Scientists have long researched ways to slow aging. They’ve explored diet, supplements, skincare treatments and medical interventions as potential strategies.
Researchers have developed an innovative technique to rejuvenate cells by silencing genes that cause them to age prematurely, potentially helping people lead longer and healthier lives.
Reverse Aging, also referred to as rejuvenation, restoration, regeneration and anti-Aging is the practice of slowing or reversing physiological aging processes in order to restore youth to one’s body. There are various products and treatments claiming they can reverse age-reversal effects and restore youth back into it; many people strive for this global pursuit; recent successes with rejuvenation programs in animals may offer hope that humans could achieve negligible senescence levels to combat ageing processes and reverse it completely;
Reverse Aging is the latest buzzword associated with degeneration. It may have its origin in longevity medicine’s rise to popularity among tech titans who are investing billions into it. Harvard researcher Dr. David Sinclair coined this term in 2013 – sparking controversy when his claims of reverse aging proved too aggressive by some within his longevity community. Sinclair eventually left his post at Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (AAAM) due to this controversy and was replaced by Nada Barzilai as his replacement.
Reverse Aging refers to any process or treatment which reverses physiological aging in an individual, returning them to a younger state and rejuvenation, renewal or restoration. Reversing age has become an increasingly popular trend across a variety of fields such as skincare, health and wellness, nutrition and pharmacology – the demand for age reversal leading to new products and treatments designed to turn back time in both appearance and function and thus turning back time itself. Other synonyms of reverse Aging include anti-Aging rejuvenation Regenerative Medicine longevity Therapy Therapy… Explore more words related to Aging below!
This page was updated on: April 23, 2020.
Reversing aging or finding the “fountain of youth” has garnered much interest and speculation. While physiological aging cannot be reversed, recent scientific successes in rejuvenation and lifespan extension of model organisms offer hope that we may eventually reach negligible senescence for younger humans, thus potentially reversing or at least significantly delaying ageing processes.
Researchers have discovered that your cellular age can be estimated by measuring the length of telomeres – structures located at the ends of each chromosome that protect your genetic instructions and reduce cell division by shortening each time they divide, eventually becoming too short and forcing cells to die off as part of natural aging processes.
QHHT is an advanced hypnosis technique developed by Dolores Cannon over her 40-year career as a hypnotist to treat physical ailments and emotional traumas through past life regression and contact with one’s Higher Self.
Certified practitioners guide clients into an advanced state of trance known as Somnambulistic Trance. This level is only experienced twice daily when we wake up or go to sleep, making this state of relaxation accessible only twice per day.
What is QHHT?
QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon, an accomplished regressive hypnosis therapist who passed away in 2014. A QHHT session allows clients to access their Subconscious (also referred to as Oversoul, Higher Self, Christ Consciousness, Universal Mind or oneness with Source). Certified QHHT practitioners guide clients into trances that enable the subconscious mind to come forward and answer any queries that arise during this process.
Many individuals experience significant shifts and healing after just one session; others may require multiple sessions spaced out over time for maximum effect. Sessions are considered safe and noninvasive when conducted under the guidance of a certified practitioner from Dolores Cannon’s organization to reach the necessary trance state necessary for QHHT.
As a QHHT Client, your Subconscious will identify any physical ailments it finds and their causes in either your current life or past lives. Furthermore, it will assess if you’re ready for healing to happen by scanning all areas of the body from head-to-toe to identify areas needing energetic realignment or healing.
Your Subconscious can provide answers and guidance that can assist with understanding yourself better as you travel along your life’s path. This information often results in greater self-awareness and understanding.
Your Subconscious is well aware of your entire life story, including its ups and downs, emotional issues or traumas that may be present, your unique strengths and talents as well as life purpose here on earth. Your Subconscious provides invaluable insight and clarity into navigating life’s challenges more successfully, along with providing peace and contentment through deep spiritual experiences.
How does QHHT work?
