Bioresonance Therapy Near Me
Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive therapy method that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions, such as migraine attacks. This noninvasive alternative provides relief without side effects of medication-based treatments.
Bio-resonance sessions use equipment that detects any disturbances to your energy fields, enabling the practitioner to rebalance them holistically by introducing healthy frequencies.
Biofeedback testing
Bioresonance therapy is a natural, noninvasive, and painless electromagnetic frequency technique used to balance body energy. This therapy can help heal a variety of conditions and is safe for all ages. A device emits a frequency that picks up on active points in the body and sends signals directly to the brain triggering healing responses; as a result there is decreased pain levels with increased physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing; stressors in one’s life could even be identified if contributing factors for their condition exist.
At each session, you’ll remain fully clothed while connected to the device in some way (for instance with wrist and ankle bands or holding probes). Sessions usually last 30-60 minutes; depending on your condition it can take 10 or more sessions before results become evident; although many people report feeling better after just a few sessions.
The Asyra(r) therapy system is an advanced piece of equipment capable of reading the electromagnetic vibrations emitted from healthy cells and using this information to identify any problems with communication between cells. Once identified, issues can then be treated through inverted frequency techniques which record any unhealthy cells’ resonating frequencies before cancelling them out with another frequency.
Bioresonance therapy allows bioresonance therapists to use Asyra as part of a bioresonance evaluation system to detect problems with hormones, chromosomes, diet and more. They may then suggest lifestyle adjustments and nutritional supplements that will assist with recovery from specific conditions; some studies have demonstrated its efficacy for treating chronic fatigue, digestive issues and insomnia as well as helping smokers quit while detoxifying the body.
Bioresonance testing also known as electrodermal testing, electro-dermal activity or vibrational medicine measures the energy level in your cells to detect conditions like fibromyalgia, asthma and autoimmune diseases as well as identify their source and create an effective treatment plan.
Asyra(r) therapy
Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing or bio-energetic medicine, is a noninvasive form of treatment using electromagnetic energy to assess body functions. The concept behind it lies on the understanding that every living cell emits its own electromagnetic frequency – with healthy ones vibrating at a different rate from unhealthy cells – thus bioresonance therapy being used to detect and correct these frequencies allowing the body to heal itself naturally while helping treat conditions such as fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies asthma as well as helping stop smoking!
The BICOM device, commonly referred to as Asyra testing, can assess energy frequencies across more than 30 categories ranging from hormones, chromosomes, skin and immune system function to organs’ nutritional requirements and natural supplements that support your healing process. A therapist can then combine your results with your symptoms to formulate an individual treatment plan tailored specifically for you.
Treatment sessions usually last from two to four hours in an environment devoid of distractions and noise, during which your therapist will test and harmonise major organs in your body such as your thyroid, adrenals, kidneys and liver – along with other crucial cellular structures – while simultaneously checking for emotional issues or stressors that could be contributing to discomfort – with suggested homeopathic remedies tailored specifically for each case.
Studies published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine demonstrated that patients suffering from chronic illnesses had more successful outcomes after receiving bioresonance therapy. Based on these initial findings, larger-scale randomized, placebo-controlled studies are warranted comparing bioresonance therapy to pharmaceutical techniques.
Bioresonance therapy has long been recognized for its beneficial effects in helping the body overcome various ailments, while remaining safe and gentle enough for all ages. Furthermore, its highly-effective results in undoing the harmful effects of heavy metals and toxic chemicals have on health are undeniable.
Asyra is an advanced technology capable of evaluating the energetic status of 40 major organs, such as thyroid, intestines and pancreas. Furthermore, this treatment can identify any nutritional requirements as well as root causes of chronic pain and depression – in fact some have had life-changing experiences due to Asyra treatments; one such individual was Annalise Braakensiek from Holland who suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome but found relief after trying bioresonance therapy via the BICOM device after only a few sessions using it!
Amp coil device
The amp coil device is an effective wellness tool that uses bioresonance therapy to restore your body’s energy frequency, helping address issues like heavy metals, other toxins, high stress levels, poor sleep cycles and circulation issues which all affect healing – as well as chronic pain conditions and autoimmune diseases.
AmpCoil is a personal PEMF system designed for home use that combines biofeedback with pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to deliver bioresonance sound frequencies tailored to your cellular resonance, helping harmonize and balance energy systems while stimulating homeostasis. This device has assisted many on their journey toward wellness, making an excellent complement to other healing modalities.
Contrary to typical PEMF devices, AmpCoil’s BetterGuide software delivers sound frequencies that penetrate cells and tissues at an intracellular level as well as hollow organs like the lungs and colon. Voice analysis lets your body send out messages and it then uses mathematical algorithms to play back your chosen frequency tunes through a modified Tesla coil.
The BetterGuide App includes pre-written software Journeys designed specifically to your needs, covering topics such as nutrition, microbes, toxins and more. Each Journey has been programmed using frequencies derived from Rife & Clark work and optimized to be safe, effective and gentle on your body.
Aaron and Geneva Bigelow tried everything they could think of to find relief from Lyme disease, yet nothing worked. After suffering for nearly 10 years themselves, they took matters into their own hands by developing the AmpCoil to aid others suffering similar experiences – now an indispensable component of their holistic wellness practice.
AmpCoil offers noninvasive, drug-free treatment solutions for a range of maladies. It has proven helpful for conditions such as fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders and cancer as well as improving blood circulation, cell health and helping athletes recover more quickly after overtraining.
Bioresonance therapist
Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive holistic therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to restore balance in the body and heal itself. It can be used to diagnose and treat chronic diseases while strengthening immunity systems. Furthermore, parasites or pathogens that could be contributing to disease may also be identified; unlike traditional medical treatments which often produce harmful side effects.
Bioresonance therapy uses a machine called BICOM(r) to send safe and gentle electromagnetic waves into your body that reflect back to them through electrodes attached to your skin, so the bioresonance therapist can identify what kind of frequencies are being reflected back and use specific frequencies to “cancel out” negative frequencies reflected back from your body. They’ll also track symptoms over time to see how effective treatment may be.
This technique can assist with various health conditions, including allergies, pain relief and stress reduction. It may even aid with digestive problems like acid reflux caused by a weak lower esophageal sphincter. A therapist can use the BICOM(r) device to identify imbalances within organ systems before devising homeopathic remedies to correct them.
BICOM(r) can also read cell communication to determine what’s causing cells to disassemble. Once identified, this device can invert any unhealthy frequencies – encouraging your body to rid itself of toxins and heal itself more effectively. Ultimately, this data can also be used by therapists to develop homeopathic programs tailored specifically for each patient using information provided by BICOM(r).
Studies have demonstrated that every organ in the human body, healthy or unhealthy, possesses its own electromagnetic vibration spectrum. This information can be altered through electromagnetic resonance or even used to treat diseases with similar energetic frequencies – a phenomenon known as auto-isopathy.
Bioresonance therapy can also be utilized during pregnancy to address disorders like spina bifida. Furthermore, this form of therapy is safe for newborn babies and children – just make sure that a trained practitioner uses appropriate programs! In addition, bioresonance can also help detect milk intolerance as well as vaccination damage.