas where blockages exist before connecting her energy with yours and creating a constant flow of positive energy – alleviating both stress and other conditions such as chronic fatigue and depression.

Energy healing is an age-old practice employed by shamans, monks, and healers for millennia. It involves balancing chakras and clearing energy blocks. Energy healing has proven useful in relieving emotional trauma as well as addictions; increasing self-confidence levels while being more present in each moment.

Though many perceive quantum healing to be pseudoscience, its benefits do have real-life applications. Many report an decrease in anxiety and depression after receiving quantum healing treatments. It should be noted, however, that quantum healing should not replace traditional medical therapies; rather it should be utilized alongside them.

Quantum healing sessions involve your practitioner guiding you through an intuitive energy scan to pinpoint any blockages within both your energetic and physical bodies, and clearing these away using a specific healing frequency. After each session, you should feel lighter and rejuvenated!

Beginners to quantum healing would do well to locate a reputable quantum healing practitioner in their locality, who will guide them through the healing process while answering any queries they might have and offering tips on how to conduct their own sessions.

It is based on energy

Quantum healing is founded on the belief that everything in our universe is energy; practitioners believe the same is true of their bodies, tapping into this energy to treat physical pain, mental stress and emotional issues. Quantum healing should not be seen as an alternative form of medical care – as such it cannot cure serious conditions like cancer; instead it can be used alongside conventional treatments in order to reduce side effects and promote overall well-being.

Practitioners of quantum healing employ techniques involving intention and body energy awareness to stimulate the body’s innate healing power and release old patterns of thinking and behavior that hinder happiness, health, and balance in one’s life. Quantum healing has proven helpful in relieving chronic health conditions such as pain and anxiety while improving sleep quality, increasing energy levels, and instilling positive moods among many individuals.

Critics of quantum healing often state that its benefits are due to placebo effect rather than scientific evidence, claiming there’s no concrete support for such claims and it could potentially cause people to forgo life-saving medical treatment. Yet others hold onto quantum healing as an effective alternative to conventional medicine despite lack of scientific proof to back its claims of improvement in conditions.

Quantum healing places a strong emphasis on life force energy, commonly referred to as chi or prana. Life force energy exists within all living things and contributes to our collective consciousness. According to doctor of oriental medicine Darren Starwynn’s book “The Quantum Awakening”, quantum healing can assist individuals in changing their energetic frequencies to heal themselves on a cellular level.

Quantum healing is an integrative and natural approach to wellness that utilizes mind, body, and spirit wellness in treating an array of illnesses such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression and stress. Furthermore, this therapy may increase energy levels as well as improve athletic performance.