QHHT works at a much deeper level than traditional hypnosis, as its unique technique gives access to Somnambulistic levels of trance that occur naturally twice daily: before awakening and before sleeping. Achieving deep trance state using this method facilitates much deeper access to Higher Consciousness without resorting to mind control or leaving the body. Practitioners can instruct the Subconscious Mind to scan your entire body and detect areas which need energetic healing or realignment. Practitioners then engage the Subconscious Mind to identify and explain any cause(s) for any illness or discomfort within your body, whether that is current or from previous lifetimes. Understanding these causes often allows healing to take place instantly without medication or surgery being required.
As well as healing, your Subconscious can provide answers to any questions that may be bothering you and even show past lives, other dimensional experiences and communicating with higher aspects of yourself – this information may prove to be life changing and can aid your growth on this earth and beyond.
Dolores Cannon developed the QHHT technique after discovering she could successfully regress clients to past lives during hypnotherapy sessions. She discovered she could request the Subconscious mind to recall past lives or visit other worlds; and access information that is only accessible between life and death state – providing amazing knowledge available in these mystical spaces.
She found that the Subconscious can heal any illness or trauma to your physical body instantly with no medical intervention required – including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments.
Many who have undergone past life regression with a certified QHHT practitioner report finding their purpose and direction in life and finding clarity as they move forward. Others have discovered ways to break reoccurring patterns in relationships, business or careers by uncovering what caused problems previously and learning how to make better choices going forward.
What is the difference between QHHT and hypnosis?
QHHT is an advanced healing modalities that uses hypnosis, visualization and regression techniques to connect you with your Higher Self. By addressing root causes of trauma and disease, clients frequently experience healing on both physical and emotional planes.
QHHT sessions are conducted by certified practitioners. After entering a deep relaxation state, clients are guided into exploring past lives and connecting to their Higher Selves for profound healing insights and guidance – often including information regarding soul purpose, relationships and health & wellness.
Dolores Cannon, who passed away in 2014, devised the QHHT method. This technique employs the somnambulistic state – which occurs naturally twice each day: when awakening and drifting off to sleep. Unlike regular hypnosis, however, in which you remain under complete control of your consciousness despite suggestions or visualization from a hypnotherapist; therefore enabling much deeper access to your subconscious while creating greater connections to universal forces and healing on all levels.
At a QHHT session, your Subconscious will reconstruct the most appropriate past life for you to witness based on current life circumstances. It may not always involve events from that past life but more about learning lessons from that experience.
Past-life experiences can be immensely healing when dealing with issues like anxiety, PTSD, depression or physical ailments. Many of these conditions are caused by negative energy that you brought with you into this lifetime; through past-life experiences these energies can be released, helping you move forward and heal from past pain and suffering.
QHHT may also be effective at aiding healing for children and adolescents when an adult surrogate agrees to act on their behalf. QHHT should not replace traditional medical treatment; rather, it serves as an aid in the healing process and promotes overall well-being.
How can QHHT help me?
QHHT is an incredible healing technique that can facilitate profound change on multiple levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Through QHHT’s transformational practice you can overcome limiting patterns, heal past traumas and discover your true calling. Used alongside other holistic practices such as breathwork meditation and energy healing QHHT provides a comprehensive approach to wellness.
QHHT sessions provide your Subconscious, Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Conscious with information that may otherwise remain hidden to conscious thought. This information can help shed light on why certain challenges have risen up and what the deeper lessons behind them might be. Your Subconscious may also identify any areas in need of energetic healing or realignment as well as potential sources for the problem – be they from this lifetime or previous.
QHHT sessions provide many people with an opportunity to explore past-life regression, which can help resolve unresolved issues and traumas from their present lives. Others recall repeating relationships and situations they need to break free of. Through QHHT sessions, individuals may also gain more insights into themselves, their life’s purpose, and relationships to their spirit guides.
Clients of ours often report being able to gain insight into future lives, parallel realities and planets as well as communicate with non-physical entities – information which is extremely empowering and can open the doorway to understanding other dimensions.
QHHT sessions provide you with an opportunity to access your Higher Self and ask any question that’s on your mind, no topic is off-limits; answers provided will always serve your highest good. To prepare for a session, it is recommended that you draft up a list of questions beforehand; additionally it’s beneficial if any caffeine or alcohol consumption occurs on the day of an appointment.
Remote healing involves channeling life force energy without physical contact between healer and recipient, creating an effectual way to transform both soul and light body.
Practitioners rely on both intention and quantum physics as sources of healing energy for those they work with, both being linked through entanglement.
It’s a form of communication
Remote healing is an energy transference technique used to aid physical and emotional wellbeing over long distances. Based on quantum entanglement theory, remote healing utilises energetic connections between individuals in order to address physical and emotional symptoms. Practitioners have the power to transmit healing energy into clients regardless of their physical location, as a client lies down during a session and receives positive energy that flows into their energy body and aids healing processes. Practitioners may use photos or any objects that best represent clients to channel this healing energy, while sessions also focus on releasing negative energies while welcoming positive ones.
Practitioners must pay particular attention to both the recipient and their intention. An intention is a conscious choice to direct healing energy toward someone and must be clear and focused in order to maximize effectiveness of a healing session. They should also visualize their energy centers to identify any obstacles that might impede progress; and work toward dissolving any blockages that might exist that might hamper progress.
Preparation for healing energy sessions includes creating an uncluttered, comfortable area in which to receive it. After lying down comfortably and closing their eyes, recipients should focus on their inner experiences while the session takes place over phone or internet and may include meditation or visualization techniques as well as other tools like crystals or singing bowls that invoke life force energy.
Many have discovered the advantages of distant healing. It can help ease chronic pain, depression, anxiety, stress and negative emotions while improving relationships and raising self-esteem. While not meant as a replacement for medical treatments, distant healing offers another means of supplementing these therapies and can make you feel more balanced and content in life.
It’s a form of therapy
Remote healing sessions often feature video chat, while some practitioners ask you to provide several questions about your issue and desired result as a form of orientation, giving the healer an in-depth knowledge of what they need for their session. With this knowledge in hand, they will use energy healing sessions more effectively.
At the heart of every healing session lies mediation. Once in that state, they’ll establish an intuitive link with the soul and light body of their patient – typically via photograph. Doing this requires immense focus and energy from both parties involved – therefore you should ensure you’re in an ideal environment in order to channel all this healing energy efficiently.
As soon as a healing session concludes, its energy continues to work on its recipient for weeks after. This can be an amazing way of improving overall health and wellness as well as reaching goals more quickly and efficiently.
Energy healing is a form of therapy which utilizes life force or ‘chi’ energy to promote balance and wellness in our world. Based on the belief that everything is connected, scientists and researchers alike are becoming increasingly interested in this area, with hospitals already employing energy healing alongside traditional medical treatments.
Energy healing comes in many forms, from Reiki and acupuncture to Qigong. Some practitioners combine energy healing with aromatherapy or crystals for added effectiveness, but it should always be remembered that energy healing should never replace traditional medical treatment – rather, it serves as a complimentary form of medicine that may help manage pain and reduce stress levels.
Evidence of energy healing’s effectiveness may be mounting, yet its implementation is still relatively novel. Thus, understanding its workings can be daunting for some individuals; fortunately there are numerous online resources that provide helpful guides that provide practical tips to beginners while explaining its science-backed processes.
It’s a form of healing
Remote healing is an energy work practice that utilizes life force energy to clear away negative energies and revitalize health. It’s an effective technique used for both physical and emotional ailments, including anxiety and depression, making this noninvasive healing therapy accessible from home.
Remote healing sessions start by connecting healer and client in a quiet, sacred space. Both parties should then focus on their intentions while clearing away distractions in their minds – this will ensure an effective healing experience. Afterward, the healer will channel energy toward their proxy which could be a photo or object representing them; then release their heart energy directly toward it while visualizing that person receiving their dose of healing energy.
Distance energy healing sessions involve tapping into universal energy and channeling it toward those needing healing. To be effective, the healer needs to tap into universal energy and skillfully direct it toward those receiving care – this requires high concentration and focus as well as visualizing how much healing energy has been sent out – the healer may use various techniques to increase transmission speeds and foster recovery.
Distance healing offers many advantages; it can reduce stress and ease physical ailments such as headaches or back pain, boost energy levels and raise self-awareness levels while creating new connections among people through sharing positive energy.
Though healing sessions typically occur face-to-face, distance healing sessions can also take place remotely using various means. Reiki, for example, can be an effective means of energy healing that sends healing energy over great distances. However, distance healing should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical care treatment plans.
It’s a form of self-care
When feeling anxious or stressed out, distant energy healing can be an excellent way to relax. Through visualization and intention, energy healers direct positive energy towards the recipient of their session regardless of physical location. This healing method works on the belief that we are connected by one universal energy field known as Chi or Prana; energy healers tap into this source of healing energy to send it towards individuals or animals for pain relief, emotional well-being or even physical restoration.
To conduct a remote healing session, both parties must first prepare their space and align themselves with client energy. For the practitioner this typically means selecting an undisturbed place where they can focus solely on healing while entering into meditation to form an intuitive link with recipient via photos or other visual cues. They then may clear their own energy as well as charge their environment with higher frequencies by playing soft music, lighting candles or ringing bells or singing bowls to amplify higher frequencies throughout.
Once a session ends, its energy will continue to work through the recipient’s energetic body, with effects becoming visible a few weeks later. Many experience physical changes like reduced muscle tension or pain relief while others notice emotional and mental clarity. Some individuals may even notice their bodies making jerky movements which is their body’s way of expelling negative energy from itself.
Studies on energy healing have proven its efficacy; so much so, that even the National Health Service uses Reiki and other energy healing modalities as part of clinical treatments. A recent Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine study investigated distant healing on cancer patients, concluding it increased their quality of life.
While energy healing remains understudied in terms of scientific study, research has indicated its possible benefit in managing chronic illness. Unfortunately, most research funding goes toward allopathic methods instead of energy healing techniques which makes generating pertinent studies difficult – however evidence for its benefits continues to increase.
Virtually anyone suffering from tinnitus can benefit from sound therapy, even those who lack expensive equipment such as headphones. Just download an appropriate app for download!
Masking therapy entails listening to a neutral background sound that closely echoes your tinnitus frequency, but traditional narrow-band noise may become boring over time and thus limit effectiveness.
1. High Frequency
Many people suffering from tinnitus also have hearing loss at high frequencies, and can be referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist (otolaryngologist) in order to be evaluated for possible underlying causes that require medical treatment or attention.
High frequency tinnitus sound therapy is often recommended to alleviate hearing loss-related tinnitus. This form of tinnitus usually results from damage done to higher frequencies from exposure to loud noise at work, concerts, sporting events or similar settings where such noises occur. Some individuals also exhibit hyper’acusis which increases their sensitivity to sounds.
Studies using magneto’ and electroencephalography (MEG, EEG) have reported altered oscillatory activity in the brains of tinnitus sufferers compared to normal hearing participants. These studies found decreased alpha (8-12.5Hz) and delta (2-3.5Hz) power bands while increased activity in high beta and gamma power bands (Weisz et al. 2005, 2007b; Moazami-Goudarzi et al. 2010; Adjamian et al. 2012; Balkenhol et al. 2013; Schlee et al. 2014).
This study’s results illustrate how Tinnitus Sound Therapy can be an effective means of mitigating its negative impact on listener well-being, as demonstrated by results of Tinnitus Perceptions and Functioning Questionnaire (TPFQ) questions assessing concentration, emotion, hearing, and sleep performance; all four measures saw significant improvements with extended use of TPT sound therapy treatments.
Figure 3 depicts these improvements in TPFQ ratings through average Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) loudness and annoyance ratings before and during sound therapy, as evidenced by its use to mask tinnitus loudness significantly less during sound conditions than during silent ones, with overall VAS ratings showing reduced levels of annoyance; these reductions demonstrating how sound therapy masking was evidenced through hearing tinnitus loudness reduction only while receiving sound exposure; it was the first time ever documented experimentally within a sound therapy study!
2. Medium Frequency
The middle sound frequency range includes musical instruments like pianos and cellos as well as low notes on musical scales like middle C in the treble clef of a standard piano. These sounds typically fall between 100Hz to 20,000Hz. These sounds tend to be easier for us older folks to hear; their sounds typically perceived as being soft and pleasant.
Medium frequency sounds from nature such as waterfalls, streams and sea waves can provide a soothing effect and help us concentrate. One study revealed that these natural sounds may also provide effective relief for tinnitus sufferers.
Cochlear Alternating Acoustic Beam Therapy (CAABT), which uses a mixture of different tones for treating tinnitus sound therapy, transmits two separate sounds directly into the patient’s ears through special equipment. One sound provides natural background noise that helps patients adapt to treatment, reduce their reaction to their tinnitus symptoms and organizes the central system so as to manage noise effectively.
The second sound is a masking sound which matches the tone of tinnitus to reduce contrast between it and its environment. A recent study using CAABT has demonstrated its efficacy by significantly decreasing both loudness and annoyance from tinnitus symptoms.
Participants were asked to rate their tinnitus loudness and overall annoyance levels on a scale from one to ten before, during, and after exposure. Repeated measures analysis of variance revealed significant variations between participants’ typical loudness ratings for tinnitus loudness during exposure with those pre- and during-exposure ratings.
Researchers encouraged participants to focus on reading or other quiet activities while exposed to sound stimuli for 30 minutes at a time, before rating their tinnitus loudness afterward. Participants could select from nine sound stimuli; streams and waves were the most popular choice with 38% selecting these sounds to mask tinnitus loudness; broadband noise, forest, rain, and fan noise were less popular options.
3. Low Frequency
Tinnitus sound therapy has proven extremely successful at relieving its symptoms. The goal is to use background noise that distracts one from thinking about their tinnitus, decreasing both its perceived intensity and impact on life. There are various kinds of sound therapies ranging from white noise and music therapy, all the way through to audio stimulation devices and even brainwave stimulation; however, many tinnitus sufferers struggle accepting sounds as a means to alleviate ringing ears; in fact some may even doubt its efficacy altogether.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT), is an approach used for sound therapy of tinnitus that involves wearing an electronic device emitting soft and pleasant sounds throughout the day. These units typically fit like hearing aids into one ear canal and can be worn comfortably for several hours per day; alternatively they may be combined with smartphone apps that generate these sounds for easy use anytime and anywhere.
TRT achieves relief for tinnitus sufferers through similar mechanisms to conventional sound therapy: using narrow band noise that matches tinnitus frequencies to produce masking sounds which outshout them; this form of therapy has proven itself as an effective tinnitus treatment when combined with other approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy or counseling.
TRT has proven more effective than other forms of tinnitus sound therapy due to the specific acoustic characteristics of its sounds, offering consistent relief over other approaches.
Another striking discovery from this study was that masking effects increased with exposure to the tinnitus sound therapy. This suggests that participants were becoming accustomed to its sounds over time – an important sign as habituation is often linked with relief for tinnitus sufferers. Furthermore, pre- and post-exposure ratings on TPFQ concentration, emotion, hearing, and sleep subscales were compared.
4. Middle Frequency
Middle-frequency sounds such as ringing in the ears, buzzing, roaring or clicking can be particularly bothersome for many with tinnitus, which may also be distracting and cause stress. Luckily, however, there are effective solutions: sound therapy techniques may help alleviate symptoms; white noise is one such solution which provides a neutral yet soothing background sound to divert focus away from tinnitus; other examples could include ocean waves, waterfalls, raindrops or soft music as calming background sounds.
Masking is another effective tinnitus sound therapy technique, consisting in playing an alternate signal to reduce the perceived intensity of your own tinnitus. This may be accomplished using various sounds – nature sounds, broadband noise or even your own voice can provide relief by blocking or covering up any annoying signals emitted by tinnitus. Research has confirmed this.
Masking may be an effective treatment option for tinnitus, yet some patients find it uncomfortable or distasteful. The narrow-band noise often used during masking can become repetitive and uninspiring while factors like separation-type masking curves may reduce its efficacy.
Cochleural Alternating Acoustic Beam Therapy (CAABT), a novel sound therapy treatment for tinnitus relief, shows great promise. CAABT utilizes various sound algorithms to adapt acoustic stimulation in all dimensions to meet patients’ changing needs over time, as well as allow them to select their masking frequency and level of relief from tinnitus.
Researchers recently conducted a study and discovered that CAABT therapy proved successful at reducing loudness and annoyance levels associated with tinnitus, while extended exposure led to greater improvements.
If you’re suffering from tinnitus, make an appointment with your audiologist in Simi Valley or Thousand Oaks today to receive appropriate sound therapy treatments. Our experts can even adjust hearing aid volume so as to add external noise as a means to distracting your brain and lessen its intensity. Contact us today – we look forward to providing relief from tinnitus!
Bioresonance therapy is an electromagnetic frequency-based noninvasive therapy used to treat diseases and heal body cells, thus contributing to overall wellness and well-being. Bioresonance has proven highly successful at relieving allergies and sensitivities.
Supplementing conventional medicine with homeopathy provides a comprehensive approach to health without significant side effects.
It is a non-invasive therapy
Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive and painless technique that uses electrodes to check and treat your body. The process uses readings from energy wavelengths that emanate from cells to identify any detrimental frequencies, counteracting them so as to restore balance to your system and achieve wellness. Bioresonance therapy offers a safe, gentle and effective alternative to both acupuncture and homeopathy therapies.
An alternative medicine treatment that seeks to identify and correct imbalances within an individual, taking both emotional and physical issues into consideration, biofeedback aims at pinpointing imbalances within their system in order to restore equilibrium and health. Instead of treating symptoms but rather the cause, this therapy can be seen as part of an integral approach towards healing; beyond simply its physiotherapeutic aspects it also offers help coping with stress and improving mental wellbeing.
At the core of this treatment lies its fundamental idea: all living organisms produce electromagnetic frequencies known as their “resonant frequency.” If that frequency becomes disrupted by disease-causing organisms emitting various vibrations that interfere with healthy resonant frequencies of cells.
Bioresonance tests can detect pathogenic infections affecting your health, vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to illness, psychosomatic symptoms that could be responsible for these issues as well as psychosomatic signs that need treating, psychosomatic diagnoses that identify which treatments might work.
Bioresonance therapy works by attaching electrodes to your skin and connecting them to a machine called BICOM. This machine analyses your energy waves emitted by your body and emits specific frequencies to offset any unhealthy vibrations; your therapist then applies that frequency directly onto affected areas for full body restoration and balance.
Quantum therapy is an innovative, holistic alternative therapy based on quantum physics that acknowledges everything emits electromagnetic waves; this allows therapists to use devices such as the BICOM to diagnose and treat health conditions effectively. Although further studies on quantum therapy have yet to be completed, its success stories speak volumes of its efficacy.
It is a form of alternative medicine
Bioresonance therapy, a noninvasive alternative medical approach, uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance and heal the body. Based on quantum physics principles, it recognises that everything has its own frequency – for instance when you hit a piano string with a tuning fork it vibrates at exactly the same frequency as itself! Bioresonance can use these frequencies to identify areas in need of tuning up so as to restore harmony back into their lives.
Bioresonance treatment has also been demonstrated to be useful in aiding smokers and relieving symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and other allergies. Researchers worldwide have conducted clinical, physical and organic studies demonstrating its efficacy as an alternative form of medicine.
Bioresonance therapy identifies imbalances that contribute to disease by analysing an organism’s electromagnetic field emitted by all cells of its living system and revealing various resonant frequencies. Once discordant frequencies have been isolated, electromagnetic impulses at specific ranges are sent out in order to match and harmonize them, encouraging healing within your own body while returning it back to natural health.
Bioresonance tests can help determine what foods and substances to avoid or decrease consumption of to maintain optimal health. They can also reveal where inflamed areas exist within your body – helping prevent conditions like heart disease or arthritis by eliminating causes.
Bioresonance therapy has rapidly gained worldwide acclaim despite its unconventional origins, due to its noninvasive nature and computer identification of frequency levels of various substances. Similar to homeopathy and acupuncture, it uses computer analysis of frequency to pinpoint frequencies present within certain substances – this method may detect many things traditional allergy tests have missed such as medication side effects that lead to inflammation as well as serve as an alternative form of immunotherapy treatment; however it should only ever be conducted under professional guidance.
It is a complementary therapy
Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive electromagnetic treatment that utilizes your body’s natural frequencies to balance and heal. This noninvasive therapy may provide relief for inflammation and allergies as well as detoxification and stress reduction. While traditional practitioners often overlook it, bioresonance may offer more holistic approach to healing.
Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that damaged cells or organs emitting different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones emit. Once detected by the BICOM device, altered frequencies are detected and sent a signal that cancels out these harmful ones; then amplifying and feeding back healthy ones back into your body thereby encouraging natural self-healing processes to take effect and promote natural self-healing processes within.
Experienced patients have reported feeling minor discomfort while the BICOM device sends electromagnetic vibrations back into the body; this is normal and has helped them reduce pain levels while improving overall mood and energy.
Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative healing approach without side effects or allergen testing, and may help individuals determine what homeopathic remedies may work best.
Bioresonance therapy has long been recognized for its ability to diagnose and treat various medical issues, such as allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer and many more illnesses. As an effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs it has produced promising results in some clinical studies.
One study has discovered that bioresonance devices may help kill tumor cells by unleashing genes with mutations that suppress tumor suppressor functions and kill cancerous cells directly, but more research needs to be conducted before making this claim.
Bioresonance therapy can also be used to decrease inflammation and flush out toxins from the body. Furthermore, it can be used to relieve chronic pain – bioresonance therapy can select homeopathic medicines whose frequencies match those of patient cells, relieving any discomfort while restoring natural rhythms within their bodies and relieving symptoms such as pain relief. Therapists can recommend diet changes and other lifestyle modifications as preventative measures against future health problems.
It is a preventative therapy
Bioresonance therapy is an noninvasive and holistic solution that uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions. By neutralizing unhealthy frequencies that block healing processes in the body, Bioresonance allows its patient to heal themselves more effectively while experiencing no discomfort or side effects from this noninvasive procedure.
A therapist applies electrodes to their patient and sends out a harmless electromagnetic signal through them, which is then collected and analyzed by a machine to detect imbalances and irregularities in frequencies that exist between healthy and unhealthy frequencies. Once identified, therapists use counter frequencies to address them to correct any imbalances identified.
This method has proven particularly successful for treating allergies, pain symptoms and infections. A study by the German Bioresonance Center demonstrated 83% of patients had shown improvement one year post treatment; results were also very encouraging in cases involving gastrointestine issues and psychosomatic disorders.
Bioresonance can also prevent health problems by identifying risks and taking measures to eliminate them. For instance, it can identify whether you have low stomach acid, which may interfere with digestion and lead to weight gain; or identify parasites in your body and help you eliminate them.
Healthy lifestyle habits can prevent many diseases. Unfortunately, most people only recognize the significance of making these changes once they already have one of these illnesses. A bioresonance test can be invaluable in detecting potential health hazards early and helping protect you against serious medical conditions that could arise later.
These tests are performed by qualified practitioners, usually holistic or homeopathic doctors, trained in whole-body health and can assist you with finding solutions for your particular needs. They may recommend diet and exercise changes as well as supplements or natural treatments such as bioresonance tests which help protect against mercury poisoning by detecting any undetected levels in the body; taking steps to lower exposure before any harm comes from it is an invaluable way to enhance quality of life and avoid chronic disease altogether.